How disabled children see this world. Essay “The world through the eyes of a disabled child. – Children with autism – what kind of children are they? How they see the world

11.04.2023 Kinds

Vashchenko Alexandra Evgenievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADOU "Terentyevsky kindergarten"
Locality: Kemerovo region, Prokopyevsky district, Terentyevskoye village
Name of material: essay
Subject:"The world through the eyes of a child with developmental problems"
Publication date: 29.07.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Essay on the topic: “The world through the eyes of a child with problems in


Have you ever imagined the world through the eyes of a disabled child? These children

live nearby, but we try not to notice them and call them tolerantly

children with developmental problems. They exist in their own separate world, oh

which even the closest people may not guess. They often

amazingly talented, spiritually rich people, but society is stubborn

rejects those who do not fit into the framework of universal similarity. Children-

disabled people are not abstract units, but real people who have their own face and

individuality. They live their unique and only

life. We must realize that these children are people, just like

We all live together, side by side, we are interested in each other with all our

otherness. You just need to hear and feel each other. If it comes

about our children, then we all, of course, strive for them to have the most

bright and cloudless childhood, the sunniest world. Our children are so wise

life. We all have something to learn from them - that touchingness and that

children's perception, from which we gradually wean ourselves in our

everyday routine. They cannot hide their emotions, they are friends

sincerely, they are not shy about being themselves.

IN last years There are more and more children who have certain

health problems. The state takes care of them, but sometimes

disabled children are not always left alone with their problems

can communicate with healthy peers and visit public places.

But every child, no matter what he is, needs to feel

care and support not only of loved ones, but also of those around them, because these children, like

we have the right to happiness.

With the help of imitation, a child can always do educational

area greater than what he is capable of by acting alone.

And if today, when solving a problem, the child cannot solve it without

help from someone, then tomorrow he can cope with it himself, if the provided

he will benefit from help. Consequently, development will “go uphill” under

the influence of the same social situation of development, in a specific case -




adults. It is very difficult to teach children to enjoy life not only for their own,

but also at the successes of others, to be upset, but not to despair

When on a rare occasion you notice that a special child is reaching out to someone...




ideas. Then you realize that the child is special

ready to open it up for us









It’s extremely difficult for a child.

How are the parents of a disabled person absolutely not different from the parents of an ordinary, healthy child? Because they want the best for their offspring. But then the nuances begin. And these nuances depend not on whether the child is healthy or not, but on what his parents understand by this very good.

When your child, for example, takes his first steps without support at the age of 6, you don’t really think about where exactly he will go now - you just rejoice at every step. And this joy cannot be compared with the joy of other parents who observe the same processes in their one-year-old children. But time passes, and you still have to think about where exactly the child goes.

Alas, parents of disabled people often experience a completely understandable deformation of consciousness, as a result of which it sometimes seems to them that it is almost a shame to think about something like that. However, dear friends, it is impossible to mercilessly spoil city flower beds and ordinary people, and people with disabilities. But we also need to think about the child’s soul.

The news feed brings amazing information: Israeli military intelligence has a special unit in which boys and girls with autism spectrum disorders serve. They analyze maps and aerial photographs that appear on computer screens. Due to the peculiarities of their thinking, they pay attention to the smallest details and thus help in preparing military operations.

I read about this and think about it... My son, who suffers from autism, is already an adult. His condition for his loved ones has long been difficult, but everyday. If we remained in shock for years, it would be harmful for him too. So, I’m not a pacifist and I understand that there are different situations in life. But still, I don’t want my son to serve in intelligence. Even if they teach him something useful there ordinary life skills, as the IDF does with autistic soldiers.

But we also have plenty of examples close by, perhaps much more dangerous to the soul than a military career. Recently, a charitable foundation held a festival on Elagin Island in support of the St. Petersburg center for creativity, education and social rehabilitation for people with autism spectrum disorders. It must be said that this was perhaps the largest cultural event held by a charitable organization in the last few years. Musical groups, theater and circus projects, exhibitions and sales of books for children and adults, a special excursion around the island, master classes and the sale of souvenirs made by the center’s wards, whom the center’s employees call students.

