Chickweed inflorescence. Chickweed is medium. The use of chickweed in folk medicine

21.08.2023 Complications

Chickweed is more often called chickweed. Known all over the world not as an ornamental plant, but as medicinal herb, helping with many ailments.

It contains a large number of vitamins and useful components that cannot but attract everyone's attention.

Chickweed is a plant that is grown as an annual or perennial plant. It belongs to the Carnation family and the Flowering genus.

The main characteristic of chickweed is its creeping shoots. But there are some species in which such shoots are absent.

The stem of the plant is empty, sometimes covered with short hairs, which has a tetrahedral structure. The stem length can grow up to 30 cm in length. The foliage is mostly sessile, lanceolate or ovate in shape.

Chickweed flowers have an absolutely regular shape and small size.

The maximum diameter can reach only 2 cm. The petals have a standard white inconspicuous color.

The ovary of the plant is formed of a single-locular type. The fruits are presented in a multi-seeded box, shaped like a cylinder. The seeds themselves have a round, tuberculate shape.

Chickweed blooms for a long time and begins in early spring and ends in late autumn.

Chickweed is very common throughout the Northern Hemisphere. In our regions it is perceived as a weed.

This plant is very inconspicuous, which in our regions is usually considered a weed crop.

List of substances and components that make up the plant

Despite the fact that chickweed is usually treated as a weed and annoying plant, it has many positive qualities.

The upper part of the culture contains many components useful for the human body, namely:

  • Essential oil
  • Carotene
  • Sinapic acid
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E

The ash of the plant also contains useful components, such as potassium salts and chlorine.
This plant contains many substances beneficial to the human body.

How to grow a plant correctly

This is an absolutely unpretentious plant. It takes root well on soils of various compositions and grows and develops well both in shade and in particularly sunny areas.

In order to get a more developed and lush plant, it is necessary to create the following conditions:

  • Loose, wet,
  • Semi-shaded

Woodlice are often planted in small boxes and placed indoors in order to obtain fresh and healthy greens in winter.

The plant does not require creation special conditions and feels great in soil of any composition.

Creating the right conditions and care

After the plant is planted, regular watering in moderate quantities will be required. Once the formed sprouts appear, watering can be stopped, since the chickweed no longer needs it.

This plant is characterized by very intensive growth, so it quickly grows and turns into an annoying weed. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to exclude self-dispersal of seeds.

This is quite simple to do: before seed formation begins, you need to tear out the plant with its entire root system and take it away.

If this is not done, the roots will very soon produce many new shoots and the plant will fill a much larger area.

For the winter period, the plant does not need to arrange shelters, since it tolerates low temperatures well.

For this plant, it is very important to water after planting the seeds in open ground conditions.

Woodlice propagation methods

There are two methods of woodlice propagation:

  • Seeds that can survive in the soil for several years
  • Dividing the bush

Sowing seeds is the most common propagation option. It is usually performed in the spring. But sometimes planting occurs before the onset of cold weather. There is no need for insulation, so this method is very convenient. Germination planting material in this case it does not happen simultaneously. Sprouts may appear until autumn.

Two methods can be used to propagate chickweed: by seeds and by dividing the bush.

Scope of application

The use of chickweed in landscape design is widespread. It is used for arranging mixed flower beds and alpine slides.

Since this is a creeping plant, it is used for arranging flower beds with carpet crops. And it turns out very beautifully, because when the most favorable conditions are created, the common chickweed forms entire air cushions, which are dotted with pleasant snow-white flowers.

In addition to its decorative role, this plant is often grown as food for pets. But that's not all. Young woodlice shoots are used for culinary purposes to prepare a variety of salads and soups, which contain a whole treasure trove of useful components and vitamins.

As mentioned earlier, chickweed also has healing properties, so it is used in folk medicine. Special decoctions are brewed from it, which help in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and thyroid gland.

They have a beneficial effect on the body when edema, diarrhea, rashes of various types, and rheumatism appear. In addition to tinctures, compresses are prepared that are used for radiculitis, various joint diseases, and sprains.

