Top best short romance novels. The best "women's" novels. "Dangerous Liaisons" by Choderlos de Laclos

05.11.2021 Medicines 
A woman is made of contradictions. Each of us is a sublime and down-to-earth creature, sometimes thoughtful, sometimes warlike. We fall in love and soar above the clouds as often as we argue and fight. Unpretentiously naive, we can become hostile and strict in an instant. Dozens of thoughts visit clear women’s heads every minute, but there is an opinion that women never think about anything... We are mysterious, passionate, smart and beautiful. Our priorities change more often than not fashion trends. We have hundreds of preferences and thousands of desires. And of course, we love to read. But not only other people's letters, romance novels, autobiographical books of famous ladies and mysterious fiction. We have our own, purely feminine interests: versatile, comprehensive, captivating. Hence the selection of books dear to the heart. They are so different...but all publications have one thing in common - the increased interest of the female half of humanity in love affairs and literature.

1. Gone with the wind. Margaret Mitchell (Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell)

A novel about the beautiful Scarlett and the American Civil War. Intrigue, politics, economics, and, of course, a love triangle.

2. Singing in the thorn bushes. Colleen McCullough (The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough)

A great bestseller, one of the best-selling books in the world. It's about the lives of seven main characters. Serious feelings, trials, religion and life's ups and downs are skillfully described in the work. The film adaptation of the novel is also popular.

3. Pride and hubris (Pride and Prejudice). Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)

This is the author's most popular novel. The work describes the confrontation between a proud aristocrat and a highly educated poor girl. Parallel plot lines perfectly reveal the peculiarities of life in the described places and social conventions.

Other world-famous works of the author:
Northanger Abbey
Feelings and sensitivity
Mansfield Park

4. Anna Karenina. Lev Tolstoy

The life, customs and psychology of the nobles are perfectly conveyed. The whole plot is based on the passionate love of a married lady for an officer. A love triangle, condemnations, unthinkable actions and the philosophy of relationships awaits you on the pages of this great work. I highly recommend re-reading for those who have only briefly read the novel. school curriculum.

8. Angelica. Anne and Serge Golon (Angélique. Anne et Serge Golon)

The heroine of the series of novels is Angelique, the daughter of an impoverished French nobleman. At first, life brought her together with extremely smart, learned, charming and witty people. Love, tragedies, the birth of children, the underbelly of the life of nobles, endless intrigues and bribery taught the heroine to resist the meanness and deceit of those around her, strengthening her character and willpower. The incredible adventures of Angelica have captivated readers for decades.

9. Novels by Jodi Picoult

Almost all of the American woman’s novels describe civil or criminal proceedings, revealing the characters’ feelings, relationships, outlook on life, nuances of upbringing and religious themes. Unique, rare diseases, the worst tragedies, terrible trials and sincere feelings - this is an incomplete list of plot directions characteristic of the author’s works.
Plain Truth - Holy truth
Salem Falls - The Fall of Salem (Cruel Intentions)
My Sister's Keeper - Angel for sister
Vanishing Acts - Abduction
Nineteen Minutes - Nineteen minutes
Change of Heart - Someone else's heart
Handle With Care - Fragile Soul
Sing You Home - Special Relationship
Lone Wolf - Lone Wolf

10. Novels by Sandra Brown

The creator of more than fifty bestsellers, a recognized novelist who describes feelings. Passions, love triangles, bright personalities and complex relationships. Interesting storylines, various adventures, and deep feelings of the characters never cease to attract the audience to the author’s works.
Silent scream

Heat of the skies

Breakfast in bed
There is no smoke without fire
Don't send flowers
Of your own free will

11. Novels by Danielle Steel

The author's full name is Danielle Fernande Dominique Muriel Emily Schuelein-Steel. Her bibliography includes more than 70 works. These are books about love, men and women, happiness, joy, sorrows and sorrows, ordinary life events and unusual, often hidden, problems. The stories are real, understandable, and interesting. Empathy for the heroes is guaranteed.
Books most popular in the post-Soviet space:
Series "Exiled from Paradise"
Series "Ghost of Mystery"

Come back love

12. Loneliness on the Internet, Janusz Wisniewski

A novel about relationships that began on the Internet. The main communication between the characters occurs through correspondence. At the same time, their own lives, work, and relationships with others are described. A relevant work in light of the increasing popularity of virtual communication.

13. Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte (Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontë)

A work about an orphaned girl who went through a series of life trials. Difficulties in communicating with guardians, studying in a boarding school, wandering in search of oneself and calling.

14. Short stories and novels by Francoise Sagan

The author’s works are permeated with feelings - love and hatred, joy and sadness, melancholy and bursts of happiness. Novels, short stories, plays, although different, are united by a common desire to show a woman and her facets, moods, desires.

The best works were recognized:
Velvet eyes / Des yeux de soie
Blue glasses / Les fougères bleues
House of Raquel Vega / La maison de Raquel Vega
Guardian Angel / Le Garde du cœur, Éditions Julliard
A little sun in cold water / Un peu de soleil dans l’eau froide
Bruises on the soul / Des bleus à l"âme
Unclear profile / Un Profile perdu
The Rumpled Bed / Le Lit defait
Woman in makeup / La Femme fardée
Immovable thunderstorm (When a thunderstorm approaches / Un Orage immobile
And the cup overflowed / De guerre lasse
Detours / Les Faux-Fuyants

15. Sex and the City by Candace Bushnell (Sex & The City by Candace Bushnell)

The book consists of a collection of materials from the journalist, which were published in her author's column. A shocking, frank, bright work that tells about life in a big city with the smallest intimate details and discussions on all sorts of topics. The author has written articles for The New York Observer since 1994.

In "NG - ExLibris" in the issue dated January 31, 2008, under the heading "From the Divine Bottle of Master Francois Rabelais to the scandalous "Blue Lard" by Vladimir Sorokin," a very interesting and controversial list of "100 novels, which, in the opinion of the editorial team of "NG-Ex" libris" shocked the literary world and influenced the entire culture."

“The millennium has just begun, we can take stock. Including literary ones. The year is also at the very beginning, we bring to your attention a list of the 100 best, in the opinion of the editors of NG-EL, novels of all times and peoples.
In the end, why are we worse? The British/Americans compile their lists of great novels, including either boring modern English-language fiction, or even more boring, but long-forgotten English-language fiction. Having added “for objectivity” several Russian novels, several things from world literature. We are also biased, we also include only what we know, what we are sure of - after all, this is precisely our choice. We really want to be objective, but absolute objectivity is impossible in such lists. Although we, of course, have much more English-language novels than the English-Russians. We are not touchy. And if we like something, we say we like it.
Of course, the novels of living (or recently deceased) authors are closer and more understandable to us, which is why there are more of them than there should be. If we had written our list 100 years ago, we would probably have included Artsybashev, Veltman, Chernyshevsky, Pisemsky, Krestovsky, Leskov and Merezhkovsky (they would still be worth including now, but their stories and tales, like many others not included, are perhaps all -that’s better) etc. Of course, many did not enter. Those without whom literature is unthinkable. Ivan Bunin, for example. Or Edgar Allan Poe. Or Anton Chekhov. Or Knut Hamsun, author of many excellent novels. But his best work is “Hunger” - a story! A similar story, by the way, is with Yuz Aleshkovsky. He has novels, but " Business Cards" - "Masking" and "Nikolai Nikolaevich" - stories, damn them three times wrong!
Others, on the contrary, entered “through connections.” For example, Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” is a poem, but the author called his work “a novel in verse.” So it's a novel. On the other hand, and " Dead Souls"Gogol, and "Moscow-Petushki" by Erofeev, according to the authors, are poems. Yes, poems. But if these are not novels, then what are novels? What do Sergei Minaev and Oksana Robski write? So our position is not a contradiction, it is a dialectic, our editorial arbitrariness.
Despite the exceptional prevalence of the novel genre, its boundaries are still not clearly defined. Most literary scholars believe that the genre of large narrative works called the novel arose in Western European literature of the 12th–13th centuries, when the literary creativity of the third estate began to take shape, led by the trading bourgeoisie. As a result, the genre of the novel replaced the heroic epic and legend that dominated ancient and feudal knightly literature. It is not for nothing that Hegel called the novel a “bourgeois epic.” Therefore, you will not find in our list either “The Golden Ass” by Apuleius or “Parsifal” by Wolfram von Eschenbach. An exception is made only for the works of Rabelais and Cervantes, which can be considered embryonic novels, or proto-novels.
Let us repeat: this is solely our choice, subjective and biased. As is customary, we included some in vain, while others, on the contrary, were unfairly ignored. Make up your own version. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.
You can see the list itself in today's issue of NG-EL. With brief comments. We have arranged the novels in chronological order (either by time of writing or by date of first publication).

