Spleen food. Splenomegaly. Fatty fish reduces inflammation in the body

27.06.2023 Operations

A certain diet can help reduce the load on the spleen, but at the same time fully cover the body's need for vitamins and minerals. The diet for a person with a diseased spleen is not too strict; many tasty and healthy supplies are allowed, from which you can prepare delicious dishes: lean meat, vegetables, berries, milk, cheese. And that's not all. A properly selected diet makes it possible to live a full life, even after organ removal. The main thing is to avoid what is harmful.

Features of nutrition for a diseased spleen

You will have to change some eating habits that are detrimental to your health. First of all, start eating at a set table. It is the habit of eating fast food on the run, washed down with Coca-Cola, that is to blame for diseases of the internal organs, and the spleen does not like it. Make it a habit to have a snack 2 times a day: after breakfast, at 11 o’clock, and closer to dinner, which you should not refuse under any circumstances. This way, your eating regimen will be divided into 5 times, which will allow you to eat small portions for breakfast, lunch and dinner, compensating for the feeling of hunger with small snacks. The diet must include foods rich in iron, which is very beneficial for the pancreas and hematopoietic processes. Proper nutrition can support and restore the functioning of the pancreas, and generally improve the condition of the body. The diet is similar to that prescribed for liver disease.

What is useful?

First of all, in case of illness, the emphasis is on foods rich in iron. The spleen loves this. Such foods should be present in the diet daily; they can be eaten with almost no restrictions:

  1. fat fresh fish, preferably sea;
  2. any nuts;
  3. Vegetables include beets, white and cauliflower cabbage;
  4. citrus;
  5. pomegranate, avocado, apples;
  6. cranberry.

In smaller quantities, but also necessary to consume:

  1. butter;
  2. beef, not too young veal, chicken breast no fat;
  3. fresh milk.

The following products should be the foundation for your daily diet:

  1. porridge (preferably buckwheat);
  2. sauerkraut salad, beans, lentils, fresh and canned green pea, broccoli, tomatoes, garlic;
  3. leafy greens, nutmeg - in the form of seasonings;
  4. strawberries, watermelon, grapes, figs, black currants;
  5. all types of fermented milk products;
  6. boiled sausages;
  7. stale bread;
  8. from drinks - tea, chicory, diluted juices, water, which should be drunk in pure form daily. Chicory, by the way, is an excellent coffee substitute.

The diet is aimed at restoring the functions of the pancreas in case of disease, for prevention. The diet should be especially strictly followed during the postoperative period. The best for this are light soups, the basis of which is water, liquid porridge, lean meat in very limited quantities, and a little fish. Such a strict diet is a temporary measure, but it should be followed carefully. With an enlarged spleen, you need clean water, which you need to drink warm. It facilitates digestion and your condition will improve. The benefits of following the diet rules are obvious.

What is prohibited?

  1. fried, spicy, peppery and fatty foods;
  2. fresh pastries and soft white bread;
  3. mushrooms, mushroom and meat broths;
  4. chocolate, products made from it;
  5. alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  6. herbs and spices;
  7. sorrel, radish, horseradish;
  8. canned meat and fish, lard, eggs.

If you have a sick spleen, remove this food from your diet forever, never include it even in the holiday menu, without making exceptions for anything. Drinking alcohol while dieting is especially harmful; it is a blow to the spleen. After this, exacerbations often occur, and the time spent on restoring the organ is wasted. Treatment usually needs to be started all over again.

The most harmful products

Frequent consumption of fatty foods leads to blocking the intake of calcium, which is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells. Fried food slightly changes the composition of the blood. All organs, including the spleen, work hard to remove toxins from the body. Alcoholic drinks contribute to dehydration and inhibit the production of red blood cells. Products with preservatives form almost insoluble compounds. If you use them frequently, blockage of the vessels of the spleen may occur, which will inevitably affect it if there is an existing disease.

Is it possible to fast?

There are 3 main principles for treating the spleen, which, according to popular experts, can help. This is fasting, cold, peace. Therapeutic fasting is not recognized by official medicine, but it is believed that temporary refusal of food, and sometimes liquid, can cleanse and restore the digestive system. Therefore, the benefits that fasting brings are enormous; it can help rid the body of “slagging”, which will improve a person’s health. Fasting has a special technique. You can apply complete fasting, when it is possible for a person to drink liquid, and absolute fasting - “dry”. It is believed that fasting should not begin if the diet has not been followed, which is a kind of preparatory stage. For more effective treatment fasting should be accompanied by bed rest. Such fasting will reduce the production of secretions, which will allow the spleen to rest.

What is the diet combined with?

A diet for the treatment of spleen is often combined with medications prescribed by a gastroenterologist. If you are taking pain medications, you should not eat grapefruits or drink their juice. The fruit stimulates intestinal activity and it turns out that instead of being excreted from the body, the substance is absorbed again, which can lead to an overdose and deterioration of well-being. The diet is combined with treatment with herbal infusions. This is usually chamomile, fennel, celandine or nettle. Do not take steps on your own when you think the diet needs to be combined with something else. Be sure to consult your doctor.

ATTENTION! The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only! No website can solve your problem in absentia. We recommend that you consult your doctor for further advice and treatment.

Nutrition for the spleen

The spleen is an elongated unpaired organ located in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity, behind the stomach. Despite the fact that the spleen is not one of the vital organs, its presence is extremely important for the human body.

This is due to the fact that it performs immune, filtration and hematopoietic functions. In addition, the spleen takes an active part in metabolism. Its closest neighbors are: the diaphragm, pancreas, colon and left kidney.

Thanks to the ability of the spleen to deposit blood, there is always a certain reserve in our body, which is released into the general channel at the first need. In addition, the spleen is responsible for monitoring the quality of blood circulating in the body. Old, damaged, and altered blood elements are disposed of here. Also, the spleen takes an active part in hematopoiesis.

  • IN ancient Greece the spleen was considered a completely useless organ.
  • During the Middle Ages, the spleen was considered the organ responsible for laughter.
  • Every minute the spleen filters 250 ml of blood.

Healthy foods for the spleen

  • Nuts. They contain minerals and trace elements that can activate the hematopoietic functions of the spleen.
  • Fatty fish. Thanks to the taurine and fatty acids, blood pressure normalizes.
  • Cabbage. Rich in folic acid, which is responsible for the synthesis of new blood cells. Thanks to vitamin P, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. It also contains vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting.
  • Liver. It is a source of iron, the lack of which can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels and anemia. The liver also contains heparin. It is precisely this that prevents thrombosis and myocardial infarction.
  • Citrus. Contains vitamin C, which is responsible for the absorption of iron. In addition, vitamin A, together with organic acids and fiber, fights high blood sugar and also reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Apples. Thanks to the pectin they contain, they regulate sugar levels, which negatively affect the health of the spleen.
  • Avocado. Capable of binding excess cholesterol, which can clog the hematopoietic tubules of the spleen.
  • Beet. Natural hematopoietic agent. Stimulates the activity of the spleen. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is advisable to use it together with carrots, cabbage or tomatoes.
  • Honey. Thanks to honey, the function of the spleen, which is responsible for the production of blood cells, is normalized.
  • Pomegranate. Activates the hematopoietic function of the spleen.