Fresh plant juice is also often used, thanks to which accelerated healing of wounds of various types is possible. For diseases of the liver and thyroid gland, it is also recommended to drink freshly prepared juice.

Chickweed is widely used in landscaping, culinary purposes and as a medicinal product.

While watching the video you will learn about woodlice.

Chickweed in our regions is better known as a weed. But despite this, many also know it as effective medicine, used in folk medicine to treat certain diseases.

Instructions for use:

Chickweed average – annual herbaceous plant, preparations from which have immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and wound-healing effects.

Chemical composition

Chickwort (wood louse, woodlice, biting midge, canary grass, heart grass, hernia grass) belongs to plants of the Chickweed genus of the Clove family.

The medicinal raw material is the aerial part of the plant. 100 g of herb contains:

  • carotene – 23 mg;
  • vitamin C – 114 mg;
  • vitamin E – 44 mg.

Other useful biologically active substances: vitamin K, trace elements (iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, chlorine, selenium, cobalt, silicon), essential oils, aliphatic alcohols, triterpene saponins, tannins, lipids, organic acids, sinapic acid, alkaloids, wax, flavonoids (vitexin, saponaretin).

Beneficial features

Thanks to the biologically active substances included in the composition of chickweed, the plant has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, wound-healing effect, and less pronounced - laxative, choleretic and diuretic.

Other beneficial features:

  • hemostatic, hemostatic (due to vitamin K); the plant regulates blood clotting and can also be used to enhance lactation;
  • coronary dilator, hypotensive (due to flavonoids and vitamins C and E); woodlice, by increasing blood flow to the heart, has a beneficial effect on it, which makes it possible to use the plant to relieve attacks of angina pectoris.

Chickweed is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation. It is also not used by official medicine. However, the plant is widely used in folk medicine and homeopathy.

Herbalists recommend using the juice of the plant, as well as preparing various decoctions, infusions and oil extracts (as a wound-healing, analgesic, hypotensive, antiseptic, expectorant, antihistamine, tonic, antihypoxic and diuretic). Homeopaths use woodlice to prepare healing essences (as a tonic, hemostatic, laxative, diuretic and hemostatic agent).

In Belarus, chickweed is traditionally used to treat hemorrhoids, bleeding, hemoptysis, hypovitaminosis, and vomiting with blood. In Karelia, the above-ground part of the plant is brewed for skin diseases, heart pathologies, diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, and also as a diuretic, laxative and hemostatic agent. The Nanais prepare baths from fresh woodlice greens that relieve swelling of the legs.

The plant can be used not only for therapy, but also for the prevention of diseases such as cystitis, hyperthyroidism, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, anemia, cirrhosis, scurvy, and eye diseases. In such cases, it is possible to use not only decoctions, tinctures and infusions, but also woodlice juice.

Indications for use

  • hypertension, angina pectoris, vegetative-vascular dystonia, coronary heart disease (cardiovascular system);
  • gastritis, enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis, diarrhea and colic (digestive system);
  • neurasthenia, epilepsy, nervous attacks, convulsions (nervous system);
  • diseases of the oral cavity, thyroid gland, liver, gallbladder, lungs, urinary tract, infectious-inflammatory/respiratory diseases, hypovitaminosis, leg swelling, immunodeficiency, cystitis, scurvy, anemia;
  • scrofula, rashes of various etiologies, pustular rashes, acne, boils (skin diseases; external use);
  • bedsores, abrasions, cuts (external use);
  • sprains, joint diseases, myositis, arthritis, rheumatism, radiculitis, mastopathy (musculoskeletal system; external use in the form of compresses).


  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as a tendency to develop allergic reactions.

