Can people turn into animals? The mystery of the transformation of people into animals. How to learn to understand animals: potion

06.05.2022 Operations

1. Werewolf in the mythologies of the world

And Zeus said in a thunderous voice: “From now on, you will forever turn into a wolf. A wolf among wolves. This will be your punishment. Death would be too insignificant a punishment for you!” Zeus's words were addressed to Lycaon, the Arcadian king, tyrant and atheist, who, in order to laugh at Zeus, fed him a dish of human flesh. The roast was prepared from the body of a seven-year-old son who was personally killed. This is the ancient Greek legend about the emergence of werewolves. But in antiquity, the wolf was not at all a symbol of evil, which it later became in Christian teaching. Romulus and Remus, fed by a she-wolf, became the founders of Rome. And the Capitoline Wolf in Italy is still revered as an image of selfless motherhood. Also, the faithful wolves Jerry and Frekki have always been the companions of Odin, the Great God of northern mythology. The qualities of a wolf evoke a certain charm in a person. His speed, mobility, cruelty, courage, absolutely fine hearing, as well as prudence, courage and a penchant for family life. The image of a wolf served as the basis for the creation of numerous European legends about werewolves. During the Inquisition, the wolf, as a “competitor” of man, became an image of evil. The werewolf trials were - like the witch trials - a terrible farce! The verdict was considered de facto almost always from the beginning of the trial. The accused, who did not admit his guilt, was tortured until he gave the expected answers to the court. “The evidence” was the defendant’s confession of receiving gifts from Satan (the ointment of transformation into a werewolf). It was in the Middle Ages that the wildest stories about werewolves circulated. Under torture, people slandered themselves and their loved ones as the church wanted. The first werewolf trial took place in 1521, followed by numerous others. Thus, in 1541, a peasant accused of murder claimed that he was a werewolf and that a wolf's skin was hidden inside his body. The judges, to verify the claim, ordered his arms and legs to be cut off. Nothing was found, an acquittal was pronounced, but the peasant had already died from loss of blood. In France alone, between 1520 and 1630, the Inquisition “identified” more than 30 thousand werewolves. Most of them were executed.
2. Lycanthropy
"...the trouble begins with an animal bite. After a long time, the first symptoms appear in the victim: the unfortunate ones are afraid of daylight, also of immersion in water and begin to fight like mad, bite and spin. On their actually motionless faces, muscle spasms retract their lips and expose their tongue and teeth, foam comes out of the mouth, and terrible, guttural sounds are uttered by these tortured creatures,” is how the physician Joseph Claudius Rougemont described in 1798 the behavior of patients with “Hundswuth” - today known as “Lykanthropie” - lycanthropy.
The term “lycanthropy” has Greek roots: “lycos” - “wolf” and “anthropos” - “man”. Today it is officially used in psychiatry to refer to a form of insanity in which a person imagines himself to be an animal. In psychiatry, there are numerous examples of lycanthropy, cases of people who feel like supposed wolves, cats, dogs, etc. A classic example is the case of a Japanese girl in 1921 in the Austrian town of Wiesenschaft. The girl became obsessed with the image of the fox, then her behavior began to completely correspond to the behavior of the fox. Children born with the disease showed signs of wolf lycanthropy.
Previously, science completely rejected the possibility of the existence of lycanthrope werewolves. However, then the views of medicine changed significantly - it recognizes the fact of the existence of werewolves, understanding as such not only people suffering from mental disorders, but also recognizing scientifically proven facts purely physical properties. In Guadalajara, Mexico, there is a biomedical research center dedicated to the problems of lycanthropy. Dr. Lewis Figuera has been studying the Mexican Asievo family (more than 30 people) for many years. All of them suffer from a rare genetic disease that is inherited and causes a strong change in human appearance. The surface of their body, including the face, palms and feet, is covered with thick hair (even on women). Some family members have thicker fur than others. Their posture, voice and facial expressions also showed noticeable deviations from the norm.
According to Dr. Figuera, this disease is caused by a genetic mutation that is inherited (Asievo has been performing only intra-family marriages for many years) through the X chromosomes of the parents. During the research, it was found that this mutation arose among members of this family back in the Middle Ages, but until recently it did not manifest itself in any way.
Now the Asievo family lives in the mountain town of Zacatecas in northern Mexico. Local residents treat them with hostility, like lepers. Doctors from the biomedical research center cannot cure this disease, which they call “lycanthropy syndrome.” But sooner or later they will be able to isolate the lycanthropy gene and give future descendants of the Asievo family a full life.
There are three ways to become a lycanthrope - through magic (a curse), from the bite of another werewolf, or by birth (hereditary transmission of lycanthropy).
A magical transformation into a wolf most often occurs at the will of the sorcerer (witch, shaman) himself, who casts a transformation spell on himself (less often on others). Such treatment is temporary (for example, the Scandinavian god Loki and the Limikkin sorcerers from the Navajo tribe of American Indians were able to transform into any animal by putting its skin on themselves) and is not inherited.
Similar in essence, but opposite in intent, is the acquisition of the appearance of a wolf as a result of a curse: the punishment of the gods or the spell of evil wizards. It is permanent or, at least, difficult to overcome and, unlike magical transformation, significantly worsens the life of a lycanthrope.

3. Signs of werewolves
Like real wolves, werewolves can remain alone for many years. However, the desire to join the pack often forces them to leave their secret refuge for a while. Then the werewolf usually confesses his essence to a priest or tells a close friend. Sometimes he can turn another person into a werewolf so that he can become his companion. It is at such moments that the always cautious and prudent werewolf allows himself to be discovered.
A werewolf pack usually consists of a werewolf who has become one through magic, birth, or a curse - that is, he is a primordial cursed blood. Such a werewolf is called an Alpha. The remaining members of this pack are called Beta werewolves because they were bitten by an Alpha werewolf and carry his cursed blood.
The relationship between the Alpha and Beta werewolves is quite complex. If a person becomes bitten by a werewolf, his or her life is doomed to damnation. However, the victim, unless she tastes human blood, still has hope of salvation, that is, the curse can be lifted. If an Alpha Werewolf is killed by a Beta, the Beta Werewolf's curse is lifted. It must be remembered that regardless of whether the Beta Werewolf was bitten by another Beta Werewolf or an Alpha Werewolf, to remove the curse, you must kill the Alpha Werewolf - the source of the cursed blood. Interesting note: due to the fact that Alpha and Beta share the same blood, an Alpha cannot physically harm a Beta werewolf of his bloodline, because at the same time he would cause the same harm to himself. But if the Beta Werewolf is killed or injured by someone else, the Alpha Werewolf will not be harmed.
When hunting a werewolf, you must first pay attention to the personality of the alleged werewolf. The transformation into a werewolf occurs secretly, indirectly, and the person hides it in every possible way. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to such signs in behavior as increased impulsiveness, aggression, desire for violence, causeless rage, insomnia, anxiety and other signs of unusual behavior. Unfortunately, these signs can be controlled over time, so you can't rely on them alone.
There are several characteristics of werewolves that allow them to be distinguished by their degree of danger. After all, in the end, what is of greatest practical interest to us is precisely how much we should fear a werewolf and how we can kill him if murder is the only way to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Characteristics mostly relate to the consciousness of the werewolf or lycanthrope, his inner self.