For the full functioning of the spleen, doctors recommend avoiding stressful situations or learning to respond correctly to stress.

Regular eating in small portions will keep this organ healthy. Meals should be nutritious, at least four to five times a day. Iron-rich foods are very beneficial.

To ensure the health of the spleen, you need to spend more time in the fresh air. A good option might be the seashore or a pine forest.

Folk remedies for normalization and cleaning

Since the spleen is responsible for the hematopoietic function of the body, the following recommendations may be suitable for cleansing it.

  • Dandelion. Removes harmful cholesterol, which can clog the bloodstream of the spleen.
  • Apple and carrot juices. Cleans blood well. Gives tone to the spleen.
  • Cranberry juice. Due to the content of antioxidants, it prevents the formation of tumors.

Harmful foods for the spleen

  • Fats. Eating large amounts of fat can block calcium, which is necessary for the synthesis of new red blood cells.
  • Roast. Substances contained in fried foods cause changes in the composition of the blood. As a result, the spleen has to work in emergency mode, clearing the blood of abnormal cells.
  • Alcohol. Due to alcohol, blood cells are destroyed and dehydrated. In addition, alcohol inhibits the functioning of the spleen, preventing the production of new red blood cells.
  • Preservatives. As a result of their use, difficultly soluble compounds are formed that can tampon the vessels of the spleen, causing ischemia.

Read also about nutrition for other organs:

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Diet for spleen disease and nutritional therapy

To normalize the functions of the lymphoid organ, as well as to prevent diseases, and to avoid relapses, a special diet therapy was developed together with physiologists and nutritionists. A diet for a diseased spleen helps to quickly cope with ailments of the organ, and is part of a complex of therapeutic measures.

Spleen disease: symptoms and treatment methods and nutrition

In most cases, the presence of inflammatory processes in the organ can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • dizziness and loss of strength;
  • gagging and nausea;
  • skin color becomes gray;
  • itchy sensations;
  • the appearance of bitterness in the mouth;
  • an increase in the size of the organ, which is noticeable when palpated;
  • body temperature stays within 37.5-38°C;
  • chills and anemia are present;
  • the sclera of the eye becomes icteric;
  • presence in the organ dull ache with regular acute attacks, in which antispasmodics have no effect.

Depending on what reasons could provoke the inflammation of the organ, the symptoms may change, since this is not an isolated phenomenon, and what the symptoms will be depends on which nearby organs the inflammation has spread to.

It should be noted that inflammatory processes of the lymphoid organ have several treatment methods, namely:

  • medications, such as: Nux Vomita 3, Aconite 3 or Mercuris 3, Arsenica 3, and also Hina 3;
  • proper nutrition and diet for an enlarged spleen;
  • alternative medicine;
  • surgical intervention.

Nutrition for the spleen

The main feature of therapeutic nutrition is the inclusion of foods high in iron in your diet to normalize hematopoiesis. These include:

  • cauliflower and white cabbage;
  • citrus;
  • avocado and pomegranate;
  • cranberries and apples;
  • bee honey;
  • fish of any kind (including fatty fish);
  • beet;
  • Apple juice;
  • all varieties of nuts.

Also, in a diet with an enlarged spleen, it is recommended to limit the consumption, or even completely eliminate the following products:

The diet for spleen disease includes the following foods without restrictions:

  • dill with parsley;
  • non-spicy sausages and sausages (dairy);
  • chicken white meat without fat;
  • black currants, grapes, strawberries, watermelon, strawberries, ginger and figs;
  • nutmeg;
  • bread, but only yesterday's;
  • weak tea and rosehip decoction;
  • non-concentrated vegetable and fruit juices;
  • chicory;
  • buckwheat and wheat porridge cooked in water;
  • pasta;
  • curdled milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt and hard cheese of mild varieties;
  • lentils, beans, garlic, canned green peas, sauerkraut, broccoli, tomatoes and carrots.

The diet for the spleen also includes a number of prohibited foods, such as:

  • spicy and fried foods;
  • all varieties of mushrooms;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • various pastries and fresh white bread;
  • canned fish and caviar;
  • venison;
  • coffee and caffeinated drinks;
  • fats and lard;
  • broths;
  • chocolate products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • radish, horseradish, turnip, sorrel, rhubarb, radish;
  • eggs;
  • mayonnaise, seasonings and spices, mustard, herbs, sauces and vinegar.

The above products must be completely excluded from the patient’s diet in order to reduce the load on the diseased organ.

Unconventional methods of combating the disease

The use of medicinal folk remedies to improve the condition in the presence of this type of disease can not only significantly speed up the healing process, but also improve the general condition of the body, helping to restore the normal functioning of the organ.

You can prepare a healing decoction based on St. John's wort. The composition of the medicine includes:

Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the herbal component and simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then the resulting broth needs to stand until it cools down. After which the drink should be filtered well and the remaining amount of boiling water should be added. Accepted medicine 3 r. per day 30 minutes before the start of a meal, 1/3 of a mug.

A folk infusion for diseases of the lymphoid organ will help relieve inflammation. Required ingredients:

  • sow thistle ground part (blooming is best) – 20 g;
  • hot water – 1 l;
  • carrots and radishes.

Chop the plant into small pieces, add water to the mixture and let it brew for about a quarter of an hour. After the specified time, the infusion must be filtered. Then you need to strain 100 grams from the radish and carrots. natural juice and combine with the already obtained drink. It is recommended to drink the healing remedy for 5 rubles. throughout the day. The course of such therapy is 2 weeks.

There is a useful decoction that has an analgesic and calming effect, significantly alleviates pain and acts as an antitumor drug. It is prepared using the following components:

First, pour boiling water over the root of the plant, put it on low heat and boil for about 10 minutes. Then the medicinal composition must be removed from the heat, left to infuse for half an hour and only then filtered. It is best to take the medicine no more than 2-3 times a day. per day.

  • boiling water – 500 ml;
  • grass and yarrow flowers - in equal quantities;
  • calendula flowering – 1 part.

First, combine all the herbal ingredients and mix well. Take 2 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture, pour boiling water, wrap well and leave for 60 minutes. After the allotted time, filter the infusion. You only need to take the medicine a few times a day, 1/3 cup.

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Traditional health recipes

The healing properties of herbs have been used for centuries. On this site you will find recipes for their preparation and use.

Good for the spleen

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Each organ in the human body performs a specific function and we feel good as long as all organs are healthy. We apply medicinal products and we try to eat certain foods to help the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and liver function properly, but for some reason we don’t pay enough attention to the spleen, considering it not a serious organ, and we don’t think much about what’s good for the spleen. But when it makes itself felt, then we begin to understand how sensitive and important this organ is for our health. Since the spleen is one of the organs immune system, then when she is ill, our body’s resistance to colds and infections is noticeably reduced. So that the spleen does not bother you and functions well, you need a little: know what is good for it and what is harmful.

Good for the spleen.

))) - Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are considered especially healthy (pumpkin, carrots, Bell pepper, lentils).

))) - Need sugar from natural products. These include sweet root vegetables (turnips, beets, carrots), honey, blueberries, bananas.

))) - Be sure to drink enough water, but not during meals, but 30 minutes before or an hour or two after.

))) - Ginger in any form is very useful for the spleen. Drink ginger tea once a day, add ginger powder as a seasoning to your dishes.

