We've been together for 9 months. Psychology of relationships and sex: from first to last. Your main specialist is a consulting doctor

06.10.2021 Symptoms

Scientific reviewers:

staff of the Department of Pediatrics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education:

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department, Doctor of the Highest Category Zakharova I.N.

postgraduate student of the department, pediatrician Dmitrieva Yu.A.

pediatric massage specialist, pediatrician Karabanova S.F.

obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Shibaeva A.D.

medical psychologist, specialist in child and adolescent psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection, child-parent relations, Tushino Children's City Hospital Derisheva N.V.

psychologist, president of the International Academy of Genetic Psychology Kalinsky D.A.


Dear future mothers!

Are you just getting ready for pregnancy or are you already expecting your baby...

Pregnancy is a time of change.

These changes make each of us more fragile and vulnerable, and we need even more reliable support, love and a caring attitude. More than ever, we need calm and confidence.

I wish you exactly such a state.

Let this book fulfill its purpose - become for you another source of confidence in your abilities and a good assistant for every day.

Have an easy pregnancy and happy meeting with your baby!

Part 1
Preparing for conception and pregnancy

A healthy mother means a healthy baby.

The first commandment for expectant mother

You have decided to have a baby... This event can be called the most exciting and significant for you and your entire family. Waiting for a baby marks the beginning of a new stage in your life. Everything begins to change rapidly, and you feel every detail, stroke, every, even the most insignificant, change.

Pregnancy affects many aspects of life. The first thing expectant mothers think about when planning or already expecting a baby is the state of their body. And of course, taking care of your body and health is the first step in preparing for pregnancy. After all, before you name your baby, imagine your conversations with him, his first kicks and movements, you need to take care of yourself. And if previously few people thought about such a concept as “pregnancy planning”, today it has become a very important and crucial stage for many women.

New principles of life

For the sake of the future child and yourself, you should take a fresh look at your usual way of life and, if necessary, make significant changes to it.

What makes up the physical health of the expectant mother?

First of all, this concerns your diet, gastronomic habits and preferences.

Eating a varied and nutritious diet throughout your pregnancy will help you maintain enough energy for life and work, as well as pass on all the necessary nutrients to your unborn baby.

Secondly, take care of the balance of work and rest in your life, observing the rhythms of relaxation and stress, a nutritional schedule, and adequate sleep. It is important that your body returns to optimal functioning conditions. It is believed that sleep from 22.00 to 24.00 is the most restorative.

...Make sure to stay physically active in any form. Whether it's exercise in the morning, going to the gym, swimming pool or regular walks before bed. Start physically preparing your body for the upcoming pregnancy and childbirth. It is better to do it three months before the expected conception.

All these activities will significantly increase your immunity and protect you from colds or flu throughout pregnancy and after childbirth.

Tune in to pass full medical examination, including internal organs, genital area, make sure there are no diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases. If you or your partner require treatment, delay pregnancy until you are completely healed.

Now reconsider your attitude towards medicines. If you are used to immediately turning to pills at the slightest pain and malaise, think about traditional methods of therapy using herbal preparations (herbs).

Pay attention to the chemicals you use at home or at work. Some of them can be dangerous to your health, including your husband's sperm and your egg.

Obviously, it is impossible to create ideal comfortable conditions, but you can understand in advance what stresses you can protect yourself from, and what you will stop attaching excessive importance to, what worries cannot be avoided, which means it is important to take them for granted in advance.

As for hereditary or chronic diseases, in most cases they are not an obstacle to the birth of a child. You may well be able to carry and give birth to healthy offspring, but throughout your pregnancy you must follow special doctor’s instructions.

Creating ideal conditions for future pregnancy is the dream of many. It is within everyone’s power to approach such conditions. And all future mothers and fathers will be able to do this in their own way.

Age of future parents and birth of a child

According to medical indications and physiological parameters, the most favorable time for the birth of the first child is 18–30 years old. It is during this period, according to doctors, that the body is ready to cope with such a difficult task. in the best possible way. And if your pregnancy occurs during this period, consider that you are harmoniously following the rhythms of nature and you will have a favorable pregnancy course.

Early pregnancy, i.e. before the age of 18, is accompanied by both physiological and psychological problems. It is still difficult for the body to bear such powerful loads, and young mothers often do not feel the seriousness and responsibility of their position.

Official medicine claims that after 30 years, the female body’s ability to conceive decreases by 50 percent, exactly by half. And yet, the trends are such that women are increasingly giving birth to their first child closer to the age of 30 and later.

Nowadays, public views on the age range for first-time mothers have changed, and medical technologies make it possible for successful childbirth up to 40–45 years.

And yet, if you decide to have a child after 35 years of age, take responsibility for preparing your body, since with age the likelihood of problems and dangers increases in one way or another. Here are just a few of them, but the most common.

1. The danger of not getting pregnant at all. If after 30 years the ability to conceive decreases by 50 percent, then after 44 years it decreases by 80 percent. The reason for this is a decrease in the number of follicles, an increase in cycles without ovulation, and a decrease in the susceptibility of the uterus to a fertilized egg.

2. Increased risk of miscarriages (spontaneous abortions), most often they occur for reasons related to the health of the female reproductive system.

3. Increased danger to women's health. The older the future parents are, the longer their body, including the reproductive organs, is exposed to harmful effects. environment. With age, the so-called “thin” places in the body (vulnered by chronic diseases) become more and more fragile.

4. The likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome or other serious illnesses. It has been established that in 25–30% of all cases of birth of children with Down syndrome, pathologies in female chromosomes are to blame. The older the woman, the higher the risk - with age, the number of mutant genes in the body increases.

