Interesting facts about America. Interesting facts about the USA

16.04.2022 Medicines 

America is a strong and powerful country with a rich history. The annual gross income per person is significantly higher than in other countries. For many centuries, the United States has been famous for its unusual laws in different states, which are more like fiction than reality. And various facts can tell a lot about the life and mentality of the population.

10 facts that will open America in a new way

1. Absurd laws

It would seem that America is one of the most developed powers in the world. However, the laws in some states are strikingly stupid and absurd. For example, in Ohio It is prohibited to buy corn flakes in stores on Sundays. In Texas, you can walk without shoes unless you have a special permit, which costs $5. When visiting New Jersey, the main thing is not to slurp in places Catering. You can get arrested for this. Montana controls the jealousy of wives. If a woman opens her husband's mail, she faces imprisonment.

The states are full of ridiculous laws. True, it is vaguely clear who controls their implementation.

2. In debt, like silk

Getting a quality education is considered an excellent start to building a successful career. Study loans are in demand among the population, providing an opportunity to enroll in prestigious institutions. However, almost every 6 people pay off their debts until retirement age.

Taking out a mortgage or loan to buy a car is quite normal. Americans are accustomed to living on credit. The US ranks first in the world in terms of debt - about 20 trillion dollars. This is 58 thousand per person. According to rough estimates by experts, the debt increases by 150 million every day.

3. Multinationality

America is truly multicultural. There are immigrants from all over the world. Large cities have communal neighborhoods (Italian, Chinese, African American, etc.). Every year the national difference is erased more and more.

4. Americans are one of the most polite nations in the world.

Americans, despite existing stereotypes, polite and well-mannered. Saying hello and asking about the business of a random passer-by is considered something ordinary. If you step on your foot, then an apology will follow.
Successful people are not used to showing off their wealth. Millionaires see no shame in wearing simple jeans and a T-shirt. And their children often work part-time in small cafes and restaurants.

5. Ecology

Despite the large number of activists and some aspects of life (sorting garbage, etc.), Americans cannot be called a particularly caring nation. Each family has 1-2 cars. States are considered the main culprits of pollution environment. Every year, about 25% of petroleum products are consumed in the United States. One person per day uses the same amount of natural resources as 32 Kenyans.

6. Country of shopaholics

American marketing specialists must be given their due. They accustomed people to consumerism. According to statistics, the average resident spends per month minimum $300 for clothes.

Black Friday can easily be considered a national holiday, during which many are pushed around, and sometimes beaten, by a huge crowd of frantic shoppers. In 2008, a mall employee was trampled to death by patrons, and in 2012, a woman covered herself with her children while spraying pepper spray to keep others out of the store. For 1 day of sale, stores receive a month's revenue.

7. Workaholics

You can often find a janitor or loader with a higher education. This is not considered something shameful or shameful. After all, any work is still better than idleness. At the same time, the share of unemployed people in the market is considerable, because the size of the state benefit is almost equal to the salary of an ordinary worker. Despite all this, Americans are true workaholics. Arriving at the office at 6 am and leaving late at night is considered commonplace. Work on holidays and weekends? No problem. For the sake of fulfilling the American dream, people in the USA are ready to work non-stop.

Perhaps the Americans can seriously compete with the hardworking Japanese.

The United States of America deserves the title of one of the most liberal countries. The local population is quite loyal to people with a different orientation and skin color. In 2015, same-sex marriage was legalized throughout the state. At the same time, the highest percentage of divorces remains. Every hour, 100 new applications for official severance are registered. Almost every second child is born out of wedlock. Only 50% of the inhabitants were married. This is the lowest figure in the last 50 years.

Did you know that...

  • There is no official state language in the United States. Moreover, almost all citizens are fluent in the American form of English.
  • One in 25 Americans has attempted suicide before reaching adulthood.
  • Almost any product can be returned to the store, explaining that it simply did not fit or did not meet expectations. Moreover, American women freely return cosmetics and perfumes after a couple of samples. In other countries, one should not hope for this.
  • On Apple accounts Money more than the turnover of the Treasury.
  • The modern version of the US flag was drawn by a high school student. The teacher rated his efforts as a 4 minus. After the design was approved by Congress, the score had to be increased.
  • The first capital of America was New York.
  • Every third resident is obese.
  • Americans love to read, but few are capable of spelling correctly.
  • The average woman's size is 48.