Everything seems to be great. And if you take a closer look, it’s an ordinary social bohemian event. With characteristic features. Let's start with a simple book tray for adults. Mixed in with rare and interesting books dedicated to disabled children are books by Yuri Mamleev and Charles Bukowski. Let us leave aside the sighs of philologists and other connoisseurs of virtuoso mastery of words. If my adult son ever gets his hands on such books, I will not snatch them from his hands - I will try to discuss these texts with him and orient him to the best of my ability. But I myself will never offer him such literature. And the point is not at all whether my son is healthy or sick.

However, let us turn again to the festival program. Among other things, visitors were offered an impressive list of classes in various types of yoga, as well as meditation sessions from the Osho Center. You can read about who this Osho is, for example, in the book by J. Fletcher “Without God in You (Rajneesh / Osho).” If the leaders of the center invite such people to the festival, I have serious reasons to think that they may not disdain using something similar as a rehabilitation technique.

I also wonder who they will invite to the festival next time? Buryat shamans? Grandmother-healer with conspiracies? Well, as for me, as an Orthodox Christian, I sincerely wish that neither my son nor anyone else, healthy or sick, would ever participate in such practices and would not be seduced by the flattering promises of the adherents of these teachings.

Yes, I rejoice at every success of my son, even the smallest. But I still don’t think that external success should be achieved at any cost. Much more important is what happens to a person’s soul. “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?” (Matt. 16:26)

And it starts small... For example, if a child who has speech problems starts typing phrases on a computer keyboard, the joy of his family is understandable - of course, because in the future you can establish almost normal communication with the person! And if at the same time he reveals an intelligence above average... And there is no time to criticize the content of the phrases issued by this person. But, as in the case of the shock of realizing the severity of the child’s condition, if this uncritical joy continues for too long, it can only harm the child.

After some time, preferably faster, it is necessary to start talking to him on the merits - then parental joy will not interfere with the normal upbringing of a person. I really want my son to learn to communicate freely with all the people around him. But it is much more important for me that he does not grow up to be an egoist, confident that no matter what he throws out, there will be “service personnel” next to him at any time of the day or night.

Don’t think about it, my son is a kind and understanding young man, even responsive to common troubles in his own way. I just try to pay attention to the nuances of his behavior in order to respond to them adequately, and not be blown away by his every “performance.” Joy should be reasonable. That is, priorities must be set correctly. Both in small and in great.

So, if my son has communication problems, it is clear that he has practically no communication with girls. If somehow he does meet a girl and tries to start a romantic relationship with her, I, of course, will be happy for him. That being said, I still want him, like any other young man, to understand the importance of chastity and that certain physical relationships are only possible within marriage. Simply put, no relationship is better than fornication.

I think we should approach education in exactly the same way. Again, there is no difference here between an ordinary child and a disabled person. Personally, I agree with Sherlock Holmes regarding the results of education - if Copernicus is not important to me in my everyday life, then I don’t even have to remember who he is. And in our country, most often, a person’s general culture is assessed by his ability to solve crossword puzzles.

Many of us do not notice this, but the cult of science and the cult of culture (forgive the tautology) are the same idolatry. Undoubtedly, modern man needs to have an idea of ​​the shape of the planet on which he lives, but it is much more important that man knows that God created this planet.

When talking about the education of our children, and in the case of their disabilities, about education closely related to rehabilitation, we rarely ask ourselves the question: “Why?” And if we do ask, we usually answer something about social adaptation - “learning to live in this society”... Social adaptation is one of the most important tasks for any person, but still not the most important. This is only a means, but if social adaptation becomes a goal, if a cult is made of it, then it turns into the science of depending on society. And a person must understand that he truly depends only on God, and not on society, doctors, psychologists, massage therapists and even parents. And true social adaptation is the ability to see the image of God in each person you meet, and to see the action of God’s Providence in society as a whole.

