What salary can everyone expect? What is the difference between salary and salary? How to calculate salary payments for a part-time working period

21.05.2023 Ulcer

Oddly enough, for some reason many people are sure that wages and salary are one and the same thing. Because of this, confusion often arises: the contract states one amount, but the person receives less in person. Why? Let's figure out how to calculate salary based on salary and what you need to know for this.

Why is salary different from salary?

First of all, you need to remember once and for all that these are two completely different concepts. The salary is what you will receive in the accounting department or on your card at the end of the month, and the salary is the amount specified in the contract, this is your salary, so to speak, in “dirty” form. Various bonuses, allowances, taxes and deductions are not taken into account here - this is, so to speak, a “zero rate”, from which all subsequent calculations are made. Therefore, it is very important to figure out how to calculate your salary yourself, what these calculations depend on and how to check their correctness.

The salary is a fixed amount, it is not affected by additional payments for harmfulness, nor the number of days actually worked, nor the amount and amount of taxes withheld. However, all these factors greatly influence the amount you will receive at the end of the month.

What you need to know to calculate your salary correctly

  • various coefficients can be applied to wages;
  • the employee may be awarded a bonus and other payments;
  • an employee may be fined for various violations;
  • the employee may have obligations to pay alimony or other payments;
  • an advance may be issued;
  • insurance contributions are paid by the employer, and income tax is paid by the employee;

All these, as well as some other factors, reduce or increase an employee’s wages, but do not in any way affect his salary. Nevertheless, you should definitely remember about them, otherwise significant errors may be made during the calculation.

Salary calculation

In general, for this you need to apply a very simple formula that includes only 2 points:

  • salary;
  • income tax rate.

Everything is very simple: wages are equal to the amount of salary minus income tax, which in the Russian Federation is 13%.


Citizen N has a salary of 38,000 rubles, this point is clearly written in his contract. Over the past month, he conscientiously worked all the required days, had no fines or penalties, but did not earn a bonus. Thus, at the end of the month N will receive:

38,000 - 13% = 38,000 - 4,940 = 33,060 rub.


The same citizen N of the 23 allotted working days actually went to work only 9 days, the rest he took at his own expense to travel to relatives. We count:

  • First you need to determine the average daily earnings of N, based on his salary: 38,000 / 23 = 1652.17 rubles.
  • Now let’s calculate the part of the salary that corresponds to the time actually worked: 1652.17 x 9 = 14,869.53 rubles.
  • Now let’s calculate the wages for 9 days worked: 14,869.53 - 13% = 12,936.49 rubles.

Calculation of wages when taking into account bonuses and allowances

However, in practice such calculations are very rare, so let's look at how to calculate wages based on salary if an employee receives, for example, a bonus of 15% of the salary and has tax deduction per child - 750 rub. If we assume that the same citizen N worked 21 days in a month out of 24 possible, then under all the conditions described, the calculation will look like this:

  • 43,700 / 24 x 21 = 38,237.50 rub. — salary for hours worked without deduction of personal income tax;
  • 38,237.50 - 750 = 37,487.50 rub. — salary for actual time, taking into account tax deductions;
  • 37,487.50 x 13% = 4873.375 - personal income tax, taking into account the use of deductions;
  • 38,237.50 - 4873.375 = 33,364.13 - salary in hand.

How does the regional coefficient affect wages?

Sometimes you need to know how to calculate salary based on salary in conditions where, due to difficult climatic conditions, increased radiation or other harmful factors, an additional factor “for harmfulness” is added to the employee’s salary. This coefficient is also called regional, but it should not be confused with northern allowances for residents of the Far North. A similar coefficient is used in Udmurtia, Bashkortostan, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Vologda, Kurgan and other regions. The coefficient is set by the Government Russian Federation separately for each region.


Still the same citizen N, with a salary of 38,000 rubles. and a bonus of 15%, worked all the days in good faith, does not have a tax benefit. The coefficient for the region where our citizen N lives is 1.8. It should be used like this:

  • 38,000 + 5,700 = 43,700 - salary + bonus;
  • 43,700 x 1.8 = 78,660 - salary taking into account the coefficient;
  • 78,660 - 13% = 68,434.2 rubles. - salary to payoff.

How to check the accuracy of calculations

The labor legislation clearly states that the employee must be informed of all allowances and deductions made from his wages. In order to comply with legal requirements, enterprises usually issue pay slips that clearly state how exactly the amount that you will see in your wallet or card at the end of the month was obtained.

