Favorite dishes of celebrities: what stars eat. Celebrity Favorite Foods: From Grilled Chicken to Crab Buns

16.04.2022 ethnoscience

Hollywood stars can afford to be picky about food, because the doors of the best restaurants in the world are open to them. The editors of Woman`s Day, together with the Gettable service, found out the unusual gastronomic preferences of celebrities and found places in Moscow where you can taste the favorite dishes of Angelina Jolie, Robert Pattinson, Victoria Beckham and other stars.

Viva, Italy!

Photo: archive of the press service of Jamie's Italian restaurant

Tom Cruise– a big fan of Italian cuisine. Pizza, pasta and ravioli are the actor’s favorite foods. It is worth noting that Cruz not only visits Italian restaurants, but also knows how to make ravioli himself. Moreover, he collects cookbooks with exotic recipes and in his spare time conjures up new dishes, and then treats them to friends.

Chooses Italian cuisine and Mariah Carey which has been fighting with varying degrees of success for many years now extra pounds. According to the singer, even on strict diet she can't resist spaghetti.

In search of authentic Italian pizza and pasta, you should go to Jamie’s Italian restaurant. The menu includes dishes from different parts of Italy in the original interpretation of the famous English chef Jamie Oliver. You should definitely try the ravioli with fried pumpkin, ricotta and parmesan, the “Cruget Polo” pizza with mozzarella, zucchini, arugula and chicken fillet. The homemade Tagliolini pasta with smoked trout will not leave you indifferent.

French cuisine

Photo: archive of the press service of the Sabor de la vida restaurant.

Angelina Jolie inherited a love of fine French cuisine from her mother, who was half French. It is not surprising that the actress even bought property in the south of France - the Chateau Miraval estate. Jolie indulges herself with oysters, onion soup and the traditional dish of Marseille fishermen - bouillabaisse soup.

You don't have to buy a ticket to Paris to try Jolie's favorite dishes. The traditions of French cuisine are presented in the Sabor de la vida restaurant. Patrick Shonave, a personal chef, worked on the restaurant’s menu. Alena Delona. Specialties include snail salad, foie gras, turbot fillet with spinach garnish, baked and live oysters.

gold fish

Photo: archive of the press service of the Pescatore restaurant.

Beyoncé proudly bears the titles "Queen of Pop" and "The Most beautiful woman peace,” and queens, as you know, are allowed any whim. The singer sometimes simply drives concert organizers crazy with her rider. Luxurious tinted foreign cars and dishes with oriental patterns are not their main headache. But preparing Chilean grouper fillet with olives or Dover flounder with lemon sauce for Beyoncé is not an easy task.

Try no less original dishes You can eat fish at the Pescatore restaurant, which means “fisherman” in Italian. Yellowtail, mackerel, sea ​​urchins, seashells come to the kitchen directly from Japan and Sakhalin. For this project, Mido Mustafa spent more than six months in Italy, learning all the secrets of fish cuisine, and interned at the famous Hong Kong restaurant Ronin.


Photo: archive of the press service of the Mushrooms restaurant.

Katy Perry admitted that she could not live without mushrooms. The star prefers truffles, but she also agrees to simpler options. With such a love for mushrooms, it’s surprising that she hasn’t yet dedicated a song or an entire album to them. By the way, Katie follows an organic diet and does not allow herself anything fried.

If the singer is lucky enough to visit Moscow again, she should definitely visit the Mushrooms restaurant. The name speaks for itself. Different types mushrooms in the most incredible interpretations. Oyster mushroom pappardelli, risotto with porcini mushrooms and Parmesan cream, white milk mushroom chowder with country sour cream, fried tuna with straw mushrooms and pak choi cabbage sounds no worse than Perry’s next mega-hit.

Steaks for real men

Photo: archive of the Goodman restaurant press service.

Robert Pattison– a regular at steakhouses. His mother cooked steaks no worse than chefs, so the actor has had a love for juicy meat since childhood. The Twilight star may also be accompanied by a sex symbol Justin Bieber. The singer always has one requirement for steaks: they must not be completely cooked. And here Mark Zuckerberg caused a whole scandal by admitting that he eats meat only from animals that he killed with his own hands. The Facebook owner even asked farmers for help to teach him the most painless way to kill animals.