)))- For normal functioning of the spleen, it is very important that food is not too hot or cold, and also easy to digest, that is, it must be chewed well.

)))- Useful for the spleen, if there are problems with it, drink an infusion of burnet:

Pour a glass of hot water over two tablespoons of crushed burnet rhizomes and simmer in a water bath for twenty minutes, cool, strain. Drink a tablespoon of infusion for ten days before each meal. Then take a seven-day break and repeat the treatment.

As for what is harmful to the spleen, just like the liver, it does not like heavy and unhealthy foods: smoked meats, fried meat, baked goods with a high content of butter and margarine, thickeners, flavorings and other additives.

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Diet for the spleen

The spleen is located in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity. This is an unpaired organ located behind the stomach.

The spleen is not a vital organ, but it performs the most important functions in the body: immune - helps strengthen the body's protective functions, filtration, hematopoietic, it is actively involved in metabolism - in particular iron.

The spleen creates a supply of blood in the body, used when necessary, and it also controls the quality of blood in the body.

In the spleen, “recycling” of old and damaged blood elements occurs. In case of blood loss, the spleen releases blood into the bloodstream, which contains a lot of oxygen, red blood cells, and useful substances.

The filtration function of the spleen is that it filters 250 milliliters of blood every minute. It cleanses the blood of pathogenic bacteria and regulates the function of blood clotting.

Prohibited products:

fatty rich broth,

offal: kidneys, brains;

baked goods (cake, pastry, pie, pancakes, pies, etc.),

extractives, hot seasonings, spices, mustard, pepper, vinegar;

vegetables: spinach, sorrel, radish, radish, turnip, horseradish,

refractory animal fats, lard;

hard-boiled chicken eggs, fried chicken eggs;

We limit: salt (ten grams per day), butter (sixty grams per day).

protein products: lean beef, lean pork, lean fish, liver,

millet groats, buckwheat, boiled in water,

vegetables: legumes, white cabbage, beans, beets, garlic, carrots, sauerkraut, tomatoes, lentils, green peas, parsley, cauliflower, broccoli, greens,

berries: strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, black currants,

fruits: grapes, figs,

Soup: vegetarian, vegetable soup, fruit soup, with added cereals, milk;

lean poultry, beef,

non-industrial fruit and berry juice,

vegetable juice, not industrially produced;

As a rule, diseases of the spleen are accompanied by liver diseases, therefore, with a diseased spleen, we follow the extended diet No. 5.

Products that are particularly beneficial for the spleen:

Nuts: they contain many minerals and trace elements that help activate the hematopoietic functions of the spleen,

Fatty fish: it contains a lot of taurine, fatty acids - to normalize blood pressure,

White cabbage: it contains folic acid (helps the synthesis of new blood cells), vitamin P (strengthens the walls of blood vessels), vitamin K (responsible for blood clotting).

Liver (it contains a lot of iron - to prevent anemia, there is heparin - to prevent thrombosis, myocardial infarction).

Citrus fruits (they contain a lot of vitamin C - which helps the body absorb iron, vitamin A, organic acids, fiber - which helps reduce blood sugar and cholesterol).

Apple (contains pectin - helps regulate blood sugar levels).

Avocado (removes excess cholesterol from the body).

Beetroot (helps hematopoiesis, helps stimulate the activity of the spleen, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels).

Honey (normalizes the function of the spleen, which is responsible for the production of blood cells).

Pomegranate (helps blood formation).

Apple juice, carrot juice (cleanse the blood, tone the spleen).

Cranberry juice (prevents the development of tumors in the spleen).

Foods harmful to the spleen:

Fats (block the entry of calcium into the body, necessary for the synthesis of new red blood cells),

Fried (it contains harmful substances that cause changes in the composition of the blood. Because of this, the spleen is overloaded, because it cleanses the blood of harmful cells).

Alcoholic drinks (because of them, dehydration of blood cells occurs, the work of the spleen practically stops, and new red blood cells are not produced).

Preservatives (when consumed, difficultly soluble compounds are formed that “clog” the vessels of the spleen).

Avoid stress, or learn the correct reaction to stress,

Eat regularly, in small portions - five times a day,

Eat foods that are rich in iron (pomegranate, red meat, buckwheat).

Take frequent walks in the fresh air.

Dress warmly, according to the season, do not overcool.

You should not wear clothes that are too tight (corset), as wearing them interferes with normal blood flow.

Do a light massage on the left side of the abdomen using clockwise rotational movements to improve blood circulation and maintain the functions of the spleen.

It is forbidden to lead a sedentary lifestyle, due to the likelihood of stagnation. It is necessary to move a lot, do physical work, so that the spleen throws out stagnant blood and fills with new blood.

Thank you very much for the useful information)

The spleen is the organ in the body that we pay the least attention to. It is believed that the spleen is not a vital organ, but this does not eliminate the need to prevent its diseases. It's better to have a healthy spleen. And therefore it is worth taking a closer look at this article.



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The spleen and its diseases. Principles of nutrition for inflammation of the spleen. Infusions and decoctions.

People without a spleen live shorter lives.

The spleen is located in the abdominal cavity in the left hypochondrium, at the level of 9 to 11 ribs and is enclosed in a dense capsule. The weight of the spleen in an adult is 192 g in men and 153 g in women. The length of the spleen is cm, width is cm, thickness is 3 - 4 cm. Most of the spleen consists of so-called red and white pulp. The red pulp is filled with formed elements of blood, mainly red blood cells; white pulp is formed by lymphoid tissue, which produces lymphocytes.

onions, potatoes, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, lentils, peas, carrots,

black soybeans, short grain rice, corn, peanuts,

olives, olives, black sesame, hazelnuts,

mint leaves, figs, plums, grapes,

muer (edible tree mushroom),

herring, carp, crucian carp, pork lungs,

pork heart, pork kidneys, pork feet,

goose meat, egg, pigeon egg,

honey, beef, milk.

In case of disturbances in the activity of the spleen, you can use the following recipes.

For a tumor of the spleen, take an infusion of wild chicory roots: 1 - 2 teaspoons of crushed roots per 200 ml of boiling water. Strain, drink cooled 70 - 100 ml before meals.

A decoction is prepared from 1 teaspoon of roots per 200 ml of water, boiled for 30 minutes, filtered, brought to the original volume, and taken as an infusion.

♠ Brew 1 cup of boiling water 1 tbsp. roots and rhizomes of Burnet officinalis, brew with 1 glass of hot boiled water, close with a lid and heat for 0.5 hours in a water bath. Take 1 tbsp. 5-6 times a day after meals. Store in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Diet for the spleen

The diet for the spleen is very similar in composition to the therapeutic dietary method for the liver, aimed at consuming iron-containing foods and dishes.

This dietary program is very effective, as it allows you to restore the functioning of a damaged organ and prevent possible diseases.

Features of nutrition in diseases of the spleen ^

The spleen is an important organ that performs a number of useful functions, including:

  • Participation in metabolic processes,
  • Strengthening immunity,
  • Regulation of hematopoiesis and blood clotting.

All functions of the spleen are considered auxiliary, but extremely important. The adult spleen is capable of filtering red blood cells, bacteria and other foreign substances that enter the blood. In addition, this organ accumulates iron, necessary for the formation of hemoglobin.