Now you know exactly how to calculate salary based on salary, and you can independently check the accuracy of the calculations made by the employer. If you do not understand where this or that amount came from, or your calculations do not agree with those you see on the received sheet, do not hesitate to contact the accounting department for clarification - they are obliged to explain everything to you. Perhaps you forgot to take into account some parameter. To correctly calculate your salary, you need to know exactly about all the deductions and allowances that apply specifically to you.

In an effort to reduce production costs and be competitive in the market, unscrupulous entrepreneurs reduce employee salaries. The state stands up to protect the interests of workers: in legislative acts At the regional and federal levels, a minimum wage is prescribed, and no company has the right to fall below it, regardless of its field of activity and location. Violation of this rule will result in penalties and problems with regulatory authorities.

According to the provisions of the current legislation, the minimum wage is the minimum possible salary for employees that the employer can set. The amount is determined at the federal level annually.

What the minimum wage will be for the next period depends on the following macroeconomic factors:

  • price level in the country;
  • unemployment rate;
  • inflation rate;
  • production indicators;
  • the needs of workers from Russia and foreign countries.

As of January 1, 2019, the minimum wage in Russia was 11,280 rubles.

The minimum wage performs the following functions:

  • Used to regulate workers' incomes.
  • Serves as the basis for determining the amount of benefits for sick leave, pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Used to calculate insurance premiums.

Important! Labor legislation does not allow the use of minimum wages for purposes other than those listed.

Art. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the “minimum wage” cannot be set below the subsistence level, also determined annually at the legislative level. In practice, this provision is not met: in 2019, the spread between the indicators is more than 10,000 rubles. However, it is expected that in the future the values ​​will become equal thanks to the efforts of the state’s economic policy.

What does the minimum wage consist of?

Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the minimum wage includes the following transfers to the employee:

  • salary determined based on the specialist’s qualifications, complexity and characteristics of the work;
  • compensation payments (for example, due for harmful or dangerous working conditions);
  • incentive payments (annual, quarterly, monthly bonuses, etc.);
  • other additional payments received from the hiring company.

If an employee works as an internal part-time worker, i.e. In addition to the main duties, he performs additional ones, the latter are paid separately. The income of an external part-time worker depends on the agreements reached between him and the company.

If a person worked at 1.5 times the rate instead of one, he cannot receive a salary of one “minimum wage”. His income will be calculated in proportion to the time worked.

Labor legislation prohibits including in the calculation of the minimum wage payment for work overtime, on weekends and holidays. For this, separate transfers are required, which are determined at one and a half rates in the first two hours and at double rates thereafter. By agreement with a specialist, monetary compensation can be replaced by additional days of rest.

If the employee’s salary is less than the “minimum wage”, the employing company is obliged to make an additional payment. For example, if a specialist is assigned a salary of 5,000, and there are no compensation or incentive payments, the employing company is obliged to transfer him an additional (9,489 – 5,500) = 3,989 rubles. If it does not do this, regulatory authorities will apply penalties against the organization.

Can wages be lower than the minimum wage?

Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that an employee’s income received from an employer cannot be lower than the minimum threshold if two conditions are met:

  • the person worked for a full month;
  • fulfilled the duties implied by the position.

The concept of income includes salary, bonuses, compensation and other payments received from the employing company. If the amount of transfers is more than the minimum wage, there are no violations of regulations.

The company performs the functions of a tax agent, i.e. withholds personal income tax of 13% from income received by employees. The amount received after budget transfers may be less than the “minimum wage”: this does not contradict Russian law.

There may be cases when, legally, an employee of an organization will receive income less than the minimum wage. For example, if a person works part-time or part-time working week, this fact is stated in the contract or additional agreement to it, there are no violations of the law. The same rule applies to external part-time work, when a specialist devotes 2-3 hours a day to performing official duties, and spends the rest of the time at his main place of employment.

What is the regional minimum wage?

According to the provisions of Art. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the authorities of the subject of the federation, in agreement with trade unions and organizations, have the right to introduce their own minimum wage on its territory. It must necessarily exceed the federal value. In 2019, 32 regions of the country take advantage of this opportunity. These include the Moscow, Bryansk, Kursk regions, the republics of Tatarstan, Khakassia, Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory and others.

