What to do for memory. How to quickly improve memory at home: effective ways. Preparation for classes

05.11.2021 General

Memory is a person’s ability to accumulate, retain and reproduce knowledge and skills. Many living beings have memory; it is most developed in humans. Its volume is directly related to the number of nerve cells that are involved in the process of storing information. If you notice that your memory abilities have deteriorated, you will find out how to improve your memory below.

It has been proven that stress affects our memory. During stress, a strong release of ACTH and cortisol occurs, which blocks the consolidation of memories. Long-term disorders of the nervous system lead to degradation of hippocampal tissue, which directly affects the state of memory and the ability to use it. Therefore, one of the rules of good memory is less stress, more positive emotions.

Physical activity helps improve memory. Regular physical activity increases the level of special amino acids that are necessary for normal mental activity and mood. If you do physical exercise for 20 minutes, during this time the substances necessary to improve memory will be produced. Dancing classes, training in the gym, running - all these active activities have a positive effect on our memory.

There are special methods that help improve the state of intelligence.

Exercise “Cellular Toking”

This strange, at first glance, exercise works like this:

  • increases the speed of thinking;
  • shows how hard your memory can stretch.

The task is as follows - you need to name all the objects that you see in the room in front of you.

After regularly performing this exercise, neurons begin to work not at half capacity, but at full strength. This kind of brain training will eliminate absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, and increase your response in stressful situations.

Exercise “House of Memory”

This method can be varied as desired. For example, try to name all the poets you know by their last names. If you named 15 authors, this is considered a good indicator. In addition to the surnames of writers, you can name a variety of surnames, concepts, names. For example, men's or female names, plants, furniture.

Exercise “Concentration on the task”

An excellent method that will teach you to concentrate on the task at hand. All you have to do is pronounce the words backwards.

Beauty – Atosark

Love - Wobuhl

Family - Yames

Bow - Kul

Ox - Fishing

Leo - Vel

Juice - Kos

Then you can move on to longer words. This, at first glance, a primitive children's exercise trains perfectly. For example, you need to pronounce the word admiral backwards. To do this, break the word into blocks - hell - world - al. Imagine the word in this form in your own imagination and hold it there. At this time, memory and attention are trained enormously. When you fix three syllables in your mind's eye, it will not be difficult to read them in reverse - la - rim - yes.

Exercise #4

Some memory training methods are important to do with an assistant. The exercise described then refers to such methods. Your assistant should place a picture of 9 animals on a piece of paper. They can be cut out from magazines or printed on a printer. It is important that the person training his memory sees these pictures for the first time. Therefore, someone else must cook them.

For 1 minute you need to look at the picture and remember the group of animals that are depicted in it. Then the picture is removed and your task is to write on a sheet of paper the animals you remember. It's even better if you write down exactly how each animal was located on the sheet.

Right Brain Training

In order for the right hemisphere of the brain to develop, it is necessary to do various actions with the left hand. After all, the right hemisphere is responsible for the work of the left hand. If you don’t have time to train, you can train yourself to do the simplest household chores with your left hand. For example, washing dishes, cleaning the bathtub and sink. You can also place the computer mouse under your left hand.

