What do affectionate nicknames mean - the meaning of affectionate nicknames. How a man calls his woman is how he subconsciously treats her. Why does a man call a woman childish?

16.03.2022 Thrombosis

The affectionate nickname your loved one calls you can tell you a lot about how he treats you.

We offer you a list of the most common affectionate nicknames and what they might mean

My angel, little angel- considers you an absolutely pure person, he is very afraid of losing you.

Barbie- considers you very beautiful, his ideal of beauty.

Baby- cares for you, but he is unlikely to be interested in real feelings.

Hippo- is engrossed in you, is not averse to playing, but will not limit your personal freedom.

Cherry- treats you with special care, values ​​relationships.

Babe- is specific in his desires and thoughts, does not intend to complicate anything.

Expensive- values ​​confidence and certainty in relationships. Feelings fade into the background for him.

Dragon– he likes your prickly character, he is ready to forgive a lot.

Durynda- ready to forgive you for any mistake, taking the situation under personal control.

Hedgehog, hedgehog- gives your relationship special significance. Sometimes he shows intemperance because he is afraid of losing you.

Toad- playfully assertive and energetic, but values ​​your relationship very much.

My life- obvious pathos shows a tendency to overdo it. It is necessary to find out whether he has another “life” on his side.

Giraffe- he likes your tall height and treats you with special love.

Hare, bunny, bunny, hare, bunny, hare- has a penchant for excitement, and is not averse to playing with you. Deep down he is quite jealous and watches you closely.

Gold, gold, gold- emphasizes the special significance of your relationship, but his mind prevails over his feelings.

Kitty, pussy, kisulya, kitty, kisik- has a mood for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Goat, goat, roe, little goat- feels complete intimacy with you. You are a very dear person to him, although he is capable of teasing you.

Sweetie- be careful: he most likely considers you his property.

Queen- treats you with deep respect, is ready to do anything for you. But he does not have a strong character.

Kitten, cat, kitten, kitten, kitten- feels an inextricable connection and closeness with you, tries to convince you of absolute fidelity.

Crocodile- emphatically energetic, has no mood to beat around the bush and hold back emotions for too long.

Tiny- he likes your miniature, appreciates you and is afraid of separation.

Chit- treats you a little condescendingly, wants to limit your freedom.

Doll, doll- is interested in you, but does not attach too much importance to your relationship.

Paw, sweetie, lapulya, lapusik- extremely active and ready to work and live for you.

Martin- completely confident in you and very attentive.

Little fox, fox, fox- all his attention is absorbed by you and he expects the same response from you.

Beloved, beloved, darling, love- is particularly sensitive, ready to act with full determination to build relationships.

Lyalya, Lyalechka, Lyalik- characterized by emotionality, cannot always control the outburst of feelings - both positive and negative.

Little, Masik, small, Masya- experiences deep feelings, is ready to show care and affection.

Baby, baby- you absorb all his attention, and they expect an adequate answer from you.

Teddy Bear- a sensual person, but does not intend to rush, is cautious and does not want to lose you.

Honey, honey- guarantees you a reliable relationship. His feelings are in complete balance with his mind.

Mulya, Musya, Musipusechka- very strong feelings. He is prone to hobbies and sometimes does not feel the limits.

Mouse, mouse, mouse- He is very attached to you, sometimes unrestrained, but his love is deep.

Pampushka- expects interaction and complete intimacy.

Donut- wants to attract your attention with all his might, protecting himself from all possible rivals.

Lovely– experiences tremulous and tender feelings.

Princess– treats you like a child, but his love is undeniable.

Belly, belly, tele-belly- determined to create and arrange a family home.

Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll- seeks full contact with you, but behind this there may be not only feelings, but also practical interest.

Fish- apparently looks at your relationship in a businesslike manner. Puts practical interest first, not romance.

Sweet, sweet- specially emphasizes his own emotionality, but in his soul he is calm and balanced.

Baby elephant- attaches serious importance to your relationship and expects reciprocity.

Sun, sunshine- has a keen interest and genuine tenderness in you.

Tiger, tiger, tiger cub– is not going to limit your freedom. He may joke with you, but in reality he offers you an equal union.

Hamster– has a tendency to impulsive actions, easily gives in to momentary impulses.