Companies located in the territory of the subject where the “minimum wage” has been increased are considered to have silently acceded to the agreement, even if they did not take part in its discussion. Information about the decision made is published on the official website of the executive branch for public information.

If an organization does not want to join the initiative, it has 30 days from the date of publication of the decision to send a written refusal to the authorities, justifying the reasons. “Silence” obliges the commercial structure to submit to the innovation and raise workers’ wages to the level of the regional minimum wage. Failure to comply with this rule entails the same sanctions as ignoring the federal “minimum wage.”

Responsibility for paying wages below the minimum wage

The legal minimum is required to be observed by firms of different fields of activity and scale. Evasion from the requirements prescribed by legal acts of the Russian Federation entails administrative liability.

In 2019, the amount of penalties for violators is set at the following levels:

  • up to 50 thousand rubles. – for the organization;
  • up to 5 thousand rubles – for the company management;
  • up to 5 thousand rubles – for a private entrepreneur.

If the first punishment does not have the desired effect, and the violator continues to pay staff salaries below the required level, the fines will increase. The inspection inspectors will decide how much. For example, entity instead of 50 thousand, he will be required to pay 70 thousand rubles to the budget.

If an organization does not comply with the minimum threshold, it becomes the object of increased interest from tax authorities. She is suspected of paying “grey” salaries and evading the transfer of personal income tax and insurance contributions. To “re-educate” unscrupulous employers, special commissions are created from representatives of regulatory authorities.

Advance is what percentage of salary?

The first part of the monthly salary is traditionally called an advance. But what part of the salary is the advance? We will tell you in our consultation how much percentage of the salary the advance is.

Advance and salary

Wages must be paid to the employee at least every half month on the day established by the internal labor regulations, collective agreement, or employment contract. This is a legal requirement (Part 6 of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that the employer cannot do without dividing the salary into at least 2 parts. After all, if he decides to ignore the payment of the advance part of the salary (salary for the first half of the month), he may be fined for violating labor laws by 30,000 - 50,000 rubles, and the manager or individual entrepreneur - by 1,000 - 5,000 rubles (Part 6 Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

How to calculate salary advance 2018

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain an answer to the question of what percentage of the salary is an advance. The current Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated May 23, 1957 No. 566 “On the procedure for paying wages to workers for the first half of the month” determines that the amount of the advance on wages for the first half of the month is determined by an agreement between the employer’s administration and the trade union organization when concluding a collective agreement, however, the minimum amount of the specified advance must not be lower than the employee’s tariff rate for the time worked.

For example, an employee’s salary is 75,000 rubles. Personal income tax on salary - 9,750 rubles. (75,000 * 13%). The advance payment date is the 16th day of the current month. The employment contract stipulates that the advance is paid based on the time actually worked on the date of payment of the advance, while the day of payment of the advance is not included in the actually worked time. Therefore, for example, the advance payment for October 2018 (half of the month worked in full) must be paid on October 16, 2018 in the amount of 29,659 rubles. ((75,000 - 9,750) / 22 * ​​10).

To simplify things, sometimes the advance is set at, for example, 50% of the monthly salary, excluding personal income tax.

We fix the procedure for calculating the advance payment

Thus, it is advisable for the employer to pay an advance in the amount of no less than the salary of a specific employee, calculated based on the actual time worked on the date of payment of the advance. The procedure for calculating the advance and the date of its payment must be fixed in the employment contract with the employee or the Regulations on remuneration.

Numeric value average salary in the Russian Federation used to determine the amount of alimony. This is due to the fact that the salary unit calculated in this way determines the average level of wages for a certain group of the average population. Accordingly, the resulting numerical value can be used to calculate the average amount of alimony payments, the final amount of which must partially or fully satisfy the financial needs of the recipient of the amounts.

However, there are a lot of nuances and features associated with calculating alimony based on the average salary. This is due to the fact that these calculations can be applied both by involving “high” and “low” indicators. Of course, for groups of the population with a minimum income, the national average salary may be excessively high, which may provoke an increase in debt. As well as for regions where the average salary level is very high, the average value is the optimally profitable amount.

As a rule, the arithmetic significance of the average salary is most often used when it is necessary to determine the amount of alimony debt for the past period. This option is optimal due to the fact that the final amount of debt is determined based on the annual average salary during the period when no payments were made.

