The most beautiful drought-resistant flowers and herbs. Drought-resistant flowers and plants: decorating a flowerbed in a sunny area The most beautiful drought-resistant perennials

17.11.2021 Diseases

Abundantly blooming lush flower beds provide incredible aesthetic pleasure. But every gardener knows that a lot of time and effort was spent on this beauty. Every gorgeous flower garden is the result of frequent fertilizing, timely pruning of faded plants, weeding, and most importantly, abundant watering. For most summer residents, this seems simply unthinkable. Work, worries, distance - many people go to the dacha twice a week at best. Here you can either garden or improve the garden. Fortunately, the range of garden plants is so diverse that even poor and dry soil is suitable for creating an attractive flower garden. Today we will tell readers of the New Domostroy website how you can make a flower garden at your dacha that does not require frequent watering. Drought-resistant flowers for a flower bed laid out in a sunny area will help with this.

What flowers are not afraid of drought?

You don’t have the time and opportunity to provide timely watering to your flower beds? Do flowers wither and dry up in the sun? The correct selection of drought-resistant plants that will not lose their appearance and will remain fresh even during the dry period will help solve the problem. These plants came to us from deserts or semi-deserts. Thanks to the special structure of leaves, stems and roots, they are adapted to high temperatures and drought.

If you're not sure whether a plant is adapted to living in dry conditions, look at its leaves. If they are “velvety” or “waxy”, we can say that the crop is adapted to the sun and will forgive you for rare watering.

When the flowerbed is constantly exposed to sunlight, you can decorate it with cheerful flowers. Drought-resistant plants, which can be perennial or annual, will help you in this matter. Separately, drought-resistant grasses and shrubs are distinguished.

Drought resistant perennials:

  • periwinkle;
  • coreopsis;
  • edelweiss;
  • creeping phlox;
  • sedums;
  • evening primrose;
  • sage;
  • thrift;
  • feverweed;
  • splint;
  • lavender;
  • sagebrush;
  • thyme;
  • poppies;
  • mallows.

Drought resistant annuals:

    • annual asters;
    • spurge;
    • purslane;
    • nasturtium;
    • amaranth;
    • marigold;
    • zinnias.

Drought-tolerant annuals

Drought resistant herbs and shrubs:

  • gray fescue;
  • cotoneaster horizontal;
  • Cossack and common juniper.

Drought-tolerant grasses and shrubs

Even dry, infertile soil, including sandy or rocky soil, is suitable for the growth of these plants.

It is impossible to talk in detail about each of the listed plants in one article. Therefore, we will focus on only five of them: echinacea, alpine aster, sedum, thyme and decorative onions. They are beautiful, unpretentious and combine well with each other, so they can be used in landscape design at the same time.

Drought-tolerant echinacea is a useful perennial

The main advantages of this highly decorative plant are durability and resistance to weather conditions. According to many gardeners, this is the most spectacular perennial, producing color in July-August.

Echinacea flowers resemble large multi-colored daisies with a convex core. The diameter of flower baskets ranges from 11-14 cm.

Echinacea is great for bouquets. In addition, by cutting flowers, you give the plant strength to form new buds. Bright “daisies” will delight you until autumn.

The best types and varieties:

  • Echinacea strange is the only one of the genus that can boast a bright yellow color;
  • Echinacea purpurea - meter-tall powerful bushes with dense foliage and bright purple inflorescences with a brown core;
  • White Swan - greenish-yellow center edged with white petals;
  • The king is two-meter “giants” with amazingly beautiful large (up to 15 cm) pinkish flowers;
  • Cranberry muffin is a beautiful double variety with pink and purple flowers.

Many gardeners grow the plant not only for decorative purposes.

Echinacea is famous for its medicinal properties. Infusions and decoctions from it help fight colds and infections. Echinacea is included in many homeopathic and medicinal preparations.

The time for sowing seeds is late autumn or early spring. Planting material sown directly into open ground without prior stratification. There is a possibility that out of the entire packet of seeds, only a few will be viable.

If you are not sure about the quality of the seeds, it is better to buy cuttings.

The plant feels better on calcareous or slightly alkaline dry nutrient soils. Before planting, the sandy soil is enriched with organic matter.

The bush grows in one place for three to four years.

For the winter, the bushes are pruned and covered with dry leaves.

Sedums for a bright floral carpet

This is an excellent option for alpine slides. Such plants quickly grow in strength and look fresh, even when the grass turns yellow from the heat. During the flowering period, they are completely covered with bright inflorescences.

If you plant low varieties of sedum, it will seem as if the ground is covered with a flower mat.

Plants are decorative not only during the flowering period; their dense, thick leaves also look quite impressive.

The best types and varieties:

  • Sedum sedum - forms a low decorative green mat up to 7 cm high, looks especially impressive when covered with bright yellow flowers;
  • Evers sedum is an excellent border sedum. The shoots are woody, the leaves are round with a blue tint. Small pink inflorescences appear in August;
  • White sedum - it is better to plant on poor soils, otherwise the plant will quickly cover the entire ground with a low (up to 4 cm) carpet. During the flowering period, flower stalks rise, strewn with snow-white small and very fragrant flowers;
  • Sedum reflexum grows in a bluish twenty-centimeter mat; at the beginning of summer, yellow flowers bloom on tall (up to 30 cm) peduncles.

Any well-drained soil containing compost or humus is suitable for growing sedums. The main care is to regulate the growth of the plant, otherwise the sedum may grow and occupy the entire flowerbed.

Alpine asters - a drought-resistant perennial for a flower bed in a sunny place

These are profusely flowering plants. At the beginning of summer, low, neat bushes delight the eye with blossoming simple and semi-double baskets of multi-colored flowers.

Of course, the flowers of alpine asters are not as large and lush as those of their annual “brothers”; they are more reminiscent of daisies, but this does not make them any worse. Alpine varieties of asters require little care and tolerate drought well, even blooming during the hottest summer months.

The best varieties:

  • Albus;
  • Goliath;
  • Superbus;
  • Gloria;
  • Rosea.

Asters love loose alkaline soils with a high calcium content.

Bushes can “sit” in one place for 3 years.

In the spring, as well as when transplanting and pruning, potassium-containing preparations and phosphorus should be added to the soil.

