A country flower is as tall as an indoor palm tree. Indoor flower "palm": description, care features and reproduction. Suitable temperature and lighting

05.11.2021 Medicines 

Palm Kentia

Indoor palm trees add special beauty to the room; these guests of the tropics are able to delight us with greenery all year round. The palm trees themselves take a long time to grow, which means that we will be able to see them for more than one or two years. In today's article I will tell you about the 10 best types of palm trees that get along well indoors.

Peculiarities: indoor palm trees are quite unpretentious; in the wild, palm trees can survive even in our subtropics. For example, in Sochi and Adler, palm trees survive short-term frosts and snow.

Areca Palm Dypsis lutescens

The most popular types of indoor palm trees

In this material, I will tell you about the most adapted palm trees to indoor conditions. They will definitely survive, and caring for them will be very simple.

Indoor date palm Phoenix dactylifera

Date palm: the most common, living in human homes for centuries. An ideal option for beginning palm growers, a kind of basic stage for further delving into the cultivation of more exotic species. The only difficulty is that in the future the palm tree will continue to grow and sooner or later will reach the ceiling...

Palm Washingtonia filifera

Washingtonia filamentosa: a beautiful palm tree that is also unpretentious and very attractive. You can notice peculiar threads stretching from the fan of the leaf rosette. It was this distinctive feature that served as the name for this palm tree.

Howey Foster's Palm

Palma Howea: this species is able to tolerate insufficient lighting, which is beneficial for growing this palm tree in offices, in corridors without windows, etc. At the same time, the foliage is not subject to fading, that is, the plant will look very attractive. The palm tree grows slowly, which is again good for indoors, since you don’t have to think about what to do with a quickly grown palm tree.

It is also a fairly unpretentious species that can easily tolerate a long absence of watering. But the lighting in the room with the palm tree should be good, otherwise there is a risk that the foliage will fade. However, the plant also has a negative attitude towards direct sunlight. Therefore, the optimal location is a sunny room, but without direct rays hitting the foliage.

The plant develops quite slowly and is responsive to good care and even lighting. Feels great in rooms in winter, when the air is dry due to central heating.

Asian Palm Kariota: quite demanding on humidity and light. It grows everywhere in Asia and I often see it when I travel around botanical gardens. The plant is very decorative; the palm leaves look similar to the tails of fish; this palm is often also called “fish tail”.

Liviston's Chinese palm: a low-maintenance plant that looks very attractive and bright. The only thing a palm tree loves is humidity. Therefore, it is recommended to provide it with sufficient moisture. You can diagnose a lack of moisture by the dried tips of the leaves.

Cat Palm Calathea: A fairly popular plant with spreading lush leaves. Requires foliage spraying and is unpretentious in care. I also often see this palm tree in the wild in Asia.

Features of palm tree care

After watering: wait until the bulk of the liquid passes through the tub and drain all the water from the pan to prevent rotting of the palm roots. Despite their love for moisture, palm trees cannot tolerate excessive moisture in the root system.

Diffuse light: in a room where a palm tree grows, it is advisable to hang thick tulle on the windows so that the sunlight penetrates into the room as if diffused, without contrast.

No drafts: Avoid winter drafts; in a room where a palm tree grows, it is not advisable to open windows in the autumn-winter period. The air contrast will undermine the health of the palm tree and it may get sick.

Transfer: Palm trees are replanted exclusively in the spring. If your plant is young, then replant it annually; if the palm tree is older than 3 years, then once every two years; if it is older than 10 years, then only fertilizing is indicated, without replanting. transplanted.

Video on the topic

Useful video about the features of caring for palm trees, characteristics of indoor palm trees.

And another informational video on how to replant palm trees.

Varieties of sago palms

Varieties of fan palms

Tips for caring for indoor palm trees

Often indoor palm trees are used in interior design, which are the most different types and sizes. This is a very sophisticated and elegant plant, which, with proper care, will delight you with its amazing appearance for a very long time.