According to the RF IC, collection of alimony arrears can be made for the last 3 years, or from the moment the debt was created. The first option is applied if the plaintiff is the direct culprit for the formation of the debt. For example, if performance list was not presented for execution. The second option is used when the direct culprit is the debtor.

To make final calculations of the amount of alimony debt, the following aspects apply:

  • First of all, the amount of alimony that was initially determined is taken into account. In this case, it is not important how exactly the specified size: through a settlement agreement, or through a court decision.
  • In addition to salary, the amount of alimony arrears also includes shares from other types of earnings or income received by the defendant.
  • If the defendant does not have officially registered income during the period of debt formation, the average wage is used to determine its final amount. which was adopted regionally and nationally.

Accordingly, the average indicator is used exclusively in cases where the debtor cannot document his own income.

Useful video: Average salary in Russia. Modal and median salaries

Online calculator for calculating alimony

Number of common minor children: 1
3 or more
Second parent's salary: rub.


Deduct personal income tax from salary: Yes
Other income of the second parent: rub.



Family legal relations, including the procedure for deducting alimony, determining debts, and methods of payment are regulated by several basic regulatory legal acts. So, the Family Code of the Russian Federation is called the main one. When carrying out any calculations of alimony, Article 113 is applied predominantly.

Carrying out the debt collection procedure, its norms, rules, the procedure for the final calculation of alimony by executive authorities implies the use of the Federal Law “On Executive Power”.

Useful video: what is the amount of child support established by law?

Table of average salaries by regions of Russia in 2018

The average level of wages in the country in 2018 was about 42,115 rubles. However, these indicators are quite conditional. Each region of the Russian Federation has its own average indicators, which may differ significantly from those indicated above.

The table below shows the average salary in Russia in 2018 according to Rosstat for alimony payments by region of the Russian Federation. You can always look at the most current information on the official website of Rosstat.

Average wages by region in January, August 2018

Region January 2018, rub. August 2018, rub. Height,%
Central federal district, including: 47 453 51 383 8,28
-Ivanovo region 23 300 24 941 7,04
–Lipetsk region 28 966 31 107 7,39
- Moscow region 46 410 47 837 3,07
- Moscow 70 251 77 618 10,49
Northwestern Federal District, including: 46 775 46 757 -0,04
- Pskov region 23 175 26 075 12,51
– Republic of Karelia 34 733 36 305 4,53
– Nenets avt. district 80 362 83 628 4,06
- Saint Petersburg 58 598 56 100 –4,26
Southern Federal District, including: 28 686 30 769 7,26
- Republic of Kalmykia 23 635 24 802 4,94
- Rostov region 27 594 29 480 6,83
– Astrakhan region 29 138 34 133 17,14
North Caucasus Federal District, including: 24 389 25 878 6,11
- The Republic of Dagestan 21 699 22 886 5,47
– Karachay-Cherkess Republic 23 653 23 947 1,24
- Stavropol region 26 343 29 001 10,09
Volga Federal District, including: 28 758 31 209 8,52
- Saratov region 25 275 26 075 3,17
- Orenburg region 27 499 30 452 10,74
– Perm region 32 009 34 257 7,02
Ural Federal District, including: 43 099 45 192 4,86
- Kurgan region 25 548 26 981 5,61
– Tyumen region without cars. districts 40 176 42 635 6,12
– Yamalo-Nenets Aut. district 88 232 90 869 2,99
Siberian Federal District, including: 33 910 35 334 4,20
- Altai region 22 546 25 091 11,29
- Transbaikal region 35 272 35 681 1,16
- Krasnoyarsk region 40 617 41 219 1,48
Far Eastern Federal District, including: 49 341 50 781 2,92
– Jewish auto. region 35 292 36 889 4,53
- The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 60 825 57 252 -5,87
– Chukotka Aut. district 90 105 91 654 1,72

