Ancient Slavic alphabet 49 letters. Slavic alphabet

11.11.2021 ethnoscience

Ask yourself the question - “What is the easiest way to subjugate a people, in particular, a people Rusov or, as it is now incorrectly called - Russians?!” Answer - “Destroy the memory of his ancient Vedic culture and “ castrate"its ancient language along with its alphabet." This is exactly what happened on the territory ancient Rus' with coming " educators"from Europe, which allegedly brought " light of culture"to the ignorant pagans. We were all made " Ivans rootless" This was " price» integration of our country into “Europe”. Now Russia is integrating into the " global community" And the process destruction» sacred history Rusov continues. This is due to the fact that “Europe”, on a subconscious level, feels the absurdity of the primacy of the materialistic “values” of modern Western democracy, which lead “Europe” to spiritual degradation . With external relative prosperity, “Europe” obviously “ fears» admit it openly. She is also intuitively “afraid” of the growth of spiritual self-awareness of Russia, in which, as in a boiling crucible, the process of formation of a new holistic spiritual and material worldview is underway. . In bloody wars from 1917 to 1945, Russia lost 75 million of its fellow citizens killed or killed. The total population in Russia at that time was about 150 million. Civil War died - 20 million, 25 million in " Stalin's camps", 30 million in the second World War. Russia, not the USA and England, saved “Europe” from fascist enslavement . However, today, for example, Americans " convinced“that it was they, the Americans, who defeated fascism in “Europe”?! By the way, there has been no war in the United States for more than 200 years. So what is happening now in the relationship between Russia and the West can be characterized by the proverb - “ Why are you hurting me, because I haven’t done anything good to you? ?!” Russia " receives well-deserved ingratitude "from the West, which has surrounded and is surrounding Her on all sides with military bases. Foundation stone " fear "The West is not in the potential military aggression of Russia, but in the potential growth of the spiritual self-awareness of the Russian population, which the West is trying to " out of kindness"slow down, and imposes on our country" yours"dead end" unspiritual worldview" Only “Materialistic values” at the head of the meaning of human life are a dead-end option for the development of humanity on our planet. The sages of antiquity knew this well .

In this work we will talk about the ancient Slavic Alphabet Rusov - « Slavic initial letter ", which consisted of 49 characters (letters) and its sacred secrets. " Initial view "of this Alphabet, which we built according to the laws of the matrix of the Universe following the ancient sages of the Slavs. The conversation will be about the priceless treasure of our country and people .

« Primordial species “We have shown a large number of alphabets of antiquity in a number of works on the site. Almost all of them were created by the sages of antiquity on the basis of Knowledge about the matrix of the Universe. Alphabets are not " came up with “—they were created or built according to certain laws on the basis of Knowledge about the matrix of the Universe. Alphabet of 49 Slavic letters not an exception. In the article we will repeat the work of the sages of antiquity and show what we built according to these laws “ Initial view "of this Alphabet.

We have built " Primordial species » the following Alphabets of antiquity. Works in the section " Author's articles »:

Armenian alphabet -The Matrix of the Universe, the sacred basis of the Armenian alphabet . Scandinavian runic alphabet Futhark -Runic alphabet Futhark, Odin, Valhalla, Brahma and Zeus in the matrix of the Universe. Arabic and Glagolitic -The sacred basis for constructing the alphabets of Phoenician, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Glagolitic was the matrix of the Universe. Part 2. Phoenician, Greek and Hebrew -The sacred basis for constructing the alphabets of Phoenician, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Glagolitic was the matrix of the Universe. Part 1. Egyptian hieroglyphs -Egyptian hieroglyphs are not primitive pictorial writing - they are a reliable way of preserving and transmitting sacred knowledge to the future. "Alphabet of runic Boyan's Hymn" -The secret of the Name of the god Svarog and the things of the bird Gamayun was revealed by the matrix of the Universe.

Chapter " Turks ": Elements of ancient Turkic runic writing (Orkhon-Yenisei writing) -Turkic deity Tengri in the matrix of the Universe.

Chapter " National religions of China and Japan ": Chinese hieroglyphic writing -The Matrix of the Universe is the sacred basis for constructing Chinese characters. Incorrect form of the simplified character Guo-Guo in the name of the country China. The Tibetan alphabet and its original form in the matrix of the Universe - chapter " Author's articles ».

Section “Prayers and mantras” – Church Slavic alphabet –The sacred meaning of the Lord’s Prayer and its comparison with the Maha mantra in the matrix of the Universe

In total, we researched and built 13 alphabets according to the laws of the matrix of the Universe. " Initial view "The alphabet of 49 Slavic initial letters will be the fourteenth alphabet we have built. So, there can be no doubt - all ancient alphabets were built according to the laws of the matrix of the Universe, which acted as their sacred basis, and not “ were invented"by someone.