Chick, chick- offers you active contact, but probably in the depths of his soul he is afraid of something.

Miracle, monster- requires your full attention, emphasizes the importance of your relationship.

Of all the possible options, he decided to call you the sun, and not baby, for example. Why? The point is that he himself enjoys the sound of this word.

Sometimes a man can call it differently. It depends on what mood he is in today and what he wants to convey.

In addition to the semantic load, each sound carries a certain effect on a person’s feelings:

  • For example, sound "F" can clearly express wild and burning reactions. It is often used when you are acutely dissatisfied with something - “Ugh”
  • The sound “X” means sharp excitement (exclamations “ah”, “oh”).
  • A sound "SH" on the contrary, it fascinates and attracts attention. In it it can much more often than in others. This sound absorbs attention and forces you to break away from other things. When silence is necessary, say “sh!”
  • The second most common nickname is: sound "K". It is often used in affectionate nicknames: bunny, baby, honey. This sound focuses on sensuality, tenderness, and care.
  • The third one is sound "L", it can be found in affectionate nicknames 50% more often than in others. It means that emotions overwhelm us, but we are not afraid of it, but rather open up to them. When we have good mood we sing "La-la-la", and when we are not happy with something, we say "Crap!".

Listen to what and how your partner tells you. After all, even just the sound of a word will tell you a lot about your chosen one’s feelings for you.

What does a guy call and what does it mean?

Does your man often call you bunny or kitty? Or maybe just sweet or dear? Have you ever wondered what this means?

Psychologists advise you to listen to the nickname that your loved one gives you, in this way he unconsciously expresses his attitude towards you. After all, every nickname contains very interesting and useful information.

Affectionate nicknames

Sunshine, berry, doll, sweet, candy, honey. Such nicknames are mainly found in the initial stages of a relationship. They show that a man is attracted to you and has boundless tenderness. Falling in love and passion dominates your relationship now. Enjoy the candy-bouquet period.

Animal nicknames

Kitten, tiger cub, elephant calf, squirrel. These messages show that your chosen one has a playful and tender attitude towards you. He is ready to take care of you and give you his warmth and affection.

Standard nicknames

Beloved, sweet, dear, dear. This is how men usually call those in whom they are confident and whom they want to call their wife. They take responsibility for you and are ready to be with you under any circumstances.

Official nicknames

Does a man call you by your first or last name? This means that your man strives for an equal relationship. In this way, he emphasizes that he values ​​​​your opinion, and you are a close relative to him. Calls you by your patronymic - the man respects you, but there is also a share of sarcasm in the relationship.

Children's nicknames

Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, little. When a man calls you that, you can be sure that you are behind him, like behind a stone wall. Such a man is ready to do everything himself, and for him you are his little miracle, which he adores. But don’t get too used to the role of a baby, because it is much more profitable to become a charming seductress.

Abstract nicknames

Sun, miracle, happiness, gold, my joy. These nicknames imply that the man feels very good around you. He experiences the most joyful and positive emotions when you are around. Only sometimes you should add more passionate emotions.

Funny nicknames

Donut, crocodile, crocodile, musya, telepub, booger. Your partner feels complete intimacy with you, he is inextricably linked with you. He is energetic, does not walk in circles, and does not hold back his emotions. It requires the same from you.

These nicknames tell a lot about the man who uttered them, and also reveal his true intentions towards you. Listen to them and draw the right conclusions.

What does your nickname mean?

In order to finally understand your partner’s feelings, let’s take a closer look at the following examples of nicknames:

