What is international roaming? What is roaming and why is it needed? The principle of operation of roaming in the GSM network. Terms of service

01.10.2021 Ulcer

Option " Unlimited Internet in MN roaming" - Mobile Internet By affordable price in dozens of countries around the world! The option is available to all Allo Incognito subscribers with a SIM card based on the Beeline network.

For Allo Incognito subscribers with a SIM card based on the MegaFon network, the international roaming option “Roaming, goodbye!” is available. .

Cost of mobile Internet in the CIS and popular countries

Connection fee

Subscription fee, per day

Traffic volume at maximum speed

CIS: Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine;

Popular countries: Austria, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican City, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Gibraltar, Greenland, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Kenya, Cyprus, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Norway, o. Maine, Pakistan, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkey, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, USA, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Indonesia , Philippines, Sri Lanka, Israel, India, Cambodia, Canada, Qatar, Malaysia, UAE, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Seychelles, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Macau, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, Colombia, the Netherlands, China, South Korea, South Africa.

Attention! Important to remember!

The option “Unlimited Internet in MN roaming” is available for connection only for tariff plans Allo Incognito network based on a Beeline SIM card. All prices indicated in this offer are available only with the “GPRS in international roaming” service activated and with the “Unlimited Internet in international roaming” option activated.

After sending a command to enable/disable an option, you must ensure that it is enabled/disabled. To do this, you need to wait for a response SMS message with confirmation of connecting/disabling the option.

Activation of the “Unlimited Internet in International Roaming” option is available only if the Electronic Account balance exceeds 400 rubles. Unused megabytes included in the package are not carried over to the next day.

The first 100 MB of traffic per day is provided at the highest possible speed. If the included traffic is exceeded, the speed is limited to 128 Kbps until 23:59:59 local time in the subscriber's connection region.

The amount of transmitted/received data is rounded up to the nearest 20 KB.

The subscriber has the opportunity to independently disable the “Unlimited Internet in International Roaming” option using the Interactive command during the entire period of validity of the option. After disabling the option, you can re-enable it.

If the phone options prohibit data transfer while roaming, then the “Unlimited Internet in MN roaming” option will not work.

The “Unlimited Internet in roaming” and “Gigabyte in roaming” options can be activated simultaneously. As a priority, traffic is taken into account in the limit of the “Gigabyte in roaming” option, after which the limit of the “Unlimited Internet in roaming” option is used.

If you use the Internet while roaming:

  • without the “Unlimited Internet in MN roaming” option connected;
  • in the absence of a confirmation SMS message about connecting the option;

services are charged according to Basic Tariffs.



* 1 1 7 * 1 6 #


* 1 1 7 * 1 6 * 0 #

Current status

* 1 1 7 * 1 6 * 1 #

To access the Internet in international roaming, you must first activate the “GPRS in international roaming” service. Any Interactive command is executed within 24 hours from the moment it is received. It is imperative to wait for a response SMS message confirming the connection/disconnection of the option. Tariffing for services in roaming in the absence of a confirmation SMS message about activation of the option occurs according to Basic tariffs.

Easy roaming and international access MTS, what is this? This question is often asked by clients. We will try to answer it in this article and provide basic information for later reference.

Roaming is one of the additional services operator. Do you need to continue using communications in another state? In this case, special connection diagrams are used.

Operators typically have networks in a limited number of countries. Therefore, they enter into partnership agreements with each other. The conditions provide:

  • Providing subscribers with access to the network.
  • Provision of services.
  • The subscriber pays them to his operator at current rates.
  • In the future, MTS independently pays off with partners according to the terms of the agreements.

Roaming is an option that benefits everyone. MTS partners receive royalties for the provision of communication services. The company itself also earns a certain amount from it. The client gets the opportunity to communicate with friends and relatives during the trip.

How does Easy Roaming and MTS International Access differ from the standard service? This is a simplified option for clients who do not need the Internet, MMS and various additional options.

  1. Receive and make calls.
  2. Send and receive messages.

It is important to understand that this is not a tariff. When connecting, the client only gets access to communication abroad. The cost is calculated taking into account the state in which the client resides.

About tariffs

There are no general roaming rates. The cost depends on the location of the subscriber. Each country sets its own prices. How can I find out the current parameters?

  • Visit the page http://www.mts.ru/mob_connect/roaming/i_roaming/tariffs/.
  • The third point provides a choice of country, click on it.
  • A list of states will appear, find the one you are interested in.
  • After selection, a page with current tariffs is displayed.

We say right away: the cost of operator services during trips is enormous. Therefore, it is worth thinking before connecting to roaming whether it is really so important to stay connected.


