Hawaiian lei made of crepe paper. DIY Hawaiian flowers. MK: Hawaiian beads from paper flowers How to make beads in the Hawaiian style

26.10.2021 Operations

When we imagine a Hawaiian themed event, the first thing that comes to mind is flower beads, or leis as they are also called. Such an accessory can be made not only from fresh or artificial flowers, but also from many other available materials. Read our article about how to make Hawaiian beads with your own hands.

Corrugated paper lei

The easiest way to make a Hawaiian decoration is to use paper and ribbon.

To make Hawaiian beads you will need:

  • corrugated paper of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • thin satin ribbon.

How to do:

1. On a regular A4 sheet, draw sketches of flowers, which you will then transfer to corrugated paper. These should be regular five-petal contours (others can be used if desired).

2. Place the cut out flower on the colored paper, trace it and start cutting out. To simplify the work, fold corrugated paper in 3-4 layers. This way the process will go much faster.

3. In the middle of each flower you need to cut a small hole for the ribbon. Then string all the pieces onto it one by one and tie the ends. Fluff the ends of the flowers to make the leis more voluminous. Fun Hawaiian paper beads are ready!

The second version of beads made of corrugated paper

You can make another version of lei from the same paper. But in this case we will not cut out flowers using a stencil. How to make Hawaiian beads using method number two:

1. From corrugated paper cut out many colorful stripes. Choose the length and width based on the size of flowers you want. For medium-sized flowers, a width of 8 cm and a length of 15 cm are suitable. Please note that the strip will be folded in half.

2. Fold the strip in half, you will get a width of 4 cm. Next, all you need to do is start twisting it into a flower, holding the tip from the bottom.

3. For these Hawaiian beads, a thin but strong thread is more suitable than a ribbon. As you apply each new flower, secure it to it with several knots.

4. Tie the ends of the thread with a knot. You've got some fancy Hawaiian beads!

The choice of lei color is individual, as a rule, it contains the colors in which the party is decorated. Leis can be either two or three colors, or completely multi-colored. Experiment!

Fabric leis

Here's another way to make Hawaiian beads, but from fabric. This option is perfect for those women who are interested in sewing. Because it is the needlewomen who, as a rule, have a huge amount of scraps. Follow our instructions to make beautiful beads for your party:

1. Select many colorful scraps of fabric and cut them into elongated rectangles.

2. Take a needle and thread and begin to thread each flap in the center onto the needle, while gathering each piece.

3. String the finished flowers one by one on a thread or thin ribbon.

Traditional lei made from artificial flowers

The easiest way to prepare for a Hawaiian party is to make themed necklaces from artificial flowers. Today, artificial plants are sold not only near cemeteries and markets, but also in all large hypermarkets. Therefore, there should be no problems with the acquisition.

1. Take your artificial flowers. Choose medium-sized ones that are not too hard for easier work. And also multi-layered.

2. Disassemble each flower, taking out the middle.

3. Having done this work with each of the plants, you can begin to string them on a rope or strong thread.

4. After every 10 cm of strung petals, make knots on the thread. This will make your beads stronger.

5. Tie a rope or ribbon in a knot around your neck, after pre-treating the edges from sprinkling with fire.

Hawaiian style candy and macaroni beads

It is not at all necessary to make leis of the usual type. If the event involves a relaxed dress code, then it’s time to show all your imagination. To lift the spirits of yourself and those around you, make Hawaiian candy beads!

To do this, take caramel in bright, elegant wrappers. It is better to opt for caramels, because chocolate candies may begin to melt, thereby ruining the entire effect of the decoration.

Tie the candies one after another onto a thick thread by the free ends. You can also add fresh flowers to these beads. It is better to tie them between candies in several places.

And although leis with fresh flowers look the most beautiful, their durability leaves much to be desired. In order to maximize the life of trimmed plants, they are irrigated with cold water. Also, if the beads are made the day before the party, they should be stored in the refrigerator. This technique will help keep floral items fresh.

Pasta leis are made from large pasta tubes. Paint each pasta with bright colors and let dry. Then you need to string them on a rope. The bright decoration is ready!

Unleash your creativity and create the best Hawaiian themed party outfit.

The Hawaiian Islands are a paradise that everyone would like to visit! The memories of tourists who visited the archipelago are associated with the gentle sun, summer warmth, the splash of azure waves and glare of moonlight, coconuts, oranges, a variety of cocktails at picturesque holidays and, of course, sheer rainbow fun.

The special atmosphere at bright Hawaiian parties, striking the imagination with open and relaxed frivolous costumes, accompanies relaxation and rest without much investment in the budget. Increasingly, this topic is becoming a priority among young people when choosing a holiday atmosphere. Where else can you relax so wonderfully, enjoying a sea of ​​bright colors, exotic drinks, dancing the mystical Hawaiian hula and completely forgetting about the realities of life?

And look at the picturesque clothes in the Hawaiian style: a bodice made of coconut, a short fluffy skirt made of multi-colored yarn, flying like a fan with every swing of the hips in the dance, a wreath on the head and bright flower necklaces on the neck! Imagine all these charming costumes and elegant accessories you can make with your own hands.

The beauty of Hawaii at home

Want to try? So allow yourself this, because a hot Hawaiian party can be organized at almost any holiday: birthday, wedding, meeting of old friends or youth get-together. Yes, in fact, any entertainment can be carried out in the Hawaiian style, even at home with a narrow circle of friends. Such a colorful and reckless celebration will definitely not be dull and boring; it will lift everyone’s spirits, remaining vivid memories in the memory of your guests for a long time.

