The existence of God on earth. Evidence for the existence of God. Does God Really Exist?

05.11.2021 General

Skeptics tell us: “There is no evidence for the existence of God!” Or they demand: “Does God exist? Provide proof of the existence of God!” Let's ask them: what kind of evidence are they looking for? In response, they clarify that they are looking for empirical (scientific) confirmation. However, this is not the only type of “evidence” that exists. For example, forensic evidence does not always consist of photographs, fingerprints, or DNA matches. Eyewitness testimony can also be very convincing. As, for example, the triple combination of motive, means and opportunity.

Insisting on empirical (scientific) proof of the existence of God in the case of an invisible and immaterial God is in itself illogical! Many things cannot be empirically proven, but nevertheless they are real, such as the concepts of logic, numbers, justice, love, beauty and science itself.

The axioms of logic, like those of geometry, must be considered infallible, although they cannot be proven. Using logic to prove its own logic would be a vicious circle. Consequently, the concept of faith participates in the understanding of logic at a fundamental level.

Numbers, whether whole, fractional or irrational, as well as the numbers "pi" and "phi" are well known to all of us. Mathematics is the “language” of physics (formulas, identities, coefficients, etc.). In it, the numbers are letters for the words of this “language”. Although all this is useful to scientists, their existence cannot be directly proven. Justice and love are real - and each of us would like to see them in our lives! But at the same time, they cannot be counted. Have you ever heard of 2 kilograms of justice or 12 liters of love?

Aesthetics, whether artistic or musical, appeals to the morality of every person. Even though we cannot always appreciate beauty - the form of presentation is often clumsy and distracts from the object of admiration, we still perceive it as part of the surrounding reality.

Like logic, science is not absolutely proof. There is always room for speculation in it. Thus, we see that many things in our world are real (miracles, by the way, also fall into this category), even if they cannot be proven empirically.

I am often asked how we as believers can “prove the existence of God?” Yes, we cannot prove It scientifically, but this is not a problem, as we now understand, because much in our real life is beyond the reach of empirical analysis. God can be felt and convinced of His existence to others, although there is no direct way to prove it scientifically.

There is enough evidence for the existence of God

But is the skeptic's call for “evidence” a criticism of biblical faith alone? I think no. Faith is not only an alternative to evidence, but also the ability to believe in a higher power. And faith is relational. Several centuries ago, philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal wrote a wonderful phrase:

“By openly appearing to those who seek Him with all their hearts, and hiding from those who flee from Him with all their hearts, God regulates human knowledge of Himself. He gives signs that are visible to those who seek Him and invisible to those who are indifferent to Him. To those who want to see, He gives enough light. For those who don’t want to see, He gives enough darkness.” (Blaise Pascal, “Thoughts”, chapter 7, 430 pp.).

In other words, the amount of evidence of His existence that God has given us is sufficient; it cannot be reduced or added. He neither overwhelms the seeker with signs of His obviousness, nor does He hide the evidence to such an extent as to turn a person away from Him. God also respects our free will. He could make us believe, but he doesn't do it to avoid being disrespectful. He only provides sufficient evidence of His existence so that our response to it can naturally combine free will, rationality, and trust.


The existence of God cannot be proven scientifically, but this does not at all prove His absence. Many things in the real world are beyond the reach of science, which, by the way, explores only the sphere of matter and energy in space and time. If God could be subject to scientific research, then He would in some sense become part of our physical world, which is only a part of His creation, because the Creator, by definition, exists outside of what He created. Finally, God may not want us to be able to prove His existence. This would replace our faith with knowledge.

Thus, what may have seemed like a weakness of biblical doctrine turns out to be a great strength!

Translation: Anton Melnik

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Article by Sergei Amalanov

Let's start considering the issue with proven facts and draw preliminary conclusions.

  1. Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945), world famous fortune teller and healer. Why we turned to his example will now be clear.

In addition to his predictions, Edgar Cayce was known for treating people in the following way (since childhood). He fell into a trance, and while in this trance, he gave recommendations for curing the patient. Namely: what plants or drugs, when and how to take them. The main interest is that he simply could not even know most of the plants that he mentioned for treatment, he had never studied medicine or medicine. And one day, he recommended using medicinal product, which was invented in a laboratory several thousand kilometers away, just a few days ago, and has NOT even BEEN REGISTERED yet!

Gradually they switched to a correspondence form of treatment - it was enough to simply indicate the location of the patient and his name, and Casey would say the diagnosis and treatment. He soon became very popular and people from all over the world began to seek his advice by mail. All these moments, inexplicable from a traditional point of view, were officially registered and documented.

2. If the example in E. Casey may still raise some questions among skeptics, then the following phenomenon, known to everyone, will be much more difficult to explain from the point of view of things and views familiar to us.

Instincts. Instinct is a set of innate tendencies and aspirations expressed in the form of complex automatic behavior.

Example: the cat is sick. The animal suffers from this disease for the first time in its life. The cat goes into nature, chooses the grass it needs (!!), eats it, and is cured.

The fact is that information about the COMPLEX ACTIONS REQUIRED IN A GIVEN SITUATION must be “written down” somewhere.

The ONLY thing (!) from which the entire body of a cat (and any other living creature) is built is the original DNA molecule.

