Proven recipes for thicker hair. How to strengthen hair and make it thick at home: simple and effective recipes and tips How to make hair thick and voluminous folk remedies

08.02.2022 Ulcer

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Beautiful, thick and well-groomed hair is not only a woman’s pride, but also an indicator of her health. In addition, men pay attention to long, shiny locks, so you need to know how to make your hair thick using simple products. Just a few feminine tricks will help you increase the amount of hair at home, without resorting to the help of beauty salon specialists.

Hair is not always thin and faded by nature; perhaps this is a consequence of improper care. To avoid this trouble, you should follow simple tips:

  • Do not pour shampoo directly onto your head. First dilute it with a small amount of water in your palms, then distribute it evenly, with gentle movements, throughout your hair.
  • Rinse off shampoo and conditioner thoroughly with plenty of warm water, as their particles can weigh down your curls.
  • Use pre-prepared decoctions for rinsing medicinal herbs or water diluted with vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 500 ml of water). It is advisable to carry out this procedure after each hair wash.
  • It is not recommended to use hair care products that contain silicones, because they not only take away volume, but also lead to split ends.
  • You should not constantly use styling products.
  • Apply shampoo twice while washing your hair.
  • Dry your hair naturally, use a hair dryer in the “cold air” mode.
  • Previously, our grandmothers had thick braids, thanks to the fact that they washed their hair with laundry soap. This method of care deserves respect, but it cannot be used by those with sensitive scalp.

How to strengthen thin hair with folk remedies

Without knowing how to make hair thicker and thicker at home, it is recommended to pay attention to the following folk remedies:

  • Honey mask.

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. melted honey, the same amount of milk (warm).

Application: all components are thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. Stir until a thick, creamy mass is formed, which is applied to clean strands. Put a cap or plastic bag on your head and leave for 30 minutes.

  • Oil compresses.

Ingredients: for a compress, use coconut, burdock or jojoba oil, because they have almost the same properties.

Application: take 1 tsp. Apply one of the listed oils using a cotton swab to the roots, massage the scalp and hair, after 40-45 minutes, rinse your hair with a mild shampoo.

  • Bread compress.

Ingredients: a small piece of Borodino bread pulp (black only) and a glass of water (hot).

Application: pour water over the bread pulp, wait until the bread swells. After 15 minutes, apply the compress to your head, then wrap your hair in a terry towel. Rinse off the compress completely after exactly one hour with warm water, but only without shampoo.

  • Gelatin lamination.

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. edible gelatin and 5 tbsp. l. water (warm).

Indication: lamination can make curls thicker, shinier, stronger and more voluminous.

Application: dissolve gelatin in water, wait until the mixture swells. Then mix everything carefully, adding 1 tbsp. l. any balm (mask). Leave the resulting mixture for half an hour.

Burdock oil to increase hair thickness

Burdock oil is one of the most popular pharmaceutical preparations, which has shown excellent results in hair care. How to make hair thicker with burdock oil? It is recommended to use only a pharmacy product; it is easily washed off and does not make hair greasy.

  1. First you need to wash your hair well and apply oil.
  2. The oil is used in its pure form, or mixed with yolk, onion juice, honey, pepper tincture, egg, henna, mustard.
  3. To enhance the healing effect, after applying the oil to your hair, put on a plastic bag and insulate your head with a towel.
  4. To achieve a therapeutic effect, such masks must be used for several months.

Homemade vitamin shampoo

To make your hair thicker and thicker, use special vitamin shampoos. To prepare this product you will need:

  • burdock oil;
  • vitamin E and D;
  • rosemary tincture;
  • castor oil;
  • liquid foundation;
  • container for shampoo.


  1. Take a container (250 ml) and pour the base (about 150 ml), add rosemary tincture (80 ml), castor oil (1 tsp).
  2. Add burdock oil (2 tsp), (5 drops) and E (1 capsule).
  3. The container is tightly closed and everything is mixed thoroughly (the bottle is shaken for 1-2 minutes).

The resulting serum is used as shampoo, it should not be very thick, and is used every other day.

Recipes for effective homemade masks

  • Mask with almonds and milk.