To organize an enchanting holiday:

  • prepare and send colorfully designed invitations to friends or relatives indicating the theme of the party;
  • indicate to the invited guests the dress code for the holiday: brightly colored skirts, colorful blouses, wreaths, headbands in the hair and multi-colored garlands of long beads around the neck;
  • decorate the venue with picturesque Hawaiian posters and Hawaiian party photos;
  • Make a Hawaiian kitchen corner by decorating it with flowers and lit candles. Place fresh exotic fruits there in baskets or vases. What is a holiday in Hawaii without oranges, bananas and coconuts;
  • prepare a treat for guests, imitate Hawaiian dishes: fried fish or meat, baked sweet potatoes, bread and, of course, diversify the menu with fruit and vegetable salads;
  • think over entertainment and a dance program, certainly with Hawaiian hula, it will seriously captivate and amuse those present.

A mandatory attribute of a fantastic holiday should be luxurious Hawaiian beads, exotic cocktails, Hawaiian melodies sounding in a light background and, as a result, your guests are guaranteed a great mood!

What can you make Hawaiian beads from at home?

Without Hawaiian beads (lei) the holiday will not have an exotic connotation. Don't waste time looking for them in stores! Garlands of bright leis are easy to make with your own hands from things that are hidden and forgotten by you in every home.

Look for and prepare some scrap materials for work. These can be bright shiny candy wrappers, serving napkins, rolls of multi-colored corrugated paper, bright artificial fabric or plastic flowers, colored nylon or satin ribbons of various widths, and also thick synthetic fabric.

And of course, collect the tools, you can’t do without them:strong threads, needle, scissors, glue, cardboard, pencil and ruler.

Have you collected everything you need for the master class and are ready for the creative process? Then let's get started...

How to quickly make Hawaiian beads with your own hands

Now we will do different types beads (lei) from the materials you have, spending only 1 to 2 hours on the job. We are sure that you will get the most colorful and very beautiful Hawaiian necklaces!

Version for those who have corrugated paper:

  • take 3-4 rolls of paper of different colors. Without unfolding, use a ruler to divide a roll of any color lengthwise into equal parts (approximately 5 cm each) and mark the segments with lines;
  • cut the roll into pieces along the lines with scissors. You will get several pieces of the same size, but multi-colored;
  • unfold the first piece of paper of any color into a long ribbon;
  • measure a thread 2 times the length of the beads you intend. Thread the needle, straighten the ends and tie a knot;
  • using a needle, collect part of the paper tape with even stitches exactly in its center;
  • stop and pull the paper on the thread into a bun;
  • holding the thread at the end of the bundle with your hand so that the paper does not unravel, twist the folds several times to the right, starting from the end of the tie;
  • continue working in this manner until the strip ends;
  • take a piece of paper of a different color and continue working in the same way and on the same thread;
  • work with 4-5 different colors until you have a small piece of thread left;
  • fasten the beginning and end of the necklace into a circle with a needle and the remaining thread. Your colorful leis are ready!

Option for those who have large serving napkins:

  • Fold 4 napkins of the same color exactly on top of each other;
  • Use scissors to cut them along the fold lines. You now have 8 identical squares;
  • fold the squares together and assemble with an accordion. A strip will come out that will have ≈ 5 folds;
  • tie the strip with thread exactly in the middle. You will get a bow;
  • cut both edges with scissors in a semicircle to get a more beautiful flower shape;
  • separate the petals, pulling them one at a time towards the center (the place tied with thread);
  • the first flower is ready. In the same way, make the number of flower links you need from different colored napkins;
  • string them on a thread, piercing a needle into the center of each and alternating them in color to the length of the necklace you need. Really, the leis turned out beautiful?

In general, there are many ideas for making such beads. Here are some more of them:

  1. Corrugated paper you can make circles or cut them out using a stencil in the shape of a flower with sharp or round petals. Then put them together and sew them in the center. Afterwards you should fluff them up and sew all the flowers into a garland of beads.
  2. Option #1 can be repeated , only with multi-colored satin or nylon ribbons. The manufacturing principle remains the same.
  3. Made from artificial multi-layer fabric flowers . Take them apart into individual petals and string them on a thread. Only every 10-15 cm make a knot on a thread or fasten a bead so that the petals do not bunch up.
  4. Made from shiny candy wrappers. Only for this you will have to collect them in advance by eating a lot of candy. Any of the methods described above can be used to make leis from candy wrappers.

Want to impress everyone with your Hawaiian style outfit? So go ahead, show your creativity and create the best beads for a hot friendly party!

My children and I really love participating in themed events. One of these events was a Hawaiian photo session on the beach. Of course, the main attribute of such a photo session is the sea and sand. But you can’t do without costumes. The usual costume of a Hawaiian girl consists of a skirt and flower beads (lei). To complete the look, leave your feet bare, let your hair down and decorate your hair with flowers.

Master class: How to make a Hawaiian lei from corrugated paper.

Making your own Hawaiian lei is very simple and there is no need to buy it from the store.

To make flower beads we will need:

-Corrugated paper various colors*, I have blue and blue.

*If the event will take place near water, check the quality of the paper. It can be very faded and colored streaks will ruin your entire photo.

- Thick thread in order to string paper beads onto it. I used regular wool thread.

Big needle

1. Unwind a piece about a meter long from a roll of corrugated paper and cut it off

2. Roll the cut piece into a new roll or simply fold it to form a narrow strip.

3. Measure 3 cm from the edge of the strip (this is the width of the future beads) and cut. We will use this piece as a sample.

4. In order not to measure 3 cm with a ruler each time, simply apply the sample to the folded paper and cut it.

5. Here we have such a bunch of beads.

6. We string paper ribbons onto a needle and thread. You need to string it with a stitch “forward needle” along the length of the paper tape.