“100 novels that, according to the editorial team of NG - Ex libris, shocked the literary world and influenced the entire culture”

1. Francois Rabelais. "Gargantua and Pantagruel" (1532–1553).
An extravaganza of mental health, rude and kind jokes, a parody of parodies, a catalog of everything. How many centuries have passed and nothing has changed.

2. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. “The cunning hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” (1605–1615).
A parody that has survived the parodied works for many centuries. A comic character who became tragic and a household name.

3. Daniel Defoe. “The life and amazing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a sailor from York, who lived twenty-eight years all alone on an uninhabited island off the coast of America near the mouth of the Orinoco River, where he was thrown by a shipwreck, during which the entire crew of the ship died except him; with an account of his unexpected liberation by pirates, written by himself" (1719).
An extremely accurate embodiment in artistic form of the ideas of Renaissance humanism. Fictionalized proof that an individual person has independent value.

4. Jonathan Swift. "The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, and then a captain of several ships" (1726).
A biography of a man who encountered incredible forms of intelligent life - Lilliputians, giants, intelligent horses - and who found not only a common language with them, but also many common traits with his fellow tribesmen.

5. Abbot Prevost. "The History of the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon Lescaut" (1731).
In fact, “Manon...” is a story, an inserted chapter in the multi-volume novel “Notes of a Noble Man Who Retired from the Light.” But it was this inserted chapter that became the masterpiece of the love story, which amazed not so much his contemporaries as his descendants, a masterpiece that eclipsed everything else written by Prevost.

6. Johann Wolfgang Goethe. “The Sorrows of Young Werther” (1774).
They say that in the 18th century, young people committed suicide after reading this novel. And today the story of a vulnerable person, unable to defend his “I” in the face of hostile reality, leaves no one indifferent.

7. Laurence Stern. "The Life and Beliefs of Tristram Shandy" (1759-1767).
A charming game of nothing and never. Subtle postmodernism, a cheerful and light struggle between the witty and the risky. The entire text is on the edge, from here, from the opinions of the gentleman Shandy, arose not only Sasha Sokolov, not only Bitov, but even Sigismund Krzhizhanovsky, alas, a storyteller, not a novelist.

8. Choderlos de Laclos. "Dangerous Liaisons" (1782).
A moralizing novel in letters from the life of a courtly 18th century. Vice weaves cunning intrigues, causing one to exclaim: “Oh times! Oh morals! However, virtue still triumphs.

9. Marquis de Sade. "120 days of Sodom" (1785).
The first computer game in the history of world literature with cut off parts of the bodies and souls of puppet characters, a multi-level cutter-strangler-burner. Plus black, black humor in a black, black room on a black, black night. It's scary, it's creepy.

10. Jan Potocki. "Manuscript Found at Zaragoza" (1804).
A labyrinth-like novel-box in short stories. The reader gets from one story to another without having time to catch his breath, and there are only 66 of them. Amazing adventures, dramatic events and mysticism of the highest standard.

11. Mary Shelley. "Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus" (1818).
A Gothic story that unleashed a whole “brood” of themes and characters, subsequently picked up by many and still exploited to this day. Among them are an artificial man, a creator who is responsible for his work, and a tragically lonely monster.

12. Charles Maturin. "Melmoth the Wanderer" (1820).
A true gothic novel full of mystery and horror. Paraphrase on the theme of the Eternal Jew Agasfer and the Seville Seducer Don Juan. And also a novel of temptations, varied and irresistible.

13. Honore de Balzac. "Shagreen Skin" (1831).
The most terrible novel by Balzac, the first and best author of serials to date. “Shagreen Skin” is also part of his large series, it’s just a smaller and smaller piece; I really don’t want to finish reading it, but it’s already uncontrollably drawing me into the abyss.

14. Victor Hugo. "Notre Dame Cathedral" (1831).
An apology for romance and social justice based on the French Middle Ages, which still has a lot of fans - at least in the form of a musical of the same name.

15. Stendhal. "Red and Black" (1830–1831).
Dostoevsky made from this - from a newspaper crime chronicle - a tendentious accusatory pamphlet with philosophy. Stendhal wrote a love story where everyone is to blame, everyone is pitied, and most importantly - passion!

16. Alexander Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin" (1823–1833).
A novel in verse. The story of love and life of an “extra person” and an encyclopedia of Russian life, which, thanks to the critic Belinsky, we know about from school.

17. Alfred de Musset. “Confession of the Son of the Century” (1836).
“Hero of Our Time,” written by Eduard Limonov, but without the swear words and loving African-Americans. There is plenty of love here, however, there is plenty of melancholy, despair and self-pity, but there is also sober calculation. I’m the last bastard, says the lyrical hero. And he is certainly right.

18. Charles Dickens. "Posthumous Notes of the Pickwick Club" (1837).
A surprisingly funny and positive work by an English classic. All of old England, all the best that was in it, was embodied in the image of a noble, good-natured and optimistic old man - Mr. Pickwick.

19. Mikhail Lermontov. "Hero of Our Time" (1840).
The story of the “superfluous man”, who nevertheless became, or rather, precisely for this reason, an example to follow for many generations of pale young men.

20. Nikolai Gogol. "Dead Souls" (1842).
It is difficult to find a larger picture of Russian life at its deepest, mystical level. Moreover, written with such a combination of humor and tragedy. In her heroes they see both accurate portraits painted from life and images of evil spirits weighing down the nation.

21. Alexandre Dumas. "The Three Musketeers" (1844).
One of the most famous historical adventure novels is an encyclopedia of French life in the era of Louis XIII. Musketeer heroes - romantics, revelers and duelists - still remain the idols of young people of primary school age.

22. William Thackeray. "Vanity Fair" (1846).
Satire, only satire, no humor. Everyone is against everyone, snobs sit on top of snobs and accuse each other of snobbery. Some contemporaries laughed because they did not know that they were laughing at themselves. Now they also laugh, and also because they don’t know that time has changed, not people.

23. Herman Melville. "Moby Dick" (1851).
A novel-parable about American whalers and the consequences of obsession with one single unrealistic desire that completely enslaves a person.

