Insurance agent. Insurance business (by industry) Insurance business institutes

27.01.2022 Medicines 

Specialty 02/38/02
« Insurance business (by industry)»

Qualification: insurance specialist
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2014 N 833 "On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education in specialty 38.02.02 Insurance (by industry)"

Area of ​​professional activity of graduates:
Conclusion and support of insurance contracts for individuals and legal entities, registration and support of insurance cases (settlement of losses) on behalf of and at the expense of insurance organizations.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:
- sales process of insurance products; documents accompanying the conclusion of an insurance contract and registration of an insured event;
- internal and external reporting documents;
- insurance rules and methodological documents on insurance;
- financial flows between insurance participants;
- internal information (administrative orders, methodological recommendations for calculating insurance compensation);
- external information (regulatory framework, recommendations, changes in the insurance market).

An insurance specialist (basic training) prepares for the following types of activities:
- implementation of various retail sales technologies in insurance;
- Organization of sales of insurance products;
- Support of insurance contracts (determination of insurance value and premium);
- Registration and support of an insured event (assessment of insured damage, settlement of losses).

Preparations have been underway since 2010
Number of graduates – 59 specialists
Diplomas with honors – 4 people
Employed – 59 people
52 people continued their studies at universities

A little history

Insurance is the oldest category of socio-economic relations between people, which is an integral part of industrial relations.
The original meaning of insurance is associated with the word "fear". In particular, the expression “insurance” (insurance, safety net) is sometimes used to mean support in some business, a guarantee of success in something, etc. Currently, this term is increasingly used in the sense of a tool for protecting the property interests of individuals and legal entities.
Insurance arose 2 thousand years BC, when professional communities (shipbuilders, drivers, merchants) agreed in advance to distribute losses among themselves in the event of an attack, theft, natural disaster, etc. IN Ancient Rome Special boards appeared that collected insurance premiums, allowed them to grow at interest and paid “insurance amounts.”
In the Middle Ages, two main areas were distinguished - personal and property insurance. In Russia, only in 1827, by decree of Nicholas I, the first “private company for insuring property against fire” was created. In the 20th century, insurance developed intensively, and there was an active accumulation of insurance capital.
After the October Revolution, the insurance system again became state-owned. In 1921, the State Insurance of the RSFSR was formed, which insured Soviet citizens against various risks.
The situation in domestic insurance began to gradually change only in 1984, when a decree was issued aimed at improving State Insurance in accordance with the changes that had occurred in the state. The year 1992 can be considered the beginning of the revival of market relations in insurance. On January 29, a Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued on the transformation of municipal and state organizations into insurance partnerships and joint-stock companies. The following year, the insurance law came into effect.
Today, the development of insurance continues; more and more organizations and citizens consciously choose insurance as an effective mechanism for protecting their property and personal interests. That is why the profession of an insurance agent is very in demand and popular.
As of the beginning of 2015, 459 different companies operate in Russia.

What does an insurance agent do?
Clarifies the client’s needs, offers the necessary insurance options, explains the nuances of insurance rates, the conditions of compensation payments, concludes contracts on behalf of the insurance company and monitors their implementation.

What should an insurance specialist be like?
An insurance specialist must be sociable and master psychological techniques. Qualities such as perseverance, determination, and enterprise will help him in the constant search for potential clients. He must master the methods of persuasion and speak in order to present his service.

Salaries in the insurance industry
The salary of an insurance agent depends on the amount of the agent's commission on concluded transactions, which ranges from 10 to 30%. The average monthly income of a beginner is 20 thousand rubles. A successful insurance agent earns about 60-70 thousand rubles per month. Moreover, his maximum monthly income can reach up to 300 thousand rubles.

For an insurance agent, a career is, first of all, about income growth. Many people prefer good earnings to promotion through the ranks.

Over time, specialists acquire “their” clients, who bring in new “their” clients, and so on.

Large insurance companies suffered much less from the crisis than banks. Not only have they not cut staff, but they are constantly recruiting new employees. And like in any business, in insurance you can make a classic career: start as an insurance agent and rise to the head of the department, and maybe move on.

Speciality -"Insurance business (by industry)"

Specialty code - 38.02.02

Received qualification insurance specialist

Diploma of education– state diploma of secondary education vocational education, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Interesting subjects in the learning process: Insurance business, Accounting in insurance organizations, Legal support of professional activities, Audit of insurance organizations, Finance, money circulation and credit, Taxes and taxation, Life safety, Direct sales of insurance products, Internet sales of insurance policies.

