Vanga: The black president will be the last, because then America will freeze. Psychics about aliens and clones What Vanga said about aliens in the future

Vanga is perhaps one of the few whose prophecies always come true and her gift is recognized throughout the world. She predicted the coming to power of a black president in the United States. Vanga: “The 44th president of the United States will be black. And this president will be the last for the country, because then America will freeze or fall into the abyss of a major economic crisis. Perhaps it will even break up into southern and northern states.” Let's remember her prophecies about disasters, wars and aliens...

Vanga said about the unstable situation in the Middle East in 1979: “The foundation in the Middle East is shaking.”

Unfortunately, those books that Vanga spoke about have not yet been found: “The whole history of people, everything that was, is and will be, is written down in ancient books. And there are signs in these books. They themselves will speak and explain what should be done to save the Earth.”

Fukushima cannot be pacified and Vanga’s prediction may become a reality: “In the first decade of the new century, radioactive fallout will fall in the Northern Hemisphere and there will be no animals or vegetation left.”

She talked to the dead,” recalls Vanga’s niece Krasimira Stoyanova. “She said that she began to feel their presence with a burning sensation on the tip of her tongue. Then it was as if some cloud enveloped her brain. And after a few minutes she stopped reacting to the real world altogether.

Vanga mentally asked questions to the souls of the dead, and they answered her. But if the spirits did not have an answer, then someone else’s distant voice came to her aid. Inhuman. As if coming from a telephone. When the stranger spoke very loudly, Vanga’s ears were already blocked, and when he spoke so quietly that she had to ask again several times.

“When a person stands in front of me, all his deceased loved ones gather around him,” Vanga said. “For them, I am the gateway to this world.”

In 1994, she predicted: “At the beginning of the 21st century, humanity will be free of cancer. The day will come when cancer will be shackled in “iron chains.” She explained these words in such a way that “an anti-cancer drug must contain a lot of iron.”

She also believed that they would invent a cure for old age. It will be made from the hormones of a horse, a dog and a turtle: “The horse is strong, the dog is hardy, and the turtle lives long.”

And before her death, Vanga suddenly uttered these mysterious words: “The time of miracles and the time of great discoveries in the field of the intangible will come. There will also be great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world since ancient times. It’s predestined.”

About the revolution in agriculture: “People will neither sow nor reap, but will only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants like animals.”

About the end of the world: “The Earth will turn away from the Sun. Where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out. People will fight for energy, but they will have the soul to stop.”

About World War 3: “It will begin with an assassination attempt on four government leaders, a chemical attack, and then a nuclear attack by Middle Eastern terrorists.”

Contacts with the invisible world were an unshakable reality for Vanga. Complained:

Sometimes I sleep only one hour a day. The spirits haunt me. They shake me up, they wake me up. They say: “Get up. It's time to work."

According to Vanga's description, the perfume is transparent and colorless (“like water in a glass”). But at the same time they glow (“like heat in an oven”). They behave like people. They are sitting. They are walking. They laugh. They're crying. They come to her in the form of transparent, light-emitting shadows. At this moment, as if on a film reel, events of the past, present and future flash before her.

“The dead come, sit down, do what they want. As soon as someone comes, pictures begin to appear to me that move from right to left. I see like living pictures - places, people, events, disasters. Sometimes there are so many of them, and the images move so quickly that I don’t have time to talk about everything I see, but I also can’t stop their movements. Therefore, I ask the visitor what exactly interests him - health problems, a missing item, work, children? ... I say what I see and hear. First of all, the spirits tell me the name of the visitor...” said the clairvoyant.

Vanga argued that the dead can be just as emotional as living people. Sometimes they desperately seek to warn their loved ones remaining on earth about the misfortunes that threaten them. The clairvoyant, by her own admission, sometimes found it difficult to contact spirits:

“Sometimes the dead scream so loudly that my head hurts. Especially if they shout about bad things - about illnesses, deaths, disasters. I know that I can’t talk about this, but they seem to be pushing me: say it, say it! Then I turn away a little and quietly, so that the person doesn’t hear, I say it so that it comes out of me. Otherwise I will die or go crazy...”