The United States of America is a country that causes many contradictions. Some are delighted with it and dream of visiting large cities that are shown in cinema. Others, on the contrary, believe that the state is unremarkable and provokes many troubles. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but if possible, you should visit a foreign soil and see the American Dream firsthand.

Most people consider America to be the most successful and developed country in the world. Of course, this is not the whole truth. Thus, the United States dominates in size and population, has a highly developed economy, high wages, low unemployment, natural resources, good cars and comfortable houses. Many people want to live in America. The country offers not only work, but also recreation for every taste. There is everything here: sea and mountains, endless deserts and caves, rivers and lakes, wild animals and unique plants. Next, we suggest reading more interesting and surprising facts about America.

1. Most American families receive more than 48% of their total income from government assistance.

2. America has accumulated a huge amount of debt during the reign of President Obama.

3. The share of total debt per household has increased by $35,000 since Barack Obama became president.

4. Every day the American debt grows by more than $4 billion.

5. According to experts, by 2080 state debt will reach 715% of state GDP.

6. The US paid the national debt in 2004 as interest on the national debt.

7. According to research, one in three Americans will not be able to pay their mortgage.

8. More than 22% of government GDP reached America's debt this year.

9. Only 11% of all income came from government transfer payments.

10. The American government pays more income to its families than they pay in taxes.

11. More than 154% of American households are in debt compared to their income.

12. Every American citizen has more than 10 credit cards.

13. Only 9% of American citizens spend on healthcare.

14. More than 41% of all American citizens have problems paying for health insurance.

15. Currently, more than 49 million American citizens do not have health insurance.

16. More than 60% of all bankruptcies are caused by medical insurance.

17. The average cost of education in American educational institutions has increased by 28 thousand dollars.

18. Since 1978, tuition costs have increased by 900% in America.

19. Graduates with loans make up the majority of graduates from American institutions.

20. Student deposit debt is $25,000.

21. In the United States, loan debt is considered the largest in the country.

22. Most students end up doing jobs that do not require a college degree.

23. There are now more than 100 thousand janitors with higher education working in America.

24. More than 300 thousand waiters in the USA have higher education.

25. About 375 American cashiers have a college degree.

26. The country hopes to make huge profits from oil exports.

27. American oil companies earn about 200 billion in profit annually.

28. The state budget deficit is more than $7 trillion.

29. On average, more than 50 thousand specialists lose their jobs per month in America.

30. The government trade deficit is 27 times larger than it was in the 1990s.

31. China is considered the world's largest PC market, surpassing the United States in terms of volume.

32. The American goods deficit has amounted to more than $16 billion since 2002.

33. America exported a large amount of garbage and scrap metal in 2010.

34. In 2010, the deficit for automobiles was more than $120 billion.

35. Since 2000, America has lost more than 33% of jobs.

36. Since 2001, more than 42,000 jobs have been lost in the United States.

37. Ohio has lost more than 35% of its jobs since 2002.

38. Today, only 9% of all jobs are related to manufacturing.

39. Over the next two decades, 40,000,000 jobs could be offshored.

40. America will take about 68th place in the world in terms of the number of unemployed citizens.

41. Every year in America, jobs are rapidly being lost.

42. The number of workers is mainly reduced due to the male population.

43. Last year, only 55% of America's working population worked.

44. More than 6 million Americans live with their parents.

45. Men are twice as likely to live with their parents.

46. ​​More than 15% of the population is worried about their financial future.

47. This summer, only 30% of American teenagers were able to find work.

48. Average decreased by 27% wage around the country.

49. The country lost more than 10% of middle-class jobs last year.

50. More than 52% of the total American working population earned middle income in 1980.

51. More than 30% of jobs in the United States were considered low-wage in 1980.

52. On average, an American earns no more than $10 per hour.

53. The average American citizen earns no more than $505 per week.

54. Average household income has declined by 7% since 2007.

55. Up to 80% of total real estate sales in the United States.

56. In 2009, a minimum record was set for new home sales in the United States.

57. Prices for new houses have fallen by 33% this year.

58. Since the beginning of the housing crisis, home prices in the United States have fallen by $6 trillion.

59. All 18% of houses in Florida are considered unoccupied.

60. About 4.5% of all mortgage loans not paid.

61. At least 8 million Americans are behind on their mortgage payments.

62. More than 77% of American citizens currently live paycheck to paycheck.

63. The baby boom has been a hit in retirement since 2011.

64. About 90% of American citizens are concerned about their financial situation in retirement.

65. One in six Americans lives below the poverty line.

66. 16 American workers received pension benefits in 1950.

