Positive thought form - Stye on the eye. Psychosomatics, stye: causes, symptoms, treatment, recommendations and opinions of doctors

24.10.2023 Symptoms

The eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, for a person they are a window into a huge, bright world. Through vision, information enters the brain about what is happening around. Distortion of the quality of visibility has a bad effect on well-being and quality of life. Inflammation of the eyes and eyelids is a common occurrence these days. And they arise not only because of eye strain during work. Impact of a computer monitor placed closely and so on. Ophthalmologists increasingly recommend looking for the cause of inflammation of the eyelids and styes in psychosomatics. The psychological causes of the development of conjunctivitis, myopia, farsightedness, styes and dryness have been studied for a long time.

Important! Psychologists have come to the conclusion that negative emotions are one of the most important causes of inflammation on the eyelids.

Psychosomatics is part of applied psychology. Her theories view the eyes not only as part of the brain, but also as a channel connecting our perception of the world with the surrounding reality. When figuring out the cause of inflammation of the eyelids, we must remember that, according to psychosomatic conclusions, any violation of harmony between the world and a person affects well-being, causes imbalance, and is the cause of inflammation and other diseases. Joy or anger is reflected on the eyelids.

The appearance of inflammation and stye on the eye was attributed to witchcraft spells, causing damage to a person. Therefore, inflammation was treated more with prayer, spells and magical rituals. People with poor health and mental health suffered from barley. They had an unprotected aura, a biofield. The sorcerers themselves often fell ill from inflammation of the eyelids.

Psychosomatics of the occurrence of barley

The moral and psychological state of a person directly affects his health. It is necessary to maintain a positive attitude, then there will be no reason for the appearance of barley.

Eyes are an information channel that connects us with the outside world. They need to be protected, eye inflammations and styes should be treated in a timely manner.

The organ of vision sometimes says more about a person than all the questionnaires and resumes. Women highlight their eyes and eyelids with cosmetics to attract the attention of others; when meeting and in conversation, people carefully look into the eyes of their interlocutor in order to read his true thoughts. An open look inspires confidence in a person. If they look from under their brows, their owner is “on his own mind.”

The release of negative and positive tension is often expressed in tears. After them, salty moisture remains on the cornea and inner eyelid.

Interesting! Those who cry often and a lot, or who do not cry at all, suffer more from eye diseases and inflammation. This is an observation by ophthalmologists.

The psychosomatics of barley lies in human hatred. This is the direct reason, inflammation on the eyelid may appear very soon.

Psychomatic factors causing the appearance of stye:

  1. Anger poisons a person’s life and well-being, giving rise to rage and irritability, which spill out on others. These emotions are the basis of inflammation on the eyelid. Speaking about the cause of inflammation of the eyelids, we must remember that anger undermines the immune system and opens the way for bacteria and microbes to enter the body. Emotional protection weakens, the level of positive charge and vitality decreases.
  2. Anger is another cause of eyelid inflammation. It is easier to be nervous and irritable than to be friendly. By throwing out his anger, a person does not relieve his soul; on the contrary, he cultivates and builds up a black feeling. Weak people around become infected with a bad mood and pass it on to others through a chain reaction. A constant critical attitude towards life accumulates in the subconscious. A person spends his energy not on good deeds, but on anger. Luck turns away from such a clot of negative energy, and the abscess on the eyelid will definitely come off.
  3. Fear is an important reason for the appearance of stye on the eyelid. In a state of nervous tension, a person is indecisive, he is afraid of changes in life, new ideas at work, his brain is shackled with fear. People with a weak psyche and lack of self-confidence are susceptible to this feeling. They suffer from inflammation and styes. If there is no element of creativity and adventurism in their life, it becomes dull. Groundhog Day is coming. Monotonous actions and events capture a person in their circle, and he is afraid to change his life. Weakness and fear are important, inflammation on the eyelid.
  4. Exalted individuals are no less susceptible to the disease than phlegmatic people. They are characterized by categoricalness in defending their position and the manifestation of violent emotions. This heightened emotional background leads to the development of many nervous and physical diseases, including hordeolum. Inflammation and abscess are a release of emotional stress accumulated in the nerve cells of the body.

Inflammation on the eyelid from a psychosomatic point of view is explained simply - the eye reacts negatively to what it does not want to see, what makes a person nervous and angry. Physically, nervous irritation is expressed in skin irritation in the form of inflammation and itching.

An example from one patient. She came to work in a women's team, where an atmosphere of gossip and hypocrisy flourished. All this caused a feeling of indignation, which accumulated month by month. The woman could not quit her job, but the situation in the office made her very depressing. Soon, she learned what inflammation of the eyelids and styes were. There seemed to be no reason.

When the next one broke through, temporary psychological relief came. In the end, the patient left work and was lucky enough to join a female, but very friendly team. She enjoyed going to work and felt great. The eyelid problems disappeared on their own.

For the eyes to be healthy, they must see more often what a person likes. Styes and inflammation of the eyelids are the body’s protective reaction to negativity. The same thing happens when people often appear before our eyes to whom we do not wish well. They awaken irritation and anger in the soul. We must try to avoid unnerving factors. If it is not possible to do this, then you need to abstract yourself from them, erase them from your life, and not pay attention.

The causes of inflammation of the eyelids and the appearance of stye have been studied for a long time at the psychosomatic level by many scientists. The doctor begins the examination of the patient's eyelids with a conversation. From it he extracts information about the psychological state of a person. If it is unstable, then this can cause inflammation in the eye.

At a doctor’s appointment, the patient tells him what worries him, what hurts. A doctor who delves into the study of the patient’s psychosomatic state will quickly achieve the desired result in the treatment of barley. In addition to barley, it will protect a person from many other dangerous health conditions. If it is possible to achieve a balanced positive state of the patient, eyelid treatment is more effective and the disease does not return.

A few tips that will protect you from stye and eye inflammation:

  1. Be tolerant of the opinions of others, even if you cannot accept your opponent’s position. Every person has the right to his own opinion, to his own principles in life. If all people thought alike, she would lose her emotional colors. Differences in worldview, characters, and tastes provide the opportunity to develop. Learn to accept people as they are. You can’t mold everyone to your ideal. There will be no inflammation on the eyelids, the styes will recede.
  2. Don’t try to control everything – it takes a lot of effort. Don't insert yourself into the lives of strangers, focus on yourself. A person is forced to react to everything he encounters. Save your nervous system from unnecessary emotions. You will protect yourself from inflammation. Invest in yourself - in your education, pleasure, development of talents. Don’t lecture, don’t advise unless asked, don’t judge others.
  3. Try to treat people friendly and understanding. Try for yourself to find an explanation for their unseemly actions. This will help you understand and forgive, and therefore not become embittered.
  4. Live with hope in your soul. Look forward to each day with joy. Try to turn difficult situations into positive ones. If you emanate bright energy, people will be friendlier towards you. Styes and inflammation will disappear from your eyelids. There is a way out of every difficult situation. The disease is curable, lack of money is temporary, loneliness is fixable. All in your hands. Live in a good mood, it gives you strength. And illnesses more often overtake a weak person.

Sometimes barley goes away on its own in 3-4 days. If the head is small, it breaks through quickly and the wound heals.

Causes and symptoms of stye on the eye

Doctors and scientists agree that all diseases enter a progressive phase during a period when a person is in a loss of strength and a depressed psychological state.

Every person suffers from styes from time to time. The disease got its name because of its resemblance to a ripened barley grain. In medicine this disease is called "".

Why does barley “jump off” in such an inconvenient place? It occurs near the follicle of a healthy eyelash and involves the sebaceous gland or hair follicle. At first, the area around it becomes slightly red and swollen, then inflammation, pain and severe itching appear. A large abscess takes 3-4 days to mature. Then it breaks through, the contents come out, and the pain gradually subsides. The abscess may be located on the outside of the eyelid. In this case, staphylococcus settles in the eyelash bulb. If the sebaceous gland becomes inflamed, a tubercle grows on the inside of the eyelid.

The cause of inflammation in the eye was considered to be only a cold. But this list can be continued with other factors:

  • germs from a dirty towel;
  • wiping your eyes with unwashed hands;
  • aggressive or expired cosmetics;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • weak immunity;
  • complication after a cold;
  • penetration of infection into the body;
  • diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • skin diseases;
  • emotional tension, stress;
  • neglect of the basics of personal hygiene.

These reasons have been studied and confirmed by scientists, so the first reason should be found and examined so as not to start a painful process, the signal for which was inflammation on the eyelid.

It would seem that there is no point in devoting an entire article to a small pimple. A stye appeared, the pain stopped, and that’s it, the patient forgot about the sore. If treatment is carried out incorrectly, complications arise:

  • the temperature rises;
  • pus spreads to areas of the eyelid adjacent to the localization;
  • the eye swells and cannot open.

These symptoms indicate serious inflammatory processes that require medical intervention. Otherwise, pathologies may develop leading to vision loss.

It has been observed that in densely populated cities more people suffer from visual impairment. The lack of perspective blocks the flight of sight. Constantly bumping into obstacles in the form of stone walls, monitors, and other people's faces, your eyes get tired of the diversity and enclosed space. They get used to looking at objects that are close. After all, one of the ways to correct myopia is to exercise - look into the distance, especially at the blue sea.

Failure to comply with hygiene standards

The eye shell is thin and sensitive, so microbes often penetrate through it. In a humid environment, they multiply intensively, which leads to inflammation.

Lenses can be a common cause of styes. Their use requires careful care and careful application. Lenses have an expiration date, after which their use becomes more dangerous than the disease itself. Many people neglect their daily care. The eyes get tired from the daily presence of a foreign body. In the evening, after washing your face, be sure to instill moisturizing drops with vitamins for your eyes.

If a speck gets into the eye under the eyelid, it must be carefully removed. It may have sharp edges. You need to take warm water into your palm and lower your eye into it. Try to “blink” with an open eye. If you cannot get rid of the foreign object, you need to remove it with the edge of a clean napkin. Many mothers try to “lick” the speck out of their child’s eye. This cannot be done; there can be more germs on the tongue than on a tiny speck of dust.

In women, stye most often appears on the upper eyelid. Particles of decorative cosmetics (mascara or eye shadow) get under the upper eyelid.

A cold itself does not cause inflammation on the eyelid. But during a cold, immunity decreases and the body weakens. Then the bacteria attack without encountering resistance. Barley “jumps off” after suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, or tonsillitis. This is also due to the weakening of protective forces.

The eye diseases blepharitis and demodectic mange coexist with styes. Blepharitis is a chronic inflammation of the eyelids, its cause is the presence of staphylococci in the body. It is characterized by the appearance of dry crusts on the eyelids, loss of eyelashes, and redness.

Demodicosis is caused by the proliferation of mites in the eyelash bulbs, which secrete toxic substances. They may be the cause of stye. The disease is contagious. The patient must follow the rules - use individual personal hygiene products, wash their hands more often, and have their own bedding.

What is the reason for decreased immunity?

There are periods in a person's life when health weakens. This happens for various reasons - hard work, poor living conditions, nervous tension. In this state, the body cannot cope with all microbes and viruses. At this point, inflammation and stye may appear.

The body's strength is depleted in the case of:

  1. Poor nutrition, which lacks “live” foods, vitamins, and proteins. Each organ has its own set of microelements and useful substances, for stable operation. For example, vitamins A and B, which are found in fish oil and carrots, are beneficial for the eyes.
  2. The development of chronic diseases in which the formation of pathogenic bacteria progresses. These are caries, dysbacteriosis, anemia.
  3. Disturbances in sleep and wakefulness. Inadequate rest is deposited in the subconscious, chronic fatigue accumulates, weakening the body.
  4. Frequent overwork and nervous tension. Stressful situations reduce protection.
  5. The use of antibiotics and hormone-containing drugs, radiation and chemotherapy in the treatment of oncology.
  6. Polluted air, drinking water containing harmful impurities, vegetables and fruits grown in unfavorable conditions.

The appearance of stye is influenced by physical and psychological reasons. Compliance with personal hygiene standards, taking care of the health of the whole body, and a positive outlook on life will help protect yourself not only from inflammation of the eyelid, but also from many other ailments.

Consultation session: Harmonization and healing of the spiritual-energetic cause illnesses, situations, problems leading to a destructive human situation.

🔶 If you have already tried all healing methods traditional and alternative medicine, psychosomatics - Sinelnikov, Konovalov, Luule Viilma, Sytin, Louise Hay, Torsunov, Zhikarentsev, Liz Burbo, treatment by healers, spiritual practices, reiki, qigong, theta-healing, meditation and much more.But nothing helped, then you have come to the right place, we will try to help you. It doesn’t matter what diagnosis was made by a doctor or other specialist and how they defined the problem, it doesn’t matter!

