Horoscope April Virgo favorable days. Love and relationships

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Love horoscope For April 2017, Virgo predicts such a passionate feeling that will eclipse everything around. Former hobbies will fade into the background, which is not surprising. In April, next to you will be exactly the person who meets all your requirements and desires. In 2017, unrequited love is possible for Virgo, who has “painted” an ideal portrait of her chosen one. Try to live in reality and not in fantasy, then you will receive mutual feelings and a sincere attitude in return.

Love horoscope for April 2017 for Virgo woman promises a lot of problems, but not his own, but the chosen one. You have to not only solve his issues, but also help him morally. A lonely Virgo will be at a crossroads: which man to choose as a companion? Yes, yes, you have many fans, but there are also plenty of envious people. Talk less about yourself and listen more.

Love horoscope for April 2017 for Virgo man predicts an extraordinary situation that will radically change your personal life. The lady you fall in love with is too ambitious and proud. If Virgo does not follow her desires, she will preserve love and strong relationships. A romantic trip is possible at the end of the month.

Virgo family in April 2017

The horoscope advises you to communicate more with your loved ones, and not to confine yourself to your professional affairs. Your spouse will constantly present you with something about the lack of money, everyday problems and raising children. In April, listen to what elderly relatives say, because from the outside the situation is clearer. In the family, Virgo should not allow frivolity on the part of her spouse, otherwise she will have to carry the entire “load” of worries and troubles on her shoulders. In April 2017, unexpected arrival of guests from afar is possible, so prepare in advance for their meeting.

Horoscope for Virgo for April 2017
Finance and career horoscope for Virgo for April 2017

Love horoscope for the month of April for other zodiac signs:

"Do you want to live - know how to spin!” - This proverb well characterizes the generally restless background of April. It will be very difficult to maintain the right course, but it is quite possible!

Love, Virgo family in April 2017

Family people will take care of the problems of their children and will spend a lot of money on their development or education. It is possible to purchase real estate for one of the adult children, as well as arrange your own life.

IN love relationships Complete chaos still reigns. Relationships with your loved one are complex and incomprehensible and can completely exhaust you. To prevent the situation from getting out of control, slow down your decision making for a while. Venus, the planet of love, and your ruler Mercury are moving backwards, and this is not the best time for sudden movements. April will pass, the planets will calm down, and at the same time your feelings will calm down and become clearer. A trip will help improve relationships. If you find the time and money, go somewhere far away from home, it will help get rid of many problems. And if you are confused in a love relationship, then turn to your parents for help - their influence and advice can be useful this time. And help can be not only moral, but also quite tangible and material.

To look charming in April 2017, the Virgo horoscope recommends cutting and coloring your hair according to Lunar haircut calendar for April 2017.

Virgo's career and finances in April 2017

It won't be easy professionally. There may be difficulties, delays, tension - however, you should not be nervous and lose your temper, this will be of little use, but the problems will only increase. Be organized, be patient, and move forward as best you can. This month forces you into a certain dependence, forces you to follow others, without being able to gain complete independence. So, you need to wait.

There are still unresolved financial issues and your partners are still making serious claims against you. Perhaps some of the money will have to be given away, but, apparently, there can be no other way out.

In another option, business partners may not fulfill their financial obligations, which will affect the course of all cases. They will simply freeze at a dead point. This situation will be resolved in mid-May. Then it will be possible to act more productively and dynamically. Contacts with colleagues from other cities or countries are developing well, and, perhaps, this is the only achievement of April - a difficult month in all respects.

The financial situation is complex: in one case it is associated with the repayment of old debts, disputes with business partners, and in another case with large acquisitions, such as real estate, for example.

Virgo's health in April 2017

This month, not only your money and feelings are vulnerable, but also your health. Elderly and frail people are advised to take preventive measures in advance to avoid exacerbation of old chronic diseases. It will be enough for the young and healthy to lead healthy image life and remember the benefits of healthy sleep.

Virgo horoscope for April 2017.