1. “Wolf” - when transforming into a wolf, a person practically loses his human mind and acquires the consciousness of a wolf. That is, he becomes much more of a wolf than a man. It does not aim to kill victims for the sake of killing, but is capable, for example, of pouncing on a small child and eating it if it is hungry enough. Since a werewolf is not one hundred percent a wolf, he can sometimes perform unconscious, uncontrollable actions. For example, the noise of a big city can somehow awaken his predatory instincts and then he begins to commit murders one after another. But most likely, such a werewolf will simply run away into the nearest forest.
An interesting fact characterizing the “territorial” instincts of a wolf is that if the transformation takes place in the werewolf’s own house or apartment, and if he still retains partial memories of his human life, the werewolf will guard his home, just as a wolf guards his territory. If the transformation occurs in another place, the werewolf becomes extremely cautious, realizing that the place on which he stands may belong to another wolf.
The question of what part of human memory is retained in the memory of a werewolf during transformation does not have a clear answer. The "wolf consciousness" type of werewolf may include subtypes such as:
“unmemorable” (having turned into a wolf, the werewolf does not remember anything from his human life);
“vague memories” (the wolf feels safer in the house where he lives as a human, and also subconsciously feels family ties with close people);
"all memory" (all human memories are retained, but are interpreted by the consciousness of the wolf).

2. "Demon" - when transforming into a wolf, the werewolf completely loses any control over his hidden desires. Internal restraining motives completely disappear, and the werewolf turns into a “wandering demon,” committing cruel and terrible murders out of feelings of revenge, hatred, and resentment. In this case, the reason can be completely trivial: a werewolf kills his spouse because he (she) lies, or his children because they cry loudly, or his parents, who often punished them in childhood. After this, having turned back into a human, the werewolf may not remember what happened to him. This is very dangerous look a lycanthrope, much more dangerous than a man or a wolf. He - typical representative Hollywood horror films.

3. “Super” is a lycanthrope who, after transformation, completely retains the human mind and thinking. The least dangerous type of werewolf for humans (provided, of course, that its behavior in a human shell is considered normal).
Here are the main criteria for classifying werewolves. It should be noted that very rarely a werewolf or lycanthrope belongs, according to their characteristics, only to a certain group. Very often the signs are mixed, and even if, for example, a “super” werewolf turns into a wolf and thinks like a human, the realization that he is in the body of a wolf and not a human can affect his psyche.

Here we will talk about transformation, or the transformation of a person into an animal. IN English language This process is usually called shifting or shapeshifting - “transformation” (literally: “change [of shape]”). Russian word“transformation” is less formal and evokes slightly different associations, more suitable to fairy tales and magic. Other English word-therianthropy (therianthropy) - refers directly to the change of the human body into the body of an animal.
Some researchers divide therianthropy into physical and spiritual. In the latter case, a person, while maintaining a human shell, changes his way of thinking from human to animal, and begins to think like an animal. Each person personifies some kind of animal, the signs of which, as he believes, are inherent in himself. For example, someone feels a wolf and a jaguar in themselves, another subconsciously strives to live in a pack or, conversely, to hunt alone.

People are animals created by Nature. During the development of civilization, man sought to free himself from all animal characteristics, as a result of which he expelled almost all natural instincts from himself. However, there are people who feel these instincts of the beast within themselves and can develop them if they wish. This development occurs through dreams, spiritual communication with others like oneself, or through totems. Thanks to this, they are able, while in human form and thinking like a person, to use developed animal instincts, such as speed, reaction, increased sensitivity in perception environment, agility strength.

Totems are animals that the best way reflect the character of a particular person. The uses of totems vary. This is especially noticeable when studying ancient cultures and shamanic customs, when some shamans pay great attention to the figures and colors of animal totems, while others ignore them.
There are two types of totems: internal (central) (the one that determines the essence of a person) and external (spirits that help a person and guide him through life).

An internal totem is an animal whose habits and lifestyle suit you best. Some people compare themselves to a wolf, or a jaguar, or even a bear.

The external totem guides you through life, like a guardian angel, and manifests itself in different ways, depending on what traditions you adhere to.

Transformation ordinary person the monster almost always occurs during a full moon. Moonlight has an effect that cannot be explained from the point of view of materialistic science, and the ability of moon rays to dull blades remains an interesting and incomprehensible curiosity. Already in the notes of ancient Greek historians one can find many references to the transformation of people into animals. This description boils down to the following. The process begins with the fact that a person affected by the werewolf disease very quickly changes in appearance: the arms begin to swell and lengthen, like those of patients with leprosy, the skin of the face and limbs becomes coarser and blurred. Soon shoes begin to interfere with your feet, your toes become crooked and tenacious. The unfortunate man's mind becomes darkened: he feels uncomfortable, cramped in the house, and wants to escape outside. Then a complete clouding of consciousness occurs, the tongue refuses to obey, and instead of articulate speech, guttural muttering is heard. In this phase, the werewolf is completely overwhelmed by the thirst for blood, suppressing all other feelings. Howling at the moon, the man-beast runs off into the night, killing everyone in his path. Having satisfied his bloodthirstiness, the werewolf falls to the ground and falls asleep, again acquiring a human appearance in the morning.

Many people have heard that there is a special type of magician who can bend animals to their will. Some people are interested in how to become an animal magician in real life, and whether this is possible at home. As you know, nothing is impossible, so if you really want to, you can become a magician in real life.

Animal magicians. Who are they?

Animal magicians are people who not only understand animals well, but can also command them. This is not easy to learn, but it is possible. First you need to learn to understand animals, and constantly develop your magical abilities, and then move on to testing magic on representatives of the animal world.

How to learn to understand animals using magic?

To do this, first you need to get a pet, which will act as a “guinea pig”.

The behavior of the animal must be regularly observed. The tail serves as an indicator of the animal's mood. If the dog is happy, then he merrily twists it in all directions, if he is scared, then he presses it. For cats, the interpretation of tail movements is slightly different. When a cat is irritated, it begins to wag its tail; if only the tip of the tail moves, the cat is in a playful mood.

In addition to the basic truths of animal behavior, you can turn to magic for help. There is one potion that will help you understand our smaller brothers.

How to learn to understand animals: potion

To prepare the potion you will need:

  • dandelion flowers;
  • rose petals;
  • oregano;
  • juice of one lemons.

Take 50 grams of all ingredients. You need to brew the potion over a fire. Pour the herbs into a cauldron, add 2 liters of water and put on fire. When the water boils, squeeze out the lemon juice and read the spells:

“I’m brewing a potion, I want to become a magician. I wish you to understand the language of animals and learn to command them. The animals will stand in front of me, listen to me and carry out my orders. Soon a thousand doors will open before me, and I will become a magician of animals!