7. The result should be an accordion like this.

8. Without removing the “accordion” from the needle, twist it with your hands. The more times you twist it, the more magnificent the bead will turn out. Smoke all the beads in one direction, otherwise they may unwind on the finished beads.

The main attribute of a wedding, birthday or youth party are beads, which can be made from any material: sweets in bright wrappers, flowers, paper and even ordinary colored napkins. DIY Hawaiian lei beads for a party will lift the spirits of both you and your guests. We suggest you make Hawaiian beads from corrugated colored paper.

We will need:

  • corrugated paper (crepe) in bright colors;
  • flower stencil;
  • scissors;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • silk thread.
Interesting ideas

Here's another simple way. Which consists of twisting flowers from pieces of corrugated paper and then alternately fixing them on a thread with a double knot.

If you have plenty of time, and you have multi-colored ribbons or scraps of bright fabric at home, then you can make original Hawaiian beads. Make a flower from a piece of ribbon by stringing it along the center on a thread. Then gather the tape and secure it. The wider and longer the ribbon, the more magnificent the flower will be. From the resulting parts, assemble beads by stringing flowers on a thread.

Beads made from artificial flowers look no less bright. The principle of making crafts remains unchanged - the parts are strung on a thread.

And, of course, no jewelry can compare with beads made from real flowers! Unfortunately, such beads cannot boast of durability and strength, but the effect is stunning. Choose flowers that can stay fresh for a long time without water and with a hard core.

You will be irresistible at a Hawaiian party if you wear a raffia (dried grass) skirt, a beautifully decorated top with flowers and, of course, handmade lei beads.

How to throw a Hawaiian party?
In order for a Hawaiian-style party to turn into a real luala, a traditional feast of the indigenous people of these islands, it is necessary to carefully prepare the premises, snacks, entertainment and, of course, the guests.

1. Warn party participants in advance about the theme of the evening. Ask them to dress appropriately, or make your own colorful shirts for men and simple tops and skirts for women. If the party is held outdoors and the weather is favorable, girls can wear swimsuits and a pareo tied around their hips.

2. Decorate the room in a beach style. Use flowers, palm trees (or houseplants, reminiscent of them), garlands. Don't forget about the musical accompaniment of the evening.

3. Greet guests with a traditional Hawaiian "Aloha" and wear flower beads around your neck. You can buy them or make your own. Just cut out flowers from paper, twist the petals and string them on a thread.

4. Prepare special dishes for the Hawaiian party. If you don't want to suffer, there is one secret. For a Hawaiian twist, add pineapple. For example, prepare a canape from a French loaf, butter, a piece of bacon, a slice of cheese. Place a slice of canned pineapple and an olive on this structure and secure everything with a toothpick, or better yet, a colored skewer. As a main dish, you can bake pork with papaya, and if conditions permit, prepare something similar to our kebab of chicken fillet with pineapples. Don't forget about exotic fruits.

5. Make cocktails, such as mojitos, pina coladas, and Blue Hawaii. To do this, purchase and cool all the necessary ingredients in advance and freeze enough ice. For those who like strong drinks, offer rum.

6. Have a dance competition. Tell your guests that in the Hawaiian hula dance you can tell everything in the world with the help of gestures, looks, and emotions. Let each of the dancers complete their task, and the audience will determine the winner.

7. Don't forget about the Hawaiian game Limbo. Its essence boils down to the fact that participants must pass under the crossbar (which gradually falls lower and lower) and not touch it with their body.

Where are the Hawaiian Islands?

The Hawaiian Islands are a world famous American resort. Every year it is visited by several tens of thousands of tourists from different parts of the world. The islands are located in a favorable location; the holiday season lasts from May to October.

. The islands were first discovered by James Cook at the end of the 18th century, when they were called the Sandwich Islands.
. US President Barack Obama was born in the Hawaiian Islands, in the city of Honolulu.

Hawaiian archipelago
Hawaiian Islands - an archipelago of islands in the northern part Pacific Ocean. The archipelago stretches from northwest to southeast and is quite distant from North America. The islands are of volcanic origin, the largest of them is called Hawaii, mainly the islands are one of the territorial units of the United States - the state of Hawaii. This state does not include the Midway Islands. The island of Hawaii consists of 7 volcanoes, the largest of which, Manua Loa, is the largest active volcano on Earth. The archipelago is also home to the most active volcano, Kilauea, which has been erupting continuously since 1983.

The Hawaiian archipelago consists of 24 islands, the total area of ​​which is more than 28 thousand sq. km. 8 of the islands large sizes, the rest are much smaller, many of them appeared on reefs and corals. They speak English in Hawaii, as in the USA, but there is also an ancient Hawaiian language, words from which are still spoken by local residents. The population of the islands is about 1.3 million inhabitants.

Climate and nature
Temperatures in Hawaii do not drop below 15 degrees Celsius even in the coldest months of January and February. In winter, the islands experience heavy rains. From May to October, during local summer, the air temperature is 30° C above zero. However, from June to November there is a high risk of being caught in a hurricane. Although the winds break the water and rarely hit the islands hard, strong gusts are possible at the highest points of the islands.

The underwater world of the Pacific Ocean is bright and colorful, which is why divers vacation on the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii is one of the centers of world surfing. The beaches of the main island host various competitions in this sport, and there are also several beaches on the islands that provide training for beginner surfers. The water temperature in the ocean near the beaches stays at around 23 degrees Celsius all year round.

The nature on the islands is beautiful. Here you can find rare, and sometimes only trees and shrubs that grow in Hawaii. On many islands, nature reserves have been created in which local residents are trying to preserve rare plants from extinction.

How to make a lei?