Diseases of the spleen occur for the following reasons:

  • Damage can occur as a result of operations, impacts, falls, gunshot wounds, etc.
  • Diseases of the spleen are the result of infections: hepatitis, tuberculosis, salmonellosis.
  • Blood diseases such as leukemia, lymphosarcoma and others cause problems with the main hematopoietic organ.
  • Inflammation can also begin as a result of the formation of cysts and tumors.

The main symptom of any disease that appears at first is an increase in the size of the spleen, during which it puts pressure on neighboring organs and creates discomfort and malaise. The manifestation of symptoms depends on the source of the problem.

Unfortunately, the external signs of the disease are not obvious, so the patient consults a doctor with pain in the left abdominal region, which radiates to the shoulder or shoulder blade. The patient often confuses such pain with heart disease or neuralgia, while dysfunction of the spleen can only be determined through a thorough examination.

In addition, the presence of inflammation can be suspected in the following cases:

  • The appearance of bruises and bruises,
  • Bleeding with poor blood clotting,
  • Rash and itching
  • Rapid pulse.

Diseases of the spleen are dangerous because it is quite difficult to diagnose them yourself. Pain during inflammation can be very severe, and rupture of this organ leads to life-threatening bleeding. It is important to remember the possible consequences of self-medication and contact a specialist in time.

Diet food – effective method treatment and prevention of spleen diseases, promoting its normal functioning. It is important to eat foods rich in iron, which normalize the process of hematopoiesis.

  • Fatty fish are a source of taurine and fatty acids.
  • Nuts, pomegranate, honey to activate hematopoietic functions.
  • Cabbage containing folic acid, beets.
  • All citrus fruits, which, due to their vitamin C content, contribute to better absorption of iron.
  • Apples and apple juices, cranberry juices, avocados.

Diet for the spleen: sample menu and features ^

When using the diet, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salt and butter. In addition, experts do not recommend consuming the following products:

As with any other diet, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited, since strong drinks interfere with the normal functioning of the organ, inhibiting the production of red blood cells.

Diet after spleen removal

The diet after removal (splenectomy) consists of consuming a normal amount of proteins and carbohydrates, but limiting the consumption of refractory fats, foods containing cholesterol, and extractives. All dishes must be boiled or steamed, as eating fried food is strongly discouraged.

The daily energy value of the diet should be about 3000 kcal. It is recommended to exclude fresh bread from the diet; you can only eat bread that was baked yesterday.

Preference should be given to:

  • Vegetable and milk soups with the addition of cereals,
  • Vegetable borscht,
  • Lean meat
  • Fatty fish
  • Low-fat dairy products,
  • Vegetables,
  • Krupam.

Diet for inflammation of the spleen

The diet for inflammatory processes, like the previous one, is based on consuming large amounts of iron. It is very important that meals are frequent and regular. It is necessary to eat food at least 4-5 times a day.

  • To relieve inflammation, it is important not only to adhere to the list of recommended products, but also to make an infusion of rose hips, drink 100 g pomegranate juice every day, eat fresh berries, cook compotes and jams.
  • Juice from white cabbage, beets, radishes, and various vegetables.

Diet for an enlarged spleen

Diet for enlargement or splenomegaly improves its condition and blood supply, and also regulates sugar levels. Basic rules of this dietary technique:

  • It is necessary to drink enough water.
  • Food should not be too hot or cold.
  • Meals should be divided into one meal per day.
  • You should not go on a diet without consulting your doctor.
  • It is necessary to eat lean meat, liver, fatty sea fish, legumes and vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, honey, and herbs.
  • Drinks should be an integral part of the diet: herbal tea, hawthorn or rose hip decoctions, juices and fruit drinks.

According to doctors, diet alone will not help with a ruptured spleen. The only way out of this condition is surgery, during which the tear is stitched or the organ is removed.

  • In the future, the patient needs to consume foods rich in vitamins to strengthen the immune system.
  • In the first 3 days after surgery, the diet should be gentle, then the patient is transferred to a general diet.
  • In this case, it is important to correctly formulate the patient’s diet based on the list of healthy foods.
  • In addition, you need to exclude prohibited foods and dishes from the menu as much as possible.

The spleen is an elongated unpaired organ located in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity, behind the stomach. Despite the fact that the spleen is not one of the vital organs, its presence is extremely important for the human body.

This is due to the fact that it performs immune, filtration and hematopoietic functions. In addition, the spleen takes an active part in metabolism. Its closest neighbors are: the diaphragm, pancreas, colon and left kidney.

Thanks to the ability of the spleen to deposit blood, there is always a certain reserve in our body, which is released into the general channel at the first need. In addition, the spleen is responsible for monitoring the quality of blood circulating in the body.

  • Old, damaged, and altered blood elements are disposed of here. Also, the spleen takes an active part in hematopoiesis.
  • In ancient Greece, the spleen was considered a completely useless organ.
  • Every minute the spleen filters 250 ml of blood.

Healthy foods for the spleen

  • During the Middle Ages, the spleen was considered the organ responsible for laughter.
  • Nuts.
  • They contain minerals and trace elements that can activate the hematopoietic functions of the spleen.
  • Fatty fish.
  • Thanks to the taurine and fatty acids contained in fish, blood pressure is normalized.
  • Cabbage . Rich in folic acid, which is responsible for the synthesis of new blood cells. Thanks to vitamin P, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. It also contains vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting.
  • Liver . It is a source of iron, the lack of which can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels and anemia. The liver also contains heparin. It is precisely this that prevents thrombosis and myocardial infarction.
  • Beet . Natural hematopoietic agent. Stimulates the activity of the spleen. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is advisable to use it together with carrots, cabbage or tomatoes.
  • Honey
  • Thanks to honey, the function of the spleen, which is responsible for the production of blood cells, is normalized.

Pomegranate . Activates the hematopoietic function of the spleen.

For the full functioning of the spleen, doctors recommend avoiding stressful situations or learning to respond correctly to stress.

Regular eating in small portions will keep this organ healthy. Meals should be nutritious, at least four to five times a day. Iron-rich foods are very useful.

Folk remedies for normalization and cleaning

To ensure the health of the spleen, you need to spend more time in the fresh air. A good option might be the seashore or a pine forest.

  • Since the spleen is responsible for the hematopoietic function of the body, the following recommendations may be suitable for cleansing it.
  • Dandelion . Removes harmful cholesterol, which can clog the bloodstream of the spleen.
  • Apple and carrot juices.

Harmful foods for the spleen

  • Cleans blood well. Gives tone to the spleen. Cranberry juice. Due to the content of antioxidants, it prevents the formation of tumors.
  • Fats. Eating large amounts of fat can block calcium, which is necessary for the synthesis of new red blood cells.
  • Roast. Substances contained in fried foods cause changes in the composition of the blood. As a result of this, the spleen has to work in emergency mode, clearing the blood of abnormal cells.


The ancient Hindus and Avestans were closer to the truth, who defined this organ as “pouring, releasing, throwing” blood. Indeed, due to its structure, the spleen is a kind of reservoir capable of accumulating up to 300 ml of blood. And in case of an “emergency” situation - anemia, hepatitis, other infectious diseases and after injuries, operations - it immediately “directs” a portion of blood rich in red blood cells, oxygen and nutrients to the “hot spot”, thereby maintaining the normal homeostasis of the body. For this ability to act as a piggy bank, the spleen is nicknamed the “blood depot.”