67. The financial support system makes payments of a significant size compared to 2010.

68. Social Fund The US could end five years early.

69. There is a shortage of $3,200 billion to provide the population with pensions.

70. Americans lack $6,600 billion for a comfortable retirement.

71. The number of citizens who filed for bankruptcy increased by a whopping 178% from 1991 to 2007.

72. More than 40% of the working population plan to work for the rest of their lives.

73. Last year, about 3 million American citizens became poor.

74. Since 2001, more than 11% of Americans have been considered poor.

75. More than 50 million Americans participate in the American social program.

76. More than 45 million Americans currently receive food stamps.

77. Since 2007, the number of Americans receiving food supplies has increased by 78%.

78. In Alabama, one third of the population uses food stamps.

79. One in four children in America is supported by food stamps.

80. According to experts, more than 50% of all children in the United States will be fed from food products.

81. The poverty rate among children increased to 22% until 2010.

82. More than 30% of all children in America face food insecurity.

83. The food security index in Washington is over 32%.

84. More than 20,000,000 American children rely on the school nutrition program.

85. More than half a million children may currently be homeless.

86. The number of children who go to the soup kitchen has increased by 46%.

87. An American CEO makes 343 times more money than the average American.

88. A third of America's wealth is owned by the top 1% of Americans.

89. More than 2.5% of all American wealth is in the possession of the poor group of citizens.

90. Congress has the largest percentage of millionaires.

91. In 2006, only 17% of Americans worked for themselves.

92. More than 90% of the American population consider the country's economic conditions to be poor.

93. But other polls show optimistic views of the American population.

94. The price of similar goods has increased by $100 for 40 years.

95. During the last financial crisis, 16,100 billion in secret loans were issued.

96. The American debt has increased 4,700 times this year.

97. 28% of all Americans have never heard of the Federal Reserve.

98. It hasn’t rained in California for two years.

The United States of America continues to be the most powerful and influential country in the world with a population of more than 314 million people. The country has a developed economy, culture, and tourism. There were many interesting and unusual facts in the history of America. Interesting Facts about the USA - territory, population, economy and much more.


The number of US states is 50, the smallest Rhode Island has an area of ​​just over 4 thousand square kilometers, the largest is Alaska, has almost two million square kilometers.

The country has a city that was the first in the world to be illuminated by electricity - this is Indianapolis, the capital of Indiana.

Alaska is the largest US state by area; in addition, it has a very long coastline - more than 10,000 kilometers.

The lowest temperature - minus 57 degrees was recorded in 1954 in Montana. The same heat plus 56 degrees was measured in 1913 in California.

Despite the fact that private ownership is very developed in the United States, including land, about a third of all land is owned by the state represented by the federal government.

The Statue of Liberty was given to the United States by France in 1884; Gustave Eiffel, the creator of the Eiffel Tower, took part in its design. There is a small copy of the Statue of Liberty in Paris.

The largest administrative building in the world is the US Department of Defense, the Pentagon. The side length of this pentagonal structure is 281 meters, the outer perimeter is 1405 meters. The corridors stretch for 28 kilometers, the area of ​​five ground floors is more than 600 thousand square kilometers, in addition there are two underground floors. In 2011, on September 11, a plane controlled by terrorists crashed into the building.

Most old capital state and the oldest large city is Santa Fe (the central city of New Mexico), which was founded in 1610. Even older is St. Augustine in Florida, founded in 1565.

Despite the fact that the United States positions itself as a free country, the main administrative building, the Capitol, was built by slaves who were rented. And the territory expanded due to the fact that the Indians were expelled from their lands.

Americans love to travel to Latin America and around the world, but they also have developed domestic tourism. The states have natural monuments, tropical islands, modern cities with skyscrapers and amusement parks. Millions of tourists come to the United States every year; this country is one of the top three tourist countries in the world in terms of their number.