Discreet workout in everyday life

  1. Every day you can read new educational information for yourself. It is also useful to read good books. After reading them, write down the names of the characters and briefly record the plot. Periodically you need to look through these notes and restore what you read in your memory. This will help not only develop memory, but also earn a reputation among friends as an erudite person. There is a lot of literature that describes ways to improve memory performance. It is also useful to study if you are serious about working on your mental abilities;
  2. Laziness is an enemy not only for memory, but also for the person as a whole. Therefore, you need to get rid of it, otherwise you will not have a good memory;
  3. after watching a film or program, scroll through their contents in your head from beginning to end;
  4. try to keep a list of products and things you plan to buy in your head;
  5. During the process, think about what you are doing at the moment. Do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts;
  6. try to remember people's names. This will not only develop your memory, but will also make you look like a well-mannered person. If you are introduced to a person, try to associate him with someone you know or with a public figure. This will make it easier to imprint the name in memory;
  7. try to remember phone numbers. At least the ones you use most often;
  8. at the end of the day, replay in your head all the events that happened to you today. This not only helps develop memory. Such an analysis shows whether the working day was structured correctly or whether it is useful to change something in its structure;
  9. you can remember the birthdays of acquaintances and friends, the schedule for days and weeks;
  10. conduct speeches without using a cheat sheet;
  11. different types handicrafts are excellent methods to make the brain work actively, and, therefore, improve your memorization abilities;
  12. Nutrition affects brain function, so it also needs to be given attention. Foods that are good for memory are fish and other seafood, nuts, some vegetable oils, cereals;
  13. aromatherapy is known for its stimulating properties. Some oils can improve brain function and memory. These include rosemary, lemon, mint.

Now you know how to improve your memory at home using affordable, simple methods.

Author of the article: Lyudmila Lapinskaya

Don’t know how to quickly improve your memory at home? You will find effective ways in our article. We hope that our tips will help you!

Most likely, you have noticed that some people remember information once they see or hear it, while others spend a lot of time cramming any information.

Today we will talk about what our memory is and find out how to improve it.

Ways to improve memory at home

Memory is one of the functions of the psyche, designed to accumulate, systematize, store and reproduce information and experience received during life. All information that we encounter in life sinks into our memory and remains in it for a certain period of time.

Depending on how long this information is stored, there are:

  • short-term memory - it stores newly received information that you can easily reproduce in the near future (for example, a phone number or the name of a new acquaintance), then this information is forgotten or goes into long-term memory;
  • long-term memory - provides storage of data for months and even years, and sometimes throughout life, while retrieving information from such memory can sometimes take quite a lot of time, especially if you have not returned to these memories for a long time.

Thanks to short-term memory, we easily remember incoming information and then sort it into more and less important ones. Significant data goes into a “cell” of long-term memory, and unimportant data is “erased.”

Long-term memory serves to store the knowledge that makes up life experiences. It contains information about the world around us, experienced events, and professional skills.

In addition, there is an intermediate link between short-term and long-term memory - RAM. It contains information that we need for a certain time, for example, before taking an exam or before the next meeting. Data is stored in it longer than in short-term memory compartments, but then it is also either forgotten or moved to long-term memory.

When we talk about ways to improve the ability to remember, in the vast majority of cases we mean increasing the capabilities of long-term memory. Now we will tell you how to improve your memory quickly at home.

Memory improvement

Memory is one of the areas of activity of our nervous system, which cannot be considered separately from the rest of the body. A person remembers information well only if he is physically and mentally healthy.

Memory improvement

If you don’t eat enough or eat incorrectly, don’t sleep enough, are under stress, or suffer from acute or chronic diseases, you shouldn’t expect miracles from your memory.

Are you increasingly wondering how to quickly improve your memory at home? To improve your memory abilities, the first step is to normalize your lifestyle and restore your health.

Watch your diet

A complete and balanced diet is one of the conditions for normal brain function. Make sure your diet has enough protein, unsaturated fats and complex carbohydrates.

Also be sure to include fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. Nuts and seeds are another source of healthy minerals and other nutrients, so they should be included in your diet.

A proper diet is one of the conditions for normal brain function.

But simple carbohydrates are not in the best possible way affect brain activity. At first, when they split, energy is released, which is used for the active work of nerve cells. But its reserves are quickly depleted, after which the neurons work even worse.

Here's how to improve your memory quickly at home. You just need to watch your diet.

Get enough sleep

A brain suffering from sleep deficiency works very poorly. This is manifested by sleep and attention disturbances, absent-mindedness, decreased performance, and inability to concentrate on one thing.

In this state, any exercises to improve memory will be completely ineffective. Therefore, before you start working on your memory, you need to normalize your sleep patterns.

