What is Propaedeutics? Meaning and interpretation of the word propedevtika, definition of the term. Propaedeutics is the basis for diagnosing diseases. Propaedeutics means

08.07.2023 Ulcer


an action (in pedagogy) aimed at preparing for the study of a concept (for example, they mention a certain concept without giving a definition, but in specific situations, from which it is generally clear what is being discussed, thereby creating an idea for the student the fact that he is familiar with this concept, some associations are created with it, so that when it comes to a formal definition, it is easier for him to perceive the term):

"Routine introduction. Propaedeutics. Do you have at least the most basic understanding of the ciphers that you must master?" Manuscript found in a bathtub

Lem's World - Dictionary and Guide.

L.A. Ashkinazi.:


    Synonyms See what “Propaedeutics” is in other dictionaries: PROPAEDEUTICS- (Greek, from pro forward, and paideia raised). Preliminary. concepts, preliminary preparations, explanations for any science; introduction to science. Dictionary foreign words

    Synonyms, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PROPEDEUTICS ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language- (from the Greek propaideuo I pre-train, prepare) preparatory classes; introduction to science. As a genre of philosophy. literature P. represents elementary, systematic and summary

    Synonyms some kind of philosopher. teachings. Philosophy:… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Synonyms- (from the Greek propaideuo I pre-teach) an introduction to any science, a preliminary introductory course, systematically presented in a concise and elementary form... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Synonyms- (Greek propaideio I preface) an abbreviated presentation of any science in a systematized form, i.e. a preparatory, introductory course to any science, preceding a more in-depth and detailed study of the relevant discipline. In philosophical... The latest philosophical dictionary

    Synonyms- PROPAEDEUTICA, propaedeutics, pl. no, female (Greek propaideutike) (book). Introduction to some science, communication of preliminary knowledge about something. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Synonyms- [de], and, female. (book). Preliminary knowledge about what n. | adj. propaedeutic, oh, oh. P. course (short). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Synonyms- female, Greek introduction to any science. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary



(from the Greek propaideuo - I pre-train, prepare) - preparatory classes; into science. As a genre of philosophy. literature P. is an elementary, systematic and brief presentation of some kind of philosophy. teachings.

Philosophy: Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Gardariki. Edited by A.A. Ivina. 2004 .


(from Greek- I teach and prepare in advance), will prepare. classes; introduction to science. P. in Plato - classes that precede the study. Like a genre Philosopher literature P. is an introductory material that outlines the doctrine in an elementary, systematic and concise manner (for example, “Philos. P.”, written by Hegel for Nuremberg high school students). In pre-Kantian philosophy propaedeutic. was considered an introduction to logic and ontology.

Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch.. 1983 .


editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 2010 .


Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary

In Plato's Academy, mathematical sciences (geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, music) were considered propaedeutics in philosophy. In the Middle Ages, propaedeutic teaching was about logic and its rules and methods of reasoning. For better memorization, clever abbreviations and mnemonic exercises were invented. During the period of German classical philosophy, propaedeutics also stood out as an independent genre of philosophical literature. In addition to the fundamental presentation of the philosophical system, auxiliary educational works are published (for example, Kant writes the “Propaedeutics” of his metaphysics, Hegel creates a propaedeutic introductory course in philosophy for Nuremberg high school students). In the 19th-20th centuries. propaedeutics into philosophy are published by Herbart, O. Wilman, P. Natori and others.

M. A. Kuznetsov

New Philosophical Encyclopedia: In 4 vols. M.: Thought. Edited by V. S. Stepin. 2001 .

L.A. Ashkinazi.:

See what “PROPAEDEUTIICS” is in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek, from pro forward, and paideia raised). Preliminary. concepts, preliminary preparations, explanations for any science; introduction to science. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PROPAEDEUTIICS ... foreign words

    some kind of philosopher. teachings. Philosophy:… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    - (from the Greek propaideuo I pre-teach) an introduction to any science, a preliminary introductory course, systematically presented in a concise and elementary form... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Greek propaideio I preface) an abbreviated presentation of any science in a systematized form, i.e. a preparatory, introductory course to any science, preceding a more in-depth and detailed study of the relevant discipline. In philosophical... The latest philosophical dictionary

    PROPAEDEUTICA, propaedeutics, many others. no, female (Greek propaideutike) (book). Introduction to some science, communication of preliminary knowledge about something. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


Philosophical propaedeutics- a preparatory philosophical course (logic and psychology), taught in Prussia, Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Russian Empire in senior secondary schools.