We will present the introduction to our work based on a literary source from the Internet - Walking Through Life. Website « Crossroads of truth seekers and spiritually rich» -

Slavic Initial Letter


« Initial letter - This naming one of the Slavic alphabets , used over a vast territory belonging to Russians . There were also runica (priestly letter) Glagolitic (trade letter), features And cuts (the simplest of writings) …

The biggest one was All-light diploma , which consisted of 147 characters. Each symbol carried an image - regardless of the system, initial or Glagolitic, the designation of the same sound carried one semantic load, as well as a numerical value, which was justified by Faith and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcelestial and earthly Konakh (not to be confused with laws, although now this very word conveys the meaning of a concept that was originally opposite). Initial letter we know best - under the name of Cyrillic , trimmed and cleaned of unnecessary letters and sounds , A " to the heap », and from the Images hidden behind these symbols .

Ancient Slavic Initial Letter had 49 Initial Letters . The modern Alphabet has only 33 letters, and even then only 32 letters are used in the letter .

Rice. 1.

To translate the Bible into our language, Byzantine monks (originally from Bulgaria, the empire’s close neighbor Romeev ) Kirill And Methodius they remade our ancient Slavic initial letter, and removed the letters they did not understand (i.e., which were not in Greek). These letters were also incomprehensible because the sounds they denoted were not found in Greek words . The Greeks still have only 24 letters . Yaroslav the Wise, with his wisdom, removed another letter - foreign policy demanded...

Reformer Peter I by entering " civil "font, removed five - under a plausible, as they say now, pretext facilitate book printing with a single writing standard .

Karamzin introduced the letter E into circulation to replace the long-killed Yota - his contemporaries still wrote, as they said: “iolka”, “serious” (remember the English serious tracing paper !), “sliosis” (redundancy of writing for the sake of transmissions sound). Thus, many participles with “-en” became obsolete and lost their true meaning - for example, “amazed” meant “ distraught “... Pushkin also wrote with “-en”: for example, in “Ruslan and Lyudmila”:

A sorcerer, encouraged by a witch,

Having cheered up, I decided again

Carry the captive to the feet of the maiden

Mustaches, humility and love.

Nicholas II eliminated three more - among them, however, were Greek " xi " And " psi ”, in the language used nowhere less often and only in words Greek origin.

After the revolution of 1917, Lunacharsky removed three letters (Yat, I, Fita) and seriously demoted Er(b). Revolutionary sailors confiscated from printing houses all letters with objectionable letters, as symbols of the hated tsarist regime . Instead of - Era it was proposed to put an apostrophe... Reprint editions of books from the early 1920s contain these same apostrophes in memory of rape ABCs.

Soviet linguist L. Uspensky V " A word about words " described this event from a truly communist point of view , and even backed it up with the calculation that Americans now practice: he calculated the average number of letters “Ъ” in the pre-revolutionary edition of “War and Peace”, from which he concluded that 3.4% of the book is littered with an unnecessary sign at the end of the word, but just imagine how much paper is wasted writing just these damned hard signs... In fact, this sign meant linking sound after a hard consonant, a kind of aspiration that completed the word, neither “o” nor “a”. We still pronounce it now, but we don’t designate it in any way. A The image of the letter was Creation . That is, words were thus given nature, material weight .

Studying in the royal gymnasiums also did not contribute to the love of the native alphabet: the children languished while learning “ words in Yat », without already understanding their meaning and the need for an additional letter... And the saying “ Fita and Izhitsa - the rod is approaching the body " speaks for itself. By the way, there are very few words with “Izhitsa” in the Russian language, not even a dozen, and mostly these are words where Izhitsa replaces Greek Upsilon : svmvol, mvro, svnod, vssop, smvrna, Svmeon, Evgeniy (Yes, this is “Eugene” - a Greek name, the same letter is written in the Greek word “Gospel”). Used Izhitsa only in church books, in secular literature it became obsolete a long time ago.

In fairness, let us mention: some clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church preserve fragmentary knowledge of pre-revolutionary spelling and the old alphabet. That last one, of the 36 signs remaining from Nicholas II. True, they don’t put images into this - it’s displeasing to God. But the spelling of the words was preserved.

Textbook of Archpriest Valentin (Asmusa):

Finally, Lunacharsky removed the images from the Initial Letter , leaving only phonemes, i.e. language has become unimaginative = ugly . This castration of language leads to the degradation of not only the language, but also the minds of the people who use this language.

