What kind of oil to pour into the VAZ 2107 gearbox. Motor oils and everything you need to know about motor oils. Which gear oil is best for Kalina?

05.11.2021 ethnoscience

Changing the oil in a VAZ 2107 gearbox is an important procedure when servicing a car. It is done less frequently than replacing engine lubricant, but it should never be neglected. According to the regulations, the oil in the VAZ 2107 gearbox is changed every 40-60 thousand kilometers, depending on the operating conditions: the more severe they are, the more often a replacement is needed. If you do not change the oil in the box, it will lose its qualities and properties over time, which will cause the mechanism to fail.

In this material we will take a detailed look at the process of changing transmission oil in the gearboxes of domestic cars, including the so-called “seven”. The car has rear-wheel drive and is valued for the low price of consumables, spare parts and ease of maintenance.

What is required for replacement?

  • transmission oil in the required volume (more on this below);
  • hexagon 12;
  • rags;
  • key to 17;
  • five-liter container for used lubricant.

The volume of oil in the VAZ 2107 gearbox depends on the type of gearbox:

  • for four-speed – 1.35 liters;
  • for a five-speed transmission – 1.6 liters.

Replacement frequency

According to technical regulations, the frequency of oil changes is once every three years or every 60 thousand kilometers. Depends on what happens faster.

Of course, there are other important factors that can affect replacement intervals. One of them is the quality of the liquid poured. If you fill in with low-quality lubricant, you will significantly shorten the interval between maintenance, and the box will begin to collapse from the inside. We also note that the oil should not be motor oil, but special transmission oil.

We figured out how much oil to pour into the box of a VAZ 2107, and we will tell you how to do it below. Now we will give some tips on how to properly replace the lubricant:

  1. The oil must be changed on a hot engine, warmed up to operating temperature. This is necessary for quick and complete drainage of fluid from the transmission.
  2. Carry out all work wearing gloves that will protect your hands from accidental burns from hot oil.
  3. Change the fluid on an overpass, lift or inspection pit.
  4. When replacing, pay attention to whether there are metal shavings in the lubricant. Its presence indicates the need for prompt transmission repair.
  5. Five-speed gearboxes of the VAZ 2107 have a certain feature: they need to be filled with approximately 250 ml more oil due to design features.
  6. Changing the oil is quite easy. It is only important to decide which lubricant is best to fill. We have a separate section on choosing oil on our website.

Lubrication process

As we said, before changing the transmission fluid, you should take the car for a short drive to warm up the transmission. The oil inside it will heat up and drain out of the system better. If there are small abrasive particles in the oil, they will not settle at the bottom. And they will come out with old grease. Don't neglect this rule.

Drive the car onto an overpass or pit, climb under the bottom and place the prepared container for old lubricant under the drain plug, and unscrew it with a hexagon. When unscrewing, be careful and remember that the oil inside the transmission is so hot that it can easily burn you. After draining the old oil, clean the plug and screw it back into place. Also unscrew the filler plug and clean it too.

Using a special syringe, pour the required volume of oil into the VAZ 2107 gearbox into the filler hole and do not forget that if you have a five-speed transmission, it is better to fill in a little more oil. To do this, raise one side of the car a little more, for example, using a jack. After filling the lubricant, screw the filler plug into place. The process of changing the oil in the VAZ 2107 gearbox is completed, and you can hit the road.

Whatever one may say, time flies, and with it the mileage on the car increases. As soon as the mileage reaches 60,000 km, every experienced motorist knows that it is time to change the gearbox oil. You can find out how to do this in the corresponding material on our website. Today we will pay attention to an equally important question: what kind of oil should be poured into the VAZ 2107 gearbox? After all, there is a very large selection of transmission oils, just like motor oils, but we will find out which will be better later.

Every driver has asked this question more than once: what kind of oil should be poured into the VAZ 2107 gearbox? And not just fill it in and forget it, but also at least not worsen the lubrication process of the gearbox. The manufacturer recommends filling in oils of the following viscosity classes:

  • SAE75W90;
  • SAE75W85;
  • SAE80W85.
  • four-stage;
  • 5-speed.

For the normal functioning of these units, it is important to promptly replace the lubricant. Moreover, the oil being poured does not have to be expensive, not at all. It is important to choose the correct characteristics of the transmission oil so that later you do not have to disassemble the gearbox for repair work.