Common thyme for an extraordinary flower garden

This wild type of thyme is, of course, inferior to decorative varieties: its foliage is not so lush, and it is not covered with a lush carpet on the ground. But it has one undeniable advantage: it is unpretentious and can grow in any conditions.

The plant self-sows abundantly and quickly spreads into a lacy blanket of delicate lilac fragrant flowers.

Thyme is not afraid of trampling and responds to every touch with a fragrant trail.

It can be used as a spice.

The best types and varieties:

  • Elfin;
  • Coccineus;
  • Alba.

Thyme prefers to grow in a sunny place, but will take root well in the shade, however, in this case it will stretch out and bloom weakly. The plant is suitable for both alkaline and neutral soils. The only thing thyme needs is pruning. In early spring, the bushes are cut down to the woody part, about two-thirds.

The species composition of these plants is striking in its diversity - six hundred representatives of different species. Thanks to the variety of their shapes and colors, you can create a whole “onion” flowerbed of continuous flowering!

In addition, bows look great in bouquets. The flowers stand in water and do not lose their freshness for two weeks. How to deal with the unpleasant onion smell? Frequent water changes can solve this problem. Umbrella plants look interesting in winter bouquets. The main thing is to have time to cut the flowers while they are in full bloom and dry them with their heads down.

The best types and varieties of decorative onions:

  • Giant.
  • Ostrovsky.
  • Pray.

Acidic soils and soils with insufficient potassium are not suitable for onions. During care, dry and damaged leaves are necessarily removed, plantings are thinned out, and fertilizing is applied: nitrogen, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and complete mineral fertilizer.

If you want to create a flower garden, but you don’t have the time to care for it, and most importantly, the ability to water it, opt for drought-resistant crops. Drought-resistant plants will revive flower beds and lawns faded from the heat with their lush greenery throughout the summer and color with bright flowers. The description of popular flowers that are not afraid of drought and sun given in this material will help you make a choice.

Having selected drought-resistant flowers for a flowerbed in a sunny area, residents of southern regions with different high temperatures in summer and low rainfall, labor costs can be significantly reduced by reducing the number of waterings. Plants that easily tolerate drought are, as a rule, undemanding to the composition of the soil and do not need fertilizing. Such qualities will greatly facilitate the care of the flower garden.

Drought resistance in a number of plants is genetically determined: nature contributed to an increase in survival, which affected not only the cellular level, but also the appearance:

  • the evaporating surface of the plant has decreased or the number of parts storing moisture has increased;
  • a powerful and well-branched root system appeared, going deep into the soil.

Not all of the drought-resistant flowers bloom lushly, but not all of them look like camel thorn either.

Many plants that tolerate sun and infrequent watering are distinguished by their lushness and decorativeness despite the fact that they can survive drought. Their range is so wide that you can easily choose flowers for your flowerbed that satisfy the gardener in all respects.

Tall species

  1. A flowerbed that combines different flowers planted in tiers looks impressive: tall ones are planted in the center of a round flowerbed or in the background of a flower bed adjacent to the wall of a building. Of the tall plants in arid regions, the following are popular:
  2. 1 Karyopteris (nutwing) from early spring pleases with bright foliage, and in August and September it blooms blue fragrant inflorescences, similar to panicles, because of which in English-speaking countries it is called bluebeard. Varieties with blue and white flowers have been bred. The bushes of the plant are compact, do not fall apart, the height of the shoots is 0.5-1.5 m. With the onset of autumn, the foliage of the plant becomes especially decorative, changing color from green to various shades of brown, green and yellow.
  3. 2 Crocosmia (Montbrecia) is a bulbous iris plant native to South Africa. The smell of dried flowers is reminiscent of saffron. The height of the bushes, depending on the variety, is 0.6-1.5 m. Due to the abundance of varieties, it has an extended flowering period from June to the end of September; the flowers can be of various shades of yellow and red.

3 Mallow (mallow) is considered an annual weed, but is cultivated as an ornamental flower. This plant has 25 species, the same number of flower shapes, colors and sizes. In height (depending on the variety), mallow grows from 30 to 120 cm.

Medium height forms

  1. This is the middle tier of the flowerbed, it is closer to the edge and therefore should be lower. There will be drought-resistant plants blooming against the backdrop of the “giants” of the previous tier:
  2. 1 Echinacea from the Asteraceae family pleases the eye with an abundance of colors - burgundy, yellow, pink and purple petals surround a convex center. Straight, rough stems reach a height of 1 m. This plant has a long (about 2 months) flowering period, starting in mid-summer.
  3. 3 The bell (campanula) reaches half a meter in height. This herbaceous perennial plant blooms with purple, blue or white flowers.
  4. 4 Liatris is a corm plant that forms inflorescences with a total length of up to half a meter, blooming from top to bottom. Blooms from June to August.
  5. 5 Immortelle (tsmin) sandy - perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family up to 60 cm high. The flowers do not fade and do not lose color even after cutting.

low growing flowers

The foreground of a flowerbed in a sunny area is made up of low representatives of drought-resistant flora:

  1. 1 Marigolds are often used in landscaping and offer a variety of varieties. The bushes are compact, the shortest ones are no higher than 20 cm. Not only the bright flowers with a strong scent are decorative, but also the jagged leaves. They bloom from June until frost.
  2. 2 Phlox refers to perennials with erect or creeping stems. Although the flowers are not gigantic in size, the flowering is so abundant that the size of an individual flower does not matter. The color is varied - from pure white to dark purple. The appearance of the bushes is varied even within the species.
  3. 3 Calendula (marigold) is an ornamental herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family and is also medicinal. If you promptly remove bright yellow or orange fading flowers, new ones will appear and bloom until the end of the growing season.

What are ground covers?

Look good on an alpine slide located in the open sun:

  1. 1 Thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb) is an essential oil plant, a low-growing shrub with branches up to 35 cm long, woody stems, recumbent or ascending. Blooms from June to August.
  2. 2 Juvenile (stone rose) belongs to the Crassulaceae family. This is a perennial cover plant consisting of multi-leaved rosettes up to 15 cm in diameter. The fleshy leaves are not only decorative, but also serve as water reservoirs. They are grown not so much for their flowers, but for their decorative foliage.
  3. 3 Sedum (sedum) is another plant of the Crassulaceae family. Perennial, with fleshy leaves, star-shaped flowers bloom in summer or fall.
  4. 4 Saxifraga is able to grow even on rocks, this is an excellent indicator of its unpretentiousness. The low-growing plant blooms in spring or early summer. There are about 370 species in nature, and about 80 species are cultivated.