Adequate sleep has a beneficial effect on memory

Night sleep standards vary from person to person: six hours is enough for some, while others need nine to ten hours of full sleep. Determining whether you are getting enough sleep is easy. If in the morning you are alert and ready for active activity, you don’t feel severe fatigue and drowsiness during the day and fall asleep easily at night - everything is fine with you.

But if you get up in the morning feeling weak and tired, constantly dream of taking a nap during the day, and toss and turn for a long time in the evenings, you have problems sleeping.

How to improve memory at home quickly? Your doctor will help you find out what is causing the problems. He will also prescribe sleeping pills if necessary. And as soon as you start getting enough sleep, you will immediately notice that your memory has improved significantly on its own.

Play sports

Adequate exercise is essential to maintain health, especially if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. Pick a sport you enjoy and practice a couple of times each week.

Adequate physical activity

If this is not possible, walk more, climb stairs, ride a bike, and spend time outdoors. You will be surprised, but even banal exercise in the morning significantly improves memory.

Avoid stress

In a state of stress, the brain is busy thinking of a way out of the current difficult situation. At this moment, memorizing any information fades into the background.

If stress becomes chronic, the situation becomes significantly worse. Mental reserves are depleted, nervous system begins to work intermittently, which leads to deterioration of memory, attention and other cognitive functions.

Avoid stress

Various relaxation techniques, communication with family and friends, walks, trips to exhibitions and movies, and travel will help you cope with emotional overload. In particularly severe cases, it makes sense to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

When the basic functions of the body are established, you can directly improve memory. There are several simple techniques for this. Read on to learn how to quickly improve your memory at home.

Train your memory

Memory, like any other skill, needs to be constantly worked on. To increase your ability to remember information, train yourself to constantly remember some new information. You can memorize poems by your favorite poets or foreign words, remember images or faces of people in the smallest detail.
From time to time, learned information needs to be reproduced and repeated, then it will be stored in memory for many years.

Train your memory

By the way, another way to train your memory is to try to remember some known information without outside help. For example, if you have forgotten a word in a foreign language, do not rush to consult a dictionary. Let your brain rummage through the “bins” of memory, and it will definitely find what it is looking for.

Make associations

Our brains remember information best when it is related to something important, interesting, or familiar. Therefore, when you need to retain some information in your memory for a long time, select associations for it from your hobbies or previous experience.

Another way to make the memorization process easier is to associate information with a specific smell or melody. In the future, when you hear music or smell a scent, the necessary memories will come to mind.

In addition, you can use special mnemonic techniques that have been developed by specialists to improve the memorization of complex information. Try it! It's fun and really helps.

Stop cramming

Many people believe that the only reliable way to remember any information is to memorize it. But this approach is fundamentally wrong.

Empty repetition of information will allow you to send it, at best, to RAM, but soon everything learned will be forgotten anyway. If you want to retain information for a long time, you need to make it understandable and interesting to the brain. Game or associative memorization techniques are suitable for this purpose.

The human brain is equipped with many impulses arriving at a speed of up to a trillion operations per second from the subcortical layer of the head to the muscles. What reasons lead to slow speed and memory loss, how to check it yourself and try to restore it, especially for older people suffering from disorders of brain function- Let's look at it in more detail in this article.

Memory types

There are different types of memory:

  • visual (visual);
  • auditory;
  • verbal-logistical;
  • emotional, when a person is able to remember many moments against the backdrop of emotions and experiences for the rest of his life;
  • genetic, some aspects of thinking can be passed on to new generations;
  • motor;
  • muscle due to prolonged physical activity, which resulted in the restructuring of cells and muscles.

Why does memory disappear?

The human brain is a complex and multifunctional organ. Impairment of memory functions, reduction up to complete loss is possible due to:

  • cranial injuries;
  • oncological diseases when the tumor is localized in one of the brain structures;
  • diseases against the background of infection (meningitis, encephalitis)
  • stroke with damage to the lining of the brain;
  • failure of cardio-vascular system;
  • violations metabolism;
  • stress, lack of sleep;
  • reception junk food, including endogenous;
  • age, memory lapses most often affect older people;
  • lack vitamins in the body, due to the lack of their supply to the brain in sufficient quantities;
  • smoking, alcohol, drug use, heavy metals (detrimental to brain structures);
  • bad ecology, which inevitably leads to memory deterioration with age.