Is a disabled child God's punishment for sins or God's grace? This is how one priest, himself the father of a girl with a disability, answered this question: “On Earth we all belong to and serve God. A child is given to parents to raise and educate him to serve God. And if a child was born this way, then it is necessary for God. Therefore, the birth of a child with disabilities can neither be a punishment for sins nor an impartation of grace. It is a sin to murmur against God's will" And our joy for every small victory of a child must be reasonable - otherwise we risk forgetting why this child was born and lives.

MBOU "Maloarkhangelsk Secondary School No. 1"

Class hour dedicated in 1st "a" class

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Prepared by the class teacher: Goncharova O.A.


    Form an idea of ​​a “special child.”

    To introduce some problems of disabled children.

    Develop a sense of empathy for people with disabilities.

    To form an idea of ​​health as a value of human life.

    Cultivate a sense of responsibility for your health, the health of your loved ones, those around you, and a willingness to perceive health as a value of human life.

Equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, presentation, cut out flowers (according to the number of children), felt-tip pens, 2 ribbons, 2 scarves.

Teacher: Slide number 1 "Hello!" We begin any of our meetings with these words. And you all know what they mean not only as a greeting, but also as a wish of health to the one to whom they are addressed.

Health is very important for a person. Health is a gift of fate. It is necessary to learn to cherish and respect this gift. That is why, from early childhood, we learn not just to greet people, but to wish them health. If we wish for others, we wish for ourselves.

But does our health and the health of those around us always depend only on our desire?

I suggest you remember Valentin Kataev’s fairy tale “The Seven-Colored Flower.” And we will do it this way: I will ask questions, and you will answer.

How many petals did the magic flower have? Slide number 2

Who remembers the magic words? (Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back after making a circle. Having flown around the earth, be in my opinion). Slide number 3

Why did the boy on the bench refuse to run with Zhenya? (Because he has bad legs, moves with crutches, is disabled). Slide number 4

Unfortunately, there are many people on our planet who are deprived of physical health, i.e. These people are disabled either from birth or as a result of illness or injury. Slide number 5

Now our school is celebrating a decade dedicated to the Day of the Disabled. Slide number 16 Traditionally, it is celebrated on December 3. This is what the United Nations decided in 1992. Usually on this day it is customary to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities, to the protection of their dignity, rights and well-being.

Who are these disabled people? (Answers)

Disabled people are people whose health capabilities are so limited by illness or injury that they cannot cope without outside help and assistance from the state. Slide number 7

The "Big Encyclopedic Dictionary" says: "A disabled person (from Latin invalidus - weak, infirm) is a person who has partially or completely lost his ability to work."

Have you ever seen such people in our city or in other places? (Answers) Yes, indeed, they exist. We just don't always notice them. There are many such people in our village. These are both adults and children. Slide number 8

Issues for discussion:

Are there occupations that are dangerous to health and lead to disability? (Children's answers)

What dangers await us in life, in everyday life? (Children's answers)

Slide number 9 - Some types of professions are associated with health hazards: underwater, chemical, associated with high voltage, vibration, radiation and others. Representatives of almost all professions are more or less exposed to some kind of danger. All types of big sports, ballet, circus are also very dangerous.

Slide number 10 - And in life, in everyday life, dangers await us: electricity, boiling water, high-rise buildings, cars. But people often either don’t think about it or simply take risks: they cross the road in the wrong place or at a red traffic light, swim in unfamiliar places or in too cold water, cross rivers thin ice, they fight and do a lot of other things, they do not take care of the most valuable thing we have - life and health.

In addition, disasters and accidents occur in the world: car and plane crashes, fires, factory accidents, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc.

After military operations, people with disabilities also appear due to wounds and concussions.

It happens that a person gets sick. But not all diseases have yet been controlled by doctors.

Slide number 11

And sometimes this happens: the baby is born unhealthy. Slide number 12

Practical exercises

1. - Health is movement. Let's move a little too. Now I will ask you to stand 5 people, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a dark, unfamiliar room. Now be extremely attentive and careful when following my commands.

Teams: take a step to the right, two steps forward, a step to the left, a step back, sit down, turn to the left, a step back, turn left again, step to the right and forward, turn around.

Without opening your eyes, please answer where you are, where did you come from? And you had to come back to where you started.