  • Money tree: care at home
  • Ficus benjamina: home care, photo

Indoor palm trees are unpretentious; their cultivation does not require any special conditions. Ornamental palms love coolness and humidity and do not tolerate direct sunlight. Their main feature- in leaves, narrow and long, and the width depends on the specific species.

Popular types of indoor palm trees

There are many varieties of palm trees, but not all of them can live indoors. After all, this is an exotic plant, and although it is not picky in its care, you should not buy the first one you come across. Let's look at the ten most popular types of indoor palm trees.

  • Date palm. The most famous of all varieties, since it is best suited for growing at home. But it tends to grow to large sizes, so you need to take care of a spacious room in advance.

  • North American palm. Another name for the plant is “ Washingtonia filamentosa" It differs from other species by the leaf “beard” that appears on mature palm trees. As the leaves grow, they dry out, but do not fall off; they cannot be cut off; they fall down on their own.

  • Howea palm. This species has feathery leaves that tolerate lack of light. At the same time, they do not turn yellow or dry out, and even in very dry air the leaves remain green. Howea is resistant to pests, but grows very slowly.

  • Palma rapis. Another unpretentious variety with longitudinal striped leaves. Rapis tolerates drought well, but without sunlight it becomes capricious. However, it does not like to be under the sun's rays.

  • Mexican palm. This type is also called " chamedorea" It grows slowly, likes a comfortable average temperature, without cold and bright light. At home, it can adapt to dry air, but is often affected by spider mites.

  • Asian palm. Also known as " karyote" This variety, having an eastern “nationality”, loves the sun very much and does not tolerate excessively dry air, losing the intensity of its color. It has very interesting leaves.

  • Spanish palm. Also called " cryosophila" Very impressive look, ideal for home grown. It tolerates a lack of humidity and light very well, but it is very difficult to find it on sale - it is such a rare variety.

  • Chinese palm. Or " Liviston" A slightly capricious plant that requires good lighting. With a lack of moisture, the tips of the leaves of the Chinese palm tree dry out. One of the few species that grows quickly enough without requiring special care.

  • cat palm. Other name - " calathea" A very popular indoor plant with lush, wide leaves that look like green cascades. It is not capricious in care, but prefers distilled water to ordinary water and frequent spraying in the summer season.

  • Umbrella palm. A very original plant in its appearance, the leaves of which resemble a Chinese umbrella, which looks very impressive. It needs frequent spraying with the addition of alcohol so that the roots of the palm tree do not rot.

Varieties of bamboo palms

One of the most popular indoor plants is the bamboo palm; there are more than a hundred species of it. Grows up at least a meter high, fan-shaped leaves grouped in bunches. It can have one or several trunks. Of all the diversity, four types of bamboo palms grown in homes can be distinguished.

  • Hamedorea gracilis. This is not a capricious plant at all; even a beginner can cope with its cultivation. Grows well, prefers dark corners, and is easy to care for. The feathery leaves bear small pale yellow fragrant flowers.

  • Hamedorea unicolor. It is also not a picky flower, loving to grow in the shade. Very similar to the previous species, with the only exception: its leaves are thinner and elongated.

  • Hamedorrhea high. The largest variety of bamboo palms can grow up to five meters in height. It is distinguished by very long branches that are densely covered with narrow green leaves. Several trunks can be placed in one pot at once.

  • Hamedorrhea Ernest-Augustus. The shortest type of bamboo palm, but it looks very impressive: large, wide leaves with a glossy surface and bright orange flowers. It is very popular among lovers of indoor plants.

Good to know: in a house with a lack of humidity, the bamboo palm begins to gradually dry out, the leaves turn yellow, and frequent watering can lead to rotting of the plant's roots.

Varieties of sago palms

This variety is known to flower growers as “cycus”. Sago palms have very interesting view: the trunk resembles fish scales, and at the very top there is a large bunch of green feathery leaves. There are few types of cycas, more than 15 species, but four of them are the most common as an apartment plant.

  • Cycas drooping. Or turned away. The most popular variety with a crown of emerald green leaves. The plant is not tall, the trunk grows from 30 to 50 cm.