Ingredients: almonds (1/2 tbsp.), milk.

Application: to make such a product, the almonds are thoroughly crushed, a little milk is added - the consistency of the mass should be similar to thick sour cream.

Usage: apply the mixture to clean hair, leave for 2 hours, then rinse with plenty of water (warm, but not hot). To achieve the desired result, this treatment procedure must be carried out at least 4 times within a month.

  • Mask with cognac, vodka and salt

Ingredients: you need to take equal quantities (½ tbsp.) of honey, cognac, salt (sea or table), vodka.

Application: mix everything well, pour into a glass container, close tightly with a lid and place in a dark place for 2 weeks.

  • Kefir mask will help restore hair thickness

Is it possible to make hair thicker using kefir? Yes, and the following mask will help with this:

Ingredients: 1 glass of kefir.

Application: slightly warm up and evenly apply the kefir mass over the entire length of the hair, intensively rubbing into the roots. Then the head is wrapped in polyethylene and covered with a towel. The mixture is washed off after about 40-45 minutes.

  • Onion

One of the most effective masks for thickness and strengthening of hair – onion. Ingredients: onion (1 pc.), 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, honey, olive oil.

Application: you need to peel the onion, grate it, and squeeze out the juice that comes out. Add honey, mayonnaise, olive oil. Apply a not very thick mixture to your hair, wrap your head in polyethylene, and insulate it with a terry towel. After an hour, the mask is washed off and the hair is rinsed with any herbal decoction.

  • Herbal decoction

To make your hair thicker, you need to use decoctions prepared from medicinal herbs.

Ingredients: equal proportions (2 tablespoons each) of dried mint, sage, basil, rosemary, vinegar.

Application: Grind the mask components thoroughly. Pour apple cider vinegar into the herbal mixture and leave for 2 weeks. After the specified time, the resulting product must be filtered, for this purpose 2 tbsp. l. dilute the tincture with 1 glass of water. Rub into roots using circular movements.


Tatyana, 25 years old: “I have always had thick and silky hair by nature, but I started dyeing it constantly - not a trace remained of its former beauty. For a long time I looked for professional products that would make my hair thicker, but they did not help and gave only a short effect. I decided to try homemade masks and after just a few procedures the result exceeded all expectations. But the most important thing is that in order to achieve the desired results, such masks must be used regularly.”
Albina, 40 years old: “Being constantly busy at work did not make it possible to properly care for my hair, and by the age of 40 it became dull, brittle and very thin. A friend advised me to try it traditional methods. I had to spend a little time finding a suitable mask, but the result was truly surprising - after a month, the hair became thicker, stopped sticking out in different directions, and the styling process turned into a real pleasure. As an additional care product I use Pantin’s “Instant Nourishing” hair spray.”
Veronica, 35 years old: “I always used only store-bought masks and balms, professional lines for treating hair loss, but one day a friend literally forced me to try folk beauty recipes. The effect after use was amazing - the hairs became thicker, volume and shine appeared. I gave up expensive products, I make masks only from natural ingredients and no more chemicals.”
Olga, 23 years old: “I’ve always wanted to try homemade masks, I’ve heard a lot about them positive feedback, but still there was not enough time. After the birth of the child, my hair became very thin and I was worried about hair loss. Thanks to easy-to-prepare homemade masks, I was able to restore my hair. Now I have voluminous and lush hair, I hope that with natural cosmetics this effect will remain forever.”

It is important to remember that you can achieve your goal only with regular and proper hair care. All cosmetical tools and homemade masks should be ideal for a specific hair type and help solve existing problems.

How to wash your hair correctly?

A lot depends on washing and daily care. To make your hair thicker and restore its natural strength, you don’t have to use any expensive professional cosmetics.

One of the main problems that provokes weakening of strands and loss of their vitality, elasticity and shine is the use of the wrong shampoos, conditioners, masks and conditioners that are not suitable for a certain type of hair and scalp.