It is known that the gearbox on any car is the most unpretentious unit that can last over 150 thousand kilometers without repair, provided that it is used carefully and correctly. Many people believe that if the drained waste from the gearbox still has a bright color, then there is no need to change it. It is necessary to change the lubricant in any case, since by the end of the recommended period, regardless of the color, the molecular structure of the oil changes and it can no longer perform its functions. And when this happens, accelerated wear of all rubbing parts inside the mechanism begins. Based on these features, it is necessary to replace them in a timely manner, this will prevent premature failure of the unit elements.

What does the oil group mean?

Like motor oil, transmission oil has a characteristic viscosity, as well as the group to which it belongs. For the domestic VAZ-2107 car, it is recommended to fill in lubricant of group GL-4 or GL-5. What is a group?
GL-4 - designates a type of oil that contains a high concentration of additives. This type is recommended for cars with manual transmissions. An excellent option for the domestic car VAZ-2107. GL-5 are oils that are used to lubricate rubbing gears operating at an angle - hypoid gears.

The VAZ-2107 car has such a gear (hypoid), and it is located in the rear axle gearbox. Therefore, it is recommended to use GL-5 for the gearbox, but since the factory recommends changing the oil in the gearbox and gearbox at the same time, the valiant owners don’t bother and fill both containers with the same type of lubricant. There is nothing wrong with this, since the GL-5 is also suitable for transmissions. It is also worth noting that this group is used in mechanisms that are designed to operate under severe operating conditions.

What is viscosity grade?

For a VAZ-2107 car, which is operated in a temperate climate with relatively cold winters and hot summers, it is recommended to fill in oil with a viscosity grade of SAE75W90. This is an all-season type of oil, which is designed for operating temperatures: from -40 to +45. It is within these temperature limits that the lubricant does not lose its performance qualities and is suitable for work.

You need to focus on the viscosity class according to your region of residence, which depends on climatic conditions. For example, an abbreviation such as SAE80W85 indicates an upper limit of +35 and a lower limit of -26 degrees. This is not enough in some regions, so pay attention to these values ​​when choosing oil.

Oil volume per box

To be precise, the oil is poured not into the box, but into the gearbox housing. When replacing, it is poured into the crankcase, where the filler plug is located. The amount of oil that needs to be poured into the gearbox housing depends on how many gears the box has. If the box has five stages, then at least 1.6 liters will be required. To refill a 4-speed gearbox you will need 250 ml less, that is, 1.35 liters.

A five-speed gearbox differs from a four-speed gearbox not only in design, but also in crankcase volume. The difference is insignificant, but when replacing the lubricant, this must be taken into account.

Mineral water, semi-synthetic or synthetic – what to choose?

The manufacturer recommends using synthetic, semi-synthetic or mineral oils, which are the best option for the VAZ-2107. Mineral water is the cheapest material, but its disadvantage is that in winter it hardens at higher temperatures. high temperature compared to others. This makes starting the engine much more difficult, especially if you do not depress the clutch when starting.

Synthetics and semi-synthetics do not thicken as much on frosty days, but both materials differ in consistency. Synthetics are more fluid and are good for use in new gearboxes, as they tend to leak at the slightest defect in the seals. Semi-synthetic is a little thicker and does not have such problems, so this is a good option if you plan to fill it in a gearbox with decent mileage. If even semi-synthetics begin to ooze, then it is necessary to repair the gearbox and replace worn parts. The cost of semi-synthetics and synthetics is not very different, and starts from 1000 rubles.

There are leaks from the box and needs repair.

The question of which oil is best to fill in the VAZ-2107 gearbox is something that each driver must decide for himself, based on the information provided. It is important to make a responsible choice: use an oil that is suitable for its characteristics, and observe the timing of its replacement. After all, it will prolong healthy life your car and save on repair costs.

As part of routine maintenance of any car, including the classic VAZ 2107 model, among other things, a complete replacement of the lubricant in the gearbox (gearbox) and rear axle gear housing is carried out. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, this procedure is performed every time after a run of 35,000 kilometers or after three years of continuous operation of the VAZ 2107.

A necessary condition under which the replacement of lubricant in the box and rear axle housing will be carried out successfully and without any problems is the presence of an inspection hole or a special overpass. Otherwise, changing the oil will be very problematic.

Of the tools, changing the lubricant will require:

  • Socket wrench or socket 17;
  • Container for collecting used lubricant;
  • Metal brush;
  • Device for filling oil (syringe, blower, etc.).

In addition, it is necessary to purchase new oil in the required volume for filling. To determine how much lubricant to buy, let’s make simple calculations: you need to fill the VAZ 2107 box with approximately 1.6 liters plus 1.3 liters into the rear axle gearbox. In total, the minimum required volume of gear oil is 3 liters.

