Figure skater Oksana Grischuk personal life. Personal life of Oksana Grischuk. What was the reaction of sports officials

20.02.2022 ethnoscience


A month ago, two-time Olympic champions in ice dancing Pasha Grischuk and Evgeniy Platov performed for the first time in their lives at the World Professional Championships in Washington. Moreover - and this was a sensation - they fought against each other. Their new partners were ex-world champions Maya Usova and Alexander Zhulin.

In Washington, as you know, Usova and Platov won. Grischuk and Zhulin remained only third. But everyone was interested not only in purely sports results. The reasons why the most famous dancing couple in history broke up remained a mystery. And now a lot has become clear. Yesterday Pasha Grischuk called SE correspondent Elena VAITSEKHOVSKAYA from Los Angeles.

And two days before that - in Moscow - a conversation took place with Evgeny Platov.



I assess our breakup with Platov unequivocally - he left me. Although I wanted to continue skating with him. After all, professional figure skating is just a business, a way to make money. But Platov chose Maya. Immediately after this, Sasha Zhulin called me and offered to ride together. It worked out very well for us. We won the tournament with the participation of the 1992 Olympic champions Marina Klimova and Sergei Ponomarenko, then we performed in the Elvis Stoiko show, and we received a standing ovation in all cities. But in Washington they lost. This is probably natural; we didn’t have a “wall” - a coach like Tarasova. However, I didn’t dare ask her for help when I just started skating with Zhulin. In the end, Maya and Zhenya were already training with her. The second option was Natalia Linichuk’s group, but they would hardly have accepted us there either: Linichuk has too many of her own skaters. It’s enough that she took Sasha’s former couple Navka - Kostomarov, whom he had previously trained. We work alone.

By the way, how did his friend Tatyana Navka react to your desire to ride with Zhulin? You, if I’m not mistaken, at one time became the main culprit in the breakup of Sasha and Maya?

This is not entirely true. Zhulin told me that his family life began to crack much earlier than we started dating. I have an excellent relationship with Tanya. In any case, she supported Sasha’s decision.

- Were you very upset when you lost to Usova and Platov in Washington?

Yes, sure.

- Why did you abandon the tournament in Japan, which ended on Sunday?

Not at all because they were afraid to lose again. We just haven’t had time yet to stage an original dance, which must meet certain rules. We don't train very much. Firstly, Zhulin lives in Delaware, and I live in Los Angeles. Sasha periodically flies to me for training, and this, you understand, does not happen as often as we would like. Secondly, he is tormented by old injuries. Despite this, we plan to perform in a demonstration show in Switzerland. Maybe we can go to Prague and watch the European Championships.

- Are you going to perform with Zhulin in Collins’ Type?

Tom said that for him our pairs exist only in one form: Grischuk - Platov and Usova - Zhulin. But we will continue skating with Sasha in any case. I won’t try to guess how long. I'm not in the best mood right now. The doctor even advised me to see a psychoanalyst to avoid the onset of depression.

- How are you doing with cinema?

She starred in several small episodic roles. That's all for now.



At the Olympic Games in Nagano, I seriously thought that I had no future. Pasha only said that she wanted to become an actress and go to Hollywood, she flatly refused to perform in a very prestigious exhibition show in Tokyo, and only at the last moment my coach Tatyana Tarasova and I managed to persuade her not to do this. A little later, having returned to the USA, we decided to move to New Jersey, where Tarasova planned to work further. But then it turned out that Grischuk had already moved - to Los Angeles. When asked how she was going to train now, Pasha replied that I should come to her when she had free time from filming in Hollywood.

- When did you decide to pair up with Usova?

During Collins's exhibition tour of America. Before this, I was asked so often if I wanted to change my partner that in the end I thought about it myself. Maya immediately agreed - and at the end of the tour we began training with her at Tarasova. At first they simply performed demonstration dances. A little later we tried to make an original waltz for a performance in Canada at the Pro-Em tournament, in which both amateurs and professionals participate. Unexpectedly, we won these competitions and received an invitation to Washington.

- What are your future plans?

There are several performances ahead in Collins' winter Type. By the way, when Tom Collins found out that Maya and I were going to ride together, he immediately stated that nothing would come of this idea and that he would hardly ever be interested in us as participants in the tour. However, in Washington, after we skated the free dance, Collins was one of the first to stand in the honor box and begin to applaud. Then he came up, congratulated me on the victory and said that he took his words back.