I will give 3 examples from my practice, healing childlessness with the help of the SPIRITUAL practices of the Goddess Alive. These examples show why in order to heal infertility, not only a woman, but also a man needs to develop Spiritually.
Preface: All three women are about the same age 40 years, which have tried all methods of healing infertility over many years of my life- traditional and alternative medicine, psychosomatics - Sinelnikov, Konovalov, Luule Viilma, Sytin, Louise Hay, Torsunov, Zhikarentsev, Liz Burbo, treatment by healers, spiritual practices, reiki, qigong, theta-healing, meditation and much more... but nothing helped. There were many reasons for infertility that led to a destructive situation, but I want to highlight the main ones: - A low level of SPIRITUAL development, a false idea of ​​human nature and, as a consequence, an incorrect attitude towards men and the concept of relationships in the family, as well as inveterate materialism (which manifested itself in different forms), which arose due to the distorted traditions existing in society, false religions (egregorous bindings that pulled people’s souls in different directions, in the following topics I will try to tell you what an egregor is and why Slavic Ancestral practices are not an egregor, as many people believe) and “spiritual teachings”. First example: - It took almost 4 years - A woman and a man, have never engaged in SPIRITUAL practices in my life - Level of knowledge - I believe (I read a lot) that practicing Spiritual practices is good, but I don’t need it. - After the birth of the beautiful sorceress, my mother decided to study, which is very helpful in everyday life. Second example: - It took almost 2 years - Before her conversion, the woman went through many initiations into various spiritual practices and had been working on herself for about 10 years. In many practices, she reached the level of a Master Teacher, but she did not teach or heal anyone, she practiced for herself. - Also, at the initial stage, I immediately began to undergo training and receive initiations into. During the entire healing process, I reached and completely completed my studies at - Man, I have never engaged in SPIRITUAL practices in my life - After the birth of the beautiful Wizard, the next one arose from her question: Well, I’ve been doing SPIRITUAL practices for more than 10 years, but I still haven’t been able to realize myself. To which I replied, but the birth of such a magical boy is not the realization of yourself as a mother, in my opinion this is the result of all your studies in SPIRITUAL practices. Third example: - It took almost 9 months - Before conversion, a woman and a man went through many initiations into various spiritual practices. The woman has been working on herself for about 12 years, the man for about 3 years. In many practices they reached the level of Master Teachers, taught, conducted initiations, healed other people, and had their own esoteric center. - Also, at the initial stage, they immediately began to undergo training and receive initiations into. During the entire healing process we reached , completely completed training in and passed - After the birth of a sorceress, they conduct their practice in their esoteric center, helping other people.
In addition to extensive consultation and healing sessions.
✅ You will do these practices and techniques yourself to enhance the effect and consolidate the result, as well as harmonize your entire life.

What problems can be solved with the help of Slavic Birth sessions?

Almost any!

(most common)
Health harmonization
Relationship correction
Changing any situation in the direction you want
Energy cleansing and from negative influences
✅ Financial

How do Slavic Birth sessions work?

Well- 9 sessions within a month. The duration of one session is approximately 60 minutes.

Procedure - 1 session every 3 days.

In order to receive healing Slavic Birth sessions, you need to submit an application.

How does healing happen?

1. You need to submit an application.

2. In your application, describe your condition or situation that you want to change, heal and harmonize in as much detail as possible. And what result do you want to get?

3. After receiving your application, we contact you via Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram or another way in order to clarify the details.

4. Preliminary session viewing the body's health status (testing)

First, we need to look at YOU, the review is performed to answer your questions or determine the cause of your problems, in order to help you, and determine methods to solve your problem.
The state of health of the human body is examined fully and comprehensively. If a person contacts us complains of a cough, not only the lungs will be examined, Airways, throat, but also all organs and systems of the physical body. We will also study the subtle, energetic shells of each part of the body and the entire organism as a whole. In general, the diagnosis determines the cause of your health problems.
The harmful effects of the external environment, the energetic atmosphere in the apartment, geopathogenic anomalies, and relationships with others will be taken into account. During the testing process, suggestions, curses, evil eyes, damage, dark entities that have settled in, love spells, lapels, and so on are discovered.

5. After the viewing (testing) session, we offer you recommendations and healing methods, and announce the price for our services. If everything suits you.
We agree on days and times and other nuances of healing.

6. You pay for our services and we begin the healing.

✅ You will undergo training and initiation into unique ancient energy practices, with the help of which you will be able to solve any of your life situations.
✅ You will do these practices and techniques yourself to enhance the effect and consolidate the result, as well as harmonize your entire life and solve almost all your life situations.

Questions and answers on energy healing methods

The human body consists of physical (Body), energy (Soul) and spiritual (Spirit) components. When treating any disease, it is necessary to influence all its systems.

Therefore, healers look for the relationship of the disease in a cause-and-effect relationship with the events that happened to the person the day before.

And the main task of a healer or mentor is not to replace a doctor, but to complement his work, to make the human body feel its anatomical, energetic and spiritual integrity, ability to reproduce, ability to deal with biological, physical and social stress. To do this, it is necessary to know not only the cause of the disease, but the conditions in which it developed.

According to Cohn, the healer does not have the right to make a diagnosis, but can only determine the person’s condition. Promising a complete cure for a disease is neither ethical nor correct on the part of a healer!!! Although in rare cases this is also possible... By nature, every person consists of Light, this is confirmed by modern medicine and proven by scientists. With any health problems or disorders, dark spots form, which in quite complex cases turn into black and dense formations.

The darker and denser the formation, the more complex the problem a person has, and it no longer matters what it can be called or what diagnosis a person can be given...!

Doctors, as a rule, treat the consequence, but the disease itself only manifests itself when it “takes root”, and in this case it is already difficult to do anything.

Healers, if they are familiar with LIGHT methods and practices, can dissolve foreign formations and fill darkened areas with Light; only in this case, diseases and problems disappear.

It doesn’t matter what diagnosis was made by a doctor or other specialist and how they labeled the problem, it doesn’t matter!

Even problems that have not yet been identified disappear completely, without having time to manifest themselves, when they are filled with Light, Light, Light!

The natural state of man is his Life in the Light. Only when a person is completely filled with Light, then only he will be healthy and happy!

But at the same time, it should be noted that any problem can be eliminated only on the condition that this is allowed to the person by Karma.

You can gain the right to health and success (if there is no solution to eliminate this problem) only through good thoughts, good deeds and actions!

Medicines do not cure karmic diseases. If you have a predisposition to any disease and this is confirmed by tests, medications will not help you - you must go through this test.

And it will be necessary to work out karma, and only in this case the disease will go away.

Or carry out Harmonization of Karma and only after that the disease will recede.

Going to clinics and hospitals will not bring you stable relief.

Diseases can be divided into admitted, sacred and karmic.

Admitted diseases appear when a person is inattentive to his health, commits unconscious actions, violates the rules and laws of life, and with various types of abuse. Admitted diseases can arise with a low level of spiritual development and a false idea of ​​human nature, due to distorted traditions existing in society.

How to cure existing diseases?
Admitted diseases can be cured using traditional medicine; they do not carry negative karmic consequences for healers and doctors. But if the disease is not treated, it can become chronic. If a person dies without getting rid of the emerging disease, then in the next incarnation it will certainly manifest itself as karmic.

Karmic disease is a disease of the soul and spirit that affects the physical body. The cause of karmic illness is an illness that was not cured in the past, as well as violation of Divine commandments and laws (by words, deeds and thoughts), negative emotions in the present life and past incarnations.

How to cure karmic disease?
You can get rid of karmic illness only through mental and spiritual improvement: by correcting your character, changing your attitude towards the world around you and, of course, towards yourself, realizing negative actions and eliminating their consequences. Traditional medicine cannot cure karmic diseases. Healers and healers can relieve the symptoms of a disease by sending the root cause to the person’s future or to his relatives. But this has a negative impact on karma for the patient and the healer.

You can harmonize karmic diseases and situations with the help of
Sacred diseases appear with rapid spiritual growth of a person. There is a sharp increase in the flow of received energy, which causes tension in the physical body, pain appears in the heart, throat, solar plexus, back of the head, kidneys and other organs and parts of the body. There is a pulling and painful sensation in the limbs. Sacred diseases can arise and disappear suddenly, without manifestations of the cause of the disease, but the course of the disease, as a rule, is not typical, without pronounced symptoms.

Such diseases cannot be cured; they go away on their own after 2 to 4 weeks. When such an illness occurs, it is advisable to get more rest. Healers and doctors who try to treat sacred diseases significantly increase their negative karma.

During treatment it is necessary to influence Body (physical), Soul(energy) And Spirit (spiritual) components.

From time immemorial, it was believed among healers that all causes of diseases are associated with a violation of the spiritual law of nature, namely emotional or behavioral blockages with negativity.

Therefore, we will look for the relationship of the disease in a cause-and-effect relationship with the events that happened to the person the day before.

These could be conflicts with people, discontent, indignation, lies, envy, resentment, etc.

Our main task is not to replace a doctor, but to complement his work, to make the human body feel its anatomical, energetic and spiritual integrity, ability to reproduce, ability to deal with biological, physical and social stress. To do this, it is necessary to know not only the cause of the disease, but the conditions in which it developed.

According to Cohn, we do not have the right to make a diagnosis, but can only determine a person’s condition. Promising a complete cure is neither ethical nor correct! Although in rare cases this is possible...

1. Spiritual guidance in no way relieves you of your responsibilities and promises; from responsibility for oneself, from the ban on betraying one’s own essence. If your obligations need to be changed, then the mentor will never advise you to change them, abdicating all responsibility - it will remain on you and only you. In other words, if you took on a task, but then it turned out that you could not do it for health reasons, then you can change your participation in this task without relieving yourself of responsibility for its implementation.

2. Spiritual guidance does not free you from your Karma. Rather, it gives you a tool that will make it easier for you to work with it and even enjoy seeing it cleaned. In any case, you must undergo Karma balancing. Balancing Karma is not at all subject to some kind of karmic punishment. It's simply learning what you didn't learn in the past that is now affecting your life negatively. Usually this training consists of putting you in various situations, overcoming which you get rid of false ideas.

3. Following the instructions brings into your life the experiences you need to develop your life purpose or healing ability.

4. To live a Spiritual life and find one's purpose in life, one must follow the instructions and live in truth, regardless of the price that one has to pay for it.

5. On a personal level, mentoring requires a lot from a person, following the instructions of a mentor is very difficult and the cost is increasing all the time.

6. Spiritual direction and faith go hand in hand. One must have great faith in order to follow Spiritual instructions, but the opposite is also true - by following a mentor, a person gains faith. Mentoring is designed to lead a person through such areas of his own psyche and Soul, where he previously did not dare to enter, but must do this in order to live and develop Spiritually. Through the deepest fear, mentoring leads a person to the deepest faith.

7. Faith is a state of being that regulates, balances and charges the aura so that you begin to live a fulfilling life. It connects your little ego with your great essence, with God, who dwells eternally in you. Faith ensures the process of your holographic connection with everything that exists, that is, with the entire Universe.

8. Your isolated “ego” is not able to influence the mentor, since you yourself often do not understand why you do what he tells you.

9. When you rely on the will of a mentor and follow him to the highest Divine will, you will see how much more others around you will trust you.

How can you tell if your energy is blocked?

  • If, when you wake up, you do not feel rested and you find it difficult to get out of bed and start a new day;
  • If at the end of the day you feel tired and exhausted;
  • If you are experiencing body pain;
  • If you catch a cold or flu from others;
  • If you have a headache and feel tension in your shoulders and neck;
  • If you feel soreness in your body;
  • If you have back problems or a stiff neck;
  • If in the morning you Not jump out of bed with a clear head, without any pain, feeling flexibility and energy throughout your body.

If you are experiencing any (or all) of the above symptoms, there is a high chance that there are blockages in your body's energy system. And getting rid of them will benefit you.

And, if you allow, I will be happy to show you exactly how this is done...

This is the best way I know to teach you how to improve your health and live longer through easy, enjoyable exercise.

You'll discover simple energy exercises that will help you feel more energy in your body, cope better with stress, get sick less, feel more confident, sleep better - and even feel a deeper connection with your spiritual side.

Imagine what it's like:

Wake up from a deep restorative sleep full of vitality and ready to start a new day with joy... and so on every day.

Experience deep emotional balance, less stress, balance, efficiency, engagement... all day long.

Enjoy a natural rush of endorphins - without the fatigue and pain associated with exercise.

Get sick less and perhaps never take medications again.

Access your body's ability to heal itself...adding years to your life and adding life to your years.

All this can be yours if you practice simple techniques that will help your body heal faster, relieve fatigue and fill you with energy - just a few minutes a day.

And - if you allow me - I will be your personal trainer, who will guide you by the hand through all the necessary stages, explaining what and how to do to get all these benefits.

You will begin to experience inner peace, a sense of peace and emotional balance. You'll feel great

And this is just the beginning, because over time the benefits only increase.