In addition, propaedeutics in philosophy is often called a discipline that should precede the study of specific sciences as special branches of knowledge.

Famous works

  • "Philosophical Propaedeutics" is the work of Paul Natorp.
  • "Logical Propaedeutics" - a book by Lorenzen and Kamlach.


Propaedeutics of internal diseases is a branch of medicine that includes the basics of diagnostics and particular pathology.

Choreographic art

Particular attention to the propaedeutic role of dance art began to be paid at the end of the 19th and especially at the beginning of the 20th century, in line with culture and philosophy "free dance" . The founders of this artistic movement, which received the widest response in Europe and beyond, saw it not just as a “cultural phenomenon”, but also as a search for a high philosophy of life and means of transforming man and society in accordance with the ideals of their development (partly reflecting and at the same time influencing the image thoughts of that time in the writings of Nietzsche). With all the costs associated with the use and utopian interpretation of these mythologies within the framework of one of the totalitarian ideologies, in the field of education and upbringing they have always deserved a separate role and remain of enduring relevance.

It is not surprising that most of the founders of the theory and practice of free dance: E. Jacques-Dalcroze, Ya Ruskaya (as is still happening in the National Academy of Dance of Italy), A. Duncan and others - sometimes paid even more attention than to the “professional preparation for the stage” of senior dancers, to propaedeutic choreography for children starting from 6 years old or a similar early age.

Moreover, the methodological tasks of this early development have almost the opposite character in comparison with the “technical training” of classical schools of ballet, as well as artistic gymnastics of “high achievements”, etc. For the specified methodology of propaedeutic education, the concept is especially clearly at the forefront Dance as art and creativity, first of all, “psycho-physical” rather than “technical-artistic”. If a more senior student may also be faced with a technical task “putting the body at the service of art”(but even then only after “optimizing the mechanism of that particular body, developing all its features and correcting its defects”, as Emile Jacques-Dalcroze wrote), then for six-year-olds and a little older - this developmental and corrective task becomes not only the most important, but in fact the only one.

Basic literature

Wikimedia Foundation.

L.A. Ashkinazi.:


    - (Greek, from pro forward, and paideia raised). Preliminary. concepts, preliminary preparations, explanations for any science; introduction to science. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PROPAEDEUTIICS ... foreign words

    2010. summary

    some kind of philosopher. teachings. Philosophy:… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    - (from the Greek propaideuo I pre-teach) an introduction to any science, a preliminary introductory course, systematically presented in a concise and elementary form... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (from the Greek propaideuo I pre-train, prepare) preparatory classes; introduction to science. As a genre of philosophy. literature P. is an elementary, systematic and brief presentation of some kind of philosophy. teachings. Philosophy:… … Medicine is which is necessary for all humanity. With its development, it became possible to prolong the lives of people, to save them from all kinds of diseases and the inconveniences that they cause. Every day, millions of people seek help from medical services that work thanks to a well-coordinated system. It includes many industries, each of which has a specific type of activity. To study medicine, it is necessary to master many sciences, without which it is impossible to treat people. It is believed that the main components are the basic sciences, which study concepts about the structure, functions of the human body, pathological conditions occurring in it, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Only after they have been assimilated future doctor may be introduced into the clinic to begin working with patients.

Propaedeutics - what is it? Why is this science necessary?

The basic medical sciences are: pathological physiology, propaedeutics and pharmacology. The first helps to clarify the mechanism of action of the disease, what is necessary to eliminate it. Propaedeutics is a branch of medicine on which all work with patients is based. necessary to examine the patient and clarify all the details associated with the pathology. It includes aspects such as:

  • collection of patient complaints;
  • studying the history of the development of this pathology;
  • patient's life history;
  • examination of all organs and systems;
  • identification of conditions different from the norm.