Open your eyes. Did you manage to arrive at the right point? How did you feel moving with your eyes closed? (Answer options may be unexpected: from fear to interest).

2. 2 people are invited.


With your eyes closed, draw a house on the board.

3. How did you feel? What were you thinking? Was it difficult to complete the tasks?

You have all been to a cinema at least once, sat in the auditorium.

4. Do you think people who cannot see with their eyes can come into the auditorium? (children's answers) These people can come to the auditorium, but they will only be able to listen, not watch.

Someone come up and blindfold him. Now go to the bookcase and take the book from the 3rd shelf. Bring it to me.


What did you experience while completing this task? Did you want to take off the blindfold and open your eyes?

Teacher: Slide number 13 - This is how people with vision problems feel in our lives. There is a special alphabet - Braille alphabet, Slide number 14 so that these people can also read, learn, and communicate. It is based on a convex six-dot: combinations of dots denote letters, numbers, and musical notes.

Do you think blind people can work? (children's answers)

Slide number 15 There is a “Society of the Blind”, where people without sight make things for general consumption (covers, switches, sockets).

Do you agree that with friendly help such people would be much more comfortable and reliable? (children's answers).

Teacher: - How do people with hearing problems live? After all, on the street they don’t hear car horns, you can’t hail them, you can’t warn them about danger from afar. In the forest we “holler” so as not to lose each other, but what about them? Slide number 16 And they communicate with gestures, this is sign language. Therefore, such people need to see the hands and face of their interlocutor.

Dynamic pause

Slide number 17 - People who don't hear understand the world using facial expressions and gestures. And in order to feel for yourself how difficult it is, I suggest: Stand on your feet, turn to each other, look into your partner’s eyes, take his hand so that he feels your kind attitude towards him.


Raise your hand if you felt kindly treated. I'm glad you were able to convey your feelings to someone else.

Teacher : Slide number 18 - There are people who do not have an arm or a leg, or both arms and legs, or whose arms and legs do not obey their master at all. People who do not have legs most often move in wheelchairs. Slide number 19 They are forced to constantly use outside help. Imagine your morning with your hands tied: how to wash, have breakfast, get dressed?

Practical exercises

5. - To feel how difficult it is for such people to do what is not difficult for us, one exercise will help. Come to me 2 people. Now, I will tie one of your hands to your body with a ribbon. And try putting on a jacket with one hand.

6. 4 more people are invited.

Without using your hands, untie your shoelaces.


What did you experience? What did you want to do?

Teacher: -Do you believe that such people participate in competitions, dance, draw? And you shouldn’t believe it. Slide number 20

There are still many diseases that prevent a person from living a full life.

Raise your hand, those who would sell their leg, arm, or eyes for a million dollars?

How much would you pay to lose your hearing?

Teacher: - Guys, today we talked about people with disabilities, people with disabilities, many of you felt for yourself, while performing various tasks, how difficult it is sometimes for people with disabilities to live. And it is especially difficult for “special children” to live in our world. Slide number 21

I think that you will become kinder, more attentive, more responsive. To somehow help them. During the lesson, from your eyes, it became clear to me that everything you heard and saw touched your hearts. I would like to add that every disabled person wants to be treated as a full-fledged person. And as one of these people said: “We feel normal, like all other people, what makes us disabled is the attitude of people towards us.

I think many of you will no longer laugh at such people, but on the contrary, if possible, will offer them your help. But how we can help them, I want to hear from you. (children's answers: - make the entrance and exit from shops, transport, intended for wheelchairs; - help cross the road, go to the store, help clean the apartment, pay attention.)

Summary of the class hour.

What is health? What do the words " special child", "children with disabilities", disabled? Do we need to take care of our health and the health of others? What should we do to be healthy? What is healthy image life?

Conclusion: It is necessary to take care of your health, since a healthy person has more opportunities and strength to achieve their goals, fulfill their dreams, communicate, etc. To take care of your health, you need to exercise, don’t smoke, don’t use drugs and alcohol, and follow a routine. Follow the advice of doctors so as not to prolong the illness. Preserve and improve the environment. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Lesson reflection.