Leis are traditional Hawaiian jewelry, necklaces made of flowers. They can decorate not only your home, but also your guests. They are made from flowers, seeds, feathers, plant leaves and other materials. Hawaiian leis (flower garlands) are one of the main symbols of Hawaii. Upon arrival on these islands, each tourist is hung with beautiful Hawaiian beads around his neck, which means that this person is very welcome here.

Hawaiian necklaces, or leis, are a must-have at any Hawaiian party. Making them is not at all difficult, and you can use anything you can get your hands on - flowers, candy wrappers, pieces of multi-colored fabrics, feathers. The most important thing when creating a lei is to take into account the prickliness of the material from which it will be made, so that it is comfortable to wear.
To make a lei by hand, you will need:
- thick thread (like those used to weave jewelry with beads),
- flowers (only their upper part).

So, first let's prepare:
. Artificial flowers, or candy wrappers, or fabric (chiffon, organza or silk)
. Thread, rope or fishing line 1 m
. Wire
. Scissors
. Needle.


1. The most difficult option would be to make a lei from fabric. Take small pieces of chiffon, silk or organza (you can mix them), cut them into long strips 8-10 cm wide and coat them with PVA glue, and then hang them to dry. This must be done so that the future flowers that make up the lei keep their shape.

2. Once the strips have dried, cut them into 20cm lengths. Then fold each strip 8 times and cut out petals from them. In other words, cut triangles on one side, not reaching the edge 1.5-2 cm.

3. For the core of the flower, take small strips of fabric measuring 4x3 cm and make frequent cuts, leaving 1-1.5 cm from the edge uncut.

4. Fasten the cores to the petals by tying them with wire. It is advisable to trim the tails carefully so that the flower does not fall apart.

5. Sew the finished flowers to a fishing line, rope or lace, evenly distributing the colors of the flowers so that the lei is variegated.

6. You can disguise the places where the flowers are attached to the lace by lightly tying it with a long strip of green fabric, lightly moistened with PVA glue. Once the glue has dried, you can safely put on the Hawaiian necklace.

7. An easy way to make a lei. Buy as many artificial flowers as possible - preferably ones that resemble orchids in shape.

8. Separate the “peduncle” from the petals themselves.

9. Take a thread (lace, rope, braid), wrap its end with tape to make it easier to string flowers.

10. Flowers are strung on a short distance from each other, no more than 1 cm. To prevent them from falling on each other when worn, you can make a small knot every 10-12 cm.

11. Carefully tie the ends of the rope and melt them with a lighter so that they are not visible. Leah is ready.

12. Using the same principle, you can make Hawaiian decorations from candy wrappers, feathers or colored paper.

How to make a Hawaiian skirt?

A Hawaiian-style party is unthinkable without fiery music, a sea of ​​bright flowers, juicy fruits and exotic Hawaiian costumes. The costume for performing the Hawaiian hula dance consists of a fluffy flying skirt made of raffia palm fibers and short top, and the dancers' heads are decorated large flowers. This spectacular and unusual outfit can be quite easily made not only from traditional materials, but also from their modern substitutes - synthetic fibers, Christmas tree tinsel, multi-colored ribbons and even garbage bags.

You will need:
- Polyethylene garbage bags;
- nylon threads/Christmas tree rain/synthetic ropes/natural or artificial raffia;
- scissors;
- stapler/glue.

How to do:
1. Take a big one plastic bag for garbage with ties. It is advisable to purchase bags of green or white to make the skirt more similar to a traditional hula dancer's skirt.

2. Attach this bag to your figure at a level slightly below the waist and mark the desired length of the skirt - just below the knees or ankle-length. Cut off the excess length of the trash bag.

3. Cut the bag into many strips, as narrow as possible. Using scissors, cut the bag down to the string. Be careful not to accidentally cut the drawstring.

4. To make the skirt more full, cut a couple more garbage bags in the same way and attach them to the first bag with a stapler so that the metal staples are not too visible. Put the makeshift skirt on yourself and tie it at the waist or hips.

5. In the same way, you can build a skirt from other available materials: Christmas tree “rain”, unbraided synthetic ropes, nylon fiber, inexpensive yarn. If funds allow, you can use traditional natural raffia.

6. Cut a wide, thick ribbon for the base of the skirt on which you will attach the threads. Its length will be equal to the waist circumference plus 10-15 cm for the clasp and wrap. From the materials listed above, or from other fibers similar to them, cut many threads that are twice the length of the finished skirt. Carefully fold the threads together.

7. Take a small bunch of threads and fold it in half. Using thread or a stapler, attach this bundle at the fold to the base tape closer to its bottom. Attach all the other threads in the same way. The skirt can be either transparent, single-layer, or fluffy, with threads tightly adjacent to each other in several layers. Sew two buttons or hooks onto the waistband of the skirt.

8. You can also make a skirt from crepe paper, cutting it into narrow strips that are tied to a satin ribbon (waist circumference plus an increase for ties - 25 cm). Paper strips can also be glued to the base tape or attached with a stapler.

Helpful advice: You can decorate the waistband of your skirt with artificial flowers.
The skirt can also be assembled on a regular rope by tying bundles of threads from the mentioned materials to it.

How to make a Hawaiian costume?

Many people associate the Hawaiian costume with the sea, sun and summer holidays. This outfit is most appropriate for a beach party in hot weather. However, it is also suitable for a club costume party. True, in these cases it is necessary to use different materials.

You will need:
- open swimsuit;
- tinsel;
- tapes;
- artificial vines;
- flowers;
- linen elastic;
- braid;
- needle;
- threads;
- scissors.