  • Calls by name– he values ​​you as a person, respects and trusts you. But try, nevertheless, to bring zest and passion into your relationship.
  • Darling– your lover dreams of building a happy and long-term relationship with you. The influence of his mind is directly proportional to his feelings. He avoids quarrels with you, and simply despises scandals and intrigues.
  • Princess- idolizes you. He can fulfill any of your requests. Ready to protect you and take tender care of you. Just don’t abuse his good attitude.
  • My dear– considers you best girl. He has confidence in you and is grateful to you for everything.
  • Darling– really loves you. He has the most reverent and sincere feelings for you. But he also wants to receive care, tenderness, affection from you. If you give him this, then your relationship can very soon develop into a strong and happy union.
  • Sun- he has the brightest and most tender feelings for you. You are attractive to him like a magnet, so he is very drawn to you.
  • Kisa- he loses his head over you, and therefore wants to quickly move on to close contact. Prefers playfulness, carelessness, affection. He's avoiding seriousness for now.
  • My girl– protects you, and already considers you completely his. He is confident in you, and he wants you to become confident in him. Fully ready to envelop you with care and attention.
  • Zaya– wants to play with you, because he loves excitement. But at heart he is quite jealous, and you are always under his close attention.
  • Sun– for him you are a gentle and bright creature. He protects you and is always interested in you. Continue to give him the brightest and most joyful emotions.
  • Baby- directs all his attention to you. He is fascinated by you. But he also wants to receive the bulk of your attention.
  • Native- He values ​​you madly. You have already become part of his family. He trusts you and believes that you can build a happy future together. Appreciate this attitude.
  • Expensive– values ​​the relationship with you immensely. He senses that you both invest a lot in the relationship and really appreciates it.
  • My little- he adores you. His feelings towards you are very deep. He is always ready to take care of you.
  • Baby– his attention is focused entirely on you. He's madly in love with you. And he expects the same return from you.
  • My joy- appreciates you very much. You bring him the positive emotions he needs so much. You are the most important thing for him now. important person in life.
  • Sweeties– focused on finding full contact with you. But be careful, his feelings may be superficial. His first priority is practical interest.
  • Beauty, beauty– admires your appearance. But the danger is that he only sees your outer beauty and not your inner beauty. Therefore, you may not be considered for a further serious relationship.
  • Girlfriend– grateful for the support and communication. But you are more of a friend to him than a girlfriend. Think about it. Perhaps it makes sense to show your femininity and arrange a couple of tender romantics.
  • Kitty– feels a close, inextricable connection with you. He doesn’t want to part with you, and intends to show his loyalty and care.
  • Sweet– considers you incredibly attractive. But he is a calm and balanced person. Therefore, crazy actions are not for him.
  • Child- Take care of you. Considers you small and defenseless. The main thing is that at the same time, he feels you not only as a child, but also as a mysterious coquette.
  • Sweetie– very emotional towards you. Believes that he has already conquered you.
  • Lapulya- he is ready to do a lot for you. He is quite active and can take bold actions. Use them for good.
  • Doll, doll- are very passionate about you. But perhaps it is only externally that you attract your chosen one. Think about this, and try to become his friend.
  • Fish- treat you in a business-like manner. Romance is not the first place in your relationship. Perhaps a couple of sensual romantic evenings will help you.
  • Tiger cub– your partner emphasizes your independence. He respects you and is ready for equality. But sometimes, try to show your femininity so as not to become just a partner for him. Mischievous, harmful - loves to play with you. I'm ready to forgive your pranks. He himself is mischievous and cheerful, so he likes your whims and games, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Pay attention to what your lover calls you. Interpret his words and message correctly. Thus, you will begin to better understand how your partner is feeling at the moment, you will be able to significantly improve your relationship and direct it in the direction you need.

Good day! You can observe how young couples come up with nicknames for their partners, expressing some special attitude towards each other. If a man calls you “my girl,” what does that mean? It is impossible to answer immediately. To understand what feelings a man expresses when he calls his partner a cute nickname, you need to understand the issue of their relationship. The partner’s actions show what he is counting on - sex for one night, or building a long-term relationship with a girl.

Showing affection through a nickname

Why a guy calls a girl by her nickname and not her name is of interest to many ladies around the world. Psychologists will help you deal with this issue; they have studied this aspect of relationships, as well as related aspects related to the subconscious and conscious mind of a person.

If a man calls his girlfriend by an affectionate nickname, then this shows a special attitude towards his chosen one. Through such words, the guy unconsciously tries to convey to his lady what he wants in their relationship:

  • If he calls you “darling”, “tender”, this indicates a lack of tenderness and tenderness in the relationship for him;
  • When you hear that you are called “gold”, “precious”, this already indicates how dear you are to your man;
  • It happens that a nickname such as “bunny” is perceived and associated with the animal itself. With this sweet word, the guy shows the girl that he desires her and wants a close relationship.

