Weaning. But what to do with the breasts? Gentle weaning of the baby from the breast. How to safely and correctly end breastfeeding We wean from breastfeeding

01.10.2021 Operations

Motherhood is a happy job, but it is still a job. Every mother strives to give her baby the best from birth. Perhaps the very first step is breastfeeding. And if to start it all you need is health, desire, and time, then in the process of weaning a lot of questions arise. How to wean from breastfeeding and when to do it optimally is a rather complex question that requires a responsible approach.

Sometimes this process takes place independently, unnoticed by mother and child. Sometimes a mother should plan it, especially in situations where weaning occurs unnaturally, quickly, early.

When is the best time to wean your baby?

Today, in the process of caring for their baby, many parents are guided by the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization). The organization recommends weaning a child from breastfeeding as soon as he and the mother are as ready as possible - at 2 years. It is then that the child finally matures for complete separation from the person closest to him.

If we consider the baby’s readiness for weaning from a physiological point of view, then this period begins 6 months earlier, that is, at one and a half years. By this time, the baby eats a varied diet. Sometimes by this time the child is seated at the common table; mother's milk is not the main food he receives during the day. Sometimes the child receives it once a day - before bed. These arguments are enough to wean a child from the breast at one and a half years old.

Features of weaning

The older generation had their own beliefs, according to which, for example, after a year of breastfeeding, milk becomes not only less useful, but also harmful. It is not able to satisfy the baby as before, so he no longer needs it.

This is not entirely true. Milk is secreted in the female breast thanks to a special hormone - prolactin. It does not decrease over time. It means that even after a year or two, mother's milk will still remain beneficial for the baby. Of course, if the food is nutritious and the woman does not have bad habits.

In general, it is quite difficult to wean a baby before 2 years of age. During this period, the baby-mother connection is still very strong; mother’s milk and simple attachment to the breast are a kind of symbol of this unity. The difficulties of this age also lie in the fact that your child already has his own character, and, therefore, is able to insist on his own. And if the mother’s breasts are still very important for the baby as before, weaning from breastfeeding will not be easy. This can lead to stressful situations that are undesirable at such a tender age.

The need to cuddle and suck the mother's breast is something that is extremely necessary for an immature human being to form, develop, and feel calm and protected. This is not a desire, it is a need, so it is difficult for a child to immediately, at the mother’s request, stop needing breastfeeding. The process should be painless and gradual. Even accompanying weaning can negatively affect the nervous system.

The reason for early weaning must be compelling. If the mother is tired, or, for example, lacks sleep, you can cope with the problem in a different way. Ask your relatives for help, sleep during the day with your baby. Perhaps a good option would not be complete weaning from breastfeeding, but only reducing the number of breastfeedings. If latching is still frequent, be prepared for the process to take several months.

Weaning Options

Depending on the situation, the mother’s wishes, as well as many other factors, such as, for example, health status, there are several ways to wean a child.

How to wean a baby: the natural way

This is the most physiological and optimal option for both mother and baby. The process is lengthy, but this is what doctors recommend. It is necessary to understand what place the mother’s breasts occupy in the baby’s life. This is, first of all, food, always warm, sweet, ideal for him. Affection, care, love and warmth - this is what a little person feels in those minutes of communication with his mother. He should not be deprived of this when he still needs it.

The baby likes everything - the smell and the warmth emanating from the breast. Some prefer to fall asleep sweetly on it, others prefer to wake up in the morning and feel the caress. It is also important to have trusting relationships that arise from the process itself.

Stages of natural weaning from breastfeeding:

In such a difficult period of life, it is important to be with the child more often, to show him your affection, love, and care. For a while, give up other, not so important things. Let the baby feel that you are still nearby, protect and help in everything.

During natural weaning, the mother needs to know something about her own health and appearance. This method is optimal for restoring your figure. The breasts are restored gradually, the risk of stretch marks is minimal. The woman returns to her prenatal state without sudden hormonal changes, and she does not need to take measures to stop lactation. This happens gradually as the baby sucks out less and less milk.

How to wean a baby: an urgent way

Occurs in situations where the mother is not able to control the situation. Most often this is a serious illness, the need for a long separation, etc. It is important to remember that this method greatly affects the nervous state of the baby, This huge stress And there is a possibility that the child will still have fears and uncertainty in the future.

Urgent weaning is required for some diseases:

  • syphilis;
  • tuberculosis (open form);
  • diabetes;
  • decompensation of the vital systems of the mother’s body, when continuing breastfeeding poses a threat to health;
  • purulent form of inflammation of the mammary glands.
  • HIV (possibly transmitted through breast milk).

You can quickly stop breastfeeding for a while or permanently. In the first case you can express. This must be done to prevent stagnation of milk, to prevent lactostasis, and to prevent mastitis.

If the mother needs to leave, during separation from the baby it is good stop drinking large amounts of liquid. 3 glasses a day are enough. If you do not want to continue feeding your baby, it is important to not completely empty your breasts while pumping. This way she won’t be able to fill up completely with milk like before. Once the tension in the chest is relieved, you can stop pumping.

Breast bandaging is now considered harmful. The likelihood of developing mastitis is too high, because a tight bandage interferes with blood circulation, which can cause inflammatory diseases. If possible, it is good to consult a doctor.

There are 2 ways to urgently stop breastfeeding:

  • medicinal;
  • mechanical.

