How is a loan taken? Consumer loan - how and from which bank it is better to take it out at a low interest rate without certificates and guarantors. Stages of approval for consumer lending

20.10.2021 ethnoscience

Hello, friends!

Statistics show that every year the volume of lending to the population in our country is gaining momentum. I would like to hope that this is not due to the deterioration of the financial situation of most families, but to an increase in general financial literacy and the ability to meet one’s obligations. Although, who am I kidding?

I continue to make attempts to introduce readers of our blog to the basics of finance and economics. How to get a loan is the topic of another article.

Banks offer a variety of loan products for any purpose and wallet. How to understand this diversity and choose exactly the offer that will not burden the family budget for decades to come? What should you pay attention to first when applying for a loan? Read on for answers to these and some other questions.

Types of loan

First of all, let's figure out what types of loans you can get from a bank today:

  • Consumer loan in cash. Recently, I examined in detail the varieties, conditions of receipt and important points of the contract.
  • Car loan. Not all banks provide a separate loan for the purchase of a car, but it still exists. For example, in VTB, UniCredit Bank, Rusfinance Bank, etc.
  • Mortgage. Its share in the lending structure is growing, and in terms of growth rates, mortgages rank second after car loans (by 24% over the year).

The list of loans is not limited to this range, but these are the main types. In addition, there are:

  • Target, i.e. loan money, for which you must report to the bank. For example, for the development of subsidiary farming from Sberbank, for education.
  • Non-target. This is the same consumer money that you can spend on anything.
  • Secured by property (apartment, land, car, house, etc.)
  • Without collateral or guarantors (a standard package of documents is sufficient).

Separately, you can get borrowed money, which provides for a simplified procedure for obtaining a passport. For example, without income certificates, without official employment.

Requirements for the borrower

It is clear that each credit institution has its own requirements, but in general the following picture emerges:

  1. Age ranges from 18 (sometimes 21 years) to 65 (less often 70 and above) years. This requirement must be met not only at the time of receipt, but also at the time of repayment of the loan. If at 61 you take out a loan for, for example, 5 years, you will receive a refusal (if the age limit is up to 65 years).
  2. Work experience from 3 to 6 months, less often up to 1 year. This applies to your current place of employment. If you constantly change it, you may get rejected.
  3. Russian citizenship. This is a mandatory requirement for lending. But there are also exceptions. For example, to obtain real estate as collateral, the borrower can be a person without Russian citizenship.
  4. Some banks require landline and mobile phones.
  5. Registration and residence in the territory where the bank branch is located. But this is not the case with all credit institutions. For example, Tinkoff Bank arranges everything online, without the borrower’s personal presence.

Some banks immediately prescribe the minimum income at which an application will be considered. For example, in Alfa-Bank it is 10,000 rubles.

If we are talking about a secured loan, then requirements are added to the standard requirements, for example, for a guarantor or the pledged property.

Documents for receipt

Credit organizations strive to attract as many clients as possible, luring them with loyal requirements for a package of documents. There are advertisements where they offer to quickly apply for a loan using your passport. But you and I are literate people and must understand that a reasonable bank is unlikely to take such a risk. Is this a scam then?

No, it’s just that all the risks will be included in the interest rate. With your money, you provide the bank with a substantial reward for not bothering to collect the necessary documents.

Loans are received not only for the current needs of individuals, but also for businesses. For example, when I wrote, I provided a list of documents for entrepreneurs. It differs from the list for individuals.

The list of documents depends on the type of loan received. The simplest list for consumer lending:

  • passport proving your identity;
  • documents confirming your income;
  • additional documents (for example, driver's license, SNILS, international passport, etc.)

The set is much larger if you take out a loan secured by property. In this case, documents are added to the list that in one way or another describe the subject of collateral (certificate of state registration of housing, vehicle passport, property valuation report, etc.) Banks even provide several months after loan approval so that you can collect a complete set.

What does it take to get a loan for an unemployed person? As paradoxical as the question may sound, banks are ready to work with such citizens. Moreover, this category includes everyone who is not officially registered (for example, freelancers, self-employed workers, individuals working for individual entrepreneurs, etc.). Unfortunately, this is a widespread phenomenon in our country.

Under what conditions do banks lend money to people without official work?