Only succulents can not be watered at all; all other flowers should still be given periodic watering days and loosening.

A little care - and a flowerbed made up of drought-resistant flowers will delight you with abundant blooms all season until late autumn.

Soil moisture plays a big role in the development and flowering of ornamental plants in the garden. But if the location of the site is inconvenient, when the sun’s rays dry out the soil, and it is often not possible to water it, drought-resistant flowers and herbs are chosen for the garden. They will be able to perfectly decorate the site without losing their attractiveness and vitality.

Drought-resistant perennials are numerous and decorative; they will decorate flower beds and garden beds on our site in case of insufficient watering. And rocky hills, rock gardens, and rock gardens initially assume that they will be sparsely hydrated. Drainage is specially arranged there, poor, low-nutrient soils are poured in order to artificially simulate drought, even with an irrigation system. This doesn't make them any less beautiful.

Ornamental crops that tolerate drought easily, or xerophytes, can thrive in poor soils. They love both sun and shade. There is no need to come up with an irrigation system for them; it is enough to add gravel and sand to the ground to drain the soil. Even rare watering of drought-resistant plants will not lead to their death. Layers of mulch made from sawdust, straw, and chopped leaves will help retain moisture.

Designing flower beds with drought-resistant flowers

When creating a flower garden that will decorate the site for many years, it is necessary to take into account a number of points:

  • Place of arrangement. Drought-resistant flowers feel comfortable in depleted soils. But they do not tolerate marshy soils where there is no sufficient outflow of moisture. On waterlogged soils they simply rot and die. Reliable soil drainage is a prerequisite when arranging flower beds. When laying out flower beds, the factor of illumination of the area is also important, because some drought-resistant flowers love sunny areas, while others love shady places.
  • Combination of plants. When selecting compositions, it is important to take into account the conditions for growing a particular species. Plants with different moisture needs may feel uncomfortable in close proximity. And with such a combination of plants, the gardener may have difficulties with watering.
  • Creating conditions for growth. To ensure reliable drainage, a sufficient amount of gravel and sand must be added to the soil. It is advisable to water only in the morning, thereby reducing moisture loss during the day. Plants must be planted at a sufficient distance from each other, leaving room for free growth of their above-ground parts.

Since most drought-resistant plants in nature grow on depleted soils and soils lacking vitamins, when preparing a flower garden it is better to limit the amount of organic fertilizers. The opinion that drought-resistant plants look inconspicuous compared to their sun- and moisture-loving counterparts is wrong. Among the drought-resistant plant species you can find many bright and showy decorative flowers.

Beautifully flowering, drought-resistant perennials are unpretentious in nature and can grow even on depleted soils. Many gardeners love drought-resistant plants not only for their unpretentiousness and beauty. A pleasant aroma always hovers around flower beds with these plants, attracting insects that pollinate the flowers. But even among the variety of beautiful drought-resistant plants, there are clear favorites that, even with insufficient care, can delight with lush, unique flowering throughout the season.

Drought-resistant flowers

They prefer sunny places and are unpretentious to soil. These perennials must be planted at a distance of at least 30 cm, otherwise the plants will shade each other. Cornflower does not require special care after planting and is resistant to pests and diseases. To keep your sunny flowerbed looking neat, you need to remove flowers that have faded.

While other plants are just gaining strength, and the bulbous ones have already faded, Doronicum will delight you from May to June. More than 40 species of this plant are known. The flower adapts perfectly to any conditions, so a sunny flower bed is perfect for planting it. When caring, you need to take into account that the plant has a shallow root system, and be careful when weeding and loosening the soil so as not to damage the perennial.

Lush and bright lupins, which are also planted during this period, are not only unpretentious, but also bloom twice: in June-July and August-September. They can be planted either one at a time or in groups of 2-3 plants, in which case in a couple of years you will get powerful bushes. The root system of this plant is very strong and goes to a depth of 1 meter. It should be borne in mind that the seeds of this perennial are poisonous and it is necessary to cut off the flower stalks in time. But the stems of faded lupine will be an excellent fertilizer for your flowerbed.

Blooms throughout the summer. This plant is deservedly preferred by novice gardeners and designers. After all, when choosing this perennial, you get fluffy green bushes that also bloom profusely. The small petal is a frost-resistant, not capricious and sun-loving perennial.

This herbaceous plant with bright flowers has about 90 species; it can be either erect or hanging. The plant does not require special care, but during flowering it is advisable to provide moderate watering. And, of course, to maintain the well-groomed appearance of your flower bed, you should remove dried flower stalks.

Carnations come in many varieties and colors and are perfect for a sunny flower bed. In addition to the abundance of colors, it also has a pleasant aroma. All varieties of carnations go well with other plants in the flowerbed and are not capricious.

Our mothers and grandmothers grew phlox in sunny areas. Since then, this undemanding, drought-resistant perennial has disappeared from our sight for some time. Today, the fashion for phlox has returned, and many new varieties have appeared, painted in all sorts of colors except yellow.

It's hard to imagine a person who doesn't like irises. Among the many species there are real water lovers, growing right in reservoirs. But many irises are able to grow in sunny areas with virtually no watering throughout the hot summer, while still blooming and delighting the eye with beautiful long leaves.

Peonies are among the true elite of flowering perennials that prefer sunny places. They are beautiful not only during flowering - their leaves decorate our site until frost. At the same time, peonies can hardly be watered at all; they can be content with rare rains; only in the driest summers additional moisture may be required.

Alpine aster or perennial aster, which is sometimes called “frost” because it blooms until frost, is also very drought-resistant. In addition, today there are many new varieties of various colors and sizes. It is especially good as a border perennial.

Among the many species, we are interested in mountain bells, which are drought-resistant and prefer to grow in sunny areas. Not only their flowers, but also their leaves are decorative.

Some of the most beautiful flowering perennials are daylilies. There are many varieties of different sizes and colors. At the same time, daylilies are surprisingly unpretentious, they are drought-resistant, prefer sunny areas, and their leaves remain decorative even after the flowering period. Now daylily breeding pays special attention to the development of remontant (re-blooming) varieties.