The right steaks are easy to find at Goodman Steakhouse. Fortunately, there are as many as 11 restaurants in Moscow, and the flagship is located in the heart of the capital - on Okhotny Ryad. The menu has several categories of meat for every taste and budget, tartars, burgers, meat salads and borscht


Slimness Victoria Beckham admired by many. However, not everyone is ready to make the same sacrifices as a celebrity for the sake of an ideal figure. The fact is that the ex-“peppercorn” has been a vegetarian for many years. Neither eggs nor even dairy products appear in Victoria's diet, and only sometimes can she afford fish and seafood. But here’s what the wife doesn’t deny herself: David Beckham, so it's in the algae. It's hard to believe, but, according to Victoria, seaweed is really one of her favorite foods.

Demmy Moor I'm also a vegetarian. The actress mainly eats salads. My favorites are asparagus with pine nuts and tomatoes with avocado. In addition, Demi prefers raw vegetables and fruits and only occasionally heats them.

Adherents healthy eating You will love the healthy food cafe Have a Nice Day, located on the fifth floor of the Tsvetnoy department store. Huge selection raw food and vegetarian dishes, as well as fish and seafood treats, destroys the myths that proper nutrition- it's boring and monotonous.

Like all people, some celebrities are very picky when choosing food, while others like simple food. Let's take a look at their plates - maybe we'll stop reproaching ourselves for our little gastronomic weaknesses.

Lady Gaga. Anything will be eaten with salsa.

The extravagant singer Lady Gaga is not as original in her culinary preferences as in her clothes. As a rule, her tour rider includes the following dishes: grilled chicken, cheese plate, skim milk and whole grain bread. During the performance, several bottles of sparkling water are prepared backstage for the singer, as well as decaffeinated coffee or tea. But the singer’s favorite drink is: ginger ale . In addition, Lady Gaga loves Japanese cuisine, so she often visits Japanese restaurants. She also admits that she is ready to eat any dish if it is served with salsa.

Scarlett Johansson. Loves Mexican food

Scarlett Johansson admits that she loves to eat deliciously and a lot, but of all the cuisines in the world she prefers Mexican. And these are beans, hot peppers and corn tortillas. Scarlett also likes Mexican fast food. She is ready to pamper herself often burrito. This is meat, avocado, rice, cheese, tomatoes wrapped in thin wheat lavash, seasoned with hot sauce. Scarlett admits that with such a diet, she never went on a diet and never worked out in the gym. The actress feels comfortable in her body and is not at all going to change anything about herself.

Angelina Jolie. Replaced meat with cheese

But Angelina Jolie prefers French cuisine. Apparently, the actress’s genes were reflected here, because her mother was half French. Angelina loves bouillabaisse, oysters and onion soup. And, as befits a true lover of French cuisine, she eats everything in small portions. The only thing that the actress can eat in unlimited quantities is her favorite Camembert cheese. At the same time, Angelina completely abandoned sweets and fatty meats.

But her husband Brad Pitt loves simpler food - hamburgers, pizza, French fries.

Tom Cruise. He makes his own ravioli.

Tom Cruise is a fan of Italian cuisine. He often visits Italian restaurants and also cooks Italian dishes at home. Tom Cruise loves it pizza, pasta and ravioli. In addition, Tom Cruise has another hobby. For several years now, the actor has been collecting a collection of cookbooks, which he buys from different parts of the world.

Paris Hilton. Mixes a cocktail for dinner

Paris Hilton claims that she loves to eat a lot and deliciously. The star is upset that they don’t believe her because she is very thin. In addition, Paris says that she cooks herself, and she is especially good at sweets. Paris can also prepare a romantic dinner for your loved one. This is usually a Bellini cocktail and various Italian snacks. Paris also sometimes pampers her friends with home-cooked dishes. Most often it's sweet potato salad and crab buns.

Robert Pattison. Eats from a box

Robert Pattinson admits that he tries to eat only healthy foods. The actor himself, according to him, cooks very poorly. Robert says that in Los Angeles he began using home delivery services. This is very convenient because every morning a box of fresh food is delivered to him. This allows the actor to eat well. However, Robert really misses home-cooked food. But since the actor himself does not know how to cook, he does not try to learn how to do it. It seems to him that he is completely devoid of culinary talents. The only thing he is capable of is toast.