What is a DNA molecule?

DNA- a macromolecule that ensures storage, transmission from generation to generation and implementation of the genetic program for the development and functioning of living organisms. The DNA molecule stores biological information in the form of a genetic code consisting of a sequence of nucleotides. DNA contains information about the structure of various types of RNA and proteins.

That is, information is recorded in the DNA molecule - EXCLUSIVELY about the structural features of the body and the functioning of internal organs. That is – what we call – PHYSIOLOGY.

We will not find ANY definition of the location of the so-called “instincts”!

That is, the situation is exactly the same as with the inexplicable SOURCE of information, which was demonstrated by the above example with Edgar Cayce, who, in addition to PRESENT information, was known for his predictions of information that will only be known in the FUTURE TIME!

CONCLUSION: there is a certain Supreme Library of Information (SBI), which we can also call (from our name - the essence does not change, but the abbreviation is preserved) - the Supreme Divine Intellect (SDI).

Thus, we have a certain VBI - Source of Information.

Further. Any database or library of information must be ORGANIZED. (Try to find a thing in a garbage dump that definitely exists there, but WITHOUT a known definition of its coordinates).

QUESTION: WHO organized the Supreme Library of Information (SBI)?!

ANSWER: ONE WHO can possess:

  1. Organization of data on a universal scale;

  2. The ability to ACCESS them???

    If you think that the FACTS described above are nonsense, then you will need to clearly justify this (for yourself).

    If you see adequate logical considerations and unambiguous conclusions, then you will need to RECOGNIZE the existence of an Intelligent Supreme Being who has two (blue font) of the above PROVEN AND CONFIRMED capabilities and abilities.

    But that's not all. The information stored in the DNA molecule is NOT ENOUGH to build the body of a living being!

    To build any organism, like any other object, you need a drawing. In this case, a three-dimensional image of the future organism. This is exactly the principle that 3D printers work on.

    Already in 1975, the phenomenon of an electric wave phantom was discovered - this is how scientists conventionally called the human soul. Scientists have found that before an embryo appears in the mother's uterus, it already has an electric wave phantom. At first it is an electric wave halo, slightly larger in size than the embryo itself. The phantom grows faster and advances the development of the embryo by several days. Thus, the unborn baby develops, catching up and adapting to its own electric wave phantom. The baby catches up with him only just before birth, and they are born identical ( more details in the site article ).

    Based on the fact that everything that we observe around has its own causes of occurrence (the law of no exceptions!!), there is SOMETHING THAT directly appears SOURCE an electric wave phantom that performs the function of a 3-dimensional holographic drawing of a living organism forming in the uterus.


The question of the origin of life remains open for most people. If we take into account the possibility of life being brought to Earth from space, then there are two main possible versions of the origin of life in the Universe.

  1. Life arose as a result of random biochemical processes (abiogenesis).
  2. Life was initiated by a certain Supreme Divine Person, who is the root cause of the entire universe.

In view of the fact that we do not have direct evidence of either the first or second option, we can only use our reason to logically approach the answer to the origin of life.

The world around us can be divided into animate (living) and inanimate (non-living) objects.

Everything that happens in our world is subject to rules that have their exceptions, as well as rules or laws that Dont Have exceptions.

Evidence that God exists.

What can be the basis for proof that God exists? It is not possible to directly imagine God Himself. Therefore, proving the existence of God can be presented in the following form:

The existence of unambiguous laws that point to a certain object - possessing the qualities of the Almighty. Moreover, it is important that the laws presented do not have a single case of exception.

Let's consider the following laws of the universe.

The first law has no exceptions.

This is the law of cause and effect. From this law it follows that any manifestation has one or more causes, and itself, in turn, is the cause of other manifestations. Everything we see around us is the result of some reason.

Based on this law, it follows: in order for all existing objects to appear, there must be one original Root cause of all things, and this Root cause– exists outside the law of time.

The second law has no exceptions.

Inanimate (non-living) objects – can become the cause of other inanimate objects.

Animate (living) objects - can become the cause of both inanimate and animate objects.

From this law it follows: The root cause of the entire universe can only be a living (animate) being.

Previously, when Live nature has not yet been so well studied, hypotheses appeared that living beings could arise directly from inanimate nature. When conducting more thorough research, and maintaining the purity of experiments, scientists were unable to reproduce the process of the origin of life from inorganic substance. Later, when the DNA molecule was discovered and it became known that the information in it is stored in encoded form, attempts to “generate” life from an inanimate substance did not occur among adequate people.

The third law has no exceptions.

If all parts of one object have one general property, then an object entirely consisting of such parts also has this property.

For example: if all, without exception, the parts of which the table consists are made of wood, then we can say that the entire table is made of wood. All this is absolutely obvious.

All living biomass of the Earth consists of living objects. All living objects have one common property: the reason for their appearance was another living object (law No. 2). According to the third law, all biomass of the Earth (that is, life on Earth) has a source of life, which can only be - another living object.

Not recognizing this conclusion means admitting your thinking is illogical and inadequate, not taking into account obvious facts that have not a single case of exception.

All three of these laws can be applied to all life in the Universe. And only the real fact of the origin of a living object from a non-living one can force us to reconsider these laws of origin.