Nowadays, in children's books describing the old ABC, the teaching of Figurative, pre-revolutionary literacy seems to be a complex, unpleasant matter :

A student sits and spells: “ Think-az-think-az " What happened? Turns out, " Mother " Oh, it's hard to learn the alphabet!<…>Try to remember when to write " others like it ", and when " and with a dot "; when needed " fita ", and when " fert " — (I explore the world “Culture”, M., AST, 1996, p. 21)

Cute, isn't it? By the way, the series “ I'm exploring the world "is distinguished by the most frightening superficiality of all the popular publications for children of that time.

Do you know what this means - “ Az-Buki-Vedi »? « I know the letters ", the smart book tells us. Imagine - three letters hide a whole phrase! And if you dig deeper... and “ Beeches " - this is not at all Beeches , A GODS… it turns out - " Az Gods Lead » — « I Know the Gods"! The figurative disclosure gives an even more stunning, spiritual text: “ I, God Incarnate on Earth (self-aware person) Gods (higher entities and worlds) I know (I understand with my heart, soul, I feel my unity with them).”

In the series of films “Games of the Gods” the following meaningful phrases are also given (now you understand why the initial letter is written in a 7 by 7 square):

Rice. 2. first line horizontally : Az Gods Lead The Verb Good Is Am - As God Knows The Verb Good That Is Life (being, existence) (That’s the meaning of life for you)

Rice. 3. Option for reading initial letters in a 7x7 square - second line horizontally : You live in the Village of Earth Izhei Init Herv - Abundant Life on Earth, Harmonizes both with the Universe and with the Community, creating the Tree of the Universe (but the basis of worldview - remember the Scandinavian Yggdrasil?)

Rice. 4. Option for reading initial letters in a 7x7 square - first column from the left vertically : Az You Live Like the Word Qi Yat Yota - As Lives Like the Whole Word Descended and Established Everywhere (proclamation and justification of customs).

Rice. 5. Option for reading initial letters in a 7x7 square - sixth column from the left vertically : There is Init Peace Her Ery En Izhitsa - Community Existence Rests on the Paths Connecting All Nature (nature) (the basis of the social order).

Rice. 6. Option for reading initial letters in a 7x7 square - diagonally from left to right down : Az Selo Myslete Ouk Er En Izha - As is Very Wise, Creating Ancestral Foundations in Time (and this is the justification of the goals and objectives of the life of the ancestors).

Slavic Letter. Lesson Two: Letter Meanings

Perhaps you asked yourself the question: “How can we decipher the letters without knowing the Images?” Here I will tell you the Images, and may they help you understand our language.

What is all this for? Isn’t it interesting - instead of a set of sounds, to pronounce a hymn to existence filled with strength and life, embodied in a word, understanding how to use it? The word has the power to make the surrounding space vibrate. Russian words surpassed all others in this

European languages, from which so many new buzzwords have come to us, are the children of our great language . These languages ​​no longer have deep imagery, having lost it hundreds of years ago, during the formation of languages, when groups of outcasts or seekers of new things budded off from a single Genus, And. having settled in on a new land, forgot their past . And now they are trying to bring all languages ​​down to their level of understanding, this is especially evident in English, which is being vigorously pushed to the role of the world language leader .

Many authors and theorists involved in the study of Old Russian and Old Slavic languages ​​note their brevity in connection with the additional transmission of the image. We took an example, a simple message of two sentences. The first sentence in our language sounded something like this: “ Prince of Ubykh to fight ", and the second - " Prince come " In this example, the meaning of these words is clear to modern Russian. Next, the authors consider this example in English language. I want to immediately clarify that the second expression of two words was expressed in English in eleven words! Translated into modern Russian, the beginning of the expression sounds something like this: “ What do I have and want to tell you about the prince who has returned " Well, in general - full influence Arabian-Odessa on world culture in the form of " What do I have to tell you "! In our language, all other words are from English translation according to the rules they are considered dirty words . Now, think about how much we need education reform, which landslide will touch our most precious " great and mighty » Russian language .

« The death of language means the death of the Family “, said one Armenian thinker in the last century. Distorted language leads to distorted perception, from which distorted values ​​arise, distinctions are lost - in will and desire, form and formality, good and benefit, capacity and volume, etc. The genus loses its qualities and degrades (runs wild), turns into people (layering of Rod), from which, if the process lasts, originates rabble (prefabricated rod).

