Shifrin is gay. Who do Russian gay stars sleep with? Personal life of Efim Shifrin. He's blue

From the editor

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The personal life of Efim Shifrin, appearing less and less on our screens and stages, but nevertheless remaining loved by millions of people, almost always remained a secret to society. It was known that the unmarried and childless artist did not live alone, but the journalists were unable to find out anything more specific.

An unexpected light on the past, as well as on Shifrin’s sexual preferences and orientation, was shed by an Odessa woman who shared her childhood memories on her Twitter account. According to the woman, 13 years ago, when she was still a child, one of her father’s acquaintances closely communicated with the artists who came to the city and had a good idea of ​​the “inner kitchen” of the then stage.

So, according to this friend, Efim Shifrin was gay. Admitting that the artist did not make an official coming out and did not comment on his preferences in any way, the woman nevertheless expressed confidence that he really “prefers men” and added that “for his own people” this has never been a secret.

Despite the fact that this kind of confession may well be banal rumors, it is worth noting that Shifrin did not appear with his companions either in public or on his Instagram. But his Instagram is replete with pictures where the artist spends time in the gym in the company of fit and athletic men.

However, there is another explanation for the artist’s closed personal life, namely, his own lack of interest in it. In one of his last posts, Efim Shifrin openly admitted that even in his “best years” he was not particularly interested in love pleasures, but in Lately his libido weakened even more seriously.

Shukhrat Kessikbaev

To the surprise of many, Efim Shifrin’s wife is a fictional character, since the famous comedian was never married. When the comedian’s friends and relatives are asked if Efim Shifrin has a wife, they unanimously answer that he has been married to the stage all his life, but the artist himself does not deny this.


The biography of the famous artist Efim Shifrin begins in 1956; a year after his birth, his family moved to Jurmola, where he attended school and university. Efim says that his childhood was wonderful, he did not know any problems, and his family is a place where it is always warm and cozy. In fact, Efim is not the artist’s real name. His name is Nakhim, and the pseudonym was the result of affectionate abbreviations from friends.

After the first year, the comedian went to Moscow and entered the variety department. Efim Shifrin's monologues made him famous throughout the country. In 1986, the artist performed his monologue on a television show and from that day on he began to be recognized. He played in many performances that attracted the attention of a large number of spectators, and since 1998 the man began to appear on television very often. In the performances, Efim Shifrin not only narrates, but also sings, and quite well.

Since 1992, his career began in. The audience loves his work very much, and the actors who work with the artist say that it is a pleasure to work with him, the comedian creates coziness around him and everyone becomes comfortable. Efim Shifrin constantly works, he participates in many programs, plays in plays, tours and writes memoirs. This activity is the meaning of his life. In addition to his creative activities, Efim also plays sports, quite professionally and even has some awards.

Efim Shifrin's wife - photo

It will not be possible to find a photo of Efim Shifrin’s wife anywhere, because she simply does not exist. The artist is not married and has never been married, and he also does not have children.
The personal life of a comedian is of interest to many, but he replies that he should not comment on this issue and has the right to build relationships with anyone and not be accountable for it. In connection with this answer and the absence of a wife, many say that the artist has an unconventional orientation. Efim does not comment on this rumor in any way, but only laughs it off in response to questions from journalists. However, in his entire life, no one had ever seen him with a woman. At one time there was a rumor that he was having an affair with Klara Novikova, with whom Shifrin performed together, but it soon became clear that this was only a rumor and they were very good friends, and Klara had a husband who was also great friends with the comedian.

When asked if he has a family, Efim replies that his only family was with his parents, who adored him and supported him in everything, and his mother always went to his performances. Now He considers his work and his colleagues working with him to be his second family. Efim Shifrin translates all questions about family and wife into the topic of career and never says anything specific about this.

Efim Shifrin and his wife are unlikely to appear soon, and the artist himself is in no hurry to start a family, despite the fact that he is not at all young, Shifrin does not want to devote his life to anyone other than his career. On his page in in social networks there are many photographs related to his achievements in sports and creativity, but not one with his beloved woman, most likely because the artist simply does not have one.