- Do you feel the same competitive passion when performing in professional and mixed tournaments?

What a great one! But Grischuk, as far as I know, no longer wants to play with Zhulin. She doesn't know how to lose.

P.S.On Sunday in Tokyo at the Honda Lev Cup tournament, Usova and Platov won another victory.

Hell girl Oksana Grischuk

Cunning intriguer Sasha Zhulin. - The brutal trainers broke a rib and knocked out a tooth. - Tanya Navka achieved her goal. - Italian lovers of Angelica Krylova.

In 1992, between young but already promising dancers Oksana Grischuk And Evgeny Platov An interesting conversation took place. Zhenya, seizing the moment when they were alone in the house, stunned his partner:

Oksana, let's live together. It's not the first day we've known each other. - That is, how? In one room? - asked Grischuk. - Well, yes. And anyway... Don't you know how a man and a woman live? He unbuttoned the top button of her blouse, put his finger under her bra and played with her small hard nipple...

Grischuk and Platov were then training in the USA, in Lake Placid. U Natalia Dubova. The students and the coach were given a house for three - each had their own room. Natalya Ilyinichna left somewhere, and Zhenya was blown away.

Oksana was shocked! Platov's fiancee, a figure skater, was waiting for him in Moscow Masha Anikanova, who later retrained as an actress. There was less than a month left before the wedding. Zhenya has already bought the bride an engagement ring. Maybe Platov was joking? No, he was talking seriously. Oksana was proud of her partner - stately, handsome, he can do almost everything on the ice. But she was not attracted to Evgeny as a man. At that time, Grischuk, like a cat, was in love with another skater - Alexandra Zhulina. At some competition they slept together, and Oksana fell in love with him so much that she could fulfill any desire. She was not at all embarrassed that Alexander was married to his partner Maya Usova.

Sasha told me that he and Maya only had the appearance of a family - the love had passed. And they don’t get divorced so that there is no noise in the press,” Grischuk recalled. - I, like a blind kitten, fell in love with him, and he hung so much noodles on my ears - no amount of forks would be enough to remove it. Of course, at 20, I was naive, gullible, I believed every word he said, and he took advantage of it.

One day, during a foreign tour, Zhulin knocked on the hotel room where Oksana lived and asked her to go into the hall. When she appeared in the corridor, Alexander took the girl away from the door and said mysteriously:

I have a surprise for you. Look! Zhulin took a wedding ring out of his pocket and put it on Oksana’s finger. She stood with her eyes wide open and was ready to fly into the sky with happiness. “Just you know...” Zhulin hesitated, “don’t wear this ring to performances.” Otherwise they will start asking questions: where, from whom? I haven't divorced Maya yet. Now you understand how much I love you. How can you prove your love to me?

What should I do? - Oksana asked quietly.

Quit figure skating. For me. For our sake.- How to quit? Why? - We’ll have a family, you know? Now my wife is a figure skater. I don't want this anymore. Both at work and at home there are the same problems. I need a normal family! From an overabundance of feelings, Oksana almost burst into tears. So, at the height of your career, quit sports? She promised Zhulin to think about it. So Platov could not count on reciprocity from Grischuk. Having encountered such a “dynamo” for the first time, Evgeniy decided to take revenge on her. And in the evening of the same day a real emergency happened. Platov told Dubova that Grischuk wanted to leave her for Natalia Linichuk(with whom I trained before, while still a singles skater). And invites him with her.

Hearing this, Dubova turned white with anger:

What are you thinking, bastard? She decided to run away from me! Having found Oksana, Natalya Ilyinichna grabbed her hair and slapped her. The showdown with the obstinate student ended with the coach and her husband, Semyon Belits-Gaiman, unable to control their nerves, they broke Oksana’s rib and almost knocked out a tooth. - Good riddance! “Run wherever you want,” Dubova finally said. Grischuk packed her things and flew home. And Platov remained in the group with Natalya Dubova, who found him a new partner - Tatiana Navka However, according to Oksana, Platov himself, after the 1992 World Championships, suggested that she move to Linichuk. Such a transition, as Eugene believed, would look quite logical. Olympic champions Marina Klimova And Sergey Ponomarenko ended their careers, and it turned out that both of the country's leading dance couples (Usova - Zhulin and Grischuk - Platov) were training with the same specialist - Natalia Dubova. At the 1992 world championship, Usova and Zhulin won silver, and Grischuk and Platov won bronze.