It has been noticed that closed human communities, cut off from civilization, gradually switch to a primitive language, and even residents of neighboring villages cease to understand each other. Something similar is observed in Western Europe. Residents of various regions in Germany and Finland, for example, already speak dozens of dialects and do not understand each other well. At least they use the same letters - they would be completely separated .

An example of distortion when using foreign signs that do not have images , cited by M. Kuczynski in his book “The Mysteries of the Phaistos Disc and Snake Worshipers”: the American Indians depicted their deity, the lord of earth and sky, in the form of a mythical feline with eagle wings. They call him the supreme deity, with the name “ Birdcat » ( exactly in this vowel!). The Christian fathers wrote down this name with their meager icons, which when translated into modern Russian sounds like - Quetzalcoatlus . Now try to find signs of similarity in sound there! And is it just a matter of writing? An anecdotal example with the name of an animal " kangaroo ": when a European scientist pointed out this animal to an Australian aborigine with his hand and asked in his own language (!!!) what the animal's name was, he answered him simply and clearly - " I do not understand you " It sounded like " kangaroo ", So clever man from Europe and wrote it down in a notebook...

To stop or, for starters, slow down the process wildness , we need to return to our roots, figuratively speaking . And for this you need to know your language fathers , Shurov , ancestors .And not only to know, but to be, to become their full-fledged heirs, having mastered the word in full .

Table of meanings of initial letters and images " standing" after them.

Rice. 7 The Ancient Slavic Initial Letter had 49 Initial Letters. In the figure it is shown as a square, with seven letters in each line. In each horizontal row, the initial letters are read sequentially from left to right.

Figurative Writing was preserved in chronicles until a relatively late time. He was protected by tradition, since among the Christian monks there were not only fighters against the old Faith, but also people who sincerely loved their People and protected the knowledge of their ancestors. That is why dual faith, unparalleled in history, existed in Rus' until XVII century.

An example of an incorrect interpretation of the Images: there is a known case when Ivan the Terrible, having retired from business, retired from Moscow to the Alexandrovskaya Sloboda, where he prayed earnestly and called on everyone who followed him to repent - as we see, executing boyars and ruling a state is not an easy task even for a tsar. The people, surprised by such an act, went to the king to find out whether he was going to return or abdicate. forever? The ambassadors asked Ivan to take the throne again. He didn't want to, but agreed - not to his own good.

So, the chronicle says this: Ivan addresses people with the words “KLM to rule over you?” The recited title above the letters KLM indicates that the images of the letters must be read. That is - “How people think.” The translator of the chronicle made a mistake and deciphered"KLM" How"Kolomna". Although what does Kolomna have to do with it, if we are talking about all of Rus'... The Tsar did not renounce in jest, and his choice was difficult.

Friends! A huge number of pseudo-linguistic sensational “scientific works” are circulating on the Internet, which are copied from site to site. And many people believe all this! Let’s take a look and think about whether these “discoveries” can be trusted.

Here's what pseudo-linguists say:

“In Rus', since ancient times, the original Russian alphabet has existed, it had 49 letters. In the 9th century, two Greek monks Cyril and Methodius remade our ancient Slavic initial letter and gave the letters Greek names, and removed the letters they did not understand - those that were not in Greek. Thus, Cyril and Methodius created a simplified alphabet (Cyrillic alphabet) and translated biblical texts into the “new” Russian language. And later, several more original Slavic letters were removed from the Russian alphabet.”

Let's start with the fact that Cyril and Methodius created not the Cyrillic alphabet, but the Glagolitic alphabet. The Glagolitic alphabet is quite complex icons, and it is unlikely that you will read them without special training. This is what they look like (on the left is the Glagolitic alphabet, in the center is the Cyrillic alphabet, on the right is the Greek prototype of the Cyrillic alphabet):

Why do scientists believe that the Glagolitic alphabet appeared before the Cyrillic alphabet?

The so-called “palimpsests” have been preserved - manuscripts in which the original text was scraped off on parchment and a new one was written. They are all of the same type - the Cyrillic alphabet is written in an erased Glagolitic alphabet. And it is in the Glagolitic monuments that more archaic phonetic features characteristic of the dialect of the Solunsky Slavs have been preserved. This dialect became the basis for the Old Church Slavonic language, created by Cyril and Methodius for the translation of liturgical books. The Cyrillic alphabet appeared somewhat later than the Glagolitic alphabet; its author is considered to be Kliment of Ohrid.

There are references to the fact that before baptism the Slavs had their own writing or signs (“lines and cuts”). However, the monuments of this writing have not survived.