Perhaps interesting: Robert Pattinson's wife, Park Hyun Sik's wife.

The artist decided to come to the TV show himself to refute everything. Efim Shifrin decided to reveal the truth about what the media write about the satirist himself, appearing in the “Let Them Talk” studio - with a cane and wearing black glasses, accompanied by a program employee. And then he threw away the “props” and began to talk about why the media wrote about him like that.

Fans and members of the media became worried when they saw a sad message on his blog that he was almost blind and preparing to die. But in the “Let Them Talk” program he said that he goes to the gym four times a week, which is why, at 63 years old, he does not complain at all about his health.

Efim Shifrin is the favorite of the female half of the public. At 63 years old, he looks great. Recently he became a participant in the TV show “Let Them Talk”: the artist came with a cane and wearing black glasses. It turned out that the comedian was once again joking - these were just props.

Efim Shifrin decided to save the nerves of his fans and spoke about the state of his health. Rumors that he was allegedly ill remained just rumors. The artist said that he was sent 4 sheets - the results of tests that he takes every six months. The results obtained from 63-year-old Efim Shifrin, as he himself admitted, are like those of a 17-year-old boy.

Rumors about health problems appeared after he himself reported them on his microblog. But the artist admitted that it was a joke.

About a month ago I learned about myself that I was almost dying. I was given very little. It is clear that a person my age can experience age-related changes, but it seemed to me that I wrote about it humorously.

Every week the artist visits the gym.

Efim Shifrin, data from Wikipedia

Efim Shifrin is the son of a political prisoner: his father, Zalman Shifrin, was accused of espionage in 1938 and sent to a penal colony for 10 years. He served more than half of his sentence at a mine in Adygaly (Magadan region). The artist’s mother is Russia Tsipina. The parents, one might say, were introduced by Gessel, the brother of Zalman Shifrin: it was he who told 35-year-old Rasha about the fate of his brother. The woman wrote a letter to Zamlan in the colony, in which she supported him. After that they began to correspond. After some time, Rasha was already traveling from the other end of the country to Zalman. Father Efim Shifrin was released in 1948, but he had to live in Nexikan for another 8 years, because he was given lifelong exile in the Dalstroy area.

Efim Shifrin was born after his father’s rehabilitation in 1956. He became the second child in the family. A year later, the whole family moved to Jurmala, where the artist graduated from school and became a university student.

You know, the sharks of the pen constantly ask me about Kolyma. And for some reason it seems to everyone that I should tell terrible memories of my misfortunes. But I constantly upset journalists. My place of birth does not speak at all about my difficult childhood. It was happy and cloudless. Misfortunes befell my father and mother, but I did not suffer any grief. I was born the youngest son of a truly happy family, this is firstly, and secondly, the child does not realize the whole tragedy of what is happening. Besides, I was born the year my dad was rehabilitated,” says the artist.

Efim is not Shifrin's real name: in fact, his name is Nakhim. Friends began to call him diminutively - Fima, and soon he took the pseudonym Efim.

1973 - 1974 - Efim Shifrin’s years of study at the University of Latvia, majoring in philology. After classes, he participated in amateur clubs, and over time he realized that the stage was his calling. It is interesting that Zalman Shifrin, an avid theatergoer, did not miss a single performance in the Temple of Melpomene.

After completing the 1st year, Efim Shifrin decided to pick up his documents and move to the capital of Russia, enter the circus school. Rumyantseva. He liked studying here, he performed and played in productions. Then he studied at GITIS. He received popular recognition in 1986, when the program “In Our House” was broadcast. The artist began acting in films, TV series, even “Jumble” in 1992. Now he writes books and maintains a personal blog online.

Efim Shifrin prefers not to talk about his personal life. It is known that he is not legally married and has no children. However, the artist says that he has never been lonely, deprived of female attention.

