The strangest vegetables. Unusual vegetables and fruits. Green vegetable plants

05.11.2021 Symptoms
17 November 2009, 02:06

Each of us has tried apples, pears, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers.... No one will be surprised by this. But there are many more different kinds of fruits and vegetables in the world...
Melon Kiwano(Antillean cucumber, horned melon, angouria). Kiwano, a fellow Kiwi, originally from New Zealand. Externally, the fruit resembles a yellow-orange cucumber with numerous horns. In fact, kiwano is not as formidable as it seems: the spines are soft, the crust is loose. The best way When eating a fruit, cut it in half and scoop out the green pulp. Kiwano is like cucumber and lemon at the same time - refreshing. It contains vitamins of the PP group, and there is more than enough vitamin C in it. The average weight of the fruit is 300 g, the average length is 12 cm. The fruits are extremely decorative and can be used to create original compositions and even as Christmas tree decorations.
Buddha's hand. These are popular fruits in Asia of one of the representatives of the citrus subfamily (Rutaceae family). The contents of this fruit under its thick skin are very similar to lemon. It has the largest fruits of all citrus fruits. Their length is 20-40 cm. Diameter is 14-28 cm. Monstera. It grows in many homes. In nature, this plant produces tasty fruits. The ripe core of monstera fruit, despite the unpleasant pungent odor, is tasty and tastes like pineapple.
Paw-paw. Few people know that the North American banana Paw-paw (prairie banana) exists. This banana grows in the southeast of America. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary banana, only slightly shorter and has a more aromatic smell. Sapodilla (Sappodilla). Also known as sapodilla plum, tree potato, naseberry or chiku. This fruit was originally grown in South America. In the 16th century, sapodilla was brought to Thailand by the Spanish conquerors during the colonization of the Philippines. The fruit, in appearance, vaguely resembles kiwi - an oblong or round oval-shaped fruit, with brown skin and reddish-brown, sweet and juicy pulp. There are several black grains inside the fruit; they are not eaten.
Romanescu(or “coral cabbage”, “cruve almog”, “Romanesque broccoli”) - tastes like regular cauliflower, a little more tender and tasty. Looks even more amazing than in the photo. So, if you love cabbage, then you will definitely love this fantastic vegetable. In addition, this vegetable is literally packed with antioxidants. Yambu(jamboo, shompoo). This fruit is also called a pink apple, although in fact it is more like a slightly bruised pear, only red. The taste of yambu is a mixture between green apple, pear, gooseberry and a bunch of other fruits. The pulp is bright white and is almost half filled with air so that when eating yambu, you get the feeling that the fruit does not actually go into the stomach, but simply disappears in the mouth. Yambu, however, have one serious drawback - they spoil very quickly and are tasty only when very cold (even better - frozen) when they perfectly replace soft drinks.
Carambola. Carambola fruits are yellow in color, from 5 to 12 cm long. In cross section, the fruit has the shape of a five-pointed star. Carambola is a crunchy, sweet and sour fruit that tastes like a cross between an apple, an orange and a grape. Some varieties have a slightly noticeable turpentine taste. There are two varieties of the fruit - sweet and sour. Outwardly, it is not difficult to distinguish them - the sour one has narrow, clearly separated ribs, while the sweet one has thick and fleshy ribs. The skin of carambola is thin, shiny, translucent, through which the light yellow or yellowish-green (straw-golden when ripe) flesh is visible. Sweet fruits are consumed fresh, candied in the form of slices and canned food. The sour ones are used to make drinks. Some of the fruits are exported. The fruit is widely used to decorate a variety of dishes and fruit salads. Durian. The durian fruit resembles some kind of “alien” fruit the size of a football, covered with a hard, prickly skin. The pulp inside the fruit is pale yellow. The smell is similar to dirty worn socks, rotting meat, or sewage (take your pick). However, this fruit tastes amazing and elegant. The first European explorer who first tasted this fruit in the 1700s called it the “king of fruits.” “It was worth going on a dangerous journey just to try this fruit,” added the brave traveler.
