Use dental floss

03.07.2023 Kinds

The production of sex hormones leads to various chronic ailments. The body no longer forgives extremes in the form of overeating or strict diets, as it did in the 20s. This means that the older you get, the more you should take care of yourself and be more careful about your diet. Let's look at what the diet should be after 30 years.

Poor nutrition leads to excess weight, regardless of age. However, as women age, they are more likely to gain excess weight due to hormonal changes. Over the years reproductive function women fade, which is often associated with an increase in subcutaneous fat and a change in its distribution on the body (calorizer). A decrease in estrogen synthesis causes the body to... A decrease in the level of sex hormones leads to a reduction in muscle mass, metabolic processes and thinning of bone mass, which increases the risk of osteoporosis.

Poor nutrition and obesity often cause the development diabetes mellitus Type II and . The thyroid gland also suffers from strict diets and severe stress. Therefore, with age, you need to change not only your diet, but also your lifestyle in general - start getting enough sleep, learn to manage your emotional state, get rid of bad habits and include regular physical activity in your schedule.

The most important rule after thirty is nutritious. Since excess fat and sugar lead to excess weight and disrupt hormonal functions, it is necessary that 80-90% of the diet consists of real food, and not from processed and ready-to-eat foods. , so you will have to forget about fashionable diets forever.

Food must meet four requirements:

  1. BJU balance - the optimal balance of BJU for both weight maintenance and weight loss will be 30% proteins, 30% fats and 40% carbohydrates. and physical activity will preserve muscle mass and maintain a high level of metabolism. , since they are important for the normal production of sex hormones and the prevention of skin aging. Low-fat diets will cause more harm than good. , but with regular exercise and high levels of non-exercise activity, you will be able to maintain good insulin sensitivity.
  2. Real food, not processed food - 80-90% of your diet should consist of protein foods (poultry, fish, eggs, natural cottage cheese, lean meat), complex carbohydrates (unrefined cereals, durum wheat pasta, bran bread). You also need to eat vitamins every day. Pay more attention to the quality and quantity of fats. , - healthy but high-calorie foods. They should be in the diet in limited quantities.
  3. Since various chronic diseases begin to appear over the years, sweets, fried foods, too spicy and too fatty foods must be kept to a minimum.
  4. - with age, its content in the body decreases, which will require compliance with the drinking regime.

You can control the amount of food you eat. Counting calories and nutritional supplements is the best prevention of chronic overeating.

Many women, closer to 40 years old, on the recommendation of a gynecologist, switch to hormone replacement therapy, which allows them to avoid negative consequences restructuring of the body. A balanced diet and control of its calorie content allows them to avoid gaining extra pounds.

Hormonal changes increase nutrient needs:

  • - lack of estrogen leads to thinning bone density, and calcium nourishes the bones.
  • Vitamins are natural antioxidants that slow down the aging process of cells. It is necessary to regularly consume foods rich in them, and take the vitamins themselves in courses, since fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in the body and are toxic in large quantities.
  • - necessary for heart health, maintaining the functions of the reproductive system, normal functioning nervous system, skin tone.
  • - in women of childbearing age, iron requirements are higher - 18 mg per day, since they lose it in the blood during the menstrual phase of the cycle. In addition, at different ages, women are susceptible to anemia, which is also associated with iron deficiency.
  • - can be obtained exclusively from food (fatty fish,) and supplements (). They improve lipid metabolism, the condition of skin and hair, reduce the risk of developing allergies, and help prevent osteoporosis and atherosclerosis.

Before you go to the pharmacy for supplements, you need to get your doctor's approval so as not to harm yourself by self-medicating. Sometimes a doctor recommends that women compensate for decreased hormone levels with plant foods that contain phytoestrogens and other hormone-like substances - soybeans, clover, cabbage, and leaves. But here, too, you cannot do without consulting a doctor, since even harmless herbs, if used uncontrolled, can cause harm to health.

The frequency of meals only matters if you have indications for it. For example, for people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes, it is advisable to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. However, the most important thing is to control calories and food quality.

To get started you need. Use the resulting figure to calculate the BJU ratio (30/30/40). Since recommendations for the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet are presented in a wide range, it is better to start from calories. There are 4 calories in one gram of carbohydrates and protein, and 9 calories in one gram of fat.

For example, with a calorie diet of 1700 kcal, proteins and fats account for 510 kcal each, and carbohydrates - 680.

Now we count:

  • 510/4 = 127 g protein;
  • 510/9 = 56 g fat;
  • 680/4 = 170 g carbohydrates.

After this, distribute food throughout the day in such a way that it is convenient to adhere to your diet. For example, . These should be small portions with an interval of about 3 hours (calorizator). Protein food distribute evenly throughout the day, and the amount of carbohydrates and fats should be reduced in the evening. If you exercise in the evenings or, then carbohydrates can be transferred from breakfast to dinner.