Based on materials from open sources for

Efim Shifrin (real name Nakhim Zalmanovich Shifrin). Born on March 25, 1956 in the village of Nexikan (Susumansky district, Magadan region) - Soviet and Russian actor. Creator and artistic director of the Shifrin Theater.

His father, Zalman Shmuilovich Shifrin, served his sentence in a forced labor camp under a sentence of “espionage.” After serving his sentence, he was to remain in the Far North for life.

The story of the marriage of the artist’s parents, Zalman Shmuilovich and Rashi Ilyinichna Tsipina, is interesting. She learned from her future husband's brother about the tragic fate of Zalman, and a letter written to her in Magadan served as the beginning of a warm correspondence. And in the fall of 1950, Rasha Ilyinichna went to Kolyma, to the village of Adyglakh, where she married Shifrin. In order not to be a burden to her husband, she got a job in kindergarten, created specifically for children of exiles.

On December 20 of the following year, the family's first child, Samuel, was born. Samuel Zalmanovich Shifrin is a conductor and trombonist, teacher, lives in Israel. The artist’s relatives through his aunt Sarah Shmuilna (father’s twin sister) also live in Israel.

In 1956, the case of Zalman Shmuilovich Shifrin was reviewed and he was rehabilitated. However, the family left Kolyma only in 1966, went to Latvia and settled in Jurmala.

Nakhim grew up as a very shy boy. They started calling him Fima at school. Until the end of his life, the father was dissatisfied with this and always called him “Nakhim” in his letters to his son.

As a child, Efim’s problems were caused by glasses, which he was forced to wear. As a result of his complexes, Efim began to clown around, trying to win his place among his peers. And the boy’s position at school changed after he parodied one of the teachers at a holiday concert. From that time on, people turned to him not only to perform at holidays, but also just to watch funny parodies.

In Jurmala, Shifrin graduated from secondary school No. 5.

Already in high school, Efim decided that he would become an artist. After graduating from school in 1973, he went to Moscow to enter the Shchukin School, famous throughout the Union. But he failed the exams and returned back to Latvia, where he became a student at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Latvia.

After studying for only one year, Shifrin dropped out of the university and went back to Moscow, where he entered the State School of Variety and Circus Arts, in the variety department. He was lucky - he got on a course with a famous director Roman Viktyuk. Shifrin not only studied with him, but became a close friend and favorite student of Viktyuk. Rumor has it that not only a friend and student...

Subsequently, Viktyuk promoted Shifrin and helped him make a career as an artist. Shifrin played a lot in his performances.

Even before graduating from college, Efim began playing with Viktyuk in the student theater at Moscow State University. Here he participated in the plays “Duck Hunt”, “Goodbye, Boys!”, “The Night After Graduation”.

In 1978, Efim Shifrin graduated from college, and a year later he was a laureate at the First Moscow Competition of Pop Artists.

In 1980, he became a student at GITIS, department of pop directing. All these years (until 1988) he worked at Mosconcert.

In 1985 he graduated from GITIS and performed his first performance as a soloist - "I would like to say".

The start of Efim Shifrin’s fame came from his filming in the TV show “In Our House,” which was released on silver screens in 1986. In the program, Shifrin read monologue "Mary Magdalene", which instantly made him famous throughout the country. Along with the growth of popularity, the actor began to be actively offered roles in productions and performances.

Efim Shifrin - Mary Magdalene

In 1990 he created the Shifrin Theater, which he still directs.

In 1992 he became the first winner of the Golden Ostap Prize.

The artist’s repertoire includes many vocal works, including romances by Dmitry Shostakovich to the words of Sasha Cherny, songs “Jerusalem” by Mark Minkov, “Music in Me” by Mikhail Kochetkov, “Southern Night” by Alexander Klevitsky and others.

In 1995, he became a laureate of the Arkady Raikin Cup at the international festival “MORE SMEHA” in Riga.

In 2001, he again received the Raikin Cup. He also has the 2nd Prize and the Nikulin Cup for his participation in the Channel One television show “Circus with the Stars.”

