Crepe paper flower templates. How to make a flower from crepe paper with your own hands? Difference from corrugated

23.12.2021 Medicines 

Flowers and bouquets made from crepe paper have a number of practical advantages. Firstly, they are much more durable, do not fade and retain their shape for a long time and appearance. Secondly, they are not inferior in beauty to compositions made from living plants. How to make flowers from crepe colored paper? Currently, there are a large number of methods.

Single petal method

Incredibly beautiful floral arrangements from crepe paper can be made using a method in which the flower is assembled in stages. One petal after another is placed on the base. In this case, each element must be given an individual shape before being attached to the stem.

To make one of these flowers, you take crepe paper and floral wire to create the stamens. Then cut out the required number of petals and leaves. It is necessary to form the petals and attach them to the stamens using floral tape. Their shape can be very different. It depends on the type of flower.

Attaching the petals

To give the petal a concave shape, you need to hold it between your thumbs and forefingers. Then gently stretch from the center to the edges. You can use a pencil to curl the petals. To hold all the elements together, you need to use floral tape and wire. This is easy and simple to do.

The ribbon must first be wrapped twice around the stamen. Then, as you add the petals, pass it through the base of each petal. Flowers made from crepe paper will keep their shape longer if you cover the stem with a thick layer from top to bottom, covering invisible areas with glue. Especially those places where the leaves are then attached.

Giant flowers made from crepe paper

Mostly floral arrangements of cream, pink, apricot or pale olive shades are used. Although bright, variegated colors can also look harmonious. It all depends on the occasion and theme of the holiday. Hand-made giant ones made from crepe paper can be an ideal gift and an excellent decoration (for example, for a wedding).

For the composition you will need: a thick ribbon of green or deep olive color wrapped in paper, glue, and a round pencil. From paper you need to cut out 5 small petals, 15 heart-shaped petals, 3 leaf shapes. As a rule, it takes about 2 hours to make your own crepe paper flowers. But the effort and time are worth it. The most interesting thing is that no matter how hard you try to make all the flowers the same, they are still unique and inimitable.

Making the stem, bud and attaching the leaves

In order to make a thick and flexible stem, you need to fasten three stem wires together. This must be done using floral tape and glue. Good advice: Keep a damp towel nearby to dry off sticky fingers without getting all your beauty dirty. Five small petals are used to make a flower bud. First you need to wrap one petal tightly around the stem. When adding the remaining 4 elements, you must also rotate the rod to ensure even distribution.

Next, using the individual petals method, attach 15 large heart-shaped pieces. This process requires concentration and can be quite tedious. However, a small mistake due to the desire to do everything faster can ruin all the efforts made so far.

When adding the last petals, it is advisable to look at the flower from above. Only then can you see minor flaws. And place the remaining petals where they will look most organic. The leaves are attached to the stem in a checkerboard pattern using tape, floral tape and glue. Before using the finished composition, you need to give it time to dry completely.

Fairy peony

Crepe paper peonies are flowers that can vary in shape and color. When creating a multi-colored fairy plant, you will need tools and materials such as crepe paper of several colors, scissors, and floral tape. Working with these materials is fun and quite easy. The main advantage of crepe paper is its strength. In addition, it can be stretched to give the desired shape. We present to your attention a master class: how to make flowers from crepe paper. Namely, huge multi-colored peonies from a fairy tale.

Step-by-step master class

To make flowers from crepe paper, you first need to lay out the sheets in layers and fold each of them into an accordion. The thickness of the folds is about 3 centimeters. These folds should run along a natural, horizontal line. Secondly, each colored stack must be held together with thin wire or any other binding element.

To give the flower depth, you need to reduce the length of each strip by about 1 centimeter. Using scissors, trim the ends into round and pointed shapes. And don't worry about being too precise. The irregularities will make the flower look even more natural. Next, you need to attach the clips to the center of each pack.

How to make a composition natural?

After this, you need to, so to speak, shred the edges of all the paper parcels with scissors, leaving the middle untouched. And put them on top of each other. In this case, the largest sheets should be on the bottom, and the shortest ones on top. Starting from the middle, it is necessary to raise the side petals one by one: first the short ones and then in ascending order. Slowly and carefully straighten out all the stripes from each color layer.

You may need to adjust some of the petals. But the flower will naturally still take on its own unique shape. Gorgeous hand-made crepe paper flowers can be used as a gift or decorative element for any room. Next, it's up to your imagination. You can attach stems to them, glue them to a real tree or bush, or decorate a chandelier. In a word, you can come up with a lot of other original options.

