Programs for creating html web pages. What programs are needed to work with HTML. Visual editors for WEB developers

29.11.2021 Diseases

Before we begin practical steps to learn HTML, we need to decide on the set of programs that we will need for our work.

For those who like videos:

At a minimum, two classes of programs are needed:

1) Browser.

A browser is a program for viewing web pages. If you are reading this web page, then I think there is not much point in explaining what this program is and why it is needed.

Today, the Internet has a huge number of browsers from a variety of manufacturers. In order to work with HTML, any of them may be suitable. At the initial stage, this is enough.

In the future, as your professionalism grows, you may need to install several browsers on your computer at once. This is done so that it is possible to test the display of pages in browsers from different manufacturers.

Unfortunately, in web development, pages that do not work correctly in different browsers are far from uncommon.

Install any of these browsers on your computer and, in the future, it will be possible to test the HTML pages that we will create.

2) A program for creating and editing code.

The next tool we need is a program with which you can create and edit HTML code.

There are also a lot of options here that you can choose from.

This editor is completely free, so it is often used in many HTML courses.

But, if you have to work with HTML code often and a lot, then I advise you to get a specialized program for working with code, for example

This tool is paid, but by using it, you get a set of tools in your arsenal that can greatly facilitate your work with code.

For example, HTML commands will be highlighted. When you type commands, a drop-down list will appear from which you can select the most suitable solution.

Below the window where you'll be writing your HTML code will be a window where you can see a preview of what the final page will look like.

In addition, Dreamweaver has many additional features that can make working with your code much easier.

I think that at the initial stage it is quite enough to use a regular text editor, and in the future, as needed, you can switch to a professional code editor.

Personally, I use this particular program to develop my web pages.

In general, these two programs (a browser and a program for creating and editing code) will be enough for you to create your first web pages.

In the future, as your needs grow and the tasks you face become more complex, this set can be expanded.

Before continuing to study the following materials, find and install these programs for yourself, because... Further study of HTML without this will not be possible.

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Welcome to my blog. No matter how you create a website in the designer, using a CMS or in a program, it will be written in html and css. Otherwise the browser will not understand it. Instead of an electronic portal, the visitor will not see anything.

The only difference will be the correctness of the code. In some cases it will appear as English text translated into Google Translate. In others, it’s as if it was handled by a skilled translator. It all depends on the tools you use.

Today we’ll talk about which program for creating an html website will allow you to achieve your goal most correctly and competently. I'll get ahead of myself. Even some allow you to do this clearly. And for some users this would be the best solution.

My post today will be dedicated to editors. Let's start with them.

Two types of editors

All website editors are divided into two types - visual and text. This does not mean that in the first case you can completely do without code knowledge, but the requirements for their level will not be as serious as in the second case. This is the main advantage, because ideally, if you want to create something truly correct, after writing the site, it would be nice to work on the code again and edit some of the shortcomings.

Text editors are perfect if you are familiar with programming languages ​​or are simply not afraid of difficulties. They don't write the code for you, but they help speed up the process and make sure you don't make any mistakes. You start typing a phrase, and the utility completes it for you. You'll also be able to see everything you've done once you're done.

It is impossible to say that the second method guarantees a better result. You can make mistakes too, especially if you lack experience. Even professionals sometimes face difficulties, fatigue and inaccuracies. They work as a team: someone will suggest a rule that has slipped their mind, others will see a mistake.

I do not insist or recommend any of the methods. You must decide for yourself what is more important to you. The result, that is, a site that will be visible to search engines in any case, will only have to be developed. The second option is your knowledge. It is easier to perfect them using text code editors.

Well, now let's move on to the programs themselves.

Visual editors

I bring to your attention several convenient visual editors.

  • WYSIWYG Web Builder

The program is in English, the first 30 days are provided with a free trial period. Then you will need a license, its price is just under $50.

WYSIWYG Web Builder is simple and fairly straightforward. If you know something, then you understand that any website consists of various blocks. Thanks to this editor, you only need to choose what exactly you want to see on your website: text, search, RSS, slideshow, video gallery, and so on. The code will be generated automatically. It just needs to be tweaked a little.

The utility has additional features: creating, checking links and page weights. If you are missing something, you can download extensions from the forum on the official website or write the code yourself.