The tallest roller coaster in the United States is located at an amusement park called Cedar Point in Ohio. This attraction is also a record holder for length and level of curvature. The length of the route is about a kilometer, the height is 65 meters, the maximum speed exceeds 120 kilometers per hour.

The most cowboy state is Montana, where the number of heads of cattle exceeds the number of people three times.

In North America, about 800 tornadoes are recorded annually. There is even a "tornado alley" that spans three states - Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma.


Interesting facts about America - education, population, customs.

America has a well-organized education system. But training is often highly specialized, so Americans often have poor general knowledge. So, despite the fact that the United States has been at war with Iraq for a long time, and the American military presence there continues, about 2/3 of United States citizens cannot find Iraq on the map. Afghanistan cannot be found by 90% of Americans, although the United States is also conducting military operations in this country. The situation is similar with other geographical and historical facts, for example, every eighth resident is sure that the Sun revolves around the Earth, and not vice versa.

Despite the fact that sports are developed in the United States, which is popularized in schools and universities (each school and higher educational institutions have their own sports teams), about 70 percent of Americans are overweight. One of the reasons is high-calorie food, which is traditional for this country. Nutritious food not only in fast food restaurants, but also on American tables; the same product can have different calorie content in the USA and Russia, of course in favor of the USA.

The United States does not have an official language authorized by law. But the most common, of course, is English, which has changed into the American version. All business is conducted in English, which is also the language spoken by officials.

State benefits for the unemployed, as well as various financial assistance, have created a layer of Americans who do not work and do not intend to work - about 8 percent, that is, almost every tenth.

In the history of the United States, there was a case when a person held the position of president and vice president at the same time, although he was not chosen for either position - this is Gerald Ford. The vice president is an elected position, but he was appointed by President Richard Nixon to replace another vice president, Spiro Agnew, who resigned due to corruption. When Richard Nixon resigned, Gerald Ford became acting president of the United States, although he was subsequently confirmed in office by election. In 2006, he was the oldest head of the United States, he was 93 years old.

The country is experiencing a family crisis - only 51 percent of residents are married, while 50 years ago this figure was 72 percent.

Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej was born in 1927 in the city of Cambridge, where his father (a Thai prince) and his mother, who was from the common people, lived.

US President Donald Trump traces his ancestry back to Rurik through Anna Yaroslavna and the French kings. Barack Obama also comes from the Rurikovichs, but along a slightly different line.

The first university in the United States was Harvard, which began enrolling students in 1636.

Despite democratic traditions, women only gained the right to vote in 1920.

An American comes of age gradually - at the age of 16 he is issued a driver's license, at the age of 18 he gets the opportunity to vote and bear arms, and only starting at the age of 21 he can buy and drink alcoholic beverages.

The country is home to 565 Indian tribes. They are US citizens, although they have a special status - they live on reservations and have benefits and subsidies. Indian laws apply on reservations; indigenous peoples have the right to their own internal government; in fact, these are unique separate states with broad autonomy. There are about five million Indians, which is one and a half percent of the country's population. The largest tribes are the Cherokees (310 thousand), Navajo, Sio and Chippewa.


Interesting facts about the USA - economy and standard of living.

Dollar inflation is one of the lowest in the world, this is ensured primarily by the fact that raw materials (for example oil) are bought and sold for dollars on world markets. But at the beginning of the formation of the United States, during the American Revolution of 1775 - 1783, inflation ranged from 10,000 percent (for bread) to 33,000 percent (for beef).

In the USA - the largest gross domestic product in the world - more than 15 trillion dollars, which is almost 50 thousand dollars per year per capita. The state's external debt is almost 20 trillion dollars, which means that every American citizen, even an infant, is guilty of more than 60 thousand dollars. In terms of the ratio of GDP to external debt, the United States ranks 36th in the world. America's foreign debt increases by $150 million every hour.

Americans are not poor people in general, but there are truly rich people, the capital of 1 percent of millionaires is greater than the capital of 90 percent of the US population. Moreover, half of the inhabitants of this country own just over 2 percent of the wealth of the United States.