In the first case, it means that the mother is taking special hormonal drugs, under the influence of which lactation abruptly stops. The method may have a negative impact on subsequent births and lead to serious problems with milk production in subsequent pregnancies.

Mechanical interruption involves tugging and bandaging. As mentioned above, this method can cause health problems. Sometimes nipples are painted over with an unpleasant color, expecting that the baby will simply refuse the breast. However, this is just additional stress.

Late weaning (child 2 or 3 years old)

In some cases, mothers try to maximize the duration of breastfeeding. From a physiological point of view this is good. The child only benefits from this. He grows harmoniously, is confident in his mother's love, and does not strive for conflicts.

If there is no reason to wean quickly, it is best to feed while you can, as long as the baby needs it. If there is understanding in the question, there is no reason to worry. Everything will be painless, almost unnoticeable.

It’s another matter if breastfeeding, for example, at night, is just an established habit. You can and should get rid of it, especially at 3 years old. Mom's presence and tender words- the best helpers in such a delicate situation.

It is important to remember that even at this age there are periods when you cannot stop breastfeeding, because it is not only food, but also calm, comfort, and even pain relief.

You should not stop breastfeeding in the following cases:

  • family conflicts, stress;
  • child's illness;
  • eruption of baby teeth;
  • moving;
  • vacations, especially in exotic countries, climate change, etc.

The advantage of weaning at such a late age is that the child already understands everything. You can conduct a dialogue and negotiate with him. You can ask him about feelings and desires. However, there are also disadvantages. The difficulty is that children of this age are very persistent. If your answer does not satisfy them, they are ready to ask for breasts anywhere: on the street, in a cafe, in a store. Instill the concept of decency, tell them how to behave in society, and what actions are condemned.

What can you explain to a two-year-old:

  • breastfeeding is only acceptable at home;
  • You need to ask for the breast correctly, for example, tell your mother in a whisper about your desire, and not shout and independently get to the desired object;
  • Explain that you can’t get everything at once; in some situations, ask the child to wait before giving the breast, because the mother is so busy.

If a mother is sure that her child is not hungry, and getting what he wants is just a whim and a habit, you should not follow the lead. Screaming should not become a habit. The best way- distract attention, give water, show a toy.

Whatever method the parents use, it is important to remember that in such a difficult period, the child, no matter how old he is, needs the constant presence of his mother, her care, and words of love.

It is important to understand that the process of weaning a child, despite the general rules, is always individual. This means that you and your child must tailor it to suit you as much as possible. If at any moment the mother feels that the baby is not ready or is experiencing severe stress, it is better to take a step back and change the plan a little. Everything is in the hands of the mother, because she is the one who feels and understands her child best, especially during weaning.

Are there many young mothers you know who have fed or are feeding their child with breast milk when he is already one year old? I think not. Unfortunately, our society does not always adhere to truly worthy traditions, one of which is a long breast-feeding(GW) offspring. Often, not out of her own conviction, but under the influence of public opinion (friends, neighbors, grandparents and even doctors), a successfully breastfeeding mother stops natural feeding.


Long-term breastfeeding is a relative concept. The World Health Organization advises mothers not to wean their baby until two years of age. American pediatricians believe that it is enough to feed a baby with breast milk only up to a year. Specialists of the World Dairy League do not name specific dates, but adhere to the following position: as long as you want and can manage, and even up to 6-7 years.

Long-term breastfeeding for a child means:

  • food that is free and unique in its content of proteins, vitamins, enzymes, fats and microelements;
  • thorough protection against allergies;
  • reliable armor against pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious diseases;
  • correct formation of the facial skull and successful development of speech in the future;
  • harmonious physical and normal neuropsychic development;
  • a close psycho-emotional connection with the mother that lasts for life.

Long-term breastfeeding for a mother means:

  • successful recovery of the body after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • “time out” for the reproductive system;
  • prevention;
  • emotional and mental health;
  • prevention of osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid, ;
  • strengthening and increasing stress resistance;
  • return of former attractiveness.


Breastfeeding is a physiological process provided by nature, not subject to anyone’s desires and efforts. Therefore, the cessation of lactation and breastfeeding should also occur naturally, and not by someone else’s order.

Exist physiological criteria by which one can understand that the period of breastfeeding has come to its logical conclusion:

  • after three years of life formation and maturation ends nervous system. Therefore, the need for breast milk, as a powerful stimulator of its development, disappears. The child's unconditioned sucking reflex, which has been present since birth, fades away.

If the baby is in a favorable social environment, the mother is less and less interested in him. He willingly communicates with his peers and adults around him, and occasionally remembers his mother at night;

  • At about 2.5 years, lactation involution occurs - a return to the original state of the mammary glands. This occurs due to the baby being latched to the breast less frequently, which is quite natural. The mammary glands no longer fill with milk as much as before, even if the interval between breastfeeding is a day or more.

At this time, the composition of milk changes (approaches the composition of colostrum) - the content of immunoglobulins and biological active substances in it increases. During this period, breastfeeding is a kind of “immunization” for the baby. Passive immunity, obtained from breastfeeding at 3–4 years of life, subsequently “guards” the child’s health, since its own the immune system he is still immature.

Involution is completely completed by about 40 days after the baby is last applied to the breast: milk no longer flows out spontaneously, but appears when pressure is applied to the areola. During these 40 days, lactation can be safely resumed if the baby requires it. After 40 days, it is very difficult to restore milk production.