To prevent wastage of time and material resources, before starting work, it is strongly recommended that the gearbox be thoroughly inspected for leaks. If a leak is detected, you must first eliminate its cause, and only then change the oil.

First of all, you need to clean the drain and filler plugs from dirt using a wire brush. To begin with, a replacement in the gearbox. Place a container for used oil and unscrew the filler and drain plugs one by one. After all the oil has flowed out of the gearbox, screw the drain plug into place. We check the drained oil for the presence of metal impurities and excessive contamination.

If the used oil is too dirty, it is strongly recommended to flush the gearbox. There are special washing liquids for this, but you can prepare it yourself. There is nothing complicated about this: you need to mix oil (no matter what, motor or transmission) and diesel fuel or kerosene in a 1:1 ratio. 1 liter of mixture is enough for washing. Using a syringe or other device, you need to pour the mixture into the box and tighten the filler plug. After this, turn on neutral speed, start the engine and let it run for 5-10 minutes and drain the flushing mixture from the box.

In the event that you are washing not only the gearbox, but also the rear axle gearbox of a VAZ 2107, you will need to jack up the rear wheel, secure the car using wheel chocks and let the engine run with the gear engaged. At the same time, both the gearbox and the rear axle will be washed.

After the oil or flush has been drained from the gearbox and the drain plug has been screwed into place, use a syringe or other device to fill in a new one. According to the factory's recommendations, oil is poured until it begins to flow out through the filler hole. After this, screw the filler plug into place, and the replacement can be considered complete.

In old VAZ 2107 cars, it happens that it is not possible to unscrew the filler plug for one reason or another. Then, after draining the lubricant, you need to disassemble the protective seals around the gear shift lever and fill in oil from the passenger compartment. Since it is impossible to control the volume through the filler hole, we rely on the manufacturer’s recommendations: for a four-speed gearbox – 1.4 liters, for a five-speed gearbox – 1.6.

Changing the lubricant in the rear axle of a VAZ 2107 is carried out in the same way, using the same tools and devices.

The gearbox is a very important component of the VAZ 2107 car. And the service life of the gearbox directly depends on the quality and timely replacement of the transmission fluid. The transmission is replaced less frequently than the engine oil, but this should not be neglected. Because, gradually, the transmission fluid loses its properties, and this leads to gearbox failure. You can change the mixture or add fluid yourself. This process does not require special skills or tools.

Reasons for changing transmission oil in a VAZ 2107 gearbox

Replacing the transmission fluid in the “seven” box may be necessary for the following reasons:

  • When extraneous sounds and creaks appeared. Gradually, the liquid loses its properties, and particles of metal and moisture can get into it. In turn, this leads to accelerated wear of parts.
  • If the transmission fluid has become dark or black in color, it should be replaced regardless of the vehicle's mileage.
  • Purchasing a used car. Especially when it is unknown how long ago the former owner changed the fluid.

The dipstick, which has 2 max and min marks, will help you find out the level of transmission fluid in the VAZ 2017 gearbox - you need to add it if the level is below the min mark

Transmission oil change intervals

Before replacing the transmission fluid in the “Seven” gearbox, you first need to study the instruction manual that comes with the car. It is there that the automaker indicates the exact period between replacements. And according to this document, the transmission fluid must be changed once every 3 years or every 60 thousand km of the vehicle. Unless, of course, there are other reasons to replace it ahead of schedule.

  • Recommendations for proper fluid replacement:
  • To ensure that the old mixture flows out quickly and completely, replacement should be done when the engine is warmed up to operating temperature.
  • All actions during the fluid replacement process should be carried out using rubber gloves. This will help protect your hands from burns if hot oil gets on your skin. In addition, you need to protect your face and eyes.
  • The lubricant should be changed in an inspection pit, overpass or using lifts.
  • During replacement, you need to pay attention to the presence of metal components in the used liquid. If such chips are present, then you should start repairing the transmission as soon as possible.
  • The five-speed gearbox of the VAZ 2107 has a certain nuance. A little more transmission fluid should be poured into it - approximately 250 ml. This is due to the design features of the gearbox

About types of transmission oils

The main task of transmission fluid is to create a thin but durable oil film on the surface of parts and mechanisms, thus protecting them from rapid wear.

Modern industry offers a wide range of different fluids, and the quality of the gearbox depends on the correct choice. At the moment, there are three types of oils: synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral. Each of these mixtures has its own set of characteristics and properties.