It is clear that Dubova will pay more attention to Maya and Alexander, as leaders, so it makes sense to change the coach.

When Zhenya discussed this in a conversation with Oksana, she said: let’s not rush, we need to think carefully. But Platov presented the matter in such a way that Grischuk had already decided everything.

Platov nevertheless married Masha Anikanova, but their marriage was short-lived. And Grischuk, having flown to Moscow, hung up her skates and began to wait for her prince, Zhulin. In three months of forced idleness, she gained 10 kilograms of excess weight! Oksana was afraid to approach the mirror; she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. And then Maya Usova called her from America. “It was three o’clock, I jumped up as if scalded,” Grischuk recalls. - And Usova immediately tells me that her husband started an affair with Navka! Yes, everything is in colors. In details - where they kissed, how she caught them. After this, naturally, I couldn’t sleep. A day later I received a call from Zhulin. As if nothing had happened, he asks: “Well, dear, are you waiting for me? I will come soon". Then I kicked him off, said that I knew about his antics with Navka, and asked him not to call again.

But Platov’s duet with his new partner did not work out. Apparently, Tatyana Navka at that moment was least thinking about training. Evgeniy himself contacted Linichuk and Karponosov and admitted that he would like to go over to them. Grischuk, wounded and offended by the whole world, wanting to get out of her depression as quickly as possible, also turned to Natalya:

Take me with you, I’ll work like hell! Linichuk once said that she would never take Oksana back. After all, Grischuk, whom she trained since childhood, betrayed her by moving to Dubova’s group. But traitors, they say, are not forgiven. But, after weighing all the pros and cons, Natalya Vladimirovna still took pity on Oksana.

Grischuk grew up as an abandoned child - her father left the family early, the girl was raised by her mother. They lived in Odessa, and then moved to Moscow - the mother rightly believed that in the capital it would be easier for her daughter to break into people. However, it is possible that the parent was not least thinking about herself. In Moscow she met a German and left for Germany forever. The young teenage girl was left alone. Figure skating became the meaning of her life.

It is not surprising that Natalya Linichuk felt sorry for the “lost sheep”. Oksana and Zhenya started skating together again. Hard, almost hard work began, which in February 1994 culminated in a sensational victory at the Olympics in Lillehammer. Usova and Zhulin, at that time the current world champions, lost to the second pair of the Russian team!

By the way, if that terrible fight with self-harm had not happened between Dubova and Grischuk, young Tanya Navka would hardly have appeared in Lake Placid! A few months were enough for her not only to turn the head of the experienced womanizer Zhulin, but also to subsequently become his wife. Then, in 1994, standing on the Olympic podium in Lillehammer and triumphantly looking down at Zhulin, Oksana could not even imagine that just four years later she would be skating with him in the same duet. But it seemed that she would never forgive him.... The dance tournament of the 1998 Olympics in Japan was remembered for the intense struggle for medals. In addition to Grischuk and Platov, another Russian duet also claimed gold awards - Angelika Krylova And Oleg Ovsyannikov.

Two years before the Olympic Games, both of these couples trained with Natalya Linichuk. At some point, suspicious Grischuk felt that Natalya Vladimirovna was more sympathetic to Angela and Oleg. The coach’s carelessly thrown phrase that Krylova and Ovsyannikov were quite capable of winning the Olympics added fuel to the fire. As a result, a serious conflict arose, after which Oksana and Zhenya went to another coach - Tatiana Tarasova. They left with a scandal, “forgetting” to pay off Linichuk and Karponosov. We were talking about an amount of over 30 thousand dollars! The offended mentors sued their students in an American court and achieved payment of money. It is curious that the contract that the coaches signed with Grischuk and Platov did not have a seal, but had the signatures of both skaters. This was enough for the court to recognize the document as authentic.

Meanwhile, Tarasova regretted a hundred times that she got involved with Grischuk and Platov. Zhenya did not cause her many problems, but Oksana exhausted all her nerves.