For the MTS Easy Roaming option, the cost is 0 rubles. The service does not require a subscription fee. You can activate it and not worry about subsequent debits from your account.

The client pays exclusively for calls and SMS during the trip. Their cost can be found out separately; a scheme for quickly obtaining the information of interest was described above.

Is it worth using the service?

Key benefits of the option:

  1. Ability to receive and make calls.
  2. Use text messages.
  3. Be in touch.
  4. Some clients cannot go offline for a long time due to work.


  • High price.
  • Paid incoming calls.
  • It is impossible to fully use the connection due to tariffs.

Alternatively, you can choose another option. Many operators in different countries offer guest rates. Visitors can access the network as a subscriber and fully use the connection.

Calls within the state will cost a small amount. International calls to the Russian Federation are not cheap, but the cost is lower than roaming rates. I also manage to get an internet package.

How to activate the service

How to activate Easy roaming and MTS international access? The first way is to use a command. Need to:

  • Dial *111*2157#.
  • Submit your request.
  • Wait for confirmation.

The second option is a personal account. Necessary:

  1. Go to the MTS website.
  2. Go to LC.
  3. Log in.
  4. Proceed to the services section.
  5. Activate the required option there.

Another way is to call the contact center. Required:

  • Make a call to 0890.
  • Choose to connect with a specialist.
  • Wait for an answer. The system will indicate the approximate time.
  • Ask the employee to activate the option.
  • He will turn it on manually.

You can send message 2157 to number 111. In response, you should receive a report about the successful activation of the service.


Disabling the option is easy; there are the following methods:

  • Dial *111*2158# and send a request.
  • Switch on the site.
  • IN personal account on the portal.
  • From a contact center specialist.
  • Send an SMS with the text 2158 to number 111.

In fact, there is no need to disable Easy Roaming. It is completely free, and standard conditions apply when you are in your home region. Therefore, there is no point in spending additional time on deactivation.

Check your phone before your trip - unpleasant surprises

For most people, traveling abroad occurs infrequently, usually a vacation once a year. In the hustle and bustle of preparing for a trip, we forget or put it off to the last moment that we need to attend to communications and work out several important issues. Almost no one checks their phone for compatibility with the operator networks of the country they are traveling to. The ubiquity of 3G/4G has made communications universal; almost anywhere in the world you get similar networks and should not experience any problems. In theory. In practice, everything is not so rosy and simple, especially if you have purchased chinese smartphone from a little-known company. And just because it works well at home doesn’t mean it will happen while traveling. See what frequencies the modern Alcatel 5 supports.

I always use flagships, and one of the reasons for this is my frequent business trips. Flagships from Apple/Samsung support almost all LTE frequencies in the world by default, meaning you can connect to the network without hesitation and get the maximum possible. Look at the description of the Galaxy S9 and the list of supported frequencies. You will find exactly the same thing in all Apple smartphones.

In order to support such a set of frequencies, the manufacturer must have a reason to operate in most countries of the world. And if Samsung/Apple have almost moved away from separating products by region and are making them universal, then other companies can still divide smartphones into those released for different countries/regions. For example, smartphones for China support one set of frequencies, while exactly the same models for Europe are produced with different frequencies. The lack of versatility and different frequencies stem from the fact that integrating antennas for all bands into a smartphone is expensive and difficult, as well as writing software for their correct operation. Hence such restrictions. On the other hand, with Samsung, the cheaper the model, the fewer frequencies it supports, only the main ones. Here, too, everything is clear; it is believed that such devices do not need maximum support.

After I scared you, I want to say that everything is not so bad, most people will not encounter any problems when traveling. Here you need to remember a very simple rule: if your phone works in Russia, then in Europe there should be no problems with it. And you can forget about this issue.

In the USA or Asia, problems may arise, and they are directly related to the operator you choose. Before buying a local SIM card, it is better to find out who supports what frequencies, and not rely only on the name 4G, which means absolutely nothing. For example, when you come to the USA and choose T-Mobile, you may experience difficulties; many Russian smartphone models work very conditionally with this operator, the speed will be low.

People still have a lot of push-button phones in their hands, and problems often arise with them, for example, in the USA they are starting to turn off 2G networks, and most of the button works in such networks. Also, Chinese keyboard players claim support for the 1900 band (in Russia this is irrelevant, everything will work at 1800 as is), but in reality this band does not exist, the antenna is simply not wired. As a result, such push-button telephone It simply won't work in the US. My advice to you: if you are going on a trip, get a smartphone, this is a universal solution in every sense and the right approach. After all, a smartphone can make your life easier in many aspects; a push-button phone is not the best companion abroad.