24. Gustave Flaubert. "Madame Bovary" (1856).
A novel that ended up in the dock as a magazine publication - for offending morality. The heroine, who sacrificed family ties and reputation for love, is tempting to be called a French Karenina, but “Madame” was more than twenty years ahead of “Anna.”

25. Ivan Goncharov. "Oblomov" (1859).
The most Russian hero of the most Russian novel about Russian life. There is nothing more beautiful and destructive than Oblomovism.

26. Ivan Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons" (1862).
Anti-nihilistic satire, which became a revolutionary guide to action, then satire again, will soon be a guide again. And so on endlessly. Because Enyusha Bazarov is eternal.

27. Mine Reid. "The Headless Horseman" (1865).
The most tender, the most American, the most romantic of all American novels. Probably because it was written by a Briton who was truly in love with Texas. He scares us, but we are not afraid, for this we love him even more.

28. Fyodor Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment" (1866).
A novel of contrasts. Napoleonic plans of Rodya Raskolnikov lead him to the most vulgar crime. No scope, no greatness - just filth, dirt and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. He can't even use stolen goods..

29. Leo Tolstoy. "War and Peace" (1867–1869).
War, peace and the inhabited universe of the human spirit. An epic about any war, about any love, about any society, about any time, about any people.

30. Fyodor Dostoevsky. "The Idiot" (1868–1869).
An attempt to create an image of a positively beautiful person, which can be considered the only successful one. And that Prince Myshkin is an idiot is just normal. As well as the fact that everything ends in failure.

31. Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. "Venus in Furs" (1870).
The work on the eroticization of suffering, begun by Turgenev, was continued by his Austrian admirer. In Russia, where suffering is one of the “most important, most fundamental spiritual needs” (according to Fyodor Dostoevsky), the novel is of undiminished interest.

32. Fyodor Dostoevsky. "Demons" (1871–1872).
About Russian revolutionaries - atheists and nihilists - second half of the 19th century century. A prophecy and a warning that, alas, was not heeded. And besides, murders, suicides, quirks of love and passion.

33. Mark Twain. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (1876) / "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (1884).
A novel of two books. A forerunner of postmodernism: the same events are shown through the eyes of two boys - younger (Tom) and older (Huck).

34. Leo Tolstoy. "Anna Karenina" (1878).
A furious love story, a riot married woman, her struggle and defeat. Under the wheels of a train. Even militant feminists are crying.

35. Fyodor Dostoevsky. "The Brothers Karamazov" (1879–1880).
A parricide in which - one way or another - all the sons of Fyodor Karamazov are involved. Freud read and came up with the Oedipus complex. For Russians, the main thing is: is there God and the immortality of the soul? If there is, then not everything is allowed, and if not, then I’m sorry.

36. Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. “Gentlemen Golovlevs” (1880–1883).
The pinnacle of literary activity of the harshest Russian satirist of the 19th century, the final verdict on the serfdom system. An unusually vivid image of an ugly family - people distorted by a combination of physiological and social conditions.

37. Oscar Wilde. "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1891).
A magical, fabulous, wonderful, touching and airy story of the rapid transformation of a young scoundrel into an old bastard.

38. Herbert Wells. "The Time Machine" (1895).
One of the pillars of modern social science fiction. He was the first to demonstrate that you can move back and forth in time, and also that a light genre can raise very serious problems.

39. Bram Stoker. "Dracula" (1897).
A bridge between the measured Victorian literature and the energetic adventure prose of the twentieth century. A work that first turned a petty Orthodox prince, balancing between Islamic Turkey and Catholic Germany, into the embodiment of absolute Evil, and then made him a movie star.

40. Jack London. "The Sea Wolf" (1904).
Maritime romance is only the background for the portrait of Captain Larson, an amazing personality combining brute force and philosophical thought. Later, such people became the heroes of Vladimir Vysotsky’s songs.

41. Fedor Sologub. "Little Demon" (1905).
The most realistic thing in all decadent literature. The story is about what envy, anger and extreme selfishness can lead to.

42. Andrey Bely. "Petersburg" (1913–1914).
A novel in verse, written in prose. Moreover, about terrorists and Russian statehood.

43. Gustav Meyrink. "Golem" (1914).
A fascinating occult novel, the action of which takes place on the verge of reality and sleep, the dark streets of the Prague ghetto and the intricate labyrinths of the author's consciousness.

44. Evgeny Zamyatin. "We" (1921).
An ideal totalitarian state seen through the eyes of a mathematician. Literary proof that social harmony cannot be verified by algebra.

45. James Joyce. "Ulysses" (1922).
The novel is a labyrinth from which no one has yet managed to escape alive. Not a single literary Theseus, not a single literary Minotaur, not a single literary Daedalus.

46. ​​Ilya Ehrenburg. "The Extraordinary Adventures of Julio Jurenito" (1922).
A satire in which the 20th century is depicted as the main character, Julio Jurenito. A book, some pages of which turned out to be prophetic.

47. Jaroslav Hasek. “The adventures of the good soldier Schweik during the World War” (1921–1923).
Common sense in times of plague. A hero who is declared an idiot for being the only normal one. The funniest book about war.

48. Mikhail Bulgakov. " White Guard"(1924).
Nothing and no one can save the sinking ship of the past. All the more tempting is a toy house where real soldiers who lost the war against their people will be truly killed.

49. Thomas Mann. "The Magic Mountain" (1924).
Tomorrow there was a war. Only the First World War. And indeed – the Magic Mountain. Up there, where the mountains are, you want to sit out and escape from the plague (any kind, it is approximately the same at all times and in all countries), but you just can’t. The magic doesn’t work, they’re already waiting downstairs, and they have very good arguments.

50. Franz Kafka. "The Trial" (1925).
One of the most complex and multifaceted novels of the 20th century, giving rise to hundreds of mutually exclusive interpretations ranging from an entertainingly told dream to an allegory of the metaphysical search for God.

51. Francis Scott Fitzgerald. "The Great Gatsby" (1925).
A novel from the American Jazz Age. Literary scholars are still arguing: either the author buried the great American dream in it, or simply regrets the eternal delay of today, sandwiched between the memory of the past and the romantic promise of the future.

52. Alexander Green. "Running on the Waves" (1928).
A beautifully romantic extravaganza that has helped many generations of young people and girls survive puberty and gain faith in Good and Light and in their own higher destiny.

53. Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov. "Twelve Chairs" (1928).
A picaresque novel from the era of building socialism with the main character-adventurer Ostap Bender. A satire on Soviet society of the 1920s – on the verge of anti-Sovietism, fortunately, almost unnoticed by the censors of those years.

54. Andrey Platonov. "Chevengur" (1927–1929).
The history of the construction of communism in a single village. Perhaps the most disturbing novel is about the explosion of messianic and eschatological sentiments in the first post-revolutionary years.

55. William Faulkner. "The Sound and the Fury" (1929).
The humble charm of the magical American South. Legends, fairy tales, myths. They don’t let go, they still haunt the Americans, because they have to be afraid of the past. Faulkner comes up with the American Zurbagan, the only way to escape there.

56. Ernest Hemingway. "A Farewell to Arms!" (1929).
Military prose, overseas military prose. War without war, peace without peace, people without faces and eyes, but with glasses. The glasses are full, but they drink from them slowly, because the dead do not get drunk.

57. Louis Ferdinand Celine. "Journey to the End of Night" (1932).
Stylish and sophisticated chernukha. Without hope. Slums, poverty, war, dirt, and no light, no ray, just a dark kingdom. You can't even see the corpses. But they are, the journey must continue as long as Charon is having fun. Especially for tolerant optimists.