  1. When cutting such paper, it is important to take into account its structure and make sure that the cut will run along the fibers.
  2. The upper part of the flower is usually very heavy. Therefore, it is important to use additional support with three leaves, through which the entire bud will be attached to the stem.
  3. Floral tape will be more useful and will hold up better if you periodically apply glue to the ends of the petals and leaves.

Hand-made crepe paper flowers will give you a lot of positive emotions. Especially if you cross certain boundaries and conventions. How great it is to diversify a wedding photo shoot by using unnaturally huge, but surprisingly cute and romantic roses or peonies.

With their help, you can create beautiful bouquets, garlands, wreaths and other original flower arrangements that can decorate any celebration. Crepe paper can be used to enliven a festive table and add a little brightness to everyday gray days.

Hello dear readers. Those who do needlework, as well as florists, are familiar with corrugated paper. Not so long ago, similar products appeared on store shelves, but under a different name - crepe. This paper has multiple small folds and is used for creativity, decoration, bouquets and gifts. But is there a difference between them? What is the difference between corrugated and crepe paper, how to make a ball, roses, pompoms with your own hands? This article is devoted to these issues.

Crepe paper - what is it?

Crepe paper, or crepe paper, is a paper product with an uneven, folded surface.

The folds on it are located transversely, have a shallow depth and are located very densely. More often it is produced in rolls, but it also comes in sheets. It does not stretch well enough and easily spreads along the folds, forming tears.

It is used mainly for creativity, handmade, floristry, suite design (making bouquets of sweets), scrapbooking (technique, design of notebooks, albums, collages, etc.), quilling, decoupage, etc.

It is used to make paper flowers, three-dimensional balls and other 3D products. With the help of such elements you can decorate an apartment, a hall for a matinee or graduation party, an office for a corporate party, or a cafe for a special event.

In addition, this paper has good absorbency. Therefore, it is used for the production of sanitary and hygienic products. Special varieties of folded paper are used as insulating pads.

And corrugated cardboard is valuable as a packaging material for fragile and breakable products, household appliances - it helps protect goods from damage during transportation.

It consists of two layers of smooth cardboard (liner), between which dense, fibrous corrugated paper is sandwiched - fluting, or kraft paper. It is usually brown in color, but can also be bleached. It is also used to make durable products - paper rope, bags, bags, etc.

About crepe and corrugated paper - which is better?

According to handmade experts, corrugated and crepe paper are completely different things. Although, in essence, the names mean the same thing. The word "corrugated" comes from the French gaufrer - to create folds.

During the manufacturing process, paper is given unique stiffening ribs by repeatedly bending the fabric. The word "creped" has English origin and also implies crumpled paper with longitudinal folds to give greater rigidity and strength.

Corrugated paper appeared with us much earlier. But even today, such imported products may have the English inscription “crepe” on the label.

So if you call crepe paper corrugated, there will be no mistake. True, experts will correct you with indignation. Although there seems to be no reason for indignation. But there is a difference. Not in the name, but in the quality of the paper itself hiding under them. It is customary to call creped products thinner products with low density and a finely folded surface.

It is used for crafts and home creativity. Corrugated paper has a much higher density and deeper folds. It has auxiliary depressions located across the main folds.

This is professional material. It holds its shape perfectly, stretches well, does not wrinkle, and does not tear easily with careless movements.

Features of crepe paper

Crepe paper is quite suitable for making various products yourself.

It has a number of features in comparison with other paper products for creativity:

More graceful.

It is easy to give it the desired shape and holds it well.

The folded surface allows you to make convex parts by straightening the paper in the right place.

Has an affordable price.

This is a natural material, made from recycled materials.

Does not require special conditions for preservation, does not wrinkle, does not take up much space.

Safe from an environmental point of view.

Has all kinds of colors.

Thanks to this, crepe products are widely used in children's creativity, for designing presentations, stands, halls of educational and preschool institutions, and decorating shop windows. Flowers, bouquets are made from it, and used to create thematic compositions.

Crepe paper in medicine

And in medical institutions, it is very often necessary to sterilize not only instruments, but also clothing, as well as bedding. They are treated with steam or a special gas - elitene oxide. In this case, things or objects are packaged in such a way that they can be used as needed without violating the sterility of other processed packages. For example, surgeons' uniforms are wrapped separately, and instruments are combined into sets needed for certain manipulations.