The diet should be convenient for you, and the diet should consist of natural products, which benefit the body and you like. Your health, well-being, youth and beauty largely depend on this.

Having celebrated her 30th birthday, the girl turns into a young woman. At this time, she had already gained self-confidence, was fully formed and blossomed. It would seem that the time has come to relax and enjoy life. However, it is at this time that you should reconsider your lifestyle after 30 years and determine whether it is suitable for remaining young as long as possible.

Much to women's regret, at the age of 30, irreversible changes begin within the cells of the body. The hormonal balance, the level of proteins and microelements in the cells changes. Deterioration of the skin and changes in figure become noticeable.

But not everything is as gloomy as it seems at first glance. For women over 30, there is always an opportunity to prevent early aging and maintain their youthful attractiveness for a long time.

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✔ Lifestyle after 30

Women after 30 should clearly analyze their daily routine, diet and rest, habits, number of hours of activity and walking. After such an analysis, it can be determined whether there is enough correct image life at thirty is ongoing, or requires adjustments.

Start at thirty healthy image life is not too late. It’s worse if even during these years a woman does not want to give up bad habits.

  • Moreover, bad habits include:
  • Poor nutrition
  • Non-compliance with sleep patterns, its duration,
  • No outdoor walks
  • Passive lifestyle at 30, giving up sports,
  • Smoking,
  • Love for alcohol

Excessive consumption of coffee, strong tea.

The correct lifestyle of a woman is not a fashion requirement. This is the most powerful prevention of aging of the body and the development of many diseases, including those related to the heart, digestive organs, lungs, blood vessels, etc.

✔ Fitness at 30

Women after 35 years of age should have regular physical activity. The best option would be fitness, which originally originated as health-improving gymnastics. A set of exercises will allow you to restore muscle tone, pump up your body, and say goodbye to excess weight. At the same time, metabolism accelerates, blood pressure normalizes, mood and overall well-being improve.

Training can be done at home or in the gym. If you don’t have time to go to the gym, or better yet, in addition to training, you should walk every day. A minimum of 30 minutes a day at a normal (not slow) pace will allow a lady to live a long and disease-free life.

✔ Nutrition after 30 years

Not knowing how to start leading a healthy lifestyle after thirty, you can try organizing your nutrition. This point is very important at the age of thirty. After all, at 35, fasting and excessive gluttony are equally dangerous to your health. Nutrition should be complete and balanced, and food intake should be regular.

Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (raw, baked or steamed). Meat and dairy products, fish should not leave the diet. You should avoid flour, fried foods, canned food, smoked meats and semi-finished products.

✔ Skin care Mostly, women after 35 know about the importance of facial care, because it is their. Unfortunately, at this age the first noticeable wrinkles appear, the elasticity of the skin is lost, and the amount of moisture that is retained in the skin cells decreases. All this significantly spoils the appearance.

Therefore, you should regularly cleanse, moisturize and nourish your skin. It is recommended to start visiting a cosmetologist. You should definitely do a facial massage, the technique of which any girl can master.

✔ Medical examination

Regardless of the lifestyle a woman leads at 30 or 35, she is more susceptible to diseases than at a younger age.

To avoid serious illnesses, you should undergo a medical examination once a year. If there are no complaints, it is enough to visit a therapist and take a general blood and urine test. We should not forget about visiting specialists such as a dentist and a gynecologist twice a year. This may not be the most pleasant half hour in your life, but it will give you confidence that in emergency situations, severe toothache and female problems will not bring discomfort to a happy life.

Until recently, I did not consider it necessary to write seriously about the eternal women's war with aging. And not because this is such a complex topic, on the contrary, it seemed to me to be thoroughly researched and chewed on. The best (and most offensive) definition of this process that I have come across is the rat race. This is what it looks like to try to resist the natural flow of life.

But one day this worn-out topic suddenly becomes relevant for you or your friends, and then the realization sets in: Lord, what kind of torment we are dooming ourselves to.

According to my observations, at least three crises await us in middle age.

The first is after about thirty-seven years. The female body, approaching forty, begins to behave in a monstrous manner. I won’t say exactly what’s happening with the hormones, but even the most reserved “girls” begin to suddenly turn ugly. They get fat, their skin sags, and some people suddenly develop acne. In general, everything that can be spoiled, from hair to character. And this is the moment when a woman faces her first choice: at the cost of enormous efforts, try to stay “with the girls” or relax and go into the aunties. It’s enough just to give up on those five to seven kilograms that have grown on the sides; allow yourself wrinkles between the eyebrows and near the lips; come to terms with a sagging jawline. Letting go of the reins is easy and pleasant, but most people prefer to resist. Not everyone has a settled personal life by this time, and according to Russian standards, aunties are not married, so spin as you please, but you have to roll back five years. And the public will not understand: how is it possible not to fight for youth?! And besides, the woman suddenly realizes that she has very little fertility left, and if she wanted another child, then she can’t put it off any longer, and this is also a reason to take herself seriously.