Lulo. This fruit grows in Latin American countries: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Central America. In appearance, lulo resembles a yellow tomato, and in taste it is a mixture of pineapple, strawberries and the same tomato. Lulo is consumed only in its raw form, otherwise all the richness of vitamins remains “overboard”. And there is a lot to appreciate about lulo. The fruit contains water, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B, C. Lulo helps strengthen sleep, cleanses the blood, restores hair and nails. Lulo juice is an excellent tonic drink. True, there are restrictions and contraindications when consuming this fruit. It is not recommended to use it if you have liver disease, as well as with low blood pressure and high levels of allergens in the blood.
dragon fruit(Pitaya). A very sweet and tasty fruit with white pulp strewn with small edible seeds, like kiwi. Many who have visited Thailand have already “tasted” pitaya. Currently, this fruit is rapidly gaining popularity in the Western world. It is possible that it will soon appear on our shelves. Rambutan The fruit of the rambutan is covered with a hard skin with soft “hairs” and in appearance is very reminiscent of some kind of sea spawn-free muck. Under the skin there is a white fruit vaguely reminiscent of a plum (only white) with a hard white pit. This fruit grows in large clusters on trees whose height can be up to 20 meters. Rambutan is believed to be a Malaysian fruit. The name "rambutan" comes from the Malaysian word for "hair". Rambutan began to be grown many centuries ago in the countries of South Asia neighboring Malaysia, including Thailand. Cherimoya(Annona squamosus). This fruit is widely distributed in India, Brazil, Mexico, South and Central America, and Barbados. Sometimes this fruit is also called a sugar apple. Its skin, like its flesh, consists of segments, each segment containing one grain. The pulp of a sugar apple has a delicious taste, but we must remember that the grains of the apple are poisonous, so you should not give in to the habit of picking any seeds for the spicy-smelling kernel. Poisoning with the kernel of a sugar apple can lead to very sad consequences. The pulp of this fruit is eaten both raw and mixed with milk - it makes an excellent soft drink, and it is also used to make ice cream.
Lychee. Lychees are also called "grapes of paradise." This stone fruit is round or oval in shape, 3-5 cm long. The hard skin of the lychee is covered with small red spines. The pulp is translucent white or pink, juicy, sweet or sour-sweet, with a pleasant specific aroma reminiscent of strawberries and partly pineapple. Lychee is often used to make desserts. Lychees are also added to salads and used as fillings for pies and puddings. Lychee is used for medicinal purposes as a tonic. Tamarind(“Indian date”). Tropical tree native to eastern Africa. Currently grown in most tropical countries in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. The fruits are dark brown, brittle beans, with tasty “peas” inside, with pulp reminiscent of apple marshmallow in taste. Desserts are made from the fruits, eaten raw, dried, added to pastes, sauces, and meat dishes. The flowers are consumed raw and canned, and the leaves are used to make soups. There are two varieties of tamarind - sweet, with which all of the above is done, and green - it is served with capsicum and sweet sauce.
Jackfruit. Jackfruit is about the size of a large melon. Its weight can reach 40 kg. It is grown mainly in Southern Thailand. Inside, under the yellow-greenish peel, there are large yellow slices that have a specific taste and a strong aromatic odor. Too strong a smell indicates that the jackfruit is already overripe. Jackfruit is eaten both raw and cooked. A popular dish is jackfruit, cut into strips, doused in syrup and crushed ice. Peeled jackfruit is added to sweet pasta, vegetable sauces, and unripe jackfruit is used as a vegetable - added to soups in dried or pickled form. All parts of jackfruit are edible. Blanched fruit flowers are added to hot capsicum or shrimp sauce. Young leaves can be added raw to papaya salad. The peel can be candied or pickled and is also suitable as animal feed. Even in Thailand, jackfruit is mixed with other fruits. Add to ice cream or coconut milk. The seeds are cooked separately and added to many dishes.