In April 2017, Virgos need to take the best seats in the auditorium! So stock up on popcorn, chips, beer, tangerines, tea or cookies, depending on what you're watching TV with, and sit back. In April 2017, more often than not you will be a spectator than a participant in events. Therefore, Virgos, prepare your favorite sarcasm - in April 2017 you will definitely need it. Because you can hide behind your sarcasm - and not rush so much at people around you and loved ones. After all, no matter how much Virgo has drank in life, no matter how much experience they gain, but if you come across a poorly peeled tangerine, that’s it, fuck it, you go wild. And in April 2017, you will definitely come across a tangerine that is difficult to peel, a bag or string that cannot be untied, porridge with lumps, or people with complaints. Well, since the most interesting things happen in life when the usual common sense is shattered by evidence, then in April 2017 Virgos will greet even their own words or actions with sarcasm, hiding behind it from reality and disappointments.

But it is not all that bad. By the end of the month, Virgos will feel that they have again begun to confidently manage reality and their lives. The main thing that the horoscope warns about is that in the first two decades of April, try not to be too gullible and avoid stereotypes in your behavior, and then you will be able to be, if not happy, then at least normal in April 2013. For example, Pushkin loved happy endings, but avoided stereotypes. That is why, according to critics, in the final edition he still removed the Terminator and the rise of the machines from the last chapter of Eugene Onegin. Although he was ultimately let down by his excessive temper and trust in firearms. And although Pushkin was, his demonstrative sarcasm and temper would have been more suitable for Virgo. But let's return to trust. When the horoscope for April 2017 Virgo warns about excessive trust, this applies not only to people, but also to organizations, travel agencies, shops and, of course, cars, especially those NOT made in Germany. Virgo, replace your trust in April 2017 with a seat belt, a notary agreement, or a receipt.! So fasten your seat belt in April and watch the speed limiters, and then you will definitely not miss happiness. Even if you don’t know, the one who is right is happy or the one who is happy is right? Although we believe that the one who is a CAT is happy and right, especially judging by the number of “likes” in in social networks. But, given the rather chaotic April of 2017 for Virgos, most likely you will remember the word “Happiness”, occasionally running away from worries, people and problems somewhere to inexpensive or free fresh air or Wi-Fi. After all, April 2017 will not be the most rewarding period for a vacation or vacation for Virgos - it’s cold, and there are too many unresolved issues left behind.

Horoscope for April 2017 Virgo favorable days- 1, 6, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 29.

Horoscope for April 2017 Virgo unfavorable days - just because a person has a good heart does not mean that he cannot punch you in the face. The situation is approximately the same with favorable and unfavorable days. Favorable days can also “punch you in the face.” And unfavorable days can teach you something, or be useful and interesting. The main thing is not to plan “black streaks” for yourself, and then there will definitely be fewer of them!

Horoscope for April 2017 Virgo work, career and business. As one popular saying goes, if your work chair creaks, this does not mean that you have a fat ass, perhaps the chair is just loose or someone is shaking it. In April 2017, Virgos will not only need to prove that they rightfully take their place in the work team, but also that a work chair is just an opportunity to take a break from the restless running around. And since dachas exist for those who do not work enough on weekdays, on weekends Virgos will not have time to relax at the dacha. Yes, and what a vacation at the dacha in April. Yes, and most Virgos don’t really like country holidays. And even more so after such stressful everyday life.

Colleagues, co-workers and partners will not be very helpful to Virgos in April 2017, especially with solving problems in mathematics, algebra and other sciences related to finance, statistics and accounting. And, given that during crises on financial markets it is not analysts that are required, but suckers, then the main task of Virgo in April 2017 is not to “goof off” and not to miscalculate finances, numbers, financial issues and signed contracts. So Virgos, even if you work as a sleeper layer or a physical education teacher, try to handle numbers carefully in April 2017 and double-check even your calculator.

Horoscope for April 2017 Virgo Finance. Virgos usually have enough intelligence to understand that it (their intelligence) alone is clearly not enough to have money in their wallet. Are some other factors needed - or good job, or a good sponsor. And yet, the horoscope for April 2017 advises Virgos to handle money “smartly”, but it’s better not to think about other “factors” in April 2017. Useless.

Love horoscope for April 2017 Virgo. Horoscope for April 2017 Virgo Love. It is truly a strange world where two people look at the same thing and see the complete opposite. It is the differences in views on the changing “pictures of the world” that will bring disagreements into the relationships of most Virgos with their partners. Therefore, Virgos, try, on the one hand, not to insist on your point of view (yes, this is possible), but on the other hand, try to be more careful with words and sentences. And since April 2017 is not the best period for changes in your personal life, try to express, show, or even say that you are tired of struggle and conflicts. On the other hand, show your desire to fight for relaxation and rest. Although when – it was the Virgos who did not want to relax and rest.