After boiling, cook the potion for about an hour. Then cool it and strain. The resulting decoction should be drunk every day in the morning on an empty stomach, three sips. Drink as many days as there is decoction.

A week after you drink the magic potion, your supernatural abilities will awaken and you will begin to understand animals.

To learn how to command animals, you will have to perform another ritual.

Early in the morning in windy weather, go out into an open field and, spreading your arms wide to the sides, shout:

“Wind-wind, spread the news to all the animals in the world: a new magician has appeared who will control and command them. Let the animals grovel before me and obey me in everything. As I said, so it will be! My word is strong, my deed is moldable!”

When you come home after the ritual, you can test your magical powers on your pets. Don’t think that everything will change in an instant and the animals will start listening to you in everything. This will take time, but the process has already begun.

Every day, conduct classes with your pet and hone your skills. When you feel that he is listening to you, start testing your magical abilities on other animals. For example, on stray dogs. Over time, you will be able to control even predatory animals. The main thing is regular training.


    • . In other words, a horoscope is an astrological chart drawn up taking into account place and time, taking into account the position of the planets relative to the horizon. To construct an individual natal horoscope, it is necessary to know with maximum accuracy the time and place of birth of a person. This is required in order to find out how the celestial bodies were located at a given time and place. The ecliptic in the horoscope is depicted as a circle divided into 12 sectors (zodiac signs. By turning to natal astrology, you can better understand yourself and others. A horoscope is a tool of self-knowledge. With its help, you can not only explore your own potential, but also understand relationships with others and even make some important decisions.">Horoscope127
  • . With their help, they find out the answers to specific questions and predict the future. You can find out the future using dominoes; this is one of the very rare types of fortune telling. They tell fortunes using tea and coffee grounds, palms, and the Chinese Book of Changes. Each of these methods is aimed at predicting the future. If you want to know what awaits you in the near future, choose the fortune telling that you like best. But remember: whatever events are predicted for you, accept them not as an immutable truth, but as a warning. Using fortune telling, you predict your fate, but with some effort, you can change it.">Fortune telling65

Thus, an amateur magician (if a magician can be an amateur!) is unlikely to be able to become, for example, a bird, that is, significantly reduce the size of his body, acquire down and feathers, spread his wings and fly. However, every magician has the ability to partially transform into animals and birds at the metal level.

This is how sorcerers from Central America carry out their mental transformations. First of all, the sorcerer takes off his clothes, since birds do not have clothes, then he stands in the center of a magic circle outlined on the ground, since birds live in the center of the world ring. Next, the sorcerer applies magical signs to his body in a certain sequence. One of the important components of the ritual is a magical potion that the sorcerer takes orally. The chemical composition of the drug is a very strong psychostimulant.

In general, American sorcerers are very reluctant to reveal their secrets. According to the descriptions of Europeans who experienced the effects of this ritual, a person really experiences extraordinary sensations. His vision changes, he begins to see his surroundings like a bird, and is able to “turn his head” in a circle that significantly exceeds human capabilities. The body becomes small, light, almost weightless. With a strong movement of the hands, the “bird” soars into the sky. The most interesting thing about the ritual of transformation is that, according to documentary data, neophytes of Indian occultism made long “travels” and described real people, objects, details of landscapes that were at a great distance from their physical body. Thus, the ritual of transformation has not only initiatory, but also practical significance: with its help, the magician is able to learn about events occurring very far away, while remaining completely invisible to people.

Our ancestors practiced transforming into animals and birds. Evidence of this may be folk tales Slavs Sorcerers could easily transform into a wolf, falcon or hawk, hare, etc. The use of magical potions was also obligatory.

It is impossible to say with certainty whether modern magicians practice the ritual of transformation, since this constitutes their “professional” secret. But independent practice in this vein can hardly be recommended to an amateur, since psychostimulants used during the ritual, depending on their chemical composition, can cause persistent addiction, and their overdose can lead to death.

Skeptical scientists believe that the whole essence of the ritual of transformation lies in the action of psychostimulants, allowing a person to “see” many unusual things. However, the sorcerers of the so-called “archaic” peoples extremely steadfastly adhered to their ancient traditions, which allows us to assume some kind of over-physical value of the ritual of transformation.

In many phenomena of modern reality, the Talmudic attitude towards man as an animal is clearly visible. Talmudism and Kabbalism are the secret ideological basis of the “new world order.”

From a spiritual point of view, the NWO is nothing more than a global project to distort the very nature of man. At the heart of this destructive activity is the desire to deprive the human person of his sacred godlikeness, to turn man into a beast.

Today, believers who oppose the electronic codification of people are often told: “Excuse me, what does this purely technical and formal operation of assigning TIN and personal codes have to do with religion, the spiritual and moral sphere?” The attitude becomes clear if we reveal the spiritual meaning of the “operation”.

Then it is revealed that the question of personal codes and “the latest computer technologies for personal identification” touches on the very depths of the Orthodox teaching about man, about his God-likeness and God-given freedom.

Assigning a person a lifelong and irreplaceable identification number is the replacement of a proper name with a number, a verbal name with a wordless, numerical “name”.

All this speaks of depersonalization. “A name,” wrote the great Russian philosopher A.F. Losev, “suggests one person or another. We can talk about a word in relation to any subject; about a name - only in relation to either a person or a personal object in general.”

A verbal name is borne by a verbal, rational-personal being, and a wordless “name” shows that its bearer is also wordless. A name is given to the soul and a number is assigned to the body.

The name indicates the inner person, the “I,” and the digital code indicates the outer person, “mine.” This means that those who introduce this system of digital depersonalization want all people to forget about their high human dignity, about their inner man and to be all external, carnal, spiritually dead.

They want a person to be reduced to his flesh, limited only to the external, visible, and to appear to others not as a person, but as a soulless object. After all, if a person is considered as the bearer of a personal, personal name, and is addressed by this name, then this indicates the recognition of a separate and unique personality in him, and if a person is considered the bearer of a number identifying him and is addressed by his number, it means that the person is in it is denied.

That is why in the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse the numerical name is called “animal” (see Slavic text). Bestial means depersonalizing, depriving a person of God-given freedom and the god-like dignity of his immortal personality, turning him into a bestial creature, into a beast.

The loss of a name is metaphysically connected with the loss of personality, that is, with the spiritual brutalization of a person. Therefore, it would be a great spiritual mistake to consider such a phenomenon as assigning numerical names to people in itself, and not in the broadest context of the modern “animal” era. Hence the most important question is:


There is no doubt that the very idea of ​​​​replacing the God-given personal names of people with impersonal, dead numbers belongs to the enemy of the human race, the devil, whom the Apocalypse calls the “great dragon” (beast). It is not without reason that in the church tradition, animal images (dragon, serpent, goat, wolf, dog, etc.) or individual signs of animal nature (horns, hooves, tail, fur, fangs, claws, etc.) are used to designate Satan and other fallen spirits.