Jaboticaba. Jaboticaba fruits resemble grapes with one seed inside, and grow on trees, clinging to the trunk or branches. As the fruits ripen, they go through stages from a soft green color, then a red tint, and when fully ripe they acquire an almost black color, while remaining translucent. They eat this fruit raw, and also make jam from it, make jams and marmalades. Just remember that the skin of jaboticaba is bitter, so you don’t eat it, but squeeze the fruit between your fingers and squeeze the aromatic pulp directly into your mouth, and throw away the skin. Also, before processing, jaboticaba is first peeled. By the way, when preparing jaboticaba for storage, I use the skin as a dye; it gives wines, jellies and marmalade a deep red color. Longan. The homeland of longan is either the lands to the west of Burma, or the area of ​​​​origin of litchi in China. It is in these regions that they are grown on a large scale. Longan tastes like litchi and in general, these two fruits are very similar. Longan has another name - “longyan” - which in Chinese means “dragon eye”. It is believed that longan was originally grown in southern India and the island of Sri Lanka. The skin of longan is thin and dense, but in fact it is very easy to peel off. The color of longan varies from brown to yellowish-red, and the flesh of the fruit is translucent, white or pinkish. Longan has a sweet, juicy taste with a distinct musky taste. Longan grows in clusters on evergreen trees, which can reach a height of ten to twenty meters. goat beard. Goat's beard root is very popular in Europe and the southern United States. It is spicy and tastes like oysters. Typically used as an additive to a variety of dishes, from soups to stews.
Guanabana. Guanabana is one of the largest exotic fruits; its weight can reach 12 kilograms. In appearance, guanabana resembles a green melon, elongated but shaggy. This exotic grows in tropical America. The taste of this fruit is not cloyingly sweet, but refreshing, with a piquant sourness. It perfectly quenches thirst, the pulp simply melts in the mouth, leaving a delicious aftertaste. It is highly recommended by nutritionists, as regular consumption of this fruit promotes weight loss. But guanabana will help not only fat people. It treats arthritis, gout, rheumatism, and also improves liver function. A serving of guanabana is said to be a great hangover cure.
Mangosteen. Mangosteen is called the "queen of fruits". Mangosteens, unlike durian and some other fruits, are liked by everyone, regardless of what fruit they preferred at home. If there were a competition on earth for best fruit in the world, then without a doubt mangosteen would win by a huge margin. The shape of mangosteen fruits resembles an orange, 4-8 cm in diameter with thick skin, which contains 7-18% tannin and is used as a tanning agent, and in medicine as an astringent. Inside the fruit there are 6-8 snow-white, less often orange, segments with very sweet, jelly-like aromatic pulp that melts in your mouth. The pulp contains up to 10% sugar. Each lobe contains a seed. Ripe fruits have a dark purple or red-violet skin. Kanistel(Egg fruit). Origin - Central America. An evergreen tree with fragrant flowers. The fruits vary greatly in shape; they can be round, oval, with an elongated beak-shaped tip. The fruits are smooth and glossy, varying shades of yellow and pale orange. Kanistel is rich in niacin and carotene, as well as vitamin C. 100 g of fruit contains 1.68 g of protein; 0.13g fat and 36.69g carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins, vitamin C; amino acids tryptophan, methionine and lysine. It is eaten fresh, with ice cream and fruit desserts, baked. Sweet potato flavor. This fruit can rather be called a vegetable. It is added to soups, salads, sauces. P.S. I tried some fruits while vacationing in Thailand and Indonesia. For example: mangosteen, lychee, rambutan, dragon fruit, carambola. What struck me most was the taste of mangosteen and rambutan. What fruits have you tried and who would you give your taste preference to?