The most best choice there will be a shampoo that contains minimal amount various chemical additives, because they can cause serious harm to the health of the hair. This primarily applies to various colored dyes, fragrances and mother-of-pearl. The listed components do not have any effect on the quality of hair washing, since this is only an advertising ploy by manufacturers who are trying to attract more attention to their products. You need to opt for transparent shampoos that have a natural and not too bright shade, without additional perfumes.

You should only use shampoo that suits your specific hair type. No shampoo can make hair thick and voluminous. Thin hair, but at the same time it can add shine and brightness to the color.

It is not necessary to wash your hair every day, the only exception being oily hair. If you constantly use various styling products, they must be washed off.

You should not use various balms and masks intended for hair care too often. It is important to apply masks with balms to the main length of the hair, but you should try not to touch the roots, of course, if the product used is not designed for scalp care.

All modern shampoos leave a thin film on the surface of the hair, which consists of chemical compounds and tends to thicken after each wash. It is best to choose two shampoos that have similar qualities and use them alternately.

Hair restoration

In order to give additional volume to weakened and thinning hair, it is necessary to carry out a full course of hair restoration. First of all, special professional masks and other products, wraps, as well as folk techniques are necessarily used.

Modern cosmetic masks have a fairly high degree of impact, and an experienced professional will help you choose them correctly. All masks designed for long-term exposure must be applied to the entire length of the hair, thoroughly coating each strand. Then the curls are covered with a layer of plastic film and left for about half an hour, after which they are washed with plenty of warm water.

Professional hairdressers can use techniques such as glazing and lamination, which help make hair thicker and healthier.

Traditional methods for thicker hair

Modern cosmetic procedures give almost instant results, but if you have free time and a desire to use only natural products, you should opt for effective folk methods. But in order for hair to become thicker and regain vitality, the use of such masks and balms must be regular.
  • Henna. Henna is considered one of the most powerful and effective means for hair restoration. Before using henna, you must remember that it may not give the strands the most beautiful shade, so you need to opt for a colorless product. After just 3-4 uses of colorless henna, the hair will become thicker, additional volume and beautiful shine will appear, the natural shade will become brighter, and the structure of the strands will be restored from the inside.
  • Herbal decoctions. After each wash, you should rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs. This procedure should become a daily habit. For fair-haired girls, chamomile is ideal, as it gives the strands a light sparkling tint. For dark hair It is recommended to use nettle decoction, which gives strength and a brighter shade. For red hair, it is best to brew calendula. To prepare such a rinse, it is recommended to pour 1 liter of boiling water over the herb and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. Then the broth is necessarily filtered and left for a while until it cools, then it can be used to rinse the strands after each wash.
  • Pepper tincture. This is an excellent remedy for increasing blood circulation in the hair follicles. The prepared tincture of capsicum is rubbed directly into the roots of the hair, and the head is wrapped in a warm towel. The mask is left on for exactly 30 minutes. Thanks to the regular use of this procedure, the functioning of small capillaries is normalized and metabolism in the hair follicles is enhanced. The result is complete nutrition of the hair and saturation with all necessary substances.
  • Masks with burdock oil, mayonnaise and egg yolk. This is an ideal product for improving the overall condition of hair. All components are thoroughly mixed, the resulting composition is evenly distributed along the entire length of the hair. After 30 minutes, you need to wash your hair thoroughly using any mild shampoo.
  • Mask with honey and egg yolk. To obtain such a product, you must first mix the ingredients of the mask. Then the resulting composition is rubbed into the hair roots and left for 15 minutes. After the specified time, wash the head thoroughly with warm water and any shampoo. This mask is ideal for caring for weakened and thin hair, giving it volume and restoring thickness.

Using modern hair volume products

Today, manufacturing companies widely advertise a variety of products designed to care for hair after washing. But due to the large number of different drugs, it can sometimes be difficult to make the right choice. You can buy a very cheap or expensive product or several at once and use them every day.

No additional care products needed short hair, due to which they become thicker and denser. To do this, just keep your curls clean and, while blow-drying, slightly lift the strands at the roots, giving your hair extra volume. When exposed to heat, it is imperative to use thermal protective agents - mousses, foams and sprays to protect hair from the negative effects of hot air.