  • Tsikas curled. Or snail-shaped. The leaves are pinnate, the stems can reach a height of up to two meters. The shape of the leaf of this type of sago palm resembles a pigeon feather.

  • Cycas Siamese. It has one peculiarity: its leaves are colored with a white-bluish color.

  • Tsikas Rumpha. The leaves of this species are distinguished by a deep, rich emerald color.

It is important to know: if unsightly spots appear on the leaves of the sago palm, it means that the temperature in the room is constantly fluctuating, or the plant does not have enough nutrition.

Varieties of fan palms

There are many varieties of fan palms, and they all have one main feature in common: unusual leaf shape. Each sheet is a plate, dissected in the form of rays into many parts. Among the most popular are five species that are preferred for growing in apartments.

  • Liviston. This plant loves moist air, frequent watering with warm water and does not tolerate drought. At home, it can grow up to two meters, bears two or three new stems with leaves per year, and reaches maturity at the age of five.

  • Washingtonia. An unpretentious plant, loves bright places and fresh air. It tolerates lack of humidity well, but for its best development it requires regular spraying. It is sensitive to transplantation, so it is better not to abuse it.

  • Trachycarpus. A cold-resistant variety that prefers abundant watering and outdoor recreation. Propagated by seeds and grows well in well-drained soil. Transplantation is carried out after the pot is completely filled with the roots of the plant.

  • Hamerops. In apartment conditions, this species feels great at a temperature of +23-25 ​​degrees, provided that the room is regularly ventilated (even in winter). Loves watering with soft water, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and moderate lighting.

  • Sabal. A rather rare variety that is not so easy to find on sale. This fan palm is unusually beautiful, but very capricious: if there is overwatering or lack of feeding, the leaves quickly turn yellow and dry out, which can lead to plant disease.

Good to know: after each watering of the palm tree, be sure to empty the water from the pan after some time to prevent rotting of the plant’s root system.

  • In the room where the palm tree is located, hang a tulle curtain on the window - this will provide the necessary diffused light, since the plant does not like dark corners and brightness.
  • Palm trees do not tolerate drafts, especially in winter. Therefore, ventilate carefully.
  • Do not allow the soil of the palm tree to be dry; it must be constantly moistened.
  • Palm trees suffer greatly from dry air and need regular spraying.
  • For good growth, the palm tree needs a high pot, drainage and compost soil.
  • The palm tree is replanted only in the spring. A young plant requires replanting once a year, an adult - once every two to three years, an old palm tree does not need to be replanted.
  • A date palm is better suited for a warm room, and a fan palm for a cool room.

Decorative indoor palm trees have an unusually exotic appearance, are compact and fit perfectly into any interior. Moreover, both single specimens and compositions of palm trees with each other and other plants look great. With their help, they create green, cozy home islands like a winter garden. And in the summer, many varieties of indoor palm trees can be taken out into the fresh air - into gazebos, flower beds, and flower beds.

Did you know? IN Ancient Rome and Greece, a palm branch, like a laurel wreath, was considered a symbol of victory and was awarded to the winner. In the Christian tradition, Jews greeted Christ with palm branches as he entered Jerusalem. Today, one of the most prestigious awards in world cinema is the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

Caring for a palm tree is not that difficult, and when the plant literally blossoms from care, it quickly develops into a favorite activity that brings satisfaction and joy. This article discusses the most popular types of domestic palm trees.

Homeland - Mexico. A bushy flowering palm tree, the leaves are hard, fan-shaped, silver-green-blue. The trunk at the places where the leaves are attached has small notches that remain after the dead leaves.

Light-loving, but also grows in partial shade. Needs periodic washing of leaves and spraying, watering is always moderate.

Brachea is divided into subspecies - edible, Brandegi, armed. Lower and smaller palm specimens are quite suitable for apartments, while larger ones are suitable for large rooms. Despite the species, the Brahea palm, which initially grows in a small pot, requires replanting into a larger one every 3 years.