There is good news for unsettled ladies: at forty, something shifts in the hormonal balance, and life definitely gets better. You are no longer a thirty-year-old young lady, but still a “girl of unknown age”, without a serious sign of aging on your face, if, of course, you took enough money to the beautician.

But after forty-five the situation repeats itself in a more severe version. The body again decides for itself that “it’s time” and begins to gain weight, get sick and deteriorate. And again you must choose, acutely feeling the futility of the war against time. The face and body demand to get involved in the next round, which is much harder to resist and impossible to win.

And you, apparently, will no longer be able to have children: although menopause has not yet arrived, it is somehow already clear that a huge stage of life has been completed. For so many years this door has been open for you, you have become accustomed to the possibility of having a baby at any time. And now, you know, that's it. The mere thought of this leads some women into animal despair, while others experience it quite calmly.

Let's say you choose diet, exercise and some intervention from a plastic surgeon. Now you are more or less a beautiful “canned food”, and your charm depends entirely on the strength of your personality: some are still good, while others become unimaginably boring and sometimes unpleasant, because girlish tricks have long since exhausted themselves, and female ones have not been developed - too much you were hiding from growing up.

And by the end of the sixties, menopause comes to everyone, and here it’s either tough braces and an unimaginable daily feat, or finally relax: you’ve grown old.

When you realize all this coming hell, only one question arises: what the hell?! Why do I need this and why does the world around me require this from me?

Because the world (yes!) expects you to stay as young as possible. A woman who, at thirty-seven, refuses Botox and gradually becomes covered with wrinkles, causes bewilderment, bordering on indignation. You definitely won’t be able to look twenty-five, but why don’t you try?! Do you want to go to the second class? It is only in the men's world that there is a saying about an old horse that does not spoil the furrows, something about noble gray hair and old wine that improves with age. But for women there is only one option: if you get old, quit the race. You are now an aunt, not a woman.

And it would be nice if it were just a dictate of public opinion, you can give a damn about it with great pleasure, there is enough inner strength for this. But some kind of primitive fear awakens: ahhh, old women are thrown into the trash! We urgently need to adapt, mimic a young competitive female!

Girls. Hey. You won't be eaten as a useless member of the pack. You can only stay young if you want to. It is truly a great joy to see a toned face and a slim body in the mirror year after year. But if you are satisfied with the natural course of life, and you don’t have the slightest desire to fight against time, you can allow yourself to grow old. This will not make you stop being a woman, no matter what your fears whisper. And don’t be afraid of public opinion either, because adults are you; how you decide your destiny will be right.

Health comes first.

“It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle,” they are now telling us this from all sides. What is this “healthy lifestyle” for a woman and what should she do to stay healthy and protect herself from diseases?

Here's a short list for your consideration simple recommendations, created with the support of Mary Kay and the Women's Health and Family Planning Charitable Foundation. In it you will find 10 simple but effective recommendations on how to take care of your health in order to always remain beautiful both externally and internally, to be confident in yourself and your health. After all, this is so important for us women.

Physical activity

To maintain physical health? Try to exercise regularly for 30-60 minutes every day. E If you don’t have time to go to the gym and work out with a trainer, then oh An excellent alternative is an evening or morning jog. Don’t forget also that you don’t need to exercise at the expense of your health; if you feel bad or can’t run, for example, long distances, then don’t force your body. Next time you will definitely succeed.

Healthy eating

    Every day, consume at least 500 g of fresh vegetables and fruits, foods with whole grains, legumes, and vegetable oils.

    Limit your intake of foods high in sugar and trans fats, and avoid drinking sugary drinks.

    The daily dose of salt should not exceed 5 g.

    Avoid processed meats.

    The amount of fluid consumed during the day should be at least 1.5-2 liters.

Monitoring your diet will help you control your weight. Excessive excess weight not only upsets a woman, but can also negatively affect her health. It also significantly increases the risk of developing breast cancer.

Less smoke

Often, smoking becomes indispensable not even because of the need for nicotine, but rather because of the need to observe this ritual, because of habit. Replace this habit with a healthier one, such as eating a piece of fruit or drinking herbal tea to take a short break and get some rest. Make your home and workplace smoke-free and you will already notice how you will feel better and more energetic.

Alcoholic drinks: good and little by little

Try to limit your alcohol consumption. Permissible dose per day – up to 10 g pure alcohol(a glass of beer or wine contains 8-10 g of alcohol). Still, experts say that completely stopping drinking alcohol can prevent cancer. Therefore, alcoholic drinks can be replaced with equally tasty and even healthy non-alcoholic ones. Better drink a smoothie made from seasonal fruits.