Vanga also spoke about aliens arriving from the planet Vamfim.

“They fly from a planet they call Vamphim. That’s how I hear this unusual word, in any case. This planet is the third from planet Earth. They say: “A big event is being prepared.” But what kind of event this is, they don’t explain ".

Vanga claimed that people from other planes have been visiting Earth for a long time, but for earthlings they are invisible... Their planet is called Vamphim, it is the third from Earth.

“The first to come into contact with earthlings will be aliens from the planet Vamfim. It is the third from Earth.

Creatures from the planet Vamphim are transparent in appearance. They are dressed in what appears to be armor that shines like fish scales. There are also women among them. Their hair looks like seaweed. They are soft as feathers and form a halo around their heads.

Sometimes one of the aliens takes me by the hand and leads me to their land. Coming there, I walk on the ground strewn with stars, as if I’m trampling them. The ones that take me there move very quickly. Everything on their land is amazingly beautiful, there are no words to describe the beauty of their nature... But I didn’t see houses anywhere.”

“Aliens often visit me... They are both similar to us and unlike us. They are stronger, like our athletes, but they are covered with feathers, like chickens - that’s what they wear, and on their feet there are something like flip-flops. On their heads they have hats that look like beach hats, and under their arms there are thick books, like scientists. They have wands in their hands. They say they want to help us, that they are all healers and can cure many diseases.”

“The aliens are very careful. There, on their planet, clear organization and hard work reign. These beings claim that I am their most direct connection to the Earth. They communicate only with a few of all the inhabitants of our planet. They are constantly watching us. I am not allowed to talk about what I see and hear on their planet. They say that the time has not yet come for people to know everything that they tell me.”

Vanga predicted that earthlings coming into contact with aliens would lead to the establishment of balance in the world:

“Equilibrium will come when the aliens come into contact with people...”

Rating 5

People have been encountering UFOs for hundreds of years. Psychics about UFOs say that aliens are already among us. Moreover, they live on the planet for about the same time as people live on it. Some psychics about aliens say that they send clones to Earth and regularly monitor the human race. It was they who created such a variety of flora and...

Summary 5.0 excellent

Psychics about aliens and clones

People have been encountering UFOs for hundreds of years. Psychics about UFOs They say that aliens are already among us. Moreover, they live on the planet for about the same time as people live on it.

Some psychics about aliens they say that they send clones to Earth and regularly monitor the human race. It was they who created such a variety of flora and fauna that surrounds people today. That's just what concerns directly human race, then this experiment got out of control, and the once friendly little animals, walking on all fours, today can only press one button destroy creation million years.

It was when progress in human development became irreversible that psychics believe that man became the main object of study. It is likely that such close attention is associated with the need to create a food resource, then a person acts as a “ turkeys for Christmas.”

So, who are these aliens?

A little about aliens

From point of view modern science, aliens should be understood as a living creature that came to planet Earth from outer space.

In popular culture, an alien creature is something in the form of a humanoid. At the same time, today it is generally accepted that creatures of alien origin, coming from the distant expanses of space, are divided into two main categories:

  • Nords- These are alien creatures that look like the Caucasian race of people. It is this image that is the embodiment of a person’s idea of ​​a modern ideal being.
  • gray is a humanoid creature that has absolutely no hair and is an organism with gray-green skin. The skull of such a creature has an elongated shape and is often disproportionate to the body. The eyes of the alien creature are almond-shaped and painted black.

Usually, humanoids of alien origin move in a straight line, i.e. on two limbs in a vertical position. Moreover, almost all nations imagine that creatures coming from outer space will be completely asexual and impersonal.