Hair of medium length is more capricious and in this case you need to choose more carefully the products to care for it. The fact is that the ends of the hair become thinner and drier. Hair also often suffers from heat styling, including coloring, chemical straightening and perming. To maintain the health of medium-length hair and give it additional volume, you need to:

  • choose the right shampoo for daily care;
  • after each shampooing, be sure to rinse your hair using acidified and cool water, due to which all the scales are smoothed out and the strands become perfectly smooth, while preventing the problem of split ends;
  • to care for weakened ends of the hair, it is necessary to regularly use special serums, droplets and liquid fluids that seal the hair;
  • You can use almost any hair styling product, but they must be washed off before going to bed.

It is worth remembering that if some of the styling product remains on the hair, it will greatly dry out the surface of the strands. As a result, the hair loses its bright shine and becomes dull, rough, and begins to break badly.

Long hair needs more careful care. It is important when choosing one or another cosmetic product to maintain the thickness of strands, to always take into account the following nuances:
  1. At the ends, the hair is always drier, while at the roots it can be oily, dry and normal.
  2. If your hair is oily at the roots, before you start washing your hair, you need to apply a small amount of special protective oils to the ends and comb your hair well. You need to choose a shampoo for dry ends and oily hair roots.
  3. To care for dry and normal hair at the roots, you need to select a shampoo taking into account the condition of the scalp.
  4. You only need to apply shampoo to the area of ​​the skin, and you shouldn’t wash the ends too much; a small amount of the product while rinsing will be enough.
  5. After washing your hair, the balm should be applied only to the ends and try not to touch the roots, since as a result of such actions, the pores of the skin become clogged, and full and proper breathing of the hair follicles becomes impossible. At the same time, the strands become heavier and the natural fullness of the hair is removed.
  6. It is imperative to apply special serums and fluids in drop form to dry hair ends.
  7. When exposed to dry air and prolonged exposure to the sun, hair dries out. To avoid the problem of increased strand fragility, it is recommended to use a variety of moisturizing sprays designed for repeated and daily use.
  8. Don't use heat styling too often. long hair. However, if there is an urgent need for such a procedure, it is imperative that a special thermal protective agent is first applied to the curls - for example, mousses, serums, sprays, etc.
To restore natural thickness and volume to hair, it is necessary not only to regularly use a variety of cosmetics, but also not to forget about the benefits of daily and proper care. Instead of modern sprays and lotions, it is best to opt for traditional recipes and use only natural ingredients for their preparation.

More secrets of thick hair in this video:

Not all representatives of the fair sex are happy owners of magnificent thick hair. Those who are unlucky try to compensate for the lack of hair volume by using shampoos and conditioners, advertisements of which are constantly shown on television.

Unfortunately, promotional videos do not always contain truthful information. Using shampoos, you can achieve only a visual effect. However, this method does not ensure healthy hair; the majority of relatively cheap preparations do not allow air to freely penetrate into the hair, making it difficult to saturate it with oxygen. There is a version about hereditary hair thickness, but scientists have proven that genetically determined lushness is observed in only 20% of the female population.

Why does my hair lack volume?

In order for hair to have the opportunity to develop normally, its follicles must receive all the necessary vitamin complex, minerals and trace elements. The lack of at least one component negatively affects the appearance of the curls. The composition of hair is almost 100% protein, so to have beautiful hair you need the required amount of protein. Constant use of copper and zinc for hair growth gives excellent results. However, you should not take these drugs together.

Today's fashionable salons offer many procedures for hair growth, volume, shine and grooming, but most of them are chemically active and harmful to hair: perm, frequent coloring, use of hair dryers, straighteners. Thin, brittle hair without volume is the cause of bad mood for almost half of the planet's women. However, any of them has the opportunity to fill their curls with vital energy, protect them from the harmful surrounding atmosphere, and restore their natural splendor. And you should use folk remedies for thicker hair as much as possible.

How to make your hair healthy?

You should not concentrate on getting more beautiful curls using extensions, chemicals, false strands and other things. These methods provide temporary use of someone else's strands, which, even if they retain their beauty for several months, are not original. Naturally beautiful, your own hair, first of all, testifies to the internal state of the body of any woman. The most proven way to grow and strengthen hair is considered to be a balanced diet, which is guaranteed to keep your hair in perfect order.