Slide number 22 - Who agrees that “Kindness will save the world”? Kindness is an amazing thing, it brings people together like nothing else. Kindness saves you from loneliness and emotional wounds. I'm friends with you, I'm not asking for anything, just be kind. If you want to sow goodness around you, then take the flowers that are on your tables, go to the box, and say what is closest to your soul, what you want to say to the disabled. You can use the writing on the board Slide number 23 or come up with your own version. (written on the board: I want to help you, I worry about you, I will support you in difficult times). Whoever has the flowers ready, put them in the box.

Slide number 24 - I think what you all said was kind, Nice words support and this may mean that the time spent on the lesson was not in vain for you.

Photo report

Class hour

Disabled children – “special children”

I am not a psychologist, and what is written below is just my opinion. This is not a theory, I can’t defend it, and I haven’t read anything about it, it’s just how I see it.

About how children see the world and what follows from this.

It seems to me that when a child is very small, the whole world for him is such a strange colored pattern, an abstract painting, because he knows nothing at all, that this big dark spot is a closet, and it is separate from the white spot, the wall, and he it stands and opens and makes noise, and it is not alive.

It seems to me that a kind of matrix of sounds, colors, smells flows in front of them, and as they grow, watching, they begin to separate the faces of non-faces, and then suddenly they discover that the face and hands that fly to them are together mother, and then that mom can leave, and she is even bigger and she has a lot more things.

I remember the moment when my son began to notice that I was changing clothes, that is, he separated clothes from me for the first time - pointing and laughing at the new dresses. And then I suddenly realized the tights and burst into tears - because my mother’s usual body parts suddenly disappeared and new ones appeared in their place, and small children are afraid of change, and I had to take off and put on the tights so that he would understand that they are also such a separate thing.

And so it is in everything. Time begins to disintegrate into sleeping and not sleeping, then into day and night, then into even smaller pieces, and general concepts“to eat” are gradually divided into pieces, and breakfasts appear, in which they eat porridge and toast, and lunches, in which food breaks down into the first, second and third, and so on, until the whole world decomposes into understandable Lego pieces.

So why am I saying this? For me, understanding this perception makes most of the “whims” and other illogical requirements as clear as possible.

I think that the child sees the situation as a whole, as a complete Instagram, picture. You know how it happens with us - if you remember your own strong impression - how important the details are in it! For example, I remember how I let a horse gallop along the seashore, I still remember, and this picture has everything - the gray color of the sky, and the sound of the storm, and the smell of horse sweat, and the heart-exploding joy of flight and freedom. And if I were to find myself in this situation again, and I was offered to ride not on a horse, but on a donkey? Or instead of a storm, make it hot and calm?

For some reason it seems to me that all small situations for children are much more emotionally rich than we think, and they are just as holistic and inseparable. And if we once told the baby for the first time “this is your new cup,” then this blue cup, and the mother’s voice, and the pride that he experienced, precisely the novelty of some kind of emotion - he formed this imprint. And again and again he wants to experience this newness of pride, or something else that he, little, first experienced at some point with this blue cup, and we tell him “what difference does it make, drink from the yellow one.” NO! Pride, independence, the first conscious sensations of “I drink it myself,” the sensation of the edge of the plastic on the lips, the handle of the cup in the hands, the juice in it - all this is MANDATORY, but we say “yellow,” and we say “what’s the difference.”

Or about time. He’s sitting here rolling cars, I say “let’s go to bed, it’s time to sleep,” he shouts “noooo, I don’t want to.” And I, stupid, boringly explain that I need to sleep. But he doesn’t mind sleeping, he’s against me destroying something important and healthy that was happening at that moment. He says “no” to giving up the joy of rolling a car, all this joy of a heavy red car in his hands, how its wheels turn on the carpet, it’s interesting, and he himself turns them this way and that, and then mom came and said “stop the joy " No, mom, of course, doesn’t say that, mom says “let’s go to bed,” but in essence mom says “stop the joy.” And if mom says “take the typewriter with you, let’s go upstairs,” then he will happily go, because he doesn’t mind sleeping, he’s against giving the typewriter away.