Note: natural completion of lactation and weaning are two different concepts, two different processes.

Natural end of lactation– this is the cessation of breastfeeding against the background of extinction of the sucking reflex and involution of lactation.

Weaning- this is always a violent process, launched in the absence of physiological criteria for the readiness of the mother and child to complete breastfeeding.


When a breastfed baby is 2.5 years old, is absolutely healthy and falls asleep at night without his mother, lactation can be completed naturally. It is better to do this not in the summer months. If the baby is over three years old, the time of year does not matter, since he has received a powerful “immunization” from his mother and will be able to withstand all sorts of misfortunes.

Start preparing to stop breastfeeding when you are two years old. It’s a rare mother who manages to simply replace breastfeeding before bed with reading a book to the baby, stroking his back or tummy, or telling him a fairy tale. If this method does not work, start leaving home more often during the day so that the child gets used to falling asleep without his mother.

While your baby is awake, take more walks, introduce him to peers, and play outdoor games with him. Limit your baby's access to your breast. Agree with him that you will now give him “titya” only at home, but not on the street or in transport at his first request. And at home, choose a strictly defined place (chair, sofa) and only there put the baby to the breast, having explained in advance that from now on it will always be like this.

The second stage is to teach your child to fall asleep at night with one of the family members, but not with his mother. Over time, he will stop breastfeeding at night.

Important: in your actions, be persistent, patient and consistent, since the child is unlikely to voluntarily part with his beloved nurse.

Self-excommunication- this is the completion of breastfeeding on the initiative of a child aged 3–4 years. This occurs due to the fact that the baby spends less and less time next to his mother, and his social environment is constantly expanding. New people and activities appear in a child’s life. There is no time left for frequent breastfeeding, and he gradually loses the habit of suckling. At this age, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is already fully adapted to digesting a variety of foods, and the need for enzymes from mother’s milk disappears by itself.


Child under 6 months

In the first half of the baby's life, a woman is obliged to feed him breast milk. There can be no talk of any causeless cessation of breastfeeding at this age. But sometimes it happens that mom needs to go to the hospital or leave urgently. The hospital is not discussed. As for travel, before weaning your baby, weigh the pros and cons. Find the opportunity to cancel the trip, reschedule it, or, which is extremely undesirable, take the child with you.

If the problem cannot be solved, plan to maintain lactation and resume breastfeeding upon arrival or after discharge from the hospital. To do this, the entire time you are away from your baby, be sure to express milk every three hours for 10–15 minutes from each breast, taking a night break. By maintaining lactation in this way, you will be able to return to your baby and continue to successfully feed him with your milk.

For a baby at this age, any separation from his mother is a strong emotional experience. Therefore, breastfeed and try not to be away for a long time under any circumstances. Otherwise, prepare your child for your disappearance: often leave your baby with the person (grandmother, dad, nanny) who will look after him in your absence.

And don’t forget to express your milk so that when you return, you can continue breastfeeding.

At this age, the child already eats a variety of foods well, so he will not be lost without mother’s milk. But psycho-emotional stress is unlikely to be avoided, and the baby needs to be prepared in advance for separation.

About two weeks before leaving, start playing a game with him in which mom leaves, he gets bored, and mom returns soon. Give him a new soft toy with the explanation that this is a new, but very reliable friend who will always be with the baby while the mother is away.

Do not forget that the grandmother or nanny with whom your child stays should also participate in these serious preparatory fun and even more actively than you yourself.

In the second year of breastfeeding, there are much fewer problems with maintaining lactation. You will have to express milk, but only when your breasts become full and painful. The mammary glands should not be completely emptied. You need to express exactly as much milk as necessary to improve your well-being. When you return to the baby and put him to the breast again, lactation will be restored. If a two-year-old child does not want to suckle, then you don’t have to force him to do it.

How to wean a baby if the mother has to go to work

Not every woman who has given birth has the opportunity to take maternity leave for up to 3 years. Due to certain circumstances, even a breastfeeding mother sometimes has to work full time.

Important:If you are feeding your baby with breast milk, but life has turned out in such a way that you have to go to work, try to do this when the baby is six, or better yet, nine months old.

Don't equate going to work with stopping breastfeeding. If you have a desire to feed your baby with your milk, and you are confident that this will happen, you can maintain full lactation. And no amount of work will interfere with this. But you need to properly prepare for weaning your baby from the breast for almost the whole day. Your main goal is to teach your baby to eat and fall asleep without his mother.

Tips for long-term weaning:

  • start preparation at least two months before going to work;
  • prepare a sufficient number of plastic containers in which you will store expressed milk in the refrigerator;
  • Decide which adult (family member, nanny) will take care of the baby in your absence. During the two preparatory months, this person should already be constantly with you and the child;
  • Learn how to properly store expressed milk in the refrigerator or freezer and how to defrost it correctly. Teach the nanny this;
  • During the first two weeks of preparation, leave home at least three times a week for 2.5–3 hours. But be sure to go back to feeding time and putting your baby to bed and do it yourself. Start building up a supply of expressed milk in the refrigerator for the next stages of preparation;
  • at 3–4 weeks, increase the time of your absence to 3.5–4 hours and trust the nanny or grandmother to feed the baby during this time period. But when you return home, put him to bed yourself. Continue to replenish the “milk depot” in the refrigerator;
  • if everything goes smoothly, at 5–6 weeks, leave home for such a time that the baby can be fed and put to bed by the nanny;

Note: Expressed milk should not be given from a bottle with a nipple, but from a spoon, cup or disposable syringe, so that the baby does not turn away from the breast.