Many pagan deities had the appearance of animals, and we know that pagan idols are demons.

People possessed by unclean spirits often behave like animals; they can bark, howl, growl, meow, etc. This phenomenon, firstly, indicates the presence of spiritual “beasts” in them - demons, and secondly, speaks of the desire of fallen spirits to turn a person into a beast.

Satan's desire to dehumanize man is most clearly manifested in the conscious servants of evil. In the book “Red Easter,” which tells about the three Optina new martyrs killed by a Satanist on Easter 1993, we read: “The first to the fallen Fr. Twelve-year-old Natasha Popova ran up to Vasily.

The girl's vision was good, but she saw the incredible - oh. Vasily fell, and a black terrible beast darted away from him and, running up the nearby woodpile ladder, jumped over the wall, disappearing from the monastery. While escaping, the killer threw off the pilgrim's overcoat, and a little later shaved off his beard - the masquerade was no longer needed. “Father,” the girl later asked the elder, “why did I see a beast instead of a man?” “But what an animal, satanic power,” the elder answered, “so the soul saw it.”

Satan is the first to renounce the life of his personality, and seeks to depersonalize everyone else. After falling away from God, Lucifer turned from a luminous angel into an impersonal and cold mind, into a spiritual beast, alien to love and sympathy. All the angels who followed him became the same, becoming dark demons.

In the absurdity of their fight against God, they chose eternal death and, out of envy, wish the same fate for all other persons created by God. They hate not only God, people and bright angels, but also each other (for the proud cannot love), and they are united only by anger and fear of inevitable retribution. They look at people aloofly, in an animalistic way, as if they were inanimate objects, while God sees in every person a personality, a reflection of Himself in His creation.

Now we need to answer the following question:


The depersonalizing effect is characteristic of both false religious and all generally non-Christian ideologies and teachings - philosophical, political, social, psychological.

According to the thought of the Monk Justin (Popovich), all teachings can be divided into two types: teachings from Christ and teachings from the Antichrist, i.e. anti-Christian teachings. In other words, all teachings are divided into those that create a god-like personality in man, and those that destroy it.

Many of the depersonalizing teachings and worldview systems were either invented by Zionomasonry or adopted by it. These include, for example, Darwinism (according to which man descended from apes and has no other goal than to survive), Malthusianism (preaching an attitude towards people as livestock, the number of which must be regulated, preventing the existence of “extra population” ” and Marxism.

The godless worldview of Marxism, invented by the Jewish Freemasons, imposed on people the idea of ​​the exclusive materiality of human nature, identifying man with his body and equating him to animals. Man, the image of God, was reduced by the Satanist Marx and Darwin to the position of a slave of the stomach and a descendant of the animal. (Freud later continued this work of two satanic giants, reducing man mainly to sexual desire and the instinct of aggressiveness).

“Together with the Jews, managing all socialist movements,” A. S. Shmakov wrote in 1906 in the book “Freedom and the Jews,” “the Masons use this terrible weapon as a means of never before unprecedented tyranny, as a way to bring modern society into a bestial state.” "

The misanthrope Lev (Leiba) Trotsky (Bronstein), the second person in the Bolshevik government, directly stated: “... We will shed such streams of blood, before which all the human losses of capitalist wars will shudder and turn pale. The largest (Jewish - author) bankers from overseas will work in close contact with us.

If we win the revolution, crush Russia, then on its ruins we will strengthen the power of Zionism and become such a force before which the whole world will kneel... Through terror, bloodbaths, we will bring the Russian intelligentsia to complete stupor, to idiocy, to a bestial state.” Creating the so-called labor armies, Trotsky wrote: “Industriousness is not at all an innate trait: it is created by economic pressure and public education. We can say that man is a rather lazy animal.”

The Bolsheviks proclaimed the division of the people into “people” and “non-humans” - “expropriators”, “rich people”, “enemies of the revolution”, “enemies of the working people”. The destruction of “non-humans” was not considered a sin; no moral standards should apply to them. In 1918, Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', sent a message to the Bolshevik Council of People's Commissars, which contained the following words: “Yes, we are going through a terrible time of your rule, and for a long time it will not be erased from the people’s soul, darkening the image of God in it and imprinting with her is the image of the beast.”

Destroyed from within and spiritually dead, the atheists and sons of the devil sow death and destruction around themselves. Following their “father,” they, who themselves have become non-humans, consider all people to be a herd of humanoid cattle. And here the following question would be appropriate:


It is obvious that such an attitude towards people has its direct source in the inhuman (more precisely, anti-human) ideology of Talmudism. The Talmud does not consider us human. For him, we are something like “biological waste.”

According to the Talmud, “only Jews are people, while other peoples have the properties of beasts and come from animals,” “non-Jews are animals,” “the souls of non-Jews come from an unclean spirit.” All Christians and non-Jews in general are “goyim” who have no marriage, no property, no soul, like animals. “Gentiles” in the Talmud are sometimes called dogs, sometimes donkeys, sometimes pigs.

The Talmud is the aggressive law of murderous maniacs. According to the Talmud, the Old Testament laws, commandments and regulations do not apply at all to the “goyim” and especially the “Akum” (Christians). The Talmud sets out in detail the principles and rules according to which the “goyim” must be pushed back in every possible way, robbed, enslaved, and killed physically and spiritually.

The secret essence of Talmudic ideology is hatred of God-created human nature. From this hatred stem the secret programs of the thousand-year war between Jews and humanity, aimed at the Jews seizing all power over the world.

This secret was fully revealed in the early nine hundred years of the twentieth century, when S. A. Nilus published “Protocols of the Meetings of the Elders of Zion.” “We need to undermine faith, tear out the very principle of Divinity and Spirit from the minds of the goyim and replace everything with arithmetic calculations and material needs,” the “Elders of Zion” declared their task (protocol No. 11).

“The purely animal mind of the goyim is incapable of analysis and observation, and thereby of foresight; in this difference in the ability of thinking between the goyim and ours, one can clearly see the stamp of chosenness and humanity, in contrast to the instinctive, animal mind of the goyim” (protocol No. 15).

And now the anti-Christian “new world order” offers humanity a truly bestial existence. The American economist, prominent public and political figure Lyndon LaRouche, who devoted many years of his life to the fight against the global financial oligarchy, says this: “To change the mentality, supporters of the world government launched the anti-Christian ideology of the “New Age” to the masses. It denies that man is created in the image and likeness of God, and instead introduces into the mass consciousness the idea of ​​man as a depraved animal.

That is why the so-called rock-sex-drag culture was launched into the masses. That is why, inspired by the example of the Roman Empire, the builders of the new utopia began to support and promote homosexuality and other sexual perversions. They are accustomed to treating people like brainless cattle that obediently wander wherever they take it. Therefore, the ruling world oligarchy, on the one hand, is not interested in population growth, and on the other hand, it invents various means of making people stupid. That is why low-grade mass culture is being introduced everywhere.”