Pseudo-linguists claim that the Cyrillic alphabet was created on the basis of the Russian “Bukvitsa”, which originally had 49 letters. But let's not chase sensation, but look carefully at this table. This is the same “Initial Cap”:

Have you looked? Now go to Wikipedia’s “Greek Alphabet” page. It is easy to notice that many letters of the “Drop Cap” correspond to letters of the Greek alphabet.

Just, please, do not assure me that it was the Greeks who stole writing from the Slavs! (I have also heard such sensational statements). The Greek alphabet has been known since the 9th – 8th centuries BC; a huge number of works of ancient Greek literature were written on it. Thus, the Greek alphabet was already in use 18 centuries before the appearance of Slavic texts in Cyrillic.

The model for the Cyrillic alphabet was the Greek statutory letter. The Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic alphabet includes letters from the Greek alphabet, and letters have also been added to represent sounds specific to the Slavic language and not found in Greek.

Pseudo-linguists indignantly declare that several “original Slavic” letters were subsequently removed from the Cyrillic alphabet. But in fact, the nasal vowels, which were no longer pronounced, first disappeared from the alphabet as unnecessary - “Yus big” and “Yus small”, simple and iotated (for some reason the author of the Initial Letter table came up with strange names for them “En”, “Od” ", "Yota", "Ota"). And later, Greek letters that were not typical for the Russian language were removed from the Russian alphabet: for example, “Fita”, “Xi” and “Psi”, which were used only in words of Greek origin (the names “Thekla” and “Fedor” were written through “Fita” ", "Ksenia" began with the letter "Xi", "psalm" with "Psi").

Found a mistake? Select it and press left Ctrl+Enter.

The Russian language has now become very simplified. Many people began to forget their native words. What they write on the Internet is completely scary to read, as if half the letters in the words have been lost: “Ok”, “Spock”, “Sps”. And the word “Internet” itself is not ours, not Russian, it is now everywhere. But earlier in Rus' the ability to speak beautifully and well was valued. And all the boys and girls from childhood knew the “elemental truths” that are stored in our very language. Where to look for these truths now and what is the Old Slavic Initial Letter? Let's figure it out together.

Nowadays we call letters the "alphabet". This very word came to us from Greece, not native to Russian people. Our writing is also called “Cyrillic”. At school, everyone probably heard the story about the monks Cyril and Methodius, who allegedly brought a letter to Rus'. The Slavs had only written language before them. It was called the Bukvitsa, and our Ancestors knew all its secrets.

Cyril and Methodius considered Russian literacy too complicated. So they removed the letters that were not found in the Greek alphabet and renamed the rest. This is the new certificate. Later, the Russian language was cut several more times. Each time they said that this would make it easier, and all people would be able to master reading and writing. Now from 49 initial letters there are only 33 letters left.

Why did the Slavs have such a complex alphabet? Not because they couldn’t come up with something simpler. Previously, each Initial Letter had its own multifaceted Image. Each word could be disassembled into these Images and its true meaning could be understood. Now everything has been turned upside down. As they say today, “I am the last letter of the alphabet.” And in our native alphabet Az (man is the creator, God living on earth) was the first Letter, so that we remember that we must start any business with ourselves.

So let's start with ourselves! Each of us can learn the Russian language and the ancient Initial Letter. To revive our language, let's speak our native words. Not “manager”, but “leader”. Not “image”, but “image”. Not “leader”, but “leader”. So everything immediately becomes easier, the meaning of each word becomes clearer!

The whole thing is more difficult Slavic Initial Letter learn, but this can be done. Our alphabet itself helps us to learn the covenants of the Gods. The initial letter is written in 7 lines of 7 characters each. If you read any line: from left to right, from top to bottom, you will recognize one of the “elementary truths.”

We will now share several of them with you!

The first truth: The As of God Knows the Verb Good that I Am.
Therefore, a Man living on earth knows his Gods and does Good, and this is his life.

Truth two: Life is Abundant on Earth, Harmonizes both with the Universe and with the Community, creating the Tree of Peace.
Life on Earth is abundant, the whole World and the community of good people are in harmony, together they create the World Tree (the tree that connects Nav, Reality and Rule).

Truth three: How People Think: He Speaks Peace to Us.
To those who think like good people, the Creator of the Universe himself brings Peace, tranquility, that is, serenity, cutting off everything unnecessary and unnecessary.

These are the “elementary truths” and there are many more of them hidden in our Initial Letter. There is another way to discover the power of the Drop Letter. Each letter can become your amulet. This amulet reveals the Image of the Initial Letter and the power of the Native Language.

“Az” will help develop the gift laid down by the Gods and cope with indecision.

“Good” will bring prosperity to the house and protect it from harm.