This drought-tolerant perennial is like a little sun and always brightens the mood of everyone who looks at it. The size of rudbeckia, depending on the type and variety, can vary from 30 cm to almost 2 m. It will decorate any flowerbed, will not require either abundant watering or careful care - for a successful growing season it only needs a sunny area

Today on sale you can find many highly decorative varieties of yarrow in a wide variety of colors. It is very unpretentious and the only problem this perennial can pose is that it actively reproduces by self-seeding and can even litter the area. Prefers sunny places and is very drought tolerant.

Echinacea is like a large daisy that comes in colors of red, pink, purple and purple. It is very decorative and also has unique medicinal properties. This drought-resistant perennial grows in sunny places. Flower size and color vary.

When designing a flower garden, a special place should be given to drought-resistant herbs. The most attractive among them are gray fescue, two-tasseled fescue and elimus.

Such “bumps” look impressive against the backdrop of ponds and rocky gardens. Gray fescue grows best in sunny areas with fertile, well-drained substrate. The decorative grass elymus is also attractive with its pointed bluish-gray leaves.

Decorative trees and shrubs

The beautiful barberry shrub is a clear favorite due to its unpretentiousness and drought resistance. Its thorn-strewn stems, growing up to 1 meter high, are decorated with elegant yellow, pink-brown and bright red leaves. Branched barberry shrubs love the sun, but can also grow in slightly shaded areas. Some varieties of barberry also delight you with edible bright red fruits in the fall.

Euonymus is a bright and unusually beautiful shrub, attractive with its beautiful openwork crown and small, elegant foliage. The pinkish fruits that cover the stems of the euonymus open as they ripen, revealing bright red-orange seeds. Amazing sight! But it is worth remembering that ripe fruits, like all parts of the plant, are poisonous.

The silver oleagin shrub is no less decorative. It feels most comfortable on very depleted soils, enriching and improving them with nitrogen. In place of the flowers, fruits are later set, which by autumn grow into yellowish berries with astringent, sweetish pulp.

Juniper is an absolutely undemanding and unusually beautiful forest guest that has long taken root in suburban areas.

An amazingly beautiful forest dweller, withstanding unfavorable conditions, is capable of transforming any place on the site. It will be an effective addition to a rocky garden, a multi-level flower garden, a mixborder, or a frame for a garden path.

In contact with

It can become a serious problem for the owner. Even today, not every household has a centralized water supply. Alternative sources moisture in the form of wells or artesian wells are also not always able to fully satisfy the water needs of the site.

In addition, their construction is often either not economically justified or even impossible. The only possible solution for arranging a garden in such a situation is to plant drought-resistant plants. In nature, there are a large number of plants that can survive for several weeks, or even months, without artificial watering, limiting themselves only to the moisture that reaches them in the form of rain.

Among these species there are plants of various levels, so with the right approach you can create a full-fledged ornamental garden on a dry plot without any problems. The article will discuss the best drought-resistant plants that can be used to design gardens of this kind.

Choosing plants for dry areas

This herbaceous plant, classified as a cereal crop, reaches a height of more than 1.5 m. Canary grass has a thin stem that branches at the base.

The stem is quite strong and does not break under gusts of wind.

Its leaves are alternate, narrow and long (20 cm long, 1-2 cm wide). The leaves have a characteristic color – longitudinal white-green stripes. The root system of the plant is powerful and fibrous.

Canary grass is decorative almost the entire season. It is used as a border plant or to create carpet plantings. Canary grass blooms from June to September. Propagates by self-sowing.

It is a reed grass characterized by endurance and unpretentiousness.

By all indications, it can be classified as a weed, however, it is very decorative and is often used in design. The leaves are oval-shaped, serrated along the edges. They completely cover not only the stems, but also the entire space around the flower, forming a continuous carpet.

The flowers are small and numerous, protruding above the carpet of leaves in the form of large and tall candle inflorescences on peduncles.

Grows well on slopes, rocky soils, and in full sun.

In design it is used as a front row plant or as a cover plant.

Relatively low drought-resistant grass. The height of the leaves rarely exceeds 30 cm, individual peduncles can reach up to 70 cm. Also a representative of cereals. It takes root well in sunny areas, but in the shade, on the contrary, it grows poorly. The plant is absolutely unpretentious and grows on any soil. With timely pruning of peduncles, the number of leaf masses can increase.

Used as a border plant or as a background planting.

With the slightest watering or after rain, rapid growth of vegetation begins - the bush takes the shape of a hemisphere with very dense foliage.

A very original plant, characterized by a high degree of density of leaves and stems in the root zone.

One of the most popular herbs of this type. Has many varieties. It has both heat-loving and frost-resistant forms.

And almost the entire range of fescue varieties has drought-resistant properties. The secret of the popularity of fescue is

large bushes, up to 50 cm high, spherical in shape and consisting of a huge number of stems and leaves.

There are varieties with a wide variety of colors - from emerald to dove-gray. The plant is absolutely unpretentious and tolerates both summer and winter well throughout almost the entire territory covered by a temperate climate.

Flowers and shrubs

This plant is a classic ground cover herbaceous shrub, however, reaching a height of 50-60 cm. The stems are erect, woody. When young (up to 2 years), the stems have a silvery color, which then changes to gray-green.

The leaves of the plant are simple, up to 5 cm long, 1-2 cm wide.

The flowers form small yellow inflorescences up to 5 mm in diameter, densely covering the branches and stems towards the end of summer.

Can grow in any soil, but prefers alkaline soils. After 5-6 years of growing in one place, it needs thinning and replanting.

Before planting or replanting, it is advisable to add rotted manure to the holes. Other names for the plant are goldenflower, wallflower, and polypetal. This plant has two varieties: annual and perennial.

The shrub is a cover shrub - its height rarely exceeds 30-40 cm, while the plant is very decorative: it creates a continuous carpet of white or white-yellow flowers. The branches of the plant are woody below, soft and abundantly branched above. Iberis grows on any soil; moreover, it gives preference to the poor.

Ideal soils for it would be sandy loam or rocky. Iberis is recommended for filling rock gardens, as a cover plant or as a separately growing plant. The plant reproduces in all ways -

from dividing the bush and cuttings to seed propagation. Moreover, if juniper occupies key compositions on the site, it is transformed literally before our eyes. In spring, juniper needles return to their green color.