There is one caveat: there are guys raised by their parents in strict, ascetic conditions. They have little experience with physical contact such as kissing and hugging. By calling their chosen ones cute nicknames, such young men express their feelings. Depending on the state of mind of the couple, nicknames may change. Expressing his feelings with various sweet words, the young man shows to what extent the girl is dear to him. If this type of communication is perceived positively, the couple develops a harmonious relationship. If a girl does not feel comfortable from such treatment, then it is better to immediately tell her partner about it. A guy can show his feelings for his beloved lady by expressing emotions, with the help of gentle touches, affection, kisses, hugs.

If a man says “my girl”

Often, the words a guy says have no meaning. In some cases, terms of endearment are used to manipulate. Telling the girl tender word, the guy hopes for the quick fulfillment of his sexual desires. Counts on easy access to the body of the chosen one. Of course, one cannot exclude the sincere feelings of a man for a woman. In sensual moments, such a couple also has their own tender words for each other.

Important. Always try to figure out why a man says kind words to you. Expresses an excess of feelings or wants to lure you into bed?

What is the goal

When a man calls a woman “My...”, the phrase can have one of the following meanings:

  1. The guy has a lot of girls around him that he likes. In order not to torment himself and remember each name by name, he uses beautiful words. This is due to the lack additional characteristics, exclusively gender.
  2. A guy can use the phrase “my girl” at the subconscious level, securing it to himself. This may indicate that he considers her his property. This young man is very jealous.
  3. Also, this can be expressed in an insufficiently strong physical connection between partners. Relying on the help of a pronoun, a man tries to get closer to a girl.
  4. Maybe the guy likes the expression itself, just by the sound. This is enough in some cases for it to be used as a nickname.


When a handsome young man often uses the phrase “you are my girl,” the girl in most cases is delighted. Because she sees certainty in their relationship. But, it is worth paying attention to how your partner behaves when you are near him in public. If he does not call you the same in the presence of others, or only speaks in your ear, then you can forget about the constancy of this man. If a man speaks loudly and does not hesitate to show his feelings in society, then you can be sure of the seriousness of his intentions towards you.

When a loved one says “You are my girl”

The guy says “my girl,” the meaning of the words depends on the situation in which he uttered this expression. The girl begins to judge the meaning of this phrase addressed to herself. Nicknames are no exception, so you also need to pay attention to them when communicating with a guy.

Why this particular phrase

The nickname that a guy uses in relation to a girl means his subconscious perception of the lady. An example can be given when a man calls large women “panther” or “goat”. With these expressions, he lets his companion know that he considers her graceful, without paying attention to the shape of her body. This interpretation is possible if the man is sincere with the girl and he really likes her.

It happens that a guy doesn't have Serious relationships towards the girl or he has selfish intentions, in which case such nicknames will be a mockery or ridicule of the woman and her external physiological data.

Nickname meaning

Psychologists believe that the phrase “you are mine” should be alarming. Since it hides complete power over a person. The girl is no longer a person, but is perceived as her own thing. Watch your partner. If you notice aggression in his behavior, insensitivity to other people's opinions and reluctance to seek compromises, then you should be wary.

The desire for complete possession, which is not veiled by words, can be observed in the initial period of a nascent relationship, and at times, this is consolidated into long-term relationships. In such a situation, you need to decide how good you feel with such a partner. Do you like being someone’s property?

Nicknames for girls when a man is sincere in his feelings

In fact, there are a huge number of nicknames. I will suggest the most common of them:

  • “My good one” - evaluates the qualities of his beloved girl from the good side, the young man values ​​​​his relationship with you;
  • “Sweetie”, “pie”, “sweetie” - these nicknames occur unconsciously and are associated with the association of housekeeping; the guy can guess about your culinary abilities, or he really wants you to have them;
  • “Dear”, “beloved” are the most common expressions that indicate the sincerity of feelings;
  • “Bunny”, “fish”, “mouse” - is associated with the special attention of a guy to a girl, making her stand out from other women.

The situation is completely different when a young man calls a girl by name. Some people think that this is not correct, supposedly the man does not feel anything for the girl. It's a delusion. Simply, there are men who are not prone to romance, but they are considered the most reliable and loyal. They will always help you, no matter what the situation.