Cartoon dubbing:

1987 - The zoo is undergoing renovations! - Giraffe
1988 - Experiment
1988 - COAP. AB OVO - it means from the egg
1996 - Pilot Brothers
2004 - Nutcracker - Mouse King

Bibliography of Efim Shifrin:

1994 - Theater named after me
1997 - Personal file of Efim Shifrin
2010 - The Lethe River Flows

Efim Shifrin was remembered by the Russian audience thanks to his humor, acting talent and constant, inexhaustible positivity. He is not only a Russian comedian, he is also a theater and film actor. He also founded the Shifrin Theater, famous in his homeland, which for many years has been delighting audiences with wonderful productions and performances of various genres.

But was his life really as easy and cheerful as he shows in his productions? What did he have to go through before he climbed onto the stage of the theater and appeared on the screens? We will look at all this in this article in order to get to know Shifrin as best as possible.

Height, weight, age. How old is Efim Shifrin

Answering questions about height, weight, age. How old is Efim Shifrin, you can immediately say that the actor is no longer as young as some famous stars of our time. But this does not stop him from looking good, always smiling and captivating the audience with his charisma and charm. Today, Efim is 61 years old, height is 178 centimeters, and weight is 80 kilograms.

So as you can see, he's in great shape, looking good. However, this is not so difficult for a charming man, because he is accustomed to the fact that in life he needs to achieve everything on his own, without relying on chance. But the latter also does not need to be excluded, as further facts will show.

Biography of Efim Shifrin

The biography of Efim Shifrin is intense and rich, dating back to March 25, 1956. It was on this date and year that the future theater and film actor was born. Moving a little away from the topic, it should be noted that his father had a difficult fate; in the late thirties he became a political prisoner and was accused of espionage. Later, when he was rehabilitated, he was able to talk about his hardships in a book of memoirs. It was through this that he met his wife Raisa, who sent him a letter of support. Then correspondence began, feelings appeared. Then she went to the colony in order to connect her fate with him. At the end of the forties, the man was released and was able to marry the woman who had been waiting for him so faithfully.

Ten years after Efim’s birth, the family moved to Jurmala. It must be said that the boy was not the only child of his parents. He also had an older brother, Samuel. The future actor spent his childhood years in a new place; he graduated from school here and entered a higher educational institution. When he gave interviews, he often said that journalists asked him to talk about life in Kolyma. Most likely, journalists were eager to hear terrible stories about an unhappy childhood. But every time Shifrin fought back the sharks.

He sincerely said that his childhood was cloudless and happy. What, it was the parents who had to experience the hardships of fate, but, fortunately, he was spared. In addition, he was the youngest child in the family, he did not understand the tragedy of fate, and he was born when his father was rehabilitated. So the actor has pleasant memories of his childhood years. I would also like to add that the actor’s real name sounds like Nahim, but since it was difficult to shorten it, people called him Fima. As a result, Nakhim turned into Efim, however, the guy did not mind.

In the seventies, the future comedian and actor studied at the Faculty of Philology. In the evenings he went to amateur clubs, and after another performance he realized that he wanted to do this all the time, that this was his calling. The love for theater was passed on to him from his father, who at one time did not miss a single local performance. Therefore, after Efim finished his first year, he resolutely took the documents and went to Moscow with the goal of conquering the capital and enrolling in a theater university. As a result, in the late seventies he graduated from the state school of circus and variety arts.

After graduation, he began playing on the stage of the Moscow theater. But he did not stop improving, because after he graduated from college, he continued his studies at GITIS. At the same time, he performed his first performance as a soloist, Efim Shifrin read monologues that captivated the audience as something new and original.

Monologues of Efim Shifrin

Popular recognition and popularity came to him already in the second half of the eighties, when he read monologues about Mary Magdalene. After this, his career began to develop rapidly; the late eighties and nineties turned out to be the brightest and most fruitful time for the actor. In 1994, he made his debut on the stage of the theater, where he was able to act in a play, after which this experience was repeated several times. Continuing creative activity, Efim began to appear frequently on the television screen. He starred in the musical “Angel with a Cigarette Butt” and in some other musical works. He also wants to note that in almost every production, Shifrin appears in a vocal performance, where he can demonstrate his singing talent.