The widespread imposition of primitive “mass culture”, the ideology of consumerism, advertising, rock and pop music, the destruction of the family, the cult of animal pleasures, propaganda of fornication, abortion, contraception, sodomy and other perversions, direct and hidden propaganda of drugs and Satanism, universal vaccination, genetically modified products, dietary supplements, the introduction of virtual reality, depersonalizing numbering of people and the introduction of “the latest biotechnologies”, the organization of wars and “controlled” local armed conflicts, crises, the introduction of the myth of “international terrorism” into the mass consciousness, the concentration of world power in the hands of “ethnically homogeneous” elite - all these are not random, isolated episodes, but a purposeful, consistent policy to transform humanity into a manageable herd, bringing it to a state of final spiritual bestiality.


In all of these and in many other phenomena of modern reality and in the very ideology of the “new world order,” the Talmudic attitude towards man as an animal is clearly visible. Talmudism and Kabbalism are the secret ideological basis of the Antichrist “new world order.”

The “New World Order,” from a spiritual point of view, is a war against human nature. The basis for this destructive activity is the principle of “CHANGE,” i.e., the transformation of a person into a beast.

Purposefully, systematically, and irreversibly, everything is destroyed (and we know that the first and main destroyer is the devil) - from the genotype of a person and his environment to the mentality and consciousness of people, traditional, natural and habitual stereotypes of behavior.

The goal of the atheists is to erase the image of God in a person, to abuse him, to depersonalize a person. The main blow of the “mystery of lawlessness” has always been directed at the individual, at the individual.

“We put them (“the goyim.” - Author) on the dream of the absorption of human individuality into a symbolic unit of collectivism,” says the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” “They have not yet figured out and will not understand the idea that this hobby is a clear violation of the most important law of nature, which, from the very creation of the world, created a unit unlike others, precisely for the purpose of individuality” (protocol No. 15).

The “New World Order”, now organized by the World Zion and Freemasonry, is the practical implementation of the secret aspirations of the religion of Talmudic Judaism.

Modern Judaism is not just one of the religions of one of the peoples of the earth. The goal of Talmudic Judaism is world domination, and all its activities are aimed at achieving this domination. And here we must understand that the achievement of world domination by Talmudic Judaism is necessarily connected with the reduction of peoples to a bestial state, with the destruction of human nature in people.

Zionists and Freemasons need a worldwide political power, and their master, Satan, needs the final brutalization of humanity. Here we can talk about the existence of some kind of “mutually beneficial” agreement: “I help you achieve world power, and you carry out my plans to dehumanize man.” Reducing peoples to a bestial state makes possible the world domination of a limited group of people.

The book “Spiritual Conversations and Instructions of Elder Anthony” (Part 1) directly states that in order to finally prepare the coming of the Antichrist, the servants of darkness need not only the concentration of world power, but also the “necessary “brutality” of humanity.”

The Monk Nile the Myrrh-Streaming spoke about the destruction of human nature as the goal of the Antichrist and his servants:

“After the murder of Enoch and Elijah, the Antichrist will release his most wicked children. These children, or spirits of evil, are: adultery, fornication, sodomy, murder, embezzlement, theft, untruth, lies, torture, selling and buying people, buying boys and girls to play with them like dogs in the streets. And the Antichrist will command the evil spirits, obedient to him, to bring people to the point where people would do ten times more evil than before.

His most wicked children will fulfill this disastrous command and rush to destroy human nature with a variety of iniquities. From the increased tension and extreme energy of his most evil children, the human nature in people will perish sensually and mentally... The Antichrist will see that human nature has become more crafty and vain than his most evil children, he will greatly rejoice that evil in humanity has increased, human natural properties have been lost and people have become more crafty than demons.”

Now let us dwell in a little more detail on just some of the phenomena of modern life and try to show their general Talmudic-Kabbalistic orientation towards the destruction of the human personality and reducing people to a bestial state.

. Consumerism

Today the “religion of things” serves the purpose of turning people into dumb animals. This is done so that a person dissolves in things with all his soul, and the freedom of choice between good and evil cannot occur to him. Things displace a person's soul. Things become different, but people become the same. The powerful advertising industry forces a modern person to acquire more and more new items, subordinating his entire life to the thirst for acquisition.

Everything that makes up a person’s intellectual and spiritual life becomes an object of consumption, a commodity, and the person himself has become a commodity. How can one not recall the prophecy of the Apocalypse that in the new Babylon (i.e. in modern Western society) “both the bodies and souls of men” will become a commodity (Rev. 18:13).

For example, it is no secret that modern slave traders from Russia are actively exporting “living goods” (this term has already become familiar) abroad: Russian girls are taken out to replenish dens, children are sold to America and other countries under the guise of adoption by foreigners. It is also known about trafficking in human organs, when medical workers deliberately do not take measures to possibly prolong the life of seriously ill patients (for example, those hit by a car) in order to remove their organs for transplantation, and when organs are removed from people who are still alive for transplantation to wealthy clients.

. Drugs and the “drug environment”

This is another front in the war against the individual. All more people They are looking for oblivion and dissolution of their personality in the illusory drug world. Former British employee intelligence services dr. John Coleman, in his documentary book “The Committee of 300,” dedicated to revealing the secrets of the World Government, shows that drugs in the hands of the “world elite” are a powerful weapon for dulling people and controlling the masses.

Especially when using the “future shocks” method. This method involves a series of events (and the world is now full of them), which replace each other so rapidly that the human brain is unable to analyze information, since consciousness has limits of comprehension. After continuous shocks, the target population reaches a point where its members are no longer willing to make meaningful choices in rapidly changing circumstances.

They are overcome by apathy, which is often preceded by senseless violence. Such a group becomes easily manageable. A breakdown of the psyche occurs, and this is where they resort to drug use as a means of avoiding choice. Moreover, “future shocks” are part of a program called “Changing the Image of Man” (a report with that title was prepared for the Reagan administration in 1981).

John Coleman says that a certain “narcotic environment” has been created for humans. “The environment of our lifestyle is poisoned,” he writes, “our thinking is poisoned. Our ability to control our own destiny is poisoned. We are faced with changes that have poisoned our thinking to such an extent that we do not know what to do at all... In addition to total computerization, we have been subjected to almost total brainwashing - we are completely devoid of the ability to resist the imposed changes.

All this means creating another “environment,” identity control, also known as personal information control, without which governments cannot play their games.” As John Coleman states: “All of this is the result of a deliberate strategy, developed by the “new sciences” and “social engineers”, which targets where we are most vulnerable - our self-image, the way we perceive ourselves. This processing of consciousness leads to the fact that we become like a flock of sheep that are being led to slaughter... We are manipulated by malicious people, and we have no idea about it.”

. Television and other media

Modern television and other media are perhaps the most powerful means of introducing the ideology of the Antichrist “new world order” into people’s consciousness. The modern information environment, built on anti-spiritual principles, last years is becoming an increasingly powerful factor in brutalizing people.

Television devastates the soul. A person’s ability for spiritual and personal communication is sharply reduced or even completely lost. Television alienates people living in the same house or family from each other, replacing live, personal communication with illusory and dreamy ghosts of the screen.