She was constantly late for training, and one day Tatyana Anatolyevna could not stand it:

Enough! So that this is the last time. “Even if you kill me, I still won’t come on time,” Grischuk answered calmly. - It doesn’t work out for me. And she continued to be late. Platov once told the following story. He and the guys were sitting in the men's locker room and suddenly heard a woman screaming and terrible sobs. The impression is that someone is being beaten or trying to stab someone. The men burst into the women's locker room, and Oksana was sitting there shedding tears into three streams, without explaining anything. Then, according to Zhenya, he got used to such causeless crying. Tarasova in her book “Beauty and the Beast” recalls: “For the first time in my life, I saw a person who cried endlessly. Hell Girl. Oksana suspected all people (some, it must be said, not without reason) of various bad deeds. Quite quickly I realized that the girl was not completely mentally healthy, and I felt sorry for her. A sick child is even more valuable.

Grischuk constantly scandalized and threw tantrums. Half an hour before training, Tarasova drank a strong sedative - otherwise it was impossible to withstand all this.

I wanted to tear off her ears or pull out Oksana’s teeth one by one. That’s how she drove me crazy,” Tarasova recalled. - Grischuk was hooligan and rude, and then suddenly brought bouquets of flowers to my door. She often left notes in flowers: “I love you for life.” Or something like that. She even called me mommy, and I gradually thawed out.

Angelika Krylova believed that she was in no way inferior to Grischuk - neither in technique nor in artistry. In order to become the first, Krylova even broke up with her previous partner Vladimir Fedorov, although in a duet with him Angela was already a prize-winner of the Russian Championship. She had no doubt that her partner was inferior to her in class. Fedorov worried for a long time. In addition, Volodya learned the unpleasant news from third parties. Linichuk replaced Fedorov with Oleg Ovsyannikov. The new partners quickly got used to it and won silver at the 1997 World Championships, only slightly losing to Grischuk and Platov. Everything was going to the point that at the Nagano Olympics, Krylova and Ovsyannikov could dislodge the favorites from the top step of the podium. They firmly believed in it, worked their butts off during training, but... The judges brought their opponents to first place. Out of grief, Oleg drank until a pig squealed, and Anzhelika was hysterical all night.

They received some moral compensation later, becoming two-time world champions. But - in the absence of Grischuk and Platov.

It is worth noting that Krylova, a beautiful brunette with a swan neck and majestic posture, was a hit with men. In the early 90s she had a serious affair with Alexey Tikhonov, who later became world and European champion paired with Maria Petrova.

Angelica really liked Lesha. But at the European Championships in Paris, Krylova met an Italian choreographer Giuseppe Arena. She was the first to speak to him, and soon the Italian charmed her. At the banquet to mark the end of the championship, Giuseppe invited Angela to dance and whispered in her ear: “Can I come to you in America?” (Krylova and Ovsyannikov were training at that time in the town of Newark, Delaware.) Angelica nodded. She didn't think Giuseppe would keep his word. But the Italian called and arrived. And he charmed her even more.

Arena was once a professional dancer, performing on the stage of the famous La Scala. He has three children and divorced his two previous wives. In addition, Giuseppe was 15 years older than Angelica. But none of this mattered anymore. After the Olympics, Angela flew to Milan to join him, and then they began to live together in Newark. In a house of five rooms, which Krylova bought with her fees. The figure skater hoped that they would have a wedding. Several years ago, the two of them came to the Express Newspaper editorial office, and Angelica assured that the coveted stamp in her passport was a matter of a few months.

But it soon became clear that marriage was not part of the plans of the seducer Giuseppe. And they parted.

Once Krylova and Ovsyannikov bet on a bottle of champagne. Oleg claimed that he would be the first of them to celebrate the wedding; Angelica was sure of the opposite. Ovsyannikov then had his eye on the blonde girl Elena Sokolova, the future champion of Russia. Almost all the skaters from the national team knew about their romance. But Oleg never married Sokolova. And yet he won the argument. Ovsyannikov chose a foreigner as his wife - an Austrian figure skater Angelique Kirchmeier(her mother is Austrian, and her father is Latvian). This young lady performed in ice dancing together with Dmitry Lagutin, together with him she became the world champion among juniors. And Kirchmeier trained in Linichuk’s group. It’s no wonder that Oleg noticed her. By the way, at first Angela played for the USSR, and took Austrian citizenship after the collapse of the Union.