In Agni Yoga, the spleen is called the “organ of harmony.” If it is healthy, you are guaranteed a spiritual connection with the world and yourself.

Its structure is perfectly suited for hematopoiesis. This is another important function entrusted to our modest nature. With age, it transfers the responsibility for the reproduction of red blood cells to the bone marrow, being mainly engaged in the “assembly” of lymphocytes and monocytes.

But if, as a result of illnesses in the bone marrow, normal hematopoietic processes are disrupted, the spleen again takes on the role of “commander in chief,” tirelessly “forging” healthy “cadres” of red blood cells.

But this is in emergency cases. Basically, it does “routine” work, daily sorting blood cells, removing aged and damaged leukocytes, platelets and, most importantly, red blood cells, and does this accurately and better than the liver. The spleen has even been dubbed the “graveyard of red blood cells.”

But perhaps its most important function is immune. By capturing and processing harmful substances, the spleen cleanses the blood of foreign agents - bacteria, viruses. Its cells accurately recognize antigens and synthesize specific antibodies.

What is good for the spleen

  • Warmth is beneficial for the spleen, and in the literal sense. If you are not overcooled, dress according to the season and wear loose enough clothes (God forbid you get pulled into tight corsets!), you have nothing to fear from stagnation of blood and weakening of the immune properties of the spleen. This means that microorganisms will not have soil to reproduce.
  • To ensure that your spleen is always in perfect order, eat more green vegetables, sweet peppers, tomatoes, black currants (in all types), drink rosehip infusion, do not forget about citrus fruits - they contain an abundance of vitamin C, which the spleen vitally needs.
  • From the Mendleyev table, she gives preference to iron, which is so necessary for the “coupling” of red blood cells with oxygen. “Deposits” of iron are found in pomegranates, Antonov apples, buckwheat, beans, and red meat.
  • To improve hematopoiesis and immune reactions, the spleen is not averse to “snack” with copper - this wonderful accelerator of redox processes. Treat her to lentils, crayfish, crabs, and then give her some tea, preferably green, to invigorate her.
  • And how she loves massage! Do not feed bread, just make gentle rotational movements in the left side of the abdomen clockwise and counterclockwise alternately. This increases blood circulation and improves all functions of the spleen.
  • Today it’s hard to believe that the most dangerous professions for her were. footman and walker. For a long time it was believed that the spleen “interfered” with mobility and endurance, so “for the sake of agility” this organ was simply removed for marathon runners and servants! Poor fellows! But the reason was insufficient physical fitness. In fact, the spleen is the best ally of active movement. If during a long run sometimes spastic pain occurs in the left hypochondrium (by the way, not in everyone and not always), it is associated with reflex contractions of the spleen, which do not interfere, but, on the contrary, help the body adapt to the load.
  • A sedentary lifestyle slows down blood circulation; congestion begins to develop in the spleen, often leading to the destruction of not only defective, but also completely healthy red blood cells. It's not far from anemia. So move more! During physical work, in response to the body's increased need for oxygen, the spleen is freed from accumulated blood and filled with new blood.

What is harmful to the spleen

  • All kinds of injuries are harmful to the spleen. She's so vulnerable! Rupture and associated heavy blood loss often lead to death. Protect yourself from blows to the left hypochondrium, from falling on your stomach when jumping into water from a great height. The famous hockey player Nikolai Borshchevsky, playing for the Canadian team “Toronto Maple Leaf” several years ago, received such a strong blow to the stomach with a stick during a game that he had to be urgently hospitalized. Diagnosis: splenic rupture. The hockey player's life was saved. But after the splenectomy, Nikolai Borshchevsky lasted major league only two years: without a spleen, the body could barely cope with heavy loads, and the hockey player was forced to move to a modest European team.
  • Oh, how she hates infectious diseases, especially typhoid and typhus, sepsis, acute viral hepatitis, brucellosis, syphilis, malaria, which literally affect it: viruses block the outflow of blood, the balance of hematopoiesis is disrupted, the spleen begins to increase in size and harden right before our eyes. If you don’t take special immune complexes and the disease starts, you will have to remove the spleen to save your life. If you are planning an exotic voyage to the tropics, be sure to first visit an epidemiologist to protect yourself from the main enemy of the spleen and the entire body - malaria. Special medications will “protect” the spleen from trouble. Avicenna believed that the medicinal syrup “Sikandjubin” helps to open the “blockage of the spleen”: Take 3.4 liters of good old wine vinegar, dilute it with 7.2 liters of clean fresh water. Put there the bark of fennel and celery roots - 89.55 g each, as well as fennel seeds, anise and celery - 29.75 g each. Leave all this to stand for a day, then boil over low heat until 1/6 has evaporated Part. Remove from heat and leave to cool. Then strain and add one part of honey for every 2.5 parts of this mixture. Boil again over low heat, skimming off the foam, until half of it remains. Cool, strain, store in the refrigerator and drink a glass every other day before lunch.
  • Do not drink alcohol in excessive doses or of poor quality. It literally poisons the spleen, killing its ability to filter and form blood.
  • Do not sit down in pursuit of a good figure strict diet without doctor’s recommendations, otherwise the spleen will immediately begin to mope. And don’t be surprised later if you experience exhaustion and anemia. Then you will have to “pump out” the spleen with walnuts, beets and carrots (they contain a lot of calcium), as well as a decoction of rowan berries and lingonberry juice. And vitamin B12 will help to establish the reproduction of red blood cells (it is found in fish, liver and kidneys).
  • If you are stuck in a traffic jam, quickly close the car windows. Do not force the spleen and the entire body to “inhale” exhaust gases. Reduced oxygen availability slows down the functioning of this organ. For the same reason, it is better to make a detour through a park, alley, or quiet street, but do not walk along the highway.

Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that the spleen is responsible for a number of vital functions in our body. Today, surgeons are in no hurry to remove the entire damaged organ, leaving healthy parts to take root in the peritoneum. As French doctors found out, in the hematopoietic organs, but primarily in the spleen (!), specific cells are produced that can resist the AIDS virus. Of course, the spleen does not pretend to be irreplaceable (it is known that people live without it), but doctors are sure: no one does this job better than the spleen - a modest and inconspicuous Cinderella.

Diseased spleen

I try to pay increased attention to health issues; sometimes I turn to Chinese medicine. Several years ago, I began to be bothered by insomnia, a series of colds came upon me, sometimes I lost my appetite, and I felt unwell. My friend recommended that I pay special attention to the spleen. Then it seemed to me that I could not have a diseased spleen.

In the human body, it is an inconspicuous organ, but the functions of the spleen are enormous. In Chinese medicine, the organ is considered the storehouse of health. The spleen is responsible for the quality of blood; it is the one that accumulates it. Our body needs healthy blood, which contains nutrients. If the spleen is not sick, then the quality of the blood is good, the muscles, skin and internal organs receive quality nutrition. In such cases, women do not suffer from cellulite, the muscles are toned.

I would like to remind you that the organ is located in the left hypochondrium. A healthy spleen is responsible for the production of lymphocytes. Lymphocytes have many functions, but one of the main ones is immune defense. Therefore, if the spleen is sick, an attack of viruses and microbes begins. To support the health of the spleen, I would like to suggest simple tips, they are available to each of us. The results will definitely please you. The skin is especially transformed, some people lose weight, and their health improves. To do this, you need to change your lifestyle a little and follow some rules.