Her homeland is countries South America, Brazil. Suitable for large spacious houses, offices, halls. Leaf length is up to two meters. Refers to pinnate palms - each leaf consists of individual thin and long stripes resembling feathers. This is a flowering species, usually beginning to bloom in April-May.

Did you know?In addition to aesthetic pleasure, the palm tree, according to legend, brings wealth, health, prosperity and longevity to the house.


It is also called the North American palm. This is a fast-growing, hardy species that tolerates dry air well.

Homeland - Mexico, USA, where it is also found under the name "priest's skirt", because of its characteristic feature - all the dead fan-like leaves fall down, press against the trunk and overlap each other, which really resembles clothing.

The Washingtonia palma has two varieties.

Washingtonia filifera

The second name is Washingtonia filamentosa. Fan palm blooming with white flowers. It reaches a height of 16-18 m, the length of the leaf reaches 2 m. The leaf is dissected by 1/3, and thin threads hang along the edges of the dissections.

Washingtonia robusta

Also called Washingtonia powerful. Palm tree up to 30 m in height with a strong, powerful trunk, widened at the base. Leaves up to 1.5 m long, dissected. Blooms with pink flowers.

Hyophorbe (Hyophorbe verschaffeltii)

Or Mascarene. A young palm of this species is shaped like a large vase or bottle; over the years, the trunk becomes straightened and the shape of the vase becomes less pronounced.

The peculiarity of the verschaffelt palm is its spindle-shaped gray trunk. The leaves are green, long and thin, feathery. It blooms with small flowers with a subtle pleasant aroma.

Moisture-loving - needs watering, regular spraying and washing of foliage. It is photophilous, but the light is preferably diffused rather than direct and bright.

This is one of the largest palm trees - it can grow up to 6, sometimes up to 8 meters in height.

Important! Before purchasing a palm tree, make sure it is the type you want. To avoid disappointments in the future, check all the parameters of an adult plant in advance.


Or the Mexican bamboo palm. One of the most unpretentious types of palm trees. Constantly blooming, tolerates lack of light well, grows even in dark corners.

Needs regular spraying, watering and replanting - once every 2 years. This home palm tree has several varieties and names.

The tallest and largest, reaches a height of 5 meters. It has very long dense branches. Several plants can be planted in a tub or pot at a time.

This is a flowering palm tree. The flowers are yellowish-whitish pea-shaped (similar to mimosa), with a delicate aroma. The plant is a little more than a meter high, the leaves are fan-shaped and feathery. Feels great in semi-shaded places, very unpretentious.

Hamedorea unicolor

It differs from the graceful one in having thinner and longer feathery leaves.

It has a darker crown and crescent-shaped leaves.


Or the walnut palm, the Asian palm, or the fishtail palm. It has large bipinnate leaves on thin stems in the shape of an elongated fish tail. The leaves have stripes of different shades of green from the base to the edge.

This is a flowering species, but its peculiarity is that the palm tree does not bloom regularly, but once, and the flowering itself lasts 5-6 years. It is sun-loving and requires fairly spacious premises.


Homeland - China. Moisture- and light-loving bushy palm with large leaves. It is also called the fan palm; the leaves are shaped like an open fan.

It does not grow very quickly and grows up to 1-1.5 m (sometimes up to 2 m), so it is quite suitable not only for large houses, but also for apartments.


Homeland - Asia. This is a tall bush with longitudinally striped leaves. It is very light- and moisture-loving, this must be taken into account and suitable conditions must be created - good lighting, but without direct sunlight, spraying and sufficient watering.

Needs annual transplantation, after 4-5 years - once every 3 years. It has the subspecies Rapis tall and Rapis multicut.

Important! Rapis should not be kept in bright light with direct sunlight, and the soil for the palm tree should not contain salts, otherwise the plant may die.


Homeland - Africa, Mediterranean. This is a fan-shaped, multi-stemmed, low, strong palm tree with a dense crown. All tree trunks grow from the same base. The leaves are pinnate, split, up to 1 m in length, and have needle-like protective projections.