Crop Circles

Interesting, but humanoids have always been present in human life. Yes, there are a large number interesting facts about aliens, here are just three of them:

  • the word “alien” itself was created by a writer from the USSR, Alexander Kazantsev.
  • In the abandoned town of La Noria (Chile), in October 2003, a small mummy was discovered, which for a long period of time was considered an alien mummy. The whole reason is that the calf had too big a head.
  • The existence of aliens is based on evolutionary theory development of human civilization,

There are a number of other points that can currently be considered evidence of the existence of other intelligent beings in the vastness of space. These are crop circles.

This is what a humanoid looks like, according to a person

They say that this mysterious manifestation is nothing more than signs from alien creatures, which at the moment people have not been able to decipher.

This phenomenon was not so widespread until the end of the twentieth century. So, in the nineties, more than five hundred figures of this type were discovered on the planet.

With each subsequent year, Crop Circles took on more and more bizarre and complex forms. Psychics about UFOs they say that only with the help of their highly developed technical apparatuses could alien creatures transfer the desired signs to the surface of the green planet.

Psychics about crop circles they say that at the moment their number has exceeded 5,000. Moreover, they are all located on the territory of forty different countries. Nevertheless, their maximum concentration recorded near Avebury (UK).

Each new figure, although it has something in common with the previous one, is still a completely new creation.

Psychics are sure that all these signs are peculiar marks on the Earth’s body. This is how the aliens will know exactly where to turn their attention. Where should you place your initial bases?

More psychics about crop circles They say they are getting bigger and bigger every year. Moreover, today the secret of these signs remains unknown. Sometimes the lands on which the images are found are no longer suitable for agricultural activities.

Mandatory features of circles on the ground and pictograms identified by psychics:

  • uniqueness;
  • the presence of a rotating figure;
  • there is no beginning or end in the images;
  • absence of dead ends;
  • fractality;
  • definition.

Psychics about alien clones

Psychics about aliens They say that another fact of their existence is the appearance at different times of people with the same appearance. According to psychics, this is nothing more than a matrix coincidence of a repeating image, which is a priority for earthlings.

Also, based on theory participant, then we can say that planet Earth was inhabited by creatures from outer space. They have a more developed intellect and can communicate at a level telepathy.

As for them appearance, then most likely they have the form of an ether or a creature similar to a spirit or ghost. This is how they sometimes move around the planet. But this appearance attracts a lot of attention, because a person is a very interested person and cannot cope with the feeling of natural curiosity. Consequently, the appearance in one place or another of a creature similar to a ghost necessarily attracts onlookers, which jeopardizes the secret of an alien civilization.

In order not to be “conspicuous”, many aliens involved in the study of the Earth and its development use disguises for direct communication with people.

What is a mask? According to psychics, the mask is something like a body suit, which is created using a space unit. This “human suit” is a way of understanding the human world from the inside, i.e. This is an opportunity to understand exactly how a person will behave in a given situation. Also, this interaction technique makes it possible to track progress in the field of robotics and science.

There’s just one problem – the identities began to repeat themselves. Psychics about aliens beings of this category are said to give preference to individuals who have a special position in the country or in any particular area.

To form such an image, criteria are used that make it possible to create a “human suit” of the most optimal appearance. Such a prototype of a person will attract attention and will be able to receive a special place in society.

What can be used to support this theory? We are talking about specific facts. Almost every fifteenth film star or music performer has his own “double”. And some politicians and rulers may have several of these. For example, the question is repeatedly raised that there are many repeating organisms on the territory of the Russian state. One of the most famous examples is or

Thanks to such costumes, aliens rule the world and provoke wars. They bring knowledge to the masses and even try to protect the human race from extinction.

Participants about aliens they say it is impossible to deny their existence. They leave their traces and signs everywhere. It is likely that in the very near future humanity will come face to face with alien creatures.