If we claim that life (a living object) occurred as a result of the random interaction of inanimate elements, then we will contradict everything that we can see, that is, common sense. And if we cannot give a clear and definite description of this First Cause, then we must recognize the fact of its existence.

Let's take a closer look at a living object.

All bodies that have signs of life have a cellular structure. When scientists better studied the structure and functions of cells, it became clear that the substance, the contents of the cell, is an extremely complex system of heterogeneous components. The cell has irritability, the ability to move, grow, reproduce and adapt to changes in the external environment. The set of biochemical processes carried out by a cell that ensure its growth and restoration is called metabolism, or metabolism. The protoplasm of each cell is constantly changing: it absorbs new substances, subjects them to various chemical changes, builds new protoplasm and converts the energy contained in the molecules of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into kinetic energy and heat, as these substances turn into other, simpler ones connections. This constant expenditure of energy is one of the characteristic features of living organisms, peculiar to them alone. Tens of thousands of chemical reactions occur in living cells, each of which has a specific meaning. Among other things, a cell of a living organism has the ability to reproduce. If you set the task to develop and “construct” something similar, even at the current level of development of science, this does not seem possible. That is, when applying the accumulated intellectual potential of all humanity! Is it possible to speak seriously about the “accidental” origin of this most complex organic formation, due to an accidental “successful” mixing chemical elements? It’s the same as after a sandstorm, the Moscow City building will “accidentally” be “built”, with all the office equipment inside.

The DNA molecule deserves special consideration. This molecule stores all the necessary information to build a new organism. The uniqueness of this structure is that all the information contained in the molecule is encrypted. This fact alone proves that the creation of this structure cannot be explained by chance. Deciphering this information, in order to build a new organism, also cannot do without the presence of a decoding program. Nothing can be encrypted in a strictly defined order “by itself”, and then, also “by itself” - decrypted.

All these discovered facts prove that the organization of such complex structural formations, simply by the fact of the existence of its structure, cannot do without the use of an intellectual principle. And this proves that the root cause of all things is a living object, whose abilities cannot be compared with the abilities of a person.

The fact is that the theory of the origin of life as a result of random biochemical processes arose when the complex structure of a living cell was not yet so well studied. Therefore, the version of the “random” origin of life did not look as ridiculous as it looks now.

Modern scientists have already learned how to write encoded information into a DNA molecule, and subsequently decode and read it. Against the background of these capabilities acquired by man, genetic modeling of living beings, other intelligent beings, began to look absolutely natural. But we should not forget that according to the law of cause and effect, there must exist Root cause- the main source of life, which was the cause of the very first intelligent being. And this Root cause– exists outside of time. Man, due to his imperfect mind, is unable to understand how one can exist outside of time. But a person must be intelligent enough to recognize the existence of things beyond his understanding. And this means that such things as the First Cause of Life must be understood as an axiom, without trying to fully understand it with your consciousness, which is not sufficiently adapted for this.

Many reasonable people, based on obvious things and laws that surround us, clearly believe in the existence of an Intelligent First Cause of all things. But, at the same time, they believe: since God is so Incomprehensible, then there is no need for religions - as such. Thus, “freeing” oneself from the comprehension of spiritual knowledge. The question why religion is necessary is given a complete and demonstrative answer in the article.

How to prove to an atheist that God exists?

The most significant counterweight to the idea of ​​the existence of a divine principle is the theory of Charles Darwin. This theory is still taught in high school. Modern scientists are in no hurry to accept the critical views of their colleagues on the theory of evolution. Too much would have to be rewritten and rethought throughout science. And what a large number of academic degrees, titles and scientific works would have to be annulled.

The thing is that Darwin outlined his theory at a time when scientists could not so carefully study the structure of living organisms. Moreover (!), DARWIN HIMSELF ACTUALLY REFUTED HIS THEORY. Read more. Darwin's theory was based on the gradual development and complexity during the evolution of living organisms. That is, all organs of a living being and living organisms themselves, according to the theory, should develop gradually, from simpler ones to more complex ones. Darwin recognized that if organs of living beings are discovered, which, in the absence of one element, could not function. That is, the organ had to appear - immediately. So called - irreducible or complex organs.

And such bioconstructions were found!

“Irreducible” or complex element , which demonstrates a refutation of Darwin's theory, became a small flagellum for the movement of single-celled organisms. In fact, it turned out to be a complex, unique bio-mechanism.

1. The flagellum for movement under water is an absolutely irreducible structure. She simply will not be able to work if she removes even one detail. Based on this, the theory of gradual development suffers a crushing failure. Below is a video film in which scientists, by the way, former supporters of the theory, having studied in detail the complex irreducible structure of the flagellum, came to an unequivocal conclusion: this element could not gradually develop. All its components are absolutely necessary for the flagellum to function!

Or, you can watch a 28 minute scientific VIDEO FILM that shows how Darwin himself essentially disproved his theory:

How to prove to an atheist that God exists?

There is a category of people who say: show me God, then I will believe. To prove anything to such a person is to waste your time in the most useless way. He has already decided everything for himself. A person who really wants to find out something for himself is ready to follow the path of knowledge, or at least logical reasoning.