Although Krylova broke up with Giuseppe, she did not grieve for long. She found herself another Italian - a former figure skater Pasquale Camerlengo. Women say he is a very passionate man. Angelica gave him two children - a son and a daughter. An international family settled in America, not far from Detroit.

Oksana Grischuk (Pasha Grischuk)

Oksana (Pasha) Vladimirovna Grischuk. Born on March 17, 1972 in Odessa. Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian figure skater who competed in ice dancing. Two-time Olympic champion paired with Evgeniy Platov.

For some time, since 1997, she bore the name Pasha - so that there was no confusion with another figure skater, Oksana Baiul. "It goes well with English word passion - passion. In addition, that was my grandmother’s name,” she explained. Later she regained her name Oksana.

She started figure skating in Odessa at the age of 4 with coach Valentina Kasyanova.

In 1981 Oksana moved to Moscow. At first she trained as a single skater with Elena Alexandrova, and since 1984 with Natalya Linichuk and Gennady Karponosov.

Since 1985, Grischuk has performed in tandem with Alexander Chichkov. Having won the junior world championship in 1988, the couple was forced to separate in the summer of 1989 due to an injury to their partner. Oksana was invited to the group, where she was paired with.

Already in December 1989, after just 3 months of joint training, the Grischuk / Platov pair became bronze medalists at the USSR Championship, and in 1991 they won the national championship.

At the 1992 Olympic Games, Oksana and Evgeniy took 4th place. In the same year they won bronze medals at the European Championships and then at the World Championships.

In the fall of 1992, Oksana returned to her former mentors - Linichuk and Karponosov - along with her partner. A year later, the couple won the 1994 Olympics in Lillehammer.

Due to an aggravated injury to their partner, the couple missed the 1994/95 season, but returned to the World Championships, winning gold. In 1996, the Grischuk/Platov couple had a escalated conflict with coach Natalya Linichuk, who paid all her attention to the other athletes in her group.

Later they began collaborating with, with whom they were preparing for the Olympic season.

The Nagano Olympics made Grischuk and Platov record holders - they were the first in the world to become two-time Olympic champions in ice dancing (despite the fact that Grischuk had recently broken her wrist). In the summer of 1998, the couple broke up.

“I am grateful to my coaches Natalya Dubova, Natalya Linichuk and Tatyana Tarasova, as well as Evgeny Platov for their hellish patience... I am very grateful to Zhenya Platov - my long-term and infinitely talented partner... Despite my hysterics, my attacks against him, I myself he didn’t say a single bad word about me,” she said.

Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1994).

He has a number of awards: Order of Honor (April 22, 1994) - for high sporting achievements at the XVII Winter Olympic Games in 1994; Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (February 27, 1998) - for outstanding achievements in sports, courage and heroism shown at the XVIII Winter Olympic Games in 1998.

In 2001, Oksana Grischuk opened her own Figure Skating Academy in the USA, where she is engaged in management and coaching, and also tries herself as a director and choreographer.

In 2006, she took part in the TV show “Dancing on Ice” on the Rossiya TV channel, where she took first place together with the actor. A year later, she took part in the show “Dancing on Ice “Velvet Season”” paired with Peter Dranga (3rd place).

Oksana Grischuk then sued Dancing on Ice because her insurance refused to pay for an operation after filming that resulted from an injury on the show.

Oksana Grischuk and Pyotr Krasilov - Dancing on Ice

In 2010, she announced her readiness to nominate her candidacy for the election of the President of the Russian Figure Skating Federation. In a letter addressed to Mutko, Oksana wrote that she has the deepest knowledge, diplomatic skills and knows how to correct the situation in Russian figure skating and raise it to a new level. But she was refused.

Lives in California, trains young figure skaters.

Oksana Grischuk's height: 164 centimeters

Personal life of Oksana Grischuk:

Was in a relationship with a fitness instructor named Jeff. In 2002, he gave birth to a daughter, Skyler-Grace.

The pregnancy was accompanied by problems due to which she almost lost the child. The relationship with the daughter's father did not work out.