If you are a beginner, you can start getting acquainted with the software using one of the many ready-made templates. This will speed up the work.

  • CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer

Software in English. Once upon a time, the developers of this program sold it for $50 with the opportunity to purchase some additional functions, which caused a real riot on the Internet. What kind of utility is this that you constantly need to invest in? Now it costs $189, but you get everything at once and in its entirety.

Very functional, easier to use than the previous representative of visual editors. It has a built-in, which simplifies the process of uploading to the server. You can work in the program and immediately upload updates to the hosting. It is very comfortable.

CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer allows you to work on a lot of free icons, the ability to add all sorts of effects, see and correct the code right in the program’s working field. The lack of Russian is probably one of the most significant shortcomings.

  • Adobe Muse

An excellent program in Russian, which I have already written about several times in my blog. I used it myself and even created a custom website in it. The reviews are extremely positive. There are not many tools, but if you know how to use them, you can create fundamental projects. This is a distinctive feature of many Adobe products.

Remember the same Photoshop. It would seem that there are a dozen buttons, but when you start poking around, it turns out that they can be used for such detailed settings! Many scripts have been released for Adobe Muse, you can add a form yourself feedback, slider and whatever your heart desires.

This is one of the few programs that will provide ample opportunities both for a beginner who does not want to understand the code, and for those who want to gain an impressive amount of knowledge.

People working at Adobe Muse can earn up to 100,000 rubles per landing page. It all depends on skills. The result, the final benefit for the site buyer. If your goal is money, I can recommend you the course " " You will learn to create projects that can sell.

Text editors

For those who need knowledge, I present my selection of text editors.

  • Sublime Text

You can create a website in the simplest notepad that hides in the Start bar, so why do we need text editors? They have approximately the same additional benefits. For example, the ability to add text and color palette for you.

Sublime Text would not be so popular if it did not have its specific features, such as error control and a task and file manager. I can suggest you watch a video review of this editor if you are interested.

To get some additional features, you will have to download an extension pack for the program.

  • Brackets

A free editor from Adobe, it is very similar to the previous representative, but you no longer need to download anything additional to get basic features.

Extensions are needed if you want, for example, you want to be able to open a Photoshop layout in the editor to immediately cut out and save parts of the drawing. It is unlikely that this will really be useful to you, since the option is not very well developed.

Nevertheless, thanks for your efforts. The editor is not bad at all without this.

In addition to these programs, there is also NotePad++ and Dreamweaver, but I have already written a detailed article about them “”. Find out more by following the link and by subscribing to my blog updates. I wish you to quickly find your convenient utility and start creating websites yourself.

See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

An HTML editor is the first thing you'll need to start creating web pages using HTML and CSS. There are many free HTML editors out there, and choosing one can be a daunting task.

HTML is quite simple and so you can start working on your web pages using a simple text editor such as Notepad, WordPad or any other. You can also go further and use one of the more feature-rich editors, such as Coffecup, Notepad++, Brackets, Notetab or BlueGriffon. The advantage of using more advanced and functional editors is that you get more tools that can significantly speed up the process of marking up and creating content.

Whether you're looking to create blogs and articles that are well-formatted for browsers to read, or you're planning to build a fully functional website using HTML and CSS, choosing the right editor will greatly improve your productivity. Professional web page developers spend a significant amount of time selecting the editor and tools that the best way meet their needs and increase productivity.

Which free HTML editor is right for you?

The answer to this question depends entirely on your requirements, on the product you intend to create using HTML, on your current level of knowledge of this markup language, if you intend to simply learn. Since most of these editors are free, you can narrow the list down to 2-3, try out their basic functionality, and then decide which one you like best.

In addition, almost every editor listed in this article is supported on several operating systems, including Windows, Linux and Mac, so you don't have to worry too much about compatibility.

Note that most of your editing needs can easily be met by Notepad++ for Windows, Brackets for Mac (this editor is also supported for Linux and Windows), or Coffecup and Notetab. However, if you plan to create a complex website, you should opt for a full-featured development environment such as Eclipse.

On the other hand, if you just want to play around with HTML and CSS, there are numerous online editors where you can write HTML code and see the results right away.

Let's look at the ten best HTML editors that are easy to use, rich in functionality, and popular among web developers.