You can prove to a person that God exists if you analyze such a phenomenon as clairvoyance.

Everyone knows such a phenomenon as clairvoyance. It is defined as a type of extrasensory perception, the presumed ability of a person to receive information beyond the channels of perception known to science and determined by modern scientific means, including information about events of the past and future (Wikipedia). One of the most striking examples of possessing the gift of clairvoyance was Vanga, Nastradamus. However, there will always be skeptics whose pride will not allow them to reconcile with the fact that there is someone with greater abilities than him. In particular, Michel Nastradamus is accused of lacking a clear reference to time in the events described in his quatrains. But the time of the events predicted by Nastradamus was given in encrypted form. And Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima were able to decipher these dates, which they outlined in their book “Deciphered Nastradamus.” Numerous facts confirming Vanga’s clairvoyance also speak for themselves. But how can this unusual phenomenon be explained? Let's try to figure it out.

In essence, we encounter the effect of clairvoyance every day. For example, a weather forecast is also a fact of “clairvoyance”, but it is not always accurate. In essence, clairvoyance is accurate forecast events that will happen in the future. But what is necessary in order to predict future events as accurately as possible? For this you need two things:

  1. All possible data that may affect the course of the predicted event;
  2. Error-free, accurate analytical processing of all this data, giving the only correct forecast for the development of a particular event.

What data primarily influences and ultimately determines all major events? These are the thoughts and desires of people that, to one degree or another, can influence the development of the predicted event. And the only person to whom these properties are attributed is the Supreme Divine Personality. The most complete picture of what is happening is given by Vedic scriptures, such as "Bhagavad Gita" . They say that the Supreme Divine Personality, who is the First Cause of everything, resides in the heart of every living being in the form of Paramatma, and who knows all the thoughts and desires of the living being.

“I reside in the heart of every living being, and from Me come memory, knowledge and forgetfulness. The purpose of all Vedas is to understand Me.”

The approximate dimensions of Paramatma are also given, which are equal to the distance between the end of the thumb and the end of the ring finger of the hand, that is, approximately twenty centimeters. According to Vedic literature, the heart also contains the soul - “atma”, which is a living being associated for a certain time with the physical body.

The Vedic scriptures also state that Paramatma (Supersoul) and atma (soul) are of the same nature. That is, in other words, they represent identical substances.

Let's summarize. The Supreme Being, who is the main source of life, is present in every person, in the form of some wave field (Paramatma). Human thoughts, which also have a wave characteristic, are accessible to Paramatma. Thus, God has all the information about every person. Having the most powerful analytical thinking and all the necessary information, the Supreme Being has the ability to give an accurate forecast of events that occurred in the future. This information is transmitted to a person (predictor), who voices these future events.

Some clairvoyants (also Vanga) have the ability to “read” information from a person’s information field, and even from objects belonging to a person. But only the Supreme Personality can process and summarize all the information coming from millions of people. People with the gift of clairvoyance explain that information simply appears in their heads as ready-made video information.

In fact, the manifestation of such a phenomenon as clairvoyance proves the existence of a certain Supreme Personality, which, due to its presence in the form of an energetic substance (Paramatma), in the body of living beings, has complete information about a living being (including its thoughts). But just try to imagine what kind of analytical power you need to have in order to process such an amount of information, taking into account the dynamics of interaction of this data with each other! And the fact that people periodically appear who demonstrate such unique capabilities looks like a demonstration of evidence of the existence of a Supreme Personality possessing supernatural abilities that are very difficult to comprehend.

In order to make sure that the DNA molecule could not be created “by chance,” but only by reason - an intelligent initiation on the part of an incomprehensibly powerful Being, you can read the following research by scientists.

DNA is the largest information storage molecule in the entire universe. Modern discoveries reject the idea of ​​"junk" DNA, which does not code for proteins, and reveal many of its amazing functions, which we only became aware of in the past. Lately. Dr. John Mattick, a leading expert on DNA function, believes that junk DNA acts like the latest computer operating system. More recently, he expressed his regret that the idea that non-protein-coding DNA is junk has seriously damaged science:
“The failure to recognize all the implications of [non-protein-coding DNA] may well be considered one of the biggest mistakes in the history of molecular biology.”
Electrical protection.
Another remarkable property of DNA in cells is the way it conducts electricity. 2,3 But DNA is very vulnerable and can be easily damaged. Free radicals attack DNA by removing an electron (the process of oxidation) from one of the bases - the chemical "symbols" of the DNA code. The resulting “hole” at the site of the electron can move along the DNA and behave like a positive electric current.

We have already said that some of the “junk” DNA is paired between the “symbols” A and T (the bases adenine and thiamine), and this blocks the harmful electrical current. These pairings act as insulation or an “electronic lock in the circuit,” protecting important genes from electrical damage from free radicals attacking distant parts of the DNA.

More recently, Jacqueline Barton of the California Institute of Technology showed that DNA also uses its electrical properties for protection. Along the edges of some genes there is a sequence of G “symbols” (the base guanine). They easily absorb the electron hole, so that it moves along the DNA until it reaches a sequence of G symbols. This diverts damage away from the parts of DNA that code for proteins.