Americans live in debt—more than $1 trillion in college loans. About 15 percent of residents have more than 10 credit cards and it’s not a fact that this is a collection, they just end up in a debt hole.

The first mechanically scanned televisions appeared in the United States in 1929, but they were not widespread because their screen was no larger than a postage stamp and could be viewed through a magnifying glass. The first CRT televisions appeared in 1936, two years later than in Germany.

The USA is one of the most powerful and developed countries in the world! Over its short history, the country has managed to develop into a world economic leader and one of the most influential countries in the world. There are many famous travel destinations and tours in the USA that will tell you the history and show you the best sights and landmarks. But what about interesting facts? Don't worry, in our article we will introduce you to interesting, funny and even unusual facts about the USA!

  1. The United States is divided into 50 states. The size of the smallest state (Rhode Island) is only 4002 km 2, and the largest (Alaska) is 1,717,854 km 2!
  2. 63% of residents USA can't find Iraq on the world map.
  3. There is no official language in the USA! The most common is American English.
  4. The US Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper - interesting fact.
  5. Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world! It is located in the USA in Hawaii. Mauna Kea's altitude is only 4,205 m above sea level, but measurements of the entire height (from bottom to top) showed that it is a full 2,000 m higher than Qomolungma (8,850 m).
  6. 13% of the US population believes that the Sun revolves around the Earth.
  7. Fun fact: -57°C (Montana, January 20, 1954) is the coldest temperature ever recorded in the United States (not including Alaska). The highest temperature was recorded in the state on July 10, 1913 and was +56°C.
  8. 67% of the population is overweight.
  9. Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States. It is located in Oregon. The depth of the lake is 589 m.
  10. Currently, more than 8% of working-age Americans are not working or looking for work! This high percentage of unemployed people is explained by huge government benefits.
  11. Gerald Ford was the only person, who served as both president and vice president but was not officially elected.
  12. Population USA is more than 314 million people.
  13. 9 out of 10 Americans cannot find Afghanistan on a map of Eurasia - an interesting fact.
  14. During the American Revolution (1775-1783), inflation was so great that bread prices increased by 10,000%, wheat prices by 14,000%, flour prices by 15,000%, and beef prices by 33%. 000%.
  15. 32% of all land in the United States is owned by the federal government.
  16. The nominal GDP of the United States is more than $15 trillion, and its per capita GDP is $48 thousand! According to these two indicators, the United States ranks first in the world.
  17. Interesting fact about the USA: every 8th married couple met on the Internet!
  18. The wealth of the richest 1% of Americans is greater than the wealth of 90% of the country's population combined!
  19. Did you know that 50% of Americans collectively own only 2.5% of all US wealth.
  20. Currently, only 51% of Americans are married! This is the lowest figure in the last 50 years. For example, in 1960, 72% of the US population was married - an interesting fact.
  21. The value of all higher education loans exceeds $1 trillion.
  22. One in seven Americans has more than 10 credit cards.
  23. Every hour, the US national debt increases by $150 million.
  24. Interesting fact about the USA: The first movie theater opened in Los Angeles in 1902.
  25. 40% of Americans do not believe Darwin's theory of evolution.
  26. Indiana is the first electric city in the world.
  27. Alaska has the longest coastline in the United States (10,686 km).
  28. Every day in the USA, 72 thousand km 2 of pizza are eaten!
  29. The Statue of Liberty was donated by France in 1884.
  30. Manhattan's Chinatown is home to the largest number of Chinese in the entire Western Hemisphere - an interesting fact.
  31. The King of Thailand was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  32. Harvard is the first US university. It was founded back in 1636.
  33. In the United States, women received the right to vote only in 1920.
  34. When an American turns 16, he has the right to drive a car; at 18 he has the right to vote and carry a pistol; Only at 21 does one get the right to buy alcohol.
  35. Interesting fact about the USA: George Washington's false teeth were made from whale bone.
  36. The Pentagon is the largest administrative building in the world.
  37. In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America to the Old World.
  38. In 1918, an influenza epidemic killed 548,000 people in the United States.
  39. The city of Santa Fe was founded in 1610. It is rightfully the oldest in the USA.
  40. The US has one of the largest tourism industries in the world. The country is annually included in the TOP 3 most popular tourist destinations in the world.
  41. The average American uses between 80 and 100 liters of water every day.
  42. The first televisions appeared in New York in 1936 - an interesting fact.
  43. The tallest roller coaster in the world is located in Ohio.
  44. Philadelphia was the first capital of the United States.
  45. Montana is home to 3 times more livestock than people!
  46. You can still see traces of 100-year-old railroad cars in Nebraska!
  47. The largest popcorn factory is located in Iowa.
  48. According to unofficial data, 90% of New York taxi drivers are immigrants.
  49. There are over 800 tornadoes in the country every year!
  50. Interesting fact about the USA: Americans consume more ice cream than any other nation in the world.
  51. Every day, US residents consume 150 million hot dogs.
  52. There are 556 officially recognized Indian tribes in the country.
  53. The average American spends 90% of their free time indoors.