In this case, special crepe paper is used for packaging. They are folded in a special way and secured with tape to avoid sudden unfolding, which will lead to disruption of sterility. Each package is provided with an inscription indicating the date of sterilization and listing the contents. Crepe paper is also needed for lining containers and sterilizer compartments.

The choice of doctors fell on this product due to its features:

— moisture resistance;

- lack of hairiness;

— elasticity;

- light weight;

— budget;

- availability of a color palette.

Yes, different shades of paper are actually used here in order to quickly distinguish packaging by content and avoid confusion.

How to choose crinkled corrugated paper

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is recommended that you first pay attention to the manufacturer of the product. Italian-made samples have performed particularly well. Cartotecnica Rossi products come in a wide color palette (more than 50 flowers).

There are samples with metallized coating, as well as “rainbow” paper, where a smooth transition from color to color is carried out within one sheet. German-made products are also good.

But it is better to avoid purchasing Chinese and Polish-made paper. It is not of particular quality, it falls apart under your fingers, is poorly shaped, and does not want to hold its shape.

And domestic paper receives good reviews. It is quite suitable for non-professional work and making crafts in small quantities.

Crepe paper - how to make roses, peony, ball, pom-poms with your own hands

Crepe paper is used mainly for making bulk products. But it can also be used for other purposes.

From the “reaper” you can make:


Candy bouquets.

Colored balls and pompoms.


Rod topiary.

Other 3D decorations, room decor elements, boxes, postcards, collages, etc.

Paper flowers

Crepe paper is used primarily to create a variety of colors. There are very simple options that even children can master. And there are complex ones, for which you need to watch more than one master class. Below are step-by-step descriptions of how to make various flowers.

To work you will need:

  • Crepe paper (if you don't have it, you can use paper napkins as a last resort).
  • Scissors.
  • PVA glue or glue gun.
  • Wire.
  • Threads.
  • Stapler.
  • Wooden sticks (skewers).

Simple small flowers

  1. Cut a long strip of paper. If there are a lot of flowers, it is convenient to simply cut off the edge of the roll - you will get a very long continuous strip.
  1. Start rolling the resulting paper ribbon into a roll, pressing it with your fingers at the base and slightly stretching the top edge to give the flower splendor.
  1. When the flower is the right size, cut the ribbon and secure the edge with a drop of glue.
  1. Tie the base of the flower with a thread. If you want to straighten the finished flower, proceed very carefully. The structure can unfold. To avoid this, when twisting, you can occasionally coat the bottom of the paper with glue.

Crepe paper tulip

  1. For the stem, use a wire or skewer. It is pasted over with a narrow strip of green paper or wrapped in a spiral, fixing the ends with glue.
  1. For the petals, cut 6 rectangular blanks 3x8 cm. The ends are cut off, rounding them.
  1. The blanks are given a convex spoon-shaped shape.
  1. The first 3 petals are glued to the stem or wound using thread to match the paper.
  1. A second row of petals is glued on top of the first row - 3 more petals.
  1. Makes a receptacle from green paper, pasting it over the place where the bud attaches to the stem.

  1. A leaf is cut out from a green strip of 3x10 cm. You can glue two such sheets to the leg. The flower is ready. It needs to be corrected, giving the necessary shape to the petals and leaves.

Crepe paper peony

  1. Easy way:

- cut out a square piece, for example, 20x20, fold it in four, like a paper napkin;

- cut off the folds;

- fold the resulting stack of paper in the form of an “accordion” - the smaller the folds, the more magnificent the peony will be;

- secure the resulting line in the middle with a stapler or thread;

- the edges are cut off to give them a rounded shape;

- now you need to carefully straighten the paper, directing it towards the center and up, forming a flower.

If desired, it can be planted on a stalk or combined with green leaves, cutting them into the shape of a three-fingered palm.


Paper pompoms are made in a similar way. To make them fluffy, you need to use at least 8 layers of paper. The width of the strips when folded is approximately 2 cm. As for the edges, they can be rounded or pointed. The workpiece must be straightened in all directions, forming a ball. Be careful as the paper tears easily.

  1. A more complex version of peony:

- you need to cut out three types of petals (7-10 pieces each) - small, medium, large, in size you need to focus on living peonies or the desired size of the flower;

- they should be heart-shaped, but without a pointed bottom;

- medium and large ones need to be stretched a little in the middle;

- a strip of yellow paper is cut across in the form of a fringe, the edge is glued to the leg and they begin to wrap around, imitating stamens;

- if there is no leg, then the yellow fringe is simply rolled into a roll, sealing the edge;

- around the stamens they begin to glue the smallest petals in a circle, then the middle ones;

- each subsequent petal should slightly overlap the previous one;

- the outer circle is made of large petals;

- cut out and glue 3 green sepals to the base of the peony.