Mineral transmission is the most budget option. This oil has good lubricating properties, but has a significant drawback. In extreme cold conditions it freezes very quickly. This, in turn, creates difficulties when starting the engine in sub-zero temperatures.

Unlike mineral water, synthetics and semi-synthetics have a higher price. In addition, such oils thicken less at low temperatures and are excellent for use in fairly severe frosts. Synthetic and semi-synthetic oils also differ from each other. The consistency of semi-synthetic liquid is thicker than synthetics. It is great for cars with high mileage. Synthetic oil is better used for new gearboxes, as it is thinner and can leak if there are even the smallest defects in the seals.

When choosing products, first of all, you need to pay attention to viscosity. This is exactly what the SAE index indicates.

According to SAE standards, transmission fluids are divided into the following categories:

  • Summer oil (marking consists of numbers only).
  • Winter mixture (in its designation it has English letter W – winter).
  • All-season liquid. The marking of such a lubricant consists of two numbers, which are separated by the letter W. This oil can be used all year round.

Synthetic and semi-synthetic oils that have the following viscosity classes are suitable for the gearbox:

  • SAE80W85 is an all-season liquid with a temperature range from -35 °C to +35 °C.
  • SAE75W90 is a mixture used at any time of the year with a recommended temperature range from -40 °C to +35 °C.
  • SAE75W85 is a multi-season oil, designed for work within the range of -40 °C...+45 °C.

In addition, when choosing transmission fluid, you can come across the API classification. It implies the systematization of lubricants according to their quality, application and performance characteristics. There are 7 groups in total, but only two are the most popular.

So, for the VAZ 2107 gearbox, the manufacturer recommends the following groups of transmission fluids:

  • GL-4. This oil is characterized by the presence of a large number of additives. It is used for gearboxes that operate in high gears at low torques and in low gears at high torques.
  • GL-5. This fluid was developed for hypoid gears with high axle displacement. This liquid has proven itself when working in harsh conditions. It is recommended for gears that operate at high speeds with low torques and shock loads on gear teeth.

Brand and volume of oil for gearbox VAZ 2107
The VAZ 2107 gearbox has two modifications - five-speed and four-speed. And depending on this, the volume of liquid poured varies:

  • Four-speed gearboxes require 1.35 liters.
  • For five-speed gearboxes, 1.6 liters are required.

What mixture should be poured does not depend on the number of stages. It must be a special transmission, selected in accordance with the recommendations of the automaker. That is, the liquid must correspond to the operating conditions of the vehicle.

Some brands of lubricants that can be poured into the VAZ 2107 gearbox:

  • Lukoil TM-5 85W90
  • TNK Hypoid 80W90
  • Spector 80W90
  • Shell Spirax S5 75W90 GL4/5
  • Novoil Super T 80W90
  • Spectrol Forward 80W90
  • Agip Rotra MP 80W90/80W95
  • Norsi Trans 80W90/85W90
  • MP Gear Lube-LS 80W90/80W140 (GL-5)

Of course, these are not all transmission fluids that can be used for the “Seven” gearbox. But these are the most popular among VAZ 2107 owners.

Checking the oil level in the gearbox

The transmission fluid is checked every 10 thousand km. Essentially, during periodic maintenance (according to the manufacturer’s regulations).

Before you start checking the fluid level, you need to let the car sit for a while. This will allow the oil to flow down the walls of the gearbox.

To check the lubricant level:

  • The key is 17.
  • Steel brush and rag.
  • A screwdriver or other suitable object for measuring the level.
  • A special syringe to add oil if necessary.

Steps to check the transmission level:

  • Place the car on an overpass or in a pit (you can use lifts).
  • Find the oil filler and drain plugs.
  • Using a steel brush and rag, clean the plugs and the crankcase surface around them from dirt.
  • Using a 17 mm wrench, unscrew the filler plug.
  • Using a screwdriver or similar suitable object, measure the oil level. It should reach the bottom edge of the hole.
  • If the transmission fluid level does not meet the required level, the lubricant must be added. This can be done using a special syringe. At this point, you can check the condition of the oil.
  • To complete the process, tighten the oil filler plug.

If you notice a strong drop in the fluid level, you need to check the condition of the gearbox seals. Under no circumstances should there be drops of transmission oil on the gearbox housing. At the same time, the presence of oil fogging is quite acceptable and does not indicate damage to the seals. It is imperative to check the fastening of the gearbox housing covers and, if necessary, tighten the nuts. If after all the steps the oil continues to flow, the gaskets and/or seals need to be replaced.