Tough savings - only local Wi-Fi and nothing else

There are a huge number of horror stories about how people spent tens of thousands of rubles, or even more, while roaming. Therefore, many people prefer not to contact their mobile phone and turn it off so that nothing bad happens. An approach that almost one hundred percent guarantees the preservation of your money, but does not eliminate the need to use communications, navigation and other benefits of civilization. In the last few years, people are starting to believe that mobile connection when traveling is necessary, and move away from using only Wi-Fi from local providers. However, on one trip to New York, I tried to recreate the conditions in which I used only Wi-Fi and nothing else for a week.

The experiment is not entirely pure, since this city is familiar to me, and my orientation in it is passable, if not excellent. Nevertheless, it was decided, and before the trip I downloaded an offline Google Maps map just in case (just maps, you can’t get directions without the Internet), as well as Maps.Me.

In the USA, everything is fine with free Internet, since there are Starbucks coffee shops on almost every corner, where Google distributes the Internet, no codes are required, you can connect to this network simply by passing by (depending on the smartphone model, you need to click on the window or not with agreement to the company's terms and conditions). Additionally, New York City has a large public Wi-Fi network located near the LinkNYC booths, and you get free access to the network from your device or can use navigation, maps, and even calls from the booth itself. By the way, they also have USB connectors for charging.

During my week in New York, I didn’t experience any particular problems, the only thing missing was instant messengers, especially when I was late for a meeting with friends and needed to write. But when walking around the city, the lack of Internet was even a plus; I wasn’t constantly distracted by my phone, I looked around more. The downside is that I couldn’t plan routes taking into account traffic jams; I had to call Uber from places where there was Wi-Fi, which, however, did not become a problem. Only once, during a snowstorm, when the streets were empty and there was no way to find Wi-Fi near the Brooklyn Bridge, something bad happened and I had to slosh around in the subway, soaking wet.

My experiment ended successfully; you can live for a week in New York without mobile Internet. Depending on which roaming method I used, my expenses would range from $30 to $50 during this period. The savings are noticeable, and many will consider them quite significant. But if you are in a city for the first time and you are not sure that there is an extensive network of Wi-Fi access points, then perhaps you should still be concerned about the availability of mobile Internet. And here we move on to the next option, buying a tourist SIM card.

Tourist SIM card - pros and cons

There is such a product on the market as a tourist card; they can often be found on trays and in airport vending machines. The advantage of such a SIM card is that you buy it in your home country, and you can use it the moment you get to another country, for example, on a plane after landing. There are about a dozen providers (namely providers, since these are not operators, but resellers of other people’s services) on the market, the price range is not very wide, they focus on each other. The most important advantage of such a card is that you bought it in your home country and have a rough idea of ​​the price level, for example, the prices for DrimSIM are as follows.

But if you look at individual countries, you will get a strange picture, for example, the USA is not on the list, and communication in the Virgin Islands is somehow too expensive, about $50 per 1 GB (you can buy a regular SIM card locally for less money). In Azerbaijan, for example, the cost of communication is also prohibitive, which, given the excess local supply, is not a problem at all.

Why did I take DrimSIM as an example? Not at all because I know them well or work with them, everything is much more banal. On press tours, most journalists carry DrimSIM, since the owner of the company provided such cards. My colleagues are constantly swearing, writing to him with questions about what works and what doesn’t. Behind Last year I saw this picture more than once, and one question always arose: what to do? ordinary people, which do not have such fast and good support?

The feeling is that all tourist cards are not very profitable, even compared to buying traffic from your operator in another country, not to mention purchasing a local SIM card.

The disadvantage of this approach is obvious - you are using a number that your friends and colleagues probably do not know, that is, you are tied to a new SIM card, this is a means of communication for you. On the other hand, this is not so important for the majority; after all, there are instant messengers. As for me, travel SIM cards don’t make much sense; you don’t get a guaranteed, high-quality connection.

Buying a local SIM card - we buy it in Russia or upon arrival in the country

The man will not cross himself until the thunder strikes. For any trip, except the most unexpected ones, it is worth preparing in advance, including in terms of communication. For example, you can find out which operators are in the country where you are going, look at the tariffs and find out whether there are sales points in the place where you are visiting, at the same airport, and how much the card costs (it may be more profitable to buy a card in city, and at the airport connect to Wi-Fi, if there is one).