And then it will be incredibly difficult to predict the development of the situation. The reason is that to form any kind of communication strategy, you need to have a number of initial information. We need an elementary starting point:

  • What do they prefer to eat?
  • For what purpose did they come to planet Earth;
  • How do they relate to the human race;
  • Are they interested in natural resources, etc.

If people have data regarding an alien race, then they will be able to at least form an initial model of communication with creatures from outer space.

The main thing that psychics warn people about is that they need to remember ancient prophecies. You shouldn’t treat visiting alien creatures as one's equal and friendly. By “equal” we mean that these are organisms that have long reached a level of development that allows them to move through airless space. They are more progressive, therefore, they have more developed weapons and aggressive communication tactics. Beware of strangers and the unknown!

She was blind, but she saw through time and revealed to the world pictures of the future. She predicted the Second World War, the defeat of Hitler and the death of Stalin. She foresaw the untimely death of Princess Diana, the sinking of the Kursk submarine and the events of September 11 in New York. Even scientists recognized her unique gift, and millions of admirers were confident in the Divine origin of her talent. The predictions of the famous prophetess saved thousands of lives, but she did not want to save herself.

She was born so weak that her parents did not give her a name for two months and thought: the girl is not a good girl. However, the girl not only survived, went through many trials, but also became one of the most famous personalities XX century.

This is Vanga, from Greek “bearer of good news,” whose predictions have come true, are coming true and, most likely, will continue to come true. Let's see. We have a chance to witness them.

The future fortuneteller appeared in Bulgaria in 1911 in the family of a poor peasant. When Vanga was three years old, her mother died. At the age of 12, the girl suffers another misfortune: she finds herself in the epicenter of a tornado, in the whirlwind of which the sand seriously injures her eyes. But the family has no money for treatment. So Vanga became blind.

Vanga’s supernatural abilities revealed themselves gradually; no one recorded the date of their birth; many later recalled how she helped her father find a stolen sheep from the flock he was tending. She accurately described the yard where the sheep was hidden. And when everyone was extremely surprised, Vanga said that she saw it in a dream. She herself had already noticed that she began to have dreams that spoke of unpleasant events, which later came true.

The full power of her abilities unfolded during the war years. But this was preceded by a vivid vision when she communicated with a certain “horseman” in early 1941: according to her descriptions, “he was tall, Russian-haired and divinely handsome. Dressed like an ancient warrior, in armor that glittered in the moonlight. His horse swung its white tail and dug the ground with its hooves.

He stopped in front of the gate of Vanga’s house, jumped off his horse and entered a dark room. Such a radiance emanated from him that it became light inside, as if during the day. He turned to Vanga and spoke in a low voice: “Soon the world will turn upside down, and many people will die. In this place you will stand and predict the dead and the living. Don't be afraid! I will be next to you and will say what you have to convey to them!

No one knows what kind of horseman it was, but local residents assumed that in the area where Vanga lived, a golden statue of a horseman was buried in full height. According to some, this is a statue of St. Constantine, according to others, a statue of the Thracian deity Heros. Be that as it may, after that vision she became a soothsayer.

This is how Vanga herself described the mechanism of her visions: “When a person comes to me, I have the feeling that a window opens in my head through which I observe pictures, and the life of this person passes before my eyes, like a film, but it should I hear a “voice” that tells me what exactly needs to be conveyed to the visitor.” Vanga often used sugar to make predictions. A man who came to her for advice brought with him a piece of sugar, which he spent the night under his pillow. Interestingly, she usually did not talk to those whose days were already numbered, or to those who came out of curiosity.

Bulgarian scientist Georgiy Lozanov observed Vanga for a quarter of a century and noted more than 7,000 cases of her predictions coming true. He came to the conclusion that Vanga’s “recognition” goes beyond the boundaries of random coincidences and reaches 80 percent.