Features of anamnesis collection

First of all, the clinician should talk with the patient or his relatives (if the patient is in serious condition, a child). Thanks to the survey, the doctor finds out exactly what is bothering the person. He should ask in detail about the patient’s complaints, ask when they appeared, what reasons led to this. It is necessary to find out what treatment the patient took on his own, whether it led to the desired result. The next step is to study the patient’s life history. It includes finding out all the details related to the patient’s health, starting from birth. The doctor is interested in what diseases there were during life, what they led to (recovery, transition to a chronic form, complications). He also asks about the presence of allergic reactions, bad habits, and family history. It is necessary to find out whether the patient has had contact with infectious patients, whether he has tuberculosis, sexually transmitted pathologies or hepatitis.

Examination of the patient

Propaedeutics is a science that is needed in the work of every doctor, since any doctor must be able to assess the patient’s condition through examination. It includes an assessment of consciousness, appearance patient, examination of his posture, gait, type of constitution. This allows you to determine the presence of visible changes in the skin, muscles, joints, bone tissue, inflammation of the lymph nodes, and swelling. Professional propaedeutics is the ability of a specialist to conduct a high-quality diagnosis of pathological conditions through examination of a specific body system. For example, examination of the genital organs for gynecologists, study laboratory research blood for hematologists, etc.

Propaedeutics of diseases of internal organs

In order to assess the condition of the internal organs, there are special ones in propaedeutics. These include: palpation, percussion and auscultation. After a professional examination of a certain area, the doctor begins to palpate it. This provides information about the presence of pain, size, consistency, and mobility of the organ. Thanks to changes in percussion sound and auscultation, it is possible to make a differential diagnosis between various diseases of the lungs, heart, and digestive tract. Propaedeutics is a necessary branch of medicine, without which it is impossible to provide medical care.

Therapy (Greek therapeia - treatment) is a field of clinical medicine that studies the origin, manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of internal diseases.

Propaedeutics (from the Greek word propaideuo - introduction, preliminary training) is an introductory course on internal diseases, studying issues of diagnosis, history taking, objective examination of patients, and symptoms of diseases.

Currently, due to technological progress, many methods of clinical examination have faded into the background.

No matter how perfect additional diagnostics are, they cannot and should not replace the doctor’s skill, based on communication with the patient, on the basic methods of objective and subjective examination.

Therefore, without knowing the basics of examining a patient, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis, and, consequently, to treat correctly. It should be remembered that it is not always possible to quickly perform instrumental examination methods. Seemingly routine methods can provide invaluable information and expand diagnostic capabilities.

Propaedeutics teaches how to correctly interpret data from numerous additional examination methods that are now so widely used in medicine.

Propaedeutics teaches you to correctly formulate a diagnosis, identify the main syndromes and group symptoms.

Propaedeutics in therapy is the main section of medical education, where the basic skills of examining a patient are laid. How you master the basic methods and techniques of examining a patient, how you learn to communicate with patients, how you learn to interpret data from laboratory and instrumental methods will largely depend on how much information you have. And the more you know about your patient, the easier it is to make the correct diagnosis and choose the right treatment. A complete and thorough examination of the patient is 90% of success and another 10% is your knowledge, your talent, your experience.

Objectives of propaedeutics:

Study of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a healthy and sick person.

Studying the causes of diseases

Study of pathological processes. Occurring in the body during a particular disease.

Study of the main clinical symptoms and syndromes of the disease.

Study of diagnostic methods

Studying the basic principles of treatment

Study of emergency conditions for the diseases being studied.

History of the development of propaedeutics:

The origin of methods for examining a patient goes back to the prehistoric period. The beginning of therapy and propaedeutics of internal diseases is associated with the origin of humanity and the emergence of the need to provide assistance to the patient. Over thousands of years, experience in observing the signs of disease has accumulated. The first attempts to explain the essence of diseases belonged to Ancient Chinese healers. (first description of the properties of the pulse).

In the 5th century BC. medicine was the basis for the development of diagnostics Ancient Greece. Hippocrates is considered the founder of clinical medicine - he considered man as a single whole connected with the environment. The concept of “observing a patient in bed” is associated with his name; he listened to the lungs, felt the liver, and was the first to formulate the principle of medicine - do no harm.

Avicenna (1st century AD) made a great contribution to the development of diagnostics - he formulated his views on the diagnosis of diseases in the treatise “The Canon of Medical Art” - he described the types of pulse, gave all the characteristics of the pulse that are currently used.

