How to cook oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker. Hercules porridge in a slow cooker with milk recipe. Needed for breakfast

31.10.2021 Medicines 

Cooking oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker is not easy, but very simple! And traditional oatmeal for breakfast will no longer take away precious minutes of morning sleep. We loaded the miracle pot in the evening, set it on the timer, and please, hot, fragrant and so healthy, it’s ready for you when you wake up. You can serve it straight to bed!

The main thing is to choose the proportions. Moreover, there are no right or wrong, it is important what kind of porridge you like - thinner or thicker. A couple of experiments and you will find your “golden” ratio. There are a few more subtleties:

  • This is usually not done, but it is better to rinse rolled oats, like any cereal, in running water before cooking - it will become cleaner and more delicate in taste;
  • add salt and sugar to already prepared porridge, which will allow you to save more useful substances in the process of its preparation;
  • Even if you are a true fan of oatmeal, modern nutritionists do not recommend consuming it more than 3-4 times a week.

And one last thing. In all the recipes we have selected, we use a multicooker glass as a measuring cup.

Recipe for rolled oats porridge in a slow cooker No. 1


  • rolled oats flakes – 2 tbsp;
  • water – 4 tbsp.;
  • salt – 1/2 spoon.


Load all the ingredients into the multicooker bowl, mix and close. We set the “Porridge” mode and go about our business until the sound signal.

The finished porridge can be flavored with butter, fresh fruit or candied fruits, jam or yogurt. It’s better to replace sugar with honey, just don’t add it to hot oatmeal - heat destroys this useful product.

Hercules porridge, cooked in water according to this recipe, is perfect for a fasting day. You just need to add another glass of water - the “unloading” oatmeal should be liquid.

Milk rolled oats porridge in a slow cooker


  • rolled oats flakes – 1 tbsp.;
  • milk – 3 tbsp;
  • sugar – 3 teaspoons;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt – 1/4 teaspoon.


To prevent the porridge from running away and staining the lid of the multicooker, you can additionally grease the edges of the bowl on top with butter. Pour milk over the cereal. If you like thin porridge, you should add another glass and a half. Turn on the “Milk porridge” mode. Before serving, add butter to the rolled oats and add salt and sugar if desired.

Recipe for rolled oats porridge in a slow cooker No. 2


  • rolled oats flakes – 1/2 cup;
  • milk – 1/2 cup;
  • cream (fat content 10%) – 1/2 tbsp.;
  • butter – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • jam – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • chocolate - 2 squares.


Pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl with milk and cream, and start the “Milk porridge” mode for 25 minutes. Salt the finished porridge a little and add butter. Using jam and chocolate, we draw funny faces, and little sweet tooths won’t be pulled away by the ears from plates with such colorful oatmeal.

Cooking oatmeal porridge in a multicooker that does not have a “Milk porridge” mode


  • rolled oats flakes – 40 ml;
  • milk – 500 ml;
  • butter – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • salt – 1 pinch.


The only difficulty with this recipe is to find a suitable heat-resistant container in which, instead of the main multicooker bowl, we will cook 2 servings of liquid milk porridge. Pour the cereal into it and fill it with milk. We place the vessel in the multicooker bowl, into which we first pour water to the bottom mark. Start the “Steam” program for 20 minutes. When it’s finished, leave the porridge on “Heating” to thicken. Then add salt, sugar to taste and what you like - nuts and dried apricots, jam or chocolate.

Modern kitchen appliances are reliable assistants that can make life easier and save personal time in many ways. Hercules porridge in a slow cooker with milk is extremely easy to prepare - just a few clicks and the most nutritious breakfast is ready.

It's no secret that multicookers from different manufacturers prepare the same dishes in different ways. Multifunctional kitchen appliances differ not only in program names and cooking times, but also in manufacturing technology. Therefore, each individual model requires its own, suitable recipe for oatmeal in a multicooker.


Any multi-cooker includes a multi-glass, which is designed for 160 ml of liquid - this is enough for one serving of porridge. A suitable consistency can be achieved by maintaining a 1:2 ratio. It is also recommended to grease the bottom of the bowl to prevent the food from sticking.

Required list of components:

  • 1 special glass of rolled oats;
  • 2 multi-glasses milk;
  • 1 dessert spoon of granulated sugar;
  • a little salt;
  • butter.

  1. The bottom of the special multicooker bowl must be greased with oil.
  2. Add rolled oats and spices. Pour milk over the mixture.
  3. Stir and close the lid of the device.
  4. Next, click on the “Menu” button and select the “Milk porridge” program.
  5. Set the required duration.
  6. Using the “Hour” and “Min” buttons, set the porridge cooking for 20 minutes.
  7. Start the process with the “Start” button.
  8. Stir the prepared porridge. Add tasty ingredients if desired.