Average salary table for different specialties in 2018

Profession average salary
Sales area
Sales Representative 33,000 rubles
Cashier 26,000 rubles
Salesman 26,000 rubles
Merchandiser 33,000 rubles
Courier 24,000 rubles
Administrator of the trading floor 27,000 rubles
Construction sector
Foreman 43,000 rubles
Handyman 24,000 rubles
Painter-plasterer 30,000 rubles
Mason 33,000 rubles
Concrete worker 30,000 rubles
Crane operator 40,000 rubles
Industry and blue-collar professions
Welder 40,000 rubles
Loader driver 35,000 rubles
Driver of special equipment 37,000 rubles
Electrician 32,000 rubles
Plumber 32,000 rubles
Locksmith 30,000 rubles
Operator 35,000 rubles
Loader 25,000 rubles
Carpenter 35,000 rubles
Office specialties
Secretary 30,000 rubles
Accountant 33,000 rubles
Manager 35,000 rubles
PR manager 35,000 rubles
Marketer 33,000 rubles
HR specialist 33,000 rubles
Service sector, beauty
Cosmetologist 35,000 rubles
Visagiste 33,000 rubles
Hairdresser 33,000 rubles
Masseur 33,000 rubles
Waiter 25,000 rubles
Manicurist 33,000 rubles
Cook 35,000 rubles
Transport, logistics
Driver 27,000 rubles
Driver of a trolleybus, electric train 32,000 rubles
Subway driver 46,000 rubles
Train driver 52,000 rubles
Taxi dispatcher 30,000 rubles
Bus (minibus) driver 30,000 rubles
Truck driver 50,000 rubles
Truck driver 35,000 rubles
Healthcare sector
Nurse, caregiver 25,000 rubles
Pediatrician 37,000 rubles
Surgeon 47,000 rubles
ENT 45,000 rubles
Ultrasound specialist 40,000 rubles
Venereologist, dermatologist 50,000 rubles
Gynecologist 45,000 rubles
Urologist 40,000 rubles
Dentist 50,000 rubles
Therapist 40,000 rubles
The sphere of education
High school teacher 32,000 rubles
Teacher at school 28,000 rubles
Teacher at the institute 45,000 rubles
Kindergarten teacher 26,000 rubles

Table of average salaries, dynamics by year

Year Average salary in the Russian Federation, thousand rubles Dollar equivalent at the exchange rate for the same year
1999 1523 56
2000 2220 79
2001 3250 107
2002 4350 137
2003 5500 185
2004 6750 243
2005 8550 300
2006 10600 404
2007 13600 554
2008 17300 590
2009 18650 615
2010 20900 687
2011 23400 725
2012 27000 885
2013 30000 915
2014 32600 827
2015 33900 550
2016 36703 605
2017 39085 678
2018 42115 687

Table of average salaries around the world

To compare the data, below are the average salary values ​​around the world (selected), the data is in US dollars, relevant for 2018.

Russia is distinguished not only by its large territory, but also by its very high wages.

What is the average salary in Russia?

If we compare the level of average monthly income in 2018 with salaries in Russia in 2019, we can note that the average salary in Russia has increased by 12% over the past year. But it is worth considering that the increase in wages in Russia in 2019 occurred exclusively in the national currency.

In foreign currency terms, salaries in Russia decreased in 2019 due to the appreciation of foreign currency.

Thus, the average salary in Russia in dollar terms in 2019 is significantly lower than in more developed countries, such as the Baltic states and.

According to statistics, the highest salaries in Russia are observed in two cities of this country: Moscow and the cultural capital of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg.

There has always been a large gap between average wages in Russia among regions. But in last years(2017-2019), the trend of widening the gap between indicators only intensified. This is primarily due to the onset of the economic crisis, as a result of which the foreign exchange rate sharply increased.

Due to the increase, the income of the population living in provincial areas has decreased. Against this background, the unemployment rate has increased significantly. Therefore, many people from provincial regions moved to large cities for the purpose of employment.

The average salary in Russia in 2018-2019 is equal to 36 thousand rubles.