  • if you have previously had experience in obtaining and successfully repaying a loan;
  • if the client is ready to provide collateral;
  • if it is possible to attract a solvent guarantor;
  • if you need to receive a small amount for a short period of time.

Of course, getting a loan for an unemployed person is much more difficult. And lending conditions will be stricter than with documents on income and employment.

Registration procedure

The procedure for applying for a loan is becoming easier every year. All banks have websites, many provide the opportunity to fill out an application online to get approval and only then go for the money with a package of documents.

How to competently approach the issue of design? Before starting the application procedure:

  • Find out what criteria you use to choose a bank.
  • Check how many years the loan has been issued (it is clear that not everyone will have this question).
  • Conduct a comparative analysis of lending conditions in different banks.
  • Objectively assess your ability to repay the loan not only for the next year, but also in the future.

In my opinion, this is the most difficult and responsible stage. Please do not overestimate your strengths and financial capabilities. Not all banks provide a loan deferment in case of problems on your part.

  • Analyze the required package of documents, which will largely determine not only the approval itself, but also the terms of the loan.
  • Return to point 4 again and only then proceed with the registration procedure.

Main stages of obtaining a loan:

  1. Filling out an application form, which looks different in banks, but its idea is the same. This is information about you, your job, income, loan received, etc. As I already said, you can fill it out on the website or visit the bank in person.
  2. Within a short period of time (from a couple of minutes to a couple of days), banks make a decision on pre-approval of a loan for you.
  3. Next, you must collect the necessary set of documents, which can be found on the website.
  4. The last stage is visiting the bank (in the case of Tinkoff Bank, this is waiting for the courier) to sign an agreement and receive money.

Often credit institutions write that you can get borrowed money in cash (for example, for consumer lending). But in most cases, it means that a debit card is issued to you, to which money is transferred. You can easily withdraw cash from it if necessary.

What should you pay attention to?

This is a very important section of my article, in which I will draw attention to what you need to know in order to properly apply for a loan. What points need to be clarified before signing a loan agreement? Banks do not always point them out and sometimes deliberately ignore them.

Here is my personal list of important points:

  1. Insurance. I have already drawn the attention of my readers to this clause in the contract more than once. I wrote a separate article about... I highly recommend reading it. A study of reviews from loan users showed that the inclusion of insurance in the contract is problem No. 1. And it can be easily avoided.
  2. Full cost of the loan. It may differ from the interest rate stated on the advertising poster. In addition to the loan itself and interest on its repayment, the full cost also includes all bank commissions.
  3. Items under “*”. It is in them that lending conditions that are not always favorable for you are hidden. People rarely read fine print; banks skillfully take advantage of this.
  4. Conditions for early repayment. By law, banks do not have the right to apply penalties for early repayment of a loan. But conditions may be different. Therefore, if you are planning to reduce your debt burden, then study them carefully.
  5. Repayment scheme. There are annuity (same amounts over the same period of time) and differentiated (different amounts) payments. In the first option, the debt burden is distributed evenly over the entire loan term. In the second, you first repay large amounts, and then they decrease.
  6. Preferential lending conditions. Many banks practice grading borrowers into salary clients and ordinary ones. Lending terms will vary. Therefore, it makes sense to first take a closer look at the bank where you are served.
  7. . Analyze the conditions for obtaining borrowed money on credit cards. They always have a grace period for lending and a revolving line of credit. Maybe this will be enough for you not to pay interest on the loan at all?

Reasons for loan refusal

Despite the high loyalty of banks to borrowers, they often refuse to issue a loan. Banks are not required to explain the reasons for refusal.

But there are obvious points that you can exclude even before submitting your application:

  1. Bad credit history. This is a very important point that must be approached with all responsibility. It’s better to understand in advance why banks may refuse you.
  2. Insufficient level of income. Not all banks publish the minimum income limit, so it is sometimes difficult to navigate the required amount.
  3. Inappropriate age of the borrower. It is more difficult for young and old people to get a loan. Please note that at the time of loan repayment the age must also meet the requirements.
  4. Frequent job changes. Banks welcome continuous seniority from 3 months and above.
  5. Having a criminal record and mental illness. Here, in my opinion, we can do without comments.
  6. Untidy appearance, confused speech, excessive nervousness. If you have noticed such sins before, then try submitting an application online.