“The Word” will give you the ability to speak convincingly and protect you from quarrels due to careless evil words.

Thus, the Proto-Slavic alphabet is a Message - a set of coding phrases that allow each sound of the language system to be given an unambiguous graphic correspondence (i.e., a letter).

And now - ATTENTION! Let's look at the first three letters of the alphabet - az, buki, vedi. Az - “I”. Buki (beeches) - “letters, writing.” Vedi (vede) - “knew”, perfect past tense of “vediti” - to know, to know.
Combining the acrophonic names of the first three letters of the alphabet, we get the following:
“az buki vede” - “I know letters.”

All subsequent letters of the alphabet are combined into phrases:
A verb is a “word”, not only spoken, but also written.
Good - “property, acquired wealth.”
There is (este) - the third person singular of the verb “to be.”

We read: “the verb is good” - “the word is an asset.”

Live - imperative mood, plural from “to live” - “to live in work, and not vegetate.”
Zelo - “zealously, with zeal” (cf. English zeal - persistent, zealous, jealous - jealous, as well as the biblical name Zealot - “zealous”). Earth - “planet Earth and its inhabitants, earthlings.”
And - the conjunction "and".
Izhe - “those who, they are the same.”
Kako - “like”, “like”.
People are “reasonable beings.”

We read: “live well, earth, and like people” - “live, working hard, earthlings, and as befits people.” Think - imperative mood, plural of “to think, to comprehend with the mind.”

Nash - “ours” in the usual meaning.
On - “that one” in the meaning of “single, united”.
Chambers (peace) - “the basis (of the universe).” Wed. “to rest” - “to be based on something.”

We read: “think about our chambers” - “comprehend our universe.”
Rtsy (rtsi) - imperative mood: “speak, utter, read aloud.”
Wed. "speech". The word is “transmitting knowledge.”
Firmly - “confidently, confidently.”

We read: “say your word firmly” - “carry knowledge with conviction.”
Uk is the basis of knowledge, doctrine. Wed. science, teach, skill, custom.
Fert, f(b)ret - “fertilizes.”
Her - “divine, given from above” (cf. German herr - lord, God, Greek “hiero” - divine, English hero - hero, as well as Russian name God - Horse).

We read: “uk fret Her” - “knowledge is fertilized by the Almighty,” “knowledge is a gift of God.”
Tsy (qi, tsti) - “sharpen, penetrate, delve, dare.”
Worm (worm) - “he who sharpens, penetrates.”
Ш(т)а (Ш, Ш) - “what” in the meaning “to”.
Ъ, ь (еръ/ерь, ъръ) are variants of one letter, meaning an indefinite short vowel close to “e”.
The variant “ь” arose later from “iъ” (this is how the letter “yat” was displayed in writing until the 20th century).
Yus (yus small) - “light”, Old Russian “yas”. In modern Russian, the root “yas” is preserved, for example, in the word “clear”.
Yat (yati) - “to comprehend, to have.”
“Tsy, cherve, shta ЪRA yus yati!”

It stands for “Dare, sharpen, worm, in order to comprehend the light of God!”

The combination of the above phrases constitutes the elementary Message:

“Az buki vede. The verb is good.
Live well, earth, and people like you,
think of our chambers.
Rtsy’s word is firm - uk fret Her.
Tsy, cherve, shta ЪRA yus yati!”

And if we give this message a modern twist, it would look something like this:

I know the letters. Writing is an asset.
Work hard, people of earth,
As befits reasonable people.
Comprehend the universe!
Carry the word with conviction: Knowledge is a gift of God!
Dare, delve deeply in order to comprehend the Light of Being!

In this article I will try to introduce readers to the main types of Slavic-Aryan writing. According to the Vedas, there were at least nine of them. From them, subsequently, all other types of alphabets and alphabets originated:

  1. X, Aryan Karuna (rune union) - priestly letter, a collection of secret runic images.
  2. YES, Aryan Trags , (approved shining path) - hieroglyphic (ideogram) outline of transmitted images. I read in all four directions.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of scripts used by our Ancestors. Let's start the story with the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter.

The Old Slovenian Initial Letter is the greatest Heritage of our Ancestors. This is one of the many monuments of Old Russian writing that has come to us from the depths of centuries. All the strength and power of the Great Slavic-Aryan Language is hidden in them.

It presents two forms of writing letters and words: the Old Slovenian (Old Slovenian) “Initial Cap” and the Old Russian “ABC” with an explanation of their figurative content. The reader will see all this in the form of a table at the end of the article.