1. Notepad++ (best free HTML editor for Windows)

This editor is only available to Windows users, so if you have a Mac or Linux, scroll on. Notepad++ is the best free HTML editor that you can install on your Windows computer. At first glance it is very basic, but it is one of the most complex and at the same time easy to use editors.

Much of Notepad++'s enormous power comes from third-party plugins, including PreviewHTML, HTML tag plugin for tag highlighting, Tidy2 for indentation, and many others.

Key features of Notepad++ are a tabular interface for working with multiple files simultaneously, very easy collapsing and syntax highlighting, customizable GUI (with a minimalist option), tables with a close button, vertical tables, multilingual (that is, you can configure the interface in English, French, Spanish and Chinese, as well as 80 other languages).

Notepad++ was developed by Dong Ho and released in 2003. It is free for both personal and commercial use and is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

For Mac users, a great alternative to Notepad++ is Brackets, which we'll cover next.

2. Brackets (free for Mac, Windows and Linux)

Brackets is another popular and reliable tool for web development and HTML code editing. Unlike Notepad++, this editor is supported for Mac, Ubuntu, Debian and Windows. It's also free for personal and commercial use (MIT license).

Brackets is easy to use and has many extensions that improve its functionality. Popular extensions:

  • Emmet – speeds up writing CSS and HTML code;
  • Beutify – formats HTML, CSS and JavaScript files;
  • W3C validation – checks your HTML code for validity.

Brackets is a beautiful editor with a modern, minimalist design. Changes made in the code are immediately displayed in the browser. You can make edits to CSS or HTML code and see how they change the look of your site in real time.

Read about Brackets here – Editor for HTML: Brackets

3. Coffecup (there is both a free and paid version)

Coffecup is perhaps the best HTML editor available in both free and commercial versions. The free one lacks some features, but it is complex enough to be on our list.

Key features of the free version include:

  • customizable toolbars,
  • code completion for elements, attributes and selectors,
  • ready-to-use themes and templates,
  • support for markdown format for HTML,
  • FTP/SFTP support,
  • drag and place function for images,
  • preview option,
  • syntax highlighting,
  • a thesaurus to find alternatives for a word and much more.

The paid version is not too expensive. It includes several additional features such as HTML and CSS code validation, tag library, code cleaner, dynamic spell checker.

Coffecup also offers several advanced modules to work in a mobile friendly style, without the need to write any code, just using drag and drop functions. These modules include Foundation framer, Bootstrap builder and Responsive site designer.

Coffecup has been on the market since 1996 and is used by freelancers, startups, small businesses, and web developers from large companies. This is a great tool for creating websites, web pages, newsletters, notes formatted in HTML, and content for social media.

4. NoteTab (two versions, paid and free)

NoteTab is another HTML and CSS editor that offers features for fast development. This is a product of Fookes software, which has been working on tools to speed up the development process for the last 20 years.

The popularity of NoteTab is confirmed by the fact that it is used by NASA, FBU, VISA, CIA Hewlett Packard, MIT.

NoteTab has three versions, Light, Standard and Pro. The Light version is distributed free of charge for individual use. It does not have all the features of the Pro version, but it supports HTML5 and CSS3 libraries, bootstrap, HTML autocomplete, merging files into projects, HTML Tidy support, HTML to text, and also has many themes.

NoteTab can be launched directly from a flash drive and does not require installation on your machine. For bloggers and people involved in website content, this editor supports word count and SEO statistics.

You can get to know NoteTab better on the official website.

5. Eclipse (free HTML editor)

Eclipse is heavyweight and perhaps overkill for HTML and CSS development, but it can be used successfully if you don't mind installing and configuring the beast. This is a great tool if you plan to create complex sites with databases combined with other data sources, etc. Setup may take some time and require installing additional plugins.

Eclipse is the most popular open source integrated development environment. This editor is often used for Java, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Android and many other programming languages.

You can find out more here –

6. HTML-Online

When it comes to editing HTML code online, in your browser, nothing beats You can start the coding process right away, without downloading or installing any software, and it's free.

One of the advantages of this editor is the Word to HTML conversion, so you can copy your content from Microsoft Word files and automatically apply HTML markup to it. There is also support for Google docs, PDF, Excel, PowerPoint and many other types of documents.