Any problems with nutrition immediately become noticeable in the condition of the hair, which becomes brittle, dull, dry and simply begins to fall out. You need to constantly look after your curls by using proper nutrition for the body and additionally use folk remedies for hair thickness and growth. With this approach to this problem, the curls will be strong and beautiful. Girls with long braids, described in literature and depicted in paintings by Russian artists, knew recipes for thick hair, invented by nature itself, and used them successfully.

There are a few fairly simple rules that you should remember and try to apply regularly. Whenever possible, use soft water. In general, you should wash your hair as soon as your hair gets dirty. At home, you need to use products that are suitable for the type of strands. It is necessary to take into account the composition of the preparations, giving preference to natural proteins. Such products really restore volume and help strengthen and smooth the hair scales, which leads to easy hair care.

When washing your hair, it is more beneficial to use warm or cool water. The hotter the water, the more active the sebaceous glands on the skin begin to work. The use of hair dryers and other hot air devices should be limited as much as possible. When you regularly massage the scalp, the dormant bulbs wake up. However, the most effective results can be obtained by using folk remedies to strengthen hair thickness.

By paying attention to folk recipes, you can be sure that the prepared preparations will be made from environmentally friendly natural products. The cost of drugs for hair growth and thickness, mixed at home, will be much less than the patented foreign drugs offered in salons. A similar product for strengthening curls is prepared in one serving, and if something goes wrong, you can choose a different recipe next time.

Having bought a drug in a store or salon that may not be suitable, you will either have to give it to a close friend (after all, the bottle has already been opened), or still use it to the end (do not throw away an expensive product, even if it is not suitable). This will not happen if you use folk remedies for hair growth and thickness.

With regular use of folk remedies, hair roots are activated; often up to three hairs can grow simultaneously from one bulb. You just need to remember a few rules and use them regularly:

  • the mask should always be freshly prepared;
  • you must complete the course in full;
  • Do not reduce the principle of using masks: apply, wrap, rinse.
  • It is better to use a wooden comb and comb your hair as often as possible;
  • the wrong shampoo dries out the strands;
  • Do not leave wet hair overnight;
  • It is better to dry your hair without using a hair dryer.

Products for thick curls

Recipe 1

  • 1 tbsp yeast.
  • Chicken yolk.
  • A decoction of any suitable herb.
  • Burdock oil - 1 tbsp.

Mix everything except the oil. Leave in a warm place for an hour. Pour in burdock oil. Cover hair to the very ends, cover for 40 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse with non-hot water. You should make a mask according to this recipe every three days for a course of 10 sessions, then take a break for two months. Recipes for thicker hair at home are always worth the time spent.

Recipe 2

Burdock - 20 g roots or 1 tbsp greens.

Brew the plant with one tbsp. boiling water, leave warm for half an hour. Apply to the scalp, wrap for 30 minutes. Do not rinse with hot water.

Recipe 3

  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Rose petals.
  • Mint.
  • Sage.

Mix 1 teaspoon of plants, pour one glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Beat the egg and distribute to the very ends, massage for 10 minutes. Leave under the film for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water using a flower decoction. Dry your hair at home without using additional products.

Favorite growth products must be prepared regularly. Having achieved good results - thick hair thanks to folk recipes - you should not stop. Only in this case can you make your hair attractive.

Fermented milk products are universal for all hair types. To achieve thick hair at home, recipes based on sour milk, yogurt and curdled milk are great! It is enough to wash your curls with whey, prepare mixtures from yogurt, and after a short period of time the result will become noticeable to others.

Video: Hair care at home

A popular folk remedy for hair growth and thickness is Rye bread. Simply mash pieces of bread in warm water and apply to hair for 20 minutes. Then you can wash it. For nut lovers, we can recommend almonds. Crush half a glass of peeled seeds and pour in milk until thick sour cream forms. Distribute onto hair, cover with film and leave for several hours. Rinse off with water, without additional products. You should continue making masks according to this recipe for 30 days.