A flower from the Tolstyankov family. Another name is garden tenacious. A very unpretentious plant, which has become widespread due to its appearance.

It is used in various design solutions, as a border or cover plant. Another name is sedum or stone rose.

Biologically, it is a fleshy grass, abundantly covered with whitish hairs. Sometimes species without pubescence are also found. The leaves can reach a length of up to 15 cm. They are formed from specific rosettes located at the ends of processes called stolons.

Not only the leaves, but also the flowers add decorative properties to the young plant.

They consist of 8-20 petals, collected in panicle-type inflorescences. Flowering begins at the beginning of summer and lasts almost the entire season. The young reproduce mainly vegetatively and, in the absence of control from the owner, can take over large territories.

One of the most popular ground cover plants used in sunny areas. It is a shrub up to 50 cm high with numerous stems-peduncles of square cross-section.

The leaves are located at the bottom of the plant; they rarely rise above 30 cm.

The color of the stems and shoots is gray-green, with grayish shades most often predominating.

It is difficult to confuse the flowering of lavender with anything else, since during this period of planting it is a continuous carpet of beautiful purple flowers. In addition, the flowering is accompanied by a wonderful aroma of lavender.

Can be grown on any soil. The main requirement that lavender makes of its owner is the presence of the Sun.

In the shade, the plant practically does not grow in growth. Tall flowers reaching 2-3.5 m in height.

Most mallow species are perennial plants with excellent adaptation to any external conditions. The leaves and flowers are located on a straight, strong and tall stem growing from a powerful rhizome. The leaves are arranged in a spiral of the stem; in its upper part there are 5010 flowers.

The flowers are quite large and bright; they are located on long stalks.

Sun-loving tree with medium dimensions. The height of the maple can reach up to 6 m; in case of intense competition with other plants, it can grow and overcome the mark of 8-10 m. Thanks to a very strong root system, it grows on any soil and can do without watering for almost the entire warm season.

It has a straight trunk, slightly branching in the first half. As a rule, the main trunk is divided into two, less often into three.

However, then it begins to branch densely so that the crown occupies as much area as possible, therefore, if this moment is missed, it will shade a very large part of the area.

However, the plant tolerates pruning well and can be “corrected” at any time.

There are many varieties of drought-resistant apple trees, usually distinguished by their small stature and high degree of spreading. Most of these plants have foliage of a peculiar color: purple or violet-pink.

Just like most drought-resistant plants, apple trees are not picky about soil composition and tolerate growing well even on rocky or sandy soils.

By the age of 4-5 years, plants actively grow in width, so when planting them, this factor must be taken into account so as not to shade the entire area.

A dacha is not only garden beds, berry bushes and fruit trees. Perennial flowers help create beauty on the site. For the garden, unpretentious, long-flowering plants are indispensable, like a magnificent frame for a canvas created by the labor of a summer resident.

Beginner gardeners may think that setting up a flower garden and caring for it is too troublesome. But with the right selection of crops, caring for flowers will not take much time, and the buds will open from early spring until late autumn.

The most unpretentious flowers for spring

Early spring in the middle zone does not please with colors. Annual flowers have not yet been sown; even the most unpretentious ones are just emerging from the ground.

Almost from under the snow, corollas of crocuses appear in white, blue, yellow and even striped colors. Plants with a height of 7 to 15 cm bloom from March to May, and after the flowers fade, they go into rest. Planting of bulbs is carried out in the traditional time frame for spring bulbous plants, from August to September. The best place for crocuses is in well-lit areas or partial shade, for example, under the crowns of bushes or trees that have not yet blossomed.


Tulips are not only the most common perennials in summer cottages, but also the most unpretentious flowers. Today, lovers of spring flowers have hundreds and thousands of magnificent varieties at their disposal. However, not everyone knows that these garden plants belong to several species, differing both in appearance and in terms of flowering.

By skillfully selecting varieties, using only tulips from 10 to 50 cm in height, you can decorate the area up to an alpine hill. The first tulips begin to bloom in March, and the latest varieties fade at the end of May.

Tulip bulbs are planted in the first half of autumn in sunny areas with loose, nutrient-rich soil.

During growth and flowering, plants need regular watering, which is stopped in the summer when the bulbs rest.

Types of garden tulips react differently to frost. If in the southern regions the most lush terry and lily varieties can be considered unpretentious plants for the cottage and garden, then in the northern regions the common Greig, Gesner and Foster tulips require annual digging.

Low-growing botanical tulips or Kaufmann tulips, which can easily winter in any climate, will help replace them.


Along with tulips, daffodils appear in garden beds. Flowering lasts from April to the last days of May, while the flowers illuminate the garden not only with bright sunny shades, but also with an exquisite aroma.

Depending on the variety, plants reach a height of 30 to 60 cm. Flowers can be either simple or double, with a short or long crown. Daffodils prefer areas with loose, fertile soil. They grow well in the sun and under the crowns that bloom at this time. The main thing is that the soil in which the bulbs were planted in the fall is not oversaturated with moisture.

Daffodils are long-blooming, unpretentious flowers for the garden, successfully used in mixed plantings with tulips, garden varieties, dicentra and other plants. Daffodils feel great in one place for several years. As they grow, they form very dense clumps, which are planted after the foliage withers, that is, at the beginning of summer.

Overwintering bulbous crops appearing “out of nowhere” in the spring, are unpretentious and bright, but at the same time their foliage cannot remain decorative for long. It dies off, exposing the space in the flowerbed, so you should take care in advance of planting nearby “replacement” crops, such as peony bushes, perennial poppies or aquilegias.


It's one thing to choose long-blooming perennials and low-maintenance flowers for a garden in the sun. Another is to find the same plants for both open and shady areas.

There are not so many shade-tolerant garden crops - a striking example of one of them is periwinkle. or small subshrubs bloom in the midst of spring and spread quickly, easily taking root upon contact with the ground.

Cultivars of periwinkle create showy clumps of fresh greenery with splashes of every shade of blue, white, pink and purple. Gardeners have at their disposal specimens with simple and double corollas, smooth and variegated foliage.

Romantic legends are associated with many ornamental plants. No exception - which, thanks to such a story, is better known not by its real name, but as a “broken heart.”