What affects memory?

A person’s memory is influenced by many different external factors that can enhance or, conversely, reduce it. Memory disorders are caused by factors that negatively affect brain structures. Enough important information can it be forgotten quickly and for a long time? It is important to find out why this happens and what exactly affects memory.

Memory disorders vary in nature. Psychological and gynecological ailments can lead to a decrease. For example, in women due to hormonal imbalance, thyroid disorder.

Some internal diseases contribute to the decrease, deterioration, and inhibition of memory. Negatively affects memory:

  • long-term being in a nervous tense state;
  • heavy life cases when future disorders are inevitable;
  • flaw sleep (gradually and irrevocably reduces memory functionality);
  • depression, which hurt and exhaust not only the soul. Constant negative thoughts in the head are reflected in the brain in the same way. Depression, according to doctors, is a disease that needs to be treated, otherwise memory can be lost completely and without the possibility of recovery.

Among the diseases leading to memory disorders are:

Memory test

You can test your memory using special tests. Many different ones can be found on the Internet today by entering similar phrases into a search engine. After passing the tests, everyone will be able to determine for themselves how successfully they were passed and what the state of memory is at the moment.

How to restore memory in adults and elderly people?

To restore memory, there are many different exercises, medications and folk remedies. A diet also helps improve memory; when chosen correctly, it has a beneficial effect on all cells and structures of the brain.


For memory and thinking disorders, in order to increase brain performance, improve blood circulation and normalize sleep, experts advise taking:

  • cerebrum compositum to increase brain activity and immune system activity;
  • golden iodine to normalize blood circulation in the brain, also for older people with weakened memory, lack of sleep, frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • memorial, normalization of metabolic processes in brain activity;
  • polymnesin in order to improve the functioning of thought processes.

Plant-based preparations that are completely harmless for people of any age should be given preference:

  • periwinkle;
  • dietary supplements, the composition of which helps maintain memory in the elderly;
  • ginger to increase blood circulation, increase concentration;
  • black pepper to activate, revitalize the mind, increase the absorption of substances;
  • Plaunu to improve memory, supply the brain with oxygen, glucose and antioxidants.

The body (in particular, the brain) is unable to fully function if there is a lack of vitamins.

  • Intellan to increase intellectual capabilities, eliminate stress, depression, improve memory;
  • Tsikovit indicated for use by schoolchildren and elderly people to enhance mental capabilities (especially during the off-season);
  • Vitrum Memory, memory forte to enhance the assimilation of information entering the brain.

You can also learn more from another article from our website.


Diets(low-calorie ones in particular) are indicated for older people with memory problems. The right ones can increase brain function by up to 30%.

To retain information and improve brain performance, one cannot do without including glucose and sugar in the diet to rejuvenate memory, as well as spices to normalize brain function:

  • anise;
  • turmeric;
  • ginger;
  • caraway;
  • dill;
  • cardamom;
  • basilica

You can combine different types of spices.

The main thing is to achieve, by applying a diet developed by a doctor or nutritionist, equipping the supply of oxygen to the brain, normalizing your metabolic processes, and improving blood circulation.

Folk remedies

You can make several at home good recipes to improve memory:

  • clover tincture. Dry the flowers and chop them. To 2 tbsp. l. add boiling water (0.5 l), let it brew for up to 2 days. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months;
  • rowan bark. Prepare a decoction of dry bark. 1-2 tbsp. pour boiling water (1 glass), leave for 2-3 hours, then drink 1-2 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day;
  • pine buds. It is better to collect in the spring. You need to chew raw up to 4 pieces per day for 1 month.


Training is the best and most effective way to train and improve memory, this is:

  • solving crossword puzzles;
  • studying foreign languages;
  • also poems, songs, tongue twisters;
  • games of chess, for the development of logic and thinking.