1. Start making a suit with a skirt. It can be made from different materials. If you decide to make such a costume from Christmas tree tinsel, then choose one with soft long pile. Both satin ribbons and artificial plants are suitable. Cut the tinsel into pieces equal to twice the length of the skirt. It can be anything, but most often up to the knee or slightly below. If you are making a suit from satin ribbons, cut the edges diagonally or overcast them.

2. Cut a piece of elastic. Sew it into a ring so that the skirt can be worn freely. It is better to take a wide elastic band that stretches less. You can also make a belt from a corsage ribbon. In this case, you will need a clasp.

3. Place a folded strip of tinsel or ribbon on your belt. Align the edges. Sew the strip to the elastic. Tinsel can be sewn on, in principle, with any thread, since the stitches will still be hidden under the pile. If you use ribbons or artificial vines, then the material for stitching must be exactly the same color. For satin ribbons, silk threads are preferable. Sew the remaining strips so that they completely cover the waistband.

4. Decorate your bra. You can simply cover it with tinsel on all sides. It is better to make multi-colored roses from ribbons and sew them along the neckline, armhole lines and bottom of the swimsuit. A rosette can be made as follows. Cut a piece of ribbon 10-12 cm long. Sew it along one long edge with a “forward needle” seam using small stitches. Roll the ribbon into a tube. Gather the stitched edge tightly and sew through it with several cross stitches. Straighten the free edge. Sew the rosette to the bra. You can also use artificial flowers by cutting off their stems.

5. Make a flower necklace. Try to keep it in the same style as the rest of the suit. Sew rosettes from ribbons or artificial flowers onto a ribbon of a suitable color, preferably green. Make a head decoration in exactly the same way. This is a headband with flowers attached to it. Arrange them as your imagination dictates. If you have shells of different shapes on hand, make a second necklace. Accessorize your suit with a flower bracelet.

When children grow up, it seems that the issue of birthdays is closed. Ah, no. Big children can also have fun and interest at themed parties. Let your child amaze the guests with his inventions and finds and invite everyone to his personal Hawaiian party. Moreover, now he can prepare everything himself, and you have fun and just help him.


Hawaii is a vibrant summer holiday destination. In Hawaii you need to have fun, relax, sing songs, dance, eat fruits. Therefore, our holiday decor will be just as summery and light - let there be flowers, fresh fruits and the sea everywhere.

The sea should have palm trees, and for the palm tree you will need 3-4 pineapples, palm leaves (or similar leaves, which can be ordered from flower shops or florists) and skewers for mini-kebabs.

First, cut off the tops of the pineapples. Try to cut straight so that the palm does not fall over. Remove the core from all pineapples except the first one. Since the first pineapple will be the basis for the palm tree, it must be stable.

When all the elements are ready, take the skewers. You will need 5 skewers for the lower part, and 4 for the upper one. Pierce the lower pineapple with skewers and place a new one on top.

To keep the leaves well, you can attach them with a hot glue gun. And the real palm tree is ready!

Place wicker baskets filled with pineapples, bananas, coconuts and mangos nearby. They will create a tropical mood. Here we should not forget about the popular skewers. They will add color to your dishes. And, in general, fruit compositions will greatly refresh the table and the holiday itself.

Also, for the ambience of the Hawaiian Islands, create a romantic corner. Find unusual flowers (not daisies, for example, but orchids). Collect pebbles on the street, or even better by the sea, take a transparent container, immerse everything in water, and light candles. Depending on the colors, this composition can become a splash of color in your holiday interior.

There are never too many flowers at a Hawaiian party. Therefore, walls, curtains, and ceilings can be perfectly decorated with flower garlands.


Clothes are important for a Hawaiian party. If there is an opportunity to spend a holiday by the pool, then of course, swimwear will be required. If not, invite the birthday girl or boy to make leis for their friends - an indispensable decoration for a Hawaiian birthday.

For one such garland, prepare 1 roll of crepe paper. The rolled crepe paper roll will need to be cut crosswise into 5 cm rolls. Then each roll will need to be sewn with thread along the strip, pulling it together in bunches. When you put the bunch on the needle, pull it together, and turn the paper that you pulled together clockwise. When one ribbon runs out, you can add a ribbon of a different color.

Flower leis are also easy to make from strips of crepe paper. Take the strip and twist it into a flower, turning the petals inside out. We tie the flowers one by one onto a long string. The more colors, the more beautiful the lei.

Skirts for girls can also be made from ropes or ribbons. Braid two ropes with a braid. Then take the ribbons, fold them in half and push the ends through your braid. You can simply tie it in knots. You can sew flowers onto the belt. And then the girls will be impossible to distinguish from Hawaiian beauties.

For the skirt, you can also use New Year’s “rain”, colored garbage bags with ties, or you can use straw, if, of course, you can find it.

You can prepare straw hats for guests, sunglasses, flip-flops, sandals and swimsuits.


The most popular Hawaiian game is “Limbo.” For it you will need a pole or rope decorated with ribbons and flowers. Children walk under this rope to the music. When all children pass once, the bar is lowered. The main condition is that you must pass under the rope, leaning only backwards and not forwards. The most flexible participant wins!

Everyone knows the game where a ball is passed around in a circle accompanied by music. When the music stops, the one who has the ball in his hands dances, or recites a poem, or sings a song, etc. In our game we will replace the ball with a small pineapple, because this is Hawaii. And for older children, we will complicate the task and throw not one pineapple in a circle, but two in different directions. When the music ends, those who still have pineapples in their hands will have to dance together.

Hawaiian dances “Aloha, Hula”

You can learn the elements of hula dance, but this is not important for the holiday. In Hawaiian hello is “Aloha”. Music plays and the first participant says to someone in the circle: “Aloha, Sveta!” and shows a dance move. Everyone on the left hand of the presenter, in turn, begins to say “Aloha, Sveta!” and repeat the movement until this movement reaches Sveta. Then Sveta says: “Aloha, Misha!” and shows another movement. Everyone also repeats the new movement until it reaches Misha. Everyone has to greet someone. And if you like it more than once.