The Renaissance scientist Paracelsus (15th century) believed that no one could become a doctor without science and experience.

Subsequently, diagnostics were enriched with new research methods and descriptions of new symptoms.

Thermometry (de Gaen), percussion (Augenbrugger), auscultation (Laennec), method of systematic questioning of the patient (M.Ya. Mudrov, G.A. Zakharyin, A.A. Ostroumov), palpation of the abdominal cavity (V.P. Obraztsov) were proposed , N.D. Strozhesko), blood pressure measurements (N. Korotkov).

The further development of diagnostics as a science is associated with the names of M.Ya. Mudrova, the father of internal medicine (for the first time in history, he introduced questioning of patients and proposed a medical history chart, emphasized that it was not the disease that needed to be treated, but the patient, expressed the idea of ​​individual treatment, and put identifying the cause of the disease at the forefront).

G.A. Zakharyin - noted the connection between man and environment, for the first time used laboratory and instrumental examination methods, considering them as auxiliary.

S.P. Botkin is the founder of the direction of nervism - when studying pathogenesis, it is necessary to study the physiological connections of the body.

The description of the symptoms of various diseases is associated with the names of domestic clinicians G.F. Lang (hypertension), V.P. Obraztsova and N.D. Strozhesko (IHD, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction), V.Kh. Vasilenko (chronic heart failure).

At the end of the 19th century, laboratory and instrumental examination methods, radiography and fluoroscopy began to be introduced (X-ray gastric intubation (A. Kussmaul), bronchoscopy (H. Killian), cystoscopy and rectoscopy (M. Nitze), in 1903 - ECG (Einthoven), 1905 – N. Korotkov - method of measuring blood pressure, functional diagnostics of the kidneys (S.S. Zimnitsky), in 1970-1990, computed tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance, MRI, coronary angiography.

Having made a brief excursion into history, having learned what propaedeutics studies, from today the study of diseases, diagnostic methods and principles of treating patients begins for you...

Disease (morbus)– a pathological condition of the body associated with damage to organs and tissues by pathogenic factors.

For a long time, there have been many different definitions of the concept of disease. At the dawn of mankind, illness was viewed as the action of a demonic force; during the Middle Ages, illness was viewed as God’s punishment.

In the 19th century, there were more scientifically based definitions of the concept of “disease” -

Dysfunction, resulting in a threat to life (German scientist Aschoff);

The body's reaction to the harmful influence of the external environment (S.P. Botkin);

Illness is a life constrained by its circumstances (K. Marx);

Disease is the body’s reaction to its damage (V.Kh. Vasilenko).


Disease– a disruption of the body’s vital functions that occurs in response to extreme stimuli from the external and internal environment through the nervous system.

WHO: “A disease is a life disrupted in its course by damage to the structure and functions of the body under the influence of external and internal factors during the mobilization of its compensatory and adaptive mechanisms. The disease is characterized by a general and particular decrease in adaptability to the environment and restriction of the patient’s freedom of life.”

Acute illness - begins suddenly and does not last long.

Chronic disease is a long, protracted course with periods of exacerbation and remission.

Etiology- the science of the causes of disease.

Causes of the disease:

Physical (ionizing radiation, thermal effects, mechanical trauma)

Genetic (hereditary)

Chemical (exposure to acids, alkalis, poisons)

Biological (microorganisms, endogenous substances)

Social (harmful working conditions, insufficient nutrition, poor nutrition, alcohol, smoking, mental overload).

A combination of various factors.

The same factors may or may not cause the development of the disease in different people.

In the occurrence of a disease, an important place is occupied by the individual ability of a particular person to respond to external factors. The occurrence of the disease depends on the individual reactivity of the body (the ability of the body to counteract the factors that cause the disease).

Poisoning with poisons due to prolonged sensitization.

Pathogenesis- (pathos - suffering, genesis - origin) - the doctrine of the mechanisms of disease development, developing pathological processes, the course and outcome of the disease.

Distinguish phases of pathogenesis:

Impact of etiological factor

Paths of distribution of the etiological factor in the body

The nature of pathological changes in tissues and systems of the body

Outcome of the disease.