Good results at home remain after the preparation with mayonnaise. Art. Mix l of the product with three yolks and 1-2 drops of castor oil. Distribute onto hair to the very ends and wait an hour. Do not rinse with hot water, without using shampoos. To obtain a sustainable effect, you need to conduct this session every three days for a month. Then it is better to wait 14 days. If desired, continue further.

Such a folk remedy for thickening hair as regular onion gives excellent results. Combine chopped onion without husk with cognac (50g) and honey (1 tsp) and evenly cover the strands. Leave for 40 minutes, rinse with cold water. Recipes based on onions, garlic, peppers can be used no more than one mask every three days. Safer - once every 6-7 days.

A beautiful hairstyle depends not only on the length of the hair, its strong roots and healthy, unsplit ends. If the strands are thin, sparse and there are few of them, it is unlikely that anyone will turn around with admiration. For a picturesque picture, volume and density are needed, and not those that are created artificially with the help of various mousses and gels, but natural ones - “our own”, as they say.

And here the question arises: where to get it from, how to make hair thick and voluminous with the rarity and liquid available? The main thing is not to give up and firmly go towards the intended goal, providing your curls with special care that will make them much thicker.

There are 5 golden rules for hair care that help increase the amount of hair on your head. With this care, the curls themselves become much thicker and stronger, which will also visually create the effect that you have a lot of them.

These are time-tested and confirmed by professionals women's secrets how to make your hair thicker without resorting to the help of hairdressers:

  1. Replace the metal comb with a brush made of natural material.
  2. Protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation: wear a wide-brimmed hat in hot weather and go to the solarium as little as possible.
  3. Wash your hair as it becomes dirty, and not on the advice of specialists who are far from you and cannot evaluate all the features of your hair type.
  4. Twice a year, take special vitamin complexes designed for hair thickness and growth.
  5. Do not use hair dryers, straightening irons, curling irons or curling irons. Occasionally you can use curlers.

These are all the secrets of how to make your hair thicker at home: everyone knows about them, but very few adhere to these recommendations. It's time to join their number so that your hairstyle shines with beauty and volume. Such care should be regular, and not chaotic, from time to time.

In parallel with observing these golden rules, do not forget about home procedures for improving the health of the scalp, the condition of which largely determines the thickness of its scalp.

5 home treatments for thicker hair

For hair to grow thick, the scalp must first be healthy.

Try to regularly pamper her with all sorts of beneficial procedures for her, and soon you will notice that there are actually a lot more strands.

Head massage

Self-massage of the head at home can be done with your fingertips or with a special massager, which is sold freely. It improves subcutaneous blood circulation, as a result of which the root follicles awaken from sleep, as they begin to receive a large amount of nutrients.

The massage technique is very easy to master: it is based on tapping and vibrating movements with the pads of your fingers along the entire scalp. This pleasant activity will take you no more than 10 minutes a day.

Aroma combing

Essential oils have a very good effect on the scalp. It is enough to drop 2-3 drops onto the brush and comb the strands along the entire length for 5-6 minutes - the curls will acquire incredible shine and a divine aroma. But first of all, the hair roots will react, on which the esters will act as natural stimulants.

The curls will begin to grow thicker and faster. For this procedure, it is recommended to use essential oils such as calamus, ylang-ylang, cypress, cedar, mint, incense, sage, rosemary, petitgrain, pine, rose or tea tree.

Night compresses

Apply compresses to your hair with cosmetic oils throughout the night. First, they are heated to the warmest (but not hot) state in a water bath.

Then they are distributed onto the scalp and along the entire length of the curls. After this, good insulation is made from a polyethylene shower cap and terry towel.

The compress lasts for 8 hours and is washed off in the morning. You can do them, like masks, 1 or 2 times a week. For thicker hair, it is very useful to use cosmetic oils in compresses such as avocado, rapeseed, castor, burdock, jojoba, sesame, almond, flaxseed, sea buckthorn, olive, wheat, walnut, grape seed, sasanqua.