Please note that not only a bad credit history can cause a refusal, but also its complete absence. If you have never taken out a loan in your life, then you have no history. And the bank has no information about you as a reliable payer.


The answer to the question at the beginning of the article, how to get a loan, is simple at first glance. But this is only at first glance. Any responsible borrower will ignore the stream of advertising sweets that banks diligently feed us. This is not for us. We will set aside a couple of hours to find out what credit institutions hid from us, what they did not agree on, and what they embellished. Then we will give ourselves a couple more days to understand whether we need a loan at all. After all, this is exactly how you and I will act, right?

I believe that it is advisable to take out a loan in two cases. Firstly, if life and health (your own or those of loved ones) depend on it. For example, expensive treatment was urgently required. Secondly, for any global purchase, for example an apartment. But only if the market is conducive to this and the purchase is not spontaneous, but long planned. In other cases, you can either wait and save up, or moderate your “wants”.

Consumer credit, for better or worse, has long become an integral part of the lives of millions of Russians. Unfortunately, many borrowers still have little knowledge of the rights and obligations that arise when concluding a loan agreement.

But credit is not only about rights and obligations. It is important to carefully choose a loan, be able to compare it with other products, and find the pros and cons. The borrower must be able to correctly assess his financial burden and not take on more obligations than he can fulfill.

I advise my friends not to apply for a loan unless absolutely necessary. And if you still have to take on debt inevitably, approach it wisely and follow a number of rules.

  • Decide how much of your income you can give to the bank. It is advisable that it does not exceed 30-40% of monthly income after all necessary payments. If you have dependent children and other relatives, do not forget to take into account expenses for them. Having calculated the payment acceptable to you, determine what amount and for how long you can receive it. Whatever O The larger the amount requested, the longer the loan term will be.
  • When choosing a loan, find out what conditions are offered by the salary bank or the bank with which you have already had a relationship. Typically, credit institutions offer more favorable rates for “their” clients. If this option does not suit you, pay attention to offers from other banks.
  • is the most convenient place. It is enough to indicate the necessary parameters (amount, term, security, etc.), and our search will select suitable products. Pay attention not only to the interest rate, but also to the associated costs (availability of insurance, commissions for reducing rates, etc.). As a result, you will receive a list of loans that can be sorted by rate. An “expertise” is written for each product: its advantages and disadvantages. also operates a personal loan selection service that helps clients choose the necessary banking products with a high probability of approval.
  • Focus on the average rate for unsecured loans. Now it is around 20% per annum, but it is quite possible to find banks that will lend to you at 14-15%.
  • Try to avoid banks that offer interest rate reductions if certain conditions are met. The bank often charges a large commission for this service. Typically, such programs initially set a high rate, and then it is reduced if the loan is repaid on time. If you make even a slight delay, the rate will return to its original value. By the way, the commission will not be returned. The same as with early repayment. When dreaming of a rate reduction in the future, do not forget that the highest rate is in effect at the beginning, when interest is calculated on the entire amount owed.
  • As for insurance, which is now actively offered when applying for a loan, I can advise the following: contact the bank, where an individual insurance contract is drawn up, and the presence of insurance does not affect the interest rate. In this situation, you can take advantage of the law and cancel your insurance within 14 days without additional costs.
  • Pay attention to how comfortable it will be for you to cooperate with a particular bank. For example, it is important for me that credit organization there was a clear, convenient and functional Internet bank and preferably convenient locations and operating hours of branches.
  • When concluding a contract, always read the documents you sign. If you are in a hurry at a bank branch, take the papers home and study them in a relaxed atmosphere. Remember that by putting your signature on the sheet, you agree with everything that is written on it. Then no one will listen to the indignation of the series “I didn’t know”, “but they didn’t tell me”. After all, under the line “I have read and agree with all the conditions” is your signature.
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions to a bank employee. It is better to clarify all the nuances before signing the loan agreement. Most importantly, do not forget that a loan is voluntary. If the agreement contains terms with which you categorically disagree, refuse it and try your luck at another bank.
  • Make your payment in advance. Today, any bank will offer you several repayment methods, at least one of them must be free. If you do not deposit money into a bank's cash register or ATM, keep in mind that it will not arrive immediately. Don't forget that the bank may not process transactions on weekends and holidays, so if the debit date falls on a non-working day, make the payment in advance.
  • Create a “safety cushion” equal to three to four monthly payments. Set aside this emergency reserve in a separate account (or in a separate envelope) and use it only as a last resort. For example, in case of job loss or illness to repay a loan payment.
  • Try to make early repayments more often. Interest is accrued monthly on the balance of the debt, and the faster you reduce the amount of the principal debt, the less the final overpayment on the loan will be.
  • Remember the terms you agreed to. If the agreement provides for confirmation of the intended use of the loan or annual insurance, do not forget to submit the relevant documents to the bank, observing the deadlines. Failure to do so may result in a significant fine or interest rate increase.
  • IN Lately programs have become extremely popular. They allow you to reduce the loan rate, increase the term or combine several loans into one. To find out how profitable refinancing will be for you, calculate the cost of the new loan (don’t forget about insurance, commissions and other expenses) and compare this amount with the costs that you will incur if you leave everything as is. If the difference is significant, you can safely go to the bank for refinancing.
  • If the time has come to close the loan, I recommend contacting a bank employee. This can be done over the phone or in the office. Check with your specialist about the amount of the final payment - it may differ from the monthly one.
  • After the last payment is written off and the loan is closed, obtain a certificate of no debt. It may be useful if the bank incorrectly reflects information in the bookkeeping register or in other cases when disagreements arise with the bank. If you use online banking, I recommend checking your loan status there too.
  • If you were given plastic card to service the loan, don’t forget to close it too. Tariffs for the card may include annual service or a fee for SMS information.