If the Redmond multicooker model does not have the “Milk porridge” mode, rolled oats can be prepared using the “Porridge”, “Soup” or “Pilaf” functions. And also some models do not provide a “Menu” button, then you should immediately select the “Cooking” function.

Polaris (Polaris)

To prepare oatmeal porridge according to the classic recipe for this multicooker, you will need the following list of components:

  • half a glass of rolled oats;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • butter;
  • honey or sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. To achieve the ideal consistency, the following proportions must be observed: 1 part cereal and 4 parts milk. If the milk is high in fat, it can be diluted with water.
  2. Place the cereal in a bowl and add melted butter. It's better to use unprocessed flakes because it's a porridge. instant cooking boils down a lot.
  3. Add the specified amount of milk, sugar and salt. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Turn on the “Multi-cook” program, set 90 degrees and set the cooking time to 10 minutes. If the model is equipped with the Oatmeal program, you can use it.
  5. Add honey to taste to the finished dish.

It is important to note that It is not recommended to open the lid during cooking if the cooking time has not yet expired. This is explained by the fact that this way steam escapes and the dish turns out less tasty.


To get three servings of healthy oatmeal porridge you will need the following list of ingredients:

  • 2 multi-glasses milk;
  • butter;
  • half a multi-cup of cereal;
  • honey or refined sugar;
  • a little salt.

To prepare oatmeal porridge, follow these steps:

  1. It is extremely important to maintain the ratio of milk and cereal, otherwise the porridge will come out too liquid.
  2. First, you should pour the cereal into a special container of the kitchen device.
  3. Add a piece of butter or place it after cooking.
  4. Pour in milk and stir the mixture.
  5. Turn on the device, set the “Milk porridge” program and set 10 minutes.
  6. Take out the finished dish.

Moulinex (Mulinex)

You will need the following products:

  • 1 glass of cereal;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • butter;
  • additives to taste.

Step by step execution:

  1. Place melted butter in the bottom of the container.
  2. Add cereal and pour milk.
  3. Add salt, sugar and a little butter.
  4. Set the “Milk porridge” mode for 20 minutes.
  5. After the notification, the dish will be ready.


To quickly and conveniently cook oatmeal porridge in this kitchen appliance, you need to prepare the following components:

  • 1 cup unprocessed cereal;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • butter;
  • additives as desired.

How to cook porridge:

  1. Place the stated volume of the main composition in a special bowl.
  2. Add sugar, a little salt and stir.
  3. Click on “Start” and activate the “Milk porridge” function.
  4. Wait for the signal.


How to cook oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker. Recipe with step by step photos and video instructions. Cook deliciously and for your pleasure. Bon appetit!

20 minutes

90 kcal

5/5 (4)

Probably everyone in their life has wondered why ordinary oatmeal is so beautifully called Hercules porridge? Here's your answer: the Russian people have long believed that oats provide powerful strength, since oats were fed to horses, including draft horses. Therefore, porridge made from oat grains was also considered a source of strength for people. In Soviet times, oatmeal was sold in a package called “Hercules” - obviously, it received this name in honor of the most powerful hero of antiquity, Hercules.
Oatmeal contains many useful substances, such as B vitamins and many others. Regular consumption of oatmeal porridge strengthens bones and the cardiovascular system.
It is recommended to be given to children, convalescent people and those who follow any diet regimen. And how to cook the miraculous oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker, I describe in detail below!

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen appliances: multicooker.


How to choose the right ingredients:
Oatmeal can be prepared with either milk or water. Cooked oatmeal porridge with water in a slow cooker will not lose any of its beneficial properties. It’s not scary if you dilute milk with water, which is a little lacking.
If you have doubts about the quality of water or milk, it is better to boil the liquid before cooking, since the multicooker in the “Porridge” or “Milk porridge” mode does not bring the temperature to a boil.

Cooking sequence

  1. Before loading the components, grease the multicooker bowl with a piece of butter. Thus, the porridge will not “run away” during cooking and will not splatter on the walls of the bowl.
  2. Now pour oatmeal, sugar and salt into the bowl, add milk or water and close the lid.

  3. Depending on the brand and model of your multicooker, set the “Porridge” or “Milk porridge” mode for 20 minutes, or “Multicook” for 10 minutes.

    You can also boil something in a multicooker using the “Rice/Pilaf” or “Quick heating” mode.

  4. After the specified time, your “strongman porridge” is ready - put it on plates and eat.

Video recipe

The recipe for making rolled oats porridge with milk in a slow cooker with the addition of ground nuts is presented in the video.

Oatmeal is the best nutritious and healthy The breakfast dish you can imagine! You can wash it down with tea, coffee, milk or simple compote. In addition to unsweetened porridge, you can eat 100 grams of light vegetable salad.