Each initial letter (letter) in this table represents the images given to us by the Ancestors. The reader should know that initially there were significantly more images for drop caps than are given in this table. It is possible that some of them have been lost to this day, but the return of the Ancestral Memory will allow us to gradually restore their former quantity and original meaning.

The combination of images of initial letters in words gives them a certain meaning. Replacing a letter in a word also changes its semantic image, although the phonetics of the word may remain the same or close to it.

Each word carries its own image, which takes on shape, color, sound and smell in the world of Navi. When used (pronounced, written, thought), verbal images are filled with Life Force (energy), which influences the person speaking, listening or reading. Bad thoughts, words, images have a destructive effect on his consciousness, good ones heal, ennoble, elevate, and assist in improving the body, Soul and Spirit.

Initial letters, in addition, carry a numerical load. All images of initial letters in numerals are interconnected in meaning. Let's consider an example with a change in the form of perception of the RA image. Without a numerical title, its meaning is as follows: The Primordial Light of the Most High Progenitor, the Message of God, the Message of God to people. But if you put a numerical title above the same initial letters (give it the form of a numeral), then its image will change: RA will begin to mean 101, i.e. One to speak for a hundred (people). In the first case God Speaks to Everyone, in the second - someone speaks to a hundred people.

If we consider the modern alphabet, devoid of images, i.e. inherently ugly, it will become obvious that as a result of the political and church reforms of the Slavic-Aryan Initial Letter, our contemporaries, unfamiliar with its original meaning, lost a lot. Let's consider just one example given by our great compatriot - Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl.

V.I.Dal [(6).IV, C, 659] “On the prehistory of the letter”: “The letter er, a hard semivowel, and now voiceless; In the old days it was placed in the middle of words, after a consonant, to give it a light, unclear vowel sound with in te vm. advice, etc.), and now only before a soft consonant, so that the consonant remains hard, (shrink, shrink, squeal, etc.), or before and, turning it into ы, which consists of Kommersant, and “And”, then, at the end of the word, to a hard consonant, dulling it. Just as we gradually threw out the er from the middle of words, so it could also be thrown away at the end, and left only before the consonants, in the middle, where it is needed for pronunciation.”

Further, evaluating the letter yat, V.I. Dal writes: “...the letter yat, vowel, or two-vowel, from ie; ... The meaning and meaning of this letter has been lost so far, that spelling through it became shaky, and to establish the rule they resorted either to the Little Russian language or to a special list of words. At all, ѣ pronounced softer, closer to uh or kn ѣ mtsi, oh, ä , but too much was taken away; It is customary, for example, to write St. ѣ d ѣ n i e, because, supposedly, that’s how church language is written, and yet they write p ѣ whose, although the churchman writes a speech and decrees. With the help of other Slavic dialects it would be possible to sort out this confusion and establish a rule, or remain with one e, remembering however that this letter is still pronounced in six modes...".

During word formation, the images of beeches are combined, giving single image of the word. Therefore, when we pronounce words, we already mean the images that our wise Ancestors put into them, and this affects not only subconscious, preconscious, superconscious, awareness and, in general, on consciousness as a whole.

Images, as well as individual sounds, influence various Centers of a person’s Vital Force (chakras). Modern scientists have proven that the exclusion of nasal sounds from speech has led to the deprivation of energy supply to the Center of the Human Will. Therefore, to restore the Vital Force of the body, some folk healers advise reading Old Slovenian texts and mastering the spelling of the Old Slovenian Initial Letter, especially for weakened children.

A child at an early age is still able to penetrate into the deep, hidden essence of any image, including an image of thought, without being distracted, like an adult, by unimportant things. Unfortunately, by the 6th grade of secondary school, most modern children have lost this ability.

Knowledge of the Old Slovenian Initial Letter makes it easier for children to master modern language just as the study of X"Aryan arithmetic develops their mathematical abilities and creative thinking, at the same time, not every modern scientist in the field of mathematics is able to understand X"Aryan arithmetic completely.

We must teach our children the Old Slovenian Initial Letter to such an extent that they use words based on their original images, covering all spheres of life. This will wake up children FAMILY MEMORY- a storehouse of wisdom of our people. For those who do not want to raise and educate children on their own, it is useful to know that their children will be “taught” and “educated” by others, but not as you would like, but in a way that is beneficial for them.

Let's look at the Old Slovenian initial letter and

Old Russian letters one by one:

The spelling and energetic meaning of the letter Az, both Old Slovenian and Old Russian, are the same.