✅ Practitioners expand the capabilities of the body and mind, activating the process of self-healing regardless of health status. The idea is simple: a healing pharmacy is located inside a person and medicines for all diseases, without exception, are produced by the body itself.
✅ The methods combine amazing phenomena that adapt a person’s physical health and energy to a new level of tasks.
Energy health. It is impossible to get rid of all the factors that provoke stress. But increase your resilience by leading more healthy image life, quite real.
Daily spiritual practices and meditations leading to strengthening the energy system will help open the way to the source of awakening your energy, and today you will feel the result.
A person is not just his body, but something more. Each of us has energy! – scientifically proven!

The lifestyle in a modern metropolis provokes physical and spiritual exhaustion of a person. Recovery requires global changes in life.Methods based on ancient practices and modern methods of healing, rapid restoration of a person’s energy and physical potential, filling them with health, joy and energy.
The information society focuses attention on many false goals, energy goes nowhere, complicating the ability to realize the main thing.Practices develop the skill of concentrating consciousness, which returns you the ability to control attention and energy.
Technocratic thinking: the body is separate, the soul is separate, the world is separate. Shifting responsibility for what is happening to external causes.Practices leading to the integrity of SPIRIT, SOUL, BODY, where external success is a consequence of internal HARMONY.
Loss of health, depression, loss of strength. Take pills. Live happily in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Be the master of your life.

Get rid of pain

Working with your body's energy flow helps produce enkephalin, a natural painkiller that is 200 times stronger than morphine. That's why your mood naturally lifts during exercise - just like the release of endorphins during exercise, but without the fatigue and muscle pain.

Prevent diseases

According to research conducted at Harvard Medical School, Energy Exercises " useful in curing or preventing a variety of health problems such as arthritis, low bone density, breast cancer, heart failure and other heart diseases, Parkinson's disease, sleep disorders and stroke«.

You will live longer (and better)

Clear blockages in your body's energy system and you will lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as your anxiety levels. This way you will prolong your life and reduce the risk of stroke, heart failure and kidney disease.

Get rid of depression

Working with energy flow “significantly reduces” symptoms of depression, has a positive effect on mental performance and even reduces inflammation in the body. So you start feeling better and thinking better about yourself almost instantly.

Strengthen your immune system

Release the flow of chi energy in your body and increased white blood cell production will benefit you. This in turn will increase the activity of macrophagocytes and improve bone marrow function.

This will increase the number of T cells in the thymus and thus strengthen the immune system.

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Improve your overall health

By exercising, you can expect improvements in your quality of life, mental health, and overall vitality, including even lower blood sugar levels.

It's the perfect blend of exercises to jumpstart your day and help you unwind at night.

Energy is the perfect tool to help you refocus and energize your mind, body and spirit. It's great at helping me connect with my body's natural rhythms and relax, especially in a fast-paced world...

After all, each of us could use some help in relieving persistent pain or tension in our bodies. Young and old, we would all love to improve our fitness and health, be more balanced and less stressed.

The greatest positive changes after the start of classes occur with those people whose energy is blocked.

If your energy is blocked, I promise you: you will notice results after the first 30-minute session (and the benefits will only increase from there).

A person, developing his internal energy, brings colossal changes into his life:

- Wake up in the morning cheerful and rested. There is no trace left of chronic fatigue;

- Bags and dark circles under the eyes disappear. Peering into the mirror in the morning, he admires himself, and is not horrified;

Him always in a great mood, he copes with stress easily;

- He gets along well with people: they are drawn to him. Colleagues at work respect him, management appreciates him, even random passers-by on the street are friendly and respectful to him;

- His family is his support and support.. He feels strong contact with his loved ones even at a great distance;

- His relationship with his significant other is filled with warmth, care and mutual understanding.. They spend a lot of time together, and they always have something to talk about;

- His cozy and spacious house is incomparable to cramped apartments in which you can only spend the night. It is pleasant to live in the house and spend time, gathering with the whole family, as well as inviting friends;

- His work (service) activity brings him decent income and satisfaction. He can provide children with a worthwhile education, arrange a good rest for his family and himself, and travel to any country in the world;

- He believes in himself and makes his wishes come true one after another.. He is constantly evolving, and this process gives him pleasure and inspiration;

- He really likes the way he lives and what he does. He enjoys every day of his life.

A person is not just his body, but something more. Each of us has energy!

Teaching Students, sessions, treating patients, consulting is work and the only source in this material world, and the most common form of energy exchange in our time is the monetary equivalent.
If a person does not show the energy and talents given to him, then he will not be able to receive anything, his condition becomes like a stagnant swamp. A person must practice, create, develop his Life Force.

However, he needs to spend it on those goals that will make him more perfect, otherwise degradation, aging, and illness are inevitable. Only that which is higher than us can create us more perfectly; we must join Spiritual Power and Knowledge.

If we do not increase what we have, then the last will be taken away from us. We can't take anything, especially from Spiritual world without spending your material. In order to receive a grain of Spiritual Energy, we must spend a lot of work and time, otherwise this bit of Spirituality will not enter into us and will not be absorbed.

If a recovered person does not repay the healer with kindness, then his recovery will be temporary, and later it will become even worse! Let everyone who has entered the path of healing and purification know this!

The most valuable thing a person has is his health!
“If someone expects to receive something for free, he becomes a karmic debtor to the person who offers or rather feels obligated to give for free, so be very careful in this regard whether you actually want to be a karmic debtor to other people by expecting or demanding something for free?”
In order not to worsen karma, there is a fee.

“WE VALUE WHAT WE GET AS MUCH AS WE ARE WILLING TO PAY FOR IT.” If you are not willing to pay for advice, you have no incentive to take it. He means nothing to you.
Money is the equivalent of labor, and in order to get something, you must learn to give something.
In fact, payment is more necessary for the patient himself than for the healer, because a person pays a specific amount for his own health, as if voluntarily giving up part of his material benefits.
If the patient does this voluntarily and from the bottom of his heart, then a certain shift occurs in the patient’s consciousness, towards his own spiritual and mental hypostasis.
FREE OF CHARGE is a dangerous word. It means that the demon pays. Are you ready to become his debtor? Personally, I am not ready to see him among those paying for his services. Therefore, I will not spoil the karma for myself and you.
And vice versa, if a patient and student are sorry to pay money for their own health, then not only non-traditional methods of treatment and knowledge, but also all medicine in general, including even surgery and drug treatment, will not help such a person.
This leads to the following definition: that which is obtained for free is free and valued.
There must be mutual exchange between the healer and the patient, the Teacher and the student. Every work must be paid.
Money is certain planetary energies. They often serve as a litmus test for the development of spiritual qualities.
ANY WORK MUST BE PAID. Otherwise it is called exploitation. The slave system has long since sunk into oblivion and we have the right to receive payment for our work. After all, not one of you comes to work and says, can I work for a month for free.... do it.
FREE OF CHARGE DOES NOT LEAD TO RESPONSIBILITY FOR RESULTS. You have no risk, no incentive to apply my advice and get results. Which means I just wasted my time. Believe me, I have much more interesting things to do. WHEN I GIVE ADVICE OR UNDERSTAND YOUR SITUATION, I GIVE YOU MY KNOWLEDGE, MY ENERGY, A PART OF MY SOUL. When I receive payment for this, we exchange energies. When there is no payment, I empty myself without receiving anything in return. By asking for free advice, you deliberately wanted to take my energy and not give anything in return. Think about what this will mean for you.
ANY FORCE TO ACTION (FREE WORK) IS A VIOLATION OF PERSONAL BOUNDARIES AND A DISPLAY OF VIOLENCE. When you try to induce self-pity by explaining why I work for free, and when you express dissatisfaction with my refusal, you are violating my personal boundaries. You decided for me under what conditions I should do what you want. I, like any free person, have every right to accept your terms or refuse, and I have the right to respond. I don’t care whether you like my refusal or not.
The teacher receives compensation only for his work.
In any other industry it is taken for granted that work must be paid, and only work in the esoteric field is looked at differently.
Let's consider the Mentor's fee. He, like any other Teacher, invested a lot of time and money into his education. In addition, the accumulation of acquired experience and further professional development is also associated with financial costs (such as participation in seminars, courses, etc.) and the investment of time. When initiating a student into Zhiva practices, the Teacher pays attention and personal time and passes on his knowledge to him.
A completely natural exchange of energy occurs, the Teacher gives his knowledge - the student gives energy in some form. Since money is a concentrated form of energy, a generally accepted equivalent that determines value in the exchange of services or goods, it is quite natural that he receives money for his work.
The student or client must contribute his energy in order to achieve karmic balance, in order to create a favorable opportunity for further spiritual development. The energy of the student, client, patient finds expression in his time and partly in his material means.
Ask yourself questions and answer them honestly:
If a client accepts a free session, will he value it, and will there be any results from free sessions?
Will knowledge be valuable to a person who received it for free? Will there be a result?
Statements from Masters of the past about Energy Exchange:
  1. People don't value what they get easily.
  2. A sacrifice is required. If you don't sacrifice anything, you gain nothing.
  3. People are ready to spend as much money as they want on their personal fantasies, but they do not value the work of others at all.
  4. A person does not want to pay, and, above all, for the most important things. He hopes that it will come to him naturally.
  5. “Health is more profitable than benefits...” (from a Tibetan proverb).
  6. For everything in life you have to pay and the payment should be proportional to what you receive.

I wish you the acquisition of Knowledge of Life and Transcendental Wisdom!

Glory to our Gods and Goddesses!

Glory to our Heavenly Family!

Glory to the Ancestors in our Light!

For healing, the patient must be humble and receptive. Therefore, everyone who comes to us with an ego does not receive healing. The ego is the greatest barrier to accepting the Energy we give to the patient during healing.
What is noteworthy over many years of practice is that not everyone was allowed to conduct sessions and initiation! This happens today with Zhiva techniques, with everyone, but this is also a good hint that something is wrong with a person, spirituality is poorly or not developed at all, this is a signal.
If a person is not ready to change, weak level SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT, then everything will turn out in such a way that he will not receive healing.

See - How is Spiritual healing (mentoring) carried out?

In short:

  1. Boosting immunity.
  2. Treatment and cleansing of the body.
  3. Manifestation of energetic and creative abilities.
  4. Visible rejuvenation of the body.
Energy sessions Alive, Harmonizes a person:
✔ Health;
✔ Prosperity;
✔ Well-being;
✔ Joy;
✔ Love
✔ and many other components of human life.
Alive can Harmonize
Your relationships with everyone around you, both relatives and other people. But not only with people, but also with the surrounding nature - trees, gardens, vegetable gardens - as a result, plants grow better and the harvest becomes richer. You can also harmonize relationships with animals.
You will feel harmonious with people, with nature and with all its manifestations!
And what is very important, in addition to all other positive qualities, She PROTECTS!

Already after the first cycle of energy sessions, activation of some important biologically active points and main energy meridians of the body occurs in the body.
The pituitary and pineal glands, the endocrine glands, are activated, which affects the entire functioning of the endocrine system, and the body is rejuvenated due to the release of hormones into the blood.
Work intensifies sharply immune system. The body begins to rebuild.
The restructuring of the body is usually accompanied by drowsiness, fatigue, and emotional instability. This is evidence of a restructuring of the hormonal system.
It should be noted that a phenomenon called a healing crisis often occurs - the body receives additional strength and begins to act - to fight diseases (unfortunately, there are very few people who are completely healthy now).
It may happen that the sore spot begins to hurt more. It happens that pain occurs in a completely different place than the one that hurts.
This means that a transformation is taking place to the root cause. This is a good result and means that the treatment has progressed quickly. Don't worry, everything is going as it should. Be patient.
Cleaning depth depends only on the person himself - after all, all these energies are not an independent instrument of purification - they only help to awaken in the person himself what is in him - i.e. help to follow the path of self-improvement - and if today the person himself is not yet very ready for the harmonization of karma - then, of course, the depth of energy penetration will not be very great - but the point is that the energy will help the person to change further and self-improvement even deeper. In general, everything always depends only on the person himself.
Chronic diseases may worsen. It happens that during and after a session a person begins to cry. If something similar happened to you, don’t be scared and don’t quit the sessions: crying is a natural cleansing process, it helps to throw out negative emotions, remove psychological blocks and cope with nervous tension, neuroses and depression.
Since in most cases the cause of illnesses is suppressed emotions and erroneous ideas about the world and one’s self, it may begin to change in better side person's character.
A word of warning: health improvement is incremental, not linear. Positive health uplifts alternate with negative ones, with exacerbations of diseases, like ebbs and flows, but, fortunately, negative phenomena are short-lived and eventually fade away.
The speed of eliminating diseases and the manifestation of energy abilities is set by you, but the Light Gods and Goddesses can both delay the elimination and speed it up.
The process of recovery and transformation of the body is usually not fast, because the entire body is being healed.
On average, it takes from 3 months to 3 years of constant practice. These changes optimize the body to withstand most of the negative influences around us.
“Side” phenomena begin to appear—energy abilities. There are many factors that influence the course of treatment and the manifestation of abilities, the main ones of which are the Student’s desire to learn, changes, the state of his body and the will of Our Light Gods and Goddesses, that is, how much it has been destroyed by the way of life that a person has led until that time.
Be patient, you will definitely achieve success, there are no exceptions.