The process of changing the oil in a VAZ 2107 gearbox

After choosing the oil, you can proceed directly to changing it. So, for the process of changing the lubricant itself you will need:

  • New gear oil, selected taking into account all recommendations.
  • 12 mm hex key.
  • 17mm wrench.
  • Container for draining used lubricant. Alternatively, you can use plastic bottle, cutting off the top.
  • ·Dry cloth.
  • Brush with metal bristles.
  • Special grease syringe (grease gun). If you don't have a grease gun on hand, you can use a funnel with a long flexible tube attached to it.

Sequence of work

To do this you need to complete the following steps:

  1. First of all, the lubricant must be warmed up to operating temperature. This can be done by driving a few kilometers (but not less than 5).
  2. The car needs to be driven onto an overpass or inspection hole and put on the handbrake.
  3. Find the drain and fill holes.
  4. Clean the transmission housing and oil fill and drain plugs using a wire brush and then a rag.
  5. Place a container under the drain hole to drain the used oil.
  6. Using a 17 mm wrench, unscrew the filler cap. Using a hex wrench, unscrew the drain plug.
  7. Drain the waste. You should be careful at this point, as the oil is very hot. Also, do not let the liquid spill on the ground because the oil contains chemicals that can be harmful to the environment.
  8. Clean the drain plug from dirt and screw it into place.
  9. Carefully inspect the drained lubricant. If there is metal dust in it, then the gearbox requires repair.
  10. Insert the grease gun into the oil filler neck and fill in the required amount of oil. Typically, liquid is added until it begins to flow out of the filler hole.
  11. Screw the oil filler cap into place. The oil change is complete.

Note. The same fluid is poured into the gearbox and rear axle gearbox. Therefore, it is better to change the oil in these units at the same time.

For those cars whose gearboxes have a dipstick for checking the oil level, the steps are as follows:

  • Find the drain cover on the gearbox.
  • Remove the rubber cap from the gearbox and clean it. At the same time, clean the breather, then return the cap to its place.
  • Place a container for waste fluid under the crankcase and unscrew the drain cap.
  • Wait until the oil drains completely.
  • Screw the drain plug into place.
  • Pull out the dipstick showing the oil level in the gearbox.
  • Insert a funnel where the dipstick was and add fresh fluid.
  • During the process of pouring lubricant, you need to monitor the level using a dipstick.
  • The fluid level should be midway between the minimum and maximum marks.

Changing the oil in the gearbox on a VAZ 2107 with your own hands is done after familiarizing yourself with step by step instructions. It is important to determine in time when the oil is running out or when replacement is required.

Changing the oil in a VAZ 2107 gearbox is an important procedure for a car. To carry out the replacement yourself, you need to know how much oil to pour and read the step-by-step instructions.

Signs of expired oil

  • The clutch does not work;
  • There is a creaking sound when the engine is running;
  • Difficulty shifting gears.

The oil is changed after about 50,000 kilometers.


Necessary tools for changing the oil on the seven:

  • wrench size 17 mm;
  • 12 mm hexagon;
  • an oil syringe (or a product made from a bottle and a flexible hose);
  • container for old oil;
  • new oil.

How much oil is poured

The volume of oil in the VAZ 2107 gearbox varies depending on the number of gearbox stages. A four-speed gearbox requires 1.35 liters, and a five-speed gearbox requires 1.6 liters.

What oil is better to fill?

The factory instructions for Semerka contain a list of oils recommended for filling into the gearbox:

  • 80W-85;
  • GL-4432;
  • Shell Spirax S5 ATE 75W90 GL4/5;
  • other oils of class GL4 and higher.

How to check the oil level

  1. Drive into the pit.
  2. Clean the drain and filler holes of the VAZ 2107 gearbox with a metal brush.
  3. Unscrew the filling plug with wrench 17.
  4. Check the current oil level (the norm is oil to the bottom edge of the hole).

If the oil is less than the lower level of the hole, add it with a special syringe. You can buy it at an auto store.

How to change oil

A correct oil change without a service station is carried out on a jack or overpass immediately after driving the car.


Oil can reach 90 °C.

  1. Unscrew the oil fill valve.
  2. Place the prepared container under the drain hole ( if there is no oil in the box, go to step 5).
  3. Open the drain and drain the used oil.
  4. Clean the plug and flush the gearbox (if the old oil is dark and contains obvious debris).
  5. Fill with clean oil to the bottom level of the hole.
  6. Close the cap tightly.