Banks have deeply penetrated our lives. With their help, we receive salaries, take out loans, save for retirement and pay rent. But we don't always know how they work.

In fact, banks are ordinary companies. They are less different from a store or car service than we used to think. One thing that is difficult about banks is the product they work with. Money changes its value every second, people always want to steal it, and everyone needs it.

Let's figure out how banks work with money and keep everything under control. Let's start with the very basics: what do they even do. Banks do three things: store money, issue loans and process payments.


Deposits are when you give money to the bank. He temporarily takes them into circulation and then returns them with interest.

When there were no banks, money was hidden under the bed or in a safe. But if thieves came into the house or there was a fire, people lost everything.

At first, banks played the role of guards - they kept other people's money under lock and key. They took a commission for this. If the client did not return for the money, the bank could pocket it. But this was rather an exception.

Then the banks realized: it was stupid to sit on bags of gold. These are free funds, and while no one needs them, it is more profitable to invest them. For example, lend and pay back with interest.

Banks love deposits. After all, the more money he has, the more he will lend, the more he will earn. To attract more customers, banks began to share with them the profit that he receives from their money.

Each depositor is an “investor”: the bank uses his money to conduct operations and issue loans. Clients earn on their investments. Today, this is the safest way to benefit from money that is lying idle.


Loans are when you borrow money from a bank, then gradually pay it back. As a result, you return more than you took. It is as if you are paying for the use of money.

Previously, people borrowed from moneylenders under strict conditions and high interest rates. Defaulters fell into slavery or ended up in debtor's prisons. But banks have made usury a thing of the past. Loans have become understandable and relatively safe products. And the bank has become a “money store”: it accumulates it, repackages it and sells it at a higher price. Like a supermarket, only instead of bread, yogurt and dishes there is money.

The moneylender Shylock, the hero of Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice. Artist John Hamilton Mortimer 1776.

Loans are good way earn money, but only if they are returned later. Therefore, banks punish defaulters: they impose fines, prohibit travel abroad and take away everything they can get their hands on - except health, freedom and housing.

It is unprofitable for the bank to get to this point. After all, his business is managing money, not collecting debts. Therefore, before issuing a loan, the bank looks at the client under a microscope. Even if there is no doubt, the bank will think in advance how to return the money if something happens. For example, it will require a deposit or guarantee from relatives.

Everyone needs loans: consumers, businesses and the government. With the help of loans, they solve their problems: people buy refrigerators and cars, companies renovate their offices and buy raw materials, governments pay pensions and build hospitals.