This is a reliable visual editor that will help you create your web page and at the same time monitor code changes in the adjacent window. Other features worth mentioning include HTML code cleaning, casting table elements to divs, and a search and replace option.

7. BlueGriffon (free, basic and EPUB license)

BlueGriffon comes from the house of “Disruptive Innovations SAS”. It is built on Gecko, Mozilla's web rendering engine. BlueGriffon is a powerful editor that inherits most of its features from Netscape, Composer, Nvu and Mozilla.

BlueGriffon has three variations, the first of which is free, the second is distributed under a basic license, and the most powerful is under an EPUB license.

The free version can do a lot too. It has black and light themes, support for audio, video and HTML5 forms, CSS3 editing features include transitions, 3D and 2D transformations, SVG creation, WYSIWYG technology, google fonts manager, font squirrel font manager, markdown format support, user interface in more than 20 languages.

You can download and install BlueGriffon on Windows, Linux Ubuntu and OS X on your Mac. You can find out more on the website -

8. Emacs with plugins

Emacs is one of the most beloved editors of all time. It is free to use (GNU license). Emacs is a general purpose code editor that you can customize to suit your needs. Connecting freely distributed plugins turns it into a powerful code editor with rich functionality.

When it comes to HTML editing, Emacs offers an HTML mode that makes editing code very easy. Read more here – Emacs

9. Atom

Atom is a configurable text editor from GitHub developers. Its popularity is growing very quickly. This editor is free for both personal and commercial use (MIT license). The developer community is constantly looking to enrich the editor with new features.

How to turn Atom into a free HTML editor?

Atom comes with all the basic features you need to edit your code, but to make it a fully functional HTML editor you'll need to install additional packages. These include Emmet, atom-html-preview, Autocomplete-plus, Atom-color-highlight, Autocomplete-CSS, linter, minimap, haml and jade.

Atom is supported for Windows, Ubuntu (Debian Linux), Fedora (from version 22), Mac and Red Hat Linux. It is more suitable for web development than content writing as it is more code oriented and requires little customization.

10. Visual Studio Community

Visual Studio Community is a fully functional development environment from Microsoft, and it's free for everyone. Visual studio offers pre-configured HTML and CSS editing features that can be further enhanced with extensions.

Popular extensions worth mentioning are HTML Snippets, HTMLHint, HTML CSS support, Intellisense for CSS class name.

Like Eclipse, Visual Studio community is an excellent choice for complex, highly scalable sites that require many technologies.


HTML markup language is used everywhere. There are many HTML editors that were created a long time ago, but nevertheless keep up with the times and are quite suitable for web development. But there are others that no longer lack functionality and productivity. New editors are emerging, such as Brackets and Atom, that provide efficient code editing.

Most of the editors listed in this article have their own characteristics, but serve one purpose - creating web pages. They increase the speed of development and help organize code, while taking into account the possibility of scaling it.

Take a look at the options mentioned in this article, write down your key needs, narrow the list down to a couple of editors, try each and see which one you like best. You'll probably find at least one good HTML editor for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

With development computer languages programming in a qualitative and quantitative sense, the need began to arise to systematize visual code data on information output devices to increase the productivity and efficiency of developers.

The history of the development of software development tools goes back several decades. Humanity has come a long way from presenting information on paper and punched tapes, to presenting it using modern developer tools that present code on a monitor and graphical representations of how the code works, with the ability to manipulate it.

Modern program code editors have borrowed their functionality from visual text editors, as well as from specialized text development tools included with various compilers. From text editors and office suites, modern means of developing Internet pages have absorbed all the best in the field of presenting text and graphic information on a computer screen. From specialized editors included with program compilers, such as those in Pascal or C, code editors for Internet pages have absorbed the ability to highlight syntax and substitute code elements.

Borrowing features from both ancestors, Web page editors began to evolve along with their parents. Some editors have absorbed more capabilities regarding graphical display of information on the screen and manipulation of already executed code. The other part has absorbed a large number of possibilities for syntax highlighting and substitution of program code into different languages in raw text form. Some applications combine features of both predecessors harmoniously.

Text editors for Web development are usually called those programs that have absorbed best qualities working with code and syntax highlighting in various languages. For programming applications on the Internet they are used special means developers who know how to work with HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript data.