Other cooking options

“Hercules” can be made thick or thin - for a medium-thick porridge you need a ratio of 1:4 (that is, 1 multi-cup of cereal per 4 cups of liquid). For a thinner porridge, increase the volume of liquid by 1 multi-cup. For a thicker consistency, on the contrary, reduce by 1 multi-cup. Many oatmeal lovers consider Monastyrsky rolled oats to be the healthiest cereal for cooking. You can also make the porridge sweet or salty. Unsweetened porridge goes well with any meat product, be it a cutlet, sausage or boiled chicken fillet.
For sweet porridge, you can use honey instead of sugar. Only honey should be added to ready-made, not very hot porridge, as it ceases to be useful after exposure to high temperatures!
You can also add pieces of fresh fruit or dried fruits and nuts to sweet oatmeal.
In addition to the fact that oatmeal itself is healthy, it has additional properties

Hercules porridge is well known to everyone who watches their figure and nutrition. It is one of the most healthy and satisfying breakfasts, allowing you to get the maximum amount of vitamins and a boost of energy for the whole day. For fans of this tasty and balanced dish, a multicooker will make its preparation as easy as possible and save time spent in the kitchen.

Hercules porridge in a slow cooker is most often prepared with milk, adding a little salt and sugar. You can also diversify the dish with fresh or dried fruits, berries, etc. To lubricate the multicooker, use butter or vegetable oil; the cooking temperature is set automatically. The operating mode is selected depending on the model. It can be “Stewing”, “Porridge”, “Milk porridge”, “Grains”, etc.

Hercules porridge with water in a slow cooker turns out to be just as crumbly and healthy as with milk. At the same time, its calorie content allows you to use the dish for a diet or fasting day and offer it to children from a very early age. For babies, they often make thin porridge, adding more water. The amount of salt and sugar can also be adjusted to your taste.

Ready-made oatmeal porridge is served with butter, honey, jam, chocolate or yogurt. If you make the porridge unsweetened, you can use it as a side dish for meat dishes.

The multicooker is ideal for cooking oatmeal. They turn out very soft and tasty, perfect for a hearty family breakfast. If you want to get exactly liquid porridge, you will have to periodically look into the multicooker and, if necessary, add a little milk, since the flakes absorb quite a lot of liquid.


  • 1 cup rolled oats flakes;
  • 4 glasses of milk;
  • 3 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • ¼ tsp. salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Grease the walls and bottom of the multicooker with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil.
  2. Pour a glass of cereal and pour milk over it.
  3. Set the “Milk porridge” mode and cook the dish for 25 minutes with the lid closed.
  4. Add salt and sugar to taste to the finished porridge, season with butter.

Interesting from the network

Delayed start is a very convenient function of a multicooker, especially for those who live on a strict schedule. All you have to do is program your kitchen assistant, and she will prepare delicious porridge exactly at the time you set. In this case, you need to set the time when you want the finished dish, and not when it needs to start cooking.


  • 1 ½ cups rolled oats;
  • 3 ½ glasses of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • Butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Lightly grease the multicooker bowl with butter.
  2. Add all the ingredients listed except the oil.
  3. Mix everything well, set the “Porridge” mode.
  4. Set the timer to 1 hour.
  5. Set the “Delayed Start” function to the desired time and close the lid.
  6. When the porridge is ready, add a piece of butter to it and mix well again.

Now you know how to cook oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Cooking oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker is much easier than on the stove. It will not run away, will not stick together and will not burn. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to control the cooking process; you can even use a delayed start so that the multicooker itself prepares breakfast at a certain time. Beginners will be helped by several secrets on how to cook oatmeal porridge in Philips, Redmond, Polaris, Panasonic, etc. multicookers:
  • The ideal mode for preparing rolled oats porridge is considered to be “Milk porridge”. If your model does not have it, use the “Cooking” or “Stewing” mode;
  • Hercules porridge can be made in a slow cooker using the “Steam” mode. To do this, you need to place a heat-resistant bowl with cereal in the multicooker bowl and pour water to the bottom line;
  • During cooking, the rolled oats may try to “escape”, and the porridge will burn to the lid and walls. To prevent this from happening, before cooking the cereal, grease the entire pan with butter;
  • For crumbly porridge, you need to take 2-2.5 times more liquid than flakes. For thin porridge, you will have to add about 2 more glasses of water or milk.


Oatmeal is a traditional English breakfast. But oatmeal porridge is our national discovery. This porridge is not only delicious, it will also give you a surge of strength and a boost of vivacity. “Hercules” is prepared quickly and without hassle in a slow cooker.