By approaching the pregnancy and birth of a child responsibly, we can reduce all these dangers and risks to a minimum. And here it is appropriate to talk about the role of a woman in preserving the health of the family, including the health of the husband.

To this day, many tend to place responsibility for the health of children solely on the woman. Meanwhile, the situation has changed. Open opportunities to change social status, stress and the environment do not have the best effect on men's health. And if a man is not used to taking care of his health, you should take the initiative, set an example, convince him to improve his condition: give up alcohol while preparing for pregnancy, do physical exercise and improve his diet.

Putting the body in order

Pregnancy and preparation for it are a wonderful opportunity to change habits. If you put your diet in order before pregnancy, this will only benefit your body, and it will be easier for you to adapt to its new needs while you are expecting your baby. Therefore, right now is a good time to brush up on the rules of healthy eating, give up bad habits and finally start eating for the benefit of your health and the health of your unborn child.

So, bad habits:

Consume fried foods, canned foods and foods instant cooking type of soups in bags;

Eat fatty foods in large quantities;

Eat or drink a lot before bedtime;

Become dependent on the gastronomic preferences of others (usually the husband. As you know, men often adore fried wings, raw smoked sausages and other harmful things);

Drinking alcohol;

Smoking (active and passive options).

Good habits:

Give preference to boiled, baked, steamed;

Use natural products: fruits, vegetables (especially in season), cereals;

There is only fresh meat and fish;

Drink freshly squeezed juices;

Have dinner no later than three hours before bedtime.

Correct, healthy eating will increase immunity, maintain good mood, energy and mobility. It is important to reinforce your new habits with physical activity. After all, the main reason for excess weight is a sedentary, “sofa” lifestyle. And even before pregnancy, it would be good to adjust your weight: to get rid of excess weight, and to gain what is missing if you are thin.

Once again about the dangers of alcohol...

Evidence from modern medicine states that alcohol has an immediate and negative effect on the seminal fluid, which maintains the viability of sperm.

Normally, healthy non-drinking men contain up to 25% of pathological sperm. And normal germ cells minimize the chances of “unhealthy” ones to participate in conception. But after drinking alcohol, the chances of healthy and pathological cells are equal - this is important for future parents to remember.

Alcohol is a powerful intracellular poison that has a toxic effect on the body and increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. And when planning a pregnancy, try together with your partner to eliminate alcohol from your life as much as possible.

...And smoking

If you smoke, try to quit the habit as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Can you imagine your future baby starting life in nicotine intoxication?

When smoking, a pregnant woman experiences severe vascular spasms, disrupting the oxygen supply to the unborn child.

Avoid passive smoking!

The expectant mother and the woman who is preparing to become one need to protect themselves as much as possible from passive smoking. Try not to be in smoky rooms, and do not stand next to smokers at bus stops while waiting for transport. If necessary, ask others not to smoke in front of you.

If your partner smokes, try to persuade him to give up this habit. When nicotine enters the lungs, it constricts blood vessels and disrupts oxygen saturation in the blood.

Children of smoking parents suffer from gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases, and girls may experience infertility in the future. In addition, tobacco limits the fertility of both men and women.

Take care to breathe clean air, supplying the unborn child’s body with oxygen so that he does not suffer from a lack of it.

Some important reasons to exercise

One of the most important reasons for this is preparation for childbirth. And talking about this now, when there is still a lot of time ahead, is quite natural. The more prepared the expectant mother’s body is for childbirth, the easier and simpler it will be for her to give birth. And where and in what position - this can be decided later.

Elastic muscles often save from perineal tears and the need to use medicines. And during pregnancy, especially in the last stages, when the weight of the female body increases, physical exercise help in many ways to avoid the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

Women who regularly exercise before and during pregnancy (of course, already at a lighter pace) gain less extra pounds, their psyche is more stable, and childbirth proceeds faster and easier than those who lead a “sofa” lifestyle.

It's much easier to stay healthy during pregnancy if you've been paying attention to your physical fitness beforehand.

A strong, flexible body, elastic muscles that can stretch without effort, good muscle tone - this is not only your feminine beauty and attractiveness. This is the key to a successful and easy birth.

When choosing a fitness program, be guided by the “like it or not like it” principle. Swimming, water aerobics, yoga, some types of martial arts (look for classes that focus on inner spirit, not just exercise) and dancing are optimal before and during pregnancy.

Rice. 1

These activities help stimulate the functioning of the gonads and genital organs, strengthen the pelvic muscles, and promote adequate hormone production. ( Detailed information see part 7 “Physical training during pregnancy”.)

A new look at drugs

When preparing for pregnancy, it’s a good idea to review your first aid kit and your attitude towards medications. Now you should carefully study the accompanying information on medications before purchasing or, even more so, taking them. If you cannot avoid taking medications, it is better to consult your doctor and choose the safest medications.

Every time you are prescribed medication, remind you that you are planning to have a baby.

Taking contraceptives and planning pregnancy

Most women use some form of contraception in their ordinary life and when planning a pregnancy, they often wonder how contraceptives affect the possibility of conception. It all depends on what kind of product you are using.

Table 1

Types of contraceptives and their use

Activities to promote conception

Along with improving your health and fitness, you can use natural therapy methods that promote conception.


On reproductive function have a beneficial effect on the body essential oils geraniums and roses. They help improve sperm quality in men and restore the regularity of the menstrual cycle in women. ( See Part 9 “Natural Therapies” for details.)


Homeopathic treatment during preparation for pregnancy in a safe and reliable way brings all organs and systems of the body into a state of harmonious functioning, balancing not only the processes of the physical body, but also the psycho-emotional state of future parents. They contain only natural substances of plant, mineral and animal origin.

The medicine and dosage are selected by a homeopathic doctor. To enhance the effect, both you and your partner should take the course.