Forms and terms of training:

Full-time based on 9 classes – 2 years 10 months

Full-time based on 11 classes – 1 year 10 months

Correspondence (distance) based on 9 classes – 3 years 10 months

Correspondence (distance) based on 11 classes – 2 years 10 months

Federal State educational standard by specialty: Download

FEC turns 25 years old

Word to the teachers

In order to improve the quality of the educational process, the College is constantly improving the methodological support of educational programs, which is represented by educational and methodological complexes of disciplines and interdisciplinary courses. Students have at their disposal all the latest methodological developments teachers of the College, containing innovative elements reflecting a modern approach to education, many of which are certified by regional methodological associations of teachers in various fields of knowledge.

Kovaleva Natalya VladimirovnaHead of the educational and methodological department of the College of Finance and Economics

A college teacher should be an example for his students in everything, including the desire and desire to learn. When you study, you develop, you don’t stand still, you keep up with the times. During the learning process, you can enrich your knowledge with new ones interesting facts, ideas that will then certainly be applied in the development of lectures, practical and independent work in order to make the learning process exciting, to create an atmosphere in the lesson when you want to learn.

Sidorova Olga AlexandrovnaTeacher at the College of Finance and Economics

Student reviews

FEC is a unique college in the city of Perm, where you can develop both professionally and personally. The college provides an opportunity to express oneself at various events, such as olympiads, conferences, competitions that take place at the regional and all-Russian level, which is a significant indicator in choosing a college. Highly qualified specialists work here who will always help you and teach you a lot. The teachers are all kind, but demanding. Compared to other colleges in Perm and Perm region It’s very comfortable to be at the FEC, everything is always new and clean, good interior.

MariaStudent majoring in Tourism

From the first days of studying in college as a PSO major, I never once had a feeling of regret or disappointment in my choice. The teachers knew how to not only present the material in an easy and accessible way, but also to interest the students. During the study of each discipline, teachers did not simply dictate lectures for notes, but gave practical examples on each issue, which was accompanied by discussion, and as a result, better assimilation of the material. In addition to the main classes, there was ample opportunity to engage in research work, accompanied by presentations at conferences at various levels. The knowledge and experience I gained helped me not only graduate from college with honors, but also successfully get a job in my field.


For friends!


Insurance is a way to compensate for losses. They tried to protect themselves from losses already in the era of the Ancient World. Among the first people who wanted to insure themselves and their property were merchants who lived around 550 BC. They traveled as part of sea and land caravans, and at any moment they could be overtaken by a shipwreck or an attack by robbers. Now many people are trying to insure their health and property, but this is especially often done by athletes and representatives of dangerous professions.

Description of activity

The activities of insurance specialists are based on concluding contracts and verifying compliance with its terms, as well as analyzing the results and improving work methods. These specialists try to expand their list of clients, in which they are often helped by various marketing techniques. Depending on the position held, an insurance specialist is involved in concluding contracts, assesses the damage caused or risks when insuring a specific person, and, in accordance with tariff rates, determines the amount of necessary cash payments.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

The job responsibilities of an insurance specialist involve constant work with documents. He must arrive on time at the place where the contract was concluded or the insured event occurred. He should carefully check how the client complied with the terms of the contract and make calculations of the necessary payments. The duties of such an employee may also include participation in legal proceedings.

Features of career growth

Such specialists work in various insurance agencies and other organizations involved in issuing insurance policies. In addition, the insurer can also be a broker, that is, sell policies not from one, but from several different insurance companies. As a rule, the level of income of such a specialist depends on the number and conditions of transactions with his clients.

To be successful in a particular economic field, you need to understand general principles its functioning and knowledge of the main functions performed. Insurance accumulates financial resources in order to effectively use them to solve the following important tasks:

  1. Compensation for damage caused by unfavorable events.
  2. Providing regular insurance assistance when a person reaches a certain age or loses his ability to work (pension provision).
  3. Providing medical care.
  4. Saving and investing accumulated funds.

Insurance can be personal or property, voluntary or compulsory. Its objects are human life and health, civil liability, property and material assets. This diversity determines the formation of relevant industries and systems of insurance activities.

Successful work as an insurance agent in each of them requires possession of a certain set of professional knowledge and skills.

Insurance is the subject of government regulation and is based on the norms of financial and civil law. In accordance with the law, insurance activities are carried out by insurance companies or societies that operate on the basis of special licenses.

These can be public or private companies operating both at the local, federal and even international level. They can specialize in providing individual insurance services or cover several segments of the insurance market.

Insurance agents are trained in courses of varying lengths or in schools created by insurance companies. Training can be full-time or part-time. The educational process uses modern teaching technologies. It includes trainings and business games. Virtual classes, webinars, and educational videos are widely used.