  • if the child reacts normally to your absences, in the 7th–8th week of preparation, leave home for 6 or more hours;

Important:move from one preparatory stage to another only if the baby tolerates changes in life painlessly. If he is still capricious sometimes, stay at this stage, take your time.

  • Be sure to inform your employer that you are breastfeeding. Discuss with him how the benefit provided to you by law (half-hour breaks for feeding or pumping or a shortened working day) will be implemented;
  • while at work, express milk every 3–3.5 hours;
  • When you get home, put your baby to your breast as often as possible and do not deny him night feeding.

If you do not intend to continue breastfeeding your baby, or there are absolute contraindications for this, do not bandage your breasts under any circumstances. A pressure bandage can cause stagnation of milk in the mammary glands and the development of mastitis. You can stop lactation in gentle ways, namely: express milk from an overfilled breast not completely, but until you feel relief, and, if possible, put the baby to the breast less and less often.


If you are weaning your child from breastfeeding, do not do anything on your own - do not buy pills to stop lactation (Dostinex, Parlodel, bromocriptine) to speed up the process. These are hormonal drugs, the prescription of which has strict indications. Only a qualified gynecologist-endocrinologist, after a thorough analysis of your hormonal status, has the right to decide on the advisability of prescribing, for example, Dostinex tablets to stop lactation.

Drugs are used to stop lactation, usually in cases where a high level of prolactin is detected in the blood for a long time. Even the “most harmless” one, as many consider it, Dostinex to stop lactation, doctors prescribe in exceptional cases. All these drugs give many side effects such as: decreased blood pressure, dizziness, headaches and depression and drowsiness, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Herbs he uses ethnoscience, much safer than pills to stop lactation. But even they should be used carefully, after consulting with your doctor. Firstly, for some diseases, herbal medicine may be contraindicated. Secondly, plants, like medications, can cause allergies.

They are also considered the safest for stopping lactation. They have a mild soothing effect and inhibit the formation of milk in a nursing woman. The effective use of sage to stop lactation is understandable. This herb contains substances that reduce the level of prolactin in the blood and, accordingly, reduce lactation. Sage can be used to stop lactation in the form of an infusion, decoction, or ready-made sage oil. You should know that products containing sage are contraindicated for epilepsy, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, and pregnancy.

Breastfeeding is just a stage in the relationship between mother and child. And one day the day will come when the last latch in your breastfeeding history will take place. Every nursing mother sooner or later wonders how to wean her child from breastfeeding. This usually becomes relevant when the child is between 1.5 and 2 years old. Whatever the reason for weaning, if thoughts about ending breastfeeding have started to appear in your head, then this article will be useful for you.

We talk about how to wean a baby from the breast and how to stop lactation in this article. You will learn what you absolutely cannot do in order to prevent breast problems and not disrupt the emotional connection with your baby.

So, if you have decided to stop breastfeeding your baby, be patient and determined to take action. Let's get started!

The reason for raising the issue of weaning is most often the pressing public opinion that feeding after a year is abnormal. Having learned that the child is still receiving mother’s milk, strangers, and sometimes even close people, exclaim: “How? Are you still feeding? After all, he’s already so big!” or “After a year, milk loses its beneficial features" In fact, all these arguments are relics of the past. Throughout the post-Soviet space, early termination of breastfeeding and transfer of infants to feeding with formula and porridge were practiced. All because young mothers had to return to work early after the birth of a child, the party dictated its own rules. And almost no one managed to feed their babies even until they were one year old. Times have sunk into oblivion, and public opinion has taken root in the minds of the older generation.

As for the usefulness of breast milk after a year of feeding, the answer is clear. It is important to understand the mechanism of milk production in order to trust that it does not lose its beneficial qualities over time. Milk is produced according to the principle “demand creates supply”, i.e. the child sucks the breast, stimulating the release of prolactin into the blood, and milk comes in response to sucking. This happens in the first months of feeding and after a year and after two years. Therefore, it cannot go to waste, turn sour or lose its beneficial properties. Milk is produced from the mother's blood and lymph. The vitamins that the mother receives are also received by the child. The number of immune cells is the same at the beginning of feeding and a year later.

Quite often it happens that the mother is physically and mentally tired from frequent feedings, from hanging on the chest, from waking up to suckle at night. It happens that the baby is very capricious, throwing tantrums in public, demanding the breast. And it seems to the mother that after breastfeeding is completed, the child will become calmer, sleep better, and wake up less often at night. But here it should be borne in mind that weaning is unlikely to correct mistakes in raising a child. The fact that a child, demanding the breast in front of everyone, climbs under his mother’s jacket, screams and stamps his feet, is already a mistake of the mother, who did not set clear boundaries of what is permitted in the child’s behavior. You should always remember that in a mother-baby pair, the main one is the mother. It is the mother who sets the boundaries within which the child can act. If you don’t want hysterics, don’t breastfeed in response to your baby’s cry; let him calm down first.

As for frequent waking up at night, this is, in fact, the norm for young children. And this is connected with infant sleep cycles.

The age of the child that is optimal for completing breastfeeding

One of the popular questions for lactation consultants is: how to wean a one-year-old baby from the breast? Apparently, it is at this age of the baby that mothers are most often ready to finish feeding. How the process of weaning from breastfeeding will occur depends on the age of the child.