Oksana Grischuk said: “Unfortunately, the father of my daughter Skyler does not communicate with us and does not help in any way... I was working out at a sports club, preparing for my next performances. There I met Jeff. We fell in love with each other, and after about six months we discovered that I am expecting a child. The doctor said that the pregnancy is developing in fallopian tube and I, they say, urgently need an operation. I did anesthesia, cut it in two places, but did not find a pregnancy in the tube! And then this scoundrel gave me an abortion. 10 days later I came to his office again. They gave me strong painkillers and sent me for a blood test. And imagine: he showed that the pregnancy was still ongoing! By this time the doctor had gone on vacation and handed me over to his assistant. He gives me an ultrasound and sees: I’m still pregnant, but the baby’s heart isn’t beating! “You know,” he says, “you still need to have an abortion.” Jeff calls the doctor in shock. And he, instead of saying - sorry, I, a fool, cut your woman in two places and put her at such risk, replies sarcastically: “Or maybe it was twins?” I called all my friends - urgently find me another doctor! And they recommended a brilliant doctor to me. We do an ultrasound again, and the doctor shows: “Do you see something fluttering on the screen, like a butterfly? This is your baby's heartbeat." But then Jeff says: “You know, I'm scared of becoming a father. Let's get rid of all this..." Although at the beginning we had very serious plans...

I began to ask God for an answer. I went to church and prayed. In the end, I realized that it is impossible to kill a fetus that is fighting so hard for its life. And I explained this to Jeff. He seemed to be making peace. I was present at the birth and filmed it. For some time he honestly tried to help me. Sometimes he said: “You’re at home all day... Well, go get some groceries.” Then he called half an hour later: “Skyler is crying, come back!” The baby did not want to take a bottle, and I breastfed her for a long time. She lost weight as if she had never given birth. And after two months, Jeff began to go to Las Vegas, often did not come to spend the night... And we left him. Since then, he doesn’t even wish his daughter a happy birthday.”

In 2008, Oksana Grischuk found herself at the center of a scandal after accusing a man of wanting to poison her. The charge was subsequently dropped.

Lives in a civil marriage with a man whose name he does not mention.

Lives in Laguna Beach, California.

Achievements of Oksana (Pasha) Grischuk:

Olympic champion: 1994 (Lillehammer) and 1998 (Nagano);
World champion: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997;
European Champion: 1996, 1997, 1998;
USSR champion: 1991;
Russian Champion: 1993, 1996.

Oksana Grischuk. Biography

Oksana Vladimirovna Grischuk born on March seventeenth, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two in Odessa. She began her sports career at the age of four. It was at this age that her parents sent her to figure skating. Her first coach was Valentina Kasyanova. And until the eighty-first year, it was Valentina who dealt with it.

In eighty-one, Oksana and her parents moved to Moscow. And for three years I was a student of Elena Alexandrova. Elena raised a single skater in Oksana. A year later, Gennady Karponosov and Natalya Linichuk became her coaches. A year later, Oksana Grishuk was paired with Alexander Chichkov for figure dancing.

In 1988, the couple won the World Junior Championships. But they didn’t rejoice for long, because Sasha was injured and they had to part. Out of despair, Grischuk switches to another coach, where she is paired with Evgeniy Platov. Having received prizes at the USSR Championship, the National Championship, and the Olympic Games, Oksana Grischuk, together with Evgeniy, returns to her former coaches, Gennady and Natalya. Together with these coaches, the couple won the 1994 Olympics.

But, despite the award, a conflict brews between the couple and the coaches and the couple leaves. This time Tatyana Tarasov became their mentor. She manages to prepare the couple for the Olympics in Nagano, where they became two-time champions. Soon Oksana and Evgeniy break off their collaboration, and figure skater Oksana Grischuk begins working with Alexander Zhulin. However, this collaboration was also not to my liking, and Oksana begins to perform alone. After such events, Oksana decided that she had already succeeded as a figure skater and was becoming a coach. To do this, she decides to open her own school in America. Where does one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four live?

There was some drama in the personal life of Oksana Grischuk. While pregnant, she is told that her baby is not developing correctly and should be induced into labor. But in the end the diagnosis turned out to be incorrect, and the child was destined to be born.