Personally, I don’t like all this dancing with a tambourine. I would prefer to use a ready-made programming product rather than build it myself. But, this is my opinion. Perhaps on the Internet you will find ready-made special assemblies of vim and linux, created just for you, with add-ons already included, but the official version of Vim is not a special tool for developing applications for the Internet, IMHO.

Gedit (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Gedit is a more advanced editor compared to Vim, created specifically for the Gnome window manager on Linux, and later migrated to other operating systems. As a Linux user, I gave up using this product in favor of other applications due to the need to dance over encodings that are not supported in this editor on Linux. U normal person There's just no time to waste. All Linux applications have this problem, for which there is no universal solution.

Out of the box there are features for Web developers:

    Syntax highlighting

  • Red line

Additional plugins that can be found on the Internet:

    Closing tags automatically.

    HTML Code Inspector

    Body Text Generator

    Regular expressions for search and autocorrect

    Browser code passing integration

For Windows users, this is a somewhat unusual solution, but for Linux OS lovers, this is a familiar tool.

Fraise (Mac)

Easy to use and not overloaded with functionality, the editor for Mac Fraise contains the necessary tools for simple development of applications for the Web without additional plugins:

    Syntax highlighting

    Convenient work with blocks

    Search and replace

    Blocks for quickly entering HTML and CSS tags

    Built-in browser with automatic update function when replacing styles

    Closing tags with the click of a button.

    HTML Inspector

This editor is designed specifically for Mac and is a good replacement for a standard text editor. It is a Smultron application, for this reason it only works on later versions of Mac OS, or with Smultron installed.

TextWrangler (Mac)

Professional development environments and their branches

Komodo Edit (Windows, Linux, Mac)

The functionality of this program is borrowed from a parallel commercial project and is expanded with additional plugins, making it almost unlimited. But what do we need from an ideal editor for developing Web applications? It has everything you need for comfortable work with any program code. What doesn't let me relax is that the manufacturers did not provide the ability to view the code in two windows at once. This makes working with the code not so comfortable. Personally, I don’t like reinventing wheels, and it’s easier for me when I already have some source code in front of me that can be improved in a parallel window.

The capabilities of Komodo Edit are limited in the free version, with rather modest functionality compared to the Komodo IDE, but what specific Komodo Edit can offer us:

    Support for syntax highlighting in most web programming languages

    Autocomplete and closing tags

    File manager and project manager.

    FTP is a client that works using different protocols.

    Built-in browser for viewing work results.

    Find and replace functions with regular expressions.

    Multi-window interface with tabs

    Checking html code tidy

The functionality is far from limited to this, so it satisfies any need. Although, the program itself may seem a little cumbersome for Linux users. The fact is that a built-in browser and ftp client are not exactly what is required from a text editor. There are programs that cope with these tasks much better than integrated solutions. Why do I need a refrigerator if I don't smoke? This maximalism in the implementation of the ideal text editor, in my opinion, signals a crisis in the growth of Komodo's capabilities.

Bluefish Editor (Windows, Linux)

Bluefish Editor - there may also be an analogue for Mac. Perhaps the only solution for Linux in terms of development that is suitable for solving any problem, but in my case, the blue fish turned out to be very cumbersome and slow when working with search and substitution, and in all other cases. In general, the functionality of the program is similar to the functions of Aptana Studio. This program is for professionals. It’s impossible to list all its functionality. Therefore, setting it up requires certain skills, which I apparently don’t have enough to make working with it comfortable. The main disadvantage of this editor, in my opinion, is its slowness and clumsiness, which is something I should dwell on.

Aptana Studio (Windows, Linux, Mac)

Aptana Studio is an even more clumsy universal monster that has proven itself in working with code for the Internet. Among other things, this program provides a full range of services for development in general. The complex implementation, according to some users, makes this program intimidating for non-professionals and somewhat slow. An additional advantage of using this monster is the presence of a built-in Web server, which allows you to view dynamic pages with code running on the server side. This will appeal to programmers writing PHP and other similar server-side languages. Personally, I'm a little tired of the constant need to keep a full-fledged server on my computer and constantly move php files into its directory. In this regard, Aptana offers very pleasant development conditions. How is this product positioned on the official website?

    Support for HTML, CSS, JavaScript in the form of highlighting, insertion of ready-made structures and substitution.

    Project manager with a client for working via ftp protocols.