Loss of feeling for a living person leads to loss of love for him and compassion. A person ceases to be viewed as a priceless person, he turns into an object, a tool. TV teaches you not to see personality not only in others, but also in yourself. “People see the whole world, without seeing only themselves,” said Elder Paisius in a conversation about the dangers of television. “It’s not God who destroys people, no, now people are destroying themselves with their minds.”

Through television there is an unprecedented manipulation of human consciousness in the direction of bestiality and demon-likeness. In the fast-flowing flow of information, modern man loses himself, his spiritual foundation is eroded, and therefore the level of personality decreases. The impact of television on the subconscious and manipulation of the psyche is scary because it can deprive a person of the most important basis personal existence - true freedom of choice. Not only on the television screen, but also on the radio, on the pages of most newspapers and magazines, the spirit of nihilism, aimlessness, permissiveness and buffoonery, destructive for the human god-like personality, dominates.

“TV,” notes Doctor of Medical Sciences, Hieromonk Anatoly (Berestov), ​​“offers the same unspiritual food to all people, and because of this they lose their individuality and become spiritually similar to each other.” The psychotropic effects of television programs destroy a person’s ability to think individually, meaningfully perceive current events, and, finally, to form their own worldview.

“With the help of television,” says Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets, “some (“the Elders of Zion” striving for world power. - Author) want to fool the world. That is, according to their plans, others should believe what they heard on TV and act in accordance with it.” A well-known specialist in the processing of public opinion, Professor M. Chukas, speaks about this: “The purpose of television is to create a person completely devoid of the ability to understand the state of affairs, to think critically, a person reduced to the lowest emotional state, when he can act only under the influence external, and therefore artificial, stimulating and directing forces.”

The organizers of the “new world order” set themselves the task of “not allowing peoples to receive reliable information, but feverishly advancing in their spiritual decline and achieving a bestial state until complete stupefaction and degradation, especially of youth, is achieved. For this purpose, in addition to drugs, theater, cinema, the vulgar press, television and video are used, which serve as a means of corruption, dullness, savagery and propaganda of a lifestyle without moral principles and restrictions” (from the book “On the Eve of the Great Persecution of the Church of Christ”, Athens , 1993).

Television “frees” people from everything human, for example, from solidarity and compassion. TV programs like “The Weakest Link” are aimed at creating a “new man.”

Or - not quite a person anymore... Another example of ossification of people is the program “Behind the Glass” and other similar “shows”, both in our country and abroad, when millions of people “stick” to the screen, discuss and savor, how “glass heroes” fulfill their animal needs.

. Pseudo-art

Many Western and domestic art critics say today that contemporary art is, as it were, an illustration of “Nothing”. In other words, it became a cult of worshiping the idols of “Void” and “Chaos”. In music, “Nothing” appears as a crazy, unconscious alternation of sounds. In painting, abstractionism works in this direction with its branches. It is no coincidence that a person’s face and, very importantly, his eyes disappear from abstract paintings - a person is depicted as a kind of faceless object.

Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) wrote that in modern avant-garde art “there is no man at all, this is subhuman, demonic art... In this art man is no longer even a caricature of himself, he is no longer depicted in the throes of spiritual death, subject to attacks from our vile nihilism century, which targets not only the body and soul, but the very idea and nature of man.

No, all this has already passed, the crisis is over, now the man is dead. New art celebrates the birth of a new species, a creature from the very depths, a subhuman” (from the book “Man against God”).

Something similar happened in literature, where lack of ideas and meaninglessness reign. Works of art ceased to be integral, ceased to be a call, a message. They became a reflection of discontinuity and fragmentation, turning into chaotic heaps of color spots, lines, sounds, words, etc.

. Rock and pop music

This is no less a powerful weapon of depersonalization than drugs. More precisely, modern “youth” music is a kind of drug. It makes people euphoric. Musical nirvana becomes a constant need and “calms” those who are accustomed to it. In fact, of course, it does not calm, but paralyzes the personality.

Only the process of personality destruction occurs somewhat more slowly, not so visibly. However, if we look into the eyes of a person who has listened to modern music for a long time or often went to discos, we are unlikely to find a meaningful look. At the disco, in herd physiological unity, surrendering to the will of rhythm and their own instincts, people “free themselves” from the human. The atmosphere of moral relativism and permissiveness is combined with the anti-Christian, bestial, demonic content of the songs. There are many connections between rock music and Satanism.

Hysteria, roar, criminal swaying biomass - everything resembles the atmosphere of Satanist meetings. In such conditions, satanic sacrifices and mockery of people and sacred objects take place.

“The personality of a teenager,” note psychologists I. Medvedeva and T. Shishova, “who participates in such crowd events—whether on television, at a stadium, at a rock concert or at a discotheque—begins to be distorted. Almost all parents pay attention to the fact that the child becomes increasingly irritable, aggressive, does not tolerate comments, and starts up half a turn.

Some incomprehensible thirst for destruction appears in him, sympathy disappears, conscience becomes silent, his heart seems to go blank, it is impossible to get through. But such crushing aggression, combined with mental dullness, is one of the main characteristics of heboid, or nuclear (affecting the very core of the personality) schizophrenia!”

John Coleman, in his book The Committee of 300, convincingly shows that the cult of rock and pop music, like drugs, would never have taken root in society if there had not been a carefully developed plan to introduce this extremely destructive element into people's lives, changing the mind of a person .

. Philosophy

Not only contemporary art, but almost all modern philosophy makes people worship “Nothing”. Nihilistic in its essence (hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) showed this well in his book “Man Against God”), it reduces reality and human nature to the simplest possible concepts.

Father Seraphim quoted the very precise words of the Western thinker Eric Kahler: “The irresistible desire for the destruction and devaluation of the human personality, clearly present in the most diverse areas of modern life: economics, technology, politics, science, education, psychology, art - seems so comprehensive that we We are forced to recognize in him a real mutation, a modification of the entire human nature.”

“But of those who understand all this,” writes Father Seraphim, “very few realize the deep meaning and subtext of this process, since this belongs to the field of theology and lies beyond simple empirical analysis, and they also do not know the medicine against it, so how this medicine must be of a spiritual order.”

. Education

As another example of many phenomena of modern life that acquire logic in the context of the Talmudic focus on the destruction of the human personality, we can cite the introduction in Russian schools of a test system for assessing knowledge - the so-called “unified state exam”(Unified State Examination).

As noted in the “Statement of the Academic Council of Moscow State University” dated October 13, 2003, the Unified State Exam “leads to the dominance of the principles of standardization and reorientation of secondary school from the tasks of developmental education to rote learning of test tasks with the aim of passing the Unified State Exam” and “cannot identify a person’s talent, which is always the result of individual individual abilities.” This “modernization of education,” as many experts note, leads to its almost complete abolition.