Home remedies for chickweed

  • infusion ( general recipe): 1 tbsp. l. raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water; infusion time – 4 hours; Directions for use: 4 times a day before meals, 2 tbsp. l.;
  • infusion (cystitis therapy): 1 tbsp. l. raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water; infuse like tea; Directions for use: 3-4 times a day, 100 ml;
  • tincture (therapy of pain in the stomach and intestines): 1 tbsp. l. raw materials for 300 ml of vodka; infusion time - 14 days in a dark place in a dark container, with occasional shaking; Directions for use: 3 times a day, 20–25 drops;
  • decoction (therapy of sore joints for skin diseases, polyarthritis, rheumatism, myositis, radiculitis, sprains - externally in the form of lotions and compresses): 4 tbsp. l. raw materials per 1 liter of water; preparation – cook for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours; Method of application: moisten gauze folded in several layers in the broth and apply to problem areas;
  • decoction (therapy of joint pain - externally in the form of baths): 200 g of raw materials per 1 liter of boiling water; preparation – cook for 10 minutes; Method of use: pour the resulting decoction into the bath, temperature – no higher than 35–40 °C, duration of procedures – from 15 to 20 minutes.

Chickweedgrass-like (cereal, drunken grass) -Stellaria graminea.

Class- Dicotyledonous.

The weed belongs to the clove family. This is an annual spring weed. May occur as a perennial. It is growing and developing everywhere. It heavily infests fodder, row crops, grain crops, pastures and meadows. Moisture-loving plant.

Chickweed is a very poisonous plant. After chickweed enters the body of animals, they experience damage to the respiratory system, weakness, and swelling.

The root system is branched. In perennial forms it turns into rhizomes. Stems are tetrahedral, glabrous. The height of the stems is 20-60 cm. The leaves are linear or lanceolate, pointed. The plant is more leafy at the bottom. The flowers are in spreading, multi-flowered inflorescences.

The fruit of the weed is a capsule. The capsule is elongated and multi-seeded. The seeds are small, round, pressed on the sides. The seeds are grayish-brown and brown in color. The surface is wrinkled and tuberculate. The length of the achene is from 0.7 to 1.25, width - up to 1.0 mm, thickness - 0.5 mm. The weight of 1000 seeds is about 0.3 g. Seeds that fall off do not germinate. Germination depth is 1 cm. Those shoots that are on the soil surface appear faster. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 18-20°C.

When fighting weeds, you need to carefully cultivate the soil. To improve the root part of meadows and pastures, it is necessary to carry out deep plowing with skimmers. Chickweed is resistant to commonly used herbicides. Only when using anti-cereal herbicides in the first stages of plant development can certain success be achieved.

Chickweed or drunken grass photo:

Chickweed - Stellaria graminea
Drunken grass - Stellaria graminea

Chickweed(the second widely known name is “woodlouse”) is a perennial, less often an annual plant. It belongs to the genus of flowering plants from the carnation family.

Chickweed is characterized by creeping shoots, but there are also species without them. The stems of the grass are bare, sometimes hairy, and tetrahedral. Their length ranges from 10 to 30 cm. In the dominant majority of species, the leaves are sessile, linear-lanceolate or ovate.

The flowers are regular in shape, bisexual, small, reaching about 20 mm in diameter. Depending on the type, there are 4–5 sepals of lanceolate or lanceolate-ovate shape. The bracts are leaf-shaped or membranous. Petals are white.

The ovary of chickweed is unilocular. The fruit is a multi-seeded cylindrical capsule. The seeds are round, tuberculate.

The plant blooms from late spring to autumn.

Chickweed is widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere. In Russia it can be found everywhere as an annoyingly growing weed.

It contains a large amount of Vitamin “C”, and what is quite unusual is that it contains carotene – provitamin “A”. These vitamins stop hormonal imbalances and restore thyroid function.

Used for thrombophlebitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and renal failure. Tincture in parallel will help cope with fatty hepatosis, remove excess radionuclides.

Mode of application:

Shake before use!

Take 20 - 25 drops 1 - 3 times a day.


Individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation.

Storage conditions:

After opening the package, store the bottle in the refrigerator.

During storage, slight sediment may form.

Chickweed tincture: what it treats, how to prepare, where to buy, medicinal properties

Chickweed- This is a plant that belongs to the clove family. It is not very tall, maybe only 10-30 cm in height, and is often used as a decorative flower in bouquets. However, it is very beneficial for human health and has a strong effect. In particular, the plant can eliminate ulcers, relieve pain, and remove harmful radionuclides from the body.

general information

Chickweed is the official name of the plant. They gave her this “name” because of the unusual shape of the flower petals. They really do have a star shape together. The leaves are small, but the flower looks very interesting.