The profession of insurance agent is included in the “All-Russian Classification of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes.” An agent hired under an employment contract is paid wage for performing functional duties.

Insurance agents work for insurance companies and can have different specializations:

  • personal insurance (life, health, various life events);
  • property insurance;
  • liability Insurance;
  • business risk insurance.

Profession insurance agent

Speaking about the advantages of being an insurance agent, first of all, it is necessary to note a flexible work schedule. Thanks to this, a specialist can independently plan his working day and workload.

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At the same time, frequent communication with people develops in a specialist everything that is necessary for socialization in society: psychological stability, non-conflict, the ability to communicate, and build relationships.

One cannot fail to mention such an advantage of this profession as accessibility. The fact is that despite the extensive knowledge that a specialist must have, almost everyone can master all the intricacies of the insurance business. And for this it is not at all necessary to have higher education. There would be a desire and effort for self-development and self-education.

And of course, this work can be considered not only interesting, but also useful. After all, insurance agents are approached mainly by those people who have something to insure (that is, wealthy people). And these are, as a rule, influential or famous people, familiarization with which can be very useful.

The main disadvantage of being an insurance agent is the instability of earnings. The fact is that the income of such a specialist is directly related to the number of contracts he has concluded. Therefore, to earn a living, an insurance agent has to “sweat.”

In the course of their professional activities, insurance agents have to face conflict situations that can cause stress and depression. In addition, from the constant desire to find as many clients as possible, irritability and pragmatism develop, which can have a negative impact on the attitude towards people in general.

But the most important disadvantage of this profession is that at the very beginning of his career, an insurance agent cannot count on high profits, even if he spends 24 hours searching for clients. The specificity of this work is such that a sufficient level of knowledge and skills can only be acquired through experience, and this means more than one day of practically free work.

Getting a job as an insurance agent is both easy and difficult. Finding and enrolling in special courses on the basis of which insurance agents are trained, and listening to the theoretical part of the training is not a problem. But not everyone is capable of mastering practical classes. Because of this, many of those who wanted to get this profession were never able to do so.

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Responsibilities of an insurance agent

They are in many ways similar to the responsibilities of a sales manager, as they involve selling services. The duties of an insurance agent are:

  • active sales (search for clients, telephone and personal negotiations, conclusion of contracts);
  • maintaining the existing client base (renewal and expansion of insurance agreements);
  • consultations on the features of various types of insurance;
  • maintaining document flow (contracts, invoices, acts, etc.);
  • resolving issues regarding damage assessment and insurance payments;
  • analysis of the causes of contract violations and taking measures to eliminate them.

The functions of an insurance agent may also include:

  • preparation of statistical reporting - weekly, monthly, annual;
  • collection of insurance payments.

What you need to know and be able to do

A successful insurance company agent is, first of all, a competent specialist who has comprehensive knowledge about the insurance product being promoted and the methods of insurance protection. But when working with clients, requirements for personal qualities come to the fore.

The most important thing is the ability to build trusting contact with a potential policyholder. The client must trust the company and to a large extent this depends on its representative.

The agent must demonstrate goodwill and attention, have a disposition appearance, show patience and willingness to resolve conflict situations.

Equally important qualities are planning skills, desire to learn, perseverance and energy. And for work to bring material and moral satisfaction, you must have an interest in insurance as a profession and a desire to work and earn money.

Where to begin

So, after getting an initial understanding of the insurance agent profession, assessing the pros and cons, the question is “how to become an insurance agent?” gained the power necessary to bring it to life.

To begin with, it is advisable to decide on the choice of the company in which you would like to work. It would be wise for a beginner to contact organizations that have a long-standing positive reputation in the insurance market and provide the opportunity to receive initial training.

Salaries: how much does an Insurance Agent earn *

Beginning: 20000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 30000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 50000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salaries in a specific region or company may differ from those shown. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in your chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only to what vacancies are offered to you on the labor market.

Demand for the profession

Today, many areas of life are subject to compulsory insurance, which means insurance agents are needed.

Who is the profession suitable for?

For sociable people with persuasion skills. It is also important to understand legal procedures.


You can rise up the career ladder to department manager and higher. Depends on your effort.


  • Active search and attraction of clients
  • Assisting clients in selecting insurance programs
  • Formation of a client base - client consultations and annual renewal of contracts
  • Conducting negotiations with clients, both on the territory of the agency and on the territory of clients
  • Registration of insurance policies, conclusion of contracts* Regular training and reporting

As a rule, the company itself provides the customer base. But no one will mind if you come up with search methods yourself.

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