Among other things, students are assigned an identification number, and the test forms themselves have a barcode. There is reason to suspect the test developers of using neuro-linguistic programming methods in order to change consciousness in the direction desired by the globalists. All this once again confirms that globalists need an obedient numbered herd, and not thinking, educated individuals.

. Digital identity

The builders of the Antichrist “new world order” (the kingdom of the beast) are “implementing” Satan’s idea of ​​digital depersonalization and turning a person into a controlled biorobot. According to Kabbalists, numbers and names are the most important tools for influencing the material and spiritual worlds.

According to Kabbalah, a name determines the very essence of an object. This leads us directly to today's digital identity, which combines these two tools. If a person is assigned an impersonal number, it means that, according to the logic of the Kabbalists, he is in reality not a person, but an object or an animal. It is with the help of digital names that Zionists and Freemasons are going to control humanity.

. Wars and “international terrorism”

As for the organization of wars and armed conflicts, here, too, the Talmudic division of humanity into people themselves and into humanoid beasts, which can be bombed “for the sake of achieving peace and strengthening democracy,” is clearly visible.

American aggressions against Yugoslavia and Iraq are the clearest examples of such “civilized” murder.

Today it is not at all difficult to understand (and many, even those who do not know well the teachings of the Church about the circumstances of the coming of the Antichrist, guess about it) that so-called “international terrorism” is used as a reason for “implementing” the plans of the architects of the “new world order”, including including for the introduction of a system of total electronic control.

“Terrorist attacks”, as a rule, are organized not by those who are talked about in news releases, but by special services - ordered by the Zionomasonic center. And this also manifests Talmudic hatred of people whose lives, from the point of view of the servants of the Antichrist, do not matter.
Experts say that terrorist attacks are classified not by who the terrorist is, but by what political consequences these attacks cause.

Otherwise, how are such events used by politicians who exploit people's emotional turmoil? Huge sums are spent on creating and inflating this “horror story” in the press. Ghost " global threat terrorism” requires constant feeding and reinforcement, so every day there are reports of new “terrorist attacks”.

. Vaccination

The time has come to talk about vaccination - as such a terrible weapon that the servants of evil are deliberately aimed at destroying the immune and genetic system of the human body. Thank God that in Lately Publications began to appear revealing the true essence of this phenomenon.

For the servants of the coming Antichrist, vaccination is a means of fighting for depopulation, that is, a powerful weapon for the mass (on a planetary scale) murder of people. It is characteristic that the word “vaccination” itself is literally translated as “slaughtering” (from the Latin vassa - cow). It is no secret now that when creating vaccines, not only various animal tissues are used, but also tissue from aborted human fetuses.

. Globalization

The ideology of the “new world order” is aimed at unifying consciousness and eliminating the uniqueness and special path of development of peoples. Globalism seeks to destroy national cultures, depersonalize peoples, and erase national features from their faces. Globalization is erasing state borders and breaking economic structures.

Of course, such a unification of all peoples is actually a means for the Freemasons to achieve their main goal - world dominion. Unified “human material” is easy to manage from a single center.

The declaration of the World Health Organization, officially operating as part of the UN, says so: “To achieve the creation of a single world government, it is necessary to free people from their individuality, from attachment to family, national patriotism and the religion that they profess.”

National identity, national culture, folk customs have always been the most important factor in the formation of human personality. Each national culture contains a set of moral life rules.

That is why today uniformity in everything is being so massively introduced and imposed on peoples: in habits, tastes, preferences, a primitive unified style of thinking is being introduced. The “Americanization” of peoples for the World Government is a means of suppressing the spiritual principle in a person and destroying human originality and individuality.

So, we found out who and why needed a controlled mass of impersonal, and even numbered, like cattle, people who did not see or hear the obvious, empty-eyed, lightly giggling, chewing cud. All modern world events and phenomena can and should be considered, bearing in mind the desire of Talmudic Jews to completely destroy Christianity and human nature itself.

“All the gold in the world today is thrown into creating an obedient human herd on the planet,” says Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A.V. Shulga. - The herd is controlled and managed. A herd whose numbers can be reduced to please a bunch of non-humans who call themselves the world elite.”

After all of the above, it is not difficult to answer the following question:


One of the leading ideologists and rulers of the “new world order,” the Polish Jew Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his book “Technotronic Era,” outlining the plans of Zionomasonry, says that modern society“is experiencing an information revolution based on entertainment and mass spectacle (such as endless telecasts of sports), which represent another form of drug for the increasingly useless masses.”

John Coleman, quoting Brzezinski in The Committee of 300, notes: “In The Technotronic Age, Brzezinski speaks of the human “masses” as inanimate objects - perhaps that is how we appear to the Committee of 300.”

“At the same time, the possibilities of social and political control over the individual will increase,” predicts Brzezinski in “The Technotronic Era.” - It will soon become possible to exercise almost continuous control over each citizen and maintain constantly updated computer files-dossiers, containing, in addition to ordinary information, the most confidential details about the state of health and behavior of each person.

Relevant government bodies will have instant access to these files. Power will be concentrated in the hands of those who control information.

Existing authorities will be replaced by institutions for managing pre-crisis situations, whose task will be to proactively identify possible social crises and develop programs to manage these crises. This will give rise to trends for the next few decades that will lead to the Technotronic Era - a dictatorship in which the current political procedures will be almost completely abolished.”

The “Technotronic Era” also mentions cloning, the possibility of biochemical mind control, genetic manipulation of people and “robotoids,” i.e. creatures that act and even reason like people, and look like people, but are not people.

Another figure in global Freemasonry, the founder of the Club of Rome, Aurelio Peccei, wrote the book “Before the Abyss,” the main idea of ​​which is: in the future the world will be plunged into chaos if it is not governed by a single World Government. In this book, he showed the plans of the World Government to conquer a person whom he directly called “the enemy.”

John Coleman writes: “Peccei quoted Felix Dzerzhinsky (a Jew by nationality. - Author) who once told Sidney Reilly (the British intelligence officer who controlled Dzerzhinsky's actions during the development of the Bolshevik Revolution. - Author) at the height of the Red Terror when Millions of Russians were killed:

Why should I care how many people die? Even the Christian Bible says that God will take care of man. For me, people are brains on one side and a crap factory on the other? It is precisely from such a brutal attitude towards a person.”

John Coleman rightly called the “new world order” “a conspiracy against God and man, which includes the enslavement of the majority of people left on this earth after wars, disasters and massacres.”

The “new world order” system turns a person into a numbered element of the “Network”. People are turning into impersonal, cybernized biomass, into controlled biorobots with implanted microchips - subcutaneous carriers of the same digital names.

The “network society” that is now being created completely contradicts God’s plan for the world and man and represents the destruction of the divinely established order in the Universe and the image and likeness of God in man.

This “transparent world”, where numbered human slaves live according to the formula “what is natural is not shameful”, where carnal animal passions reign, where the cult of things and profit reigns, is nothing more than the ANTI-WORLD.

In this world, it is proposed to forget about such a concept as spirituality, and even simply about values ​​that exceed biologically determined ones. The entire social existence of an individual will be reduced to the exchange of information with a soulless system through an access key, which is a personal identification code that humiliates and depersonalizes a person.