Distance energy healing can be very helpful in cases where a person is experiencing extreme suffering or is overwhelmed by negative emotions.

The same can be said about individual places or situations that have been exposed to negative influences.

When conducting distance healing (energy session), we direct the healing power of Zhiva there, which neutralizes negative energies and positively affects the outcome of the situation.

Thanks to such energy sessions, we establish a stable connection between the healing energy of Zhiva and individual people, events and simply objects.

The Goddess is Alive, she is the Highest Goddess, she knows everything about a person and even more, so during initiation there is no need for Skype, phone or photo.

The second aspect, we live in a limited 4-dimensional material world, the Highest Gods and Goddesses exist in multidimensional worlds (starting from approximately 64,000 squared) For them there is no concept, time, distance, and so on...

If some experts claim that distance healing is impossible, then it is impossible in their reality. Simply put, they don't know how to do it. There is nothing impossible in energy.

Advantages of distance healing:

1. There is no need to go to a healer for an appointment.
Healing is performed remotely, which creates an adjustment to the area in which the patient lives. Based on this, a scheme for the practice of individual healing is formed.

2. Simplicity and accessibility of healing.
Energy sessions are structured based on the patient’s personal qualities, surrounding space and reasons.
All energy sessions take place in harmony with the practitioner’s Ancestral roots.

3. Contact us.
It is impossible to put all the information into the healing person. This takes time. This is how deeper healing is transmitted. When a situation arises that causes misunderstanding, the patient himself will dial the healer’s phone number or write a letter and receive the necessary answers. Even if the problem is not voiced, the situation is instantly harmonized.

IN modern world No one has ever used remote supply of energy information of such volume. Practice shows that when a person passes the psychological barrier of doubt about the expediency of energy sessions, this is a signal that he is ready to receive this information, and this is the guarantee that everything will work out.

In order to take an energy healing session you should:

Before energy healing, more detailed instructions will be sent.

Before the session starts:

1. In advance in the morning, during the day, or immediately before the session itself, you can take a bath with sea salt - this condition is not mandatory, but desirable - cleansing the physical and subtle bodies of unnecessary information.

2. Disconnect from the outside world (turn off the PHONE - exactly TURN OFF, not just turn off the sound; turn off the radio, TV AND COMPUTER) - during the session there can be quite strong vibrations, sometimes the equipment located nearby can suffer.


4. Light a candle on the table. A lit candle symbolizes the energy of fire and serves as a guide to the subconscious

Before the session starts:

Say the formula mentally: “I voluntarily accept the healing session of Alive and Harmony, which Vedagor and Radomir sent me here and now.”

The process lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. After the session, thank everyone who helped you take the session.

Thankfully I give to the Alive Goddess, the Light, the Great All-Healing Light, All the Forces of Light! Vedagora and Radomir

IMPORTANT! After the session, you can go about your business, but in a very calm manner (avoiding getting involved in quarrels, watching negative news on TV, etc.), since consciousness is still in an altered state, take this into account.

IMPORTANT! Regardless of whether you feel something or not, you will still accept the session. Just the sensations during a session are a wonderful gift for you.

All energy sessions take place in golden light; in healing, with very rare exceptions, only the symbols of masters have a golden color!

Golden color, an analogue of living water, triggers all processes into action, and not only in healing!

The color of gold also denotes psychic energy, but, unlike the color of the Sun, it is not in a static, but in a moving form. A person who has a golden color in his aura is able not only to carry this energy within himself, but also to transfer it to people, which is also a certain mission. Remember the halos above the heads of saints, or the same golden statues of Buddha, who could certainly convey part of the divine principle to anyone who wanted it?

This is all evidence that before you is a Teacher from God and that he was placed here precisely by order of the Most High, so that through him the true will of God and Goddesses could be proclaimed, in our case the Living Goddess.

In addition to the fact that such conductors can transfer this golden higher psychic energy to other objects of living nature, they also know how to accumulate it and apply it in their direct activities. The most interesting thing is that such conductors may not even suspect that they are gold by definition. They simply take and carry this energy, without thinking about how and why they succeed. This is perhaps the highest form of service to God and Goddesses. Even if it’s the highest, it’s service, which means it’s not higher than the fifth level of the astral, and now we’re talking about the ninth, so they have room to strive. We all have somewhere to go, if we have the desire.

The golden color generally allows us to realize on the physical plane all our thoughts and ideas, which are in the form of images on the mental level. For example, a person dreams of his own car, the thought is on the mental plane in the form of a specific car, sometimes even a specific brand, but without the appropriate amount of energy, it is very difficult to transfer this image of the subtle plane to the physical level.

If we add golden energy to this image, then it begins to really manifest itself in the physical world. Sometimes, however, it is not the way we imagined it, but this already depends on side factors, of which there can be a great many. The main thing here is that the result has been achieved. Now you should begin to understand how important and effective the energy of the Golden Color is!

When we are talking about improving the health of the body, and not about “first aid” in case of illness, then a situation usually arises that is called a healing exacerbation, a healing crisis... We would all like to get instant relief from diseases and not make any long-term efforts for this . But in life everything is not quite like that. Any disease is already a breakthrough to the surface of invisible factors that have accumulated in the body. The disease does not appear suddenly; it prepares for a long time and confidently inside until it shows its symptoms. Elimination of symptoms does not mean that the level of health has changed in any noticeable way.
The work to change the level of health is quite long. This is not an “ambulance”, it is a therapy extended over time, affecting all levels of matter-energy-information. And it is completely natural for the body, which has already adjusted all its algorithms to a certain level of health, to maintain the inertia of this level and resist its rapid change both downward (toward illness) and upward (toward increasing health).
Therefore, no matter what method of therapeutic improvement of health is chosen, be it Zhiva therapy, homeopathy, acupuncture, manual therapy - with any of these approaches, a healing aggravation inevitably occurs.
Without exacerbation there is no treatment. No matter how unpleasant it may sound... Exacerbation during therapy should be met with joy - it means the process is going in the right direction. In homeopathy, the direction of spread of an exacerbation is considered: from which organs to which does the exacerbation proceed, from top to bottom, from inside to outside... There are certain criteria that make it possible to distinguish a healing exacerbation from unforeseen accidental complications or from an erroneous method of treatment.
Naturally, all these exacerbations are perceived negatively, since it is unpleasant, painful and disrupts the usual way of life (often incorrect, although pleasant... sometimes)... But how else could one cleanse the body of those wastes and toxins at the cellular level , which have been introduced into this body for years (!) through food, smoking, alcohol...
No matter how disgusting it may be, the “toxins” must come out... and the more of them in the body, the more systems and organs are slagged, the more ways the body will be cleansed: the intestines will be cleaned by removing fecal debris, rotting and smelly; the genitourinary system will expel sand and stones; the skin will cleanse the pores through sweat; there may be runny noses, coughs (respiratory system), tears and snot... all this is a necessary cleansing process...
In the process of healing aggravation, we can find out that we have problems where we did not expect them... Or we knew about them, but forgot... And we forgot because the problem became chronic and stopped reminding us of itself. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It’s just that its effect on the body has ceased to make tangible changes. But if the action is not felt, this does not mean that it does not exist. It just works on levels that are not yet felt. Bye...
Even if a person has forgotten about his problem, does not know about it, even if the doctor does not know about it, the problem begins to signal itself in the process of natural healing. And the bigger the problem, the stronger the signals.
For Zhiva therapy, by the way, it does not matter at all whether any diagnosis of the patient’s condition has been carried out. Energy “smartly” spreads throughout the body. Our body is so perfect that it is capable of self-healing. Zhiva itself will fill the deepest “holes” in health, and the process of filling with Energy will proceed in the most optimal order for each person individually. And exacerbations will be identified in the same optimal order.
Exacerbation is good! There is no need to be afraid of exacerbations and immediately rush to the pharmacy to suppress the symptoms of exacerbation. Exacerbation is right. You need to go through this, endure it... But you don’t need to give up your recovery because of an exacerbation. This is the only way to correct disrupted algorithms of the body’s functioning.


Physiological cleansing crises.

They are associated with the removal of toxins, waste, and poisons from the body. This is caused by the fact that harmful substances accumulated in the body first enter the bloodstream, causing the excretory systems to work to the limit, and then are eliminated from the body. Such crises can occur through nausea, vomiting, chills, various types of discharge, diarrhea, pain, psycho-emotional instability, loss of strength, sleep disturbance, and fever.

Energy crises.

They are associated with the release of accumulated negative emotions. These crises can be expressed by tears, outbursts of anger and irritation, and spontaneous convulsive twitching. If this happens during a session, then under no circumstances should you hold back, you need to give yourself the will to cry or shout out without thinking about those around you (that’s why you come to the sessions). If this happens outside the session, then find an opportunity to either stay alone, or later, be sure to give vent to pent-up emotions. At these moments, you need to learn to accept yourself as you are, that is, understand that you choose how you treat yourself and others, and only you can choose to change this attitude or not. It is important to learn not to judge yourself, not to think how bad you are, but to accept yourself entirely with everything that is in you. You cannot suppress the release of these emotions at these moments, but you need to learn to observe them without feeding them by fighting them or lengthy reasoning. Learn to simply observe how these emotions, rising to the surface within you, go away.

Health crises.

Health crises are very similar to cleansing crises. This is due to the fact that after cleansing, internal energy reserves begin to grow and processes become equalized. The increased strength of the body will begin to improve all functions and remove pathogenic foci. At such moments, all the symptoms of the diseases you have suffered may begin to come to the surface. It may seem to you that unexpectedly, against the background of general good health, “suddenly” deteriorations in your health began. These are nothing more than manifestations of diseases leaving the body. You may think that you got rid of diseases a long time ago, but in fact, traces of these diseases remain in the body. Some diseases can go away in a few days, others in a few weeks. But in general, the more sick you were, the more serious the illness, the longer the therapy will last, and the more serious the crises can be.

But in the end, your health and strength will gradually return, and general rejuvenation of your organs and your entire body will take place. For example, exposure to a patient with blood diseases is almost always accompanied by an increase in temperature and ulcers on the body. It is advisable not to lower the temperature or do it mechanically (rubbing with alcohol, vinegar, cold dousing, baths). Healing from skin diseases is accompanied by severe rashes, which are increased in area and distribution than before the impact. Gradually, the affected area decreases, while the skin is completely restored. Helps very well in these cases external use charged water. When affecting patients with diseases of the central nervous system and psyche (epilepsy), in most cases we are talking about an increase in convulsive seizures. At the same time, they become more condensed in shape and gradually pass without losing consciousness.

When all neoplasms (as well as stones) are absorbed due to a decrease in density, they always first increase greatly in volume. Resorption of fibroids is almost always accompanied by minor bleeding. When treated, hemorrhoids usually become inflamed and bleed. Normalization of weight occurs due to getting rid of fears, normalizing the astral body, hormonal levels and metabolism. The process is long, but once a certain result is achieved, we can talk about its stability. This results in skin tightening and overall rejuvenation of the body. To achieve results, it is necessary to observe food hygiene: do not eat at night, do not eat high-calorie foods, do not drink liquids with gases, consume at least 3 liters of liquid per day (this is the norm for an adult body), eat at the same time. All of the above crises can occur in different sequences, and sometimes all together, but this is not so scary. It is important at these moments to understand that what is happening to you ultimately leads to your own healing. That is why the longer the therapy, the greater the result will be achieved.

There is another type of crisis – a reality correction crisis.

By correcting certain negative aspects of your personality, getting rid of certain negative emotions, you change your destiny, and sometimes, after undergoing therapy, you can begin to quickly work through various situations in your life. Therefore, be especially attentive to the events happening to you during this period of time. They often show errors that need to be understood and revised. And sometimes, the Higher Powers are even forced to destroy what you have now, your current reality, in order to build you a new life, radically different from the previous one. Being offended, angry, hating at such moments is very dangerous! This immediately begins to affect your health and can reduce all your and our work to zero.

HEALING CRISIS It happens not only to patients, it also happens to those who receive initiations
After passing initiation - it doesn’t matter, Golden Vortex, Alive, Runes, as well as after receiving new levels for new energies for you - a period of spiritual and mental cleansing begins. This doesn't mean you should take a bath more often. The cleansing process happens by itself.

The 40-day period of purification after initiation to any level of Zhiva practices is explained by the fact that after initiation the vibration frequency of our energy system increases. We are talking about a kind of “removal of toxins” not only on the physical, but also on the mental levels.
All blockages on the surface begin to soften and go away. Intensive leaching of toxins accumulated in the body begins.