Can also be prepared for games hoops Wrap them in bright shiny paper and come up with various team tasks. For example, go through obstacles by spinning a hoop around your waist or on both wrists at the same time. You can place the hoops on the floor and jump into the middle, or you can place the hoops so that players climb over them. Also invite everyone to stand in a circle and hold hands. Then pass the hoop through the first participant, and then the hoop should go all the way to the end. You can use not one hoop, but two or more, as many as you have in the house.


Fruit cocktails are perfect for a Hawaiian children's party.
For example, take 3 ripe bananas, 2 ripe mangoes, a spoonful of honey, and 50 grams of apple juice. Mix everything in a blender and serve in tall glasses.

Or you can make it from strawberries and low-fat milk/yogurt. It will turn out not tasty, but very tasty. Moreover, you can take not only fresh strawberries, but also mix directly frozen ones.
If you wish, you can also make a vegetable smoothie with tomatoes, carrots, young beets, avocados, cucumbers, and spinach.

Have fun at your Hawaiian party!

Various themed parties have been in fashion for quite some time. It is especially interesting to organize an exotic party, such as a Hawaiian one. Various accessories and music always help to create the desired atmosphere. But the main attribute of such a party is hawaiian beads. The Land of Soviets invites you to make traditional Hawaiian jewelry with your own hands.

Lei is a traditional Hawaiian decoration, which is made from flowers, seeds, feathers, plant leaves and other materials. We have all seen Hawaiian leis more than once, because such flower garlands are one of the main symbols of Hawaii. Upon arrival on these islands, each tourist is hung with beautiful Hawaiian beads around his neck, which means that this person is very welcome here.

If you decide make DIY Hawaiian beads for your party, you will need certain materials. So, leis can be made from real, artificial flowers or crepe paper. All these options look very good and original. So, let's tell you how to make Hawaiian beads.

Hawaiian artificial flower beads

Traditionally, leis are woven from fresh flowers and plants.. Each plant or flower has its own symbolism. Each Hawaiian island also has its own special lei. But we won’t delve into all the subtleties and tricks of weaving Hawaiian beads, so we’ll just make them from any artificial flowers.

Take any artificial flower heads you like. Do not use flowers for beads that are made from a material that is too hard or prickly. To weave Hawaiian beads, you should take medium-sized flowers with several layers of petals. Disassemble all the flowers, removing the core. Organize your pieces by color.

Now take a thick thread that matches the color. It could even be ordinary cellophane rope. To prevent the end of the rope from fluffing up, you can wrap it with tape. String your flower preparations onto a rope. Every 7-10 cm, cut the rope and tie its parts with a knot. Use a lighter to melt the knots so they don't unravel. Such knots will prevent the flowers from sliding down the thread.

Hawaiian paper beads

Hawaiian leis can also be made from crepe crepe paper.. In this case, you can use paper of very bright colors. To make these Hawaiian beads, you will also need scissors, a needle and thread to match the paper.

Cut a long piece of crepe paper about 5 cm wide. With the stitch forward, sew 3-4 stitches in the middle along the strip of crepe. Pull the paper to create nice folds. Turn the paper a little and make 3-4 more stitches. Pull the crepe again. If you continue to work this way, you will end up with a spiral. Continue making your beads until you reach your desired length. Then all you have to do is sew the beginning and end of the beads.

Hawaiian beads made from fresh flowers

Fresh flower leis are a traditional decoration. You can also make these leis for your Hawaiian party. For one lei you may need from 40 to 80 flowers. Their number depends only on the size of the beads and the density of the flowers. You will also need bead string. It is best to use fishing line. To easily thread flowers, you will need a long, thin needle.

Let's start making beads. Cut the fishing line 125 cm long. You will get a lei 100 cm long. You will also have a spare 25 cm to tie the ends of the beads. The ends of the fishing line that will be used to fasten the beads are painted over on each side with a marker before starting work.

Attach a paper clip to one end of the fishing line, which will prevent the colors from moving while working. Insert the other end of the fishing line into the needle. Now you can prepare flowers for weaving Hawaiian beads. Remove the stalk from each flower before starting work. Poke a needle through the center of the flower to thread it onto the fishing line. You can also string flowers by piercing them slightly below the center of the peduncle. Carefully string the remaining flowers. Tie the ends of the beads. Don't cut the ends of the line so you can carry the finished beads without touching the flowers. Before putting on the beads, the fishing line needs to be cut.

If you want to triple down on your Hawaiian party, read about what you need to make it a memorable one. How to decorate a table, make a skirt and a lei garland.

Hawaiian Party - How to Make Clothes

The outfit can be the same for both men and women. The Hawaiian party costume consists of a skirt and a flower garland (lei). Both this and that accessory are made extremely simply.

If you need to make a quick costume for a Hawaiian party, consider a simple option. For the skirt you only need an elastic band and a satin ribbon. For a flower garland you also need a few items, namely:
  • colored paper;
  • strong thread;
  • darning needle with a thick eye;
  • cocktail tubes.
Let's start with the bottom of the outfit. To make a skirt with your own hands, tie an elastic band below the waist, trim off the excess edges, and remove. Now you have to cut a lot of ribbons. Measure the length of the future skirt. The length of the ribbons should be 2 times this resulting figure.

Fold the first ribbon in half, placing the fold on the elastic. Insert both ends of the tape back under the elastic, bringing it up through the resulting loop of the tape, and tighten. Do the same with the rest of the elements.