Herbal medicine

If you feel this or that ailment, use herbs in the form of infusions and decoctions. Regular intake of certain herbs also promotes conception.

Learn more about natural therapies in Part 9.

Life without stress and worry

It’s wonderful when pregnancy happens, as they say, at the first call.

Most often this happens to two types of women. The first are those whose age, health and physical condition are ideal for this wonderful event.

The second are those who internally really want a child. And in this case, “miraculous” events often occur - often pregnancy occurs during the first attempts, despite age (in women after 30 years and even closer to 40 years) or stressful life, and even contrary to pessimistic predictions of doctors about difficulties with conception.

There is a version that the ability to get pregnant largely depends on a man’s readiness for this event. It might also be worth considering.

The attitude towards pregnancy is very important - the woman’s desire to give new life. And if the desire is accompanied by confidence in one’s own strengths and capabilities, as well as the support of a loved one, this internal wave may be quite enough for conception to occur.

An attitude of calm and optimism

How soon this event will happen depends on your peace of mind. Your condition will play a significant role in shaping the character of your unborn child.

The following fact is known: as the mother’s pregnancy goes, so does the baby’s birth. Whether the baby will be calm, cheerful, nervous or whiny - these traits largely depend on the mood and condition of the mother during pregnancy. After all, the future baby grows in the womb, receiving from you not only healthy food and vitamins, but also your emotions, feelings, mood, which will then determine his future character.

Your main specialist is a consulting doctor

Obviously, the sooner you find a consulting physician, the better. You will feel much calmer under the supervision of a specialist.

You can carry out health-improving activities on your own, if necessary, lose excess weight, create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home, and receive psychological support from your husband. But since pregnancy is an actively changing physiological state of the body that requires constant monitoring, you cannot do without a specialist.

This is the professional duty of an obstetrician-gynecologist - to help the expectant mother throughout her pregnancy, not intimidating her with terrible diagnoses, but supporting her psychologically, sending her on time for all the necessary tests and examinations. In general, accompany so that the child is born healthy and strong.

Now, during the preparation stage, the obstetrician-gynecologist will help determine the current state of your health, the need for any treatment and answer many questions.

Meeting with a doctor

Where and how to look for a doctor? Decide on your position.

The easiest way, of course, is to contact antenatal clinic at the place of residence. Sometimes choosing a doctor can be a separate endeavor. It all depends on your view of childbirth, so you can also be observed by a private practitioner or in a private clinic. You can also use the method of recommendations from mothers you know who saw a doctor they liked.

Make a list of questions that concern you. For example: Will your health allow you to give birth on your own, or will you have to use medical labor inducers or a cesarean section? Where would you like to give birth - at home or in a hospital? Are you attracted to unconventional methods of preparing for childbirth or do you want someone close to you during childbirth?

Before meeting with your doctor, it would be a good idea to write down all your questions. Study this list carefully and make your own based on it.

Questions about the course of pregnancy

What changes in the body should you be prepared for?

Will a custom diet be required? If you need to lose weight, what is the best way to do it?

How often and to what extent is it necessary to perform an ultrasound?

How can a doctor predict pregnancy complications? What ways are there for this?

What vitamins are prescribed for expectant mothers and for what period? Is it possible to get them at a discount at a pharmacy? ( See Appendix 1. List of vitamins that are recommended for expectant mothers.)

Can I call the doctor? If so, at what time can I get answers to my concerns from my doctor?

Will previous abortions or miscarriages affect my pregnancy?

Is it possible to have a natural birth after a caesarean section? What circumstances may be a contraindication for natural childbirth?

How likely is it that parents' illnesses will be passed on to the child? How to reduce the risk of hereditary diseases?

Congratulations on the first date of your relationship - the first month of your love and happiness. I wish you indestructible success and the achievement of common desires, to always be the object of adoration for each other, to rapidly build your happiness and well-being, to shine the brightest ray for each other in life.

Congratulations to the lovely couple on their first month together. I wish you to be forever happy, love each other deeply, show care and respect, I wish you the implementation of all joint plans, prosperity, great luck and Have a good mood. Be a sincere joy and a constant inspiration to each other.

Congratulations, my sweet ones, on a month of joint relationship. I wish you to confidently walk towards your happiness and common goals, despite the routine and obstacles of life, I wish you to love and respect each other deeply, I wish you good luck on your path, prosperity and goodness.

Congratulations to the beautiful lovers, wonderful couple on the first month of their relationship. I wish you to confidently walk the path of your happiness, work hard on your relationships and fill them with love. May you always be united by a strong invisible thread, may there be many common interests and individual differences in your life, for which you will appreciate each other and consider these features a unique highlight.

Congratulations on your first month of being together. I wish you guys good luck in your life path, a common desire for victories and conquering peaks, health, understanding, strong love, interesting hobbies, rosy days and sincere happiness.

You have been in a relationship for a month now, and this is a wonderful anniversary, as it is a special, sweet and bright period in your lives. You are just starting to get to know each other, get used to it and understand. Today, I want to wish you great love, sincerity and mutual support. You are now one unit that cannot be divided. I hope that soon I will be voicing my congratulations at your ring celebration. Happiness and patience to you!

Congratulations on 9 months of relationship for a girl

And I’m always waiting to meet you.

I wish you successful endings in everything.

May we both remember the first month,

But I became happy with you,

We will take any obstacles,

And I will be with you!

Not a year has passed, but two!

And we love tenderly, firmly, strongly,

I know a month is not enough

On your life's journey.

Forgive me, my beloved!

I love you, bless you

I've been kissing you all year long,

May our happiness grow stronger

I'm just going blind in front of you,

And I also melt under your gaze

Truly appreciate each other

We will believe and love!

Once - love itself woke up,

Three - stirred up by our passion!

As a result, you and I are together again and always!