Herbal rinses

Brew them with boiling water (a tablespoon of raw material per glass of boiling water), then pour them into 500 ml of clean water for rinsing. For these purposes, it is good to use chamomile, burdock, sage, calendula or nettle.

Vitamin therapy

Rub ampoule or oil pharmaceutical vitamins in their pure form into the scalp - retinol, tocopherol, pyridoxine, thiamine or cyanocobalamin.

It is not necessary to torment your scalp with all these procedures. You can first do a massage course for two weeks, then take a break and start aromatherapy. Do everything measuredly and methodically. The main thing is not to stop there, because in the end you will have the thickest, most beautiful hair that you can truly be proud of.

5 masks: to make your hair thicker

To get thick and strong hair as a result, you need to regularly make homemade hair masks from the most common food products that are found in every kitchen, from cosmetics and essential oils, which have an incredibly beneficial effect on the condition of the strands. Experiment, look for your own masks that are suitable specifically for your type of curls. In any case, the result will meet expectations.

  1. Avocado oil + vitamins + essential oil.
    Mix 2 tablespoons. avocado oil, 1 pharmacy ampoule of vitamins A and E, a few (4–5) drops essential oil hit.
  2. Kefir + egg + cocoa.
    Mix half a glass of fresh kefir, whipped a raw egg and 1 teaspoon. cocoa powder
  3. Honey + salt + cognac.
    Mix one glass of natural fresh honey, coarse salt and good, high-quality cognac. The mixture is placed in a glass jar, which is left for a couple of weeks in a dark place.
  4. Henna + basma + cocoa + yolk + olive oil.
    Mix 25 grams of colorless henna and basma, add hot water until thick, add 1 tablespoon. cocoa powder, raw yolk, 1 tablespoon. warm olive oil.
  5. Burdock oil + castor oil + lemon juice.
    Mix 1 tablespoon at a time. warm burdock and castor oils, 2 teaspoons. lemon juice.

Congratulations: now you know how to make your hair thicker and thicker so that it doesn’t look like a thin and pitiful mop, but a voluminous and luxurious head of hair.

Follow the recommendations given in the article, regularly carry out home treatments to improve your scalp, make natural homemade masks - and all the effort, money, and time spent will be justified. Now you can be sure: they will definitely look back after you with admiration.

Healthy, thick hair requires careful care. If you regularly take care of them and pamper them with nourishing masks, then your hair will be voluminous for a long time, and your strands will be silky and manageable. There are many folk recipes for hair thickness. The simplest and most effective ones are collected in this article.

Nature has not blessed all women with thick, healthy hair. But there are tools available that can be used to improve appearance hair - They are not inferior, and often superior in effect to store-bought cosmetics.

The benefits of masks for hair thickness

The reasons for dissatisfaction with your hairstyle can be different. Some people have naturally thin hair, others suffer from hair loss or have damaged their hair by drying it out. The result is the same - liquid, brittle, dull strands that do not hold volume. These problems can be fixed. It is enough to use masks from available and useful components, which are divided into:

  • warming - enhance blood microcirculation;
  • - add shine and nourish, stimulate growth;
  • protein - restore structure;
  • - give volume to the hair and nourish the skin;
  • - prevent hair loss, strengthen and saturate with vitamins.

The components are selected so as to affect the scalp, stimulating blood supply and new hair growth. For these purposes, masks with 2-3 ingredients are suitable, enhancing and complementing each other’s properties.

Rules of application

Therapeutic masks are applied 1-2 times a week, with a course of 10-15 procedures and a break of 1 month. You can combine several formulations, alternating warming pepper and light herbal masks.

There are simple rules, following which a mask for thicker hair will bring benefits and quick results:

  • Before washing your hair, use oil formulations, products with, dairy products, pepper, cinnamon, garlic, etc. They need to be washed off with shampoo to wash out small particles and remove the unpleasant odor.
  • Gelatin, yeast, and herbal masks are applied to a clean head.
  • If there are oils among the components, then they must be added to the composition heated in a water bath.
  • To enhance the effect of the product, cover the head with a plastic cap or film and wrap it in a towel.
  • If the composition contains honey and, then an allergy test would be useful. Prepare a small portion and apply to skin. If redness appears, discard this recipe.