Photophilous, loves and tolerates bright sun rays well. Flowering palm, flowering time is April-June. Young palm trees are replanted once every 3 years and adult plants are replanted once every 6 years.

Did you know? Hamerops fruits contain bitterness and tannins and are used medicinally as an astringent.


Or a Spanish dagger. Homeland - Central and North America. Tree-like plant with hard, sword-shaped, long and wide leaves. The leaves are collected at the base, forming a bunch or rosette.

Blooms with white bell-shaped flowers. Light-loving, even in partial shade it will grow poorly. It can grow up to 3-4 meters in height, so you need to select a spacious room for it.

Did you know? Yucca, despite its external similarity, does not belong to the palm genus. She is a representative of the Agave family.


Or the Kentia palm. Homeland - Australia. It is characterized by relatively short stems and beautifully contoured, slightly curved leaves. It reaches a height of 2-2.5 m, so it is suitable for fairly large rooms.

In addition, it is heat- and light-loving, although it grows normally in artificial light. It requires a little more careful care than other species: regular spraying and wiping of foliage, watering with settled water, etc. It is resistant to diseases and pests.

Perhaps the most common type and often found in homes, offices, and institutions. Its undoubted advantages are unpretentiousness and rapid growth. The palm tree looks very beautiful - a lush bush with long feathery leaves.

An indoor or home decorative palm tree is a special plant. Not all types of such an exotic plant are suitable for growing at home, so in order to choose not only beautiful, but also quite unpretentious varieties, you need to know what palm crops there are and how suitable they are for indoor floriculture.

General description of decorative home palm tree

Palmaceae or palm indoor crops are a fairly large family of monocotyledonous plants. As a rule, a woody plant or tree has unbranched trunks with a primary thickening of the protoderm and meristem. Some species are represented by perennials with thin creeping or climbing shoots. The name of palm trees with a branching trunk is doom palms. This is the name of a plant that looks like appearance on a bush. Some species of such representatives do not have a stem part, and the leaves rise directly above the ground.

The thickness of the trunk can reach a meter with a height of several tens of meters. The leaves of some representatives may be feathery:

  • coconut;
  • foxtail palm;
  • date;
  • howea;
  • chamedorea;
  • karyote bipinnate.

Enough widespread received cultures with fan leaves, which belong to Chamaerops, Trachycarpus, Liviston palm and others.

How to care for indoor palm trees (video)

Photo gallery

Types of indoor palm trees

Home or indoor decorative palm trees are very popular and in demand in the floral design of modern interiors. Species differ in size, shape and color of leaves, as well as in their requirements for growing conditions and care. The most popular types in home floriculture are:

  • Date;
  • North American or “Washingtonia filamentous”;
  • Khoveya;
  • Rapis;
  • Mexican or "hamedorea";
  • Asian or “karyota”;
  • Spanish or “cryosophila”;
  • Chinese or “livistona”;
  • Cat's or "calathea".
View Variety Description and characteristics
Bamboo Hamedorea gracilis An unpretentious and shade-tolerant palm tree, with feathery leaves and small pale yellow fragrant flowers
Hamedorea unicolor Indoor flower has thinner and longer foliage
Hamedorrhea high The tallest variety with very long branches densely covered with narrow green leaves
Hamedorrhea Ernest-Augustus Low-growing perennial with large and wide glossy leaves, having bright orange flowers
Sagovaya Cycas drooping Low growing plant with attractive emerald green foliage
Tsikas curled The foliage is pinnate, located on stems up to one and a half to two meters high.
Cycas Siamese A medium-sized plant with a highly decorative above-ground part of white-bluish-green color
Tsikas Rumpha Perennial indoor palm tree with foliage of a very characteristic, rich emerald color
Fan Liviston A moisture-loving crop no more than two meters high with powerful and well-leafed stems
Washingtonia An unpretentious, but very light-loving, highly ornamental plant, sensitive to replanting.
Trachycarpus Cold-resistant, moisture-loving variety, perfectly adapted for growing in cool rooms
Hamerops In indoor floriculture, the decorative palm tree loves ventilation and is distinguished by its enviable unpretentiousness
Sabal One of the rarest and most demanding varieties in terms of care and growing conditions.
  • Howea Forster;
  • Howea Belmora;
  • Rapis is tall;
  • Rapis Multicut;
  • Rapis Thin;
  • Rapis Alicia;
  • Rapis Nova-Laos;
  • Kariota soft or “Fishtail”.