Madonna's favorite vegetable is cabbage. The singer does not limit herself to eating its crispy leaves. In addition, she considers it important to drink a lot of fluids per day - about two liters of water.

Scarlett Johansson

The Hollywood actress is a lover of Mexican food. She happily eats peppers, beans, corn tortillas and burritos (finely chopped meat, cheese, rice, avocado, tomatoes, wrapped in pita bread and seasoned with hot sauce). According to Scarlett, such food allows her to look good without gyms and diets.

Kylie Minogue

Petite Australian Kylie Minogue considers grapefruit to be the healthiest food. By eating half a grapefruit before every meal, Kylie is not afraid of ruining her ideal figure.

Eva Mendes

Charming Eva Mendes is also worried about her figure, since the actress is prone to being overweight. But Eva is unable to give up flour. Having opened the refrigerator, the actress can build a sandwich out of anything and eat it with gusto.

Angelina Jolie

The actress is crazy about French cuisine. Her favorite foods are oysters, bouillabaisse and onion soup. Most likely, she absorbed this love with her mother's milk. Angelina's mother was half French. The actress watches her figure, so she eats everything in small portions, and she has excluded fatty foods and sweets from her diet. In addition, Jolie has been a fan of the raw diet for quite some time.

Paris Hilton

Socialite Paris Hilton, it turns out, loves to eat and knows how to cook herself. Looking at her slender figure, it’s hard to believe it... But, according to the star, she makes excellent sweets. And her friends just love the crab buns and sweet potato salad that Paris makes. But for her beloved, Paris can prepare a Bellini cocktail and various Italian snacks.

Mariah Carey

American singer Mariah Carey and many Hollywood stars gained weight during pregnancy. Now she limits herself to food. But the singer’s favorite dish, pizza, is an exception to the rule. Mariah is always ready to eat Italian pizza.

Lady Gaga

Miss Outrageous, Lady Gaga, is not very picky about food. Her food tour rider only mentions a cheese plate, grilled chicken, skim milk, whole grain bread, sparkling water, decaf coffee and tea. The singer enjoys visiting Japanese restaurants, and considers salsa sauce to be the most delicious of all. The star's favorite drink is ginger ale.

Penelope Cruz

The fiery Spaniard also loves to eat delicious food, especially on regular shoots, where additional energy and strength are needed more than ever. Penelope loves everything fatty and fried and does not refuse it. Pizza, pasta and rice dishes are her favorite dishes.

Tom Cruise

The actor cannot imagine life without Italian cuisine. He visits restaurants, but he also knows how to cook, for example, carbonara with bacon cream sauce. Tom loves pasta, pizza and ravioli. By the way, the actor collects cookbooks different countries for several years now and he has something to brag about.

Russian feasts have always been known abroad, meals never stopped, and every now and then during feasts the tables were replenished with new foods and drinks. The luxurious presentation of dishes has always attracted the attention of foreign guests. Of course, it was a wonder for anyone to see how several servants on a tray carried out the carcass of a roasted wild boar or deer, or a sturgeon several meters long.

Peter I He was different from everyone else in his habit of waking up early in the morning and going to important matters before lunch. It is interesting that Peter did not like to dine at home, preferred to eat at a party and never refused any invitation. Before meals, he drank a glass of aniseed vodka, and before each serving of a new dish, kvass, beer or good red wine. For lunch I traditionally ate thick, hot cabbage soup, porridge, and jellies. The whole cold pig in sour cream was served, and the sovereign chose a piece for himself. There was always duck with pickles or lemons, ham and Limburg cheese on the table.

During the reign of the Great Empress Catherine the Great special attention was paid to the kitchen and buffet, which in those days were considered one of the most important luxury items. In St. Petersburg, cuisine switched to the French style, and only in old noble houses masters of traditional Russian cuisine remained, but French pates, Italian pasta, English roast beef and beefsteaks began to penetrate their “battlefields.” Cakes, mousses, jellies replaced traditional cheesecakes and bagels, kiwis, pineapples, mangoes and others appeared on the tables rare fruits. However, despite the luxury and abundance of court dishes, Catherine herself preferred ordinary boiled beef with pickled cucumber and sauerkraut. The empress’s little weakness was a sauce made from dried deer tongues, which she sometimes ordered to be prepared for her favorite dish.