This is very similar to the principle behind galvanized iron. Here, a coating of a reactive and less important metal - zinc - sacrificing itself, takes on all the oxidation, protecting the iron from rust.
DNA damage is scanned electrically.
Our cells have an elaborate DNA repair mechanism. If we consider that in each cell there are about 3 billion “letters” responsible for information, then the amount of checking to detect errors must be very large.

Undamaged DNA conducts electricity, while damage blocks the current. Dr. Barton discovered that some "repair" enzymes exploit this pattern. One pair of enzymes attaches to different parts of the DNA strand. One of the enzymes sends an electron along the filament. If the DNA is intact, the electron reaches the other enzyme and causes it to separate, i.e. this process checks the region of DNA between them. If there is no damage, there is no need for repair.

But if there is damage, the electron does not reach the second enzyme. This enzyme moves further along the thread until it reaches the problem area, and then corrects it. This repair mechanism appears to be present in all living things, from bacteria to humans.

Such an ingenious repair system must have existed in all life forms from the very beginning, otherwise, due to damage to the DNA, life could not continue. As scientists discover more evidence of the complexity of life, we are even more convinced of how “wonderfully made” we are.

Having reviewed all of the above arguments, not a single person with adequate thinking would think of asserting that life could “spontaneously originate” as a result of the chaotic mixing of molecules. Well, those people who are in no way satisfied with the existence of the Supreme Mind will always exist. And they will not have any hope of obtaining new – true knowledge about the universe – until they have a desire to obtain this knowledge!

An interesting fact is that committing sinful acts, and even just thoughts, which are considered “sinful” in different religions, greatly reduce the speed of the brain, that is, they reduce the amount of vital (mental) energy, which is directly perceived by a person as a feeling of happiness . You can read more about this in the article

- it is told in more detail about what type of charitable activity is called charity of the highest effectiveness. And also why some people feel the need to engage in charitable activities.

— – research, statements. quotes from famous scientists about God. Documentary film “DEVOLUTION OF HUMAN”.


You can become familiar with all the main types of spiritual development and real knowledge about the main source of life by reading one of the most ancient sacred scriptures, which contains the whole essence of Vedic wisdom - "Bhagavad Gita" published on our website.

“BHAGAVAD-GITA as it is” - book. which over five thousand years has changed the minds and lives of millions of people, read “BHAGAVAD-GITA” on our website.

Many people who hear about God from someone immediately respond, “Prove that He exists!” This is our human nature - we want to touch, see everything... This article was written precisely for such people who doubt that God really exists.

The first thing I would like to answer to those who reject the existence of the Creator is to prove that He does not exist. Statements like “Nobody saw him!”, “You can’t touch him!” they won't give you a ride. Wind, electricity, magnetic field - we also don’t see and can’t touch all of this, but all these things really exist, because we see what they do - they move objects, attract particles, make a light bulb burn. It’s the same with God - we see the changed lives of believers who in the past were at the very bottom of society, we see miracles, deliverance from diseases, and the very fact of the existence of humanity and millions of unique and completely different animals and plants - too action of the Lord.

If you have made a final conclusion for yourself that there is no God, you don’t have to read this article further. Why? It’s just that once and for all, a person who has decided something for himself will ignore all the information that will somehow refute the point of view he has accepted. If there is still room for search in your soul, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the evidence of the existence of God.

Is there a God? Some evidence.

  1. In ALL cultures, from the very beginning of human history to this day, there has been the concept of some kind of higher being or deity. The research of anthropologists sums up the general result - all peoples initially had in their culture a belief in a supreme God - the Creator, which then for some degenerated into a belief in many deities. Can it be that ALL nations are wrong? Atheist peoples have never existed and do not exist now!
  2. The perfectly calculated, very complex and impeccable structure and functioning of our planet and the entire Universe. Just imagine - if the Earth changed its size or proximity to the Sun by just a few kilometers, it would be impossible for the existence of an atmosphere and life on it in principle. If the Moon were a little further or closer from the Earth, the oceans would flood all the land. Is this all just a coincidence? Maybe all this was done by a wise Creator?
  3. The diversity and amazing structure of plants and animals. For example, scientists still cannot understand how a bumblebee flies, whose body is too heavy and whose wings are very small... The created aeromodel with the parameters of this insect does not take off and cannot stay in the air! There are thousands of such examples!
  4. The complexity of the structure of the human brain, which could not arise as a result of chance or evolution. Your brain can process more than a million messages in 1 second, while at the same time making decisions and controlling the body and all the processes taking place in it. Only a mind far superior to human could create such an ideal and complex device!
  5. Everything is not accidental. To assume that from the chaos I was able to somehow, without the participation higher power, the formation of such a wise and ideal world is simply absurd. The Bible says that God is the author of life on Earth and the One who supports this life. From a mathematical point of view, even the combination of amino acids in a human cell is absurd - the famous astronomer Sir Frederick Hoyle compared the opposite assumption to how a tornado could sweep over Boeing spare parts scattered around the market and eventually assemble an airplane!
  6. Archaeological excavations confirm the authenticity of the events and personalities described in the Bible. The Dead Sea Scrolls, numerous manuscripts and the ruins of King David's buildings found in 1993 - all this and much more suggests that the Bible speaks the truth. In addition, it is surprising that none of the books included in the Bible contradicts another, and yet they were written in different countries, by several dozen people, on three different languages and for 1500 years!