Nutrition for the spleen

The organ loves sweet foods. If she is sick, then her need for sweets increases, she wants to eat them all the time. We fulfill her whims incorrectly, we consume sugar in refined form. This negatively affects the functions of the spleen.

Try changing your diet. Replace refined sugars with honey, and refuse sweets, chocolate, cakes and pastries. The sweets that this organ loves are dried fruits. Dates, figs, raisins will do her good. Don't forget to indulge in fruits - your organ will thank you! Fruits should be consumed according to seasonality. And over time, you can simply forget about sweets, you just don’t want them! This is the first signal that the spleen is not sick. We should try to include in the diet as many foods as possible that the spleen likes. Try to make the food from these products tasty.

You can write a list of products, and for starters, place it on the refrigerator door. This way everything will be at your fingertips and you won’t need to remember anything. The organ loves corn and millet, beef, cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin, legumes, milk, butter, seeds, mushrooms and eggs. Pay special attention to pumpkin. Whenever I'm in the mood, I cook a wide variety of pumpkin dishes. Everyone knows pumpkin porridge; you can also make delicious casseroles, desserts, puree soup, and juice.

Eastern medicine believes that the spleen does not like dampness. I would consider dampness not only spending a long time in cold and damp places, but also food from the refrigerator. If you consume a large amount of raw foods, go on diets, or engage in a raw food diet, the organ may become ill. To maintain health, you can bake fruits and vegetables! For example, baked apples and pears also contain quite a few vitamins, this is a delicious delicacy! Sometimes I get creative, for example, I drink tea with chopped fruit. It turns out to be fruit tea.

In order for the organ not to get sick, in addition to food, physical activity is necessary. Everyone knows about the benefits of walking, so try to walk more. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation, and blood circulation is disrupted. When a person moves actively, the body is saturated with oxygen, and the accumulated blood in the organ is replaced.

Probably each of us, when walking fast, felt pain in the left hypochondrium? This indicates that the organ is working hard. If you walk quickly and constantly, the pain in the hypochondrium goes away.

I would like to offer your attention two exercises, they can support the diseased organ. I don’t always do the exercises myself, sometimes I’m lazy or don’t feel like it, but these exercises are simple and give good results.

We place our legs as shown in the picture. Place your hands on your hips and spread your toes to the sides. Squat down shallowly. Turn your body slowly to the right and left. The exercise is performed for one minute.

We lie on our stomachs. We place our hands under the stomach so that they are in the groin area. Place your palms up.

Inhale, try to raise your legs as high as possible. We remain in this position for 30 seconds. Let's breathe deeply. Exhale, lower your legs slowly, place your arms along your body. Relax, lie down for a minute.

Both exercises are great for the spleen. Like these ones simple recommendations. Know that if you do not have a diseased spleen, your skin remains healthy, colds are rare, there are no allergies, your memory does not fail, your weight always remains stable. A healthy spleen means a strong stomach, stable healthy sleep, no cellulite, and indifference to sweets.

The only one

The spleen is sometimes removed and you can live without it, but it is still better to take care of it, because it is one of the important organs of the circulatory system

Does your spleen hurt? Take care of your health and prevent deletion! You need it, although for a very long time the spleen remained a sealed secret. What was not attributed to her! For example, it was believed that the English spleen (in our opinion, the blues) is provoked by the spleen, or more precisely, by its “juices,” which cause a gloomy mood. This statement seemed so convincing that even now the word “spleen” is used in English translated as “spleen”, as well as “anger, irritation”. Over time, it became clear that people completely undeservedly blamed this modest worker for their sorrows. It is important for you to understand where the spleen is and where it hurts. It is located in the abdominal cavity, in the left hypochondrium, on the back side of the stomach, approximately at the level of the 9th rib.

The spleen performs a very important job, storing, sorting and removing outdated blood cells from the body: white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells. This is a real small factory for recycling the “garbage” formed as a result of the vital activity of the body. In some illnesses, the spleen is removed (for example, Werlhof's disease) and the person continues to live, but at the same time his resistance to diseases is significantly reduced, since the functions of the spleen fall on other systems and organs (for example, the liver), which generally overloads and weakens the entire body . In addition, the spleen is our blood depot: at rest, it can store up to 800 ml of blood, which, if necessary (physical activity, stress, injury), is released into the circulatory system. That is why this delicate organ should be protected in every possible way - it will definitely be sad without it! Let's find out how to do this.

To keep your spleen safe, first of all avoid any kind of injury. Splenic rupture and associated heavy blood loss are life-threatening. In such cases, the organ is even removed. Blows to the left hypochondrium, as well as falls on the stomach when jumping into water from a great height, are extremely dangerous.

Another serious enemy of the spleen is alcoholic drinks (especially in large quantities and of low quality). Alcohol, in the truest sense of the word, poisons the spleen, destroying its ability to filter blood. Moderation and discernment in drinking alcoholic beverages will benefit the entire body.

Just like the liver, the spleen does not like preservatives and dyes. To keep this organ in order, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. The spleen especially loves green vegetables, as well as sweet peppers, tomatoes, black currants, and citrus fruits. Iron-containing foods such as pomegranates, Antonov apples, buckwheat, and beans will also benefit her. Among the drinks, she likes rosehip infusion and green tea the most.

4. Lose weight for health benefits

In pursuit of a good figure, do not go on a strict diet without the advice of a nutritionist. If you don’t take into account the opinion of your spleen in this matter, it will immediately begin to mope. Therefore, do not be surprised if, after strict gastronomic abstinence, exhaustion and anemia come along with the lost kilograms. And then you will have to “reanimate” the spleen with walnuts, fish, beets, carrots, and rowan decoction.

A sedentary lifestyle slows down blood circulation, and congestion begins to develop in the spleen. Hence the conclusion: move more! During physical activity, the spleen is freed from accumulated blood and filled with new blood. And the spleen also loves massage: gentle rotational movements in the left side of the abdomen clockwise and counterclockwise (alternately). This increases blood circulation, which improves the functioning of the spleen.

ABC of internal organs: spleen

If people quickly decided on why a person needs a heart, stomach and brain, then the spleen was called an organ full of secrets for quite a long time. And even now questions remain about some of its functions. At one time it was even believed that it was devoid of excretory ducts and, therefore, was an endocrine gland, and no matter what properties were attributed to it! They even called it the cause of hypochondria, which every self-respecting nobleman suffered from.

During intrauterine development, the spleen is one of the hematopoietic organs, then transferring this function to the bone marrow and further specializing mainly in the “assembly” of lymphocytes and monocytes. However, in some situations (for example, in case of blood diseases, when normal hematopoietic processes are disrupted in the bone marrow), it can again take on a leadership and guiding role, tirelessly replenishing the ranks of red blood cells - erythrocytes.

If a person moves little, then stagnant processes begin in the spleen, during which not only aged red blood cells begin to be destroyed, but also completely full ones, which creates conditions for the development of anemia. Exit? Exercise!