Concerning Nicholas II, then his tastes in food were very simple. For breakfast, he preferred to drink tea with dried wheat bread or English biscuits, and everyone’s favorite cakes, pastries or sweets appeared on the table very rarely. He was very moderate in food, refused gourmet dishes, and never ordered the same dishes. He systematically controlled his weight, so he preferred healthy foods. Even during summer sailings on his favorite yachts “Standart” and “Polar Star”, he did not allow himself to relax. Roast and chicken are the emperor’s favorite dishes, and on the yacht “Standarte” he often ordered fried dumplings in a frying pan. After lunch, he sometimes ate one apple or pear, and then, as if finishing the dinner, smoked two cigars.

At the leader of the proletariat Vladimir Ilyich Lenin taste preferences for food were instilled in early childhood. His father came from the lower classes, so the cuisine conveyed Russian national traditions. The mother was born and raised in a Protestant family of Germans from the Volga region, where German traditions were revered. As a result, Russian-German home cooking runs in the family. Refusal of “heavy” and “coarse” dishes, and in return: milk soups, vegetable soups, cereal soups, and less often - Russian cabbage soup. They ate black bread only on weekdays for lunch; white bread was served with tea and dinner.

Even in exile, Lenin ate very tasty: fresh, fresh meat, fresh fish the best salmon varieties, forest game birds, vegetables and mushrooms, berries, honey, pickles and pickles. In the twenties, the Bolsheviks ate very modestly; they should have completely forgotten about meat. Lenin dined in a regular canteen, preferring thin soup, millet porridge and tea without sugar; there was no talk of any booze.

During the reign Joseph Vissarionovich The Kremlin kitchen was a real paradise for food lovers. The famous canteen was guarded by three checkpoints, and all food for Politburo members was prepared anonymously, that is, the cooks never knew who they were preparing the dish for. Orders, for security reasons, came to the kitchen under codes. The prepared dish was sent for testing to a whole council of doctors who checked the food for safety. And only after verification the order was sent either to the common room or to the customer’s home. Stalin always had the best culinary masters in his kitchen, although many of them did not serve him for long. Stalin was very fond of young lamb kebab, and the best kebab specialist in the country was found especially for him. But somehow the entire Central Committee went out into the countryside, and chief managers from all over the country gathered around the cook. And everything was going well until the cook took some white powder out of his pocket and began to sprinkle it on the meat. No one began to understand that it was a special powder made from herbs that give the finished kebab an extraordinary aroma and taste. The lamb was sent for tests, and the kebab-maker was shot.

Since coming to power Nikita Khrushchev Kremlin cuisine became closer to simple folk dishes. Borscht, dumplings, dumplings, and homemade okroshka began to appear on the tables; the Ukrainian “Vorilka with pepper” was especially popular.

Blood sausage, or as the people called blood sausage, pies with potatoes and cabbage, fish soup, pies and various porridges, this is only a small part of what Khrushchev could not refuse. One of Nikita Sergeevich’s favorite dishes was dumplings, he especially liked stuffed dumplings sauerkraut and onions, as well as with cottage cheese and sour cream, with potatoes, with cherries. However, a special place in his gastronomic preferences was given to hunting kulesh, which replaced both the first and the second.

And what didn’t happen at dinner receptions? Leonid Brezhnev: red fish, black and red caviar, mushrooms, salads, ham, crabs, sausages, greens, olives, rolls, loin, cheeses. Experienced people immediately piled full plates of the sumptuous dishes on offer - everything was swept off the tables instantly! Leonid Ilyich also often ordered Mechnikov’s curdled milk, which was served in a white porcelain glass with a gold rim under a paper lid tied with a ribbon. The Secretary General often visited Yugoslavia, and together with President Josip Broz Tito loved to hunt, and while doing this... to drink. Doctors forbade Leonid Ilyich to eat fatty foods, so they developed and approved dietary pilaf especially for him. It took an honorable place in the list of Brezhnev’s favorite dishes!