So, we have given just some evidence for the existence of God. What will you do now? Will you just close this page and live the same way as before?

What if God exists?

The Bible tells us of two types of people:

  1. People who have seen many proofs and even miracles of God, but still reject God.
  2. People who want to know God and believe in Him.

The Bible records God's promise to a second group of people:

“And you will seek Me and find Me, if you seek Me with all your heart. And I will be found by you." Old Testament, “Book of the Prophet Jeremiah”, 29:1.

What kind of person will you be?

What does the Bible say about God?

We will not give many quotes here, but the entire attitude of God towards people described in the Bible can be described by the following theses:

God created us and everything around us.

God loves every person, but we are separated from the holy Creator by our sinful nature, given to us from the first people who sinned - Adam and Eve.

God solved the problem of sin by coming into this world in the form of the man Jesus Christ, who became the sin offering for all mankind and conquered death by resurrecting on the third day.

Now everyone who believes in Him and prays the prayer of repentance for sins has the gift of salvation and eternal life.

Why Jesus and not Buddha, Muhammad and others?

Only Jesus Christ said about himself that He is God. All the rest called themselves only teachers and prophets.

Only He gave His sinless life and was able to defeat death by rising from the dead.

Only Christ was able to turn the entire history of mankind upside down so that now we calculate chronology from His birth.

Only He performed the signs and wonders that only God could do.

Learn more about Christ and peace with God by reading other articles on our website.

In this article we will look at what in science is called the Cosmological and Teleological proof of the existence of God.

Convincing yourself that God really exists is actually not difficult at all. To do this, you don’t have to be a scientist, you don’t have to have a special education or know the Bible. You just need to honestly and unbiasedly look at the whole the world and ask yourself a simple question: Where did all this come from?

How did the entire existing world come into being: man, nature, Earth, the Universe? Could all this have appeared on its own?

Arthur Shavlov,
scientist physicist.

Arthur Schawlow, a famous scientist and Nobel Prize laureate in physics, wrote:

The world is so amazing that I can’t even imagine that it happened by pure chance.

If someone had told me that, for example, my computer appeared on its own, I would not have even taken it seriously. A computer is a complex device that has many people working on its design and production. And although I never saw these people, and I did not see how my computer was made, I can be 100% sure that it did not appear on its own, that there are people who designed it and made it.

However, the world around us is much more complex, and it certainly could not have appeared on its own. Therefore we can be sure that there is someone who created it. And it is Him, the Creator of our world, that we call God. Thus:

The existence of the surrounding world is proof of the existence of God, who created this world.

The legendary scientist and founder of modern chemistry, Robert Boyle, put it in these words:

The immensity, beauty and harmony of space, the amazing structure of animals and flora, other wonderful natural phenomena - all this rightly prompts a reasonable and unbiased observer to come to the conclusion about the existence of a supreme, powerful, righteous and good Creator.

This idea was also close to another equally famous scientist, Albert Einstein, who wrote:

The deeper I study the world around me, the greater my faith in God becomes.

The world we live in is so amazingly and complexly structured that even for modern science Many natural processes remain an unsolvable mystery. Science, for example, still does not know the answer to such a seemingly simple question as: what promotes the growth of teeth in a child. Scientists only have different theories and assumptions on this matter, but so far the mechanism of tooth growth is not fully understood. Other examples of the amazing structure of our world are described in scientific documentaries in the section.

The fact that our entire so complex and amazing world was created by Someone - you don’t even have to believe in it, it’s just an obvious fact. But to believe that all this happened by itself, by accident, this really requires a very great faith, which would be instilled in a person all his life from childhood. And such a belief is actually instilled with the help of the so-called theory of evolution.

Despite the fact that, according to many famous scientists, the theory of evolution contradicts the fundamental laws of physics (read more about this in the article), it nevertheless continues to have a huge impact on people in modern society. According to recent studies conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, 35% of respondents said they believe in the theory of evolution.

Thus, approximately a third of society was influenced by this widely propagated idea and believed that everything appeared on its own and evolved into highly developed forms of life on its own. But every thinking person understands perfectly well that nothing appears by itself. Our wonderful world was created by Someone. Therefore, as Robert Millikan, also a Nobel Prize winner in physics, said:

I have never met a thinking person who did not believe in God.
  • about God:

Today we will talk about whether it is possible to prove whether God and the devil exist or not, about the most striking evidence of the existence of dark and light forces, about what God and the devil look like and what they are like. In our article you will receive proof of the existence of God and the devil.

Before you start reading this article, answer yourself the question - Do you believe in God or not? If you believe it, then why? How do you know He exists? If you don’t believe, then how can you be sure that God does not exist? What evidence do you think exists for the existence or, conversely, absence of God?

Now let’s think a little about the meaninglessness of the devil’s existence without God and vice versa.

All people are divided into several categories: those who believe in God; those who do not believe in God; those who believe in God sometimes...