Healthy sun

Note to moms

Bra, my dear bra

You need to find your perfect bra. It should not only emphasize your beauty and sexuality, but also protect your breasts from excessive movements and fluctuations, help you play sports without causing irritation, and allow your breasts to breathe. There are many opinions that an incorrectly selected bra can increase the risk of breast diseases.

To make your bra your favorite, choose it correctly:

    Choose certified underwear made from quality materials. Give preference to natural and modern safe materials.

    Bra styles differ in the shape of the cups. Always try on several models. This will allow you to choose the most comfortable model. Take time for thoughtful selection and conversation with a sales consultant.

    When trying on a bra, raise your arms - the bodice should not ride up your back. Then lean forward - your chest should completely fill the cups, but not hang over them.

    The bra should fit well around the chest, but the straps should not dig into the shoulders, and there should be no folds on the back. Choose underwear in your size. If you have large breasts, you should choose a bra with wider straps.

Try to buy different underwear for different purposes - for sports, work, active recreation, celebrations, vacation.

A woman begins to think about her age when she turns 30. Women are not at all flirty in order to be complimented.

This is an incentive for them to take action to prevent old age. Some start buying anti-aging creams, others only communicate with young people. Still others take radical measures and turn to plastic surgeons. However, there are women who know how to look young and remain chic. It is enough for them to correct the image by contacting a hairdresser or stylist.
Hair gives away a woman's age. With age they fade and turn grey. In this case, good paint will help you look younger. It is not recommended to dye your hair dark colors, because with their help you can add 5 years to yourself. It is advisable to choose light hair dyes. Their shade should cover gray hair and be deep.

How to take care of your face after 30 years

After 30 years, you should use cosmetics sparingly. Of course, at 20 years old, unusual makeup looks look interesting. But at 30 years old they look vulgar and add age. For lovers of decorative cosmetics, it is better to use natural shades. To refresh your face, you need to use a highlighter. It is better to avoid black or blue shadows. Don't forget about blush. The fact is that many people have a busy schedule at work, as a result of which they cannot sleep well. Therefore, the skin becomes grayish and the woman looks older. You can fix this with blush.

You will need creams - a light one, which should be used during the day, and a thick one, used in the evening. You will also need milk to remove makeup. You shouldn't skimp on cosmetics.
Women at this age need exercise for their facial muscles. At this age, the skin is exposed to the forces of gravity. As a result, the chin becomes flabby and the eyelids droop. Those who regularly take care of their facial skin look good even in old age. Both skin and body need regular exercise. Before performing exercises, remove makeup and apply vegetable oil and face cream to the skin.

When a woman is over 30, she needs to start using sunscreen cosmetic products. That is, it is better to buy cosmetics with an STF level of more than 20. It is recommended to use sunscreen balm and apply cream to the skin. A smart adult woman should have a neat haircut. It is necessary to visit the salon at least once every few months. If you don't take care of your hair, it will reveal the age of its owner. Women who are concerned about how to look younger should choose a short haircut. This doesn't mean you have to cut it off long braid. The desired effect can be achieved by making fashionable bangs. It will focus attention on itself and thereby make wrinkles invisible, and also highlight the eyes.
Those who want to look young should change their wardrobe. It should not have frilly clothes. It is desirable that it be of deep colors and made of high-quality fabrics. No need to buy yourself things for teenagers. A woman who is about 30 should dress elegantly. This way she will look younger and people will pay attention to her position in society.

The main secret of youth is not a change of image, but a correct lifestyle. So, if a woman smokes and walks a little, this negatively affects her appearance. Then jewelry and dresses will not help her.
Another way to maintain a good figure is to eat vegetables and fruits. In winter, you can take multivitamin complexes. They will help replenish the supply of essential microelements that help a woman look younger.
It is worth eating foods that contain folic acid. With its help, cells regenerate more actively, as a result of which hair and nails grow faster and the skin softens. Citrus fruits and greens also contain folic acid. Those over 30 should exclude flour and sweets. This way you can avoid excess weight and acne.
At this age, it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day. After all, an adult woman is unlikely to look good after a get-together with friends or a disco. You can afford this pleasure once a month, but not very often. Healthy sleep can help you recharge your energy.
To feel good and look great, psychologists recommend stopping depending on other people’s opinions and not allowing others to make decisions for you.
Finally, we need to be charged with optimism every day. Often, older people often think about bad things. But this is wrong - such thoughts negatively affect your appearance. To feel younger, just do something pleasant, for example, watch a comedy or listen to your favorite music.
For every woman, monitoring her health and taking care of herself is a daily job. She helps them maintain their beauty.