For the first 6 months after birth, it is recommended to feed only breast milk. If at this age there is a need for weaning, each feeding is replaced by feeding with an adapted formula. To satisfy the sucking reflex, you will need to offer the baby a pacifier.

Scheme of transition to feeding with an adapted formula

At the age of 9 months, some feedings can already be replaced with complementary foods. But additional feeding with formula will still be required. The sucking reflex is still very developed. You will need a pacifier.

Weaning a child under one year of age is highly undesirable. This is, first of all, extremely stressful for the child. And besides, the mother, being at the peak of lactation, exposes herself to a high risk of lactostasis and mastitis.

When the baby has reached the age of one and a half years and older, there is no longer a need to replace feeding with formula. At this age, almost all children are already eating regular food, and breasts are no longer the main source of nutrition. The sucking reflex may persist or may disappear, so you can use a pacifier at the discretion of the mother.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding for up to 2 years or beyond if mother and child desire.

According to experts, this age is optimal for ending breastfeeding. The child is already quite strong both physically and psychologically. Food is received from the common table. The sucking reflex begins to fade. There was an active interest in understanding the world around us.

In any case, every child is ready to wean at his own time. It depends on his temperament, family relationships and other circumstances. That is why, when it comes to weaning, a mother should focus only on her baby. His readiness to say goodbye to his mother’s breasts will not be difficult to determine. If the child reacts calmly enough to the mother’s distracting maneuvers, then the time has come. If no games or activities can shift his attention from the breast, if the baby starts crying loudly and “hangs” on the chest even more actively, it is better to postpone weaning, the baby is not ready yet.

What happens to the breasts after breastfeeding ends?

You can often hear a recommendation to stop breastfeeding until the involution stage. Involution of the mammary gland directly depends on the number of attachments, which naturally decrease as the child grows older. With a gradual decrease in the number of attachments, the amount of milk also decreases. The stage of breast involution occurs between 2 and 4 years of breastfeeding. It is characterized by the death of alveoli and small blood vessels. Gradually, the glandular tissue is replaced by adipose tissue, the cells die and lactation stops.

After breastfeeding is completed, the breasts return to their pre-pregnancy size. Sometimes, for a year or more after the last feeding, a few drops of milk may leak from the breast. This is a normal option and should not frighten a woman.

Breast structure

Stages of weaning a child from breastfeeding

Competent experts in the field of breastfeeding recommend adhering to the principles of gradually reducing lactation and gradually reducing the number of breastfeedings.

We offer the following step-by-step algorithm of actions. It is this sequence of decreasing feedings that is the gentlest way of weaning:

  1. We remove feedings during the day (attachments out of boredom, if you miss your mother, hit yourself or get scared)
  2. We remove feedings after dreams.
  3. We remove feedings for naps.
  4. We remove feedings at night and during the night.

The duration of each stage takes from two weeks to a month. Thus, the final weaning of the child from breastfeeding occurs after 3-4 months, sometimes a little longer. There's no need to rush. This soft one will help your child break the habit without stress.

During the day, try to distract your child as much as possible from the desire to latch on to the breast: switch his attention to a book, a toy, interesting activities and walks. Try not to provoke your child: wear clothes at home that cover your chest well.

Plan a month to start weaning. During this time, prepare yourself mentally and put your feeding rituals in order.

Organize a specific place for feeding, and explain that now the baby will only receive breastfeeding here. Let him only associate this place with his chest.

If your baby is used to falling asleep while breastfeeding, you will have to slightly change your bedtime routine. You can add reading a book and a lullaby after sucking. Gradually he will get used to falling asleep to the monotonous reading of his mother and the sound of her voice. It would be nice to include a sleepy toy in the sleepy process. The baby's favorite toy, which will be associated with falling asleep.

The last stage of weaning is going to bed at night without breastfeeding. Introduce the squishy toy into the ritual in advance.

Finally, move more. A child often associates a sitting mother with breastfeeding.

Emergency termination of breastfeeding

Sometimes it happens that there is an urgent need to urgently stop breastfeeding. The reason may be a serious illness of the mother, taking medications incompatible with lactation, purulent mastitis or surgery. You should consult a gynecologist about how to stop lactation in case of urgent need. The doctor will prescribe medications to stop milk production. Only a specialist can choose the correct dosage of such medications. In case of self-medication, side effects often occur. We wrote about a pill to stop milk production. If the mother wants to continue feeding after treatment, she should inform the attending physician about this. He will select more gentle drugs. During therapy, you will need to express your breasts a little to maintain lactation.

What not to do when weaning

How to wean a child without damaging his psyche? Take the following recommendations into account:

  • Don't use grandma's weaning method. Leaving for a few days, leaving a child with relatives is, to put it mildly, irresponsible. Stress that little man will experience, losing not only the usual breastfeeding, but also contact with his mother - it’s hard to imagine. And the consequences after such “shock therapy” can be very sad.
  • Medical termination of lactation is a dangerous and ineffective weaning method. Often, to suppress lactation, mothers are ready to take a miracle pill that reduces prolactin levels. Firstly, taking hormonal drugs will negatively affect not only the woman’s current health, but also subsequent pregnancies and lactation. Secondly, without weaning the child from the habit of breastfeeding, there is no point in extinguishing lactation at once. Milk will begin to be produced again in response to suckling. It is possible to stop lactation without pills.
  • Do not smear mustard, wasabi, brilliant green, etc. on your breasts. Not only can it ruin your baby’s stomach, it can also scare you. The beloved titya, the stronghold of spiritual comfort and warmth, suddenly frightens the baby so much - for him this is a real betrayal.
  • Breast strapping or bandaging is an extremely unsafe method of weaning. Burnt milk is real lactostasis. The milk ducts are pinched and milk stagnation occurs, this can lead to serious consequences, including mastitis.
  • You cannot limit food and drink to stop lactation. Reducing food and water within reasonable limits will not affect your milk supply in any way. But dehydration of the body and poor health may well be ensured.
  • Do not replace night feedings with compote or sweet water. This is a direct path to the development of caries in a child.
  • Don't get angry with your child if the weaning process is delayed. It is unlikely that you will be able to wean your baby off the breast quickly. The principle of “one step forward, two steps back” often applies in this matter. Calmly and systematically move towards your goal. Show your child your confidence. Caress more often and pay more attention to the baby during this difficult period for him. The mother’s attitude is the most important thing in the process of completing breastfeeding.
  • Follow the rule of prohibitions. If mom said “no,” then this is the final decision. Otherwise, the authority of the mother’s word will not mean anything to the child.
  • Delay weaning if your baby is sick, teething, or has a change of residence, travel, or visitation coming up. kindergarten. In a word, any significant changes in the life of a family are already stressful for the child. You should not complete the Civil War on the eve of such events.

Video: details about ending breastfeeding.

So, how to end breastfeeding as gently as possible for mother and baby? It is better to eradicate the habit gradually, without causing stress. little man who is so dependent on his mother's breast. Mom's confidence and calmness - main principle in the process of completing breastfeeding. Show your baby with all your appearance that everything is okay, mom knows what she’s doing. Pay more attention to the baby during weaning, caress and provide tactile contact, then you will be able to complete lactation safely and without stress.

No matter how happy a nursing mother is with breastfeeding and the bond that has formed between her and her baby, sooner or later lactation must be interrupted. And a woman enjoying motherhood faces the question: how to do this correctly? There are several ways to make weaning from breastfeeding as comfortable and painless as possible for both the child and the mother herself.

There are different categories of nurses - some try to prolong breastfeeding in all possible ways, while others, on the contrary, “bandage” the breasts ahead of time, using sage infusion or deciding to smear the areolas and nipples with brilliant green, an alcohol camphor solution. Who is right, when should a baby be denied breast milk and in what sequence should feedings be removed? We’ll tell you everything.

When can you wean?

Modern doctors do not recommend stopping breastfeeding until the child is 1.5-2 years old. Often at this age, the baby can already eat on his own, and it is believed that the toddler can do without mother’s milk.

There are women who transfer their children to artificial feeding before the age of 12 months. Perhaps mom goes to work or is simply mentally tired of breastfeeding. However, experts do not recommend doing this. The same applies to the time when the baby is sick or is worried about his teeth. To begin the weaning process, you need to make sure that the baby is completely healthy.

Doctors note that winter is not the best period for a sudden cessation of natural feeding. Indeed, in the cold season, a growing, but not yet strengthened organism especially urgently needs its mother’s protection.

Weaning and age

  • Up to 6 months. At this time, there can be no talk of giving up breastfeeding (and the baby is in no hurry to demonstrate readiness, so let him suckle for as long as he wants). The exception is hospitalization. But even in this case, only a temporary interruption of the GW can be discussed. To ensure that lactation does not fade after your reunion, you should express milk every 3 hours (one mammary gland for at least 10 minutes). There is no need to empty your breasts at night.
  • From 6 to 18 months. At this age, the baby experiences separation very hard. If possible, try not to leave your child alone for a long time. But if you need to leave him for a while, we recommend expressing.

How to understand that you are weaning your toddler from feeding too early:

  • the baby began to wake up more often at night;
  • constantly cries and demands attention;
  • afraid to be alone;
  • After eating, the little one has a stomach ache and may vomit.

If the child is sick

At the beginning of the article, we already said that the baby should not be weaned off breastfeeding during illness. An unwell baby needs mother's milk more than ever. After all, along with the natural “product” produced by the mammary glands, the child receives the necessary nutrients and, most importantly, fluid.

The feeding order should be as follows - first the breast (as much as the child wants), then a mixture from a cup or complementary foods, solid food.

If the toddler is not breastfed, there is a risk of dehydration (since children refuse to drink during illness). It is especially important to continue feeding as often as possible in case of illness accompanied by vomiting and/or diarrhea.

What to do when going back to work

For some reason, modern mothers think that leaving maternity leave must necessarily be followed by weaning the child. But there is no need to stop breastfeeding.

  1. A few months before the planned return to work, you should begin to teach your baby to fall asleep without you and without “sissy”. The person who will look after the child in your absence should be with him as often as possible.
  2. Stock up on plastic containers in which to store expressed milk. Teach your assistant how to properly defrost and prepare a natural “product” for use.
  3. When you return home from work, do not deny your baby his favorite source of food. On the contrary, latch on to your son or daughter as often as possible. This includes organizing night feedings.

Expressed milk should not be given from a bottle! To do this, you need to use a teaspoon or syringe. Otherwise, the baby will refuse the breast and those rare moments that you have will remain in the past.