The more ribbons there are, the fuller the skirt will become. To prevent these elements from fraying, scorch the ends over the flame of a candle or lighter.

All that remains is to find out how to make a garland to hang it around your neck. Fold sheets of colored paper like an accordion so that there is a distance of 8 cm from fold to fold. On cardboard or paper, draw a template of the future flower with wavy edges. Apply it to folded paper and cut out several colors at once. Set them aside for now.

Cut the cocktail tubes into 2 cm long pieces. Here's how to make the garland. With your own hands, or better yet with the help of your daughter or friends, start creating a lei. To do this, thread the thread into the eye of the needle, start stringing flowers and pieces of cocktail tubes onto it, alternating fragments.

At the end, remove the needle, tie the ends of the threads and the garland is ready. Now a representative of the fair sex can put on a swimsuit, a skirt, a lei - and the Hawaiian costume is ready. Attire for men may include swimming trunks, shorts and, of course, a garland. And here's how to do it the second way.

Corrugated paper or fabric that does not fray, such as tulle or taffeta, is suitable for it. Having chosen the material, cut it into long strips 6–8 cm wide. Now you need to sew each one in the center with a basting stitch. Having formed the first strip in this way, collect the second one on the same thread, placing them close to each other. Once you have made the corrugated paper decoration to the desired length, you can put the garland around your neck and go to shine at a Hawaiian party!

If you are attracted by this hot holiday, but there are no suitable materials at hand to make clothes, everyone can find garbage bags or ordinary cellophane ones. The following Hawaiian skirt is made from them.

Measure the elastic that will be on your hips. Cut thin strips along the entire length from plastic bags, tie them with an elastic band, bending them in half, and the Hawaiian skirt is ready.

Hula dance clothes for a Hawaiian party

If you enjoyed making Hawaiian costumes and want to make a slightly more elaborate outfit in this style, check out how to make your own raffia skirt, which is sold in florist shops. In such a new thing, you can attend Hawaiian parties more than once, since such a skirt is durable and even intense movements will not damage it.

Take the raffia and unpack it. To smooth it out, moisten it with water. Pull out the fibers and let them dry.

Here's how to make the Hawaiian skirt next. Now take a braid, cord or elastic band, which will become the basis of the outfit. It will also be used to tie elements - in this case, strips of raffia folded in half.

See how it should be done.

If you want to speed up the process, optimize it. To do this, first twist knots in the center of several raffia fibers on the fingers of your left hand, without tightening them. Then insert the cord into the loops and tighten them.

You will get a Hawaiian skirt in which you can attend parties or go to hula dancing classes, which are so popular on this island.

How to decorate such themed parties?

After you have succeeded in making a costume for the holiday, you need to set the tables and prepare a treat that matches the theme.

Typically, a Hawaiian party takes place in the summer. Therefore, you can spend it right under the open sky in nature. But you need to check the weather forecast in advance to be sure that rain is not expected. If there is a possibility of short-term precipitation, then it is better to install canopies over the tables.

To give the desired mood, decorate them with paper or satin ribbons. Now you need to move the tables and lay identical tablecloths on them. Then the desired impression will be created that this is one long table.

Chairs should also be in the same style. To do this, you can sew covers on them. Read how to do this in the previously presented article. In it you will find many simple ideas on how to sew chair covers. Hang a flower garland on each and tie a large ribbon bow.

To avoid the hassle of washing dishes, it is better if they are disposable. At a Hawaiian party, plates with bright colors look great at the table. After all, on this day everything should be filled with colorful colors. Multi-colored plastic glasses are suitable. It’s good if there are live or paper flowers in vases on the tables.

The cutlery is set, the space is decorated, it’s time to prepare the treat. It should not be heavy, since a Hawaiian party involves an active pastime. This includes dancing and fun competitions. Therefore, juices, a couple of cocktails and light snacks will be excellent components of the menu.

What to cook for the holiday?

Let's start with the appetizer dishes. Hawaiian Toast is both exotic and satisfying.

Their composition:

  • wheat bread;
  • ham;
  • hard cheese;
  • a pineapple;
  • butter;
  • pitted cherries.
It is better to buy sliced ​​bread, intended specifically for toasting. But if this is not the case, chop the loaf into slices with a thin knife. You can also buy hard cheese and ham already cut into slices or make them yourself. You can cut the pineapple with your own hands or buy canned slices of this fruit.

You can pre-toast the bread pieces in the toaster or not. Grease them with oil, place the ham on top, the pineapple on top, and then the cheese. All you have to do is bake the toast in the slow cooker and you can serve.

If you only have a frying pan on hand, cook the Hawaiian appetizer in it. To do this, crack the frying pan over high heat, then turn it down to low, grease with oil, and lay out the prepared toast.

In a frying pan, the Hawaiian appetizer is cooked with the lid closed until the bottom edges of the bread are browned.
Here are some other dishes you might have for a holiday dedicated to a given theme. The next fruit salad is sure to please the kids. It consists of:
  • 1 cup coconut, shredded;
  • 1 cup heavy cream or unsweetened yogurt;
  • 1 cup diced pineapple;
  • 1.5 cups small marshmallow balls;
  • 1.5 cups tangerine slices;
  • grated nutmeg.

Before cooking, tangerine slices must be peeled from the film. Dry them and the pineapple cubes on a napkin.

This salad looks good in transparent bowls. Place tangerine slices down each one first, then layer them with yogurt or cream. Decorate with marshmallow balls and sprinkle a little nutmeg on top.

If you want to have a more satisfying menu, you can prepare hot dishes for the table - bake chicken, chop it with oranges and/or pineapples. Seafood will also be appropriate on the table, because in Hawaii they are caught in large quantities and many dishes are prepared.