Thanks to its powerful rhizomes, dicentra tolerates winter cold without loss. The foliage dying off in autumn with the arrival of warmth again rises above the ground, in different varieties reaching a height of 30 to 100 cm. In May, the spectacular plant is covered with white, pink or two-colored corollas of a bizarre, heart-shaped shape collected in racemes. Flowering lasts about a month, and under the transparent shadow of young foliage, the drooping inflorescences of this unpretentious plant for the garden look brighter and last longer.

Dicentra will be indispensable in a flowerbed next to primroses and daffodils, muscari, ferns and decorative varieties of onions.

The flowering plant is worthy of admiration in a single planting, and after the inflorescences wither, it will become an excellent background for other flowers.

Lily of the valley

The classic spring flower bed is forest flowers that bloom in May. Thanks to creeping rhizomes, plants survive the winter. In spring, leathery leaves rolled into tight tubes first appear in flower beds, then flower stalks up to 30 cm high rise above the unfolded rosettes. Each inflorescence contains from 6 to 20 white or pinkish, fragrant bells. Flowering lasts until early summer, and then red round berries appear in place of the flowers.

The advantage of these unpretentious garden perennials is flowers that do not lose their beauty in the sun and shade, and the ability to grow in one place for up to 10 years.


In the forest next to clumps of lily of the valley you can see graceful kupena plants. Blooming from May to June, the perennial is not as colorful as other spring flowers.

But in shady areas, near conifers and shrubs, a crop with a height of 30 to 80 cm with drooping white or greenish bell flowers is simply irreplaceable.


May is the month of the brightest greenery and unusually lush flowering of garden perennials.

At this time, blue brunner flowers appear under the treetops, near paths and ponds, under the protection of walls and fences. Plants from 30 to 50 cm in height, with decorative pointed-heart-shaped foliage, prefer to settle in partial shade, where there is enough moisture and nutrition for lush leafy rosettes and inflorescences towering above them.

Soft blue, unpretentious garden flowers enliven the most shady corners, do not require special care, thanks to their attractive, often variegated foliage, they preserve their decorative value for a long time and can survive for many years without replanting.

In favorable conditions, Brunnera grows excellently and is propagated by dividing the bush.

Summer, beautiful and unpretentious flowers for the garden

Bright, fast-growing annuals color the flower beds in the most incredible colors 1–2 months after sowing. But autumn comes, and the plants end their short life. The summer resident begins the next spring with the selection of annual, ornamental crops, sowing and caring for young seedlings. This takes a lot of precious time, which could be devoted to planting vegetable seedlings and caring for fruit and berry plantings.

Long-blooming, unpretentious flowers specially selected for the garden, blooming in different seasons and not requiring painstaking care, will help save energy and time. Although they bloom only in the second half of summer or in the second year, they live in one place for several years without transplanting.

Summer is the most fertile time for flowering plants. An incredible number of species are ready to give their flowers to the summer resident. The main thing is to choose those plants that can rightfully be called unpretentious and beautiful.


When the late tulips and daffodils fade in the garden at the end of May, the decorative foliage of aquilegias or columbine plants begins to rise above the ground. The whimsical bells of this, one of the most unpretentious perennials for the garden, like on, open on tall, erect peduncles.

Flowering lasts almost without interruption from late May to September. And even without flowers, plants do not lose their charm. Their leaves turn purple and lilac tones in autumn. Depending on the variety, aquilegia can grow from 30 to 80 cm in height. All of this species grow well both in the shade and in open areas. Already from the name it is clear that the catchment loves moisture, but even with a shortage of watering it can find water thanks to its powerful taproots. Aquilegia grows best in light, well-drained soils.

Flowers appear in the second year of life. Mature plants can be divided. This can be done in early spring or autumn.

Although in favorable conditions aquilegia reproduces by self-seeding, this method does not allow preserving the properties of hybrid and varietal specimens. Seedlings are most often purple or pink in color and can become a kind of weed if the immature seed pods are not promptly removed or the flower beds are not weeded.


One of the moisture-loving, unpretentious garden flowers is also beloved by many summer residents.

Its yellow or orange flowers open in May and with regular watering do not disappear until the second half of summer. The plant, with a height of 50 to 90 cm, is noticeable enough to take the lead in group plantings near and in shady corners of the garden. Tall flower stalks will be safe next to fences and ornamental shrubs.


Although Arabis flowering begins in the second half of spring, this unpretentious perennial can rightfully be considered a summer one, since its flowering does not end until frost.

A ground cover or creeping plant with stems 20 to 30 cm long, when planted, it quickly forms dense, cushion-like clumps covered with clusters of small white, pink or purple flowers.
Trimming helps prolong flowering and maintain the shape of the plantings. Arabis feels best in open areas with light, aerated soil. This crop with variegated foliage is indispensable when decorating gardens, slides and other areas of the garden.


At the junction of spring and summer, many rhizomatous perennials take up the baton of flowering from bulbous plants. The bright doronicum with large yellow basket-shaped inflorescences reminiscent of daisies is no exception. Flowers open on erect, bare or leafy stems 30–80 cm high. Unpretentious flowers for the garden and garden are planted in the sun or in clear shade, but not under the canopy of trees.

Doronicum plants love moisture; in order to save it in the soil under light green foliage, the soil is mulched.

When flowering ends, the greenery also fades. Decorative ferns, clumps of cornflower and aquilegia, with which doronicum goes well together, will help hide the gap that forms in the flowerbed.


It's amazing how one type of perennial can brighten up an entire garden. Numerous flowers blooming from June to September can do this. Racemose or panicle-like lush inflorescences are not the only decoration of this plant. Shade-tolerant carved foliage no less enlivens the area. To do this, you just need to trim the flower stalks with dead inflorescences in time.
Depending on the variety and type, plant height ranges from 40 to 120 cm. Astilbes bloom better when the soil is regularly moistened, but do not like stagnant moisture. In garden plantings, these beautiful and unpretentious flowers for the garden look great against the background of conifers, and will themselves be a luxurious frame for.


Many cultivated varieties of garden perennials are descendants wild species, which can be found literally behind the fence of a summer cottage.

From May until the end of summer, amazingly vibrant flowers continue to bloom. Single or clustered corollas of all shades of pink, purple, lilac and blue are short-lived. Just a day, and a new one appears in place of a withered flower.