Choose a SIM card based on your needs, for me it is, first of all, the amount of included data, on average I take 5 GB for a week (for most people, 2 GB is enough for navigation and social networks, instant messengers for the same period, and even a little remains ). For me, calls and SMS do not play a big role, since incoming calls to my main, Russian number are important to me. But I use everything else exclusively on local SIM cards, that is, they require Internet. And sometimes I am ready to overpay for the quality of such Internet, its speed, and I choose large operators of which I am confident.

In most countries you need a passport to buy a SIM card, so don't forget to bring one if you buy the card in the city, this is important. Some networks only sell one SIM card, but if you need several cards, just go to nearby stores, there is no problem.

When going to another country, you should have a clear idea of ​​where you can buy a SIM card; the Internet is full of resources that answer these standard questions for each city and country, give advice and offer various small tricks.

For those who travel abroad frequently, it may make sense to purchase a prepaid card from a major operator, for example, Vodafone, with which you can use roaming in most countries for little money. You can also buy such SIM cards in Moscow; there are many resellers, but the cost is at least twice as high as if you bought such a card yourself. You can also buy such a SIM card in advance for one trip, so as not to waste time. The prices on such cards are very reasonable; for example, when traveling around Europe with a SIM card from Spain, you will get traffic for ridiculous money. The main thing is to maintain a positive balance on the cards; no other problems are observed.

There are no pitfalls in buying a local SIM card, the minus is exactly the same as with tourist SIM cards, you lose the opportunity to use your phone number. Please pay attention to whether you can distribute the Internet in modem mode to other devices or not, some operators prohibit this option, it is better to inquire about this in advance if this is important to you and you will use the Internet on several devices.

Roaming from your operator - tariffs, options, opportunities to save

Once upon a time, roaming in another country was expensive, and this applied not only to calls and SMS, but even more so to mobile Internet. Times are changing, and each operator has very good options, by connecting which you can save money and not even think about buying a local SIM card. The advantage of this solution is that you get the opportunity to use your number, and for some this will be the most important.

The algorithm for studying what your operator offers is extremely simple. You go to the operator’s website, type in roaming in the search, see what exactly is offered to you. Offers vary from country to country, there are similar services, but they are quite easy to understand and there are no pitfalls. I don’t have the task of describing everything that different operators offer; I will focus on what I use myself and find convenient.

I often get calls for comments, which usually takes me about 30-50 minutes a day, depending on the event. On business trips, talking on the phone for even thirty minutes means paying a tidy sum for it. MegaFon has the “Whole World” option, for 99 rubles a day you get 40 minutes of incoming calls, which will be free for you.

The word “free” is not entirely true, you will spend 99 rubles, that is, the call will cost almost 2.5 rubles per minute, provided that you choose all 40 minutes. But this usually does not happen, which is what the operator bases his calculations on. For me it usually takes 20-30 minutes, but I consider even 5 rubles per minute a very low price.

Outgoing calls are of little concern to me, since with all the contacts with whom I communicate constantly, I can do this in instant messengers (one or another). I usually have a local SIM card for the internet, or I subscribe to a package from my operator. The same MegaFon has an excellent offer for many countries - 1 GB of traffic for 600 rubles per day (4G, no speed limits), after 1 GB the speed is limited to 64 Kbps. The biggest disadvantage of this offer is that you cannot distribute the Internet to other devices, and this is frustrating. As a rule, I have a couple of phones, and therefore I would like to have the Internet on each of them or distribute the Internet to friends and colleagues.

MTS has the “Zabugorische” option (do not confuse it with the tariff of the same name, which is not so interesting or effective). Under this option, in most countries you can get the use of your home service package for 290 rubles per day (every day you use something - calls, SMS, Internet). The Internet limit is simple - 500 MB per day, then the speed limit is up to 128 Kbps, which is enough for instant messengers, but not enough for Instagram. This is an excellent offer that allows you to save money and for fairly short trips of 2-4 days, it is more profitable than buying a local SIM card. For example, in 4 days your payments will be 1,160 rubles, that is, about 20 dollars, which is not much for America.

Each operator has its own options, describing each of them is a thankless task, but there is an algorithm for how you need to connect the options so as not to lose your money. Here's a short list of tips:

  • Find out all the commands for connecting/disabling the service before your trip;
  • Check in the subscriber service or operator's application that you have an international roaming service (this is important for MTS subscribers, for others it is enabled by default);
  • It is better to connect the service before you fly to another country, and not at the last moment, I usually do this on the way to the airport;
  • Make sure that the service is activated, you should receive a confirmation SMS, if not, then the service is not enabled! And if the service is not connected, you will spend a lot of money, be careful;
  • Learn how to track your account balance, monitor your spending to make sure everything goes according to plan;
  • When you return home, do not forget to turn off all connected and no longer needed services, otherwise you will waste money on them.