The second name of this plant is woodlice. IN people's councils it is used much more often, so many people think that these are completely different plants. And yet, chickweed is called that way. It blooms in late spring and until autumn. It is at this time that it is recommended to collect it until the healing properties go away.

Despite the fact that this plant is perceived as a weed, many healers extracted healthy juice from it, made decoctions and infusions back in the old days. With the right decoction, one could quickly restore the body after diarrhea, relieve rashes of various types, and improve the condition of blood vessels and heart function.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of records regarding the use of chickweed, scientists have not yet fully studied all the properties of the plant. And, nevertheless, it is recognized as healing, and is used in folk medicine and homeopathy.

What does chickweed treat?

Chickweed tincture can relieve many diseases and is also used as a disease prevention. She treats the following ailments:

  • Rheumatism
  • Liver pain, liver problems
  • Gout
  • Internal bleeding
  • Heart problems
  • Vascular diseases
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Diarrhea
  • Edema
  • Rash
  • Pulmonary diseases
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract

There are a number of other diseases that woodlice tincture can treat. However, this drug should be used under the supervision of a doctor. It is not poisonous, but can still be harmful if prepared or taken incorrectly. If you are not confident in your ability to prepare infusions, it is better to take a ready-made one made by an herbalist.

Medicinal properties of chickweed tincture

The most effective form of using this component is tincture. You can prepare it yourself, and then we will tell you how to do it, or you can buy it ready-made and not waste time. Although chickweed is a weed that farmers carefully remove, the tincture from it has amazing medicinal properties:

  • The ground part contains a lot of useful components, including carotene, vitamins C, E, essential oils, potassium salts, chlorine.
  • It has an analgesic effect and relieves spasms.
  • Eliminates stomach pain, is able to heal wounds, including ulcers, and is therefore effective for gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Normalizes intestinal function.
  • It is an expectorant, reduces fever, and is used to treat colds.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, makes blood vessels elastic, flexible, and denser.
  • It has a positive effect on the hormonal system, restores male and female health.
  • It is a general strengthening drug.
  • Able to eliminate allergic reactions, relieve itching, rashes.

These are not all the beneficial properties of chickweed tincture. Its main feature is that it affects the body non-aggressively, gently, and has no consequences. It is almost impossible to get poisoned by it, unless you significantly exaggerate the dosage. Correct use will give a positive effect, and all the beneficial properties will help the human body.

How to make your own chickweed tincture

Is it possible to prepare chickweed tincture at home? Yes, you can, and this is not difficult to do if you choose the right ingredients and do everything according to the recipe. In the summer, you can collect this plant yourself if you know what it looks like and what biological characteristics it has.

Next, you should follow the recipes that we give you, and you can easily make the tincture at home. However, its preparation takes a lot of time and effort, and sometimes you need to start using it right away. You can order a ready-made infusion on our website and immediately begin treatment without waiting for your tincture to be made. And yet, if you decide to cook it yourself rather than buy the tincture, here are good recipes.

Recipe for making chickweed tincture

So, it is done as follows:

  1. You should take 2 tbsp. raw materials. It must be fresh, just picked. Chop as much as possible by hand using a knife or scissors. Place in a container, preferably glass, and fill with very hot water. It will be required for this volume – 0.5 liters.
  2. Cover with a lid and let it brew. It is worth stirring periodically so that the component distributes its substances evenly. This decoction should infuse for 4 hours.
  3. After tincture, you need to strain thoroughly, and this is very important. Take gauze and roll it into several layers. If you use a sieve, it’s still worth straining a couple of times.
  4. You need to take this infusion before eating, about 40 minutes. You need to take 3-4 doses a day, not more often, and the volume of one dose is a quarter of a glass.
  5. This decoction is used not only internally, but also externally. You can make baths based on it, or lubricate wounds. It helps with purulent inflammation, joint pain, ulcers, and tumors.