Do we use all the vegetable plants that grow in nature? How many of them do we know and eat? For example, most of us are well aware of the basic White cabbage, while the genus “cabbage” has 250 varieties, as well as onions and many other vegetables.

In a number of countries, many plants are popular as vegetables. Residents of some European countries They season soups with calendula and dandelion flowers, believing that it is tasty and healthy. In Mexico, yucca flowers, a fibrous ornamental plant from the lily family, are fried. The Chinese' favorite vegetable dishes are prepared from bamboo shoots and lotus roots. In Japan, in addition to bamboo and lotus, the roots of the gobo plant (our name burdock) are added to food. In France, a special, very aromatic jelly is prepared from violets. Alfalfa buds are included in some English salads.

More than 1500 years ago, the Slavs knew how to grow turnips, radishes, peas, carrots, cabbage, and cucumbers. Ancient chronicles say that many vegetable and melon crops cultivated in Russia in those distant times were not known in Europe and their appearance and taste delighted foreign ambassadors, merchants and travelers.

With the development of the study of vitamins, the identification of their influence on the vitality of the human body and digestion, the range of vegetables has also expanded significantly.

Vegetables - these are the richest “piggy banks” of vitamins, mineral salts, phytoncides, fiber, essential oils and many substances useful to humans. They stimulate appetite, improve digestion and absorption of food, and help neutralize harmful acids formed in the body. Vegetables vary quite dramatically in their nutritional benefits. Therefore, the more variety of vegetables on the menu, the more complete the nutrition.

Green vegetable plants.

These include lettuce, spinach, dill, watercress, borage and other fast-growing leafy vegetables.

Their value is due to the high content of various vitamins, organic acids, mineral salts and microelements that contribute to proper metabolism and the normal functioning of the human body. They are rich in ascorbic acid, carotene, B vitamins and other valuable substances.

Salad - one of the oldest vegetable plants, which was known in ancient times to the Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. In Europe, where it appeared in cultivation in the middle of the 16th century, and in the USA it now occupies a leading place among other vegetable crops.

Endive and escarole chicory salads - they originated from India, from where they were brought to Egypt, then spread to the Mediterranean countries, and in the 16th - 17th centuries. - in countries Western Europe.

They are currently grown in most European countries. In our country, these types of salad are little known, but undoubtedly deserve distribution. The plants have a bitter taste, which is due to the presence of intibin, which has a beneficial effect on nervous system, general metabolism, liver, gallbladder and stomach functions.

Spinach – Iran is considered its homeland. Its wild species are found in Transcaucasia and Central Asia. It appeared in Europe in the 15th century. from Spain, where it was previously brought by the Arabs.

Due to its early ripening and cold resistance, spinach is grown in various countries as a valuable green crop not only in the spring; in the southern regions it can be harvested in autumn and winter.

This is a very valuable vegetable crop from the goosefoot family.

Spinach leaves contain a variety of vitamins, are rich in protein and salts of iron, phosphorus, and calcium. In 100 gr. spinach has a lot of potassium - 742 mg. The leaves contain spinach secretin, which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the stomach and pancreas. Due to its high iron and folic acid content, spinach is prescribed as remedy for some blood diseases.

The leaves of young plants are eaten. They are used to prepare salads, purees, soups, green cabbage soup, and consumed boiled and stewed. In the canning industry, spinach juice is used to color green peas intensely green. Used as dietary and baby food.

For long-term storage, spinach can be frozen, canned or dried. Fresh frozen, it can be stored at a temperature of -1 degree for 2-3 months.

There are as many B vitamins and carotene in canned spinach as in fresh spinach.

- was famous in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Distributed in many countries as an early-ripening, spicy salad plant.

Young leaves and stems of watercress have a horseradish or mustard flavor and serve as a pleasant herbal appetizer for various meat and fish dishes. The presence of mustard oil gives watercress leaves a pleasant, slightly pungent taste.

Watercress leaves are rich in mineral salts (potassium - 287 mg%, calcium - 188 mg%), iron, vitamin C, carotene, contain iodine and rutin. A valuable phytoncidal plant, strengthens the nervous system, improves appetite, protects against scurvy and anemia. It has diuretic properties and is known in folk medicine as a cleanser respiratory tract.

Field salad - common in Western European countries. In the wild it is found among field cereal crops. It is also called valerian, rapunzel. Distributed in the European part of the Russian Federation, in the Ciscaucasia, Western and Eastern Kazakhstan.

Salad mustard – leaf mustard is widespread in India, Japan, China, where there is a large
variety of its varieties and forms. From here it came to other countries and is grown everywhere as an early ripening salad plant.

Salad mustard leaves are rich in vitamins: C – 80 mg%, B1 – 0.8 mg% and B2 – 0.17 mg%. Contains 1.69 – 4.5 mg% carotene, 20 mg rutin, 182 mg% calcium and 2.4 mg% iron.