Powerful politicians also fell into this 80 percent. Adolf Hitler, having visited Vanga, did not listen to her prophecy about his defeat in the war with Russia. The soothsayer said to his face: “Leave Russia alone! You will lose this war! And so that he would believe in the power of her foresight, Vanga sent his guards to a house on another street where the mare was giving birth, and told in detail what the foal would look like. The foal was born exactly as she said. The Fuhrer left Vanga in a rage.

Six months before Stalin’s death, Vanga predicted the death of Joseph Vissarionovich, for which she even went to prison, but after the death of the leader she was released.

In 1963, she predicted an assassination attempt on the 35th President of the United States, who turned out to be John Kennedy.

In 1968, she predicted three important political events at once: the rebellion in Czechoslovakia, the fatal wounding of Senator Robert Kennedy and the victory of the Republican candidate.

In 1969, she “saw” the death of Indira Gandhi, and in 1979, the beginning of perestroika and the collapse of the USSR#8230; And once she said: “Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it #8230;” Kursk? A city located far from big water? Only in August 2000 did it become clear which “Kursk” she was talking about #8230;

Famous people also turned to her for personal reasons. For example, the story of actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov’s visit to Vanga in 1979 is widely known. The moment he crossed the threshold, the soothsayer shouted to him: “Why didn’t you fulfill the requests of your best friend? I'm talking about Yuri Gagarin. When he set off on his last test flight, he came to say goodbye to you and said: “I don’t have time, so I beg you, buy an alarm clock and put it on your desk. Let this watch remind you of me.” The actor was so amazed that he felt sick. They gave him valerian, and he was able to tell that everything was exactly like that, but in the confusion associated with the death of Gagarin, he forgot to buy this alarm clock. Vanga then added: “Gagarin did not die, he was captured!” She didn’t say how or where exactly.

The poet Evgeny Yevtushenko also visited Vanga. According to eyewitnesses, the old woman did not stand on ceremony with him: “What a writer you are! You smell like a barrel! You know a lot and are good for a lot, but why do you drink and smoke so much?”

Among the funny incidents, everyone remembers the request of football fans to predict the score decisive match in Blagoevgrad. Its position in Group A depended on how the local team Belasitsa would have played at that time. Vanga ordered to bake a large cake in the shape of a football field, and the city pastry chefs worked on it all night long. And when everything was ready, I took a knife and cut it in half. A few hours later the score of the game was 0:0.

But Vanga didn’t make predictions to everyone; she simply kicked out many people. So, a woman came to her asking how she could live after the death of her sister, because she had spent all her money on her treatment. However, Vanga kicked her out with the words that that woman never came to visit her sick sister, did not help her in any way, and now wants to find the money hidden by her sister. And Vanga won’t tell her where the money is either.

Or she refused to tell one young man the name of the killer of his brother, who was left with three orphans and a sick wife. Vanga made him promise that he would not take revenge on the killer, because he would already witness his end. By the way, this young man who came to Vanga later became her husband. At the very first meeting, the prophetess told him about this, but the guy did not believe her, not wanting to connect his life with a blind woman. But then Dimitar began to come to Vanga more and more often and fell in love with her. They did not have children of their own, so they adopted a boy and a girl.

Vanga spoke about newborns and unborn children. In an incomprehensible way, she saw and spoke with people who died 100, 200 or more years ago. As scientists note, this is the most mysterious manifestation of Vanga’s clairvoyance.

In 1981 she warned: “Be careful! Soon new diseases unknown to people will come to us. People will fall in the streets for no apparent reason, without any apparent illness. Even those who have never been sick will become seriously ill. But all this can still be prevented, because it is in our power.” At that time, AIDS had not yet appeared, no one knew about diseases such as SARS or bird flu.

The prophetess was convinced that at the beginning of the 21st century, humanity would get rid of cancer. She said: “The day will come when cancer will be shackled in iron chains.” And she explained that “the medicine will contain a lot of iron.”