Pathogenesis is also studied stages of disease:

Preclinical stage – absence of clinical symptoms of the disease

Prodromal stage - the first nonspecific manifestations of the disease

Advanced clinical stage – clinical symptoms characteristic of a particular disease.

Outcome of the disease (recovery, death, transition to a chronic form.

Many diseases are characterized by alternation of several stages:

Remission - (Greek - decrease, reduction) - a temporary decrease in the manifestations of the disease.

Relapse - (Greek - return) - return of the disease after relative clinical well-being.

Knowing the pathogenesis of the disease, it is possible to predict clinical picture and successfully intervene in its development, breaking certain links of the pathological process with the help of treatment. Modern therapy is predominantly pathogenetic.

Each disease is characterized by typical symptoms and syndromes.

Symptom- a sign of illness.

Cough is a sign of bronchitis

Thirst is a sign of diabetes

Shortness of breath is a sign of heart failure.

There are subjective and objective symptoms.

Subjective symptoms– patient sensations (patient complaints): pain, nausea, dizziness.

Objective symptoms– symptoms revealed during examination of the patient - edema lower limbs, enlarged liver, enlarged spleen, heart murmurs, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, pain on palpation.

Many symptoms are named after the scientists who described them: Ortner's symptom, Graefe's symptom, Shchetkin's symptom, Mendel's symptom, Boas's symptom.

Often the same symptoms are characteristic of different diseases.

Shortness of breath is a sign of bronchial asthma and heart failure.

Symptoms with the same pathogenesis are grouped into syndromes.

Syndrome– a set of closely related symptoms that reflect certain pathological changes in organs and systems.

Edema syndrome = edema, ascites, anasarca, trophic changes in the skin), -

Bronchospastic syndrome = suffocation, cough, dry wheezing),

Shock syndrome = weakness, decreased blood pressure, skin moisture, thready pulse),

Jaundice syndrome = icterus of the sclera and skin, light-colored stool, dark urine, itchy skin, enlarged liver.

Currently, more than 1500 syndromes are known

Diagnostics(Greek diagnostikos - able to recognize) - the science of recognizing diseases.

Diagnostics consists of 3 stages:

1. identifying symptoms

2. grouping symptoms into syndromes

3. formation of a diagnosis based on a characteristic combination of syndromes.

Identifying the first signs of the disease and early recognition of the disease are the main tasks of the paramedic.

Diagnosis- a doctor’s/paramedic’s opinion on the nature of the disease.

The diagnosis is always dynamic and can change along with the development of the disease. The most important diagnostic rule is to monitor the symptoms of the disease over time.

Types of diagnosis:

Preliminary diagnosis is made in the presence of partial information obtained from a subjective and objective examination of the patient.

Differential diagnosis is the exclusion of all presumptive diagnoses that are similar to a given diagnosis based on individual symptoms.

The final diagnosis is made when all the data about the patient is available, including data from laboratory and instrumental examination methods, after differential diagnosis.

Structure of the diagnosis:

1. Diagnosis of the underlying disease

2. Complications of the underlying disease

3. Concomitant diagnoses.

Main disease: IHD. Acute myocardial infarction.

Main complications: Paroxysm of ventricular tachycardia.

Arrhythmic shock.

Related: Diabetes 2 types.

Housing and communal services Chronic cholecystitis.

Treatment– a set of measures aimed at eliminating pathology and restoring health.

Basic treatment methods :

A) by technique:

Surgical – surgical intervention

Conservative – all methods except surgery.

B) by outcome:

Radical - eliminating the cause of the disease.

Palliative – alleviation of the course of the disease.

B) by mechanism:

Etiological - aimed at eliminating the etiological factor (hormones for autoimmune diseases, for insufficiency of organ function, antibiotics for infectious diseases).

Pathogenetic - aimed at the mechanisms of disease development (cardiac glycosides in heart failure).

Symptomatic – aimed at eliminating individual symptoms (antitussives for coughs, painkillers for pain, diuretics for swelling).

Types of treatment:

Diet therapy - nutritional treatment

Treatment regimen


Drug treatment- treatment with medicines

Physiotherapeutic treatment is treatment using physical factors (electric current, air, water, magnetic field).

Purification methods (hemosorption, plasmapheresis, hemodialysis)