Now is the time to talk about another service that may be of interest to those who need to save their number for calls. MTS has a Wi-Fi calling service, that is, when you are on a Wi-Fi network, you can receive calls to your regular number and at home region rates. To connect to the service, you need to install the MTS Connect application; it can be downloaded from the application store. The application does not always activate correctly, look at the screenshots.

But all issues can be quickly resolved with the support service. When traveling to other countries, if your phone is on a Wi-Fi network, all calls will go through it, and this is a great saving. The only downside is that in this mode the battery drains very quickly.

And this is what the interface and settings look like, you can make calls from your phone in exactly the same way, that is, outgoing calls are supported. The application does not always work as it should, it all depends on your luck. Other operators have analogues, so look at how they work in the description; it’s definitely not worth changing the operator for the sake of this feature from MTS.

Short afterword

Until recently, roaming scared many people, since the cost of an error was too high. Today international roaming has become available, and there are many options and options in order to save money and comfortably use all services. The main thing is that you need to worry about connecting these services in advance, find out everything about them and understand what exactly benefits you. But if you do everything at the last minute, then be sure to wait for notifications from the operator that your roaming is working. My advice to you is to remove auto payments during roaming or limit them on the part of the bank, so that the money does not fly away on its own, even if you make a mistake in something. Yes, the cost of a mistake is lower, but it can still be extremely frustrating.

Operators are not interested in deceiving you in roaming, but the opacity of roaming services, the inability to see exactly where and how the traffic was spent, often creates a field for conjecture and assumptions. Therefore, to avoid this, follow the algorithms and tips outlined above, then you will most likely not ruin your trip and avoid unnecessary expenses. On my own behalf, I would like to wish you that your travels will always be comfortable and connected in any corner of the world.

Word "roaming" has roots from English. "roaming"- to wander, and this definition accurately reflects the essence of this function. We all travel around the country and abroad, and need to be in touch with family and friends.

And in order to fully communicate, all networks must be interconnected by certain standards. Thanks to these standards - the current CDMA or GSM switching centers - information about the location of the network user is transmitted through communication channels.

What is roaming with mobile operators?

Roaming with mobile operators means that your “home network” provides you with communication beyond its borders by concluding an agreement with a “guest network”. That is, the subscriber moves, and data about his movement is requested by another cellular network from his operator. After this, the user’s data is automatically transferred to his location, for his full connection with the desired number.

Your agreement mobile operator with another network allows the subscriber to save his phone number in another city, region, or country. There are three types of roaming: intranet, international, national.

What is intranet roaming ?

Within our country, there is so-called intranet roaming, which allows you to use your chosen network in any region at reduced rates. Service intranet roaming it is connected automatically, in your personal account, as well as by contacting your post office, or by dialing a certain combination.

This service is paid, in accordance with the Law “On Communications” in force in our country. The fact is that the size of our state is enormous, and servicing such an area is very expensive. The user pays for “traffic transmission” in each communication center, hence the subscription fee. However, at the moment, each operator MTS, Beeline, Megafon and TELE2 has favorable offers for intranet roaming.

What is international roaming ?

When traveling outside our state, we also want to use our phone number, and this service is provided under an agreement between our operator and a foreign provider. Thanks to the globalization of cellular communications, our compatriots enjoy international roaming in more than two hundred countries, and roaming agreements have been concluded between five hundred operators around the world.

But when planning to use this type of roaming, you should take into account some nuances. Communication centers use different frequencies that some phones do not support. You also need to know that the debiting of subscription fees for international roaming occurs with a delay of up to 36 days.

What is data roaming ?

Your details mobile phone- This is your daily Internet activity on your phone: viewing email, communicating on networks. Otherwise, this service is commonly called “mobile Internet”. And in order not to be shocked when moving from your network zone with bills for Internet use, you need to switch to the “data roaming” option.

To do this, find the line “mobile Internet” in your phone and activate the service called “data transfer while roaming”. The service will naturally be paid, but will bring much less costs than not connecting it.

What is roaming in simple words?

For those who have little understanding of the complex cellular communications system, we can give a simple definition of the concept of “roaming.” Speaking in simple language, roaming allows to the common man use your type of communication and your SIM card anywhere in the world.

And if your network does not function in the area where you are located, then another connection is automatically provided to you under an agreement with yours. Moreover, if there are several cooperating networks in this location, then the network with the best signal is selected.