During the reign Gorbachev the country lived on coupons, and the party leaders tried not to stand out from common people. Mikhail Sergeevich’s personal doctor compiled a daily diet and urged Gorbachev to follow his recommendations. The menu hung in the dining room, but for security reasons no names were given. Gorbachev loved porridge, prepared according to an ancient Russian recipe in earthenware.

Concerning Yeltsin, then his order for “breakfast” was always the same: whiskey, ice and lemon. He was “unpretentious” when it came to food; he loved wild boar, sturgeon, salmon, and black caviar. He will order hare kidneys, then beef ears, or his favorite dish - elk lip. It was an ordinary jellied meat, for the preparation of which an entire elk had to be killed. Another of the president’s favorite dishes is deep-fried legs of young pigs and dumplings made from the freshest meat of several types: deer, wild boar, salmon. Well, Boris Nikolayevich, it’s true, had a picky taste!

Ex-wife Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin I once said that he is very picky about food. For example, he may refuse to eat if he doesn’t like the dish in some way, and even if he likes it, he will never admit it. Lyudmila Putina assured that Vladimir Vladimirovich adheres to two basic principles: “a woman should do all the housework” and “you cannot praise a woman so as not to spoil her.” In one interview, Putin admitted that he prefers national Russian cuisine, and especially loves vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce. The President admitted that he does not have any special preferences in food; apart from vegetables, he likes porridge, cottage cheese, and honey. If there is a choice between fish and meat, he will definitely prefer fish, but as for meat, he is partial to lamb. You can’t call him a sweet tooth either; he’s indifferent to it, except for ice cream.

And Putin’s real passion is Spanish red wines! In the Kremlin, in his personal dining room, there is an entire wine cellar, in which a collection of his favorite drink is stored. “Veve” likes to drink a couple of glasses of vodka along with delicious pickled snacks, and ends the meal with cognac from Dagestan.

Dmitry Medvedev prefers European cuisine, and especially French. Fish and seafood are regular guests on his table, for example, lobster salad, but his favorite dish is stuffed pike. He also loves exotic dishes, sweet and salty. The ex-president takes care of himself and adheres to the principle: “Less fat, more separate meals,” so he eats a lot of vegetables, fruits and herbs.

This article briefly talks about what they eat, what they can preserve, what edibles they cannot imagine life without, and with whom Western celebrities share recipes.

The tendency to be overweight doesn't stop Scarlett Johansson from her passion for chicken wings: "God, I'm just obsessed chicken wings! I understand that you need to limit yourself in food to stay in shape. But how can you refuse them?!"

Jessica Biel can't imagine a peaceful existence without buns. Moreover, she recently announced that she intends to open her own restaurant, where she will serve freshly baked cakes, muffins and bread: “I’m very good at it.” delicious bread, I am especially good at zucchini loaves and sweet loaves, such as banana or blueberry flavored ones. You'll be licking your fingers!" Jessica boasts.

“Why torture yourself, exhaust yourself with diets? I love puffed rice cakes, ice cream and frozen yogurt. I never wanted to be skinny,” Kim Kardashian admitted in an interview with British Cosmopolitan.

Gwyneth Paltrow is not limited to creating culinary masterpieces. The actress went further and released a recipe book, My Father's Daughter.

As the tabloid Vanity Fair wrote, the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton cans her favorite strawberry jam and plums.

Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron became friends on the set of Snow White and the Huntsman. One of the common interests of the actresses was the kitchen, because they both love to cook and now often share their recipes with each other.

Heidi Klum prefers to cook for her four children herself: “They love spaghetti, meatballs, chicken soup, schnitzel and cabbage. The children eat absolutely everything and eat only healthy food.”

Katy Perry admits that she has a passion for mushrooms: “I love mushrooms. I could eat tons of them. And truffles are divine!”

Youth idol Justin Bieber does not hide the fact that his gastronomic addiction is Doritos chips: “Before a trip, I always stock up on them. As well as fruit rolls and breakfast cereals.”

Britney Spears is famous for being the number one chocolate lover among celebrities: "Chocolate! Lots of chocolate! Chocolate with caramel! When I'm hungry, I can't resist Snickers or M&M's."

Famous food lover Blake Lively, who, by the way, studied culinary arts in Paris, once said in an interview with Marie Claire magazine: “If you love food as much as I love it, you and I will definitely get along. I'm just obsessed with cooking. I can talk for hours on this topic."