At the beginning of the cleansing cycle, there may also be exacerbations of old diseases.
There is no need to be afraid of exacerbations and immediately rush to the pharmacy for medications and painkillers. If possible, you need to survive this, endure it... There is no need to give up your recovery because of an exacerbation.

This is the only way to correct disrupted body functioning algorithms.
Old thoughts and feelings that should have been dealt with long ago may resurface, which will manifest as an emotional crisis (tears) or other unusual phenomena. It is also possible that certain fears or unrealistic dreams will make themselves felt - all these are extremely important aspects of personal development.
Just try to become aware of them and free yourself from ballast. During the cleansing period this can be done easily.

Some even experience unusually pleasant experiences during cleansing. For example, they are happy that the feeling of hunger suddenly disappears during fasting, or that they can give up smoking. In fact, during the period of cleansing the body and soul, it is especially easy to get rid of everything bad and outdated in your behavior.
The cleansing period provides an opportunity to learn to listen to your body and consciously process and integrate the hitherto unaccepted parts of your personality. All reactions quickly go away if you give yourself daily full Zhiva sessions.

The cost of a course of healing Slavic Birth sessions (nine sessions) - from $10/per session

And most importantly, you can learn all this from us and do it yourself for yourself and other people!

✅ A few words, I want to say about the practices, these are very strong and powerful energies, at the moment, I do not know stronger and more effective than the Energies of our Light Gods and Goddesses.

✅ Which help not only to heal, but also to harmonize a person with the surrounding space and nature.

This is the Knowledge of our Ancestors! The connection with the Ancestors is being restored well!

✅ At our Academy we provide training and initiation into Slavic birth practices
🔥 With respect and gratitude in advance, Vedagor and Radomir.
We are grateful for your support!
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Among ophthalmological diseases, stye is the most common. You will rarely meet a person who at a certain age does not have a purulent formation on the eye. Children, teenagers, and adults under 50 years of age most often suffer from purulent inflammation of the eyelids.

One cannot be indifferent to infection, because the pathological process can spread and develop into chronic stage. Among the reasons, the psychosomatic nature of the occurrence of barley is also noted.

Manifestations of stye are very typical, regardless of its cause - redness of the eyelid with the formation of infiltrate

Barley, or hordeolum, is an inflammation that develops in the hair follicle of the ciliary follicle, as well as the adjacent sebaceous gland.

If the sebaceous gland or part of the meibomian gland is involved in the pathological process, then the inflammation has settled inside.

The infection gets onto the eyelid and into the cavity of the sebaceous gland if hygiene rules are not followed. Barley will definitely appear if you have a habit:

  • wipe your face with a dirty towel or napkin;
  • comb;
  • constantly rub your eyes with your hands;
  • apply cosmetical tools Low quality;
  • use other people's mascara brushes and applicators.

A pathogenic bacterium will cause purulent inflammation, more often Staphylococcus aureus. Microorganisms that enter the eyelid cavities clog the excretory ducts, which leads to tissue inflammation and the appearance of purulent secretion.

Risk factors for the appearance of hordeolum and relapse of the disease include chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and HIV infection. In a person with a weak immune system, exhausted diabetes mellitus, helminthic infestations, inflammation occurs frequently.

Barley on the eyes accompanies those who have vulgar acne on their face and oily skin. Purulent formations appear in people working in dirty rooms and in offices with prolonged eye strain. Hypothermia also activates bacteria, affecting the eyes.

Some ophthalmological diseases: blepharitis, conjunctivitis are accompanied by the development of hordeolum.

The formation begins to develop acutely with redness of the edge of the eyelid, itching, swelling, and pain. The upper eyelid is affected by inflammation, less often the lower. As soon as after 2-3 days a clearly defined head appears, filled with pus, the pain subsides.

The cavity is cleared of secretions independently or with the help of medical procedures. The whole process lasts about a week.

An untreated infection is dangerous, which can lead to abscesses and thrombophlebitis of the eyelids.

Psychosomatic mechanisms of the occurrence of barley

Psychosomatics is a joint branch of medicine and psychology that connects the occurrence of certain diseases with unfavorable psychological factors

In addition to the traditional reasons for the appearance of barley, those associated with a person’s mood and the predominance of negative emotions and feelings are noted:

  1. Angry, angry people often have itchy eyes. A negative reaction to others and their behavior leads to the appearance of purulent inflammation in the eyes.
  2. Envy often leads to styes. It’s not for nothing that they show the fig to barley, caused by annoyance that the neighbor has a better car. Children suffer from purulent inflammations in the eyes when they envy their friends for whom they bought a bicycle or a doll.
  3. In people with constant fear inside, the tendency to develop hordeolum increases.
  4. Overly emotional people who distrust other people's opinions and perceive everything in a bad light suffer from stye. A purulent formation on the eyelid as a result of a breakthrough from inside nervous tension.

The psychosomatics of the occurrence of infection are taken into account when selecting treatment.

Ways to treat inflammation

Depending on the etiology of the development of a purulent process on the eyelids, treatment methods are also developed. If hordeolum has developed as a result of infection, then the following is prescribed:

  • treating the affected area with disinfectants: calendula tincture, iodine, brilliant green solution;
  • laying antibacterial ointments - Erythromycin, Levomycetin, ;
  • instillation of a solution of Sulfacetamide or Ciprofloxacin into the conjunctival cavity;
  • warming with dry heat;
  • visiting UHF therapy procedures, quartz tube.

In case of a large formation or abscess located deep in the internal tissues of the eyelid, surgical opening of the inflamed cavity is used, followed by antibacterial therapy

If the causes of barley lie in the patient’s psychosomatics, then the patient is advised to get rid of the pathology with the help of:

  1. control your emotions;
  2. reconsidering attitudes towards others;
  3. refusal of teachings, condemnations of others, their behavior;
  4. perception of the world without anger and malice.

A calm, friendly person who is always in a good mood is unlikely to develop stye.

Prevention measures

Important in the prevention of barley, which is caused by emotional experiences, psychotherapy methods are used

To prevent the appearance of tumors on the eyelids that spoil appearance, necessary:

  • observe the rules of eye hygiene;
  • use cosmetics from trusted companies and only your own;
  • try not to rub or scratch your eyes with your hands, using a sanitary napkin;
  • strengthen the immune system by hardening the body, consuming foods with a high content of vitamins and microelements;
  • treat on time infectious diseases, cold;
  • monitor the condition of your facial skin.

Analysis of behavior, relationships with the outside and inner world of loved ones will help correct negative aspects of the psyche. It is better to avoid communicating with unpleasant people who can cause an energetic blow and break the psyche. Positive attitude, good mood will lead to harmony of spirit and body. And styes before our eyes will be a thing of the past.

Purulent inflammation of the eyelids spoils the appearance, worsening a person’s well-being and mood. The causes of the disease are both pathogenic agents of infection and the mental state of a person.

By analyzing why barley appeared, you can quickly get rid of it. Treatment is chosen depending on what underlies the purulent formation. Psychosomatics cannot be written off, because it is not without reason that styes can be gotten rid of with the help of simple manipulations.

About what psychosomatics is and what general recommendations are there for the treatment of this group of diseases:

Consultation session: Harmonization and healing of the spiritual-energetic cause illnesses, situations, problems leading to a destructive human situation.

🔶 If you have already tried all healing methods traditional and alternative medicine, psychosomatics - Sinelnikov, Konovalov, Luule Viilma, Sytin, Louise Hay, Torsunov, Zhikarentsev, Liz Burbo, treatment by healers, spiritual practices, reiki, qigong, theta-healing, meditation and much more.But nothing helped, then you have come to the right place, we will try to help you. It doesn’t matter what diagnosis was made by a doctor or other specialist and how they defined the problem, it doesn’t matter!

I will give 3 examples from my practice, healing childlessness with the help of the SPIRITUAL practices of the Goddess Alive. These examples show why in order to heal infertility, not only a woman, but also a man needs to develop Spiritually.
Preface: All three women are about the same age 40 years, which have tried all methods of healing infertility over many years of my life- traditional and alternative medicine, psychosomatics - Sinelnikov, Konovalov, Luule Viilma, Sytin, Louise Hay, Torsunov, Zhikarentsev, Liz Burbo, treatment by healers, spiritual practices, reiki, qigong, theta-healing, meditation and much more... but nothing helped. There were many reasons for infertility that led to a destructive situation, but I want to highlight the main ones: - A low level of SPIRITUAL development, a false idea of ​​human nature and, as a consequence, an incorrect attitude towards men and the concept of relationships in the family, as well as inveterate materialism (which manifested itself in different forms), which arose due to the distorted traditions existing in society, false religions (egregorous bindings that pulled people’s souls in different directions, in the following topics I will try to tell you what an egregor is and why Slavic Ancestral practices are not an egregor, as many people believe) and “spiritual teachings”. First example: - It took almost 4 years - A woman and a man, have never engaged in SPIRITUAL practices in my life - Level of knowledge - I believe (I read a lot) that practicing Spiritual practices is good, but I don’t need it. - After the birth of the beautiful sorceress, my mother decided to study, which is very helpful in everyday life. Second example: - It took almost 2 years - Before her conversion, the woman went through many initiations into various spiritual practices and had been working on herself for about 10 years. In many practices, she reached the level of a Master Teacher, but she did not teach or heal anyone, she practiced for herself. - Also, at the initial stage, I immediately began to undergo training and receive initiations into. During the entire healing process, I reached and completely completed my studies at - Man, I have never engaged in SPIRITUAL practices in my life - After the birth of the beautiful Wizard, the next one arose from her question: Well, I’ve been doing SPIRITUAL practices for more than 10 years, but I still haven’t been able to realize myself. To which I replied, but the birth of such a magical boy is not the realization of yourself as a mother, in my opinion this is the result of all your studies in SPIRITUAL practices. Third example: - It took almost 9 months - Before conversion, a woman and a man went through many initiations into various spiritual practices. The woman has been working on herself for about 12 years, the man for about 3 years. In many practices they reached the level of Master Teachers, taught, conducted initiations, healed other people, and had their own esoteric center. - Also, at the initial stage, they immediately began to undergo training and receive initiations into. During the entire healing process we reached , completely completed training in and passed - After the birth of a sorceress, they conduct their practice in their esoteric center, helping other people.
In addition to extensive consultation and healing sessions.
✅ You will do these practices and techniques yourself to enhance the effect and consolidate the result, as well as harmonize your entire life.

What problems can be solved with the help of Slavic Birth sessions?

Almost any!

(most common)
Health harmonization
Relationship correction
Changing any situation in the direction you want
Energy cleansing and from negative influences
✅ Financial

How do Slavic Birth sessions work?

Well- 9 sessions within a month. The duration of one session is approximately 60 minutes.

Procedure - 1 session every 3 days.

In order to receive healing Slavic Birth sessions, you need to submit an application.

How does healing happen?

1. You need to submit an application.

2. In your application, describe your condition or situation that you want to change, heal and harmonize in as much detail as possible. And what result do you want to get?

3. After receiving your application, we contact you via Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram or another way in order to clarify the details.

4. Preliminary session viewing the body's health status (testing)

First, we need to look at YOU, the review is performed to answer your questions or determine the cause of your problems, in order to help you, and determine methods to solve your problem.
The state of health of the human body is examined fully and comprehensively. If a person contacts us complains of a cough, not only the lungs, respiratory tract, throat, but also all organs and systems of the physical body will be examined. We will also study the subtle, energetic shells of each part of the body and the entire organism as a whole. In general, the diagnosis determines the cause of your health problems.
The harmful effects of the external environment, the energetic atmosphere in the apartment, geopathogenic anomalies, and relationships with others will be taken into account. During the testing process, suggestions, curses, evil eyes, damage, dark entities that have settled in, love spells, lapels, and so on are discovered.

5. After the viewing (testing) session, we offer you recommendations and healing methods, and announce the price for our services. If everything suits you.
We agree on days and times and other nuances of healing.

6. You pay for our services and we begin the healing.

✅ You will undergo training and initiation into unique ancient energy practices, with the help of which you will be able to solve any of your life situations.
✅ You will do these practices and techniques yourself to enhance the effect and consolidate the result, as well as harmonize your entire life and solve almost all your life situations.

Questions and answers on energy healing methods

The human body consists of physical (Body), energy (Soul) and spiritual (Spirit) components. When treating any disease, it is necessary to influence all its systems.

Therefore, healers look for the relationship of the disease in a cause-and-effect relationship with the events that happened to the person the day before.

And the main task of a healer or mentor is not to replace a doctor, but to complement his work, to make the human body feel its anatomical, energetic and spiritual integrity, ability to reproduce, ability to deal with biological, physical and social stress. To do this, it is necessary to know not only the cause of the disease, but the conditions in which it developed.