The sound “As” comes from the runic image As - God, embodied in a human body, a descendant of the Gods. Sound Az arose from the combination of images of two runes: runes Ace and runes Earth. Runes Ace and Earth combined give the following meaning: God living on Earth. Tsar Ivan the Terrible signed documents with the word Aspodar. In this regard, historians began to call him Gospodar.

In letter Az - er carries the image: Creator, i.e. it would be more correct to say: Az (As) is God living and creating on Earth.

There are other deep images in this letter: origin, source, one, only, person. The images seem to be different, but their essence is the same. Origin, source, one have the same meaning: " What came first".

Image of a capital letter Az is not limited to the above concepts. It will be revealed further as you read this article.

Old Russian letter Az.

The figurative meaning of the Old Slovenian initial letter and the Old Russian letter Az: “God living on Earth is the Creator”.

That’s why the Kings said: “ “I am the King”. Favorite expression Tsar Ivan the Terrible from the D*Aryans and X*Aryans passed to the Rassen. From the Rassenov, whom the Latins called Etruscans, to other Slavic-Aryan peoples.

From the depths of centuries, sayings have reached us: “ First Az and Buki, and then science.”- they told the children who were learning the initial letter.

Neither Aza can understand- to know nothing.

The initial letter means God, Gods, God and someone else who can have many forms: God and man; God and another God.

The figurative meaning of the Initial Letter Gods: "Many Gods"

Since Gods are a plural concept, and plurality cannot be specified, there is no numerical value.

One of the images of this initial letter is also - a plurality that is superior to a form that predominates over something.

Examples of image relationships:

A) BA(remember the exclamation “Bah - all the faces are familiar”!) - superior(B) original(And those. above. Therefore, the expression “ba” sounds in an amazing form. The man is surprised: “How is this?! There is something, and something else has appeared in addition to what existed in the beginning and on top of it.”

b) BA - BA(we agree with the same form). Here A influences to B, i.e. human (A) to something divine (B). Were surprised, but at the same time divine(B) began to influence the human (A) and, again, the image changed, because the speaker was surprised by something. Namely, by the Divine creation, which showed a surprisingly new multiple form with the addition of a single.

That's why " Woman» - « that which has produced beyond what we have, i.e. a new, divine form of life" And in the opposite direction: abab- « divine source of human multiplication" People say: “A woman will become a “woman” when she gives birth to a successor to the family - a boy.”

V) BA - B - “divine(plural) going through divine, A single source(A) is between two matching systems.”

d) Shortened form of writing: B - “ predominant, greater».

Example: constellation Ursa Major. But since there is more, it means that there is also something less. Such forms are embedded in our Ancestral Memory (gene pool) and any person, no matter where he lives, can understand them, because all this comes from the single proto-language of the Rasichs.

Old Russian letter Buki.

In this case, the name of the letter is not Gods, but Beeches. That's why there is an expression: " Why are you standing like a beech frowning?, you look intently." A proverb has been preserved: « ABC is science, and for the guys - beech (flour)". And they began to scare the children with the beech tree. Then the title Buka evolved into an even later name “Letter” and the word “ABC book” appeared. The figurative meaning of Beeches: "Attention, concentration."

The figurative meaning of the Old Slovenian initial letter and the Old Russian Letter VЪDI is the same and means: “ I know earthly and heavenly wisdom.”

In addition to the above image of the initial letter Come on there are even more complex interpretations, such as this one: “Multiple, a certain predominance, gathered together; certainty; direction; a connecting link between two systems (between the past and the future, between light and dark, between radiation and absorption, etc.)”, i.e. it is a relationship. And she is always filled with something. This is not just a point of contact, it is fullness.

As another example, consider the following concepts: past, present and future. This is a full volume that links together both extreme concepts: past and future. There is a present, i.e. something worthwhile, worthwhile, connecting the past with the future. The Vedas combine these two concepts together. We are the point of transmission - the gate.

One more example. Concept: primordial darkness and Divine Light. But light is multi-color (many-light) - a whole color spectrum. In this example, multicolor is an image that connects the concepts of primordial darkness and Divine Light.

Therefore, the image of the initial letter “Veda” is not only Wisdom, knowledge of the Vedas and the experience of the Ancestors. This is a spectrum of ALL CONCEPTS: color, taste, aroma, tactile, sound, etc.

Folk Wisdom has preserved the proverb: “ I was in charge of clubs, but I wouldn’t dine with someone else’s (enemy’s).”

Old Russian letter VЪdi.

The letter means two “circles of wisdom”: the wisdom that is above (Heavenly) and the wisdom that is below (earthly), connected to each other. Examples: internal and external, Divine and human, esoteric and exoteric, light and dark, radiating and absorbing.