You have just read a list of interesting facts. Now I suggest you look at the colorful

The USA is one of the major developed countries in the world. This is a country that provides great opportunities, but also dictates its own rules of the game to the whole world. This is the country that was the first to produce and explode atomic bomb. What do you know about the United States of America? To fill in the gaps, we present only the most amazing and true facts about the USA.

US Geography

Butte County, South Dakota is the geographic center of the United States.

The state of Alaska is 429 times larger than the state of Rhode Island. However, Rhode Island has a significantly larger population than the entire Alaska Territory.

Alaska has more coastline than all other US states combined.

The city of Juneau, Alaska is approximately 7,769 square kilometers in size. That's larger than the state of Delaware.

There are three cities in the United States that have the name "Santa Claus".

There is a city in Michigan called "Hell".

Facts about US states

The US state of Alabama became the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday.

Maine is the only state in the United States whose name consists of only one syllable.

Hawaii is the only place in the United States where coffee is grown on an industrial scale.

The original name of the city of Atlanta was "Terminus".

Maryland is the US state with the most millionaires per capita.

IN state of california, USA, 6 driver's licenses were issued to people with the name "Jesus Christ".

The US bought Alaska from two cents an acre.

Virginia has produced more presidents than any other state in the United States.

The US state of Montana has 3 times more cows than people.

The grizzly bear is the official animal of California. But no bears have been seen there since 1922.

"Hang On Sloopy" is the official rock song of the state of Ohio.

Washington state has an official dance (quadrille).

The average American...

  • makes more than 1,100 phone calls throughout the year.
  • eats about 1500 kg of food every year.
  • spends more than 10 hours a day on various electronic devices.
  • consumes the same amount of resources as 32 Kenyans.

Work in the USA

In over half of all US states, the highest paid government employee is a football coach.

At the moment, more than 200 million people around the planet are officially considered unemployed. At the same time, about 20% of the garbage that fills our landfills is completely edible food.

According to a recent study by economist Carl Benedikt Frey and engineer Michael Osborne, 47% of jobs in the United States could soon be lost to computers, robots and other types of technology.

Poverty rate for US households that are married couple, is 6.8%. For households with single women, the poverty rate is 37.1%.

47% of Americans don't put a dollar of their salary into savings.

US residents in literally live in debt. At the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, approximately 167,000 Americans are paying off more than $200,000 in student loans. Even if Bill Gates gave up his fortune, he would only cover the deficit for 15 days. The national debt has grown to 22 times what it was during Jimmy Carter's time.

The state of Alaska has the lowest unemployment rate in the United States.

Americans classified as low-income citizens, that is, living in poverty, make up 48% of the population.

With $10 in your wallet, you are richer than 25% of all Americans.

46 million people in the United States live on food stamps. Overall, 1 in 4 children lives on food stamps. In Cleveland, Ohio, 52% of children live in poverty.

90% of New York City taxi drivers are recent immigrants. If you take a taxi from New York to Los Angeles, it will cost you $8,325.

One in eight Americans has ever worked for McDonald's.

A little-known but surprising fact is that several thousand Americans migrated to the USSR in the 1930s for a better life during the Great Depression.

Food culture in the USA

On average, Americans eat 18 hectares of pizza every day.

One third of Americans, one way or another, experience problems with excess weight. Most of the problems are related to poor diet and fast food chains.

22 million chickens are eaten every day in the United States.

Every year, about $500 million is spent in the United States on chewing gum.