According to Cohn, the healer does not have the right to make a diagnosis, but can only determine the person’s condition. Promising a complete cure for a disease is neither ethical nor correct on the part of a healer!!! Although in rare cases this is also possible... By nature, every person consists of Light, this is confirmed by modern medicine and proven by scientists. With any health problems or disorders, dark spots form, which in quite complex cases turn into black and dense formations.

The darker and denser the formation, the more complex the problem a person has, and it no longer matters what it can be called or what diagnosis a person can be given...!

Doctors, as a rule, treat the consequence, but the disease itself only manifests itself when it “takes root”, and in this case it is already difficult to do anything.

Healers, if they are familiar with LIGHT methods and practices, can dissolve foreign formations and fill darkened areas with Light; only in this case, diseases and problems disappear.

It doesn’t matter what diagnosis was made by a doctor or other specialist and how they labeled the problem, it doesn’t matter!

Even problems that have not yet been identified disappear completely, without having time to manifest themselves, when they are filled with Light, Light, Light!

The natural state of man is his Life in the Light. Only when a person is completely filled with Light, then only he will be healthy and happy!

But at the same time, it should be noted that any problem can be eliminated only on the condition that this is allowed to the person by Karma.

You can gain the right to health and success (if there is no solution to eliminate this problem) only through good thoughts, good deeds and actions!

Medicines do not cure karmic diseases. If you have a predisposition to any disease and this is confirmed by tests, medications will not help you - you must go through this test.

And it will be necessary to work out karma, and only in this case the disease will go away.

Or carry out Harmonization of Karma and only after that the disease will recede.

Going to clinics and hospitals will not bring you stable relief.

Diseases can be divided into admitted, sacred and karmic.

Admitted diseases appear when a person is inattentive to his health, commits unconscious actions, violates the rules and laws of life, and with various types of abuse. Admitted diseases can arise with a low level of spiritual development and a false idea of ​​human nature, due to distorted traditions existing in society.

How to cure existing diseases?
Admitted diseases can be cured using traditional medicine; they do not carry negative karmic consequences for healers and doctors. But if the disease is not treated, it can become chronic. If a person dies without getting rid of the emerging disease, then in the next incarnation it will certainly manifest itself as karmic.

Karmic disease is a disease of the soul and spirit that affects the physical body. The cause of karmic illness is an illness that was not cured in the past, as well as violation of Divine commandments and laws (by words, deeds and thoughts), negative emotions in the present life and past incarnations.

How to cure karmic disease?
You can get rid of karmic illness only through mental and spiritual improvement: by correcting your character, changing your attitude towards the world around you and, of course, towards yourself, realizing negative actions and eliminating their consequences. Traditional medicine cannot cure karmic diseases. Healers and healers can relieve the symptoms of a disease by sending the root cause to the person’s future or to his relatives. But this has a negative impact on karma for the patient and the healer.

You can harmonize karmic diseases and situations with the help of
Sacred diseases appear with rapid spiritual growth of a person. There is a sharp increase in the flow of received energy, which causes tension in the physical body, pain appears in the heart, throat, solar plexus, back of the head, kidneys and other organs and parts of the body. There is a pulling and painful sensation in the limbs. Sacred diseases can arise and disappear suddenly, without manifestations of the cause of the disease, but the course of the disease, as a rule, is not typical, without pronounced symptoms.

Such diseases cannot be cured; they go away on their own after 2 to 4 weeks. When such an illness occurs, it is advisable to get more rest. Healers and doctors who try to treat sacred diseases significantly increase their negative karma.

During treatment it is necessary to influence Body (physical), Soul(energy) And Spirit (spiritual) components.

From time immemorial, it was believed among healers that all causes of diseases are associated with a violation of the spiritual law of nature, namely emotional or behavioral blockages with negativity.

Therefore, we will look for the relationship of the disease in a cause-and-effect relationship with the events that happened to the person the day before.

These could be conflicts with people, discontent, indignation, lies, envy, resentment, etc.

Our main task is not to replace a doctor, but to complement his work, to make the human body feel its anatomical, energetic and spiritual integrity, ability to reproduce, ability to deal with biological, physical and social stress. To do this, it is necessary to know not only the cause of the disease, but the conditions in which it developed.

According to Cohn, we do not have the right to make a diagnosis, but can only determine a person’s condition. Promising a complete cure is neither ethical nor correct! Although in rare cases this is possible...

1. Spiritual guidance in no way relieves you of your responsibilities and promises; from responsibility for oneself, from the ban on betraying one’s own essence. If your obligations need to be changed, then the mentor will never advise you to change them, abdicating all responsibility - it will remain on you and only you. In other words, if you took on a task, but then it turned out that you could not do it for health reasons, then you can change your participation in this task without relieving yourself of responsibility for its implementation.

2. Spiritual guidance does not free you from your Karma. Rather, it gives you a tool that will make it easier for you to work with it and even enjoy seeing it cleaned. In any case, you must undergo Karma balancing. Balancing Karma is not at all subject to some kind of karmic punishment. It's simply learning what you didn't learn in the past that is now affecting your life negatively. Usually this training consists of putting you in various situations, overcoming which you get rid of false ideas.

3. Following the instructions brings into your life the experiences you need to develop your life purpose or healing ability.

4. To live a Spiritual life and find one's purpose in life, one must follow the instructions and live in truth, regardless of the price that one has to pay for it.

5. On a personal level, mentoring requires a lot from a person, following the instructions of a mentor is very difficult and the cost is increasing all the time.

6. Spiritual direction and faith go hand in hand. One must have great faith in order to follow Spiritual instructions, but the opposite is also true - by following a mentor, a person gains faith. Mentoring is designed to lead a person through such areas of his own psyche and Soul, where he previously did not dare to enter, but must do this in order to live and develop Spiritually. Through the deepest fear, mentoring leads a person to the deepest faith.

7. Faith is a state of being that regulates, balances and charges the aura so that you begin to live a fulfilling life. It connects your little ego with your great essence, with God, who dwells eternally in you. Faith ensures the process of your holographic connection with everything that exists, that is, with the entire Universe.

8. Your isolated “ego” is not able to influence the mentor, since you yourself often do not understand why you do what he tells you.

9. When you rely on the will of a mentor and follow him to the highest Divine will, you will see how much more others around you will trust you.

How can you tell if your energy is blocked?

  • If, when you wake up, you do not feel rested and you find it difficult to get out of bed and start a new day;
  • If at the end of the day you feel tired and exhausted;
  • If you are experiencing body pain;
  • If you catch a cold or flu from others;
  • If you have a headache and feel tension in your shoulders and neck;
  • If you feel soreness in your body;
  • If you have back problems or a stiff neck;
  • If in the morning you Not jump out of bed with a clear head, without any pain, feeling flexibility and energy throughout your body.

If you are experiencing any (or all) of the above symptoms, there is a high chance that there are blockages in your body's energy system. And getting rid of them will benefit you.

And, if you allow, I will be happy to show you exactly how this is done...

This is the best way I know to teach you how to improve your health and live longer through easy, enjoyable exercise.

You'll discover simple energy exercises that will help you feel more energy in your body, cope better with stress, get sick less, feel more confident, sleep better - and even feel a deeper connection with your spiritual side.

Imagine what it's like:

Wake up from a deep restorative sleep full of vitality and ready to start a new day with joy... and so on every day.

Experience deep emotional balance, less stress, balance, efficiency, engagement... all day long.

Enjoy a natural rush of endorphins - without the fatigue and pain associated with exercise.

Get sick less and perhaps never take medications again.

Access your body's ability to heal itself...adding years to your life and adding life to your years.

All this can be yours if you practice simple techniques that will help your body heal faster, relieve fatigue and fill you with energy - just a few minutes a day.

And - if you allow me - I will be your personal trainer, who will guide you by the hand through all the necessary stages, explaining what and how to do to get all these benefits.

You will begin to experience inner peace, a sense of peace and emotional balance. You'll feel great

And this is just the beginning, because over time the benefits only increase.

✅ Practitioners expand the capabilities of the body and mind, activating the process of self-healing regardless of health status. The idea is simple: a healing pharmacy is located inside a person and medicines for all diseases, without exception, are produced by the body itself.
✅ The methods combine amazing phenomena that adapt a person’s physical health and energy to a new level of tasks.
Energy health. It is impossible to get rid of all the factors that provoke stress. But it is quite possible to increase your resistance by leading a healthier lifestyle.
Daily spiritual practices and meditations leading to strengthening the energy system will help open the way to the source of awakening your energy, and today you will feel the result.
A person is not just his body, but something more. Each of us has energy! – scientifically proven!

The lifestyle in a modern metropolis provokes physical and spiritual exhaustion of a person. Recovery requires global changes in life.Methods based on ancient practices and modern methods of healing, rapid restoration of a person’s energy and physical potential, filling them with health, joy and energy.
The information society focuses attention on many false goals, energy goes nowhere, complicating the ability to realize the main thing.Practices develop the skill of concentrating consciousness, which returns you the ability to control attention and energy.
Technocratic thinking: the body is separate, the soul is separate, the world is separate. Shifting responsibility for what is happening to external causes.Practices leading to the integrity of SPIRIT, SOUL, BODY, where external success is a consequence of internal HARMONY.
Loss of health, depression, loss of strength. Take pills. Live happily in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Be the master of your life.

Get rid of pain

Working with your body's energy flow helps produce enkephalin, a natural painkiller that is 200 times stronger than morphine. That's why your mood naturally lifts during exercise - just like the release of endorphins during exercise, but without the fatigue and muscle pain.

Prevent diseases

According to research conducted at Harvard Medical School, Energy Exercises " useful in curing or preventing a variety of health problems such as arthritis, low bone density, breast cancer, heart failure and other heart diseases, Parkinson's disease, sleep disorders and stroke«.

You will live longer (and better)

Clear blockages in your body's energy system and you will lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as your anxiety levels. This way you will prolong your life and reduce the risk of stroke, heart failure and kidney disease.

Get rid of depression

Working with energy flow “significantly reduces” symptoms of depression, has a positive effect on mental performance and even reduces inflammation in the body. So you start feeling better and thinking better about yourself almost instantly.

Strengthen your immune system

Release the flow of chi energy in your body and increased white blood cell production will benefit you. This in turn will increase the activity of macrophagocytes and improve bone marrow function.

This will increase the number of T cells in the thymus and thus strengthen the immune system.

Lower your blood pressure

Certain exercises have been proven to be 9 times more effective against high blood pressure than medications. Can you imagine how this aspect alone could affect your health and your life expectancy?

Improve your overall health

By exercising, you can expect improvements in your quality of life, mental health, and overall vitality, including even lower blood sugar levels.

It's the perfect blend of exercises to jumpstart your day and help you unwind at night.

Energy is the perfect tool to help you refocus and energize your mind, body and spirit. It's great at helping me connect with my body's natural rhythms and relax, especially in a fast-paced world...

After all, each of us could use some help in relieving persistent pain or tension in our bodies. Young and old, we would all love to improve our fitness and health, be more balanced and less stressed.

The greatest positive changes after the start of classes occur with those people whose energy is blocked.

If your energy is blocked, I promise you: you will notice results after the first 30-minute session (and the benefits will only increase from there).

A person, developing his internal energy, brings colossal changes into his life:

- Wake up in the morning cheerful and rested. There is no trace left of chronic fatigue;

- Bags and dark circles under the eyes disappear. Peering into the mirror in the morning, he admires himself, and is not horrified;

Him always in a great mood, he copes with stress easily;

- He gets along well with people: they are drawn to him. Colleagues at work respect him, management appreciates him, even random passers-by on the street are friendly and respectful to him;

- His family is his support and support.. He feels strong contact with his loved ones even at a great distance;

- His relationship with his significant other is filled with warmth, care and mutual understanding.. They spend a lot of time together, and they always have something to talk about;

- His cozy and spacious house is incomparable to cramped apartments in which you can only spend the night. It is pleasant to live in the house and spend time, gathering with the whole family, as well as inviting friends;

- His work (service) activity brings him decent income and satisfaction. He can provide children with a worthwhile education, arrange a good rest for his family and himself, and travel to any country in the world;

- He believes in himself and makes his wishes come true one after another.. He is constantly evolving, and this process gives him pleasure and inspiration;

- He really likes the way he lives and what he does. He enjoys every day of his life.

A person is not just his body, but something more. Each of us has energy!

Teaching Students, sessions, treating patients, consulting is work and the only source in this material world, and the most common form of energy exchange in our time is the monetary equivalent.
If a person does not show the energy and talents given to him, then he will not be able to receive anything, his condition becomes like a stagnant swamp. A person must practice, create, develop his Life Force.

However, he needs to spend it on those goals that will make him more perfect, otherwise degradation, aging, and illness are inevitable. Only that which is higher than us can create us more perfectly; we must join Spiritual Power and Knowledge.

If we do not increase what we have, then the last will be taken away from us. We cannot take anything, especially from the Spiritual world, without spending our material. In order to receive a grain of Spiritual Energy, we must spend a lot of work and time, otherwise this bit of Spirituality will not enter into us and will not be absorbed.