Green vegetables and citrus fruits are sources of vitamin C,

Antonov apples, pomegranates, buckwheat, beans are sources of iron,

Lentils, crabs, green tea are sources of copper, which is an accelerator of redox processes,

Massage that increases blood circulation

Damage to the spleen as a result of trauma.

What the spleen doesn't like

It is clear that from the dirty intercellular fluid we will not get “clean water” - as it is translated from the Latin lympha, but something gray...

To keep the car running well, drivers change the oil periodically. And we will change the intercellular fluid. To do this, we will drink structured water for 3 months (pass tap water through a shungite filter or infuse it on stones: shungite, silicon).

You can “get” fiber from food, which is sometimes difficult due to the refining of food products. You can also use nutritional supplements containing plant fibers.

Nutrition for the spleen

The spleen is an elongated unpaired organ located in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity, behind the stomach. Despite the fact that the spleen is not one of the vital organs, its presence is extremely important for the human body.

This is due to the fact that it performs immune, filtration and hematopoietic functions. In addition, the spleen takes an active part in metabolism. Its closest neighbors are: the diaphragm, pancreas, colon and left kidney.

Thanks to the ability of the spleen to deposit blood, there is always a certain reserve in our body, which is released into the general channel at the first need. In addition, the spleen is responsible for monitoring the quality of blood circulating in the body. Old, damaged, and altered blood elements are disposed of here. Also, the spleen takes an active part in hematopoiesis.

  • Old, damaged, and altered blood elements are disposed of here. Also, the spleen takes an active part in hematopoiesis.
  • During the Middle Ages, the spleen was considered the organ responsible for laughter.
  • Every minute the spleen filters 250 ml of blood.

Healthy foods for the spleen

  • Nuts. They contain minerals and trace elements that can activate the hematopoietic functions of the spleen.
  • Fatty fish. Thanks to the taurine and fatty acids contained in fish, blood pressure is normalized.
  • Cabbage. Rich in folic acid, which is responsible for the synthesis of new blood cells. Thanks to vitamin P, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. It also contains vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting.
  • Liver. It is a source of iron, the lack of which can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels and anemia. The liver also contains heparin. It is precisely this that prevents thrombosis and myocardial infarction.
  • Citrus. Contains vitamin C, which is responsible for the absorption of iron. In addition, vitamin A, together with organic acids and fiber, fights high blood sugar and also reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Apples. Thanks to the pectin they contain, they regulate sugar levels, which negatively affect the health of the spleen.
  • Avocado. Capable of binding excess cholesterol, which can clog the hematopoietic tubules of the spleen.
  • Beet. Natural hematopoietic agent. Stimulates the activity of the spleen. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is advisable to use it together with carrots, cabbage or tomatoes.
  • Honey. Thanks to honey, the function of the spleen, which is responsible for the production of blood cells, is normalized.
  • Pomegranate. Activates the hematopoietic function of the spleen.

For the full functioning of the spleen, doctors recommend avoiding stressful situations or learning to respond correctly to stress.

Regular eating in small portions will keep this organ healthy. Meals should be nutritious, at least four to five times a day. Iron-rich foods are very beneficial.

To ensure the health of the spleen, you need to spend more time in the fresh air. A good option might be the seashore or a pine forest.

Folk remedies for normalization and cleaning

Since the spleen is responsible for the hematopoietic function of the body, the following recommendations may be suitable for cleansing it.

  • Dandelion. Removes harmful cholesterol, which can clog the bloodstream of the spleen.
  • Apple and carrot juices. Cleans blood well. Gives tone to the spleen.
  • Cranberry juice. Due to the content of antioxidants, it prevents the formation of tumors.

Traditional health recipes

The healing properties of herbs have been used for centuries. On this site you will find recipes for their preparation and use.

Good for the spleen

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Each organ in the human body performs a specific function and we feel good as long as all organs are healthy. We use medications and try to eat certain foods to help the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and liver function properly, but for some reason we don’t pay enough attention to the spleen, considering it not a serious organ, and we don’t think much about what’s good for us. spleen. But when it makes itself felt, then we begin to understand how sensitive and important this organ is for our health. Since the spleen is one of the organs of the immune system, when it is diseased, our body’s resistance to colds and infections is noticeably reduced. So that the spleen does not bother you and functions well, you need a little: know what is good for it and what is harmful.

Good for the spleen.

))) - Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are considered especially healthy (pumpkin, carrots, bell peppers, lentils).

))) - You need sugar from natural products. These include sweet root vegetables (turnips, beets, carrots), honey, blueberries, bananas.

))) - Be sure to drink enough water, but not during meals, but 30 minutes before or an hour or two after.

))) - Ginger in any form is very useful for the spleen. Drink ginger tea once a day, add ginger powder as a seasoning to your dishes.

)))- For normal functioning of the spleen, it is very important that food is not too hot or cold, and also easy to digest, that is, it must be chewed well.

)))- Useful for the spleen, if there are problems with it, drink an infusion of burnet:

Pour a glass of hot water over two tablespoons of crushed burnet rhizomes and simmer in a water bath for twenty minutes, cool, strain. Drink a tablespoon of infusion for ten days before each meal. Then take a seven-day break and repeat the treatment.

As for what is harmful to the spleen, just like the liver, it does not like heavy and unhealthy foods: smoked meats, fried meat, baked goods with a high content of butter and margarine, thickeners, flavorings and other additives.

Ecological, healthy and timely nutrition plays a big role in maintaining health or restoring it. For normal functioning, internal organs, including the spleen, need some sparing. A certain diet can help reduce the load on the spleen, but at the same time fully cover the body's need for vitamins and minerals. The diet for a person with a diseased spleen is not too strict; many tasty and healthy supplies are allowed, from which you can prepare delicious dishes: lean meat, vegetables, berries, milk, cheese. And that's not all. A properly selected diet makes it possible to live a full life, even after organ removal. The main thing is to avoid what is harmful.

Diet can help prevent spleen disease or its recurrence.

Features of nutrition for a diseased spleen

You will have to change some eating habits that are detrimental to your health. First of all, start eating at a set table. It is the habit of eating fast food on the run, washed down with Coca-Cola, that is to blame for diseases of the internal organs, and the spleen does not like it. Make it a habit to have a snack 2 times a day: after breakfast, at 11 o’clock, and closer to dinner, which you should not refuse under any circumstances. This way, your eating regimen will be divided into 5 times, which will allow you to eat small portions for breakfast, lunch and dinner, compensating for the feeling of hunger with small snacks. The diet must include foods rich in iron, which is very beneficial for the pancreas and hematopoietic processes. Proper nutrition can support and restore the functioning of the pancreas, and generally improve the condition of the body. The diet is similar to that prescribed for liver disease.

What is useful?

First of all, in case of illness, the emphasis is on foods rich in iron. The spleen loves this. Such foods should be present in the diet daily; they can be eaten with almost no restrictions:

  1. fatty fresh fish, preferably sea fish;
  2. any nuts;
  3. Vegetables include beets, white and cauliflower cabbage;
  4. citrus;
  5. pomegranate, avocado, apples;
  6. cranberry.
For a sick spleen, it is recommended to eat boiled and fresh food: milk, fruits and vegetables, cereals, teas.

In smaller quantities, but also necessary to consume:

  1. butter;
  2. beef, not too young veal, chicken breast without fat;
  3. fresh milk.