Payments and cards

Transfers and cards - this is when you come to the bank and draw up remittance relatives in another city. Or you pay at the supermarket with a card - as if you are transferring money from your account to the supermarket’s account. Or when you pay for a phone, transfer money from your account to the operator’s account.

Previously, people paid in gold or cash. If they needed to send money to another city, they hired couriers or carried the parcel themselves. Salaries were issued from a safe, and to go to the store you had to have a wallet full of money. It was great by medieval standards, but inconvenient.

To simplify financial relations, banks have learned to use non-cash payments. Money from coins and bills has turned into electronic signals, which in meaning are no different from cash.

Banks have built infrastructure and learned to exchange “digital money” with each other. To carry out the operation, mail and couriers are no longer needed. Delivery of money to another continent has become a matter of a couple of minutes, not months.

The bank makes sure that every payment goes through quickly and safely. It guarantees that money will not be lost or disappear from client accounts. And if something goes wrong, he will take the risks upon himself.

Today, money can be transferred from person to person - this is a money transfer. It is possible from a person to a company - for example, pay for purchases with a card. You can do it from company to person - for example, payroll.

Is it possible to get a loan with a guarantor in Sberbank Online?

No, you can apply for a loan with a guarantor only at a bank office.

Who is a guarantor?

A guarantor is a person who undertakes to repay the borrower's debt to the bank if the borrower stops paying.

If I become a guarantor for a loan, will I be able to take out a loan from the bank myself?

Yes, if your solvency allows. In any case, it all depends on the specific situation and loan conditions.

How is a guarantor different from a co-borrower?

The guarantor will pay the debt to the bank instead of the borrower only if he ceases to fulfill his obligations to repay the loan. A co-borrower is a person who, together with the borrower, manages the loan funds and bears equal responsibility with him for repaying the debt. The income of the co-borrower is taken into account when calculating the size of the loan and may affect its size, while the income of the guarantor does not affect the maximum loan amount.

Who can be a guarantor for a consumer loan?

The guarantor can be a solvent person over 21 years of age at the time of applying for a loan and under 70 years of age at the time of loan repayment. The remaining requirements for the guarantor are similar to the requirements for the borrower. As a rule, the guarantor is a relative or friend of the borrower, but in fact, anyone who is ready to take responsibility for the debts can become a guarantor.

If you have found a person who is ready to become a guarantor for your loan, provide him with complete information about the amount, loan term and interest rate. The guarantor must clearly assess his financial capabilities in case he has to repay the debt.

Is it possible to stop being a guarantor until the debt is paid?

No, it is impossible to terminate the guarantee before the debt is repaid.

How to apply for a loan in Sberbank Online?

To apply for a loan from Sberbank Online, go to the “Loans” section in the top menu.

Click “Take a loan from Sberbank.” A form will open for selecting loan parameters. Select the options that suit you, including the loan amount and term. Please note: the interest rate and monthly payment are calculated automatically. The loan repayment schedule is indicated next to the monthly payment amount. Select a service office convenient for you and click the “Apply for a loan” button. Confirm your loan application with an SMS password and fill out all fields of the application form. After filling out the form, the “Submit Application” button will become active. You can submit your application immediately or save it to submit later. The deferred application will have the “Draft” status - you can find it in the “Loans” section.

What is the processing time for a loan application at Sberbank?

The maximum period for consideration of an application is 2 working days.

How to receive money for an approved application?

You can receive money within 30 days from the date of approval. Enrollment period is 1 business day after approval and signing of documents.

If you receive a salary or pension to accounts opened with Sberbank, you can receive money in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. On the screen with the approved application, click “Apply for a loan.” If this button is not there, log into Sberbank Online again or contact the Sberbank office indicated in the application.

If you do not receive a salary or pension on your Sberbank account, contact the Sberbank office to apply for a loan.

When applying for a loan with Sberbank Online, you can:

Select loan insurance;

View the preliminary payment schedule;

Select a convenient repayment date;

View individual loan terms;

Select a card for crediting (here you can also refuse the loan, for example, if you need to fill out a new application).

Important: the loan is credited to a debit card account opened in the region where the loan was issued.

Card requirements:

The overdraft is paid off or not used;

The card is active and there are more than 2 months left before expiration;

Card currency - rubles;

The card account has not been seized.