If a recovered person does not repay the healer with kindness, then his recovery will be temporary, and later it will become even worse! Let everyone who has entered the path of healing and purification know this!

The most valuable thing a person has is his health!
“If someone expects to receive something for free, he becomes a karmic debtor to the person who offers or rather feels obligated to give for free, so be very careful in this regard whether you actually want to be a karmic debtor to other people by expecting or demanding something for free?”
In order not to worsen karma, there is a fee.

“WE VALUE WHAT WE GET AS MUCH AS WE ARE WILLING TO PAY FOR IT.” If you are not willing to pay for advice, you have no incentive to take it. He means nothing to you.
Money is the equivalent of labor, and in order to get something, you must learn to give something.
In fact, payment is more necessary for the patient himself than for the healer, because a person pays a specific amount for his own health, as if voluntarily giving up part of his material benefits.
If the patient does this voluntarily and from the bottom of his heart, then a certain shift occurs in the patient’s consciousness, towards his own spiritual and mental hypostasis.
FREE OF CHARGE is a dangerous word. It means that the demon pays. Are you ready to become his debtor? Personally, I am not ready to see him among those paying for his services. Therefore, I will not spoil the karma for myself and you.
And vice versa, if a patient and student are sorry to pay money for their own health, then not only non-traditional methods of treatment and knowledge, but also all medicine in general, including even surgery and drug treatment, will not help such a person.
This leads to the following definition: that which is obtained for free is free and valued.
There must be mutual exchange between the healer and the patient, the Teacher and the student. Every work must be paid.
Money is certain planetary energies. They often serve as a litmus test for the development of spiritual qualities.
ANY WORK MUST BE PAID. Otherwise it is called exploitation. The slave system has long since sunk into oblivion and we have the right to receive payment for our work. After all, not one of you comes to work and says, can I work for a month for free.... do it.
FREE OF CHARGE DOES NOT LEAD TO RESPONSIBILITY FOR RESULTS. You have no risk, no incentive to apply my advice and get results. Which means I just wasted my time. Believe me, I have much more interesting things to do. WHEN I GIVE ADVICE OR UNDERSTAND YOUR SITUATION, I GIVE YOU MY KNOWLEDGE, MY ENERGY, A PART OF MY SOUL. When I receive payment for this, we exchange energies. When there is no payment, I empty myself without receiving anything in return. By asking for free advice, you deliberately wanted to take my energy and not give anything in return. Think about what this will mean for you.
ANY FORCE TO ACTION (FREE WORK) IS A VIOLATION OF PERSONAL BOUNDARIES AND A DISPLAY OF VIOLENCE. When you try to induce self-pity by explaining why I work for free, and when you express dissatisfaction with my refusal, you are violating my personal boundaries. You decided for me under what conditions I should do what you want. I, like any free person, have every right to accept your terms or refuse, and I have the right to respond. I don’t care whether you like my refusal or not.
The teacher receives compensation only for his work.
In any other industry it is taken for granted that work must be paid, and only work in the esoteric field is looked at differently.
Let's consider the Mentor's fee. He, like any other Teacher, invested a lot of time and money into his education. In addition, the accumulation of acquired experience and further professional development is also associated with financial costs (such as participation in seminars, courses, etc.) and the investment of time. When initiating a student into Zhiva practices, the Teacher pays attention and personal time and passes on his knowledge to him.
A completely natural exchange of energy occurs, the Teacher gives his knowledge - the student gives energy in some form. Since money is a concentrated form of energy, a generally accepted equivalent that determines value in the exchange of services or goods, it is quite natural that he receives money for his work.
The student or client must contribute his energy in order to achieve karmic balance, in order to create a favorable opportunity for further spiritual development. The energy of the student, client, patient finds expression in his time and partly in his material means.
Ask yourself questions and answer them honestly:
If a client accepts a free session, will he value it, and will there be any results from free sessions?
Will knowledge be valuable to a person who received it for free? Will there be a result?
Statements from Masters of the past about Energy Exchange:
  1. People don't value what they get easily.
  2. A sacrifice is required. If you don't sacrifice anything, you gain nothing.
  3. People are ready to spend as much money as they want on their personal fantasies, but they do not value the work of others at all.
  4. A person does not want to pay, and, above all, for the most important things. He hopes that it will come to him naturally.
  5. “Health is more profitable than benefits...” (from a Tibetan proverb).
  6. For everything in life you have to pay and the payment should be proportional to what you receive.

I wish you the acquisition of Knowledge of Life and Transcendental Wisdom!

Glory to our Gods and Goddesses!

Glory to our Heavenly Family!

Glory to the Ancestors in our Light!

For healing, the patient must be humble and receptive. Therefore, everyone who comes to us with an ego does not receive healing. The ego is the greatest barrier to accepting the Energy we give to the patient during healing.
What is noteworthy over many years of practice is that not everyone was allowed to conduct sessions and initiation! This happens today with Zhiva techniques, with everyone, but this is also a good hint that something is wrong with a person, spirituality is poorly or not developed at all, this is a signal.
If a person is not ready to change, has a weak level of SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT, then everything will turn out in such a way that he will not receive healing.

See - How is Spiritual healing (mentoring) carried out?

In short:

  1. Boosting immunity.
  2. Treatment and cleansing of the body.
  3. Manifestation of energetic and creative abilities.
  4. Visible rejuvenation of the body.
Energy sessions Alive, Harmonizes a person:
✔ Health;
✔ Prosperity;
✔ Well-being;
✔ Joy;
✔ Love
✔ and many other components of human life.
Alive can Harmonize
Your relationships with everyone around you, both relatives and other people. But not only with people, but also with the surrounding nature - trees, gardens, vegetable gardens - as a result, plants grow better and the harvest becomes richer. You can also harmonize relationships with animals.
You will feel harmonious with people, with nature and with all its manifestations!
And what is very important, in addition to all other positive qualities, She PROTECTS!

Already after the first cycle of energy sessions, activation of some important biologically active points and main energy meridians of the body occurs in the body.
The pituitary and pineal glands, the endocrine glands, are activated, which affects the entire functioning of the endocrine system, and the body is rejuvenated due to the release of hormones into the blood.
The functioning of the immune system is sharply enhanced. The body begins to rebuild.
The restructuring of the body is usually accompanied by drowsiness, fatigue, and emotional instability. This is evidence of a restructuring of the hormonal system.
It should be noted that a phenomenon called a healing crisis often occurs - the body receives additional strength and begins to act - to fight diseases (unfortunately, there are very few people who are completely healthy now).
It may happen that the sore spot begins to hurt more. It happens that pain occurs in a completely different place than the one that hurts.
This means that a transformation is taking place to the root cause. This is a good result and means that the treatment has progressed quickly. Don't worry, everything is going as it should. Be patient.
Cleaning depth depends only on the person himself - after all, all these energies are not an independent instrument of purification - they only help to awaken in the person himself what is in him - i.e. help to follow the path of self-improvement - and if today the person himself is not yet very ready for the harmonization of karma - then, of course, the depth of energy penetration will not be very great - but the point is that the energy will help the person to change further and self-improvement even deeper. In general, everything always depends only on the person himself.
Chronic diseases may worsen. It happens that during and after a session a person begins to cry. If something similar happens to you, don’t be scared and don’t quit the sessions: crying is a natural cleansing process, it helps to throw out negative emotions, remove psychological blocks and cope with nervous tension, neuroses and depression.
Since in most cases the cause of illness is suppressed emotions and erroneous ideas about the world and one’s self, a person’s character may begin to change for the better.
A word of warning: health improvement is incremental, not linear. Positive health uplifts alternate with negative ones, with exacerbations of diseases, like ebbs and flows, but, fortunately, negative phenomena are short-lived and eventually fade away.
The speed of eliminating diseases and the manifestation of energy abilities is set by you, but the Light Gods and Goddesses can both delay the elimination and speed it up.
The process of recovery and transformation of the body is usually not fast, because the entire body is being healed.
On average, it takes from 3 months to 3 years of constant practice. These changes optimize the body to withstand most of the negative influences around us.
“Side” phenomena begin to appear—energy abilities. There are many factors that influence the course of treatment and the manifestation of abilities, the main ones of which are the Student’s desire to learn, changes, the state of his body and the will of Our Light Gods and Goddesses, that is, how much it has been destroyed by the way of life that a person has led until that time.
Be patient, you will definitely achieve success, there are no exceptions.

Distance energy healing can be very helpful in cases where a person is experiencing extreme suffering or is overwhelmed by negative emotions.

The same can be said about individual places or situations that have been exposed to negative influences.

When conducting distance healing (energy session), we direct the healing power of Zhiva there, which neutralizes negative energies and positively affects the outcome of the situation.

Thanks to such energy sessions, we establish a stable connection between the healing energy of Zhiva and individual people, events and simply objects.

The Goddess is Alive, she is the Highest Goddess, she knows everything about a person and even more, so during initiation there is no need for Skype, phone or photo.

The second aspect, we live in a limited 4-dimensional material world, the Highest Gods and Goddesses exist in multidimensional worlds (starting from approximately 64,000 squared) For them there is no concept, time, distance, and so on...

If some experts claim that distance healing is impossible, then it is impossible in their reality. Simply put, they don't know how to do it. There is nothing impossible in energy.

Advantages of distance healing:

1. There is no need to go to a healer for an appointment.
Healing is performed remotely, which creates an adjustment to the area in which the patient lives. Based on this, a scheme for the practice of individual healing is formed.

2. Simplicity and accessibility of healing.
Energy sessions are structured based on the patient’s personal qualities, surrounding space and reasons.
All energy sessions take place in harmony with the practitioner’s Ancestral roots.

3. Contact us.
It is impossible to put all the information into the healing person. This takes time. This is how deeper healing is transmitted. When a situation arises that causes misunderstanding, the patient himself will dial the healer’s phone number or write a letter and receive the necessary answers. Even if the problem is not voiced, the situation is instantly harmonized.

In the modern world, no one has ever used remote supply of energy information of such volume. Practice shows that when a person passes the psychological barrier of doubt about the expediency of energy sessions, this is a signal that he is ready to receive this information, and this is the guarantee that everything will work out.

In order to take an energy healing session you should:

Before energy healing, more detailed instructions will be sent.

Before the session starts:

1. In advance in the morning, during the day, or immediately before the session itself, you can take a bath with sea salt - this condition is not mandatory, but desirable - cleansing the physical and subtle bodies of unnecessary information.

2. Disconnect from the outside world (turn off the PHONE - exactly TURN OFF, not just turn off the sound; turn off the radio, TV AND COMPUTER) - during the session there can be quite strong vibrations, sometimes the equipment located nearby can suffer.


4. Light a candle on the table. A lit candle symbolizes the energy of fire and serves as a guide to the subconscious

Before the session starts:

Say the formula mentally: “I voluntarily accept the healing session of Alive and Harmony, which Vedagor and Radomir sent me here and now.”

The process lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. After the session, thank everyone who helped you take the session.

Thankfully I give to the Alive Goddess, the Light, the Great All-Healing Light, All the Forces of Light! Vedagora and Radomir

IMPORTANT! After the session, you can go about your business, but in a very calm manner (avoiding getting involved in quarrels, watching negative news on TV, etc.), since consciousness is still in an altered state, take this into account.

IMPORTANT! Regardless of whether you feel something or not, you will still accept the session. Just the sensations during a session are a wonderful gift for you.

All energy sessions take place in golden light; in healing, with very rare exceptions, only the symbols of masters have a golden color!

Golden color, an analogue of living water, triggers all processes into action, and not only in healing!

The color of gold also denotes psychic energy, but, unlike the color of the Sun, it is not in a static, but in a moving form. A person who has a golden color in his aura is able not only to carry this energy within himself, but also to transfer it to people, which is also a certain mission. Remember the halos above the heads of saints, or the same golden statues of Buddha, who could certainly convey part of the divine principle to anyone who wanted it?

This is all evidence that before you is a Teacher from God and that he was placed here precisely by order of the Most High, so that through him the true will of God and Goddesses could be proclaimed, in our case the Living Goddess.

In addition to the fact that such conductors can transfer this golden higher psychic energy to other objects of living nature, they also know how to accumulate it and apply it in their direct activities. The most interesting thing is that such conductors may not even suspect that they are gold by definition. They simply take and carry this energy, without thinking about how and why they succeed. This is perhaps the highest form of service to God and Goddesses. Even if it’s the highest, it’s service, which means it’s not higher than the fifth level of the astral, and now we’re talking about the ninth, so they have room to strive. We all have somewhere to go, if we have the desire.

The golden color generally allows us to realize on the physical plane all our thoughts and ideas, which are in the form of images on the mental level. For example, a person dreams of his own car, the thought is on the mental plane in the form of a specific car, sometimes even a specific brand, but without the appropriate amount of energy, it is very difficult to transfer this image of the subtle plane to the physical level.