Why am I not talking about the devil now and about those who believe only in him? Because the existence of the devil without God is absurd, few people believe in the devil without believing in God, except that there are those who recognize the power of the devil, for example, the same magicians, sorcerers, psychics. And they believe in God, in their own way... sort of like “even the demons believe and tremble,” but still they choose the dark power.

If the devil existed without God (even theoretically, without evidence), then our earth would have been dead long ago, like us, or other unfavorable forecasts... And so, as many believers assume, people are the “battlefield” for finding out relations and competitions between God and the devil, who will “entice the people” more, which side you take - you are the warrior, etc., can be called not a battlefield, but more softly, loyally, correctly, but the essence of this is not particularly will change.

Even the short stay of Adam and Eve in Paradise (when everything was fine with people and only God existed for them) quickly ended, because this competition between God and the devil was about to begin, where people, it turns out, are pawns. It ended rhetorically: they say, man himself turned out to be so down-to-earth and sinful that he fell for the snake’s tales and ate the forbidden fruit... And this duality of human nature is inherent in everyone forever and from birth, and everyone eats this forbidden fruit - so if not for Adam and Eva, we would do it.

But the paradox, according to the same Bible, is that in man himself there is both light and dark - a craving for the divine and earthly, sinful, and these two natures are always fighting, which one will prevail, that is, which one the person himself will choose - on the side of those he turns out to be strong. According to the theory of Christianity, everything begins with a person’s choice, and even though we are pawns in a game of two forces, we are capable of choosing.

There are 7 million people on earth (already more), everyone has their own opinion about whether there is a God and a devil or not, everyone has their own version of evidence on this topic. Let's look at the main popular ones, and then the more subjective ones.

From the point of view of science, there is not a single reliable confirmation of the existence of God, moreover, there is not even a clear definition of who God is. There are only arguments of philosophers and psychologists.

So, for example, morality did not come out of nowhere: “In our conscience there is an unconditional demand for the moral law. Morality is from God."

“From the observation that most people follow certain moral laws, that is, they are aware of what is good and what is bad, a conclusion is drawn about the existence of objective morality, but since good people commit bad deeds, and bad people are capable of good ones, a source of morality independent of man is needed. It concludes that the source of objective morality can only be a supreme being, that is, God.

The fact that a person has a moral law - conscience (which differs from earthly laws only in greater accuracy and inexorability), and an internal conviction of the need for the ultimate triumph of justice, indicates the existence of a legislator. Torment of conscience sometimes leads to the fact that the criminal, having the opportunity to hide his crime forever, comes and announces himself.”

Conscience is one of the most striking proofs of the existence of God... No matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is precisely with the sprouts of divine power embedded within each person that the desire to do good more than evil is born in us; if the opposite happens to someone, then they say that he has buried his conscience.

From the point of view of scientists, not everything is so simple... he “buried” his conscience... For example, Erich Fromm (German sociologist) argued that the predominance of the craving for evil begins when a person kills his love for life, this happens for various reasons, one of which is psychotrauma, but this switch is turned by the person himself, sometimes he is able to stop, but often he does not.

Cosmological argument for the existence of God (from Wikipedia):

“Everything must have a reason. The chain of reasons cannot be endless; there must be the very first reason. The first cause is most often called “God” by some.

It is found, in part, already in Aristotle, who distinguished the concepts of being random and necessary, conditional and unconditional, and declared the need to recognize, among the relative causes, the first principle of any action in the world.

Avicenna mathematically formulated the cosmological argument for the existence of God as the single and indivisible cause of all things. A very similar rationale is given by Thomas Aquinas as a second proof of the existence of God, although his formulation is not as strict as that of Avicenna. This proof was subsequently simplified and formalized by William Hatcher.

The cosmological argument looks something like this:

Every thing in the universe has its cause outside itself (children have their cause in their parents, parts are made in a factory, etc.);

The universe, as consisting of things having their cause outside themselves, must itself have its cause outside itself;

Since the universe is matter existing in time and space and possessing energy, it follows that the cause of the universe must be outside these four categories.

Therefore, there is an immaterial cause of the Universe, not limited by space and time, not possessing energy.

Conclusion: God exists. From the third point it follows that he is an immaterial spirit, outside of space (that is, omnipresent), outside of time (eternal), and does not depend on energy (omnipotent).”

In general, someone created the Universe, us, forests, trees, rivers, lakes, fish, insects, etc. They couldn't come from nowhere. And the most likely assumption for the appearance of all this is God. Why did He create all this - as an option - assumptions at the beginning of the article. Maybe he was bored in this empty Universe, so he created the crown of creation - man, in order to compete with the proud angel Lucifer.

from Islamic theology: “In the light of the Big Bang theory, the cosmological argument is as follows:

Everything that ever happened has a reason

The universe appeared

Therefore, the Universe has a cause."

This also includes paradigms about eternity, existence and non-existence... In addition to mortal existence and our temporary shell, there is something else, and, perhaps, many understand and feel this, but, unfortunately, the vanity of this world drowns out the call to the eternal within a person. However, the soul is also eternal, as many who have visited the Other World testify, and our planet exists for many centuries, perhaps millions of years... but human life lasts only tens of years.

What is inside a person, if you look deep into yourself, does not agree with the fact that “there was a man and there is no man and there are no traces of him,” I want to believe that there is a continuation of life, I don’t want to believe that our soul will ever stop our existence as if we never existed..