58. Aldous Huxley. "Oh, wonderful new world"(1932).
Interpreters argue: is it a utopia or a dystopia? Be that as it may, Huxley managed to anticipate the benefits and ills of the modern “consumer society.”

59. Lao She. “Notes about Cat City” (1933).
Cats have nothing to do with it. Even foxes, traditional for the Chinese, have nothing to do with it either. This is the government, these are the readers in civilian clothes who have come and knocked on the door. It starts out fun and allegorical and ends with a Chinese torture chamber. Very beautiful, very exotic, you just want to howl and growl, and not meow.

60. Henry Miller. "Tropic of Cancer" (1934).
The moan and howl of the male, longing for cities and years. The most physiologically crude poem in prose.

61. Maxim Gorky. "The Life of Klim Samgin" (1925–1936).
Almost an epic, a political leaflet written almost in verse, the agony of the intelligentsia of the beginning of the century - relevant both at the end and in the middle.

62. Margaret Mitchell. "Gone with the Wind" (1936).
A harmonious combination of women's prose with an epic picture of American life of the times Civil War North and South; deservedly became a bestseller.

63. Erich Maria Remarque. "Three Comrades" (1936–1937).
One of the most famous novels on the theme of the “lost generation”. People who have gone through the crucible of war cannot escape the ghosts of the past, but it was the military brotherhood that united the three comrades.

64. Vladimir Nabokov. "The Gift" (1938–1939).
A poignant theme of exile: a Russian emigrant lives in Berlin, writes poetry and loves Zina, and Zina loves him. The famous Chapter IV is the biography of Chernyshevsky, the best of all existing ones. The author himself said: “The Gift” is not about Zina, but about Russian literature.

65. Mikhail Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita" (1929–1940).
A unique synthesis of satire, mystery and love story, created from a dualistic perspective. A hymn to free creativity, for which it will certainly be rewarded - even after death.

66. Mikhail Sholokhov. " Quiet Don"(1927–1940).
Cossack "War and Peace". War during the Civil War and a world that we will destroy to the ground, so that later we will never build anything again. The novel dies towards the end of the novel, an amazing incident in literature.

67. Robert Musil. "The Man Without Qualities" (1930–1943).
For many years, Musil matched extremely polished lines to one another. It is not surprising that the filigree novel remained unfinished.

68. Hermann Hesse. "The Glass Bead Game" (1943).
A philosophical utopia, written in the midst of the most terrible war of the 20th century. Anticipated all the main features and theoretical constructs of the postmodern era.

69. Veniamin Kaverin. "Two Captains" (1938–1944).
A book that called on Soviet youth to “fight and search, find and not give up.” However, the romance of distant travels and scientific research captivates and attracts to this day.

70. Boris Vian. "Foam of Days" (1946).
The elegant French Kharms, an ironist and postmodernist, covered the entire contemporary culture with feathers and diamonds. Culture still cannot be washed away.

71. Thomas Mann. "Doctor Faustus" (1947).
Composer Adrian Leverkühn sold his soul to the devil. And he began to compose magnificent, but terrifying music, where hellish laughter and a pure children's choir sound. His fate reflects the fate of the German nation, which succumbed to the temptation of Nazism.

72. Albert Camus. "The Plague" (1947).
A metaphorical novel about the “plague of the 20th century” and the role that the invasion of evil plays in the existential awakening of man.

73. George Orwell. "1984" (1949).
A dystopia imbued with Western society's deep-seated fear of the Soviet state and pessimism about human ability to resist social evil.

74. Jerome D. Salinger. "The Catcher in the Rye" (1951).
Touching teenager Holden Caulfield, who does not want (and cannot) be like everyone else. This is why everyone immediately fell in love with him. Both in America and in Russia.

75. Ray Bradbury. "Fahrenheit 451" (1953).
A dystopia that has long come true. Books are not burned now, they are simply not read. We switched to other storage media. Bradbury, who always wrote about a village (well, maybe a Martian one or something else, but still a village), is especially furious here. And he is absolutely right in his rage.

76. John R. R. Tolkien. "The Lord of the Rings" (1954–1955).
A three-volume saga-fairy tale about the struggle between Good and Evil in a fictional world, which accurately reflected the aspirations of people of the twentieth century. Made millions of readers worry about the fate of gnomes, elves and hairy-footed hobbits, as if they were their fellow tribesmen. It shaped the fantasy genre and spawned many imitators.

77. Vladimir Nabokov. "Lolita" (1955; 1967, Russian version).
A shocking, but literary sophisticated story about the criminal passion of an adult man for a young girl. However, lust here strangely turns into love and tenderness. Lots of touching and funny stuff.

78. Boris Pasternak. Doctor Zhivago (1945–1955).
A novel by a brilliant poet, a novel that won the Nobel Prize in Literature, a novel that killed the poet - killed him physically.

79. Jack Kerouac. "On the Road" (1957).
One of the cult works of the beatnik culture. The poetry of the American highway in all its rugged charm. Chasing a hipster that ends in nothing. But it's fun to chase.

80. William Burroughs. "Naked Lunch" (1959).
Another cult composition of the beatnik culture. Homosexuality, perversion, glitches and other horrors. An interzone populated by secret agents, mad doctors and all kinds of mutants. But overall, it’s a hysterical rhapsode, repulsive and fascinating.

81. Witold Gombrowicz. "Pornography" (1960).
Despite the fact that the provocative title does not correspond to the content, none of those who mastered this sensual-metaphysical novel were left disappointed.

82. Kobo Abe. "Woman in the Sands" (1962).
Russian melancholy without Russian open spaces. Vertical escape. From skyscrapers to sand pit. Escape without the right to return, without the right to stop, without the right to rest, without any rights whatsoever. A woman can only cover her with sand, only fall asleep. Which is what she does. The escape is considered successful: the fugitive was not found.

83. Julio Cortazar. "Hopscotch" (1963).
A novel woven from novels. Interactive games, call, Mr. Reader, live, I will do as you say. Latin Americans love to gamble, they are very gambling. This novel is a high-stakes literary gamble. Some win.

84. Nikolay Nosov. "Dunno on the Moon" (1964–1965).
Fairy tale novel. Only there is very little fairy tale here, but a lot of funny and scary things. The most accurate, most realized dystopia of the twentieth century. And now this book is still coming true and coming true.

85. John Fowles. "The Magus" (1965).
The life and terrifying adventures of the soul and meaning of modern Robinson Crusons on, alas, an inhabited island of pure nightmares. No one will ever forgive anyone for anything.

86. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (1967).
Full of drama is the story of the fictional city of Macondo, founded by a passionate tyrant leader interested in the mystical secrets of the Universe. The mirror that reflected real story Colombia.

87. Philip K. Dick. “Do Robots Dream of Electric Sheep” (1968).
A work that asks the question “Are we who we think we are, and is reality as our eyes see it?” It forced serious philosophers and cultural scientists to turn to science fiction and at the same time infected several generations of writers and filmmakers with a specific paranoia.

88. Yuri Mamleev. "Connecting Rods" (1968).
A metaphysical novel about a mysterious esoteric circle, whose members try in different ways to escape from the everyday world into the beyond.

89. Alexander Solzhenitsyn. “In the First Circle” (1968).
A novel about a “good” camp, a novel about something that, it would seem, is not so scary, which, apparently, has such a powerful effect. In a complete nightmare you no longer feel anything, but here - when “you can live” - here you understand that there is no life and cannot be. The novel is not even devoid of humorous scenes and this also makes it even more effective. Let's not forget that the circle may be the first, but this is not a life preserver, but one of the circles of Kolyma hell.

90. Kurt Vonnegut. "Slaughterhouse-Five, or the Children's Crusade" (1969).
A funny and crazy novel in a schizophrenic-telegraphic style. The bombing of Dresden by the Americans and British in 1945, aliens dragging Billy Pilgrim to the planet Tralfamadore. And “such things” are said whenever someone dies.

91. Venedikt Erofeev. “Moscow–Petushki” (1970).
Underground encyclopedia of Russian spiritual life of the second half of the twentieth century. The funny and tragic Bible of a dervish, an alcoholic and a passion-bearer - whoever is closer to what.

92. Sasha Sokolov. "School for Fools" (1976).
One of those rare novels in which what matters is not what, but how. The main character is by no means a schizophrenic boy, but the language is complex, metaphorical, musical.

93. Andrey Bitov. "Pushkin House" (1971).
About the charming conformist, philologist Lev Odoevtsev, who leaves the vile “Soviet” 1960s for the golden 19th century, so as not to get dirty. Truly an encyclopedia Soviet life, an organic part of which is great Russian literature.

94. Eduard Limonov. “It’s me – Eddie” (1979).
A confessional novel that became one of the most shocking books of its time thanks to the author's extreme frankness.

95. Vasily Aksenov. "Island of Crimea" (1979).
Taiwanese version Russian history: Crimea did not go to the Bolsheviks in Civil. The plot is fantastic, but the feelings and actions of the characters are real. And noble. For which they have to pay very dearly.

96. Milan Kundera. “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” (1984).
Intimate life against the background of political cataclysms. And the conclusion is that any choice is unimportant, “what happened once could not have happened at all.”

97. Vladimir Voinovich. "Moscow 2042" (1987).
The writer's most sophisticated work. Four utopias inserted into each other like nesting dolls. Chronotope tricks and other fun. And also – the most eccentric manifestations of the Russian mentality in all its glory.

98. Vladimir Sorokin. "Roman" (1994).
The book is primarily for writers. Roman, the hero of "The Novel", comes to a typical Russian village, where he lives a typical village life - just like in realistic novels of the 19th century. But the ending - special, Sorokinsky - symbolizes the end of traditional novelistic thinking.

99. Victor Pelevin. "Chapaev and Emptiness" (1996).
Buddhist thriller, mystical action film about two eras (1918 and 1990s). Which era is real is unknown, and it doesn’t matter. A keen sense of life in different dimensions, flavored with signature irony. Sometimes it even takes your breath away. Scary and fun.

100. Vladimir Sorokin. "Blue Lard" (1999).
This author's most scandalous novel. A stormy plot, a whirlpool of events. A fascinating play with language - like a symphony. Sinicized Russia of the future, Stalin and Hitler in the past and much more. But overall, when you finish reading it, it brings you to tears.

Reading books is addictive and makes you immerse yourself in the world of the main characters.

Many people like romance novels; the fact is that they have an exciting plot that attracts with its trepidation and sensuality.

They will brighten up your weekend leisure time, help you pass the time on a trip, or add some variety to a boring and cloudy day. But it’s still worth considering the best romance novels.

Sometimes you want to plunge into the world of love, ease with the exciting zigzags of life. This will allow you to read romance novels.

Modern Russian and foreign writers offer many bestsellers, books that will appeal to many women.

It is worth noting! Many speak negatively about romance novels, and this is mainly the male part of the population.

This genre is feminine, but it promotes internal, mental and physical development.

In romance novels you can find interesting moments, detailed reconstructions of events, and historical facts.

Title, author Description
"Choice" Nicholas Sparks The novel describes the events that the confirmed bachelor Travis Parker had to face.

He lived for himself all his life, was engaged in hunting, fishing, extreme sports and was immersed in his work.

He did not believe in love until the moment when a quiet neighbor named Gabi settled in the house next to him. After this his life changes dramatically

“Intersecting Parallels” Shulgina Anna A women's novel about how parallel lines do not intersect.

About the fact that people who cannot be together still love each other and strive to overcome all obstacles and failures at any cost.

It describes adventures and life situations with exciting twists and turns of fate that the main characters had to face.

The writer makes the reader immerse himself in them headlong

"Simple Perfection" Glines Abbey The main character of the novel, Woods, loves money, a rich life with luxury.

His life is planned out - he must join the ranks of the family business, marry the rich girl his parents chose for him.

Everything seemed to be going well until he met a girl named Della.

She was different, she showed him a different world, he was able to feel true love with her and was ready to do anything for her.

However, soon his father dies and he has to take control of the family business into his own hands.

“Two steps to love” Alyushina Tatyana Aleksandrovna The novel describes the measured life of lawyer Miroslava. She has clear plans for life, a heightened instinct that does not let her down.

One day, for work, she had to deliver documents to a VIP client.

Finding herself near his house, she immediately suspected something was wrong, but she did not think that she would have to face a naked man who turned out to be familiar to her

The best romance and fantasy novels

The library of contemporary works offers a variety of novels that are written in erotic, fantasy and historical genres.

Many people will enjoy interesting love stories with fantasy elements. It seemed that the events described in them did not resemble the truth, but still they attract the reader with their fabulousness and beauty.

Consider popular fantasy novels about love:

  • "Untouchable" by Crowl Kresley. The main characters Murdoch Roth and Daniela love each other very much, they are simply absorbed in feelings.

    However, Daniela is an ice maiden Valkyrie whom no one can touch without unbearable pain.

    Her icy skin penetrates to the bone, but Crowl Kresley is not going to give up, he will do everything to be with his beloved, even if he has to die.

  • "Destroy Me" by Tahir Mafi. Juliet is an ordinary girl who is forcibly kept in a mental hospital.

    The fact is that she has a gift, she can kill with one touch. However, she does not want to work for the intelligence services.

    To manipulate Juliet, a decoy named Adam is planted in her cell. He turns out to be her old acquaintance, and they decide to take a desperate step.

  • "Broken Stars" Amy Kaufman, Megan Spooner. A huge intergalactic liner suffers a disaster and falls on an unknown planet.

    Of the survivors, two remain - the daughter of the wealthiest man in the Galaxy and a young military man.

    The girl never paid attention to him and did not perceive him as a man, but they will have to survive together, so over time her views will change and she will see him from the other side.

Historical romance novels

Among the modern bestsellers of romance novels, historical works occupy a special place.

Popular historical novels include the following:

  • "Purple Lace" Linda Francis Lee. New York society recognized the beautiful Lily Blackmore as an immoral person.

    But such a reputation only fueled the brave and courageous Morgan Eliot’s interest in her.

    And when he saw her, he realized that under the mask femme fatale, hides a tender and weak girl who needs male protection.

  • "The English Snowdrop" by Paola Marshall. The main character of the novel, young lady Dayna, falls in love with the handsome Coby Grant.

    But he intends to turn a shy, but far from stupid girl into a confident, beautiful woman.

  • "Blooming Heather" by Rebecca Megan Lee. An officer of the royal troops in rebellious Scotland can face many dangers, and the fearless Neil Clairmont, Earl of Derrowford, knows this very well.

    However, he could not even imagine that in the future he would have to marry the leader of the warlike highlanders.

Short novels

Modern writers offer short novels with an exciting plot.

Many bestsellers contain action-packed stories that describe the sensuality, insight and attractiveness of the main characters.

Important! Short novels are a great option for the weekend. They usually describe a love story that will make you immerse yourself in your head.

They consist of 50-100 pages that can be easily read in a couple of days.

Popular short novels include:

  • "Queen of My Dreams" by Lucy Alice.
  • "The Treacherous Seductress" Olivia Gates.
  • "Sudden Fervor" by Shirley Hazzard.
  • "Duel of Passion" by Madeleine Care.
  • "The Silver Ghost" by Kara Kotler.
  • "The Stubborn Governess" by Anne Mather.
  • "Last Night of the Bachelor" by Fiona Brand.
  • "Just a Chance" by Rachel Bailey.
  • "A Vicious Affair" by Kat Shield.
  • “What does the night hide?” Kim Lawrence.

You can also consider the works of Russian writers, because among them you can find a large number of bestsellers with action-packed stories in the historical, fantasy genre with a love theme.

Useful video

The article tells you about the most popular romance novels, classic and modern. Here you will find not only reading ideas, but also brief descriptions all listed works.

The most interesting and exciting novels, according to the opinion of the modern public, will help you plunge into the world of exciting love adventures. The top list of works in this article are novels that impress with their sincerity and incredibly sensual stories that happen to the main characters.

  • 1st place: Jo Jo Moyes “Me Before You” - a touching story of two people: disabled Will (who suffered completely by accident) and a charismatic waitress from London - Lou Clarke, who managed to transform and complement the life of a lonely, unhappy man.
  • 2nd place: John Green “The Fault in Our Stars” - the story of two teenagers with serious illnesses. Both met completely by chance, at another social meeting, but after the meeting they realized that they could no longer live without each other.
  • 3rd place: Gregory Roberts “Shantaram” - the story of one man, a fugitive who ended up in India and met a woman there who captured his heart forever. The story is imbued with incredibly colorful and sometimes wild descriptions of life in the slums and incredibly colorful memories of the main character about meetings with his beloved.
  • 4th place: Paolo Coelho “Zaire” - This story tells about the experiences of a man who is in search of his beloved wife. She left one day, leaving a note.
  • 5th place: Nicholas Sparks “The Notebook” - a classic story of two loving hearts, separated not only by war, but also by inter-class struggle.
  • 6th place: Cecilia Ahern "P. S: I love you» — a story of a married couple that touches every heartstring, where one has to leave this world due to a chronic illness, and the other has to survive in this world at all costs.
  • 7th place: Eric Segal “Love Story” - Two young people met one day and fell in love. Their life events developed extremely successfully: marriage, dreams of children... However, life decreed otherwise.
  • 8th place: Jamie McGuire “My Beautiful Misfortune” - a romantic story of two young people who met by chance and fell in love at first sight.
  • 9th place: Joanna Lindsay “The Man of My Dreams” - the medieval story of the landowner Devlin, who accidentally met Megan in his life, the daughter of a local farmer. The story is full of adventures between two people, pretending to others and to themselves.
  • 10th place: Sandra Bran "French Silk" - a story imbued with detective investigation and incredibly colorful pictures of love and passion of the main characters: detective Cassidy and Claire, a suspect in the murder of a priest.
Jo Jo Moyes "Me Before You" - a popular romance novel, has a film adaptation

The most popular love novels: list

A good book will help you spend your time pleasantly and usefully. Men love detective stories and science fiction, and women enjoy plunging into the depths of romantic adventure while reading a romance novel.

Popular romance novels:

  • Jo Jo Moyes "The Girl You Left Behind" a story describing the military events of France and the modern life of a young girl who has lost her husband and the meaning of life.
  • Jo Jo Moyes " Last letter from your beloved" - history “from the past” and the present. A true love investigation based on the letters of a woman who once lost her memory.
  • Stephenie Meyer "Twilight" - A fantastic love story between a vampire and an ordinary girl who moved to the outback. The story is imbued with the contrasts of the lives of two individuals and their relentless passion for each other.
  • Oliver Lauren"Delirium" - a love story in a world prone to the apocalypse.
  • Cecelia Ahern “I don’t believe it. I don't hope so. I love" - The story tells us that you need to live right now and under no circumstances “put off happiness for later.”
  • Elchin Safarli “I will return” - the story of women who went to the East in search of their love.
  • Frederic Beigbeder “Love lives for three years” - the story of a man who, after a divorce, finds a chance to feel love again.
  • Audrey Niffenger "The Time Traveler's Wife" a classic story of sudden love that happened between an artist and a prostitute.
  • Diana Rubina “A Few Hasty Words of Love” - the book “teaches” people not to rush with their feelings and not to say “hasty” words about love.
  • Alice Monroe "Runaway" is a whole collection of romantic stories where people love, surprise each other, betray or break up.

Books by Stephenie Meyer - popular novels

Bestselling romance novels: list

The best novels, filled with love adventures and enjoying great popularity, are listed in the list.

Best Novels:

  • Zoe Sugg "Girl Online" - a Christmas tale by a young 15-year-old girl who found herself in the world of bloggers. Now she should learn to love a “real” person.
  • Karina Demina “Bride” - a fictional love story in the medieval world, imbued with “hot” scenes and real feelings.
  • Joanna Lindsay "Angel" - a love story that takes place in the Wild West, where Strong woman meets a very sensual man.
  • Mayim Banks "Passion" - A modern interpretation of the classic story of Cinderella, telling about a simple girl and strong, handsome guys.
  • Tamara Webber "Easy" - the life story of a young girl who has been in love with only one boy since school. Later, when they grew up, they became a couple. The main character always does only what her lover tells her, but this does not always lead to a good outcome.
  • E. L. James "Grey" - This story is not a continuation of “50 Shades”, but a man’s point of view. If previous stories described events through the eyes of Anastacia, then in this book you will feel everything that was going on in Christian’s soul and head.
  • Jo Jo Moyes "One Plus One" the story of the unusual meeting between struggling single mother Jess and divorced millionaire Ed. These two people should go through many thoughts and experiences to understand what “true love” is.
  • Jo Jo Moyes "After You" - This is a continuation of the story “Me Before You,” which tells the experiences and search for the meaning of life of a simple waitress.

"Grey" by E.L. James is a completely new description of the love of Anastasia and Christian through the eyes of the protagonist

The most famous beautiful romance novels: list

The most sensual books with interesting love stories will allow every woman to feel all the adventures and experiences of the main characters on the way to finding true happiness.

Beautiful romance novels:

  • Jude Devereux "Knight in Shining Armor"- the main character of the novel Dougless. This is a modest girl who works as a teacher. In the depths of her soul, she fantasized about a real prince on a white horse.
  • Judith McNaught "Paradise"— the book tells about the love story of two people who once broke up due to betrayal. After many years, they find again not only meeting, but also each other.
  • John Fowles "The French Lieutenant's Mistress" is a classic love story of a man who was born into a noble family. He is supposed to marry a rich girl, but his heart is given to a poor servant.
  • Diana Gabaldon "Outlander"— an unusual story I love about a married couple who had the opportunity to make a “time jump” and travel back in time.
  • Nicholas Sparks "Hurry to Love" is a love story between two young people: a modest girl, the daughter of a priest, and a “complicated” teenager. These two people realized that they could not live without each other. But soon they are separated by the death of one of the lovers due to cancer.