How to cook “Hercules” in a slow cooker: revealing the secrets

It is only at first glance that it seems easy to cook oatmeal porridge. For it to really be a great success, you need to know a few secrets. Experienced housewives will share them with us.

Culinary secrets of cooking in the Hercules multicooker:

  • First of all, the oatmeal should be washed thoroughly.
  • Add salt and granulated sugar to the porridge when it is ready. Then all the vitamins will be preserved in the dish.
  • When cooking Hercules porridge in a Redmond, Polaris, etc. multicooker, grease the edges of the multibowl with soft butter. Then the porridge will definitely not “run away” during the heat treatment process.
  • Granulated sugar can be replaced with honey. Just add it to slightly cooled porridge to preserve the “benefits” of the bee product.
  • You can avoid burning the milk if you rinse the multi-cooker container with cold water beforehand.
  • Do not open the multicooker immediately after the cooking process is complete. So porridge cooked with milk will acquire a melted taste.
  • Stir the oatmeal porridge with a plastic spoon.
  • Hercules flakes, and any other oatmeal, have the property of absorbing foreign odors, so the multicooker container, as well as the valve on the lid, should be thoroughly rinsed.

On a note! Nutritionists say that Hercules porridge should not be eaten more than 4 times in 7 days.

Classic recipe

“Hercules” is prepared simply and quickly with milk in a slow cooker. Even the most capricious gourmet will not refuse such a breakfast. And you, thanks to a smart assistant, will be able to save precious time in the morning.


  • 1 tbsp. "Hercules";
  • milk – 4 tbsp.;
  • soft butter;
  • salt;
  • granulated sugar.


On a note! The Hercules porridge is prepared in a similar way in a slow cooker using water. Of course, it has less calories.

Porridge for those with a sweet tooth

You can make a real culinary masterpiece from ordinary oatmeal porridge. Try making it with condensed milk and bananas. It will be incredibly delicious!


  • 250 g Hercules flakes;
  • 500 ml whole cow's milk;
  • condensed milk;
  • 2 bananas;
  • salt;
  • 75 g chocolate.


  1. Place the cereal in a multi-cooker container, add milk and a little salt.
  2. In any convenient program, bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Immediately turn off the device and leave the porridge to cool. We don't open the lid!
  4. When the oatmeal porridge has cooled, add condensed milk. Determine its quantity based on your own taste preferences.
  5. Peel the bananas and chop them into thin shavings. We'll leave a few rings for decoration.
  6. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater.
  7. Add chocolate and banana chips to the porridge and stir.
  8. Decorate it with banana rings on top. Ready!

Extraordinarily tasty “Hercules”

Try making oatmeal porridge using this recipe. It has an original taste and amazing aroma! And how much benefit the dish will bring you thanks to its constituent ingredients!


  • 2 carrot roots;
  • "Hercules" - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • orange;
  • 2 tbsp. l. brown sugar;
  • soft butter.


  1. Peel and rinse carrot roots.
  2. Extract the juice from one using a juicer. You will get about 150 ml of juice.
  3. Wash the orange and remove the zest from it using a grater.
  4. Combine citrus zest with carrot pulp and stir.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the orange pulp.
  6. Place the zest mixed with carrot cake, as well as 1 tbsp, into a multi-cooker container. l. granulated sugar.
  7. Add carrot and orange juice.
  8. Add 150 ml of purified water.
  9. Let's stir everything well.
  10. Add the cereal to the multibowl, stir and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  11. Then we activate any program to bring the dish to a boil.
  12. Then turn off the device and leave the treat for 15 minutes with the lid closed.
  13. In the meantime, chop the remaining carrots into cubes.
  14. Heat the butter in a frying pan and add the carrots.
  15. Lightly fry it and add 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  16. Simmer the carrots until they turn a bright orange color. And during this time the granulated sugar caramelizes.
  17. Place the fried carrots into the porridge and stir. Ready!

Porridge with caramel aftertaste

Here is another interesting option for preparing oatmeal porridge. Everyone will like its caramel taste without exception!


  • "Hercules" - 100 g;
  • powdered sugar – 50 g;
  • milk – 1 l;
  • salt;
  • frozen cream – 30 g;
  • vanilla.


  1. Place the flakes in a multi-cooker container, add powder and stir.
  2. Turn on the “Baking” option and, stirring, fry the flakes for 4-5 minutes. The caramel taste of the dish will depend on the degree of roasting of the ingredients.
  3. As soon as we see that the sugar has darkened, add butter, milk, cream and salt, as well as vanilla.
  4. Stir. Activate the “Porridge” option. Cook the dish for 20 minutes.

For many housewives, the multicooker has become an integral part of the culinary process. If your device is equipped with a delayed start option, you can put food in the multi-cooker container in the evening and set the time you need. In the morning, a delicious breakfast will await you. Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!