Life together with Skyler Gray's father, Jeff, did not work out. And in order to have something to live on and pay for the loan, Grischuk is forced to go to work. Now everything in her life is wonderful. Lives in the USA with his daughter.

Photo by Oksana Grischuk

Video. Oksana Grischuk

Video: Oksana Grischuk and Evgeny Platov are the only two-time Olympic champions in ice dancing in the world

Video: Figure skaters Oksana Grischuk and Evgeny Platov. 1998 Olympic Games.

Video: Oksana Grischuk and Evgeny Platov. World Championship 1997

After breaking up with the Prince of Monaco and her American boyfriend, the figure skater wants to reunite with Evgeni Platov. Figure skater Oksana Grischuk and actor Pyotr Krasilov became the winners of the television show “Dancing on Ice,” which ended on the Rossiya channel.
Grischuk is the world's only two-time Olympic champion in ice dancing. In a duet with Evgeny Platov, she won the Games in Lillehammer - 1994 and Nagano - 1998. Eight and a half years ago she retired from figure skating. She spoke about what happened to her next in an exclusive interview with a Rodnaya Gazeta correspondent.

Killer in a white coat

At the Olympics in Nagano, Oksana sported a hairstyle in the style of Marilyn Monroe. She dreamed of conquering Hollywood, but she did not become an actress.

– In Nagano, I met Prince Albert of Monaco, a big sports fan, he even took part in bobsleigh competitions. We started a relationship. Albert invited me to his place in Monaco, and I spent some time there in his palace. But for obvious reasons, the prince could not marry me...

- Excuse me, Oksana, is your four-year-old daughter the fruit of love with Albert?

– No, I returned from Monaco to America (Grischuk has lived permanently in the USA since 1994 – Author’s note). And one day I met Jeff, who worked as a fitness model. He was incredibly handsome, and of course I fell in love.

In the 1990s, Grischuk and Platov conquered the planet...

...Stallone was not averse to being next to Oksana... the end, the skater liked the Prince of Monaco

In the spring of 2002, I found out about my pregnancy. My joy knew no bounds. However, when I went to antenatal clinic to a doctor I knew, he said that the pregnancy was developing incorrectly and urgent surgery was needed.

Imagine, the diagnosis turned out to be wrong! Moreover, the doctor realized this when I was lying under anesthesia on the operating table. And yet he decided to have an abortion in order to “cover his tracks.” But by some fate this baby was destined to be born: after surgery and anesthesia, he remained alive.

And when not even one hundred, but two hundred percent healthy, beautiful girl was born, for me it was like a gift from God. Jeff and I named our daughter Skyler Grace. Skyler means "heavenly" in English, a name chosen by her father. And the second one – Grace – I came up with, because it means “blessed by God.” In addition, we baptized our daughter in a Russian church, where she was also given Orthodox name- Maria.

– Jeff was probably in seventh heaven?

– It turned out that we soon broke up. Jeff considers himself free of any obligations. Doesn't pay child support because we weren't married. And when I turned to him with a request to help us financially, he answered harshly: “No!” (Sighs).

Private lessons

– Is that why you, a first-rate star, were forced to participate in second-rate American Disney ice shows in order to earn money?

– Of course, I need to earn money, because I can only rely on my own strength. We need to help my mother, who lives in Germany, pay off the loan for my daughter and I’s house in California - I live in the small town of Newport Beach. I had to perform both alone and in pairs - in the ballets “The Nutcracker” and “Cinderella”. A partner was needed to perform the adagio, and they brought me the Englishman Michael Algee.

As for Disney, this is, in fact, not a very prestigious revue. And his level is low. But I don’t pay attention to this, because it doesn’t matter to me what kind of athletes are nearby, the main thing is that they are good people. I was always very happy to help and advise those who needed my advice. And they praised me in this show, waited for me with flowers and gifts...

– How many days a year do you spend on the show?

– Now I don’t skate, but train in Newport Beach, giving private lessons for more than three years (in the USA, a coach receives $100 for one hour of lessons. – Author’s note).

Students come to me - this is how in America they usually call students from 5 to 45 years old. Personally, I prefer to work with those who know how to ride, but I don’t mind working with kids. Let’s say a mother comes to the skating rink with her daughter and says: “We adore you. My daughter watches your performances on video all the time. Can I take a lesson from you? This is so touching.