The beautiful love story of Nicholas Sparks “Hurry to Love” received a film adaptation

The most read interesting romance novels: list

Novels that are popular among readers are listed below:

  • Ya.L. Vishnevsky “Loneliness on the Internet” - two people, the main characters – a man and a woman, meet via the Internet. The book conveys, to a greater extent, correspondence online. Their meeting in real life completely changes the situation and the ending of the story.
  • Lena Sokol “You are somewhere” - the “complex” and very “hard” story of a woman who was kidnapped and brutally abused. In desperate moments of her life, she remembered all the bright and good moments in life.
  • Stace Kramer "50 Days Before I Suicide" - an unusual story of unrequited love that belongs to a teenage girl. The main character’s parents are getting divorced and, depressed by life’s negativity, she gives herself 50 days to think in order to decide for sure whether she should live or commit suicide.
  • Nora Roberts "Night Dancing" is a tender and at the same time mystical love story between a composer and a gardener who unearthed human bones in the garden of a suburban house. In the end, this couple will figure out who they belong to and will have a chance to find their happiness.

The book of the Polish writer Janusz Leon Wisniewski received its own film adaptation of the same name, “Loneliness on the Internet”

The most passionate novels about love: list

Novels that describe passionate scenes of love immerse every reader in the world of subtle feelings and eroticism. It is interesting to read such books, they excite the imagination, allow you to open yourself to new emotions and always leave only pleasant impressions.

List of passionate novels:

  • Spencer Scott "Anatomy of Love"- two people met one day and immediately plunged into the abyss of love and passion. However, many difficulties arise on their way that prevent them from being together.
  • Maya Banks "Lust"- a fascinating love story of an adult and rich man who experiences indescribable sensations and feelings for his beloved Mia, who is much younger than him.
  • Sylvia Day "Heat of the Night"- a fantastic story of a simple woman and her sexual fantasy - a strong and passionate Viking who must go to the “Land of Dreams”.
  • Kat Shield "Winless Bet"main character books - a successful and rich man who does not lack female attention. After a while, he meets his old friend and begins to feel feelings for her. tender feelings.
  • Saskia Walker "Whore"- the story tells about the difficult life situation a young girl who was forced to earn her living with her body. In the end, she was imprisoned and intended to be burned. However, a rich adventurer intervened in the girl’s fate and made her an “interesting” offer.

List of passionate novels with a love storyline

The best foreign romance novels

List of the best works:

  • Sarah Gio "Quiet words of love"interesting story, which tells how the owner of a small flower shop received a strange letter. At first, she did not take it seriously, but then she realized that the letter told her that she had the unusual gift of “seeing love.” The girl must recognize all six different types this feeling and clearly describe them for posterity. If she does not do this, she will be doomed to remain in a life without love.
  • Joe Baker "Longbourn" is an unusual story that takes place on the estate described in Jane Austen's stories. The book tells about the events taking place in the life of a young servant.
  • Sarah Rainer "Alien Sun"- the story of a young girl's romance with her boss. How will this adventure turn out for a young girl absorbed in her tender feelings? An unexpected trip to New York opens her eyes to many things, but what will she do?
  • Claire Swatman "Before You Go" is a fantastic story that tells the events of a married couple. They had everything to be happy, but they didn’t have children. After a terrible incident, the main character’s husband dies and she completely rethinks her feelings for him, forgetting about any quarrels and resentments. Fortunately, fate gives her a chance to relive all the pleasant moments of life.
Foreign novels: the best books about love

The Best Modern Romance Novels

List of the best novels:

  • Agnès Martin-Lugas "Sorry, they're waiting for me"— the book tells the story of the life and career of a young and beautiful woman. She is completely absorbed in her work until she meets her acquaintance, a childhood friend whom she has loved for a very long time and her life changes dramatically.
  • Holly Sale "Upside Down"- the story of one young and very smart girl. She knows absolutely everything that concerns the people around her and the world: habits, Interesting Facts, but not how to love. Fortunately, life brings her into contact with one man who will completely change her life.
  • Dani Atkins "Our Song"— the novel tells the story of two women, in the former best friends, and now completely strangers to each other. It so happened that they were in love with the same man, David, but only one of them was lucky enough to marry him. Life throws a surprise at these people and David unexpectedly gets into a car accident.

The Best Women's Classic Novels: List

Classic romance novels are works that have come a long way and, after a huge period of time, remain just as popular and in demand. Classic novels serve as "templates" and "models" for the writing of modern novels. The modern art that people have now is built on classical works of literature.

The best classic love stories:

  • Colin McCullough "The Thorn Birds" a meaningful work consisting of 7 parts, each of which describes the life and love story of an individual hero. The time period covered in the work is half a century.
  • Choderlos de Laclos "Dangerous Liaisons" a brilliant 18th-century novel that made its author famous. The plot of the novel tells about the love affairs of two main characters: the Viscount and the Marquise, who want to take revenge on their opponents.
  • Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre" - The story tells about the difficult life situation of a young girl, Jane, left without parents. She settles in the landowner's house and works there as a governess. Unbeknownst to herself, she falls in love with her owner. He, in turn, also shows tender feelings towards the girl. However, there are many difficulties on the path of these two people that they must overcome in order to be happy.
  • Francis Scott Fitzgerald "Tender is the Night" - This story follows the events of a young military doctor, Dick, who falls in love with and marries his patient. His wife, Nicole, is from a wealthy family, and allows them to live comfortably in their own house on the coast. With his wife's money, Dick builds a psychiatric hospital. Soon, on the coast, he meets a young artist of 18 years of age and cheats on his wife. His life goes downhill when he meets her again after a while. His wife suspects him of betrayal and leaves him, Dick becomes an alcoholic.
  • Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind"- the story of the life and love of the ardent and bright woman Scarlett O'Hara. Events take place before, during and after the civil war. Young heartbreaker Scarlet plays with men's hearts, but she doesn't even imagine how difficult it will be for her to survive all the events that the war will bring. She is forced to marry, although not to her beloved, but a good man Red, who would later become her meaning in life.
  • Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice"- the story tells about events in a family where parents have three daughters of marriageable age. The pride and prejudices of all the girls prevent them from doing everything simply. The novel is filled with interesting dialogues and developments.

Classic works of foreign literature, romance novels

Historical romance novels: most read

A historical love story is a story of romantic feelings, taking place against the backdrop of state events: wars, perestroikas, uprisings. Reading historical novels is very interesting, because in addition to all the events, a person is plunged into the abyss of feelings that happen to the main characters.

A true master in such a literary genre as the historical novel, believed to be Joanna Lindsay. This author has published many interesting and exciting stories that can win the reader’s heart from the first lines.

  • "Angel in the flesh"
  • "Be mine"
  • "Storm of Passion"
  • "Avenger in Love"
  • "Enmity and Love"
  • "Winter Bonfires"
  • "When Love Waits"
  • "Love and Thunder"
  • "Love only once"
  • “I only need you” and many other works!

Another author - Judith McNaught, which skillfully describes the adventures of people in love, their ups and downs, finding happiness, partings and losses. The writer has already published a large number of works and some of them should be read.


  • "Heaven's Blessing"
  • "One more moment or every breath you take"
  • "Lady Elizabeth's Love Story"
  • "Do you remember..."
  • “What am I without you?”

Historical Romance Novels: Thrilling Love Stories

Erotic novels have gained enormous popularity, which, in addition to love scenes, reveal in detail the intimate moments of the characters. One of the modern authors of this genre is E.L.James. This author published the wonderful trilogy “50 Shades...”. Each book has its own storyline, which continues in the next novel.