We wean from breastfeeding at an accelerated pace

There are emergency situations in life when you need to “bandage” your breasts as soon as possible. In this case, we should talk about both temporary and permanent refusal to feed. It is necessary to wean the baby forever in the following cases:

  • if a nursing mother has HIV infection;
  • when diagnosing open tuberculosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • oncological problems;
  • malaria;
  • renal failure.

A temporary break from breastfeeding should be taken:

  • in case of hospitalization of the mother or child;
  • when taking medications incompatible with lactation.

A new mother should consult a doctor about the possibility of breastfeeding in case of purulent mastitis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and also if there is a conflict with the newborn baby regarding blood type or its Rh.

Many women often stop breastfeeding after learning about their second pregnancy. However, this is not at all necessary if the fetus is developing normally and there are no problems. In some cases, experts recommend interrupting breastfeeding for the duration of an interesting situation, if there is a threat of miscarriage or if the previous birth was premature. We advise you to consult with your doctor.

Modern methods of weaning a child from the breast

Today there are three methods that are used by mothers around the world:

  1. Medication.
  2. People's
  3. Smooth natural weaning from breastfeeding.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

We use medical advances

The basis of drug weaning from breastfeeding is the use of medicines, which reduce the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for lactation. However, it is worth considering that their use will be effective only in combination with a decrease in the number of applications per day.

Dostinex is considered one of the good drugs. But when taking medications of this type, a number of side effects can occur (from nausea to insomnia). In more severe cases, hormonal balance is disrupted.

Popular folk remedies

Despite the abundance of available drugs, many mothers continue to use the “good old” method. Of course, this method of weaning gives the fastest results, but it does not promise anything good for the psychological state of the mother and baby.

Its essence is as follows: the baby must be sent to stay with his grandmother for a few days, and the mother must tightly bandage her chest with a sheet (in order to stop the production of breast milk). It is worth warning that this method is not the most in the best possible way will affect the health of a nursing woman. It is quite possible that there will be an increase in body temperature and the appearance of painful lumps in the chest.

It is thanks to this barbaric method, judging by the reviews, that mothers receive... In turn, this disease requires surgical intervention.

Smooth weaning of the baby

Now let's talk about the third type of weaning of a toddler - natural, which, by the way, is recognized as the most gentle and safe. The essence of this method is to reduce the frequency of applications. In this case, in no case should the child be fed with an adapted milk formula, reducing the amount of breast milk he consumes.

To do this correctly, you should follow the scheme:

  1. Carefully exclude daytime feedings (that is, feeding between main meals) from the toddler’s menu.
  2. After the first stage has completed successfully, you can remove attachments during the daytime rest. Usually mothers feed their babies both before bedtime and immediately after waking up. To begin with, we recommend reducing to a minimum and then completely eliminating night feedings and then morning feedings from your daughter’s or son’s diet.
  3. The last step is to stop latching before bed. It is better to replace them with hugs and strokes. Then all that remains is to give up morning feedings (before the baby wakes up).

Typically, lactation consultants recommend removing one of the latch after 3-5 days, but remember that every baby is different. If the little one resists such innovations, and your decision negatively affects his emotional state, it would be good to wait until weaning and enjoy breastfeeding a little more.

It is better to stop lactation closer to two years. After all, already at this age, the child suckles the breast not because of hunger, but more to receive attention and love from the mother.

Process duration

Since time frames are purely individual, we can only talk about averages. Typically the weaning process lasts from 2 weeks to several months. Foreign doctors believe that it is 6 weeks.

Often, in a woman who abruptly stops breastfeeding, the volume of milk in the mammary glands decreases significantly on days 7-10. But if you continue to produce it in the same quantities 2-3 weeks after weaning, we recommend consulting with your doctor. There is a high probability that there are hormonal imbalances.

  • Do not under any circumstances reduce your fluid intake or go hungry! There is also no need to drink herbal infusions that worsen lactation (for example, sage).
  • While you are weaning your little one, try to devote as much time as possible to him and provide regular tactile contact. After all, due to the lack of “milk” feedings, he now lacks this.
  • Try not to sit in the places where you usually feed your baby.
  • If possible, let the father or another close relative wake up his son or daughter and put him to bed.
  • You can go in for fitness (this is how you’ll get in shape after giving birth). Thanks to training, the amount of milk produced decreases. However, there are also those women for whom physical activity has just the opposite effect.

What happens after breastfeeding stops?

As soon as a woman begins to put her baby to her breast less and less often and reduces the duration of sucking, her body will regularly receive a signal that it is necessary to produce less milk. Gradually, its quantity will gradually decrease.

It also happens that even 1-2 years after the end of the lactation period, a woman continues to secrete 1-2 drops of breast milk. This phenomenon is a variant of the norm and there is nothing wrong with it. But if you are bothered by pain or the milk drops have an unpleasant odor, you should consult a specialist.

Is it worth expressing during weaning?

The more milk the baby sucks, the more milk is produced. But if the baby begins to eat less, and the natural “product” is still in the same volumes, the woman may experience discomfort and even pain.

If artificial evacuation does not improve the mother's condition, she should be given cabbage leaves to the chest or a warm compress, use camphor oil. All these remedies will help avoid blockage of the milk ducts and protect the mother from lactostasis.

We offer formula instead of milk

Many mothers, when choosing a method of weaning, are based on the fact that after being introduced to a bottle, children quickly abandon natural nutrition. However, this should be done after the child turns one year old (of course, if there are no medical contraindications to continue feeding).