At the beginning of 1993, Vanga announced that the USSR would be reborn in the first quarter of the 21st century. And shortly before her death she said: “The time of miracles will come, and science will make great discoveries in the field of the intangible. We will witness great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world since ancient times. All the hidden gold will come to the surface, but the water will go away. It’s predestined.”

Well, in about 200 years, in her opinion, our grandchildren will be able to establish contacts with brothers in mind from other worlds. Vanga even noticed that aliens from other worlds have been living on Earth for a long time#8230; Where do they come from? From a planet called Vamphim in the language of its inhabitants. This planet is the third from Earth#8230;

Scientists have calculated that over the 55 years of its activity, more than a million people visited Vanga. With the money that people brought her, the prophetess built the Orthodox Church of St. Petka. But her relationship with the church remained strained, because the clergy does not recognize such “prophets.” “Calling herself an Orthodox believer, Vanga in fact was not one at all,” say representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church. “She accepted reincarnation, which means she was a pagan.” Nevertheless, Vanga was exclusively religious - she celebrated all church holidays and observed fasts.

Vanga, who helped people treat diseases with herbs, categorically refused to treat herself. Exactly at midnight on August 10, 1996, doctors noted a sudden improvement in the condition of the sick prophetess (she suffered from progressive cancer). According to her niece, the grandmother asked for a glass of water and bread, then wanted to be bathed. “Now I’m okay,” she said. At about nine o'clock in the morning, Vanga reported that the spirits of her once-dead relatives had arrived for her. At 10 o’clock in the morning, “the most informed grandmother on the planet,” as she was called in the press, left this world.

More than 10 years have passed since her death, but Russian specialists still anomalous phenomena continue to look for new meaning in Vanga’s prophecies:

“Fear, fear! Our American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river” (1989). In September 2001, the World Trade Center skyscrapers collapsed following a terrorist air attack on the United States. The collapsed skyscrapers were called “twins” or “brothers.” They were hit by planes - "iron birds" - of terrorists. “From the bush” - Bush, in English “bush” and “Bush” (i.e. the trouble dates back to his presidency).

“The world will go through many cataclysms and strong shocks. The very consciousness of people will change. Will come Hard times. People will be divided on the basis of faith#8230;" (prediction date unknown). No comments needed.

“We are witnessing fateful events. The two largest leaders in the world shook hands (the grandmother was obviously hinting at Gorbachev and Reagan). But a lot of time will pass, a lot of water will flow away, until the Eighth comes - he will sign the final peace on the planet” (January 1988). It's starting to come true. At least in relation to the “Eighth” (Russia has replenished the “ big seven"). By the way, even at the time when Boris Yeltsin was President of Russia, Vanga already hinted at the next one, although she did not name the name: “This will be a completely unexpected figure.”

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia#8230; She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world” (1979). This was said during the times of the USSR, when few people uttered the word “Russia”. It is unknown which Vladimir they were talking about. Interpreters of Vanga name three contenders for the role of the fateful Vladimir - Prince Vladimir, Lenin and Vladimir Putin, aka “The Eighth”.

“In 2018, trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest” (1960). By 2018, Earth scientists intend to organize the extraction of helium-3 on the Moon - similar plans were announced just the other day. According to the interpretation of the prediction images, helium-3 is both a product of solar activity and fuel for a thermonuclear reactor, which, in fact, is itself a small Sun. The reactor will supply electricity “to the wires” and the trains will fly.

“Life will be found in space, and it will become clear how life appeared on Earth.” The mystery of the origin of life has not been solved. It was not possible to find it even on Mars. But the search continues.

“Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit” (prediction date unknown). This was one of Vanga's last prophecies.