When the flowering season ends, the garden is not empty thanks to the decorative cut foliage of geraniums. By autumn, it turns into bright golden, orange and purple tones and revives dull flower beds and hills right up to the snow.

The height of the most unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden, depending on the type, ranges from 10 cm to a meter. All plants are unpretentious and do not make any special demands on the soil; they grow in the light and under the canopy.


If there is room in the garden for, or you need to plant a tall plant with bright flowers and the same decorative leaves, there can be only one answer -!

How is this possible? This is about different types loosestrife, equally unpretentious and suitable for decorating the site.

Depending on the variety and type, the flowers, which easily adapt to different conditions, have a height of 20 to 80 cm.

For shady corners and partial shade, coin or meadow loosestrife with long recumbent stems covered with coin-like rounded leaves is excellent. This crop is indispensable next to a pond, in damp areas, which will be successfully enlivened by light green foliage and yellow flowers.

To decorate flower beds, mixborders and rocky hills, upright species of loosestrife with green or variegated foliage and yellow flowers are used, forming spectacular spike-shaped inflorescences in the upper part of the stem. All loosestrife are unpretentious, tolerate frost well and are rarely affected by pests.

Perennial cornflower

Annual cornflowers relatively recently moved from the meadow to the garden. They were followed by their long-term relatives. Flowering from June to September, the plants form spectacular clumps of 40 cm to a meter high thanks to their carved, rich green foliage.

One of the most unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden, cornflowers grow well in both sun and partial shade. They do not make any special demands on the soil, get along well with other crops and will be an excellent background for peonies, cornflowers, low-growing flowering and decorative foliage plants in flower beds.

Today, gardeners have at their disposal varieties of perennial cornflower with flowers of violet-pink, lilac, purple and white colors. Large-headed cornflower has fluffy flowers of an original yellow color.

Turkish cloves

In June, the multi-colored caps of Turkish carnations open. The bright flowers with jagged petals are quite small, but collected in dense inflorescences, they will perfectly enliven a summer cottage, create a summer mood and color the flowerbeds in all shades from white to deep purple.

A distinctive feature of the plant is its flowering, which lasts until September, the possibility of propagation by self-sowing and incredible combinations of colors. The height of the Turkish carnation, depending on the variety, ranges from 40 to 60 centimeters. Plants show maximum decorativeness in light or partial shade if they are planted next to decorative foliage crops.


They are not only among the most unpretentious garden flowers. This perennial crop alone can bloom the entire area. Blue, white, pink, purple and bi-colored spike-shaped inflorescences appear in the first half of June, and then bloom again in the second half of summer.

Plants up to one meter in height bloom magnificently in the sun, do not like overly fertilized soils and, thanks to their powerful rhizomes, are able to survive in conditions of moisture deficiency. In the garden, lupine is an ideal neighbor for cornflowers, colorful aquilegias, and perennial poppies.


In terms of the splendor of flowering, perennial poppies can only be compared with. Just one plant with corollas of scarlet, pink, white and purple is enough to change the appearance of the most inconspicuous corner of the garden.

Despite their exotic appearance, poppies are completely unpretentious. They are not afraid of frost, grow excellently in any soil and tolerate drought without loss. But they react negatively to excessive moisture. Once settled on a site, with the help of very small seeds, poppy can spread independently, creating spectacular clumps of densely pubescent carved foliage.


There are more than a hundred species of irises in the world, many of which are actively used as ornamental plants. Flowering of garden varieties begins at the border of spring and summer, and continues until mid-July.

Despite the difference in color, size, and places of habitual habitat, these perennial rhizomatous plants are similar in the appearance of pointed sword-shaped leaves collected in flattened bunches, as well as the graceful shape of the flowers. Although the corollas, which open for a day or a little more, cannot be called long-lived, amia plants bloom profusely and for a long time thanks to the many simultaneous rising peduncles.

In the garden, irises prefer light or barely shaded areas with light, loose soil.

During the growing season and flowering, plants need regular soil moisture. But you need to intervene carefully in the development of the curtain. Loosening and weeding can affect powerful rhizomes located close to the surface.

Flowering shoots of irises rise 40–80 cm above the ground. White, yellow, pink, purple, cream, blue or teal flowers make a great addition to the garden and are ideal for cutting.


Daisies, together with cornflowers, are traditionally considered a symbol of Russian open spaces. Garden varieties of cornflower are the same as daisies, only much larger and more expressive. Simple and double inflorescences-baskets are crowned with erect stems from 30 to 100 cm in height.

In the garden, cornflower prefers to grow in open, well-lit areas with loose, nutrient-rich, but not too light soil. The plant responds to a lack of moisture and organic matter by producing smaller flowers over time and rapid wilting of the baskets.

Nivyanik propagates by seeds, division of adult clumps, and also by self-sowing. This must be taken into account if all crops in flower beds and mixborders have clearly defined boundaries. For the most magnificent flowering, it is advisable to divide the nevberry rosettes every few years.

The best neighbors for one of the most unpretentious perennials for the garden, as in the photo, are flowers, gypsophila, bright poppies and bells. White inflorescences look great against the background of carved greenery and cornflower inflorescences, next to ornamental cereals and onions.


Growing bells in the country is not difficult even for beginners. The plants are unpretentious, resistant to diseases and pests, and winter well without shelter. The only thing that hinders the perennial is an excess of moisture and dense, poorly drained soil.

In nature, there are many types of bells with simple, semi- and double flowers in white, blue, lilac, pink and deep purple. Plants from 20 to 120 cm in height, depending on the type and shape, find a place on the hills and as part of group plantings with cornflower, pyrethrum, lush peonies and strict cereals.

Stock rose

Easily tolerant of drought, with luxurious ornamental greenery and racemose inflorescences, it can rightfully be considered the queen of a summer cottage. Plants up to 2 meters high are among the largest in Russian gardens. They rise above other flowers and even fruit bushes.

Rose hollyhocks or hollyhocks can easily create a living wall or become the focal point of a lush flower bed. Beautiful, unpretentious flowers for the garden grow on light, well-drained soils and are propagated by seeds, including self-seeding. But moving a large plant to another place will be problematic. Transplantation is hampered by powerful long rhizomes, damage to which leads to weakening and even death of the mallow.