    Built-in debugger for inspecting html, JavaScript, Rubby&Rails code

    Git (distributed version control) support that professional programmers may need.

    Built-in terminal supported.

    It is possible to control the interface, which greatly simplifies the task of finding the necessary controls, because unused elements can be hidden. Later they will be accessible through the menu.

Visual editors for WEB developers

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX.

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX - the full functionality of this program is probably not known even to the developers themselves. It is not for nothing that so much is said about this in the books that you can find on the shelves of bookstores about this program. It works with almost any media data.

AdobeGolive and Adobe LiveMotion.

Unlimited functionality for developing, layout, and cutting pages. Many consider AdobeGolive's functionality to be insufficient, but the comprehensive use of Adobe software is unbeatable. This topic is not for a short article, but for multi-volume works on Adobe.

Microsoft Front Page

It is a convenient, easy to use, visual development environment. The output code is not clean. (In particular, he loves to “saw” into the layout

for their own evil purposes). But at the same time, it allows you to work with various multimedia data and does not require knowledge of special skills other than knowledge of Ms Word. Almost every student can handle it without difficulty. It can download ready-made pages via ftp, but as always with MS - through one place. At the moment, Front Page in Microsoft Office packages has been replaced by Microsoft Expression Web and Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer.

There is an ancient one (1997) and even like free version FrontPage Express, which produces fairly clean code, which, however, no longer meets HTML standards. But if you a quick fix you need to create a complex table - this is exactly what you need. FrontPage Express does not have a distribution kit; it works without installation.


A fairly good visual editor, equipped with the simplest functions for working with visual information. In addition to a simple visual presentation, Coffecup Html Editor is capable of working with raw code.

    The program contains many ready-made blocks with html code that you can use at your discretion, as well as several code templates for CSS into which you can substitute your own parameters. There are quite a lot of templates.

    There is a project manager out of the box

    You can work with sites via ftp

    Full functionality of regular text editors for internet development

    The ability to view code fragments in parallel with displaying the result of the work of this segment.

In general, the implementation is not bad, there is a built-in browser. What I didn’t like about this program is that Coffecup shamelessly rapes the output code and is not very stable. As an alternative, I chose NVU for myself. In fact, neither program is suitable for full-fledged layout, but is suitable for solving the problems of filling sites with information, without the need to embed texts and pictures manually through text editors.

COFFECUP Visual Site Designer

A similar application only without the ability to edit the code. A purely visual editor with very modest functionality that is not suitable for full-fledged programming.


NVU - there will be no unnecessary words here regarding the special functionality of the program. I'll get straight to the point. Why did I like this editor? I like the fact that it is completely user controlled. Everything is the same in CoffeCup, but I liked Nvu more. In addition, it works more stable and faster. There are slightly fewer code fragments in Nvu, so it will contain some special effects or CSS scripts. But who needs this squalor? Personally, I, like most simple programmers, need a free visual editor only to solve simple problems related to filling static sites with information, without the need to delve into the page code. There is also the ability to edit files on ftp, which is also very useful when working with static files. As a visual editor for creating Web pages, Nvu is quite limited.


We build websites quickly and fun.

WYSIWYG WEB Builder - conditional free program, which provides users with a full range of options for building websites, without knowledge of special languages ​​and codes. You can, as they say, sketch out a ready-made website in a matter of minutes, simply by clicking on the elements you like and dragging them to the site page. However, the program also contains tools for creating complex forms, styles and introducing various objects from the Internet and website project.

A program for developing websites using WYSIWYG technology has already been released. WYSIWYG WEB Builder 8.5.1 The program is delivered in shareware mode. This version, compared to the previous release, introduces 50 additions and 150 new functions declared by the manufacturer. In total, this release contains about 250 ready-made solutions, many ready-made templates and even its own CMS, which works from the network. To test the site, you don’t need anything other than the editor itself; everything you need is built into this product from Pablo Software Solutions.

Announced new items in version 8.5.1

    HTML5/CSS3 support

    Built-in content management system (CMS)


    Theme manager with jQuery support

    New navigation features, etc.

Main functions.

    WYSIWYG, DRAG&DROP (Visual editor, dragging objects onto the project page from a special menu)

    No knowledge of page markup language required

    Output formats: HTML4, HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, PHP

    Style manager with support for standard tags

    Flash, HTML5 multimedia, Youtube, Video Flash, etc.