Photos from open sources

Many people remember the Bulgarian Vanga as a great predictor of certain global world events, although people came to her from all over the world, as a rule, not to learn about the fate of the Motherland, but to solve their pressing problems. And Vangelina said that at that moment she saw their dead relatives near the people who came to her. It was they who helped her resolve issues of concern to visitors. (website)

Photos from open sources

It was precisely her ability to communicate with the world of the dead that made this blind seer famous. She didn’t hide from anyone that she couldn’t read minds or do anything supernatural; everything was shown or told to her by entities from the afterlife who came to her. Vanga explained that the dead behave almost the same as people, that is, they know how to laugh and cry, be sad and rejoice, only they know much more than we do, since, unlike those living on Earth, these subtle beings have direct contact with God (why earthlings are deprived of such contact, see the video below).

Many people spoke about Vanga’s mysterious ability to communicate with the dead. For example, the writer V.M. Sidorov even recalls her interesting remark on this matter, when Vangelina complained to him that the spirits sometimes do not give her peace, they wake her up, they say, get up, there is no time to sleep, it’s time to work.

Vanga described the world of spirits in exactly the same way as they are interpreted, for example, in the well-known world teaching of Agni Yoga. The soothsayer was introduced to this teaching by Lyudmila Zhivkova, the daughter of the then leader of Bulgaria, Todor Zhivkov. However, Vangelina said that she already knew everything about it.

Aliens are trying to help us

She also said that she constantly meets with aliens from the future and aliens. According to Vanga, representatives of other worlds have been visiting Earth for a long time, but communicate here only with rare spiritual personalities. The closest to people are the aliens from the planet Vamfim, who are invisible to earthlings. They resemble tall people, only translucent, dressed in clothes somewhat similar to armor. They showed Vanga more than once their world, that is, as she herself said, they took her by the hand and led her to their land. Their world is very beautiful, it is even difficult to describe it in earthly words, however, in it the Bulgarian seer did not notice any buildings and houses inherent in our planet. The Bulgarian seer could not say anything more specific about the life of aliens and their plans for the Earth; she was not allowed to do so.

Photos from open sources

However, she told the main thing that representatives of the planet Vamfim are trying with all their might to help earthlings. They will be the first to come into contact with people, and it is then that balance will come to our world, and then general prosperity. It's just a pity about the timing this contact the aliens either didn’t tell Vanga or forbade her to talk about it...

Aliens in the Bible

By the way, there are places in the Bible that also clearly talk about aliens and their aircraft which we today call UFOs. For example, it mentions Ezekiel seeing a “wheel” that took him and raised him to another “upper wheel” (Ezekiel 1:16). All this resembles a picture when an alien gets into a flying saucer and goes to another - the base one, which in this case could be an interplanetary ship.

Photos from open sources

In the revelations of John the Theologian there is also a mention of a certain transitional state of existence, after which an amazing city will appear in the sky (Rev 21:2-27). This "city" could very well be big alien ship, which the ancients had already observed and which “promised” to return at a certain time.

Aliens in our lives

In our life, the presence of UFOs in the sky, as well as in general within our solar system(beyond its borders we simply cannot follow the aliens) is becoming something even familiar, especially for ufologists who daily examine photographs and video materials recording aliens here and there.

For example, the famous online archaeologist Scott Waring recently discovered the shadow of an astronaut near the rover in photographs of the Curiosity rover. Moreover, this shadow was reflected not in one, but in four photographs at once, which cannot be an accident or a defect in the photo. Moreover, as Waring writes in his commentary on the pictures posted on the Internet, this is not the first time that an astronaut, either managing or repairing a rover, accidentally gets caught (or rather, his shadow) in the lens of the rover’s camera. This already happened two years ago...

Photos from open sources

It is possible that it is for this reason that the Curiosity rover turned out to be such a tenacious mechanism that survived all the deadlines allotted to it. It is simply periodically inspected and repaired. But who does it is a mystery. It is possible that there are already secret technologies on Earth that allow people to quickly move through space, and people have been around for a long time. Or maybe these are not people at all, but aliens, or even Martians themselves. In any case, two cases (or whoever it is?) went wrong, speaks of some kind of pattern and convinces us of the presence of humanoids on the Red Planet.