  • "50 shades of grey"- the story of literary university student Anastasia Steele and prominent businessman Christian Gray. Their acquaintance happened by chance, but at first glance this couple found something more than sympathy. The novel tells about the secret passions and desires of Christian, whose soul is hopeless, like “50 shades of gray.”
  • "50 Shades Darker" is a continuation of the story, where events unfold more actively. Christian realizes that he is gaining something more than sexual attraction for Anastasia. In addition to frank scenes of love and sexual encounters between lovers, the reader learns that Christian is ready to propose to Anna and reveal all his secrets, which are “50 shades darker” than what she already knows about him.
  • "50 Shades Freed"— the story tells not only about the events taking place in the Gray family and the kidnapping of Christian’s half-sister, but also about the happy relationship of the now married couple. Among the sex scenes and sensual moments, the reader learns that Anna is pregnant. How Christian will react to this and what will happen next is the story of the novel.
Works by E. L. James "50 Shades of Gray"

The most read romance science fiction novels: list

The romance-fantasy genre is a work imbued not only with romantic feelings, but also with incredible adventures. That is why reading such books is very interesting.

List of interesting romance and fantasy novels:

  • Christina Stark "Wings" - This story tells about a young girl Lika. At 17 years old, she has a very unusual ability - to move for moments into the bodies of other people while under stress. Events in Lika's life develop very rapidly and soon she finds love.
  • Elena Berezovskaya “Princess of the Rainbow World” - The events in the books take place approximately 100 years from the present. Living conditions on the planet are not encouraging, but even here there is a place for a fairy tale, as well as tender and devoted feelings.
  • Tatiana Korsakova “Don’t wake up the witch in me” - The story tells about the events in the life of Arina, who, due to a coincidence of life circumstances, had to become a witch.
  • Oksana Kalina “Silver Cat” - the story of a woman who is unrequitedly in love. Out of despair, she starts drinking and this addiction plays a “wicked joke” on her, giving her signs in the form of a silver cat.
  • Kresley Cole "Lotter"
  • Elena Zvezdnaya “One More Kiss”
  • Olga Pashina “Star Cinderella”
  • Nora Roberts "Death Mistake"
  • Elena Usacheva “Attraction”
  • Diana Gabaldon "Dragonfly in Amber"

Recommended novels to read

Most Read Short Romance Novels

Short novels differ only in the speed of reading and not in the quality of writing. A short novel is great to read on the way home or on a day off.

  • Jenny Lucas "Invitation to the Ball"
  • Jessica Hart "The Discreet Secretary"
  • Lucy King "Fire Arrows of Passion"
  • Sarah Morgan "Wedding Ring"
  • Julia Levy "Touch Lips at Dawn"
  • Lyudmila Volok “Girl without a dress”
  • Amber Paige "Such a Sweet Love War"
  • Nick Lissitzky “The Scarlet Flower”
  • Katya Vanova “Love Novels”
  • India Gray "What fate has in store for us"

Video: “Book review. Novels"

Are you into romance novels? If so, we present to your attention a list of well-known works. Breathtaking stories of love and devotion. Some are centuries-old publications, others are modern. These novels have gained popularity in our country and abroad.

In her novel, author Stephenie Meyer describes the extraordinary love story of the vampire Edward and the girl Bella. A certain attraction arises between them, beyond their control. The work consists of four parts. " Twilight" is one of the most popular romance novels of our time..

9th place goes to the novel “ " A story about time travel. Married couple Claire and Frank decide to celebrate their second honeymoon. Touching the ancient stone, Claire travels to 1743, where she meets the ancestor of her husband Black Jack.

The country is at war, and Claire works as a nurse. She meets soldier James Fraser and falls in love with him. The novel was written by Diana Gabaldon, and its plot formed the basis of a 16-episode film.

The 8th step of the pedestal is occupied by “ " When it comes to books with an unusual plot, this is the novel that comes to mind. The hero of the work can move freely at any time. But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Possessing a unique ability entails a series of troubles. When the main character meets his love, many difficulties arise on his way. You will find out whether it is a gift or a disease by carefully reading the book.

Firmly settled in 7th position " " The story is about Jessica Trent, whose purpose in life was to save her brother from the evil influence of Marquis Sebastian Dane. Suddenly the girl realizes how much she is interested in him and discovers that the feeling is mutual. The lovers begin a whirlwind romance. You will find out the climax of the story by reading the novel written by Loretta Chase.

Author: Nicholas Sparks. The novel describes the love story of two teenagers - Noah and Ellie.. Ellie is a girl from a wealthy family, and Noah is a poor man with high moral qualities and a good upbringing. Noah writes letters to Ellie, but her mother hides them from her. The lovers have not seen each other for 15 years. Ellie gets married, but an unexpected meeting with Noah changes everything. The novel will make even the reader cry steel"Nerves. The plot of the work is the basis of the film.

The author of the novel is still the same Nicholas Sparks. Jamie, the daughter of a priest, and Landon, a 17-year-old teenager deprived of his father's attention, are completely different young people by nature. But after several meetings they fall in love. Jamie is tormented by doubts about whether she made the right choice, but Landon's persistent courtship and natural charm leave her no choice.

Jamie's incurable illness abruptly ends the serene life of lovers, but Landon's love and devotion can only be envied. He not only does not leave the girl, but also marries her. Shortly after the wedding, Jamie dies. You can also enjoy watching the film of the same name.

The famous novel by Margaret Mitchell. The heroes of the novel Rhett and Scarlett deservedly take second place after the famous Romeo and Juliet. The work takes place during the Civil War and Reconstruction era in the United States. A breathtaking love story " bad boy"Retta and" capricious girl» Scarlett. The lovers separate and meet again. The film based on the novel was awarded the " Oscar».

The top three opens " Pride and Prejudice" Hearing the word " romance", Jane Austen and her well-known " Pride and Prejudice" Despite the fact that the book was published in 1813, it is still the undisputed leader of classic English melodrama.

The novel gained such popularity that several films were made based on its plot. The story is this: The sarcastic and witty Elizabeth Bennet has five sisters, and the father’s only desire is to get his daughters married as soon as possible. As fate would have it, Elizabeth falls in love with the rich and wayward Mr. Darcy. The relationship between lovers is very difficult, and only by making mutual concessions can they be together.

2nd place in the top ten is occupied by the novel “ " A touching love story between Hazel and Augustus. And everything would be fine, but the heroes of the novel have very little time left to live. Their relationship is proof that time and circumstances cannot destroy true love. Are you interested in what happened in the lives of lovers? You will find out the answer to the question by reading the book.

And finally, first place! Famous " ", written by Charlotte Brontë. The story of the orphan Jane, raised by a strict aunt who sent her to a boarding house with a director absolutely indifferent to other people's experiences. After training, Jane remains at the boarding house as a teacher, but after two years of work she realizes that she needs new experiences.

Jane gets a job as a governess for a certain Mr. Rogerster and soon realizes that she has passionate feelings for him. It comes to the engagement, but on the wedding day Jane learns that Roger is already married and the marriage cannot be consummated. She runs away from the house of her failed husband and accidentally meets her sisters and brother, whom she did not know about before.

After some time, her brother offers her his hand and heart, and it is at that moment that she realizes that she cannot imagine life without Roger and decides to return to him. The novel was written in 1847, but despite this, it is still the undisputed bestseller and several films have been made based on it.