In order to preserve and increase memory, the brain must be constantly loaded with work. Only a thinking and interested person is capable of diversified thinking. Unfortunately, with age, brain cells die, irreversibly reducing memory to 7% by the age of 65-70.

Sedentary, inert, withdrawn people often suffer from such ailments. Only constant brain training, reading, writing, studying a computer, solving logical problems, handicrafts, learning new previously unknown activities of various kinds will not allow degradation processes to begin in the brain.

From training, memory and thinking will only gradually improve. Medicines and diets can only speed up, revive and activate all important processes in the brain.

Physical training indicated for people over 40 years of age. Helps improve blood circulation and supply oxygen to the brain. Otherwise, psychomotor functions will gradually decline, and the aging process will only accelerate.

Elderly people are shown cyclic sports to saturate blood cells with oxygen, normalize thinking processes, and improve abstract thinking:

  • swimming;
  • easy running;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • walking.

The human brain needs constant nourishment:

  • For schoolchildren and seniors For people, not only good nutrition is of great importance, but also regular training and simple exercises to improve and restore memory.
  • Equally important is the settlement sleep schedule and work day.
  • To intellectual people If you lead an active lifestyle (especially if your work involves receiving large amounts of information every day), it is important to get a good night's sleep.

To help restore memory and increase mental stamina, many different nootropic drugs are available on the market today, vitamin complexes. Medicines for the brain and memory improvement are indispensable for schoolchildren during exam periods and for creative, intellectually charged people.

When choosing, of course, you first need to consult a doctor. Even the best nootropics have contraindications. It is important to understand that decreased memory and attention (which is often observed in older people) are symptoms of many serious internal diseases and often quite dangerous (brain cancer, diabetes).


To have excellent memory, as well as attention, it is simply necessary to improve and reinforce mental activity. After all, attention, as well as memory, depend on the state of health and activity of the brain.

This is necessary and useful not only for specialists, but also for students, students, and the elderly.

So memory, is it failing you?

Sometimes we forget times, dates, numbers, names, sayings. And we come up with the excuse “I forgot.”

To improve memory, you can train your memory and attention, eat right and rationally, lead a healthy and healthy image life, but a number of different drugs can also be useful.

There is a large selection of such drugs in pharmacies; let’s look at the most effective ones.


Release form: syrup, capsules.

Purpose: Brain activity stimulator. Used to treat memory loss, stressful situations, nervous tension and fatigue, with impaired concentration, developmental delay in children, dizziness and tinnitus, depression.

Children from three years of age and adults can be admitted. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Side effects: insomnia when taken at night.

Contraindications: diabetes mellitus type 2 and 1, exudative diathesis, hypersensitivity to components.


Release form: 20% solution, 5 ml in ampoules, capsules, granules for children, tablets.

Purpose: Improves blood circulation in the brain and metabolic processes, increases the body's energy reserves. Improves memory, attention, improves memorization during the learning process. It is used for diseases of the central nervous system, atherosclerosis, after injuries, intoxication, and depression.

Taken after meals. Suitable for children over 1 year old and adults. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Side effects: insomnia, irritability, anxiety; in elderly patients, sometimes there is an exacerbation of heart failure and gastrointestinal disorders.

Contraindications: in the presence of allergic reactions from eating essences, fruit juices, acute renal failure in children with diabetes.


Release form: pills.

Purpose: The drug is similar to piracetam, and also has a psychostimulating effect. It is used after injuries that are accompanied by a decrease in intelligence, memory and attention. For learning disorders, depression, alcoholism, hypertension. For the treatment of memory and attention disorders, it helps to increase resistance to stress, preventing the development of fatigue.

Adults are welcome. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. Taken after meals. Hours of taking the drug in the first half of the day.

Side effects: increased blood pressure, insomnia, hyperemia of the skin.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Release form: pills.
Purpose: With decreased attention, memory, deterioration of intellectual abilities, speech, vision. Cerebral circulation improves, which ensures a better supply of brain cells with oxygen and glucose, metabolism is controlled, and blood properties are improved.