Corrugated paper rose

  1. You will need 10-12 teardrop-shaped petals. Or you can cut out the blanks in the form of rectangles, which will need to be rounded with scissors on one of the shorter sides.
  1. To make the core, 1-2 petals are used. They are wrapped in wire, from which the flower stem will be made. It should already be covered with green paper.
  1. The rest of the blanks need to be shaped. To do this, each of them is gathered and pressed at the base, the middle is slightly stretched, and the edge is folded outward.
  1. The petals can be curved using a pencil. The workpiece is wrapped around it. Now the pencil is placed with its end on the table, and the paper tube wrapped around it is held with your fingers and pulled down, pressing it to the tabletop, then, without unfolding, removed from the pencil. The resulting packages are opened and slightly stretched in the middle.
  1. The petals are alternately wrapped around the future stem of the flower, with a slight overlap. They can be fixed with glue or thread.

  1. The finished flower is equipped with sepals. To do this, a strip of green paper is cut in the form of a wide fringe, the edges are curled, giving them the appearance of pointed leaves. The resulting blank is wrapped around the base of the rose, gluing it.

Decorative balls

  1. A circle is drawn on a sheet of cardboard and then cut out. Its size depends on the desired diameter of the ball. The circle is cut into two equal halves.
  1. Rectangles are cut from crepe paper. They should be of such a size that they completely cover the cardboard semicircle.
  1. The stencil is being prepared. Transverse stripes are drawn on a sheet of cardboard at equal intervals, for example, 3 cm. The lines are numbered. The stencil should be larger in size than the prepared sheets of crepe paper.
  1. One sheet of paper is placed on the stencil and coated with glue along the even lines. The glue strips should be thin.
  1. The next rectangle is placed on top. It needs to be pressed against the first one for high-quality gluing. It is also coated with glue, but they focus only on the odd lines of the stencil. The next layer will need to be smeared with glue again in even stripes.
  1. To make the ball fluffy, you need to use at least 40 layers of paper. They can be monochrome, or you can use different colors. When the entire stack is glued, you need to glue the cardboard semicircle cut out at the beginning on top of it. It is aligned with the bottom edge of the paper.
  1. The paper is cut in a semicircle, using the glued cardboard as a template. The second half of the cardboard circle is glued to the back of the stack.
  1. You need to stretch a thread through the outer corner of the resulting product, piercing all layers of paper and cardboard with a needle. The edges of the thread are loosely tied. The same is done with the second edge.
  1. The cardboard half is greased with glue, carefully unfolded and connected to the second cardboard. The ball is ready.

How to make a fluffy pompom from corrugated paper - video

You can also make pompoms of different colors and different sizes, attach them to the wall and decorate the room for any occasion.

This is a very exciting and interesting activity; you can make flowers or pompoms together with your children, they are happy to get down to business. In our city, they even held master classes on making flowers from crepe paper.

Crepe or corrugated paper is one of the materials for creating crafts. Crepe paper is sold in rolls or small spools. Multi-colored skeins can be narrow, just a couple of centimeters wide, or wide-format. The choice depends only on the dimensions of the future product. How to make flowers from crepe paper? As a rule, diagrams are the best guide and teacher for beginning craftsmen.

The convenience of working with corrugated paper is that it is very docile and does not require much effort when forming individual parts of the craft. Paper flowers are very bright, and by combining several shades you can achieve fantastic results. Unlike real plants, paper crafts will not wither or lose their shape. They do not need to be watered or placed in solution every evening to last longer.

Flowers made from colored paper always retain the brightness of their colors and can be reused many times. Buying all the necessary materials will not force you to spend a lot of money. In any case, arrangements made from paper plants are cheaper than real floral products made from fresh flowers.

Making ikebana from paper crafts is exciting and peaceful. This activity is not difficult, and the results are pleasing to the eye.

In addition, crafts may be of interest to the smallest members of the household. As a result, preparing paper flowers for the holidays can become a wonderful family tradition. Working with bright pieces of paper and simple actions will keep children occupied for a long time and allow them to develop their skills.

Crepe paper flowers with simple patterns

It’s easier to navigate in any matter if you see everything with your own eyes. Therefore, below we offer a tutorial, thanks to which you will learn how to make flowers yourself from crepe paper, which will help you understand the progress of the work.