Leaves and rosettes of young plants are eaten. Mustard sprouts are used for coughs, eczema, to cleanse the intestines, etc.

Chinese cabbage - A vegetable plant widespread in China and Japan. It was brought to Europe in the 18th century. Distributed mainly as a salad crop.

Its edible tuberous structures are used as vegetables. They are eaten boiled, fried and pickled.

Stachys bushes are similar to mint, but their roots at a depth of 5 to 15 cm are equipped with a large number of nodules, similar to white oblong shells; their weight is 4-6, sometimes up to 10g. They are used for food. Stachys is delicious. When cooked, it is somewhat reminiscent of asparagus, cauliflower and even young corn. It’s easy to prepare: the nodules, thoroughly washed under a strong stream of water, are boiled for 5-6 minutes in salted boiling water. Drain in a colander and place on plates; it turns out to be a hot dish that is flavored with butter.

Stahis can be eaten fried, pickled and salted. It is also original on the holiday table. It can be used as a side dish for many main dishes. Stakhis is added to soups and vegetable stew. Dried vegetables can be stored for years. Stachis crushed into flour can be sprinkled on sandwiches and flavored with sauces. Children enjoy gnawing on the raw nodules.

Stachys does not contain any starch and is essentially an ideal food for diabetes. The nodules have an insulin-like effect. In addition, stachys is healing for diseases of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal diseases. It normalizes blood pressure and has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Plants of the cabbage group.

Vegetable peas – from the areas of the Mediterranean Sea, India, Tibet, and Asia came to Europe. Its seeds were discovered in pile buildings dating back to the Early Stone and Bronze Ages.

Its value lies in its high content of mineral salts and vitamins, especially group B.

Quantity minerals in 100 g of peas (mg): sodium – 2, potassium – 236, magnesium – 23, calcium – 26, iron – 0.7, phosphorus – 119, iodine – 4.2.

Green pea varieties of vegetable peas contain 6-9% sugar. A large amount of vitamins and the presence of alkaline salts in natural canned green peas allow them to be used as a dietary product and in medicinal purposes to prevent vitamin deficiency. Of great importance green pea and for feeding children.

Vegetable beans – the birthplace of garden beans is America, where they were grown even before Columbus’s discovery. In the 16th century She appeared in Europe. Only ripe grains were eaten, and later green beans.

Amount of minerals in 100 g of beans (mg): sodium – 1.7, potassium – 256, magnesium – 26.0, calcium – 50.8, iron – 0.79, phosphorus – 37.0, iodine – 3.0 .

In terms of nutritional composition, mature bean seeds, like other legumes, can replace meat in human nutrition. For diseases of the liver and gall bladder, it is used as a dietary product.

Vegetable beans – were widely used as food by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Dry bean seeds contain a lot of protein (23-25%), unripe ones contain vitamin C - 25 mg%, B1 - 0.1 mg%, B2 - 0.15 mg% and nicotinic acid - 0.9 mg%. Beans contain the amino acids arginine, histidine, methionine and lysine.


Leek – was known to the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks and was widely used in cooking. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, increases appetite, improves the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. 10 grams of fresh leek contains up to 254 grams of potassium. Thanks to these qualities, it is especially recommended for kidney stones, as well as for rheumatism, gout and obesity. In terms of the content of carotene, vitamins C and B, it is superior to onion. It contains up to 37% essential oil, which contains sulfur.

While in all vegetables the content of vitamin C decreases significantly during storage, in the fleshy leg of a leek it even increases.

Leeks are consumed raw, chopped, seasoned with vegetable oil. It is added to salads and side dishes. It is widely used for drying - it is included in dry vegetable mixtures along with carrots, parsley and celery.

It is added to all soups. When boiled, it is a side dish for fish and meat dishes. The stems are stewed in large quantities of water, add vinegar or lemon juice, butter and eat hot. Stewed leeks are also seasoned with mayonnaise, tomato sauce, adding parsley, dill, celery to taste, or cold, seasoning with vegetable oil, mustard and vinegar or lemon juice and finely chopped garlic.