A guy can use different epithets in relation to his girlfriend. Basically, they are images of animals that sound affectionate and do not offend the girl. During passionate games, during intimacy, associations with plastic and graceful creatures can be heard. If a man uses the phrase “you are mine,” the guy can rarely explain it. A man wants to subjugate a girl, not always, while expressing the desire to possess her. In some cases, such a phrase speaks of the complex character of the beloved.

A similar thing manifests itself in a man when a desire arises for complete control over a girl, her subordination. Over time, this attitude often manifests itself in the form of jealousy, aggression, if encountered with disobedience on the part of the beloved. When constantly using expressions with the pronoun “mine,” observe the guy’s actions and behavior.

However, there is no need to be upset if this phrase is used in a relationship. Perhaps the guy on a subconscious level expresses his reverent desire to possess you and not let you go. This is a normal desire, which is most often projected in the early stages of a relationship. Usually, the expression of sexual desire prevails if the partners have not yet reached intimate intimacy or intimacy is very rare. The young man unconsciously shows the importance of the girl’s presence in his life.

It would not be correct to judge the usefulness of a relationship solely by the phrase spoken. In order not to be mistaken about the truth of the motives for which you got the nickname, it is worth observing your partner and analyzing his actions. What are your guesses as to why nicknames are given in relationships? Write your answer in the comments.

The affectionate nickname your loved one calls you can tell you a lot about how he treats you.

Here's a list of the most common pet names and what they might mean.

My angel, little angel, considers you an absolutely pure person, and is very afraid of losing you.

Barbie considers you very beautiful, her ideal of beauty.

Baby - cares for you, but he is unlikely to be interested in real feelings.

Hippopotamus - engrossed in you, not averse to playing, but will not limit your personal freedom.

Cherry - treats you with special care, values ​​relationships.

Baby - he is specific in his desires and thoughts, he does not intend to complicate anything.

Darling - values ​​confidence and certainty in relationships. Feelings fade into the background for him.

Drakosha - he likes your prickly character, he is ready to forgive a lot.

Durynda is ready to forgive you for any mistake, taking the situation under personal control.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - gives your relationship special significance. Sometimes he shows intemperance because he is afraid of losing you.

The Toad is playfully assertive and energetic, but values ​​your relationship greatly.

My life - obvious pathos shows a tendency to overdo it. It is necessary to find out whether he has another “life” on his side.

Giraffe - he likes your tall height and treats you with special love.

Hare, bunny, bunny, hare, bunny, bunny - has a penchant for excitement, and is not averse to playing with you. Deep down he is quite jealous and watches you closely.

Gold, gold, gold - emphasizes the special significance of your relationship, but his mind prevails over his feelings.

Kisa, pussy, kisulya, kitty, kysik - has a mood for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Goat, goat, roe, little goat - feels complete closeness with you. You are a very dear person to him, although he is capable of teasing you.

Sweetie - be careful: he most likely considers you his property.

Queen - treats you with deep respect, is ready to do anything for you. But he does not have a strong character.

Kitten, cat, kitten, kitten, kitten - feels an inextricable connection and closeness with you, tries to convince you of absolute fidelity.

The crocodile is emphatically energetic, has no mood to beat around the bush and hold back his emotions for too long.

Tiny - he likes your miniature, appreciates you and is afraid of separation.

Baby - treats you a little condescendingly, wants to limit your freedom.

Doll, doll - is interested in you, but does not attach too much importance to your relationship.

Paw, sweetie, lapulya, lapusik - extremely active and ready to work and live for you.

Swallow - completely confident in you and very attentive.

Little fox, fox, fox - all his attention is absorbed by you and he expects the same response from you.

Beloved, beloved, favorite, love - is particularly sensitive, ready to act with complete determination to build a relationship.

Lyalya, Lyalechka, Lyalik - is characterized by emotionality, and cannot always control the outburst of feelings - both positive and negative.

Little, Masik, little, Masya - experiences deep feelings, is ready to show care and affection.

Baby, baby - you absorb all his attention, and they expect an adequate response from you.

Bear is a sensual person, but does not intend to rush, is cautious and does not want to lose you.