Table: statistics comparing average salaries in Russia by region

Region, district, republicAverage salary level (expressed in rubles)
Belgorod27 280
Bryansk20 790
Vladimir22 770
Voronezh26 070
Ivanovo21 120
Kaluga27 060
Kostroma22 550
Kursk22 770
Lipetsk24 640
Moscow region42 460
Eagle16 830
Ryazan21 340
Smolensk20 020
Tambov21 450
Tver20 130
Tula25 520
Yaroslavl26 620
Moscow66 880
Karelia32 450
Komi39 380
Arkhangelsk36 850
Vologda28 820
Kaliningrad28 820
Leningrad region28 050
Murmansk43 670
Novgorod27 390
Pskov24 310
Saint Petersburg45 430
Adygea20 680
Kalmykia20 130
Krasnodar25 850
Astrakhan27 390
Volgograd23 650
Rostov23 320
Dagestan25 160
Ingushetia20 790
Kabardino-Balkarian18 920
Karachay-Cherkessia18 040
North Ossetia18 590
Chechen21 010
Stavropol22 000
Bashkortostan28 160
Mari El21 230
Mordovia20 900
Tatarstan27 060
Udmurt23 430
Chuvash22 990
Permian27 280
Kirov22 880
Nizhny Novgorod26 840
Orenburg26 070
Penza22 990
Samara27 060
Saratov23 430
Ulyanovsk22 880
Mound22 770
Sverdlovsk32 780
Tyumen50 160
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug61 930
70 620
Chelyabinsk26 620
Altai24 860
Buryatia27 720
Tyva30 580
Khakassia32 010
Transbaikalia25 300
Krasnoyarsk region29 260
Irkutsk32 450
Kemerovo17 490
Novosibirsk17 600
Omsk28 820
Tomsk32 230
Sakha53 460
Kamchatka50 600
Primorsk33 990
Khabarovsk35 200
Amur34 540
Magadan55 880
Sakhalin51 260
Chukotka56 100

The most big salaries in Russia in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In dollar terms, the average salary in these cities ranges from $700 to $1,000, while the average salary in all regions is only $570.

This salary level significantly exceeded the average monthly income of residents of Ukraine ($320), Tajikistan ($140), Azerbaijan ($300) and Kyrgyzstan ($220).

Analysis of minimum income by region

The minimum wage is the minimum salary that an organization can pay to its employee. In each region, the minimum wage rate is different.

In 2019, the minimum wage in Russia was raised to 11,280 rubles.

The increase took effect on January 1, 2019. Until this moment, the smallest salary was 9,489 rubles.

But the size of the minimum wage also directly depends on the region and place of employment. The salaries of public sector employees in all regions of Russia are significantly lower than the salaries of people working in non-budgetary organizations.

Table: list of minimum wages in various regions of the Russian Federation

Region/DistrictEstablished minimum wage for public sector enterprises (expressed in rubles)
Belgorod11 280
Bryansk11 280
Vladimir11 280
Voronezh11 280
Ivanovo11 280
Kaluga11 280
Kostroma12 837
Kursk11 280
Lipetsk11 280
Moscow region14 200
Eagle11 280
Ryazan11 280
Smolensk11 280
Tambov11 280
Tver11 280
Tula11 280
Yaroslavl11 280
Moscow18 742
Karelia11 280
Komi11 280
Arkhangelsk11 280
Vologda11 280
Kaliningrad11 280
Leningrad11 280
Murmansk25 675
Novgorod11 280
Pskov11 280
Saint Petersburg17 000
Adygea11 280
Kalmykia11 280
Krasnodar11 280
Astrakhan11 280
Volgograd11 280
Rostov11 280
Dagestan11 280
Ingushetia11 280
Balkarskaya11 280
Circassian11 280
North Ossetia11 280
Chechen11 280
Stavropol11 280
Bashkortostan11 280
Mari El11 280
Mordovia11 280
Tatarstan11 280
Udmurt republic12 837
Chuvash11 280
Permian11 280
Kirov11 280
Nizhny Novgorod11 280
Orenburg12 838
Penza11 280
Samara11 280
Saratov11 280
Ulyanovsk11 280
Mound11 280
Ekaterinburg11 280
Tyumen11 280
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug12 430
Chelyabinsk12 838
Altai11 280
Buryatia11 280
Tyva11 280
Khakassia14 511
Altai region11 280
Transbaikalia11 280
Krasnoyarsk district11 280
Irkutsk11 280
Kemerovo18 313
Novosibirsk11 280
Omsk12 838
Tomsk13 500
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)15 390
Kamchatka Krai29 024
Primorsky Krai11 280
Khabarovsk region11 414
Amur11 280
Magadan19 500
Sakhalin23 442
Jewish Autonomous Republic12 000
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug11 280

Interesting video. Minimum wage in different countries.