Stewed leek is baked with white sauce and grated cheese.

Onion – may also be called winter onion, Tatar onion, sand onion. It is called winter for its exceptional cold resistance. It grows wild in Siberia and the Far East.

The leaves of this onion contain 2 times more vitamin C than lemon. In addition, they contain carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP, and contain potassium, magnesium, and iron salts. The leaves contain 6.5 - 7.8% dry matter, 2.4 - 3% sugar, 1.7% protein and other useful substances.

Young onion leaves are used as a seasoning. In spring, greens with onions are used instead onions, fry, stew, prepare filling for pies.

The onion family also includes chives (chives) – the earliest of all onions, its young leaves contain about 80 mg% vitamin C and 2.5 mg% carotene. Finely chopped chives are added to soups, sauces, put in salads, seasoned with herring and sprinkled on sandwiches. For harvesting for future use, young greens can be dried and stored in jars with a ground stopper.

Shallot – has a delicate feather and less pungent taste of the bulbs, onion fragrant – its leaves contain a large amount ascorbic acid(30 – 45 mg%), tastes pleasant, with mild pungency.

And greens grown in greenhouses include cucumbers, peppers and many other very common vegetable crops.

Of course, it’s good to have your own harvest, but all these vegetables can be bought at the market or in a store. Moreover, during the season it can be even cheaper than weekly trips to the country. Therefore, from time to time, if only for fun, it is worth trying to plant not only new varieties, but also unusual, untried rare crops. Let's give brief descriptions rare vegetable crops that can be grown in your summer cottage.

Pepino or melon pear is a shrub from the nightshade family.. Its fruits are the size of a goose egg with creamy or pale yellow flesh and taste and aroma somewhere between a pumpkin, melon and cucumber.

This is a perennial plant, however, it is grown in temperate climates seedling method as an annual. You can also keep one plant at home and propagate it every year from cuttings.

The harvest, collected at the end of summer, is stored for about 4 months in the cellar. Pepino can be dried, dried, candied, frozen and canned, as well as compotes and sauces made from it. When fresh, it is added to vegetable or fruit salads.

We moved to Kuban. We bought a house with a plot on the edge of the forest. We need to get some livestock. There is a dog and a cat, we brought them with us. We don’t need a cow, we need 3 liters of milk per week. A goat does not fit these parameters either. You can still have rabbits, they are soft and fluffy, they eat only grass and vegetables, but they multiply very quickly - what to do with them then? You won’t be able to handle them, soft and fluffy, and the prospect of an Australian rabbit tragedy is frightening. The bees remain.

Autumn is an excellent time for planting and replanting perennial flowers, especially if it is time to divide them - they have grown so much that they have begun to lose their decorative value. Another reason to divide perennials in a flower garden is to get several plants instead of one. And autumn propagation by division has a significant advantage over spring - the planted divisions adapt to their new place of residence even before winter, and in the spring they actively begin to grow and bloom in the first season.

Satsebeli made from tomatoes and peppers - a thick Georgian sauce. This seasoning is from the “dipping” category. Translated from Georgian, “satsebeli” means sauce, meaning “to dip”, hence the version that any sauce in Georgia is called satsebeli. You can eat the sauce with anything; it goes well with both meat and fish. For preparing homemade flatbreads with filling (lavash, pita bread and other delicacies), this is an ideal addition to barbecue; it goes without saying that you can’t think of anything better!

Having planted young apple tree seedlings, many gardeners tirelessly look after them, and after waiting for stable harvests, they relax their attention. They forgot to do something, didn’t have time to do something, and now the first problems appear. One of these is fruits rotting on a tree. It is no longer possible not to notice this, and natural questions arise - what is it and how to deal with it? Why apples rot on the branches and how to prevent this problem will be discussed in today’s article.

Keeping a couple of pigs on a personal farm, and once you have experience, a dozen, is not a complicated matter. But ignorance of some rules can lead to unexpected results. Pigs provide excellent, easily digestible fatty meat. What else is so attractive about pigs as farm animals? What advantages do pigs have over cows, goats, poultry or rabbits? What should you think about before getting piglets? Look for answers in our publication.