Today, a variety of palm-shaped, ornamental plants are very popular in the home interior, which, due to the presence of a lignified and leafless stem with a bunched arrangement of leaves in the non-apical part, are called false palms:

  • yucca ivoryfolia, yucca angustifolia, and yucca filamentosa;
  • pandanus vecha, pandanus useful and pandanus sandera;
  • Dracaena Marginata, Dracaena fragrant, Dracaena “Song of India”, Dracaena Dereme, Dracaena Canary, Dracaena Godseph, Dracaena Golden, Dracaena Recurta, Dracaena Surculosa and Dracaena Hooker;
  • Cordyline shrubby, Cordyline undivided, Cordyline southern, Cordyline straight, Banks' Cordyline;
  • bocarnea nolina;
  • some varieties of Dieffenbachia.

Pseudopalms are completely unpretentious, so they can become a completely worthy and affordable alternative to tall and slow-growing indoor real palms.

How to replant an indoor palm tree (video)

Features of home care

Depending on the species characteristics and characteristics of the variety, care for indoor perennial palm crops may differ slightly, but The general principles for growing such decorative exotics are as follows:

  • a flowerpot with decorative perennials is best installed in warm rooms, near south-facing windows;
  • an adult and well-developed plant is less demanding of environmental factors, so some fluctuations from optimal temperature values ​​are quite acceptable;
  • young indoor palm trees need the strictest adherence to both temperature and humidity levels in the growing room;
  • in the warm season, indoor palm trees should be kept at a temperature within 16-22 o C;

  • in winter, the temperature in the room for cultivating perennials should be reduced to 14-16 o C, and cold-resistant varieties can winter at lower temperatures, but within 10 o C;
  • the perennial plant is quite demanding on certain parameters of air humidity, so in the summer it is recommended to spray the crown of the palm tree quite often with warm and settled water from a household spray bottle;
  • periodically it is necessary to remove dust from the leaves using a damp and soft cloth or by washing the crown in the shower, since such a water procedure has a beneficial effect on growth processes and the general condition of the indoor crop;
  • starting from early spring and until mid-autumn, the plant must be watered abundantly with warm and settled water, avoiding excessive drying of the soil in the flower pot;
  • almost all palm trees belong to the category of light-loving plants, but prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause severe burns on the foliage, so when placed on windows, high-quality shading from the midday sun may be required;

  • despite the fact that periodic ventilation has a very positive effect on perennials, the negative effects of drafts and cold air dormancy should not be allowed;
  • For proper growth and development of young plants, it is very important to provide the correct composition of nutrient soil with sufficient ease, but special planting mixtures for cultivating dracaena are best suited for cultivation;
  • Tall indoor palm trees require mandatory additional nutrition, so in early spring it is recommended to apply fertilizers intended for feeding ornamental deciduous plants three times a month.

Despite the high resistance to diseases and pests, significant errors in care can negatively affect both the decorative appearance and the general condition of the plant:

  • darkening of the tips of the foliage may indicate too dry air or insufficient irrigation measures;
  • a change in the coloration of the above-ground part is also caused by a very close location to heating devices, exposure to cold air and the use of cold or highly chlorinated water for irrigation;
  • softening or yellowing of the leaves often indicates severe waterlogging of the soil in the flower pot or a sharp drop in the temperature in the room;
  • drying of young leaves is the result of too intense sunlight, so the crop needs to be provided with diffused lighting;
  • Plant development stops when grown in uncomfortable conditions, in too cold and damp rooms, or with insufficient nutrition.

Important to remember that yellowing and drying of the lower leaves is a completely natural phenomenon and does not require intervention, and regular spraying and watering of the plant with soft and warm water can maintain its decorative appeal for many years.