Efim Shifrin also worked fruitfully in cinema. It all started in the early nineties, when he played in the film “Bolotnaya Street,” but then he continued to work in cinema in the 2000s. He also starred in the famous “Jumble” where he played a variety of roles. As mentioned above, he never stops there, he understands that no matter how well you perform, you can always make the result even better. He constantly participates in various pop concerts, tours, gets roles in films, even manages to write his own books and blog on the Internet. The actor is used to his life being active, eventful and fruitful. He is the recipient of numerous awards and prizes for his creative activities.

Personal life of Efim Shifrin. Is he blue?

The personal life of Efim Shifrin is shrouded in secrecy, and even persistent journalists cannot say anything for sure. Formally, it is known that he is not married and has no legal heirs. The actor very sharply answers all questions regarding his personal life, saying that this is no one’s business.

They say that his personal life should not go beyond his boundaries, and that he does not live alone. Such secrecy gives rise to a lot of questions, his orientation arouses interest, there have been rumors repeatedly that Efim Shifrin is gay, therefore he hides his partner, not wanting to give away an unconventional relationship. But, again, no one can say for sure. Rumors still remain rumors, however, it is still strange that a man in such excellent physical shape is not married. But this is everyone's personal matter.

Family of Efim Shifrin

The family of Efim Shifrin raises a lot of questions, because no one can say whether he has one or not. On the one hand, formally the actor does not have a family and children, but who knows how it really is, because the actor, for his own reasons, does not want to answer questions about family happiness, but at the same time declares that he is not alone.

So, it is impossible to say with certainty what he means, how happy or unhappy he is in his personal life. This is probably the case when we have to put up with the fact that public people are not always ready to share their secrets with the public and all we can get from Efim Shifrin is his creative work and excellent acting on stage or screen.

Children of Efim Shifrin

Efim Shifrin's children are a closed topic for the actor. After all, they have no legal heirs. Again, journalists do not know what is going on “behind the scenes” of the actor’s personal life, and, most likely, this will no longer be known.

Efim is very picky and scrupulous about ensuring that no one interferes in his personal life or crosses the boundaries of the space that he has outlined for himself. So it’s best to say that he doesn’t have children, and then from there, everyone can think as they wish.

Shifrin never stated that he wanted children, or regretted not becoming a father, but as no one really knows, the actor jealously guards the right not to answer such questions.

Efim Shifrin's wife

Efim Shifrin’s wife – such a woman does not exist in the actor’s life. At least the press knows nothing about it. He never married legally, did not commit himself to a lifelong commitment. The reasons for this may be different, the most common version among inquisitive journalists is that the “wife” may well be another man, that the actor is actually gay.

But it may also be that the main thing for an actor is creative fulfillment, that he does not want to start a family. Or maybe he has a woman he loves, but he doesn't want her to be known. All this is just speculation, so those who are interested in the personal life of Efim Shifrin can only speculate and draw conclusions on their own.

Instagram and Wikipedia Efim Shifrin

You can learn more about Efim Shifrin if you use his personal page on Wikipedia (,_Efim_Zalmanovich), where general facts about him are collected. His childhood years, creative path, activities and much more can be found on this resource. But if you want to know more about him, then it would be better to go to his personal page on Instagram (, which he maintains very actively. It must be said that Efim often posts his photos, where he demonstrates his amazing shape.

The man carefully monitors his body; he can be the envy of guys decades younger than him. He also shares his plans for the future there, what else he wants to achieve in his own implementation. Instagram is very convenient for both the actor and his fans, because it creates some semblance of communication between the two parties. Instagram and Wikipedia Efim Shifrin gives an excellent opportunity to get closer to the actor, comedian, theater figure, learn more about him, and get acquainted with what is interesting to a particular person. So, if you want to get to know Shifrin, use the services of social networks as much as possible.