Analysis of minimum wages by year

The table below shows the dynamics of wage growth (minimum wage) in Russia by year.

dateAmount of the minimum salary (expressed in rubles)
1.07.2003 200
1.01.2004 300
1.07.2005 450
1.06.2006 600
1.10.2007 720
1.01.2008 800
1.09.2009 1 100
1.01.2010 2 300
1.09.2011 4 330
1.01.2012 4 611
1.07.2013 5 205
1.01.2014 5 554
1.01.2015 5 965
1.07.2016 7 500
1.07.2017 7 800
1.01.2018 9 489
1.01.2019 11 280

Minimum wage as of 01/01/2017 according to statistical departments of different countries

According to the draft law, wages are expected to increase in 2019.

According to Article No. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a person cannot receive a salary less than the established minimum wage level. But if a Russian citizen did not work all working days or did not fulfill his duties, the manager has the right to independently regulate the amount of his salary.

Salaries of public sector employees

Since January 1, 2019, salaries for public sector employees have increased by an average of 5%.

The salaries of teachers, medical personnel, military personnel and representatives of the judicial system were mainly increased. In 2017, the average salary of a public sector employee was 31,200 rubles. After the increase, this amount increased to 33,000 rubles.

In 2019, salaries of public sector employees are expected to increase at least twice. According to the presidential decree, such an increase in salaries for public sector employees should occur through the introduction of new reforms, for which funds in the amount of 4.6 trillion rubles have been allocated.

But despite this, there is a tendency in Russia to delay wages. The delay in salaries affected primarily law enforcement officers and employees of the educational sector (teachers, pedagogues, university professors).

Employees of the Accounts Chamber receive approximately 171 thousand rubles per month. Members of the Federation Council receive 151 thousand rubles monthly. State Duma deputies earn 123 thousand rubles. Compared to last year, their salaries increased by 29%. In 2018, Kremlin employees were awarded a 5% salary increase, so in 2019 their salary is 206 thousand rubles.

Winner of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year”

The salaries of preschool teachers increased by 5%. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the salary of a teacher ranges from 30 thousand to 35 thousand rubles per month. In Yekaterinburg, an employee's salary kindergarten ranges from 16 thousand to 17 thousand rubles. In Perm, for a similar position they pay from 11 thousand to 13 thousand rubles. In the Altai Territory, the salary of employees of preschool institutions ranges from 13 thousand to 15 thousand rubles per month. Teachers working in the Altai Republic receive monthly from 17 thousand to 19 thousand rubles.

In Crimea this year there is almost no debt on salaries for public sector employees. The level of average monthly wages is actively growing in this region. So in 2015, the average salary was 15 thousand rubles, in 2019 this figure increased to 29 thousand. Social workers receive the lowest salaries in the public sector. Their salary does not exceed 20 thousand per month.

The salary of doctors in this region is 21 thousand rubles, and university teachers and teachers receive approximately 28 thousand - 29 thousand rubles. Teachers of preschool institutions in Crimea earn from 10 thousand to 12 thousand rubles per month. Employees of preschool educational institutions in Sevastopol receive an average of 19 thousand rubles.

The salary of a pilot at the state company Aeroflot directly depends on the number of flight hours:

  1. If the number of hours is 85 per month, then the pilot will receive at least 290 thousand rubles per month.
  2. If the number of hours is more than 90 per month, then the pilot’s salary will be about 340 thousand rubles per month.

The salary of a janitor working in a utility company directly depends on the region. So a janitor in Moscow receives from 22 thousand to 23 thousand rubles. In Chelyabinsk, a similar position pays 15 thousand rubles. In the cultural capital of the Russian Federation, the salary of a janitor is about 20 thousand rubles. In Tula and Yekaterinburg, janitors earn from 15 thousand to 16 thousand rubles.

Analysis of public sector wage arrears

Wage arrears in 2018 in the Russian Federation amounted to 3.8 billion rubles. Over the past month it has decreased by 5%. Due to the current situation, the Russian government intends to freeze the payment of wages to index pension payments in 2019.

The state owes the largest amount of money to employees who work in areas such as:
  1. Manufacturing industry.
  2. Construction.
  3. Transport sector.
  4. Mining.
  5. Agriculture.
  6. Research and development.
  7. Production of gas, water and electricity.
  8. Educational sphere.

The highest paid specialties

According to a social survey and statistical data on wage levels, Russia’s ranking of the highest paid professions includes the following specialties:

One of the highest paid professions in Russia is an oil platform worker engaged in oil and gas production. On average, for one day of work, a person can earn up to $300. But this job is not in great demand, even despite the high earnings due to difficult working conditions.