To make such a paper flower, you need to purchase corrugated paper of different colors and wire.

Pieces of arbitrary length are cut from each roll. The more shades are used, the brighter and more magnificent the flower will be.

Each of the cuts is folded like an accordion. The width of one side is 2-3 cm. The folded sheets are fastened one at a time with a clothespin or a paper clip in the middle.

Each of the blanks must be cut so that the next sheet is slightly shorter than the previous one.

Each accordion has both edges sharpened. The cut can be made not only triangular, but also round or wavy.

Using scissors, one of the sides is cut down to the clothespin.

All sheets are straightened in order and stacked on top of each other from longest to shortest. And now the whole stack folds into a common large accordion. The middle is tied with wire.

There is no need to rush to cut the wire. The remaining tail will be useful for attaching the flower. From the constriction, each of the sheets is bent upward.

When all the petals are raised, you will get this big flower:

After learning this simple method of making crafts, you can try making flowers from crepe paper in a more complex way.

Making a craft from individual petals

In the previous example, the flower was formed from entire layers. This lesson suggests making buds from individual elements.

Take paper of any color and fold it like an accordion. On the first sheet a circle is drawn, which is cut out along the contour. Any size can be accepted.

To make the petals look beautiful, you need to rotate the circle, directing the folds of paper vertically from top to bottom. Glue drips onto the lower part, the edge of the part is squeezed between your fingers. This results in a pointed edge. When the glue dries, you need to stretch the paper until it becomes spherical. If the wrinkles on the workpiece are directed horizontally, the part will tear and it will not be possible to stretch it.

A circle is cut out of a piece of cardboard approximately the same size as the previous blanks. The petals are glued onto it one by one from the outer contour to the center.

The middle of the flower can be made with stamens. To do this, cut a strip 1 cm wide from crepe paper. One of its sides is cut with fringe. The other side of the strip is wound around a toothpick. When the entire tape is twisted, the ends must be glued together.

The tip of the toothpick breaks off, and the stamen is glued to the center of the flower.

If you make several similar flowers, you can decorate a card, a table with them, or use them as decor in larger compositions.

So, using your imagination and the above materials, you make a variety of decorative elements.

Video on the topic of the article

Of course, it is better to see once than to read a hundred times. In the videos below, masters talk about how easier it is to make paper flowers from corrugated paper. Using their knowledge and experience, adding his own creative ideas, the master will be able to bring very bold ideas to life.

Karina Moroz

01.08.2015 | 23212

In this article you will find detailed step by step instructions with a photo of how to make a large rose from crepe paper.

This beautiful flower will be a great addition to a gift for any occasion. The process of creating a paper rose itself does not take much of your time and at the same time will give you a lot of positive emotions.

You will need:

  • crepe paper in green and pink shades;
  • one long wooden stick;
  • several small sticks;
  • green floral tape;
  • strong glue (choose one that glues wood parts well);
  • pencil.

Making a large rose from crepe paper

1. On a sheet of plain paper or cardboard, draw templates for the flower details or print our stencil, enlarging it to the size you need.

Using templates, cut out the following elements from crepe paper:

  • 5 small petals;
  • 15 heart-shaped petals;
  • 3 leaves;
  • 1 sepal.

Also cut out 2 long strips of 2.5 cm wide from green paper.

If necessary, iron the paper through a cotton cloth.

2. Start making the rose from the stem. Cover the wooden stick with floral tape. At the same time, remember that the tape must be pulled tightly, otherwise it will not stick properly.

It’s a good idea to prepare a damp towel in advance to wash off any remaining glue from your hands.

Hold the tape at a 45 degree angle and wrap it around the wooden stick, moving from top to bottom.

3. Gently pull the edges of the small petals until they take on a concave shape. Don't be afraid to apply force: the paper should hold up.

4. Take a pencil and screw the upper part of the petal onto it 1-1.5 turns.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with larger heart-shaped petals.

You should end up with rose petals like this.

6. Wrap 1 small petal tightly around the stem.

And then attach the second petal so that it overlaps the first one a little.

Do the same with the remaining three small petals and glue them with floral tape. At the same time, continue to wind the ribbon around the stem until you cover all the pink paper with it.

7. Using the same pattern, attach 15 petals in the shape of a heart. They can be glued either in groups or individually. However, the most convenient way is 2 pieces.

As you place each petal, use your fingers to push it back slightly, pulling the crepe paper taut.

This is roughly what a flower bud should look like at this stage of creation. Make sure to attach it well to the stem.