It is through a personal code that every inhabitant of the Earth is supposed to be included in a single worldwide information electronic control system - the “Network”.

So, we see that the project of a new world order is aimed at achieving the same goal of dehumanizing man, turning him into a spiritual dead man, into a beast. The secret forces carrying out this global satanic plan are the monster from the Apocalypse - the “beast from the sea” (see Rev., chapter 13), having seven heads (countries playing a decisive role in building the world kingdom of the beast) and ten horns (key figures of world Freemasonry).

And the bestial essence of this system is felt not only by interpreters of the Apocalypse. “The parallel secret government,” writes Coleman, “is akin to those creepy and deliberately chilling “monster” films where a monster appears with distorted features, long hair and even longer teeth, growling and spitting saliva in all directions. These movies are just a distraction, but the real monsters wear business suits and drive to work on Capitol Hill in limos.”

“When Jewry has a free hand to implement the principles of the Shulchan Aruch (all people are beasts, only Jews are people), notes the famous Russian historian and publicist M.V. Nazarov, they, of course, will try to implement this is on a global scale. I subscribe to Jewish newspapers, which have already reported that ethnic weapons have been created in Israel...

We are talking about the destruction of all peoples except the Jewish ones.”

Let's see now


Eliezer Voronel-Dantsevich (political scientist and cultural scientist, professor at the Israeli University in Bar-Ilan) states: “With Christianity, the history of Europe ends, the history of the beast that wanted to become a man. The Aryans FAILED TO PASS THE HUMAN EXAM. But we can't leave them for a second year. Time is running out quickly. A glorious world is now being organized around us. They, the former rulers, gave up their hands and fell on their faces. And the branch of historical evolution carried them down along a descending line. Remember? If everything alive is just a blot,
In a short day of escape, On Lamarck's moving staircase I will take the last step... That's where their running is directed. Quietly, sliding along the rapids of existence - to the ground, to the grass, into a soft stall, into a stable, into wet straw, back to the lower forms of spiritual existence, into ashes, stench, into dung. They need to be cut or cut, as the best of the goyim, Pushkin, said.” How much satanic hatred towards man and his spiritual nature is in these words!

And now, perhaps, the most important and pressing question for us:


All of the above leads us to the conclusion that our primary task today is to try by all means available to us to convey to all Russian people an understanding of what forces and by what means are transforming our people, like other peoples of the world, into a manageable and controlled herd.

If a Russian person realizes that he is treated like an animal, like a beast, then this alone can bring our people out of a state of spiritual hibernation, make him wake up, straighten up and throw off the huge Talmudic tick that has attached itself to him from his body. Then the process of transforming our people into a manageable herd will be stopped.

And if we are silent and do not testify to the holy truth of God, agreeing with the approaching kingdom of the beast, then have we not already turned into a crowd of impersonal people, “goyim”, into a wordless herd, as the Christ-haters, burned in their conscience, want to see us, and their “father” the devil? If we, becoming like animals in our madness, allow the murderers of souls to live freely in Russia, the wrath of God will come upon us as accomplices in the “mystery of lawlessness.”

Each of us, beloved brothers and sisters, today makes a choice: either to exist like an animal in the approaching kingdom of the beast, which means spiritual suicide and abandonment of oneself as a person, or, on the contrary, to live as a spiritual person and inherit eternal life - the eternal Heavenly Kingdom. Lord, help us choose the second and be alive for You and for each other!

Enlighten, O Lord, the eyes of our hearts in the knowledge of Your truth!

With faith in the final victory of good over evil and in the resurrection of Holy Autocratic Rus', we will fight the kingdom of the beast!

And the Lord will definitely help us - if we preserve our God-given high human dignity. Amen.

Priest Andrey Gorbunov

Quote by: Strelnikov R.V. Captured by the telespruit. M., 1985.

See, for example: Shchekochikhina N.N., Shchetilova N.G. Vaccinations: war “without noise and dust” // “Russian Herald”. 2003, No. 3; Herods of the XXI century. About vaccinations against hepatitis (Rusinform) // Socio-political collection “Standing for the Truth.” M.: MOO “Holy Rus'”, 2002; Interview of John Rappoport with the former creator of vaccines // “The First and the Last”. 2003, No. 10 (14); Dubinin V. There is no AIDS // “The First and the Last”. 2003, No. 11 (15).

Shulga A. V. Auschwitz on a global scale, or Why does a person need a personal code? // Appendix to the magazine “First and Last”. Special issue. November 2003

See: Nazarov M.V. The Empire of the Third Rome versus the Empire of the Third Temple // Russian Line. 2003-11-28.

Lamarck (1744-1829) is the predecessor of Darwin, who created the doctrine of the evolution of living nature (Lamarckism), according to which species of animals and plants are constantly changing, becoming more complex in their organization due to the influence of the external environment and a certain internal desire of all organisms for improvement.

Final fragments of the lecture “On our victory, or the Crisis of Christianity”, read in Jerusalem on July 14, 1999 // “Tomorrow”. 1999, no. 34 (299).

And so from grain, food animal, he makes flour, food person! Therefore, we do not need to pay much attention to the conditions given to us - internal or external. Any states that we go through, no matter how stupid and unnecessary they may seem to us, at the moment they are the most useful for advancement. Main difference person from animal that he is obliged to implement...

... "business".  To sum up, we see that we are, of course, developed animals, but to say that in such development there is a difference person from animal, it is impossible, since the same difference exists between a monkey and a cat. But the monkey person For some reason no one calls it.  Our actions are the same as the actions of others animals, unambiguously defines pleasure and pain. This is the law of nature, and we are...

N, whom I know a little. What does he disagree with? Ah-ah-ah, there you even have in the table of contents: “differences person from others animals" You are hinting that the majority of our citizens lead such a bestial lifestyle that... - No, no, what are you talking about! There... language pushes us to oppose ourselves to others animals. We are familiar with the phraseological construction “ Human And animals”, which is logically constructed in the same way as “women and people”. Our ignorance animals plunges us into the abyss of strange inventions. Pair...

Again I dreamed about my loved one’s place of service person. I walked everywhere - outdoors and indoors - and suddenly I saw that long dark snakes were lying everywhere and moving slightly. (I’m terrified of them in real life too.) ... I feel sick from fear and horror. Everyone who can comes running, helps me, and puts me in an ambulance to take me to the hospital. Darling Human sits down next to me, intends to accompany me. Suddenly I see how he, too, turns into a snake - the same size as him. The snake sits vertically calmly, like...


In the journal “General Biology”, an article by Reznikova, also a famous ethologist, contains many examples that show that thinking in animals stereotypical. She cites, for example, the words of Ladygina-Kots that a chimpanzee is a slave to past skills that are very difficult... there was a chimpanzee who was raised from an early age, it turned out that he understands speech by ear, understands conventional speech person and reacts to it adequately and constructs phrases, some simple statements in accordance with the rules using icons...