This recipe is most common for home use, but there are several other effective tips that will help you use chickweed.

Preparation of a strong infusion of chickweed for diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and oral cavity

To prepare such an effective infusion, you need to use the following recipe:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. crushed chickweed herbs. This can be done with scissors or a knife. What form it will be in is not important; you can use both fresh plants and dry stocks.
  2. Pour boiling water over the required amount of the plant. In our case, you will need 400-450 ml of water, no more. The main thing is that it should be as hot as possible.
  3. Let it brew for 1 hour. It is better to use glass rather than a metal container, but an ordinary jar can burst from boiling water, use it carefully. A little advice: in this case, it is better to pour water into it using a metal tablespoon. Then the can will not crack. After the product has infused, it should be strained and can be used.
  4. It is taken 4 times during the day, the volume of one dose is 50 ml. In other words, this drug will last you for 2 days. The product will help with diseases of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity (can be used as a rinse), and as an antiseptic drug.

Decoction for external diseases

If you want to prepare a decoction that will be used as a lotion or rub, then you should use this recipe:

  1. Take 8 tablespoons of chickweed. It must be pre-chopped, but whether it is dry grass or a fresh plant does not matter. This volume will require 2 liters of water.
  2. You can put it in cold water first and let it boil, but it’s better to use hot water right away and not waste time. In addition, during boiling, beneficial substances from the plant will evaporate, and if you use boiling water right away, they will be preserved. And yet, the infusion should boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat.
  3. Turn off the gas and let the broth brew for 2 hours. You can stir it periodically. Next, strain it to eliminate excess components, and as soon as the preparation has cooled, you can begin to use it.
  4. The most effective method of application is lotions. They help with joint pain, wounds, tumors, abrasions, skin diseases of any nature, and allergic rashes.

Alcohol infusion of chickweed: how to prepare at home

The last recipe is prepared with alcohol. This tincture helps with pain in the stomach, intestines, disorders, and thyroid diseases. Prepare as follows:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. raw chickweed, preferably fresh. Add 300-340 ml of vodka to it. Vodka must be purified and strong. It is advisable to use homemade, the degree of which is more than 40, optimally 55-70.
  2. Leave the product to infuse for 2 weeks. It should be stored in a place where it is not hot, the rays of the sun do not penetrate, and out of reach of children. It is worth shaking the component periodically.
  3. After tincture, strain thoroughly; it is better to use a sieve or double straining.
  4. It is taken as follows: 20 drops, which can be drunk in pure form, or drink with a small amount of water (no more than a sip). Only 1 appointment is needed per day, and the course of treatment is individual and prescribed by a doctor.

These are the basic recipes that you can use to prepare chickweed tincture at home. It would seem like a wild herb, a weed, but still very effective in treating many diseases.

Types of chickweed

If you decide to use this plant for home treatment, then you should know that there are several types:

  • Chickweed is medium. This herbaceous plant is usually annual, more often biennial. The herb of the plant is used as a medicinal raw material. Based on it, decoctions are made that help relieve pain, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and have hemostatic properties. In addition, such infusions are used to heal wounds and help establish metabolic processes. Healers use this type of chickweed most often; it is easy to find and does not require special preparation or care. Juice from it treats hepatitis, cholecystitis, vitamin deficiency, and many other diseases.
  • Chickweed. The second name of this plant is owl potion. This plant, which can reach a length of 60cm, is beautiful, especially during flowering. It grows in forests and especially loves wet habitats. Its peculiarity is the ability to change, so no herbalist can reliably describe it. It is used quite rarely in folk medicine, as it requires a special approach to preparation. Only an experienced herbalist will be able to make the correct infusion; if you do it yourself, you can harm the body.
  • Chickweed. This is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches a height of up to 40cm. It has very thin roots and fragile stems. And in general, the plant itself is very fragile; if you touch it carelessly, it will immediately break. This plant blooms until June, and bears fruit until the end of July. You can find it in coniferous forests; it loves fertile soil and forest edges. This honey plant has a pleasant delicate aroma. However, it is not used in folk medicine. By the way, in the old days, decoctions for horses were prepared from it, which could poison the animal. And then the warriors could not use the vehicle.
  • Forest chickweed. This interesting view plants, its height reaches 60cm, has fluffy shapes at the top. It is found quite often in our area, especially in shady forests, near streams or bushes. It is a valuable medicinal plant that is effective in treating skin diseases, including fungus. In Mexico, they generally treat cancer, but it is worth noting that this type of chickweed is poisonous, and its use is possible only under strict supervision.
  • Chickweed Bunge. A plant with thin curly roots, up to 50 cm high. Its stems are fragile, but you should not pay attention to external weakness, because the plant is used in folk medicine. A decoction of this type of chickweed is used to treat swelling of the legs, ringworm, and other diseases.