The following products should be the foundation for your daily diet:

  1. porridge (preferably buckwheat);
  2. sauerkraut salad, beans, lentils, fresh and canned green peas, broccoli, tomatoes, garlic;
  3. leafy greens, nutmeg - in the form of seasonings;
  4. strawberries, watermelon, grapes, figs, black currants;
  5. all types of fermented milk products;
  6. boiled sausages;
  7. stale bread;
  8. from drinks - tea, chicory, diluted juices, water, which should be drunk in its pure form daily. Chicory, by the way, is an excellent coffee substitute.

The diet is aimed at restoring the functions of the pancreas in case of disease, for prevention. The diet should be especially strictly followed during the postoperative period. The best for this are light soups, the basis of which is water, liquid porridge, lean meat in very limited quantities, and a little fish.

What is prohibited?

Such a strict diet is a temporary measure, but it should be followed carefully. When you need clean water, drink it warm. It facilitates digestion and your condition will improve. The benefits of following the diet rules are obvious.
  1. fried, spicy, peppery and fatty foods;
  2. fresh pastries and soft white bread;
  3. mushrooms, mushroom and meat broths;
  4. chocolate, products made from it;
  5. alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  6. herbs and spices;
  7. sorrel, radish, horseradish;
  8. canned meat and fish, lard, eggs.

If you have a sick spleen, remove this food from your diet forever, never include it even in the holiday menu, without making exceptions for anything. Drinking alcohol while dieting is especially harmful; it is a blow to the spleen. After this, exacerbations often occur, and the time spent on restoring the organ is wasted. Treatment usually needs to be started all over again.

The most harmful products

Frequent consumption of fatty foods leads to blocking the intake of calcium, which is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells. Fried food slightly changes the composition of the blood. All organs, including the spleen, work hard to remove toxins from the body. Alcoholic drinks contribute to dehydration and inhibit the production of red blood cells. Products with preservatives form almost insoluble compounds. If you use them frequently, blockage of the vessels of the spleen may occur, which will inevitably affect it if there is an existing disease.

Is it possible to fast?

There are 3 main principles for treating the spleen, which, according to popular experts, can help. This is fasting, cold, peace. Therapeutic fasting is not recognized by official medicine, but it is believed that temporary refusal of food, and sometimes liquid, can cleanse and restore the digestive system. Therefore, the benefits that fasting brings are enormous; it can help rid the body of “slagging”, which will improve a person’s health. Fasting has a special technique. You can apply complete fasting, when it is possible for a person to drink liquid, and absolute fasting - “dry”. It is believed that fasting should not begin if the diet has not been followed, which is a kind of preparatory stage.

For more effective treatment, fasting should be accompanied by bed rest. Such fasting will reduce the production of secretions, which will allow the spleen to rest.

In ancient Greece, the organ was considered completely useless for humans; during the Middle Ages it was “blamed” for causing melancholy and gloomy thoughts. But it turns out that this unpaired organ performs the most important functions for humans: hematopoietic, filtration, immune.

The main work of the spleen is aimed at creating a supply of blood in the human body. It filters up to 250 ml of blood every minute, which allows you to cleanse it of pathogenic bacteria and increase clotting. The merit of the spleen is that it restores and “recycles” old and damaged blood cells, produces antibodies, and increases the body’s resistance to viral diseases. In case of blood loss, it replenishes the required amount of oxygenated blood with a large number of red blood cells and nutrients. That is why every person should make sure that his spleen is completely healthy. Contributes to its normal operation healthy image life: light physical activity, immune support in the form of vitamin complexes

and immunomodulatory drugs and, of course, proper nutrition.

Healthy foods

To improve the condition of the body, it is recommended to use more foods rich in iron. They should be present in a person’s diet every day and can be consumed with virtually no restrictions. The basis for the menu for every day should be:

  • Protein products: lean beef, pork, liver.
  • Buckwheat or boiled in water.
  • Sauerkraut, fresh and canned green peas, beans, tomatoes, garlic, broccoli.
  • Some types of berries and fruits: strawberries, grapes, watermelon, black currants.
  • Freshly prepared vegetable and fruit and berry juices.
  • All types fermented milk products, especially low-fat cottage cheese.
  • From drinks you can choose weakly brewed tea, coffee drink with chicory, milk, rosehip decoction.
  • Slightly stale bread.

But the following foods are especially beneficial for the spleen:

  • Any nuts. The minerals and trace elements they contain activate the hematopoietic function of the organ.
  • White cabbage and cauliflower. The vitamin K it contains has a beneficial effect on blood clotting, folic acid promotes the synthesis of new blood cells, and vitamin P helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Beet. It stimulates the activity of the spleen, promotes the production of more blood, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It’s not for nothing that it’s called a natural hematopoietic. It is useful to prepare dishes in combination with cabbage, tomatoes or carrots.
  • Fatty fish, preferably sea fish. It contains a lot of Omega fatty acids and taurine, which normalize blood pressure.
  • Liver. This is a source of iron, a small amount of which in the blood can lead to anemia. Heparin contained in the liver serves to prevent thrombosis and myocardial infarction.
  • Honey. It helps normalize the function of the spleen associated with the production of blood enzymes.
  • Citrus. The vitamin C they contain promotes the body's absorption of iron, vitamin A, organic acids and fiber. As a result of regular use of citrus fruits, cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood decrease.
  • Apples. They contain pectin, which regulates sugar levels.
  • Avocado. The fruit is able to bind excess cholesterol, which can clog the hematopoietic channels of the spleen.
  • Pomegranate. Helps produce more blood.

It will also be useful to know that:

  • Apple and carrot juice cleanse the blood well and help the spleen to always be in good shape.
  • Cranberry juice not only cleanses the oral cavity well, but also prevents the development of tumors in the hematopoietic organ.

Harmful products

  • Fatty dishes. The fats they contain block the intake of calcium into the body, which is necessary for the production of the required number of new red blood cells. Fried food. Contained in fried foods substances can cause some changes in the composition of the blood. The spleen will be intensified to cleanse the blood of changed cells, so it will have to work with overload, which negatively affects the condition of the internal organ.
  • Alcohol. Due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, the cells become dehydrated, and the spleen practically stops working, not producing new red blood cells.
  • Canned meat and fish. As a result of their use, compounds are formed that are difficult to dissolve and “clog” blood vessels.

You should also avoid eating soft white bread and fresh pastries, mushrooms, large amounts of herbs and spices, chocolate, carbonated drinks, sorrel, radishes, lard and eggs.

For the spleen to function properly and perform its functions, it is not enough just to adhere to a diet. Doctors recommend:

  • Take frequent walks in the fresh air. It is especially good if the place for walking is a pine forest or the sea coast.
  • Avoid stress or learn how to react correctly to stressful situations.
  • Dress according to the season, without getting too cold, but also without overheating the body.
  • Do not wear tight or very tight clothing, such as corsets. It will prevent blood from flowing normally.
  • Move a lot, do physical work, lead an active lifestyle. All this will help avoid stagnant processes in the body.
  • Do regular abdominal massage yourself, performing simple rotational movements on the left side. This will improve blood circulation and stimulate the functioning of the spleen.
  • Eat nutritiously and regularly, in small portions, consuming iron-rich foods.

These comprehensive measures will help our largest “lymph node” always remain healthy.