A variety of iced punches and exotic cocktails, decorated in a certain way, also need to be served.

A cocktail called “Hawaiian Beach” would be very appropriate. It stands from:
  • 4 parts pineapple juice;
  • 3 parts light rum;
  • 3 parts ginger ale;
  • juice? lime;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.
Combine all ingredients except ale and blend with a blender. Place pieces of ice in large glasses, pour in the cocktail, and top with ale. Garnish each serving with a slice of lime, to do this, cut a thin circle on the side and place it on the glass. Mint leaves can also be used as decoration.

You can cook for children non-alcoholic cocktails. For example, "Weather vane". For it, use all the ingredients taken in the same proportion:

  • Cherry juice;
  • strawberries;
  • sprite;
  • Apple juice.
All this needs to be whipped with a blender, poured into glasses and served immediately.

Don’t forget to place fruits in spectacular flowerpots on your holiday table. These elements will be an excellent decoration, and fruits can be refreshed at any time, for example, during breaks between fun competitions that need to be thought out in advance for a Hawaiian party.

Fun competitions for a Hawaiian party

Limbo - a game with this name is unchanged at such holidays. To prepare for this competition you will only need:

  • round fruits;
  • 2 high poles;
  • rope.
Everything is extremely simple - you need to sharpen the poles, drive them into the ground, and pull a rope at the top. The players line up behind her. The first participant holds the tropical fruit under his chin and walks under the rope to avoid touching it. In this case, you can only bend backwards. The one who touches the rope, drops the fruit or breaks the rules is eliminated from the competition. After each stage, the rope must be lowered lower. When only one participant remains, he is declared the winner.

Such fun competitions will give you the opportunity to move around and have a lot of fun. The next one will also require dexterity from those participating... the mouth. For this entertainment you will need:

  • bananas;
  • rope.
All sections are divided into 2 or more teams, with a player selected from each. The banana needs to be tied by its “leg” to a rope, the other end of which is attached to a high place. It can be tied to a tree branch or to a nail driven under the roof of the veranda. Next, you need to eat the banana without touching it with your hands. Whoever does it first wins.

You can also hold interesting competitions, determining the winner by the volume of applause: who has the best Hawaiian costume, the most “Hawaiian” voice. For the latter, let everyone perform a song that, in their opinion, is suitable for this theme party. You can also choose the mermaid of the evening; she will be the most beautiful or talented girl.

Be sure to dance the Hawaiian Hula dance together. To do this, let the presenter say what needs to be imitated at the moment, it could be:
  • fluttering of plants from the wind;
  • movement of algae;
  • life of the ocean, earth, mountains;
  • story about bad weather.
You can turn this dance into another fun competition. Write tasks on signs in advance. Distribute them to the participants, let them show one of the listed Hula movements so that those present guess what it is. In this case, the player must “dance” all these movements. You can time it, which player has the fastest guesses, and that player will win.

It's good if you make a palm tree in advance. It can be made from plastic bottles or from cardboard and balls. For the last idea, dig a pole into the ground, wrap it in cardboard, and paint it brown. Tie air balloons, attach to the top of the trunk.

Such a palm tree, made with your own hands, will not only become a central decoration, but will also help organize another fun competition. For this, attach notes with cheerful wishes to this artificial tree with glue or paper clips and invite your guests to tell their fortunes. Let everyone take the note they like and read its contents out loud.

Making accessories for a Hawaiian party

They will help ensure that the Hawaiian party goes flawlessly, and all the nuances are taken into account.

You can make your own holiday invitations. Since this is a Hawaiian themed party, it would be fun to handwrite or print out an invitation, tie it to an exotic fruit (coconut, banana), and then hand it to the recipient in person.

You can make a card with flowers, because Hawaii is a country of flowers, as well as sun. So that it does not fade in the evening, let there be a lot of light! Light the lanterns that you previously decorated with your own hands. Floating candles would also be appropriate; they can be placed in a pool, pond and lit at sunset. Various LED lamps and garlands will also help decorate the holiday in the evening.

Another important holiday touch concerns the design of drinks. See how to make and decorate a cocktail for an exotic party. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the process of making a Hawaiian costume. After that, all that remains is to repeat the ideas presented. Have a fun and unforgettable Hawaiian party!

My children and I really love participating in themed events. One of these events was a Hawaiian photo session on the beach. Of course, the main attribute of such a photo session is the sea and sand. But you can’t do without costumes. The usual costume of a Hawaiian girl consists of a skirt and flower beads (lei). To complete the look, leave your feet bare, let your hair down and decorate your hair with flowers.

Master class: How to make a Hawaiian lei from corrugated paper.

Making your own Hawaiian lei is very simple and there is no need to buy it from the store.

To make flower beads we will need:

-Corrugated paper various colors*, I have blue and blue.

*If the event will take place near water, check the quality of the paper. It can be very faded and colored streaks will ruin your entire photo.

- Thick thread in order to string paper beads onto it. I used regular wool thread.

Big needle


1. Unwind a piece about a meter long from a roll of corrugated paper and cut it off

2. Roll the cut piece into a new roll or simply fold it to form a narrow strip.

3. Measure 3 cm from the edge of the strip (this is the width of the future beads) and cut. We will use this piece as a sample.

4. In order not to measure 3 cm with a ruler each time, simply apply the sample to the folded paper and cut it.

5. Here we have such a bunch of beads.

6. We string paper ribbons onto a needle and thread. You need to string it with a stitch “forward needle” along the length of the paper tape.

7. The result should be an accordion like this.

8. Without removing the “accordion” from the needle, twist it with your hands. The more times you twist it, the more magnificent the bead will turn out. Smoke all the beads in one direction, otherwise they may unwind on the finished beads.