    Slideshows, scrolling menus, and other elements.

    Convenient navigation.

Content management system

The CMS from this package includes many features, which we will describe briefly:

    Administrator panel.

    Built-in support for popular text editors for CMS

    Support for additional plug-ins

    Separate menu for different objects in the project

    Built-in search functions for searching online content

    The CMS works using AJAX technology. This makes it easier to navigate within the project

    CMS contains the ability to present pages as thumbnails

    Ability to embed external pages into the project

HTML5/CSS3 support

Support for modern standards allows you to implement projects at a high level, without the use of cumbersome complex solutions. CSS3 and HTML5 will lighten the site and make it fully functional without the use of third-party applications other than the browser. According to the WYSIWYG concept, the user does not need to know markup languages ​​and cascading tables. All you need to create an HTML5 object or apply a CSS3 effect is to click on the example of an object or effect you like in the application menu. Manufacturers announced the following ready-made solutions for websites:

More than 250 ready-made solutions for your website that are easy to apply to your project.

Web Page Maker

At the moment, 3.21 is the latest shareware version of one of the well-known WYSIWYG Web editors, which has fairly simple functionality for creating simple websites. However, this tool allows you to quickly and without special knowledge implement a template for a future website template or even create entire projects that can be immediately sent to hosting via the built-in FTP client.

This version has one important drawback; it is implemented on English language, which makes working with essentially simple code quite confusing, since editing graphic elements through the built-in window interface seemed absolutely incomprehensible to me. However, if you understand the control system of this program, working with it will be quite comfortable. In appearance, the program looks quite simple, the menu is not overloaded, but the interface cannot be called intuitive. But the manufacturer also makes rather modest claims about its product.

Product Description

WEB Page Maker is an easy-to-use web editor that will allow you to create and upload web pages to your hosting in a matter of minutes, without knowledge of HTML. Just select the element you like from the menu and drag it to the desired location on the page. This is true. You can place elements anywhere on the page. The main package includes several templates, with the help of which you can figure out how to configure this or that object by poking your mouse a little on the page and playing with the values. The package includes a color picker, a library of JavaScript solutions, an image library and an FTP client.

Main functions

This is an adequate description of what this little editor is capable of. For 15 days you can try it completely free. If you purchase the paid version, then you will be offered a number of additional templates, effects and forms, but this will not provide support for HTML5 and complex CSS gradients.

However, some functions and effects can be very useful when working on finished pages. You can create a menu, add highlight effects when hovering over some elements, create a form, or a PayPal payment button. But, in general, to fully create complex projects, this software will still need to grow and modernize its functionality in accordance with more modern HTML5 and CSS3 standards. Latest version Web Page Maker looks a bit outdated.

Let's conclude

We took a look at the most famous free applications for working with code in text format, we looked at some visual editors and delved into the essence of the available ones paid applications. What conclusion can be drawn about software for Web developers today?

Universal, cumbersome programs for developers are too slow and clumsy, and they are full of errors. Therefore, users prefer small programs that perform their functions well.

Not a single program is capable of creating a high-quality new application for the Internet on its own, without modification. Ideal layout is only possible when the programmer uses his knowledge and does not trust programs.

Professional programmers, using simple tools available to everyone, will be able to create a full-fledged Internet application, without the use of proprietary software.

You can speed up the process of filling static sites with information by using simple visual editors like Nvu, which are freely available.

For professional designers, a solution from Adobe in combination with other programs from this manufacturer is suitable.

Dreamweaver is well suited for solving quick layout tasks. But the code will need to be modified independently, using the simplest programs - text editors.


In conclusion, I want to say a few more words about software for Web programmers. Only some programs that are suitable for working with code have been discussed here.

They differ in purpose and functionality. They do not solve one single problem, so in each specific case, one of the programs will not end up in the place that I assigned it.

Every web designer and coder needs a good web page editor to create and edit HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. Notepad (Windows) and TextEdit (Mac) are great tools to start with, but as you gain more experience, you'll want to use a more robust and user-friendly tool.

There are hundreds of excellent editors from which you can choose the right one, but many of them are paid. What if you don’t want to violate copyright, but your budget doesn’t have the funds to purchase a commercial product? This article looks at some great free editors.