Among the diversity indoor plants there are real fighters. They are not afraid of uneven watering, shading and sudden temperature changes. This is what I consider to be the ficus Cyatistipula (goblet stipule). The first time I saw him was in the corridor near our accounting office. A one and a half meter tall beauty with large oblong leaves won my heart. I really love tall plants and I just couldn’t pass it up. I went into the office and asked our ladies for an appendage.

Eggplant caviar without sterilization and without cooking - spicy vegetable caviar with a bright, fresh taste, very appetizing and healthy! You won’t be able to store this product for a long time, but it will last for several days in the refrigerator. This caviar is appropriate to serve fried meat, simply spread on a slice of fresh bread or fill hot pita bread, wrap in pita bread. If you are going on a picnic, a jar of eggplant caviar will always come in handy; it is ideal for barbecue or fried sausages.

You can buy luxurious rose seedlings at a more attractive price in the fall, when numerous exhibitions and fairs offer huge selection varieties. Why not plant roses in September-October? At its core, autumn planting of roses differs from spring planting only in a few small nuances. Simple rules and a few tricks will help you get healthy, strong plants that will begin to grow and delight you with the first flowers before those planted in the spring.

Picking porcini mushrooms is the dream of every mushroom picker. The volume greatly depends on ambitions: for some, five pieces are enough for complete puppy delight, for others only a full trunk will satisfy. In any case, having collected porcini mushrooms, you feel like a breadwinner and lucky. But sometimes, under the guise of white mushrooms, inexperienced mushroom pickers can pick up completely non-white mushrooms. And it’s good if they’re edible, but what if they’re not? What types of porcini mushrooms are there, and what mushrooms can they be confused with?

Vegetable soup with bulgur and lentils is thick and satisfying, suitable for the strictest vegetarian menu, as it does not contain animal products, only plant ingredients. Meat protein in the soup replaces vegetable protein; lentils are rich in this protein. On fasting days, a serving of this dish is a complete meal for an adult. A delicious lean soup can be prepared in just half an hour if you cook it with red lentils - they boil down in just 15 minutes.

IN last years It is fashionable to give not cut bouquets, but fresh flowers in a pot. As a birthday present, Persian cyclamen appeared on my windowsill. Its delicate flowers looked like a flock of cute butterflies, wings half folded in a green meadow. I thoroughly enjoyed its appearance for almost 3 months until I noticed several dry leaves, and their number increased every day. I didn’t have much experience caring for this plant.

Potato salad Probably everyone loves it. Recipes for this dish can be found in almost every cuisine in the world. The exception will probably be countries that do not have potatoes, although in our time this is difficult to imagine. The salad can be served as a separate dish or as a side dish for meat and fish. Danish potato salad with Remoulade sauce is incredibly tasty and easy to prepare. It will only take a few minutes to prepare it, provided you have boiled potatoes in the house.

Both planting and digging potatoes have become a kind of ritual and holiday for gardeners. But with the end of one potato cycle, the next begins. And after the harvest is harvested, do not forget about preparing for next year. And first of all - about the soil, which potatoes deplete more than other root crops. In order not to lose soil fertility and to get a good harvest of completely different crops next year, it is better not to delay soil care.

Bulbs that bloom in spring are rightfully considered one of the most diverse plants in terms of decorativeness, color and size. At the same time, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and other bulbous plants are grown as seasonal garden decorations. Setting the tone for the entire spring and opening the season, spring bulbs are quickly disappearing from the garden scene. And they leave behind unattractive, wilting greenery. Only thoughtful planting will allow you to overlook the shortcomings of these magnificent plants.

Chocolate pie with pears is tender, tasty, beautiful, and it is very easy to prepare. It is important to choose the right shape and size of fruit, otherwise something will go wrong. Select a cake pan, select pears, place in pan. The fruits should be the right height, and if you put them in a row, there should be no empty spaces between them - the pears stand tightly together, like passengers on a bus at rush hour. This way, when slicing into portions, there will be a fruit slice in each slice of the pie.