These are the main types of plants that are used and that can be found. You can go look for them yourself, but it is important not to confuse the subspecies, otherwise you may prepare the wrong infusion that you need. Or you can not waste time and effort, and just take a ready-made tincture of chickweed from our herbalist. It is inexpensive, has many benefits, and is quite easy to use. It is universal and The standard method of application is:

  1. 20-25 drops, preferably in pure form, if that doesn’t work, dilute with a small amount of water.
  2. The dose is taken 1-3 times a day, not more often.
  3. Shake the bottle before use.
  4. Store in the refrigerator after opening.

As you can see, the tincture is very easy to use and gives excellent results.


Chickweed tincture has virtually no contraindications, however, you don't need to use it when:

  • Pregnancy
  • During lactation
  • Personal intolerance to the component

If you notice a negative reaction during use, you should immediately consult a doctor and stop taking the drug. In addition, we strongly recommend using the tincture only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Drawing conclusions

Chickweed is a herb that many people underestimate. Despite the fact that many consider it a weed, it is a medicinal plant and helps get rid of many ailments. Preparing the decoction is quite simple; you can buy the tincture ready-made and start using it immediately. The main thing is to follow the instructions, and then your health will be at its best!

Chickweed - composition, benefits, methods of use, contraindications and recipes

Chickweed (Woodwood) Latin: Stellaria media

Chickweed (chickweed) is a weed that is quite difficult to control manually due to the fact that one plant produces an average of 15,000 seeds. Seeds in the soil can sprout within another 2-5 years. However, not everyone knows that it is also a medicinal plant, widely used in folk medicine.

Chickweed is an annual herb. It has a creeping branched stem, up to 10 cm in height. The leaves are ovate, the upper ones are sessile, the lower ones are petiolate. The flowers are small, star-shaped, with white petals. The fruit is an oblong capsule with a large number of seeds. The flowering period is from May to September.

Woodlice has the unique ability to predict the onset of rain, as it is very susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity. If the corolla of the flower has not risen and opened before nine o’clock in the morning, then it will rain during the day.

Chickweed is a good honey plant due to its long flowering period.

The aerial part of the plant contains a large amount of carotene and vitamin C. Therefore, the aerial part of the woodlice is used as food. In early spring, the greens of the plant, collected before flowering, are used for food, usually for preparing salads and seasonings. Woodlice in the form of vitamin salads is useful for scurvy and anemia.

Chickweed is used to prepare therapeutic and prophylactic baths, which have a healing and rejuvenating effect on the skin. Compresses made from steamed woodlice, or with a decoction, are used externally as pain-relieving poultices for rheumatism, radiculitis, wounds, bruises, sprains, gout, and also for acne.

The plant is used in homeopathy. Woodlice is extremely valuable medicinal plant, which helps with a number of diseases. Further, when speaking about chickweed, we will mean the average chickweed, or chickweed.

Collection and preparation

To prepare medicinal raw materials, above-ground parts of plants are collected during the flowering period. To dry, the plant should be placed in a place protected from rain and sunlight, but ventilated (for example, under a canopy). The dried herb is crushed. It can be stored in a canvas bag or in a glass jar under a nylon lid.