Lisa Visser

Do you know how often I was fooled by nonsense until I learned to think about it?

- Tessa, would you like an apple?

- No.

- You wanted it, right?

- No.

And then you realize that in two hands she has new baby dolls and an apple - it’s not an apple. Apple = no baby doll in hand. Therefore, I learned to look at these things and say “you can put the baby in your pocket and eat an apple while he sits in your pocket.” I’m coming up with a new interesting Instagram for her, “I’m eating an apple and the baby is in my pocket,” she’s already anticipating this new sensation - putting it in her pocket herself, and feeling it through the fabric of her dress, and knowing that it’s there, and thinking, how he is there, how he is in the house, and there is also an apple.” And she jumps lightly with joy and says “yes, yes!”, and puts the baby in her pocket, and takes the apple that she didn’t want a second ago.

Is this worse than galloping on a horse along the shore of a stormy sea?

I can’t even tell you how many conflicts didn’t happen simply because I tried to see the “Instagram” the child is on now, and try to save it for him, or offer a new one.

All our strongest, most vivid memories are memories of strong emotions - joy, freedom, strength, lightness, sadness, loneliness, power, devotion, betrayal, shame, happiness.

For a child, every novelty of mastering the world is a strong emotion, just as strong.

If you see how their children live in choosing a cup of the same color or sandwiches with only a triangle, you can learn to recognize and respect them. And if you respect him, you can guess that he doesn’t want to go outside because the last time a spider’s web scared him under the stairs, and not because he suddenly stopped loving walking, he just doesn’t want to walk past the web again and relive this fear again.

Which of the guests needs to leave, because everyone is in dresses, and she’s the only one in jeans, and we need to solve the problem of how to become a princess in jeans, because all the girls are like princesses, and not the adult stupidity “well, let’s go, you’re so little, it will be Interesting".

And I don’t want to go to the toilet, because the hand dryer makes a terrible noise, and not because I don’t want to.

And I want an adult fork, because the last time she ate with an adult fork, her mother looked with loving eyes and laughed. And you need loving eyes, not a fork. But she doesn’t know this yet, she hasn’t yet separated her loving eyes from her fork. That's why you need a fork.

And we need to guess about the fork.

And we need to give this fork.

Hello dear readers of the portal. Today it is customary to say not “ disabled children”, and “other children”, somewhat smoothing out the first impression. The phrase has changed, but its meaning has not, rather, it is just a reason to turn away from those who are not like everyone else. Many words have been said and are being said now about such problems, about mercy and understanding, but in reality many simply pass by with their eyes downcast.

Other children exist: they live next to us, grow, learn, mature and differ from us only in physical limitations and their attitude to life. Our indifferent attitude towards them, and sometimes even neglect, makes them strong, wise and kind to us - to powerless creatures who, in the face of the slightest problems, give up and give up.

If you think about it, how can a growing creature cope with the problems of adults? We should be ashamed of our eternal complaining about life, of our despair and weakness. Such children will not only have to grow up and get a decent education, but also cope with the indifference of society, which is much more difficult. Find your place in life, be useful to others and prove to everyone, and first of all to yourself, that they deserve a good place in this life.

It’s simply impossible to imagine what you have to go through every day. disabled children. None of the “healthy” people have experienced bodily suffering while wearing a prosthesis, when their legs simply bleed and every step becomes real torture. But they are smiling! How could it be otherwise - you have to fight for everything in this world, and not give it up.

Has anyone ever wondered: what is it like for a person in a wheelchair who cannot hear or see? But does this happen, you ask? It happens that we simply don’t pay attention to such people. They live and die in complete confinement from the world within four walls, praying for our sinful souls and forgiving us for our indifference.

Look around you more closely, maybe such children live next to you, in the next entrance or yard. Give them your helping hand, but remember - they don’t need pity. They want to feel like everyone else, to be equal to “healthy” children. And how hard it is to do this, catching the contemptuous glances of others.

Accept other children as they are, pay your attention to them, and hide your contempt away. After all, this will only make life easier and better for everyone. Every person deserves a happy, fulfilling life.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the portal
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