Sweetheart, darling - guarantees you a reliable relationship. His feelings are in complete balance with his mind.

Mulya, Musya, Musipusechka are very strong feelings. He is prone to hobbies and sometimes does not feel the limits.

Mouse, little mouse, mouse - he is very attached to you, sometimes unrestrained, but his love is deep.

Pampushka - counts on interaction and complete intimacy.

Donut - wants to attract your attention with all his might, protecting himself from all possible rivals.

Charm - experiences tremulous and tender feelings.

Princess - treats you like a child, but his love is undeniable.

Belly, belly, tele-belly - determined to create and arrange a family home.

Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll - is looking for full contact with you, but behind this there may be not only feelings, but also practical interest.

Fish - apparently looks at your relationship in a businesslike way. Puts practical interest first, not romance.

Sweet, sweet - specifically emphasizes his own emotionality, but in his soul he is calm and balanced.

We can guess as much as we want about a man’s true attitude towards us. It doesn't matter how long you've been together. We girls have different situations and circumstances that make us doubt his love. These doubts eat us away from the inside, destroying ourselves and our relationships, giving rise to feelings such as jealousy, self-doubt, and fear of loss.
We can ask a man the question as much as we like: “Do you love me?” - but you probably don’t even like asking him about it. And whatever the answer, it is not always able to dispel your doubts.
In general, asking about love when there are doubts in your soul is somehow awkward, you feel like some kind of beggar. Can you imagine for a moment how the beautiful Jolie runs around the house after her husband Brad Pitt and asks: “Honey, do you love me?” Kind of stupid, don't you agree?
And if Jolie doesn't do it, then you shouldn't either. Firstly, if your man really loves you, this does not mean that he should tell you about it every half hour. He will not do this, if only because his, a man’s, love is fundamentally different from a woman’s. Women's love stands the test of time, logic and circumstances. If we have chosen our man, we will follow him through thick and thin. Even if your friends tell you that he is worthless and no matter how many times he himself put an end to your relationship, you will devote all of yourself to him. And you expect the same attitude from him. But this is unrealistic. Men love differently. And whatever it is - man's love- this is also love. And if you understand exactly how a man loves, you will find out if he really gives you all of himself. Is it possible to find out if he loves you? - Yes. Usually loving man does three things.


Pay attention to how your loved one introduces you to other people: their friends, business partners or relatives. If he says, for example: “This is my girlfriend / baby / beloved” - in one word he gives you a title that goes beyond the notorious friend zone, it means he loves you. If a man calls you “his,” it means he really thinks so and informs everyone about it, because his intentions are serious and pure.
If he introduces you as a friend or simply calls you by name, be sure that it is so - you are just his friend. Deep down in your soul, you know this yourself, right?
But as soon as he gives you any title, you immediately understand that the man is making a statement. He declares his intentions towards you.


As soon as a man claims his rights to you, he immediately begins to earn money exclusively for you. After all, now you are his family. The primary purpose of a man is to be a breadwinner and provider. A man who tries to force the idea of ​​equality and financial independence on you is simply fooling you. A man who is able to provide for his woman and children always feels more significant than one who lives for himself. If you feel that he is doing less for your relationship than he could, he is not a man, or rather, he is not your man. Of course, today we often hear from some men that modern women are somehow selfish, almost extortionists. And often we have to prove the sincerity of our feelings without pretending to anything. But in fact, this is a trick created by men without serious intentions: this way they can save their money and get everything they need from a woman. What if your man has no money? He will still do everything to satisfy your needs. He will help and try for you in everything.


If a man loves you, he will crush anyone who dares to think badly of you and somehow offend you. If you have been offended, a loving man will go and stand up for you and your honor. Any self-respecting man will protect what belongs to him. If on creepy story about how someone insulted you, he will only shake his head or even get angry, but will not take any action - there is something wrong. When a man loves, most likely, you won’t even want to talk about the fact that someone offended you, because he will go to sort it out, and we all understand that this can end badly.
Of course, defense is not only about the use of brute physical force. A man who truly loves protects you in other ways: he can give valuable advice or volunteer to do something that, in his opinion, is unsafe for you. He will never send you to the store late at night or to walk the dog, he will do everything himself, even if he hasn’t slept for more than two days.