Take after meals, preferably at certain hours.

Side effects: possible - skin rashes, mild nausea, headache with dizziness.

Contraindications: acute disorder cerebral circulation, peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis, acute coronary syndrome, hypotension, pregnancy and the entire lactation period, sensitivity to components.


Release form: solution, tablets.

Purpose: Ginkgo biloba preparation. It is used for encephalopathy with decreased intelligence, attention and memory, for dizziness, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, and asthenic conditions.

Take after meals, preferably at a certain time. Admission from 18 years of age.

Side effects: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, itching, eczema, headache with dizziness.

Contraindications: pregnancy and the entire period of lactation, gastritis, peptic ulcer, acute coronary syndrome, blood reactivity disorders, acute cerebrovascular accident, sensitivity to components.


Release form: pills.

Purpose: Has a calming effect without relaxing the muscles. It is used for conditions accompanied by irritability, anxiety, fear, tension, and sleep disturbances.

Take after meals. Admission from 18 years of age.

Side effects: possible - headache with dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash, itching, eczema, redness, skin rash.

Contraindications: pregnancy and the entire period of lactation, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer, acute myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accidents, blood clotting disorders, hypersensitivity to the drug.


Release form: pills.

Purpose: Helps normalize all processes in the brain, improves memory, enhances thinking, and has a psychostimulating effect. Helps restore speech after acute cerebrovascular accidents. Widely prescribed in pediatrics for children with mental retardation.

Side effects: possible – feeling of heat, vomiting, insomnia.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Release form: tablets, syrup.

Purpose: Used in children with mental retardation, mental retardation, speech delay, and epilepsy. For trigeminal neuralgia, subcortical hyperkinesis.

Take after meals. Can be taken from the age of three.

Side effects: possible - allergic reactions: rhinitis, conjunctivitis, skin rashes; sleep disturbances or drowsiness, tinnitus.

Contraindications: acute severe kidney disease, pregnancy, lactation, sensitivity to components.


Release form: pills.

Purpose: It is used for acute disorders of cerebral circulation, for vegetative-vascular crises, for anxiety with feelings of fear, irritability, and also to increase the body's resistance to mental and physical stress.

Use the drug at certain hours, regardless of meals.

Side effects: possible - nausea, irritability, agitation, anxiety, headache with dizziness, rash, itching.

Contraindications: for acute and chronic kidney diseases, with intolerance to the components of the drug.


Release form:
Pills; oral solution in a bottle with a 2 ml pipette attached. 1 tablet contains: alphadihydroergocriptine – 2 mg, caffeine – 20 mg. 2 ml of solution contain: alphadihydroergocriptine – 2 mg, caffeine – 20 mg.

Indications for use:

Indications for use:
Cerebrovascular insufficiency (mismatch between the need of brain tissue for oxygen and its delivery), including due to cerebral (brain vessels) atherosclerosis; residual effects after cerebrovascular accident; decreased mental activity, memory impairment regarding recent events, decreased attention, orientation disorders; preventive treatment of migraine; cochleovestibular disorders (dizziness, tinnitus, hypoacusia) of ischemic origin (developed due to insufficient blood supply to the cochlea of ​​the inner ear); retinopathy (damage to the walls of blood vessels in the retina), in particular diabetic (associated with high blood sugar) and Raynaud's disease (narrowing of the lumen of the vessels of the extremities); chronic venous insufficiency.

Mode of application:
Prescribe 1-2 tablets or 2-4 ml (1-2 pipettes) 2 times a day. The drug should be taken with meals, with a small amount of water.

Side effects:
In rare cases - nausea, pain in the epigastrium (the area of ​​the abdomen located directly below the convergence of the costal arches and the sternum). Skin itching, rash. Possible decrease in blood pressure. Vasobral does not have a long-term hypotensive (blood pressure-lowering) effect, therefore, when prescribing it to patients with arterial hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure), the need to use antihypertensive (blood pressure-lowering) drugs is not excluded. With the simultaneous administration of Vasobral and antihypertensive drugs, the development of arterial hypotension (a decrease in blood pressure below normal values) and fainting is possible.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Safety of use in pregnant women has not been proven. Prescribing vasobral to nursing mothers can lead to a decrease in lactation (milk production).