  • WYSIWYG editors. These are graphic editors that allow you to build a page layout and set styles visually, as in the well-known word processor MS Word. They are a convenient tool for building a page design, although, as every experienced web designer knows, the code still has to be tweaked to achieve a great result.
  • Text editors. This is a tool for directly editing HTML and CSS code. Some editors are general purpose and do not have special options for web code support. Others are specialized for using web languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, and have built-in properties for quickly entering HTML tags, CSS properties, and so on. Many of these editors allow you to view a web page in a separate window.

KompoZer (Windows, Mac, Linux)

KompoZer - great choice if you need a visual editor on a limited budget

Komodo Edit is a good editor, easy to learn but powerful and extensible

Although it is a general purpose editor, it supports HTML and CSS, and has contextual autocomplete for HTML tags and CSS properties, as well as a collection of code inserts for various HTML elements. To get the most out of Komodo, you need to install the HTML Toolkit extension, which contains such wonderful features as auto-close tags, CSS appearance preview, and a temporary text generator.

Komodo Edit allows you to view the pages you are editing in any installed browser, or use the built-in browser in a separate window, so you can edit and see the results of your changes at the same time.

The editor has a built-in function for uploading files to the site (FTP, FTPS, SFTP, or SCP), and you can also neatly group your files using the project manager option.

Very useful feature Code > Select Block. It highlights the current main HTML block, such as the currently closed div or ul element. A very convenient function when you need to select an entire section on a page for copying or moving.

Komodo Edit has a lot of powerful and useful features, such as using regular expressions for find/replace, the ability to execute external commands, and so on. Luckily, the editor also has a good help system that makes it easy to learn the power of Komodo Edit.

Aptana Studio (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Aptana Studio is a complete integrated web application development environment with a large set of plugins. Although you can only use it as an HTML/CSS/JavaScript code editor

Notepad++ is a great replacement for Notepad on Windows. Although it doesn't have as many options as other editors, it's great for editing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other code files

PSPad is another general purpose editor for Windows with a wide range of features useful for HTML and CSS coders

jEdit is a cross-platform text editor with powerful macro command and plugin features. Install the XML plugin if you need to edit web pages

TextWrangler is a lightweight general purpose editor. Despite the lack of special functions for web development, it can be used to work with web pages.

Vim is definitely hard to learn, but once you get past the challenges, you'll never want to go back!

The granddaddy of text editors for programmers, Vim (a direct descendant of the vi editor) is an open-source console text editor. It is the default editor on almost all flavors of Unix, including Linux and Mac OS X. It is also available for use on Windows and many other systems.

Vim is not a system that you can install and start using right away without ever having worked with it before. Most editing commands include weird combinations like :wq and / . It also has three editing modes: mode inserts, in which text is entered; visual mode for selecting text; And command mode for entering commands. This functionality is a legacy of Unix from the days when there were no windows and no mouse.

Why was he on the list? If you master it, you will be convinced of its speed and power. With a few commands, you can do in a few seconds what might take minutes in other editors.

There are a large number of macros and plugins for Vim that make working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code easier, including syntax highlighting, autocompletion, HTML Tidy, and browser viewing. Here is a large list of useful links:

  • Vim Omni autocompletion
  • HTML/XHTML editing in Vim
  • home page

Fraise (Mac)

Fraise is an intuitive editor for Mac, with a set of features sufficient for web editing

Like TextWrangler and gedit, Fraise is a wonderful, lightweight editor that's a pleasure to use. It is a fork from the editor. It is relatively new and does not have a proper web server. It is currently only supported on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), meaning if you are running version 10.5 you will have to download Smultron.

Fraise has some great options for web editing:

  • Code highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and several other programming languages.
  • Command Close Tag(Command-T) to close the current tag. This really saves time when entering lists.
  • Convenient preview in the built-in browser (using WebKit), with a very convenient Live Update option? which updates the browser as soon as the markup and CSS on the page being edited has changed.
  • Advanced Find option, which supports search/replace using regular expressions.
  • Support for blocks to quickly enter HTML tags and CSS properties.
  • Some handy commands for manipulating text, such as HTML validation and converting characters to HTML elements.

Fraise is worth exploring if you use a Mac and want a user-friendly editor with more capabilities than the built-in TextEdit.