8. Turn the flower over with the bud down and attach a sepal cut from green paper at its base. Only now the floral tape needs to be twisted in the direction from the stem to the base of the bud.

The flower is ready. All that remains is to make the leaves.

9. Apply a layer of glue in the middle of the sheet (but not along its entire length) and attach a thin wooden stick to this place.

10. Fold the sheet in half and wrap it around the stick on both sides so that it is not visible. Wait for the glue to set well and dry.

11. Bend the sheet back slightly (be careful: it is important not to overdo it here, otherwise the stick may break).

12. Apply a little glue at the base of the leaf and wrap a long strip of green crepe paper around the stick.

13. When you reach the edge of the stick, cut the paper and attach the end with glue.

Make 2 more leaves in the same way.

14. Use tape to attach the leaves to the stem and bend them slightly to the sides.

15. Spread a little glue at the base of the sepal, glue one end of a strip of green crepe paper and wrap it around the entire stem of the flower.

16. At the end of the stem, cut off the rest of the paper strip and secure its tip with glue.

If you can't find narrow wooden sticks that bend, you can use thick wire instead.

Based on materials from the website

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Crepe paper flowers. Master Class. Rose! Let's talk about how to make flowers out of paper!

Flowers made from such paper look light and airy; they can be used to decorate a table setting, a room, a creative studio, a kitchen, an apartment or a house.

You can create real flower bouquets using special crumpled paper. The practicality of such bouquets is that they look very, very beautiful, regardless of the season or time of year.

You can decorate a wedding table or restaurant tables or use it to decorate a hall.

In order to create chic bouquets using crepe paper, you need to know the technology of their production.

These flowers are actually very easy to make!

The difference between crepe and corrugated is that corrugated stretches, but does not spring. And the creped one is a little springy, like a rubber band, it’s like it’s slightly rubberized.

Crepe paper is often used by hairdressers in beauty salons when cutting hair.

This is what crepe paper looks like. It is not transparent at all and is quite dense, as well as water-resistant (regular corrugated paper does not have this quality).

Crepe is widely used when decorating bouquets of fresh flowers. This paper is also called “harvester”.

The edge of the flower petals can be shaped very beautifully from the reaper by bending it inward. In this way the edge will look like a shuttlecock.

While the children are busy with children's paper crafts, mom is preparing for winter and studying how to sew insulated children's trousers , because winter is just around the corner)).

If you can't find crepe paper, you can easily try using corrugated paper. But corrugated is not so elastic.

How to make flowers from crepe paper

easy to do. It brings a lot of positive emotions and decorates our lives with positivity and beautiful crafts.

In order to make flowers like the ones above in the photo, we will need:

  1. crepe or corrugated paper,
  2. scissors,
  3. glue and
  4. good mood!

The process of creating a ROSE!

1. Draw two petal shapes on cardboard and use them as templates. The petals should be of different sizes - one larger, the other smaller. We cut out five small petals, and seven large ones.

2. Shape the petals with your fingers. At the same time, we are working on fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Make the core in the form of a rose bud. To do this, cut out a square of 7cm sides from crepe paper. Then you need to fold it diagonally to form a triangle.

Now, you need to fold the far two corners to the third corner, slightly overlapping. Then we connect all the ends together and roll them up. These ends need to be attached to the end of the wire using tape or sticky tape.

All the cores with buds for paper flowers are made in this way.

4. We take the petals in our hands, one at a time. And we form them like this. The lower part of the petal needs to be gathered together, pressing it with your fingers, to create micro folds.

Flower assembly

5. Connect the petals to the base with the bud. To do this, the very first row of petals needs to be glued lower than all the other rows of petals that will follow. When we collect the first row of petals, we fasten them so that the bot of the rose is located exactly in the center of the petal of the first row.

6. Glue the next row of petals just above the first row. And we do the same with the remaining rows of petals - we glue them just above each previous row.

Thus, it turns out that the rose petals on the inside will be visually shorter than those on the outside of the entire flower.

7. When you have completely assembled the rose, use your fingers to give it a general shape and further spread the flower petals. You can wrap the edges of the petals slightly inside the rose.

These flowers look great in any interior. You can decorate the wedding dresses of the bride and groom with them, you can decorate a dress for the New Year holidays, and many more uses can be found for such beautiful flowers!

In the following master classes on creating flowers, we will talk about how to make other types of flowers using crepe or corrugated paper.

Crepe flowers are popular when decorating various items, clothing, and jewelry for celebrations.

Watch our and other master classes: , .

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