Biotredin is a combination drug that is designed to improve tissue nutrition and respiration, mental activity, and mood.

The active ingredients of this medicine are L-threonine and pyridoxine, which, when entering the body, are converted into glycine and acetic acid.

The resulting substances significantly affect brain function and, among other things, reduce the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

As a result of the full cycle of transformations, the components of the drug decompose into water and carbon dioxide - therefore, human health cannot suffer even from the use of an excess dose.

Biotredin is produced in the form of sublingual tablets, which, according to the instructions for the drug, begin to act ten to fifteen minutes after administration. The dosage, regimen and duration of the course of use of this drug depend on the reasons for which it was prescribed.

To increase concentration and relieve fatigue syndrome in adults and children, maintenance therapy is carried out in small doses. For alcoholism, the dose and frequency of taking Biotredin may be significantly higher. To enhance the effect, manufacturers recommend combining the use of this medicine with Glycine.

Biotredin should not be taken while intoxicated or in combination with tranquilizers, antipsychotics and antidepressants. While using this product, you may experience dizziness and sweating.

Biotredin has an anti-alcohol effect, reduces the manifestation of symptoms that occur in patients with alcohol dependence upon cessation of alcohol use. There are reviews about Biotredin that say that its use increases mental performance and normalizes metabolism. Release form Biotredin is produced in tablets.

Indications for use According to the instructions, Biotredin is prescribed if the patient has a pathological craving for alcohol, which is accompanied by decreased mood, irritability, hunger, and internal discomfort. Biotredin is used for chronic alcoholism, in a state of withdrawal syndrome (a condition against the background of a sharp cessation of alcohol).

Eat positive reviews about Biotredin, the effectiveness of its use by adults, adolescents, and children with reduced concentration and mental performance.

10 foods that improve memory:

  1. Whole grains - (wheat - used as the main raw material for making bread, muffins (products), vermicelli, khinkal and lavash; rye - used as the main raw material for making bread and crackers; oats; corn; brown or brown rice; spelt; millet ; triticale; amaranth; buckwheat and others.)
  2. Nuts,
  3. Blueberry,
  4. Fatty fish,
  5. Tomatoes,
  6. Black currant,
  7. Breakfast cereals,
  8. Sage,
  9. Broccoli,
  10. Pumpkin seeds.

Are you looking for an answer to the question of how you can improve your memory? The human mind is undoubtedly a wonderful tool, but memory is a skill that can only be developed with some practice and diligent patience.

Are you looking for an answer to the question of how you can improve your memory? The human mind is undoubtedly a wonderful tool, but memory is a skill that can only be developed with some practice and diligent patience.

Anyone who wants improve memory and we don't mean memory when we use Cell phones Samsung, for example, is that anyone can learn skills and techniques to solve a problem with minimal effort. No one really has a “bad” memory.

The problem is that people unknowingly develop bad memory habits from infancy. Due to bad habits, recall, people often face problems during exams, interviews and other circumstances that require effective memory.

Some people believe that they have a poor ability to remember facts and possess information. However, there are many ways to improve memory and methods that can be used at any age to help improve memory. In fact, improving memory is simply a way of modulating the habit to practice these skills.

Here are the basic principles to help you improve memory:


If you are trying to improve your memory, it is best to start by attending special online trainings. The sites are full of interactive audio and skilled techniques that can help those suffering from memory loss problems. Methods for improving memory are endless, and this is very important for effectively applying them in life. Regardless of your age, you can successfully improve your memory. Below are some ways to improve your memory.