All three months of love!

30 days, I love it!

Turned my life around!

Today we have known each other for two months.

More jokes, more laughter

Health beauty love

Never be discouraged

To meet together, close

Never lose heart!

Health for three hundred years

My heart beats in unison with yours - do you hear? And this trepidation cannot be drowned out by anything - neither adversity, nor difficulties, nor problems. I can overcome anything when you're by my side! I will endure everything! And then our great love, like a balloon, will lift us to the skies, and the rest of the world with its mortal affairs will lie at our feet. He will cease to exist for us! It will be just you and me, my love! Forever. Forever.

I wish you happiness and wealth,

More money and more luck.

I wish you much, much happiness in life.

I wish you success and prosperity, friends.

Darling, you and I have been together for a long time, but when you are near, the days fly by like seconds! On our anniversary, I congratulate you and admit that I have never regretted my choice!

Our relationship is (number of years or months old) and it still delights us with romance, trust and mutual understanding. I am grateful to fate for you and I dream that our story will last forever!

(.) has passed since we decided to go through life together, but the passion between us is only hotter, the desires are stronger, and the feelings have become deeper. Thank you, my love, for everything. Happy Anniversary!

You are my best and this has been tested by time and life itself! I love you, my man, as only my heart and soul are capable of!

I wish you, my dear, love!

Good health forever

More light and warmth.

Never know worries

My dear and most gentle person,

I catch every word, every glance of yours,

Today is our first holiday - a month,

For a whole month your smile shines on me like the sun,

You and I have been together for a whole month already,

We are happy and very gentle with each other!

Someone will say that such a short period of time,

We are now truly happy with life,

And we feel free from torment,

And I am incredibly happy about the fact that

And I am very happy about this fact!

I remember how your beautiful light illuminated me,

And the whole world that was around was eclipsed.

But we walked our thorny path slowly,

We are together now and our life is good.

More joy, fun and peace.

Never be upset

Good luck, joy and luck

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship to your beloved in prose

I hasten to give the most tender words beloved. Dear, today accept my congratulations on our anniversary of our relationship. I want to thank you for the happy moments that become minutes, hours, days, weeks... May they be years, even decades!

eEe (yoEgupchUFiaEYyochyopULE, puYgyouY dUgchfYYO gpschY

chYtchpYU puYgyouYchyopULE dchfumYO aschgu

puYgyouYchyopULE SHuFschnEU E EELufYEEU

chpyoUYchm dUFchyoch gUtU

GEYgEyopULE yuEgchmEnYch SHuFutYO

YuEdagchdYU YUEgupEschpE YupuduYYYO

nuLFchpUGEchYYYO GEgEg (“GEgEg YchmchYpUfYYO”)

GEgEg, mtUYYYO achFchmch SHEtYii

yoEaupUEgEmYYO (YupchyouYYYO) dchfumch aschtYOpi

dchfuachFchmYOu pUgpchgmU m duYchaUschtu

FYnchdugpEcht dchfumchyoch aschtYOp

UpchYFudU youYEgUFiYchyoch youpauU m yoEYuEchFchyoEE


SCHUe E YupuduYYchgi

— aschgE aupunUfE EYLuEGEE

— dEpchmYOu puEchduYnUGEE ach munuYEi YupuduYYchgE E pchnchpUtpuLuYEi

OchYpch achSHUFchmUgi YU Ug EEYichpEgU.psch - Ug nF SHuYyuEY.

OF YUmEyoUGEE ach Ugsch EdYOschRtdpZH.psch EachFitschgu mupYE YUmEyoUgchp— achdchgpEgu E apchdchgUgu mYEt nch EchYGU mYOaUnUiyuE aEchE YOFchE — E gpschnYch YUgE UdEd:), apchfgEgu EYgupuYYOu mUd , . EupmE achEU chgUYchmFuY — mu chgmugYO YU Ugu schSHu ugi.

schgchg Ug apchnUug

Uch mchapchUd achEschaEE UgU chYpUyuUgi ach FFuEgpchYYch achfgu:

tFchEUfugmuYYU YupchFEgchnupdUFiYU chaschchFi YchmchpchSHnuYYYO

pschYuG YU dUgEu

EYnpchd achFEEEgchtYYO EfYEEchm

EgEYYYO schtuF aschachmEYYO

YUapUmFuYE YU UYchpg

apuSHnumpuduYYU chgFchEU aFUGuYgYO

EgdEEch-GupmEEUFiYU YunchgUgchfYchgi (EchpchgEU LuEU)

pchnYO m pchnnchdu

pchnYO achFu EuUpumU

chpyoUYEtUGE nugEchyoch dugU

chgschfuYEu chg yopschnE

yougcht, chgFchEU aFUGuYgYO

OugEU E achnpchgEchmU uEschUFiYchgi

FUEEU FpchgEEE , SCHtpchFU uEschUFiYchgi, FpchgEEU

UEchFchyoE SHuYyuEYYO, RgYchLuYE achFchm (m g.f. UgpchFchyoE, Ed)

Eudi, UpchYFudYO (EtduYU, pUtmchn), EuE

SCHYuLYchgi, yoEgYu, tschEchnuFEu, schFEYUpE, schgEEug

eYOYchmFuYEu, schR chpyomchapchYO

UFUYEpchmUYEu (m g.f. achFU, EduYE), tuYuYchE

IupuduYYchgi, RnuSHnU nF YupuduYYYO , eEdYUgEEU YupuduYYYO, dUUSH

UEgUYEu YupuduYYYO, tchnYO — nchdULYEu, m mchnu

ZHFiYchdYO, UgpchFchyoE, Ed, SCHchaEgUYEu, aEchFchyoE , tUtmEgEu

IchFiYYOu nugE, gpschnYYOu, yoEaupUEgEmYchgi, achnpchgEE, pUtmchn, YUpEchgEEE

RnuSHnU, UEgUYEu, fnchpchmiu

ZHFiYchdYO, epschnYch puYuYchE, tUYYuu pUtmEgEu

fnchpchmiu, dUUSH, apEmEmEE, UEgUYEu, RnuSHnU

tUtmEmUiyuEu EyopYO, UuYE, UchnuFEE

tufi, FchyochaunE, YUguYEu , Efug, UEidch, fYUYE

OumchfEUd, SHUFifEEUd, UchnpchgEUd, UchFchmU SHEtYi, SHschtYOEU

R apupYOmUYEE YupuduYYchgE ach dunEGEYEEd achEUtUYEd ch gchpchYYO dUgupE

R dugchnU machdchyoUguFiYch puapchnschEGEE, schYOYchmFuYEE E EEschgmuYYch EYudEYUGEE aupdch dschSHU

RY EachFitchmUYEE achFchmYO EFugchE nchYchpchm E schR

R aFUYEpchmUYEE pchSHnuYE puYuYEU chtYUguFiYch m YuachFYch udiu

R apuYUgUFiYch nEUyoYchgEEu achpchEchm

R EFchYEpchmUYEE EFugchE

R LugUFiYch gupUaEE

I hasten to give the most tender words to my beloved. Dear, today accept my congratulations on our anniversary of our relationship. I want to thank you for the happy moments that become minutes, hours, days, weeks... May they be years, even decades! After all, there is no greater joy than realizing that a person dear to your heart is nearby. The two of us are having fun, easy, calm. All worries and anxieties go away, sorrows melt like snow in spring. I believe that our sincere love will never end. I believe that many years later we will still remember and celebrate, along with other joint dates, the anniversary of our relationship. Love you!

My dearest man. I remember the time when I just saw your photo, I just read a couple of phrases addressed to me, as a stranger in your life. The threads of our destinies are so unusually intertwined. I felt something unusual when I was going to our first meeting, no, my heart felt it. I was lost in my feelings then, but I understood that a miracle was happening, two souls had found each other. Now I can shout to the whole world that I am happy, but then everything that happened stunned me. All I know is that I fell in love with you. I always want to be with you.

You are alone in my heart. My world, my Universe. You are mine, you are only mine! Your look drives me crazy, your voice makes me beat faster. You are all that is most dear and desirable to me. Without you it is impossible for me to breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I live only for you. I love you so much! Happy anniversary darling!

Darling, happy anniversary! I'm glad that I can fall asleep in your arms and wake up from your warm breath. Sit with your legs tucked under you and watch as you go about your business. Watch a movie with my chin on your chest. Inhaling your scent, so fresh and warm, burying my nose in your neck. Take your hand when going out. I want all this because I love you madly.

A strange coincidence of circumstances. I spent so much time looking for something, choosing. But I wasn’t waiting for you, and you appeared on your own. And everything is like in a dream, no. not in a dream, everything is like in a movie. But, really, I thought this only happens in movies. A chance meeting, just all the circumstances came together on one day so that we could find each other. Perhaps it's fate. Probably everything should have been exactly this way and no other way. And I’m just happy that everything happened this way. And it’s scary to think that if something had gone wrong that day, we would never have known each other. I want to admit that I love you very much from the very minute we met, I hope that it is mutual.

You are the first guy I really fell in love with, I can’t think about anyone else anymore, all my thoughts are only about you. I can't sleep at night, I dream about meeting you. I love you.

I can’t live without you, I need you like air. Without you I’m just a little man in this world, but with you I’m in seventh heaven. When you are near, I feel that you need me just as much as you need me. Don't think that when you're not around, I don't think about you. When you are far away, I love you hundreds of thousands of times more. I think about you all the time and love you very much.

Thank you for being in the world - my beloved! Because you appeared in my life, I want to be only with you forever! I really don’t need anyone else besides you, sometimes I forget about my friends, but I never forget about you! You are always in my thoughts, you are the most precious thing I have! I love you! Happy Anniversary!

You are a man, the likes of which almost never exist. You are the meaning of my life and I love you very, very much. I want to be only with you! You are my only one! Know that there is a heart on earth that loves you, waits for you and that cries for you every day. Yes, my dear, every day. happy Anniversary! I love you very much …

My sweet cat, I love you madly! You are the dearest person to me! You are the clearest sun that makes me happy every day! You are my favorite guy! Happy Anniversary!

My little one, my most beloved, I can’t live without you, I exist! I don’t need expensive gifts, soft toys, chocolate, I only need you. Sometimes, when I understand that we cannot be together, I want to die! But every time I wake up in the morning, I understand: I live for you. When you stand next to me, I feel warm, when you talk to me, no matter what, I feel hot, when you kiss me on the cheek when we meet, I feel warm, but you don’t leave a burn on my body, it forms in my heart! And it doesn’t hurt me at all. I want to live for you, breathe for you, I want to always be with you. I love you more than life. Happy anniversary, darling!

I never thought that it was possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that there was so much that was still unsolved in this person. I never knew that the words “I love you” sound like the first time every time. I have never met a person with whom hours would fly by like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part. I have never found such a close and dear person. Darling, I have never loved as much as I love you. Happy anniversary darling!

My unshaven sun! My gloomy breeze! My prickly cloud! All the words of all the languages ​​of the world are not able to contain the depth of my feelings for you. When you're with me, it takes my breath away. When I'm with you, I breathe quickly and often. When we are close, I want to bury my nose in your strong shoulder and not pay attention to the whole world. But this is unfair: after all, it was this world that gave me you, your strong hands, your smart eyes, your gentle words... I can no longer imagine How would I live without you! I am grateful to fate for giving me the opportunity to love, and I am happy that this opportunity is to love you, my unshaven sun! Happy anniversary to you!

Do you know what happiness is? Happiness is love and complete reunion with your loved one. I dream about you every night, and I can no longer keep my feelings for you to myself! I love you! I love you as you can only love once in a lifetime, so selflessly and deeply, with a pure heart and soul! Believe that I will always be your support in all your deeds, successes and failures. I will always be there no matter what happens and no matter what! I can give you joy and great love, without which life loses its meaning! Should we try? I love you, understand? I love you so much that you occupy all my thoughts. You are in my dreams and they are all dedicated to you! My dear, I will never betray you and will always help you in everything! I love you very much! Happy anniversary of our relationship!

My sun is clear, my joy is boundless, my ocean is boiling! I feel cold, painful and sad without you. You fill my life with meaning, paint the world in all colors, launch a rainbow into the sky, disperse the clouds above my head. Thank you, dear, for everything! I love you. Very! Your unruly hair, radiant eyes, kiss-hungry lips, courageous hands. My heart beats in unison with yours - do you hear? And this trepidation cannot be drowned out by anything - neither adversity, nor difficulties, nor problems. I can overcome anything when you're by my side! I will endure everything! And then our great love, like a balloon, will lift us to the skies, and the rest of the world with its mortal affairs will lie at our feet. He will cease to exist for us! It will be just you and me, my love! Forever. Forever.

Since I met you, it always seems to me that this has already happened in my life, only many millions of years ago. You won my heart with your seriousness, restraint and true masculinity. You made me the most devoted member of your “sect”, you never cease to amaze with your views on life, somehow everything in you was harmoniously combined: tenderness, strength, audacity, and timidity. What are we on this island of the Universe called Earth?! We are just like Adam and Eve, the discoverers of the most real, sincere, human feelings called love! I am made from your rib, I am your soul mate, and therefore I am so happy to see you, feel you, live by you and your interests, I accept everything that you come up with, and whatever else you come up with, it’s nice to feel united with you whole! Therefore, I can tell you with complete confidence that I love you, I love you to the very depths of my soul, I love you with every fiber of my being, and may this love make us happy! Happy anniversary, my love.

A long time ago, there lived a very proud beauty in the Caucasus. Once she told a young man who was in love with her: “Climb high into the mountains. There, on the steepest rock, a beautiful flower grows - a symbol of eternal love. Bring this flower to me, and then I will give you my love.” So says an old Caucasian legend. But for me there is no need to climb the mountains. Because the flower of love has long bloomed in my heart. Its timid sprout sprouted on the day when I first saw you. And it began to grow day by day. Each meeting made him more and more beautiful, and each separation made him stronger and stronger. I love you, my dear man! And I want your eyes to be the sun for our love, and your hands to be true support. I'm happy that you are next to me! Happy anniversary, my dear!

Since we met, I have become truly happy. Every moment spent next to you is a fairy tale for me, which I have dreamed of since a young age. You are my hero, with whom I always feel calm and comfortable, fun and good. When we are together, I am ready to conquer mountains, to shout to the whole world about what happiness fate has given me. Yes, I am the happiest woman on earth, because I have you. I love you! I breathe you, I am ready to follow you to the ends of the earth, because I will only be happy when you are nearby. Look into my eyes and you will see a whole world there, in which there will only be you and me. Look into my heart and there you will see a place where you will feel warm and comfortable. Look into my soul - it is open to you. Darling, it is destined for us to be together and I will do everything to ensure that you are the happiest man on earth.

When a girl is asked a question about her ideal man, you can often hear the answer: to be kind, honest, and so on. I always assumed that it was really possible to be guided by such criteria in life, until... Until I fell in love with you. Now it seems to me that all this does not matter, because the person I love is completely absorbed in love and care. He is both protection and support in life, and a strict father, and an attentive friend, and simply your whole integral world. I feel very good and comfortable next to you, I believe that together we can overcome a lot. I like to close my eyes and imagine that you are nearby, and when you are nearby, I simply don’t think about anything. To be myself, to love, to give you happiness - this is what my life acquired when you appeared in it!

I think that today is incredible, because today two lovers are celebrating their anniversary, on which, in fact, I want to congratulate them. Your relationship is full of contrasts, which is what makes it so special. On your special day, I sincerely want to wish you mutual patience, support and understanding. Take care of each other, appreciate each other, and in no case doubt your halves, because from the day you became a couple, you became a single whole, which from now on cannot be divided. I wish you happiness, goodness and harmony. May your feelings last forever!

Darling, a month has passed -
We've been with you for exactly a month,
For exactly a month the soul glows,
And love is read in the eyes,
May everything be fine with us,
Every day we become closer
I love you with both my heart and soul
Even stronger every single day.

I've been with you for a month now
And I can’t stop admiring you,
It's already been a month under the moon,
I kiss you every day.
I hope this is forever
Or maybe completely forever.
Today I wish
Endless love and happiness!

Darling, you and I have been together for a long time, but when you are near, the days fly by like seconds! On our anniversary, I congratulate you and admit that I have never regretted my choice!

Happy anniversary to you, my love! Our relationship was tested by time itself, and fate put a mark of quality on it. I never want to part with you! Hugs and kisses!

Our relationship is (number of years or months old) and it still delights us with romance, trust and mutual understanding. I am grateful to fate for you and I dream that our story will last forever!

You and I are still together, which means that fate willed it and it united the two halves of one beautiful whole! Congratulations, beloved, on our anniversary! Be with me, believe me, and I will believe in you and follow you!

I don't need a palace and mink coats,
And all you need is one loving look,
Your smile, dear, tender lips,
I met you three months ago.
But it seems like a whole century with you,
You have become family and friends to me,
The soul sings, love has covered its head,
And I can’t live a day without you.

You've been with me for only ninety days,
But love took over my whole heart,
My beloved, my support and joy,
I have been waiting for such a meeting all my life.
Fate brought us together so by chance,
Three months, although a short period of time,
Congratulations on the date and I’ll tell you a secret,
That I always want to be with only you.

For 3 months we have been singing our love song,
It's sweet for us to be with you,
You are my ideal, my dream,
With you, I live like in a fairy tale.

We've known each other for just a month,
And I can’t live without you,
I want to always be with you,
It seems to me that I love you.
You are kind, gentle, affectionate and sweet,
Only with you will I be happy,
I wish you all the best,
May you be lucky in everything, everywhere.

We were introduced by a happy accident,
And now you and I have been together for a month,
There is no one dearer, kinder and better than you,
For everything I am grateful to my fate.
I congratulate you on the month of dating you,
I wish you joy, good luck and warmth,
I dedicate my poems to you today,
May fate generously reward you.

I congratulate you on this bright day,
You've been able to live so long
I'm very happy for you,
It couldn't be any other way!
You love each other very much
And respect and honor,
May happiness be abundant to you,
So that you can count the years together!

Relationship anniversary,
So we need to congratulate
We wish you pleasures,
Love each other, respect!
And let it happen more than once again,
Have you celebrated your holiday?
And let it be 100 years one day,
Your family is so big!

Let all the thousands of numbers not be enough for us,
to keep count of your happy days!
let there be light-radiance of love,
let the heat be the breath of love,
your tongue is the interlocutor of love,
and the heart is a reserve of love!

Dear Svetlana, you are my love
I don’t need another, God knows
No matter what happens, I'm always with you
Beloved Svetlana, my bright angel!
If it is difficult, I will endure it and I will sacredly preserve my love.

According to all the canons of romanticism
You must read poetry to me;
But it so happened that in life
We've had each other for a year now,
And therefore, forgetting the canons
And the thought rhymes without difficulty,
I remain in love with you!
I hope this is forever.

You and I have lived for a year
No worries and no hassle.
Not mine and not yours -
We divided everything between two!
Happy anniversary
My only man!
May we be lucky with you
Instead of two there will be three of us!

You and I, my love, have a lot of happiness,
I know it’s destined in fate!
Exactly a year ago you suddenly
It has become the most expensive on Earth!
Let there be no sorrows in life,
Let eternal May shine in your heart,
Congratulations on your relationship year!
I love you, my love, just know that!

My dear, gentle, dear,
My best and favorite!
My affectionate, so dear
And so necessary in life!
Let me tell you that I
Warmed by the warmth of your soul,
And the star of love, grief,
Life illuminates with a wondrous light!

My dear and most gentle person,
I will never stop admiring you,
I catch every word, every glance of yours,
All because I love you so much.
Today is our first holiday - a month,
For a whole month your smile shines on me like the sun,
For a whole month I love you more than life itself,
Know, dear, now you are only mine!

Fate gave you to me,
You illuminated my whole life,
The month flew by like a dream
I'm just head over heels in love with you.
Congratulations on your dating month,
I wish you joy, good luck and happiness,
Be with me, I ask, always,
You are the best, you are only mine.

Our meeting turned everything upside down in life,
I look forward to seeing you every evening,
You are my ideal, my dream,
You are like a guiding star to me.

I wish you the happiest,
Your smile and your eyes
I'm enchanted, I love you.

It’s been exactly a month since we’ve known each other,
And the soul sings in every way,
It’s so easy and good for me with you,
You are a golden ray of sunshine for me.
Today is our holiday, dating month,
Let's celebrate romantically with you,
I want to be with you all my life,
I want to breathe and live with you.

I am grateful to fate for our meeting,
Well, how did I live without you before?
And even though our acquaintance is only a month,
I'm sure we will always be together.
Happy dating month, congratulations,
May only happiness await you ahead,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
May your cherished dream come true.

I've been very lucky in my life,
I call our meeting fate,
With you I feel so good, so easy,
With happiness, it’s like I’m floating in the clouds.
I hasten to congratulate you on the month of dating,
I want to be with you every day,
I like your eyes and your cheerful laugh,
For me, you are the best in the world.

I'm together with you, like in a dream,
And I really don’t want to wake up,
You are the best, you are just ideal,
You are the girl I have dreamed of all my life.
Today is the month of our acquaintance, congratulations,
I promise to make you the happiest,
May all your wishes come true,
May fate always smile on you.

Congratulations! This is a fairytale:
Everything is still ahead.
The face is not a mask at all!
From now on, as before, don’t be sad!

You're nine months old, baby!
We heartily congratulate you.
After all, from the very first breath
We're all watching you.

You grow, you gain strength.
You already know a lot.
You, happy little one,
We wish the sun to shine!

9 months have flown by
From your birthday,
We wish you, Manyunka,
Only the best.

Gain strength quickly
Grow up, learn everything,
Be kind, smart, cheerful,
Don't be sad and don't be angry!

9 months so fast
Like a day, it flew by.
I want the baby
Life gave me happiness.

To the girl - only health,
Mom and dad need to sleep more.
There are many events ahead,
Peace to you, do not lose heart.

For a child's bright birthday
You can't help but wish for everything
So that it’s brighter than the sun’s shine
It would be your life again.

For nine months baby
So little is needed from people!
And can you laugh loudly
And people will have more fun!

And even if it’s not a year yet,
Lots of new things await you,
Sunsets, nights, days, sunrises
And let the sun come out shining!

The girl is already nine months old,
I congratulate my family on the holiday,
I wish you joy, health and warmth,
I wish your little one smiles.

Let it grow to your joy,
And you have patience and success,
I wish the family well
More happiness and laughter!

I want to wish you
Happiness and goodness,
Anything that would be good
My girl!

Take care of your health
Be beautiful as always
You're the best in the world,
I tell you lovingly!

You entered my soul with love,
Gave harmony, affection,
I will never destroy it all,
I will save this tender fairy tale!

Stay in my heart forever,
I will envelop you in light
To be happy forever
You were there, and loved at the same time!
Be as beautiful, wonderful,
Elegant and interesting!

Today is a day of pure rejoicing!
Everyone is happy about the holiday - I congratulate you!
And I have only one wish:
Look into your eyes - they shine!

My beloved, you are so irresistible!
Charming, cheerful, with a snow-white smile!
You have touched my heart forever!
There is no other woman as tender in the world!

On the anniversary, no doubt
There is something to remember between us.
And for the happiness of all moments
Let's drink tart wine!

May you and I not have
There are grievances and quarrels ahead.
You and I love each other,
We don’t wear dirty laundry in public

So come on, holding hands
Walk together according to fate,
Without encountering grief, boredom
On your earthly path!

You have a reason today
To celebrate on a grand scale
Since then the anniversary
How can you meet each other?

I'm lucky in this world
And I'm so happy for you.
I wish you always be happy
You lived together, just like now!

Happy anniversary to you, my love!
Our relationship with you
We've lived through so many long days,
The path has been thorny and difficult!

I definitely want us to
Always remained faithful to them
How wonderful it is that in the whole universe
We are doomed to each other!

Our relationship is tested
And for a long time there has been trust between us
We got to know each other enough
And they recognized their choice completely!

Happy anniversary to you
The best man in the world!
I promise to be a match for you
And I forgive all past quarrels!

The year passed so quickly, unnoticed,
And it seems to me that everything happened yesterday,
I offered you love to build,
And you said “yes” to me with a smile.

And now I’ve been in a relationship with you for a year,
I'll tell you the truth, this is the best year
You inspire me every day,
With you my soul flutters and lives.

I want to connect my life with you,
And I hope they will marry the rings,
With you I can be silent about everything,
With you everything will last for a long time, seriously.

With you I was finally able to know
What does joy, happiness mean?
And I will never get tired of repeating,
That you are more beautiful than all the girls.

Today is a holiday just for us,
My beloved, happy anniversary to us,
A bright future awaits with you,
You are my incentive, you are the reason for life.

It's too hard to admit your feelings
But it’s simply not possible not to talk about them today,
And even though embarrassment bothers me a little,
But the feelings from my insides burn me all over with flames!

Happy relationship anniversary,
My dear and dear.
Congratulations motives,
Filled with beauty.

My mind will be clouded
If you're not around.
I fall asleep - I wake up,
I'm afraid to open my eyes.
And I'm getting scared
That you are not with me.
I will never cease to be surprised
For me you are air, light.
And from the moment we met,
You are loved and close.
Happy relationship anniversary,

Maybe you forgot after all
But I must remind you
What is today's anniversary?
Our meeting since that day.

Fate brought us together,
Two banks merged into one,
Life gave us unity
Wonderful love for two.

We know you quite a bit,
But the heart is not tired of beating.
When you are near, we are together,
I am not afraid of any trouble.

Darling, today we will celebrate
Our first year together!
I have passionately enjoyed this year!
We are in a whirlpool of love!
I want these years to be countless
We lived without grief and worries!
Fortunately, two roads crossed!
And may happiness always await us with you!

Today there is another reason
You have to admit, fading and numb:
I'm very, very glad that you are with me,
And this is the most important thing for me!
Let me not draw wisdom from books,
But I wouldn't be a true man
I wish I could forget in such a happy moment
Congratulations on our anniversary!

A year with you is like on a volcano -
You burn me, you beckon me
Come closer to you
The flames seem to be licking your heels!
But you know me
You understand instantly
Happy anniversary!
You are my destiny, I know.

You and I have a month today,
And this is also an anniversary.
We've been together for thirty days,
And I fall in love more and more.

Someone will say: “A month is not enough!”
But we both know
That this date is just the beginning
Happy and great love.

And now I know for sure
That I want to be with you always,
Spend the two of us like this month,
Still very long years to come.

It’s been exactly a month since we’ve been meeting you.
Congratulations on this small date!
A month of joy, harmony and passion,
Understanding, trust and happiness.

How nice it is for me to have you next to me!
May our love never end with you,
And over time it will only become stronger,
The heart will not stop beating hotly!

So a month has passed since you and I were together,
And I don’t regret anything at all.
How touching and tender our relationship is,
And I fall in love with you stronger and stronger!

At 9 months, a child needs so little from people!
And maybe he can laugh loudly so that everyone around him becomes kinder!
And even though it’s not yet a year, many new things await you, 9 months can sometimes mean more than a century!

Nine months of crazy love - Nine months with you we are together,
It's good for your bride to be with you,
We can't live without each other.
We've been dating for nine months,
And we dissolved in our feelings.

We smiled at each other with love,
And by chance we switched to “you”. We are celebrating ten months of love. You and I have known each other for so long.

And happiness pours into our house over the edge,
I will love you forever, just know that!
We spent ten months with you,
I want to be yours, darling, I’m your bride. Nine months of love we have with you,
Our feelings are like the surf,
We will forever dissolve in them.

Thank you for our months of happiness,
With you I'm not afraid of bad weather,
You will cover both in the rain and in the snow.
I want to congratulate you, my friend! Everything around you has become more beautiful,
And you sang so many sweet songs to me!

I still fell forever at your feet!
And there were no thoughtful solutions:
Just a flash that welded our hearts together
Me on the anniversary of our relationship

I swear to be with you until the end!
Your old man sends you greetings
There is a festive bouquet on my knees.