If we add golden energy to this image, then it begins to really manifest itself in the physical world. Sometimes, however, it is not the way we imagined it, but this already depends on side factors, of which there can be a great many. The main thing here is that the result has been achieved. Now you should begin to understand how important and effective the energy of the Golden Color is!

When we are talking about improving the health of the body, and not about “first aid” in case of illness, then a situation usually arises that is called a healing exacerbation, a healing crisis... We would all like to get instant relief from diseases and not make any long-term efforts for this . But in life everything is not quite like that. Any disease is already a breakthrough to the surface of invisible factors that have accumulated in the body. The disease does not appear suddenly; it prepares for a long time and confidently inside until it shows its symptoms. Elimination of symptoms does not mean that the level of health has changed in any noticeable way.
The work to change the level of health is quite long. This is not an “ambulance”, it is a therapy extended over time, affecting all levels of matter-energy-information. And it is completely natural for the body, which has already adjusted all its algorithms to a certain level of health, to maintain the inertia of this level and resist its rapid change both downward (toward illness) and upward (toward increasing health).
Therefore, no matter what method of therapeutic improvement of health is chosen, be it Zhiva therapy, homeopathy, acupuncture, manual therapy - with any of these approaches, a healing aggravation inevitably occurs.
Without exacerbation there is no treatment. No matter how unpleasant it may sound... Exacerbation during therapy should be met with joy - it means the process is going in the right direction. In homeopathy, the direction of spread of an exacerbation is considered: from which organs to which does the exacerbation proceed, from top to bottom, from inside to outside... There are certain criteria that make it possible to distinguish a healing exacerbation from unforeseen accidental complications or from an erroneous method of treatment.
Naturally, all these exacerbations are perceived negatively, since it is unpleasant, painful and disrupts the usual way of life (often incorrect, although pleasant... sometimes)... But how else could one cleanse the body of those wastes and toxins at the cellular level , which have been introduced into this body for years (!) through food, smoking, alcohol...
No matter how disgusting it may be, the “toxins” must come out... and the more of them in the body, the more systems and organs are slagged, the more ways the body will be cleansed: the intestines will be cleaned by removing fecal debris, rotting and smelly; the genitourinary system will expel sand and stones; the skin will cleanse the pores through sweat; there may be runny noses, coughs (respiratory system), tears and snot... all this is a necessary cleansing process...
In the process of healing aggravation, we can find out that we have problems where we did not expect them... Or we knew about them, but forgot... And we forgot because the problem became chronic and stopped reminding us of itself. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It’s just that its effect on the body has ceased to make tangible changes. But if the action is not felt, this does not mean that it does not exist. It just works on levels that are not yet felt. Bye...
Even if a person has forgotten about his problem, does not know about it, even if the doctor does not know about it, the problem begins to signal itself in the process of natural healing. And the bigger the problem, the stronger the signals.
For Zhiva therapy, by the way, it does not matter at all whether any diagnosis of the patient’s condition has been carried out. Energy “smartly” spreads throughout the body. Our body is so perfect that it is capable of self-healing. Zhiva itself will fill the deepest “holes” in health, and the process of filling with Energy will proceed in the most optimal order for each person individually. And exacerbations will be identified in the same optimal order.
Exacerbation is good! There is no need to be afraid of exacerbations and immediately rush to the pharmacy to suppress the symptoms of exacerbation. Exacerbation is right. You need to go through this, endure it... But you don’t need to give up your recovery because of an exacerbation. This is the only way to correct disrupted algorithms of the body’s functioning.


Physiological cleansing crises.

They are associated with the removal of toxins, waste, and poisons from the body. This is caused by the fact that harmful substances accumulated in the body first enter the bloodstream, causing the excretory systems to work to the limit, and then are eliminated from the body. Such crises can occur through nausea, vomiting, chills, various types of discharge, diarrhea, pain, psycho-emotional instability, loss of strength, sleep disturbance, and fever.

Energy crises.

They are associated with the release of accumulated negative emotions. These crises can be expressed by tears, outbursts of anger and irritation, and spontaneous convulsive twitching. If this happens during a session, then under no circumstances should you hold back, you need to give yourself the will to cry or shout out without thinking about those around you (that’s why you come to the sessions). If this happens outside the session, then find an opportunity to either stay alone, or later, be sure to give vent to pent-up emotions. At these moments, you need to learn to accept yourself as you are, that is, understand that you choose how you treat yourself and others, and only you can choose to change this attitude or not. It is important to learn not to judge yourself, not to think how bad you are, but to accept yourself entirely with everything that is in you. You cannot suppress the release of these emotions at these moments, but you need to learn to observe them without feeding them by fighting them or lengthy reasoning. Learn to simply observe how these emotions, rising to the surface within you, go away.

Health crises.

Health crises are very similar to cleansing crises. This is due to the fact that after cleansing, internal energy reserves begin to grow and processes become equalized. The increased strength of the body will begin to improve all functions and remove pathogenic foci. At such moments, all the symptoms of the diseases you have suffered may begin to come to the surface. It may seem to you that unexpectedly, against the background of general good health, “suddenly” deteriorations in your health began. These are nothing more than manifestations of diseases leaving the body. You may think that you got rid of diseases a long time ago, but in fact, traces of these diseases remain in the body. Some diseases can go away in a few days, others in a few weeks. But in general, the more sick you were, the more serious the illness, the longer the therapy will last, and the more serious the crises can be.

But in the end, your health and strength will gradually return, and general rejuvenation of your organs and your entire body will take place. For example, exposure to a patient with blood diseases is almost always accompanied by an increase in temperature and ulcers on the body. It is advisable not to lower the temperature or do it mechanically (rubbing with alcohol, vinegar, cold dousing, baths). Healing from skin diseases is accompanied by severe rashes, which are increased in area and distribution than before the impact. Gradually, the affected area decreases, while the skin is completely restored. The external use of charged water helps very well in these cases. When affecting patients with diseases of the central nervous system and psyche (epilepsy), in most cases we are talking about an increase in convulsive seizures. At the same time, they become more condensed in shape and gradually pass without losing consciousness.

When all neoplasms (as well as stones) are absorbed due to a decrease in density, they always first increase greatly in volume. Resorption of fibroids is almost always accompanied by minor bleeding. When treated, hemorrhoids usually become inflamed and bleed. Normalization of weight occurs due to getting rid of fears, normalizing the astral body, hormonal levels and metabolism. The process is long, but once a certain result is achieved, we can talk about its stability. This results in skin tightening and overall rejuvenation of the body. To achieve results, it is necessary to observe food hygiene: do not eat at night, do not eat high-calorie foods, do not drink liquids with gases, consume at least 3 liters of liquid per day (this is the norm for an adult body), eat at the same time. All of the above crises can occur in different sequences, and sometimes all together, but this is not so scary. It is important at these moments to understand that what is happening to you ultimately leads to your own healing. That is why the longer the therapy, the greater the result will be achieved.

There is another type of crisis – a reality correction crisis.

By correcting certain negative aspects of your personality, getting rid of certain negative emotions, you change your destiny, and sometimes, after undergoing therapy, you can begin to quickly work through various situations in your life. Therefore, be especially attentive to the events happening to you during this period of time. They often show errors that need to be understood and revised. And sometimes, the Higher Powers are even forced to destroy what you have now, your current reality, in order to build you a new life, radically different from the previous one. Being offended, angry, hating at such moments is very dangerous! This immediately begins to affect your health and can reduce all your and our work to zero.

HEALING CRISIS It happens not only to patients, it also happens to those who receive initiations
After passing initiation - it doesn’t matter, Golden Vortex, Alive, Runes, as well as after receiving new levels for new energies for you - a period of spiritual and mental cleansing begins. This doesn't mean you should take a bath more often. The cleansing process happens by itself.

The 40-day period of purification after initiation to any level of Zhiva practices is explained by the fact that after initiation the vibration frequency of our energy system increases. We are talking about a kind of “removal of toxins” not only on the physical, but also on the mental levels.
All blockages on the surface begin to soften and go away. Intensive leaching of toxins accumulated in the body begins.

At the beginning of the cleansing cycle, there may also be exacerbations of old diseases.
There is no need to be afraid of exacerbations and immediately rush to the pharmacy for medications and painkillers. If possible, you need to survive this, endure it... There is no need to give up your recovery because of an exacerbation.

This is the only way to correct disrupted body functioning algorithms.
Old thoughts and feelings that should have been dealt with long ago may resurface, which will manifest as an emotional crisis (tears) or other unusual phenomena. It is also possible that certain fears or unrealistic dreams will make themselves felt - all these are extremely important aspects of personal development.
Just try to become aware of them and free yourself from ballast. During the cleansing period this can be done easily.

Some even experience unusually pleasant experiences during cleansing. For example, they are happy that the feeling of hunger suddenly disappears during fasting, or that they can give up smoking. In fact, during the period of cleansing the body and soul, it is especially easy to get rid of everything bad and outdated in your behavior.
The cleansing period provides an opportunity to learn to listen to your body and consciously process and integrate the hitherto unaccepted parts of your personality. All reactions quickly go away if you give yourself daily full Zhiva sessions.

The cost of a course of healing Slavic Birth sessions (nine sessions) - from $10/per session

And most importantly, you can learn all this from us and do it yourself for yourself and other people!

✅ A few words, I want to say about the practices, these are very strong and powerful energies, at the moment, I do not know stronger and more effective than the Energies of our Light Gods and Goddesses.

✅ Which help not only to heal, but also to harmonize a person with the surrounding space and nature.

This is the Knowledge of our Ancestors! The connection with the Ancestors is being restored well!

✅ At our Academy we provide training and initiation into Slavic birth practices
🔥 With respect and gratitude in advance, Vedagor and Radomir.
We are grateful for your support!
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Psychosomatics is a new direction in medicine that studies influence of psychological problems on physical condition body.

Psychosomatic are pathologies and diseases that are not explained by problems with a person’s physical health - as a rule, the causes of illnesses are related to the psychological state individual.

Principle psychosomatics is the assertion that any disturbance of mental balance negatively affects a person’s physical health and well-being, and psychological imbalance is the “starting point” of the occurrence of many diseases.

Psychosomatics as a cause of stye

Psychology considers the eyes not only as a part of the face or an organ of vision, but also as a link connecting a person’s inner world with the surrounding reality.

Accordingly, visual pathologies and eye diseases appear due to the loss or disruption of this connection.

In ophthalmology, psychosomatics is considered as the cause of a number of eye diseases. Barley most often appears in people with unstable psyche who find it difficult to perceive the surrounding reality if it differs from their ideas about the world.

Psychosomatic causes of stye lie in negative emotions humans, which contribute to the development of purulent-inflammatory processes of the eyes.

Reference. The idea of ​​a connection between body and soul was first voiced by ancient Greek philosopher Plato, after which it was developed by many scientists and psychiatrists.

Psychosomatic factors in the manifestation of inflammation in the eyes

Anger. This feeling negatively affects a person’s mental state, giving rise to irritability and anxiety, which as a result spill out onto others. Such emotions provoke inflammatory processes on the eyelids - in such cases it is customary to say that a person looks at life with “evil” eyes.

In addition, negative emotions significantly lower the body's immunity, opening access to bacteria and viral infections.

Anger. Another factor that can cause inflammatory processes on the eyelids.

A person who is constantly angry becomes nervous and irritable, begins to defend himself from others and builds a real wall between himself and the world.

Anger has a quality accumulate, poisoning the body from the inside, resulting in ulcers appearing on the eyelids. A person pushes away positivity and good luck - a gradual decrease in immunity occurs, and the disease passes into a chronic form.

Advice. People of creative professions are less likely to suffer from stye, therefore, with constant manifestations of this disease, psychosomatic specialists They recommend looking at works of art.

Fear. One of the main psychosomatic reasons for the appearance of barley. People who are constantly in a state of fear are afraid of change and have a hard time dealing with innovations in work and personal life.

They automatically perform the same actions day after day, they stop experiencing joy from simple things, their existence becomes boring and dull. People most often suffer from such experiences indecisive people with a weak psyche, and negative emotions are accompanied by inflammation of the eye mucosa and barley.

Weakness, fear and indecisiveness are the main companions of people who often suffer from ophthalmological diseases.

Barley and temperament

Impressionable people with sudden mood swings, individuals who are unable to accept someone else's point of view.

Photo 1. Eysenck circle, consisting of four fields. Each corresponds to a certain type of temperament.

Such individuals have an inherent desire to defend their position with the manifestation of violent emotions. Such surges can lead to various diseases nervous system , as well as other organs. Inflammation in the form of an abscess- a unique way for the body to free itself from negative emotions.

Useful video

A video that tells more about psychosomatic diseases: types, theories explaining the mechanism of their work, methods of treatment.

How to prevent the occurrence of the disease?

As soon as a person with mental problems develops a stye, he feels temporary relief, becomes less irritable, plunges headlong into work and household chores.