A light massage enhances the effect of oil masks for hair thickness. Start with the center parting and move to the back of the head, rubbing the product into the scalp.

This will have a positive effect on microcirculation and stimulate the hair follicles.

Homemade masks are good because you can choose an individual composition that suits your problem. Below are the most popular and proven recipes for products that make hair thicker and fuller.

Yeast with chamomile for growth and thickness

An excellent product for the rapid growth of strands, nourishing the skin and roots. Brewer's yeast in briquettes, dry or in tablets is suitable.

  • Yeast 1 tsp.
  • Yolk.
  • 3 filter bags.

Dissolve the yeast in water and leave in a warm place. Make an infusion of dried chamomile flowers and mix with yeast. Add the beaten yolk. Apply the mixture to your head strand by strand. Insulate and wait 15-30 min.

Burdock for thickness and volume

A traditional remedy for hair growth and strengthening, nourishes and prevents hair loss.

  • – 4 tbsp. l.

Heat a bottle of oil in hot water. Pour the product into your palm and rub into your skin. Distribute the oil from roots to ends using a comb. Warm your head and keep the product in place no less than an hour. Rinse off with plenty of shampoo.

Kefir-castor for growth and thickness

After castor oil, the hair becomes silky, manageable and thick. Kefir strengthens and saturates the strands, making them grow faster.

  • – 1 tbsp. l.
  • – 0.5 cups.

Heat the kefir and pour the oil into it, stir. Apply to the roots, cover with film and leave for 30 min. Rinse with herbal decoction (chamomile, oak, linden).

Cognac with egg

Makes hair thick, strengthens and restores, reduces hair loss.

Since alcohol dries out hair, the product must contain fatty dairy products, yolk, honey or oils. You can add herbs and henna.

  • 1 tbsp. l.
  • Yolk.
  • Honey 1 tsp.

In a deep bowl, combine heated honey, warm cognac and beaten yolk. Apply the mask strand by strand over your entire head, wrap with film and a towel. Hold on 15-30 min., then rinse.


Actively stimulates the growth of new hair, making it thick and silky.

  • Red pepper - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Honey - 4 tbsp. l.

Melt honey in a water bath. Add pepper and mix thoroughly. Wear gloves and apply the product with massage movements. Warm your head and hold the mixture 30 min. If you feel a strong burning sensation, wash off the product.


Stimulates and enhances blood circulation. The strands become thicker and stronger. Can be applied to dirty hair.

  • Mustard powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar (increases pungency) - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix mustard and sugar, dilute with hot water until liquid. Apply to skin with massaging movements. Put on an insulating cap for 30 min. A slight tingling and burning sensation is allowed. Rinse with shampoo and apply conditioner.


The purpose of this composition is to nourish the hair follicles with the vitamins necessary for growth and restore the damaged structure of the strands.

  • Oil vitamins, 3 ampoules.
  • Yolk.
  • Shampoo – 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the yolk and vitamins into a homogeneous mass. Cover the strands with the composition and leave 40-60 min. Rinse thoroughly.

Gelatin for thin hair

Gelatin saturates with proteins and makes hair elastic, shiny, voluminous and thick. It covers the “scales” and the hair becomes less frizzy.

  • Warm water – 3 tbsp. l.
  • – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Balm – 0.5 tbsp. l.

Soak dry gelatin in warm water. When it swells, combine with balm. Distribute throughout the strands without applying to the skin or roots. Cover with plastic and heat with air from a hair dryer. Leave on 30-40 min. Then rinse with water.

Onion with honey

Onion juice adds shine, strengthens and stimulates growth. Honey saturates with essential microelements and adds volume.

  • Bulb.
  • Honey – 1 tsp. l.

Finely grate the onion and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Melt thick honey in warm water and mix with juice. Apply to strands and leave for 1 hour.


Homemade cosmetics can cause allergies if there is an individual intolerance to one of the ingredients in the composition. Masks containing mustard are considered the most dangerous. They are very irritating, heat up the skin and should not be used for any, even minimal, damage to the skin.