Simple and double, white, yellow, pink and red, burgundy and bright crimson flowers on powerful erect stems are used to decorate hedges and walls, in flower beds and as background plants. Group plantings of hollyhocks of different shades are incredibly beautiful. In front of them you can plant the same unpretentious phloxes, bells, decorative forms of onions, cornflowers and low-growing varieties, as well as any annuals.

Spicy and aromatic unpretentious perennials for the garden

When choosing long-blooming, unpretentious flowers for the garden, one should not lose sight of plants that are often popular as spicy, medicinal or fragrant herbs. At the same time, many of them are in no way inferior to flowering perennials; their flowers will decorate flower beds and can be used for cutting.

Today, gardeners have access to numerous varieties, lemon balm, and catnip. If desired, you can plant hyssop, thyme and even lavender on the site. These plants look great in a separate, “pharmaceutical” bed, but they can also be easily imagined as part of a mixborder, in a country-style flowerbed, or in the form of loose clumps near a hedge or the wall of a house.

Unpretentious and useful perennials, thanks to their lush greenery, are decorative from spring until frost. And during flowering they attract a lot of bees and other pollinating insects.


Oregano is a native inhabitant of the European part of Russia. The plant, familiar to many by its characteristic aroma of greenery and pink-lilac caps of inflorescences, prefers to settle in open, well-lit areas with light soil. In nature, oregano can be seen in clearings and forest edges, in oak groves and dry meadows.

The first green oregano appears in March, literally from under the snow. By June, the plant forms a lush cap of densely leafy shoots ranging from 20 to 50 centimeters in height. And a month later, stems with delicate inflorescences-baskets rise above the greenery.

The entire above-ground part of the plant, incredibly revered in France, Italy, and the USA, has a spicy aroma. Here, oregano is grown as a natural seasoning for sauces, salads, pasta and poultry, baked goods, in particular pizza. Tea with herbs and oregano flowers is no less tasty. Oregano or oregano is collected from July to October, while the perennial is in bloom.

Flower-strewn herbaceous shrubs of oregano are magnificent in the company of cornflowers, lupins, rudbeckia, clouds of white-pink gypsophila and cereals.


Lofant or polygonum with lilac-violet or white spike-shaped inflorescences is one of the most noticeable medicinal and ornamental perennial plants. In the garden, the crop easily inhabits the brightest areas, does not feel discomfort even in the hottest sun and winters well, showing everyone the first greenery with a purple or bluish tint from early spring.

Lofant is so unpretentious that it grows and blooms not only with a lack of moisture, but also on poor soils. Simple care and a little attention - and the unassuming plant will generously share with the summer resident a fragrant herb that smells like anise or licorice, rich in essential oils and useful for colds, diseases of the digestive system and urinary system.

In the garden, the spectacular inflorescences of lofanthus will not go unnoticed by either people or bees. The plant, which blooms from June until the end of summer, is suitable for decorating front gardens and can easily be cut.


Monarda with white, pink, lilac and purple inflorescences is also a resident of sunny, wind-protected corners of the garden with light soil.

For decorative purposes, this fragrant perennial is planted next to other similar plants, as well as in the vicinity of coreopsis and, cornflower and low-growing annuals, for which monarda up to a meter high will be a luxurious background.

It is interesting to combine this plant with annual, blue and white large-flowered bells, sedums and other crops, which allow you to imitate a corner of a wild meadow in the garden.

In summer cottages you can often find lemon monarda. Its greenery during the flowering period, that is, from July to September, accumulates a lot essential oils, close to the oils of lemon balm, hyssop, and other spicy-flavoring and medicinal plants their family Yasnotkovyh.

Autumn unpretentious flowers: long-flowering perennials for the garden

With the onset of September, autumn comes into its own more and more quickly. But it’s too early to part with the beauty of the garden. Until the snow falls, clumps of garden geraniums are striking with the play of bright colors, bergenia is dressed up in purple tones, and on the hills and borders you are surprised by the bizarre forms of sedum. There are also many unpretentious garden perennial flowers in the garden.


It is considered one of the brightest “stars” of the autumn flower bed. These plants overwinter excellently in most regions, form green clumps in the spring, and bloom in the second half of summer, maintaining an incredible variety of colors and splendor of inflorescences almost until October.

Depending on the type and variety, phlox will be indispensable in alpine hills and traditional flower beds, near small ponds and next to buildings where tall plants perfectly decorate at any time of the year.

The list of cultivated phlox today includes more than four dozen species, among which only Drummond’s phlox is an annual. All other creeping, bushy, semi-lodging forms with stems from 20 to 150 cm in height are ready to settle in the garden of a lover of decorative and unpretentious perennial flowers for many years.

Perennial asters

Annual asters are the constant leaders of the list of garden annuals for the dacha and garden. However, the true ones are often and undeservedly forgotten.

From August until the snow, these plants bloom, illuminating the entire area with flashes of blue, white, pink, and purple. There are more than 200 species of perennial asters, varying in size, lifestyle and shape. The Alpine aster is quite small, and its inflorescences-baskets are located on herbaceous erect stems, reminiscent of the familiar chamomile. And the Italian variety has the form of a herbaceous, densely leafy shrub, completely covered with medium-sized flowers. Moreover, all types are extremely decorative and unpretentious.

The height of perennial asters varies from 20 centimeters to one and a half meters. Flowers can be not only of different colors, but simple and double. These perennials form dense dark green clumps in the spring, easily tolerate excess light and lack of moisture in the summer, and completely transform the garden in the fall.

Bush forms can be shaped and can be used to create dense living borders and picturesque groups with other autumn plants.

The only drawback of perennial aster is inherent in many perennial crops. A plant that takes root in the garden begins to multiply uncontrollably, quickly developing new territories. To prevent a previously variegated flowerbed from turning into a “kingdom” of asters, you will have to monitor the spread of the shrub and regularly remove the shoots.

Each of the 30 described ornamental plants can claim the title of the most unpretentious perennial flower for the garden. They are all beautiful and amazing in their own way. In fact, the list of non-capricious cultures that require minimal attention and generously share their beauty is not three dozen, but much larger. You just have to look around, notice and move an interesting plant into the garden, choosing a suitable place and neighborhood for the flower.

Video about ground cover perennials in the garden