And this is already a paradox: where does this come from in us? Where does this desire for eternity come from?

The theological argument for the existence of God assumes that the world is too complex to arise on its own and if there is a clock that runs, then there must be a watchmaker who created it. Scientists, deriving formulas about the complexity of the world, came to the conclusion that there must certainly exist, if not God, then a Supreme Mind for sure. In Kabbalah he is called the Great Architect, in Islam Allah, in Buddhism Buddha, etc. But the source of everything is a certain deity - this is the answer of many not only philosophers and humanists, but also scientists.

Faith could not come out of nowhere as an independent desire for some newly invented God; it is embedded in the human psyche from the womb. A person not only needs to believe in something, it is vitally important for a person to believe in something, replacing at least some kind of surrogate for the craving for God as the creator. Therefore, all the smaller semblances of faith in God are only compensation for the lack of a person’s connection with God.

There is not a single country, not a single city in the world without religion, without a temple - this already says a lot.

According to Plutarch: “Go around all the countries, and you can find cities without walls, without writing, without rulers, without palaces, without wealth, without coins, but no one has ever seen a city devoid of temples and gods, a city in which prayers were not sent, swore by the name of the deity.”

“The fact that a person is drawn to God, feels the need for religious worship, indicates that the Divine really exists; that which does not exist does not attract. F. Werfel said: “Thirst is the best proof of the existence of water.”

The religious argument, despite criticism from scientists, is one of the most striking proofs of the existence of God for believers. Relics of saints, exorcism of demons, drops of blood on the shroud, visions in the process of clinical death in reality, other languages ​​- prayer in other languages, etc. All this, according to believers, came from nothing other than directly from God...

There is still a long list of evidence and arguments for the existence of God, but there is not a single reliable and indisputable proof. For all existing evidence there are refutations, doubts and other versions.

God gave us the biggest mystery - himself... As if leaving the choice for everyone whom He created, to believe in Him or not...

And if everything were obvious, then there would no longer be God.

What does the Bible say about God? Yes, in fact, the entire Bible is a divinely inspired book, which means that it was written by people who dedicated themselves to God and were in His will; through all the messages these people tell us something important, that is, in essence, God speaks through them.

“The Bible says about the incomprehensible and incorporeal God the Father:

You cannot see My face, because man cannot see Me and live (Ex. 33.20).

And it is also said: no one has ever seen God; The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has revealed (John 1.18).

In the book of the prophet David, the Psalms, there are approximately the following words: The fool said in his heart: “There is no God” (Ps. 13.1).”

The Bible also says that God is love, God is spirit, God is triune...

Why has no one ever seen God in real form? There are versions that a person is too unclean to touch and come so close to such a holy image as God, moreover, God is associated with light and fire, and can both be transformed into a shell and be a spirit, but a person can go blind when looking at Him , burn, etc.

But there was one unconditional appearance of God to people according to the Bible - this is Jesus Christ, who brought salvation to the world. And Christ embodied the essence of God on earth. But it seems like people saw God... well, what did they do with him?? Crucified...

A few words about the devil. Even if we assume without question that the devil exists, what do you think he looks like? A devil with horns and glowing eyes? People often think that this is some kind of image from horror films... In fact, the devil is an angel who has stumbled (proud of his beauty and intelligence), angels are disembodied creatures and they are lower in rank than people. The question that will remain eternal: why then does this angry angel, who is simply a ministering spirit, keep the whole earth in fear and dominate people? There is no clear answer...

The devil uses people to fulfill his goals. And his goal is the destruction of everything that God created. He cannot create anything new, remember “The Master and Margarita” (novel)? The devil only copies the actions of God, only with a minus sign, the devil is a magician, an illusionist. To lure a person into his network, he offers temporary benefits, that is, he creates evil through good.

The evidence for his existence is as uncertain as the arguments for the existence of God, but the question of the existence of the devil is not as popular as the question of the life of God. Probably because the devil is a figure dependent on God, and yet this is a very dark niche into which you should not go unnecessarily.

Magicians, healers, sorcerers, psychics know very well, even if they tell you fairy tales, what kind of use of their power they pay a certain price and this price is the sale of the soul to the devil... Of course, while they are alive there is always a chance to repent, but for now they are alive.

Even if you don’t say the word “devil”, you can safely say that there is some negative energy, there is evil in the end, there are troubles, tragedies, there is death, illness, suffering, which is clearly not from God... According to the Bible - after the Fall, the earth was given over to the power of the devil, the earth is cursed, therefore everything on it is mortal, perishable, including human flesh.

Poltergeists, fever from demonic possession, ghosts, monsters in the night - these are “little flowers” ​​compared to the real capabilities of the devil if people are in his power. For example, Hitler is the embodiment of the devil on earth, one of the incarnations...

Summing up the article, I would like to say that there is no unambiguous evidence of the existence of God for crafty minds, however, just as there is no affirmative evidence of the absence of God...

But still, if there is no God, then, in essence, man is an “incomprehensible little animal”, created incomprehensibly by whom, incomprehensibly for what...

Everyone makes their own choice to accept the available evidence as sufficient or to reject it.