Judging by the horoscope, some Virgos will be persistently called by the “past” in April 2017. Or knock on the door, or on the Internet. Therefore, Virgos, do not forget that it was not in vain that wise people said that you cannot step into the same water twice. By the way, not only wise people think so, but also crocodiles, sharks, and piranhas... That is, the majority of the “former” ones. Yes, and an extinguished torch smokes and stinks, but does not shine and does not warm. So it’s better to eat it completely without the fak than with it extinguished.

The love horoscope also does not advise lonely Virgos to next month start new ones serious relationship. You might want to get to know someone with the best side, but it’s not a fact that these new acquaintances have it. You, of course, can try to light a new fire, but judging by the horoscope, you yourself will not have a spark or a flame in April. Don't be sad. April is not all spring, and especially not summer. So just wait until the third decade of April and May 2017. But, more about this in our next horoscope on the website

According to statistics, 80% of people sniff their hand after taking out the trash... But this does not mean that after April 2017 you will need to sniff your hand. On the contrary, as we already said at the very beginning, take a seat in the auditorium and watch from the sidelines the events taking place. Sometimes being a spectator is much more profitable and interesting than being an actor or participant. For example, it is better to be a spectator than to stand at a school blackboard, it is better to be a spectator than a participant in a fight, it is better to be a spectator than a participant in fights without rules. So Virgos, try to avoid the stage and scenes in April 2017, and then the middle of Spring will pass you to applause, not only in the stalls, but also to applause from the balcony. And as experienced theatergoers say, the most demanding audience sits on the balcony!

Detailed for all zodiac signs

For people born under the sign of Virgo, April 2017 will be a fairly calm time, which, however, like the entire year of the Fire (Red) Rooster, will be filled with all sorts of events. But compared to other stages, April will not be as dynamic. The key patron of this sign, Mercury, will put you in a creative mood and will gravitate more towards theory than practice. There is nothing wrong with this, especially since now many signs will be subject to the same trends. This good time for planning and development of large-scale projects. However, if you feel that you are ready to act, if your “object of adoration” is at arm’s length and, according to all the rules, it is time to extend this very hand, then it is necessary to do this, despite any stellar tendencies. However, Mars, which has suddenly come over to your side, will help in resolving the most pressing conflicts, in particular family ones. You will be able to resolve many potential problems at the stage of their formation, and this is good, because it is easier to prevent any difficult situation than to “resolve it,” especially when it has already developed. This remark is true for all walks of life. However, do not focus on pure communication, constant conversations and just making connections without explicit action will have a negative impact on you due to the unfavorable location of Venus.

If we dwell in more detail on the work area, then it is fair to note that Virgo in April 2017 can quite realistically count on sudden bonuses from their star patrons. What is it about? That at a certain moment, when you are solving a particularly difficult problem, factors will suddenly appear that will turn everything in your favor. This does not mean that there is any point in getting into overtly critical positions when you are creating problems for yourself - you will also have to get out of it yourself. This is about something else, do not lose confidence in yourself, now you will have both the strength and means to emerge victorious from any fight. Those who do not work for themselves can focus on a promotion or a radical change of environment, which will be extremely useful and will most directly affect your performance. But Virgos, who have their own business, will skillfully combine moments of frantic dynamics and moments associated with complete calm, but (and this is important!) - not inaction. The main thing now is not to let despondency take over, not to give yourself the opportunity to become depressed or something like that. Venus can easily take advantage of such a weakness, and Neptune, another of your ill-wisher, will be nearby.

But in terms of personal relationships, no truly ambiguous situations are foreseen. In April 2017, Virgo is unlikely to find her destiny, in the sense that at the height of spring there is no need to “bet” on a serious relationship. It is likely that you will meet people who will change your life in the most dramatic way. There is also the possibility that circumstances will play into your hands and you will achieve what you want quite easily. But don’t rush to take your relationship to a “new level”; now the rush will be unnecessary. This also applies to family issues, let the situation develop on its own. And, keeping in mind the unfavorable position of Venus, there is no need to take on too much responsibility.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for April 2017 for the Virgo zodiac sign, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Virgo. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Virgo sign: Personal horoscopes for the Virgo sign: