Popular topics for the teacher of the year competition. JSC "Novgorod Institute for Educational Development". Thank you for your attention

04.03.2022 Symptoms

Those who have participated in the annual Educator of the Year competition will confirm that, along with a serious challenge, it provides a powerful impetus for both professional and personal growth. The opportunity to “look at others and show yourself,” gain useful work experience and pedagogical insights, train your abilities in work and confidence in speaking in public. This competition is a kind of step up the ladder of self-development.

In this section you will find living testimonies of competition participants; business cards and self-presentations prepared for it; Scenarios for the regional stages of the competition and photo reports from them.

About the competition “Teacher of the Year” - from its participants.

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Hello dear friends! On the air of the Teremok TV channel and I am Ekaterina Pugacheva. Today we present to you a new program “Cooking Deliciously” or “Secrets of the Teaching Kitchen”. In our kindergarten it is warm and cozy, just like at home in any kitchen. For myself, I realized a long time ago that my...

Educator of the Year - Scenario for the competition “Junior Educator of the Year”

Every year in our kindergarten there is a competition “JUNIOR TEACHER OF THE YEAR”, and you don’t know what to come up with for your younger teachers, the idea came to me about remaking a story, and for some reason I thought that this story would be “Dunno” , because my...

Business card of a teacher of a preparatory school group with TNR for the competition “Teacher of the Year 2020”. Video

The nomination of the competition “Teacher of the Year 2016” is held on the basis of the MADOU Kindergarten No. 134 (Hervieu st., 16, building 2)

The director addressed the competition participants and guests with a welcoming speech kindergarten Purtova Elena Mikhailovna.

Pupils of the educational institution prepared a small concert and created an atmosphere of a cheerful holiday.

Chairman of the jury - Belkovich Victoria Yurievna announced the opening of the nomination “Teacher of the Year - 2016” and introduced the composition of the jury.

The jury for the “Educator of the Year” nomination:

  1. Belkovich Victoria Yurievna, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and primary education TOGIRRO, candidate of pedagogical sciences , chairman of the jury.
  2. Grebenkina Natalya Valentinovna, Head of the Preschool Education Sector of the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
  3. Skorik Olga Mikhailovna, Head of the Department of Preschool Education, GAPOU TO "Tyumen Pedagogical College"
  4. Kozlova Tatyana Maksimovna, Chairman of the Yalutorovsky City Committee of the Trade Union of Education Workers
  5. Ogorodnova Olga Vasilievna, Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Childhood, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, Tyumen State University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Student jury of the competition in the category “Teacher of the Year”

1. Dmitrieva Daria Andreevna,

2. Tsyplakova Evgeniya Sergeevna Bachelor of Science in Pedagogical Education, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, Tyumen State University

During 3 competition days, participants (20 teachers of preschool educational institutions in the Tyumen region) made a presentation of their pedagogical experience "The author's idea in my teaching practice."

We held competitive events with children and answered numerous questions from the jury.

Krichkovskaya Lyudmila Alekseevna, teacher of the Moscow Regional Administrative Educational Institution No. 153 of the city of Tyumen Theme of the lesson: “Collecting as a way to develop the cognitive and research activities of middle-aged children.”

Guseva Margarita Aleksandrovna, teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution No. 50 of the city of Tyumen “A walk is the little life of children”

Belikova Marina Andreevna, teacher of MADOU CRR d/s No. 5, Ishim Role-playing game

Bakieva Elvira Vilievna, physical education instructor at the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 12” in Tobolsk “Trip to the Zoo”

Goryunova Natalya Valerievna teacher Structural unit of MAOU Maslyanskaya secondary school kindergarten “Alyonushka”, Sladkovsky district “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!” ."

Karelina Elena Ivanovna, teacher, Kindergarten “Cinderella” Zavodoukovsk “The Story of One Hat”

Krivosheina Yulia Yurievna teacher, MADOU Novotarmansky kindergarten "Ogonyok", Tyumen region "Military search campaign of the detachment "Young Pathfinders"

Gostyukhina Natalya Mikhailovna, teacher of MADOU AR kindergarten “Sibiryachok” building No. 2 “Teremok”, Abatsky district “Space travel to the mathematical planet”

Muradyan Elizaveta Vladimirovna, teacher of the MADOU Uporovsky kindergarten "Solnyshko", Uporovsky district Topic: "Experimenting with water"

Potapova Olesya Pavlovna, teacher Branch of the Gagarin Secondary School - Larikha kindergarten, Ishimsky district Lesson topic: “Formation of a healthy lifestyle”

Rakhmatullina Elena Fedorovna, teacher of the Nizhnetavdinsky kindergarten "Kolosok" Lesson topic: "Big tricks of little illusionists"

Uchenova Anastasia Sergeevna, music director of the Regional Educational Institution “Ryabinushka”, Yarkovsky district Lesson topic: “Travel to the country of Musicland”

Filatova Lyubov Anatolyevna, teacher Branch of MAOU "Nizhnearemzyansk secondary school" - kindergarten "Beryozka" p. M-Zorkaltseva, Tobolsk district Lesson topic: "Rooster's birthday"

Frolova Anna Vladimirovna, teacher, MADOU d/s No. 183 of the city of Tyumen Lesson topic: “Lightweight construction with elements of robotics as a means of cognitive development of older preschoolers”

Lyudmila Vasilievna Kharchenko, teacher of the Municipal Autonomous Institution "Kindergarten Solnyshko" of the Uvat municipal district "Integrated lesson: knowledge and artistic creativity (drawing) "Journey to the spring forest"

The students of MADOU Kindergarten No. 134 were incredibly lucky: teachers worked with them, for whom the profession had become a way of life. This is indicated by the topics of the classes, the prepared physical education lessons, and the original content. educational material, and non-standard forms of working with children, and connection to significant events in the history and culture of Russia. >>>

On Wednesday 13 April The results were summed up and the super finalists of the competition were announced:

Belikova Marina Andreevna, teacher of MADOOU TsRR d/s No. 5, city of Ishima

Rakhmatullina Elena Fedorovna, teacher at the Nizhnetavdinsk kindergarten "Kolosok"

Guseva Margarita Alexandrovna, teacher at MADOU d/s No. 50 in the city of Tyumen

Karelina Elena Ivanovna, teacher at the Cinderella kindergarten in the city of Zavodoukovsk

Frolova Anna Vladimirovna, teacher of MADOU d/s No. 183 of the city of Tyumen

On April 14, the super finalists will present a master class with an audience of adults and take part in a round table (discussion with the participation of media representatives)

Media about the competition “Teacher of the Year – 2016”:

Tyumen news service

Information Agency "Tyumen Line"



“Calling: Kindergarten teacher”

Education is not a sum of events and techniques, but wise communication between an adult and the living soul of a child.

V. Sukhomlinsky

One eastern wisdom says that the work of a teacher can be compared with the work of a gardener who grows various plants: “One plant loves sunlight, another loves cool shade. One plant loves the bank of a stream, another loves a dry mountain peak, one grows on sandy soil, the other on oily, clayey soil. Everyone needs a special one, just for them suitable care, otherwise it will not achieve perfection in its development.” I believe that the teacher is a professional person, he is familiar with both theory and practice, he gave his heart to the children - for him this is both reality and romance!

Educator... you can’t count everything, you can talk a lot about this: There are both personal and professional qualities here, But the main thing is caring for children, love for them!

I often wonder... Why did I choose the profession of a teacher?

My choice of profession was more than conscious. I wanted to apply the first experience gained at the pedagogical college immediately. "Teach children! What could be more interesting for a young girl? - I thought. Of course, many things can be more interesting, but how important it is to realize yourself where you want most. Kindergarten! Here it is! Trusting eyes of preschool children, heads smelling of porridge and baby soap. It was in college that they helped me become a teacher and finally confirm my choice of profession. After graduating from college, with a honors diploma indicating completion of education, a fascinating journey into adulthood and the world of childhood began at the same time.

My pedagogical credo:“My destiny is that I am a teacher! And there is no profession more needed!”

Formula for success: U - zeal; S – self-education, P – dedication, E – like-mindedness, X – character

Pedagogical philosophy:to reach the innermost corners of a child’s soul. Help you believe in yourself.

Topic of self-educational work:“Patriotic education of preschool children using environmental means”

I believe that the teacher is the first teacher after the mother who children meet on their life path. These are people who always remain children at heart. For me, my profession is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of childhood, fairy tales, and fantasy. You especially understand the importance of your profession when you see the eyes of children wide open towards you, greedily catching every word, gesture, and glance. Looking into these eyes, you understand that they need you. The kids test my strength and love me at the same time. The secret of their pure love is simple: they are open and simple-minded. They are open to goodness, beauty, and are sensitive to lies and injustice.

The great teacher G. Pestalozzi said: “If you don’t love, then you don’t have the right to educate.”

Indeed, without love there can be no educator. And a real teacher loves all the children: timid and brave, slow and lively, talkative and shy, finds his own zest in everyone, gives a piece of his heart to everyone.

I want to teach every child to live in harmony with himself and the world around him, to show him how beautiful and welcoming the world in which we all live is. I strive to instill in them mutual understanding and love of humanity, so that Goodness, Truth, Love, Beauty, Compassion remain values ​​for them throughout their lives. I try to pass on all my knowledge and skills to children, and a teacher must know and be able to know and be able to do so much, because everyone needs to be captivated, interested, satisfy the child’s curiosity and awaken inquisitiveness.

I am a teacher!!! I am proud of this! There are many professions in the world, but this profession is not chosen, SHE chooses! There are no random people here; they simply cannot live in this state.

I think that when my students grow up and become adults, they will also appreciate my efforts. Even if they don’t become great and famous, they don’t discover new planets and laws of physics, but they live in harmony with the world around them, they are kind, honest, fair, they enjoy life and the fact that they exist on this planet - this is already happiness, This is the meaning of human existence on Earth.

And I... I will know that in each of them there is a piece of my work and heart, that my efforts were not in vain!

Hello dear friends! Tatyana Sukhikh invites you to active communication on the pages of my pedagogical blog. Perhaps some of you do not know that a large-scale show is held in Russia every year - the “Teacher of the Year” competition. Of course, participation in this event is a costly and low-profit affair, but it is very useful for satisfying the professional ego.

The organizers of the All-Russian professional competition of preschool education workers are the Trade Union and the Ministry of Education and Science. As indicated in the Regulations, the main principles of the competition are equal opportunities for each participant, transparency of the process and openness.

Participation in this competition increases the status of not only the nominated specialist, but also the entire preschool institution, as well as the entire educational system of the region. It’s prestigious to have a laureate, winner, or even just a participant in such a major event in your team.

During the academic year, regional competitions are held at the regional level, the winners of which are nominated to participate in the All-Russian competition, where the best of the best wins.

You know, although preparing for and participating in any competition costs a lot of nerves, for a teacher this is a powerful incentive for self-improvement and self-education. Nowadays, there is a demand for a teacher who is constantly developing, searching and striving forward, to new heights in his professional activity.

In the end, competitions are a holiday; they will be remembered for a lifetime as a bright spot in our everyday reality. This is a celebration of communication, fun, funny and even dramatic moments, when your nerves are tense and adrenaline splashes out of you.

You know, during such events there is such a strong unity between people of the same profession, such a burst of creative energy and inspiration that the charge lasts for a long time. After participating, I want to work with renewed vigor, create, develop, share ideas!

Oh, I really wanted to go to the competition! I wonder if you have participated in major competitions? Tell me, please!

Why are competitions held for teachers?

If we talk about the global goals of such significant events as “Educator of the Year,” we can highlight the following:

  • Promoting the wide dissemination of innovative experience in the educational preschool sphere, in other words, each participant submits to the competition a unique methodology or other development that deserves to be introduced into the general education system;
  • Improving the professional skills of preschool teachers, motivation to search for new non-standard approaches to the upbringing and training of preschoolers;
  • Encouraging educators to engage in creative exploration, developing the desire for constant self-education;
  • Increasing the prestige of the teaching profession among the younger generation, revealing the wide potential of the pedagogical field of activity;
  • Creating a favorable atmosphere in preschool institutions for educators to express themselves as professionals in their field;
  • Presentation of the most advanced experience and its dissemination in preschool institutions in Russia;
  • Identification of talented teachers who could pass on their knowledge to the younger generation;
  • Popularization of the activities of preschool institutions through the media.

I don’t know whether the goals set by the competition are being fulfilled at the state level, but each participant, regardless of the place taken, the competition gives enormous experience and the feeling of being a member of a large family of representatives of an extremely important profession - a teacher.

Sometimes at work you have to overcome a lot in order to adequately carry out the educational process. Negativity comes from different sides: parents of students express dissatisfaction with you, management can be tyrannical, colleagues weave intrigues, there is trouble at home... Even the children seem to have conspired and behave extremely badly.

You give up, you think that no one needs your efforts and desires to implement or change something. You are a teacher and must keep yourself in shape, but sometimes it’s difficult to smile at children.

So competitions really raise your self-esteem as a professional, you understand that you work no worse than others, and in some ways you are superior to your colleagues, you gain the strength and desire to work for the kids, to educate them on the best practices. Competitions just help keep yourself in shape.

Who is eligible to participate in the Educator of the Year competition?

Each preschool institution nominates, at its request, one or more participants to the regional stage of the competition, which is held in full-time and in absentia. The candidate must have a qualifying category, be a citizen of Russia and have a desire to take part in the competition. There are no restrictions on age, length of service, gender or other indicators.

Competitions in the preschool institution itself to select candidates for the regional competition may or may not be held. If the kindergarten management believes that the candidate is worthy to represent the kindergarten at the regional stage without any conditions, then it nominates the participant without selection.

Behind academic year Each region of the country must hold a regional competition and submit its winners to the All-Russian stage.

Regional competitions are held in three rounds: the 1st correspondence round, where the candidate is studied based on the submitted materials, the 2nd and 3rd rounds are full-time, where educators demonstrate their skills in front of the jury, spectators and colleagues.

What materials need to be submitted for the first round of the competition?

For this extramural stage you need to prepare the following documents:

  • A properly completed application, the form of which can be downloaded on the official website of the competition. Personal details, place and length of work, qualification category, etc. are indicated here.
  • Separately, you need to send a photo, an application for the processing of personal data (standard document) and a presentation from the organization that is nominating you for the competition. I'm not sure that a reference from management is needed, but it won't hurt.

In addition, a participant’s presentation is required, which consists of three competition tasks:

  • Providing a link to a personal website is the teacher’s blog, which he personally maintains. There should be photos, videos, printed materials that fully reflect the experience, professionalism and achievements of the teacher. You can publish a teacher’s self-development plan, and in general, everything related to pedagogy.

The online portfolio is assessed based on the content, conceptuality and ergonomics of the site. The relevance of materials, usefulness and educational value, even the culture of presentation of materials are taken into account. In addition, the resource must be convenient, aesthetically pleasing, and accessible. In general, I think that my site would be rated quite highly, what do you think? Or am I too self-confident?

  • The teacher’s discovery or innovation is presented in the form of a lesson summary for children on any topic chosen by the teacher. It is presented in printed form, in a certain format, text no more than 7 pages, photos, videos, infographics are required. These presentations should be as unique and non-trivial as possible.

The material is assessed for relevance, originality, applicability “to the general public” and for compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

  • Essay “I am an educator” - there are no specific standards here. Everyone writes as God puts it on their soul, as they understand the essence of their profession and calling. But it must necessarily reflect the motives for choosing a profession, the principles of pedagogical activity and an understanding of the mission of the educator. Yes, the test should not exceed 5 thousand characters without spaces.

You can write about yourself, your dreams, hopes, hobbies. Personal information always attracts people.

All materials are submitted electronically to the website of the regional organizing committee.

What will be needed for the 2nd stage of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year”?

The head-to-head stage of the competition consists of 2 tasks:

  • An educational event with preschoolers takes place in real form, that is, as a real activity with children. It is necessary that the form and topic of the lesson correspond to the selected educational technologies discussed in the essay. For example, you can take your own topic for self-education, be sure to write about it in an essay, and then build a lesson on this topic.

The event is assessed according to several criteria: the competence of the teacher, the ability to interest children, the mobility of the teacher (the ability to organize effective interaction with all participants in the process). The degree of implementation of the integrated approach is also taken into account.

Self-analysis of the lesson, its depth and reflection of one’s activities are especially assessed. There is no need to prolong the event; 20 minutes are given for everything. By the way, the children are not yours, but strangers, “strangers,” so this task is not easy.

  • Master class or demonstration and defense of your work: methodological technique, method, technology. This is a kind of report on the effectiveness and scientificity, so to speak, of your know-how. But there are no requirements that the presented methods or methods of raising, teaching, developing or improving the health of children are strictly unique. Everything has already been invented before us.

The main thing is that the presented techniques or technologies correspond to modern trends in preschool pedagogy. You know, at this stage, not only the essence of the methodology is taken into account, but the ability to present and interest the jury, captivate and charm the audience. Even if you just show how you work on appliqué with waste materials, but you manage to present it enchantingly, the jury will definitely like you.

Based on the results of two stages, 5 finalists are determined who move on to the next stage.

Format of the 3rd stage of the competition for the best educators

The work plan for the third stage of the regional competition is simple - all you need to do is prepare a public lecture and present it to the general public.

Usually the topic is given in advance and the finalists have the opportunity to prepare. The topic concerns, of course, the educational process. For example, creating optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of a child in a preschool educational institution. 10 minutes are given to speak.

Compliance with the given topic, reflection in the speech of modern trends in the preschool education system, persuasiveness of speech, brightness and literacy, expressiveness and ability to interact with the public are assessed. After all, the lecture format involves asking questions to the lecturer, to which he must answer clearly and, preferably, appropriately.

Since we, educators, are artists at heart, the artistry of the performance is also assessed.

Who is the winner?

So, all stages are completed, and the winner is determined by the maximum number of points. The best teacher in the region is nominated for the All-Russian competition, which in itself is very prestigious for any teacher.

Since the regional stages are spread over the entire academic year, the All-Russian is usually held in the summer. Although, I’m lying, last year was in November, if I’m not mistaken. All participants are awarded diplomas, and 1st, 2nd, 3rd places are awarded with gifts. In addition, winners are determined in the following categories: “Debut of the Year”, “Best Essay”, “Best Portfolio” and others.

If the organizers manage to attract sponsors, the prizes can be substantial. Sponsors also have a habit of choosing their own favorites and rewarding them separately.

What can I say, if you can still pass the regional stages, then the All-Russian competition is a serious test for your nerves. You need to draw up a long-term plan in advance to prepare for this large-scale show and stock up on Corvalol.

I haven’t participated in such big events yet, but everything is ahead! Do you think I have a chance of winning? This is me unobtrusively asking for compliments...

What can I say, only preparing for the regional stage will give me a lot as a professional:

  • You will have to turn over mountains of methodological and educational literature, work hard to improve your professional and intellectual level;
  • Seriously study progressive methods of self-analysis, since this will allow me to look at myself as a teacher from the outside and see the pros and cons, as well as evaluate the prospects;
  • To prepare emotionally for enormous psychological stress, intense passions, disappointment, for this you simply need to master self-regulation techniques;
  • Learn to overcome the fear of an unfamiliar audience, speak coherently and beautifully in public.

These skills will not interfere with any teacher, even if he does not intend to participate in competitions.

Let me philosophize a little more...

I would like to add that participation in such major events not only satisfies the teacher’s professional needs, but also gives hope for growth in the profession. The winners, and simply participants of the competition, are invited to various conferences, trainings, they are invited to exchange experiences in other regions, etc. If you're lucky, they'll invite you to other countries!

This, in general, is a real tool for the professional growth of a teacher and an opportunity to show oneself.

Many of my colleagues, and me too, are stopped by the banal fear of big events, it’s like an exam, very scary. But once you overcome this cowardice, you will understand that there are no barriers that you cannot overcome. I convince myself so much!

I read the diaries of the participants in last year’s competition, and everyone was delighted with the organization and atmosphere. Not only the winners were happy, but also everyone who was lucky enough to take part in such an enchanting show.

The 2016 competition took place in St. Petersburg and judging by the photos, it was simply gorgeous! The participants not only worked hard at the competition, but also had fun: they were accommodated in a first-class hotel, fed deliciously, invited to excursions around the city, psychologically prepared for the competition, and given training and educational lectures. No negativity, only cohesion and mutual assistance.

The participants supported each other, even those who did not make it to the finals were happy to have attended such a show. And what a memory will remain until the end of life, because not everyone is so lucky to be among the best educators in the country!

So, if anyone has any doubts about participating, brush them aside! Yes, first you need to win the regional competition...

I have already been inspired to do this feat, I hope you will support me, friends. If you found this article useful, please share it on in social networks, whose icons you will find at the end of the text. I also don’t get tired of inviting new subscribers, I promise it will be interesting!

Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh! Till tomorrow!

Chubukova Elena Mikhailovna

Work experience: 22

Education: secondary specialized (Krasnoufimsky Pedagogical College).

Place of work, position: Municipal government preschool educational institution “Kindergarten “Beryozka”, Arti village, teacher.

Professional achievements:

Participation in competitions:

  • Municipal competition “Calling – 2013” ​​- 2nd place; year 2013.
  • II regional competition of pedagogical excellence "PROFI-2014", nomination: "Master Teacher" - 1st place, nomination "People's Recognition" - 1st place - 2014.
  • Municipal competition of pedagogical projects “Intellectual piggy bank” - 1st place, 2014;
  • Competition of pedagogical products “Development of professional competence of a teacher as a condition for the successful implementation of innovations in the educational process”, 2012.

Participation with children in regional competitions:

  • The first stage of the regional festival “City of Masters” is a children’s creativity competition. One child has 1st place. year 2014;
  • Regional competition of applied art "Space World" 2011.

Participation with children in municipal competitions:

  • "Christmas Fantasies" 2012;
  • “Towards the Stars” 2011;
  • “Defender of the Fatherland Day” 2012;
  • “The world through the eyes of children” 2012;

Topic of in-depth research (or topic of certification, self-education):

  • Program “The Magical World of Theater”;
  • Certification topic: “Development of speech of preschool children through theatrical activities.”

Self-presentation of professional activity:

  • Participation in the seminar “Design and organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education”, 36 hours, 2013.
  • Scientific and practical conference. Exhibition of pedagogical products “Formation of cognitive activity of preschool children through different types activities" 2012.
  • District Methodological Association, report on the topic: “Organization of the educational process to ensure the successful socialization of children,” 2012.
  • District methodological association “Solving educational problems during the day through the organization of gaming activities” - work experience, 2012.
  • Regional methodological association “Formation of the fundamentals of life safety in preschool children as a factor in maintaining health” - theatrical performance“Cat House” - work experience, 2013.
  • Regional seminar for teachers of the Artinsky urban district “FGT and Federal State Educational Standards: solving the problem of continuity” - work experience, 2013.
  • Regional methodological association “Modern approaches to organizing the cognitive and speech development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions” - presentation of work experience and master class with children, 2014.
  • Open events for teachers in kindergarten:

“Introduction to the nursery rhyme: “Like our cat”;

"The Journey of a Droplet";

“Items made of glass and metal”;

Fairy tale - game “Pedestrian ABC”;

"Guardian of the Motherland";

“We are funny kittens”;

“1,2,3,4,5 we came to the fairy tale again.”

"My pedagogical philosophy"

Is being a teacher a job or a state of mind?

I have one calling -

I like to open for kids Big world doors,

And I bring children into the world as if into my own home,

I belong here, and everyone believes in me.

A solo song flows from my soul:


What could be more wonderful?!

Educator - what is this word, why is it called that?

It seems simple to the ear, but how much meaning is put into it

To begin with, the Educator is, first of all, just a person,

Love for children is his path and he will never turn away from it!

The teacher is a man from God, everything is already embedded in him:

Kindness, purity, faith in everyone and also care for everything!

The teacher is a professional person, he is familiar with both theory and practice,

He gave his heart to his children - for him this is both reality and romance!

Educator... you can’t count everything, you can talk a lot about this:

There are both personal and professional qualities here, but the main thing is caring for children!

From a very early age I wanted to work with children. Therefore, when the time came to get a profession, I had no doubts.

I chose my profession according to the dictates of my heart. I am becoming more and more convinced of the correctness of the words of the Roman historian Sallust: “Every man is the creator of his own destiny,” and I, having found my star, create my own destiny. My second home was a planet called the World of Childhood. At first I worked as a teacher primary classes- fourteen years old. And when I was offered to work in a kindergarten, I gladly agreed. And now I’ve been working for nine years. Over the years, I have never regretted that my life is spent among children. Being within the walls of the kindergarten, I forget about all the problems and sorrows, I always feel energetic, young, I like being in the world of a unique, fairy-tale childhood. For me, this is not just a profession or a job - it is a state of mind, a way of life.

The Eastern saying is very close to me: “The work of a teacher can be compared to the work of a gardener growing various plants. One plant loves the light of the sun, another loves the cool shade; one loves the bank of a stream, the other a dry mountain peak; one grows on sandy soil, the other on oily, clayey soil. “Everyone needs special care that is only suitable for him, otherwise he will not achieve perfection in his development.” Likewise, in my work, every child needs love and understanding of his individuality. After all, only in love the uniqueness of each baby is revealed, his image is revealed. Everyone has their own idea, their own special world that cannot be destroyed, which must be helped to open up. I always believe in the capabilities of every child, in the goodness that is inherent in him. And it is I who have been entrusted by Humanity to “sow” the rational, the good, the eternal into the little souls of the most beautiful treasures on Earth! It’s so wonderful to give these restless creatures the warmth of your heart.

I - loving person! I have a wonderful mission - to give my Love to children! And I take great pleasure in bringing it to life, while simultaneously teaching my children this feeling. As L.N. Tolstoy said: “To love means to live the life of the one you love.” These words are the meaning of why you go to see your children every day. A child is the most important value in my activity. And I, as a teacher, am responsible for ensuring that this child succeeds as an individual, that is, is not broken, humiliated, so that he finds out who he is, understands what his capabilities are, what he can do, what he wants.

I am in constant creative search. After all, only a creative teacher can inspire you with his warmth, faith, and talent. Don't be afraid to take risks, change, learn. It’s worth trying, daring, creating, without stopping there. I do not consider myself a teaching genius, but I sincerely strive to be a decent, honest person, and to be an example for my children. After all, the power of imitation is so great and its significance is so enormous.

Every day I am happy to meet my guys. Their bright, clear, pure eyes, curious, believing, kind, appreciating my every glance, gesture, step, deed. How painful it is sometimes to meet the dull, not childishly serious gaze of a child. What happened? Where is his smile? I immediately want to help him, caress him, give him a piece of my soul. After all, every child has a great need for emotional contact. Adjust something in your clothes, pat him on the head, smile. Little man trusts me, the teacher. And here we can say in the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky “... to become a real teacher of children, you need to give them your heart.”

The more joy a child has in childhood, the more he will give it to people as an adult. Childhood impressions leave a deep imprint on a child’s life. And therefore I strive to ensure that these impressions are light, bright, joyful. What a child takes away from childhood will stay with him throughout his life. And if it turns out to be happy, then the person will remember it all his life. Every day I strive to pass on my love and knowledge to my child. And a miracle happens! In return, I receive their trust, revelations, joy, little secrets and tricks. Children change, and I change along with them. Being a teacher for me means living. I am proud of my profession, I am proud that when my former students meet me, they smile at me with their special smile, by which I immediately recognize them, say hello, and share their news and achievements.

I often think about what I would do without these little naughty girls, without their sparkling eyes. And I can't find the answer. I like to answer a whole “waterfall” of questions, and I try to take them seriously, clarifying what they ask, translating childhood curiosity into a persistent need to learn new things. I like to draw, sculpt and sew, sing and dance, play, read, dream, fantasize with my children, perform in front of parents, rejoice together, and just be around. I love children very much and understand them perfectly.

It’s difficult to say that work is an everyday holiday, but it is still a huge responsibility. Sometimes you just give up, but as soon as your child smiles at you and that’s it, you understand that you simply cannot betray them.

Going to work with joy, leaving work with pleasant fatigue - in this I see the highest happiness and meaning of life. Children are my main wealth, and I am surrounded by them both at work and at home.

I'll give anything for a child's smile:

Your warmth, attention, care.

I'm really grateful to heaven

That they suggested a great job to me.

I'll give anything for a child's smile:

Rewards, praise and respect.

In prayer I will give glory to the Lord

For giving this pleasure!