Proper nutrition and good sleep are very important

It is important to have a nutritious and balanced diet that is rich in minerals and vitamins. Some foods help improve memory, such as grapes, apples, blueberries, onions, whole grain puffed rice, spinach, curry, orange juice, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, fish . A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been shown to improve brain function. After proper nutrition, adequate sleep is also extremely important. Both of these things help optimize learning abilities and keep the body healthy. You will be able to direct your mental energy to focus on the things that are important to you. This will gradually increase your ability to retain more information.

Application of exercises

To perform at a high level. Our brain needs adequate physical exercise. It is extremely important to keep your brain active and give it ample opportunity to grow. You can involve yourself in solving crossword puzzles, Sudoku, or playing strategy games such as chess or checkers.

Ways to improve memory

  • Don't be lazy. A person who is lazy both in thoughts and in actions does not have a good memory.
  • If you want to remember something, focus on the process of memorizing. Listen, think about it, draw parallels with your own life or with the knowledge you have already acquired. The more of your own thoughts and feelings “catch on” to the information flow, the greater the chance of remembering what is really important.
  • Try to remember for yourself. If you forgot something: a number from a report, the meaning of a word, the name of a singer, a parent’s phone number, before immediately going into the right folder, dictionary, Internet or phone book, try to remember what you forgot yourself for a few minutes.
  • Read good books, then write down briefly the plot and names of the characters. Review your notes from time to time and recall what you read. This will help not only to train your memory, but also to be known among your friends as an erudite person: who else can so easily remember the name of Don Quixote’s horse or the sequence of chapters in “A Hero of Our Time”?
  • Move more, dance, play sports. Physical activity improves blood circulation in the brain, activates mental processes that ensure the perception, processing and reproduction of information.
  • Don't memorize. Remember - memorizing without understanding, without seeing images before your eyes, without retelling the text in your own words is unprofitable. Further random access memory Cramming won't work. In the same way, it is unprofitable to study “for tomorrow” or “before the exam”, etc. If you put the arrow on “forever” when memorizing, you will win.
  • Use associations. When memorizing the name of just the person presented to you, mentally associate him with your friend or famous person with the same name and be sure to add something from yourself: “Ksenia. Like Ksenia Sobchak, only brunette, married and doesn’t host Dom-2. And the nose is similar.” Believe me, you will remember this new friend Ksenia for a long time.
  • Repetition is the mother of learning. Couldn't have said it better. Just it’s better to repeat it not five times in a row immediately after reading, but once within five days. And it's better at night.
  • Read the relevant literature. A lot of practical and, most importantly, memorable advice on how to improve your memory can be gleaned from the books: S. Peunov. “Notes for memory”; B. Sergeev. “Secrets of Memory”; Gunter Karsten, Martin Kunz. “An excellent memory is the path to success. How to remember names, facts, dates, phone numbers and addresses”; Gary Small. “Memory Bible”; Daniel Lapp. “The incredible capabilities of your memory”; Igor Matyugin. “How to remember numbers. The Great Secret of Sherlock Holmes, or 18 Effective Ways to Memorize Numbers”, etc.
  • Don't think of crafts as something for grandmas or housewives. Weaving baubles, cross stitching, stringing beads - all these actions activate the brain and memory.
  • Eat right. Fish, seafood, vegetable oil, cereals, vegetables improve the memorization process. Sometimes even a piece of chocolate can boost a tired brain.
  • Learn poems from your favorite poets. By memorizing one short poem every day (if it’s difficult, then a quatrain is enough) and arranging poetry evenings for friends or relatives at the end of the week, within a few months you will feel how noticeably your memory has improved.
  • Learn languages. Psychologists have proven that learning foreign languages ​​is the best remedy for the prevention of senile insanity, and therefore for improving memory.
  • Imagine. Professional memorizers of huge numbers are people with a developed imagination. They represent the number in the form of animals, plants and inanimate objects, for example, two is a swan, one is a post in the middle of the road, eight is a matryoshka, six is ​​a castle, etc. And when memorizing the phone number, whole stories are made up. Try it too: phone 333-18-10: three swallows flew up to the post and saw a nesting doll sitting on a nearby post and chewing a bagel.