So what can you do:

  • Experiment. If you usually breastfeed your baby first and then offer pureed vegetables or a piece of meat, we recommend that you try giving him formula milk first.
  • Offer a bottle before bed(immediately after breastfeeding). Let the baby gradually get used to the new taste. But for the first time you shouldn’t get carried away with the volume of the mixture, because the baby’s body is not yet familiar with the product. In addition, there is no need to force the baby if he is on the verge of hysterics. It is better to give breastfeeding - to calm down.

At 1 year of age, formula milk can be replaced with high-quality cow's or goat's milk (if there is no intolerance to the product).

Your lifestyle

No matter what anyone says, stopping breastfeeding affects not only the child, but also the mother. Therefore she should lead healthy image life - eat healthy food, drink enough water and exercise at least 1-2 times a week.

Also follows:

  • Consult your doctor and start taking vitamin complex. Now you need additional “feeding” that will allow the body to cope with the changes caused by weaning.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep will help restore resources and avoid mood swings during the day.

The child refuses the breast

Some mothers believe that if the child “sabotages” feeding, it is time to stop breastfeeding and systematically wean the baby. But in fact, such behavior can be associated with many factors, including diseases, critical days with a nurse, changes in your diet, and even a change in deodorant.

When self-weaning occurs

If you like the process of breastfeeding and you are not going to go to work, you can wait until the baby refuses mother's milk. Usually the toddler takes the initiative after completing breastfeeding at the age of 3-4 years.

This is explained by the fact that during this period the baby spends less and less time next to his mother, new acquaintances and hobbies appear in his life. In the process of learning about the world around him, the baby simply does not have time for frequent sucking and gradually loses the habit.

In addition, at the age of 3-4 years, your son or daughter has a fully formed gastrointestinal tract, and he does not need to be “feeded” with enzymes contained in mother’s milk.

You and only you can decide whether it is time to wean your child from the breast or not yet at one year old or at 2 years old. You shouldn't listen to anyone - neither Dr. Komarovsky, nor your neighbor. We recommend resorting to the method of natural cessation of feeding and under no circumstances bandage your bust, smear your nipples with chloramphenicol, or swallow pills that reduce breast milk production.

A young mother may encounter various situations that require her to urgently stop breastfeeding.

Most often this is illness or business trip.

But you must remember that it is not at all necessary to stop feeding your baby breast milk. It’s just important to maintain lactation while the baby is feeding from a bottle.

It is also important to prepare your baby for the fact that you will not be able to breastfeed in the near future. Explain that you are sick, leaving, etc. But then you will definitely come back and bring with you his favorite milk. If you think that the baby will not understand yet, then you are very mistaken: children feel everything.

Creating a milk bank

It is very good if you have time to create a milk bank in advance, because breast milk is very important for a child’s body. For this you need express one breast once a day and give the other to the baby . Doing so better in the morning when there is quite a lot of milk.

Such “food” must first be cooled in the refrigerator, and then in the freezer. This breast milk can be used for three months.

Maintaining lactation

During his absence every three hours You will need: 5-10 minutes each breast. It is better to use a breast pump. If it is not possible to express milk, the intervals can be increased: 4 times a day will be enough to maintain lactation

The less often you pump, the less milk you will produce. So take this fact into account. However, when you can breastfeed your baby again, lactation will be restored to the required volumes.

It is better to express milk at the moments of maximum tide. If it is not possible or you simply don’t want to get up at night, it is important to properly pump both breasts before bed and in the morning.

The best nutrition for a baby is breast milk. Lactation can be restored even at 3 months of the baby, and at half a year, and at one year, and... Even without giving birth, but by accepting an adopted child into the family, you can establish lactation.

Problems after returning

Mothers who stop breastfeeding for a while often face problems returning to breastfeeding. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the little one is accustomed to eating from a bottle. AND he likes the pacifier better now than the breast, because it is much easier to get food from it. It is easier to suck from a bottle because the nipple is thinner and the liquid flows out faster. Now he will simply be too lazy to “get food” from his mother’s breast.

Therefore, make sure in advance that you have a fairly hard nipple and a small hole in it, so that the baby does not feel much difference while eating (of course, nothing can replace the warmth and love of a mother, but bottles copy the “nutritional function” of a breast).

A mother under the nickname anette shares her experience: "The child was 2 weeks old. I pumped whenever possible, it turned out 2-3 times a day and 1-2 times at night. I still didn’t really know how to pump; it took an hour to pump one breast; it was, of course, a nightmare, especially at night. I fed my daughter formula from a bottle for 8 days. Then she took the breast without any problems, even better than before weaning, because... my nipples, chewed up in the maternity hospital, healed and it didn’t hurt. So everything can be solved if you want. In general, it is recommended to express every 3 hours, but I couldn’t do it because... and so on for 1.5-2 hours each time I strained. There was less milk in a week, but literally in 3-4 days everything was restored."

But it often happens that after a long separation, the child may not take the breast “ostentatiously”, clearly being capricious. It's all about emotions here, because the baby may be offended that you left or took his breast. Now you just need to pay more attention to him, surrounding the baby with love, care and affection. And don’t forget to offer him your breasts, but not intrusively. When the baby believes that the mother is not going to disappear again, he will definitely take the breast.

And remember that in no case should you stop breastfeeding after illness, because it creates immunity for the child for life. Even if you encounter obstacles from the baby. Be healthy and patient - and then your child will also be cheerful and cheerful!