How do I find out what my monthly loan payment consists of?

Information on your payment can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the monthly payment.

How to find out the loan debt?

Information on your debt can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the debt.

1. In the context of an increased key rate, citizens need to be especially vigilant when applying for new loans. The first thing you need to look at is the bank's reputation and its place in the market. When taking out a loan, you must understand exactly who you are borrowing from. When going to a bank or microfinance organization, check that this financial institution is officially registered with the Central Bank (for example, on the website Otherwise, you will most likely fall into the hands of scammers.

2. The second thing the borrower needs to pay attention to is the specific content of the loan agreement, its text. When signing a loan agreement, do not forget for a moment that you are signing your obligations to the lender. You are responsible to him for each position of this document. By law, you have five days to make a decision on the contract. All negotiations with the creditor must be recorded only in writing. In all dealings with the lender, obtain written evidence of your actions and your position. Remember: you stand behind your money. And if you have to defend them in court, the argument “the bank told me” will not work.

3. Credit money should work for you and only you. The money you take will have to be paid back. And with interest! So a loan should solve your problem, not indulge a whim. For example, an educational loan will increase your “worth” in the labor market, and a mortgage loan will give you the opportunity to build or expand your family.

4. You also need to understand that the loan must be taken only in the currency of income. No matter how much you are told about the advantages of “exotic” loans - for example, in foreign currency - remember that in this case the bank passes it on to you currency risks. This is especially true given the current volatility of the ruble exchange rate against the dollar and euro.

5. The documents themselves, that is, the text of the loan agreement, must be stored like the apple of your eye. Do not provide information about your loans and deposits either by phone or on the Internet. The better you protect your documents from prying eyes, the less likely it is that they will be used by unscrupulous people. In addition, the ease of obtaining credit money can give rise to a “relaxed” attitude towards its return. You may forget about the day when you need to make your next payment. But the creditor will never forget this and will not fail to impose penalties on you.

6. When you receive a loan, you may be asked to get a bank card on which the money will be deposited. A bank card is certainly a very convenient means of payment. But there are cases, not so frequent, when money disappears from her. One way to limit scammers' access to your money is to set a card limit that allows you to avoid risking too much money. And keep an eye on your phone! If you have a mobile banking service connected to your phone, keep an eye on your phone. by bank card. Are you ready to transfer it to “third parties”? You should do the same with your phone. If you do not use your SIM card for a long time, your mobile operator can transfer it to another person, and this person will not necessarily turn out to be a decent person.

7. Do not take out a loan from the same bank where you have a deposit. Otherwise, a situation unexpected for you may arise: if the bank loses its license, you will not be paid deposit insurance until you repay the loan debt. Don't build a credit pyramid. You cannot take out a new loan to pay off the old one. Sooner or later, such a “pyramid” will collapse, and you will not be able to get out from under the rubble.

8. Don't turn to financial healers. “Anti-collectors”, dubious “lawyers” and other “fixers” promise you to take on all your financial problems, but only as long as they can get something from you. Your money will run out, but your problems will remain with you.

9. President of the Association of Russian Banks Garegin Tosunyan also advises Russians to pay attention to their financial health and clearly calculate its parameters. It is necessary to round income downward and expenses upward, he says. “We need to proceed from the risk of a decrease in income, we need business pessimism, we need to objectively assess the situation on the labor market, inflation, the ruble exchange rate,” he told RG. The interlocutor believes that it is correct to give 25 percent of your monthly income to the bank. Such a borrower is a comfortable risk for banks. But some banks receive 30-35 percent of the monthly income of their borrowers.

10. According to Vasily Yakimkin, associate professor of the Faculty of Finance and Banking of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, individuals When lending to banks, they should pay attention to the debit-credit ratio, that is, the ratio of their own income and expenses. As soon as this difference becomes less than zero, it will indicate financial ill health. Then you need to cut costs, look for a more profitable job, increase your earnings, and generally optimize your costs. Vasily Yakimkin believes that Russian citizens are more comfortable giving the lender no more than 30-40 percent of their income per month. But if citizens’ income exceeds the subsistence level tens of times, then they can give half of their salary to the banks, since this will not be critical.