Varieties of decorative palm trees (video)

Homemade palm crops are not only incredibly beautiful and very exotic houseplants, creating a unique style in the interior of almost any room, but also unpretentious perennials that can purify the air and make the house more comfortable.

Indoor palm trees serve as decoration for residential premises and winter gardens, while the plant itself does not require special care and can grow in an apartment for many years. More than 3,400 species are known in nature, among which the most suitable varieties can be identified for indoor growing. This article contains everything about growing indoor palm trees, their types, reproduction, and care details.

The charming leaves resemble fans or fans - this is a characteristic of plants from the Arecaceae family.

Externally, the decorative palm tree looks like a tree with a powerful trunk, which can be long (coconut) or short (chamerops). Many species are used for economic purposes; there is a group of plants that bear tasty fruits (coconuts, dates). Domestic palm trees are used to decorate rooms, and they are often grown independently from seeds (date palm). Each species has different care requirements, failure to comply with which can lead to disease and death of the plant.

Types of indoor palm trees: description of differences

All palm trees can be divided into 2 types:

  • Light-loving - this group includes plants that cannot develop in the shade: date, chamerops, coconut, livistona, caryota, cycad, rapis.
  • Shade-loving - in the sun, the leaves of these plants quickly dry out at the edges, becoming covered with brown spots. This group requires protection from the sun and high humidity: chamedorea, chrysalidocarpus.

A little more about each type of palm tree suitable for indoor growing.

Date fruit

In nature, the date palm is found on the African continent, the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands and Western Asia. Dates themselves, sweet fruits that many eat, ripen on Phoenix dactylifera (Finger date). The tree reaches a height of 25 m.

In indoor conditions, dates easily tolerate dry air, but require intense lighting.

Very often the plant is grown independently from the seeds of sweet dates. The indoor date palm grows slowly, at first its leaves have a simple oblong shape, over time they acquire a classic appearance with separately pinnate leaves.

To grow house plants from dates, just plant the seeds in the ground. The seed shell is hard in autumn, so they take a long time to germinate. To speed up the germination of seeds, cuts are made on them or the skin is broken by treating them with fine sandpaper.

In addition to the palmate date, other ornamental types of date palms are grown indoors. Phoenix roebelenii, which grows up to 3 meters and has soft leaves, takes root well in the room.


Chamerops squat is found in the European part of the Mediterranean, where it grows up to 4-6 meters. The short, powerful trunk bears multiple fan-like leaves. The plant is of industrial importance - ropes, burlap and other textile products for household needs are produced from the leaves.

In indoor conditions, chamerops grows slowly; the best location for the plant is the sunny side. With a lack of lighting, chamaerops stretches out, the leaves turn pale, and it stops growing.

An ideal plant for growing in large containers - chamaerops are taken out into the garden in the summer, and in cold weather the containers are brought back into a warm room.


This variety does not grow in a room higher than 2-2.5 meters.

Another species of Arecaceae with fan leaves is Trachycarpus; currently 9 species from this family have been described.

Trachycarpus has a powerful trunk with multiple fan leaves on the top and can grow up to 12 meters in height.

The low-growing (up to 2.5 m) Trachycarpus fortunei is most often grown indoors. The plant can be used for landscaping outdoor areas in the southern regions - trachycarpus can easily withstand temperatures from -12 to -14 °C.

Trachycarpus can be grown from seeds, but you need to have patience - seedlings appear no earlier than in a month.


An original interior decoration is a healthy fan palm.

Livistona is an original palm with fan leaves, often grown indoors. The plant grows quickly and does not require care, but for this species it is very important to provide good lighting.

The fan palm does not tolerate high dry air, to which the plant reacts by the appearance of dry spots on the tips of the leaf blades. In extreme heat, it is useful to moisten the leaves of Liviston and the air around it. During the heating season, special air humidifiers must be installed on heating radiators.