Or a lady of Balzac’s age came, whose husband died of cancer. She told me that she once skated and wanted to return to the ice in order to somehow take her mind off the terrible depression. Naturally, I helped her!

– How did other coaches react to the appearance of the Russian Olympic champion at the skating rink?

– I was received with hostility, because figure skating in the States is a business. True, it cannot be that you come and say: “I am Oksana Grischuk, now I will take away your entire business.” Here everyone is fighting for their place. Each has a certain number of students. And when a specialist with titles comes to any American skating rink, the coaches begin to worry: they say, the students will be turned away. But my conscience is clear - I didn’t fight back.

Taste of victory

In “Dancing on Ice” Grischuk again conquered everyone. This time with actor Pyotr Krasilov

Grischuk was moved to tears when, as the winner of Dancing on Ice, she was given an exclusive bouquet of flowers. This victory is very important for her, because she has already forgotten the taste of it. (Plus, according to our information, all project participants received at least 50 thousand US dollars. – Author’s note.)

And the audience watched with delight as Grischuk and Platov performed a demonstration number to the music from the song “You and I”. The partners haven’t skated together for more than eight years, despite the fact that they were predicted to have a brilliant professional career.

Zhenya complained about Oksana’s difficult character - she could break off the tour at any moment and go to filming. And one day she allegedly announced that she was leaving for good, which is why the duo broke up.

However, Grischuk refutes these rumors:

– I never parted with Platov! It was he who abandoned me. After winning the Nagano Olympics, I was going to skate with him in professional shows. She told Zhenya: “Let’s hire an agent.” He answered: “Yes, yes, we’ll think about it.” And then I suddenly find out that he is already rehearsing with Maya Usova (1993 world champion - Author's note). I almost fell out of my chair! And right away I didn’t even believe it, because Zhenya didn’t thank me for the ten years that we spent as a couple. I forced him to skate, he planned to leave back in 1995 due to injuries...

– Oksana, agree that you are not a gift either, apparently, at some point Zhenya simply could not stand your antics and left.

– I agree, before I was really too impulsive. But now everything has changed! Everyone tells me: “You’ve become so calm, you’re just different. What's happened?" But nothing happened! I just suddenly discovered that there is another life besides sports. The bitterness that appeared when I “lost” the ice and glory has gone. Time has healed...

– Does the fact that you skated with Platov again in an exhibition number indicate your reconciliation?

– Yes, although at one time we did not communicate, moreover, we did not greet each other when we met. But I can’t hold a grudge for long, even if they hurt me a lot. I’m leaving quickly, maybe because a lot has happened in my life: I live in sunny California, I go to the beach, I gave birth to a wonderful daughter. Well, why shouldn’t I rejoice and forgive those people who offended me in the past?

- How did you make up?

“We called each other (I don’t remember who called who first) and started saying to each other: “What fools we are!” We've lost so much! We could make a dazzling career, ride in prestigious shows, earn money for our old age.”

In short, we agreed that if the opportunity arises to go on the ice in some kind of figure skating show, if only to say goodbye to the public and skate our Olympic numbers, then we will do it.

On the other hand, it seems too early to say goodbye to performances. We are still young, we can ride. For example, friends, acquaintances, impresarios call me. And everyone wants to see the Grischuk-Platov pair on the ice! Zhenya and I had lengthy negotiations on this matter. He doesn't mind performing together. But, unfortunately, he has a long-standing shoulder injury, so our return is postponed for now.

Interviewed by Daria SREBNITSKAYA

From the first appearance of young Oksana on the ice, the mentors had no doubt - this is a future star!

Oksana GRISCHUK. Born on March 17, 1971 in Odessa. She performed in ice dancing. Olympic champion 1994, 1998 World champion 1994 – 1997 European Champion 1996–1998 Partner Evgeniy Platov. In 1996, Grischuk and Platov were awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. She trained with Natalia Dubova, Natalia Linichuk, Tatyana Tarasova. In 1998, Oksana went into professional sports. Bronze medalist of the World Championship among professionals - 1998, paired with Alexander Zhulin.

Daughter Skyler Grace Maria, 4 years old. Lives in the USA.

SHE has lost ice and glory; does not receive child support for her daughter; dreams of a farewell show.