Composition of chickweed
Vitamin C - role in the body:

Normalization of the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
collagen synthesis;
ensuring the production of immunoglobulins,
interferon and the work of leukocytes; antioxidant properties;
ensuring the synthesis of adrenal hormones;
ensuring cholesterol production;
ensuring the functioning of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Vitamin E:

Necessary for normal growth and development of the child;
exhibiting antioxidant properties,
prevents the development of cancer;
strengthens the immune system;
prevents coronary heart disease;
exhibits a rejuvenating effect on the entire body;
improves skin condition, prevents premature aging;
increases physical activity,
improves the functioning of the nervous system;
necessary for conception and normal pregnancy.

Vitamin K:

Ensuring normal growth and development of the child’s body;
regulation of the blood clotting process;
preventing bleeding and bleeding of various types;
strengthening the walls of capillaries;
strengthening bones;
formation of heart and lung tissues;
the formation of energy for all cells of the body as a result of anabolic action.


Has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system,
reduces the likelihood of stroke;
has an immunostimulating effect,
protects cells from pathogenic microorganisms;
prevents the appearance of malignant tumors,
especially cervical cancer;
cleanses the body of harmful substances;
prevents the risk of early aging;
prevents oxidative processes with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.



Calms the nervous and muscular system;
has an alkaline effect on the body;
ensures energy utilization during the breakdown of glucose;
participates in DNA synthesis;
ensures the absorption of vitamins B1, B6 and C;
provides cell structure, regeneration and tissue replacement;
Provides proper structure and hardness to bones.

Provides synthesis of proteins and enzymes,
tissue growth and development;
Participates in the production of hemoglobin;
Participates in the production of red blood cells and white blood cells;
Transports iron from the liver to various tissues of the body;
Supplies cells with substances necessary for metabolism.


Necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin transport protein;
provides tissue respiration - brings oxygen and takes away carbon monoxide;
plays one of critical roles in growth processes;
necessary for the synthesis of many digestive enzymes, for energy exchange;
participates in the creation and transmission of nerve impulses in nervous tissue;
necessary for the formation of immune cells, providing good immunity.

takes part in hematopoiesis (stimulates the production of red blood cells);
prevents nervousness, fatigue, exacerbation of nervous diseases;
stimulates bone tissue growth; participates in the endogenous synthesis of cyanocobalamin, as well as DNA and RNA; normalizes pancreas function;
takes part in the synthesis of thyroid hormones; prevents atherosclerosis; strengthens the immune system (stimulates phagocytosis of leukocytes);
activates some essential enzymes;
prevents the formation of malignant tumors.


Triterpene saponins

Triterpene saponins are characterized by hemolytic activity - they form a complex with cholesterol, which destroys the membrane of red blood cells, allowing hemoglobin to enter the blood plasma and dissolve in it. Improve the penetration of proteins and other large molecules through cell membranes.

When released into the blood, triterpene saponins are toxic because they accelerate the breakdown of red blood cells. When taken orally, they are usually less toxic due to the hydrolysis of saponins.

They have emollient and expectorant properties.


Have an anti-inflammatory effect;
inhibit inflammatory processes in the digestive tract;
have bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects;
bind and remove heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc) from the body when intoxicated with them; have a hemostatic effect;
are an effective antidote for bee stings.


Alkaloids have different, but extremely pronounced biologically active effects, and have a number of general properties:

Regulate the level of excitation of the nervous system;
have an analgesic effect;
have an emetic, expectorant and diuretic effect.


Regulates the permeability of vessel walls,
reduce their fragility, prevent sclerotic processes;
have an antioxidant effect,
prevent the appearance of cancerous tumors and radiation damage to the body;
prevent premature aging; protect tissues from histamine.

Physiological role of lipids:
heat insulating.
Essential oils

Properties essential oils:


Properties of chickweed

 Anti-inflammatory;
 Antimicrobial;
 Antiscorbutic;
 Choleretic;
 Diuretic;
 Laxative;
 Hemostatic;
 Hypotensive.