Most often in the room you can find Chinese or southern Livistona, which are common in Australia, the islands of Oceania and Southeast Asia. In nature, Livistona can grow up to 25 meters. When growing at home, you should not forget about watering, because the plant is accustomed to living along the banks of rivers.


The intricately carved leaves look like a fish tail.

An unusually graceful caryota is not often found in the collections of amateur flower growers. This plant requires careful care.

Look at the photo of an indoor caryota palm - its leaves are intricately cut at the ends, which is why the plant got the name “fishtail”. This plant has asymmetrical leaves, which is not at all typical for the Arecaceae family.

Kariota grows naturally in humid tropical climates, so it needs high humidity. Otherwise, the plant is highly adaptable to indoor conditions. Maximum height is 2 meters.


The name of this species immortalizes the name of the first president of America.

At first glance, the images of the Washingtonia palm are identical to other fan palms, but there are still differences.

Washingtonia is found throughout the United States; the plant even got its name from America’s first president, George Washington.

In nature, the height of plants can reach up to 30 meters, so only young specimens can be recommended for indoor growing.

The charming Washingtonia filamentosa is very decorative - the fan leaves along the edges are framed by long openwork threads that are intricately intertwined, increasing the decorative value of the plant.

Washingtonia Robusta is a robust plant with well-shaped chiseled green leaves. This species serves as an excellent decoration for winter gardens and greenhouses.

In order for Washingtonia to be comfortable in indoor conditions, it is necessary to provide the plant with the lightest content. The palm tree needs to have long daylight hours (up to 16 hours) not only in summer, but also in winter. If necessary, Washingtonia is illuminated with special lamps.


Coconuts grow in sandy soil on the ocean shore.

The only known species of coconut palm is Cocos nucifera, which is classified as a member of the Arecaceae family. In nature, coconuts are found on the sandy coasts of Asia, the palm tree grows up to 30 meters, so growing it indoors is problematic, but you can try growing young specimens in bright sunlight. The fruits of the coconut palm are the beloved coconuts that ripen in the crown of the tree high above the ground. Fruiting occurs at 7-9 years; the palm tree can bear tasty fruits for up to half a century.

Types of domestic palm trees for shade

Not all palm trees like full sun. There is a whole group of plants that require protection from direct sunlight to grow successfully. These palm trees in the picture look like bushes with thick leaves.

The most common type of indoor palm tree that requires keeping in the shade is chamedorea, which is easy to grow yourself from seeds. If you sow several seeds in a pot, many plants will eventually grow, and the thin-trunked palm will take on a bush-like shape. When growing one plant in a pot, chamedorea picturesquely spreads its feathery leaves, turning into a short-trunked, strong palm. After a few years, chamedorea blooms, throwing out axillary racemes. The length of the leaves can reach 40 cm.

To successfully grow chamedorea indoors, it is necessary not only to shade the palm tree from the scorching sun, but also to plant the plant in light peat soil, which must be kept evenly moist. It is imperative to spray the leaves of chamedorea - the palm tree will immediately react to the dry air, its leaves will begin to dry. Hamedorea serves as a spectacular decoration for any room; it is grown in offices and at home.

The bamboo palm loves shade.

Chrysalidocarpus is another representative for shade keeping, having a bush form. Chrysalidocarpus branching begins at the base of the plant; it produces lateral shoots in abundance, which can be used for rooting. Powerful foliage can grow up to 2 meters in length, the width of the feathery leaves reaches 50 cm. This palm tree is easy to grow in an apartment if you comply with the necessary maintenance conditions:

  • Lighting – keep it light, without direct sunlight.
  • Watering – constant soil moisture is required.
  • Moistening – spraying of leaves is required.
  • Temperature – from 20 to 25C, lowering the temperature to +16C will cause irreparable harm to the plant.

Among the palm trees, there are species that cannot be grown indoors: Ravenea Rucheynaya, Dipsis, Archontophoenix, Siagrus Romantsova. These plants require a lot of light and air, careful care, and do not grow well in rooms. It is best to choose the type of palm tree that will adapt to the conditions of a particular room, so as not to waste time and not torment the plant.