The use of chickweed in folk medicine

Speaking about woodlice, it is worth quoting S. Kneipp, who introduced the plant into medicine: “Chickweed can be considered useful for the treatment of lung diseases, since it has a softening effect, promotes expectoration of sputum, and can also help with vomiting or coughing up blood, with hemorrhoids, inflammation and tumors of the kidneys and bladder; externally, chickweed is effective against skin lesions, rashes, poorly healing wounds and ulcers."

In particular, chickweed is good in combination with plantain and horsetail. Everything that Sebastian Kneipp wrote about is still true. It is worth adding to this that the eyes are washed with a decoction of chickweed to relieve inflammation, as well as to improve vision and treat eye diseases.

In Belarus, woodlice is traditionally used for bleeding, hemorrhoids, hemoptysis, vomiting with blood, and hypovitaminosis.

In Karelia, the aerial part of the plant is used for heart pathologies, diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin pathologies, and also as a diuretic, laxative and hemostatic agent.

The Nanais use fresh green wood lice to prepare baths that relieve swelling of the legs.

Woodlice is also popularly used for hernias, coughs, and as an expectorant and tonic.
It is believed that eating woodlice improves heart function and balances the nervous system, has a hemostatic and analgesic effect, and also treats tumors of various origins.

Chickweed is used in folk medicine to treat the following diseases:

 Hypertension;
 Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
 IHD;
 Dermatitis;
 Eczema;
 Ulcers;
 Hemorrhoids;
 Hernia;
 Edema;
 Bleeding;
 Non-healing trophic ulcers;
 Chronic liver diseases;
 Hepatitis;
 Gallstone disease;
 Kidney stones;
 Vitamin deficiency;
 Scurvy;
 Anemia;
 Inflammatory pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system;
 Hypertensive heart disease (in the form of infusion);
 Kidney diseases (as part of complex treatment);
 Inflammation of the eyes and eye diseases (rinsing with plant juice).
 The plant is also successfully used to prevent atherosclerosis.
 For gout and swelling of the legs, baths are prepared.

Chickweed treatment - drugs

An infusion of chickweed is drunk for the following pathologies:
Epilepsy (as an anticonvulsant for children);
swelling (to increase urination); hyperthyroidism; hypovitaminosis;
heart pain;
lung diseases (including hemoptysis,
vomiting blood,
pneumonia, tuberculosis);
liver and gallbladder diseases (including hepatitis);
cirrhosis of the liver;
gastrointestinal colic;
take it.

An infusion of chickweed is drunk as a milk extractor for postpartum pathologies. The infusion is used as a diuretic and laxative, as well as to improve heart function. It is also often taken to enhance metabolic processes in the body.

As an external remedy, woodlice infusion is used in the form of lotions and compresses for skin ailments:

purulent wounds;
hemorrhoidal cones;
benign and malignant tumors.

Infusion of woodlice is used to wash purulent wounds and non-healing ulcers.

If the cornea becomes cloudy, the infusion is instilled into the eye. In the first stages of corneal clouding, it helps as a vitamin remedy. The product also helps with diabetic cataracts.


Baths with infusion of chickweed

Woodlice infusion is used in the form of baths as a pain reliever for the following diseases:

Rashes, cuts, purulent wounds, non-healing ulcers.

A local bath with a strong infusion of chickweed helps calm the nervous system and also relieves swelling lower limbs.

Baths are also used for swelling of the lower extremities and nervous overexcitation.
A decoction of chickweed is recommended for the following pathologies:

Aches in joints and bones;
urinary incontinence.

By taking a decoction of chickweed a week before menstruation, you can avoid delays and pain.

Cysts and cervical erosion are treated with a tampon with a decoction of the plant, left overnight. You should alternate five days of the procedure with a five-day break.

Woodlice decoction increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Chickweed extract

Chickweed extract has the following properties:

Mild hypotensive;
positive inotropic;
pronounced vasodilator.

Oil extract of chickweed for the treatment of keloid Fill a 500 ml glass jar with fresh chickweed, compacting the grass tightly. Pour refined sunflower oil on top to cover the herb and refrigerate for 15 days. After this period, the oil should be poured into another container. The shelf life of this extract is 6-7 months.

For keloid scars, apply compresses with the extract prepared in this way to the scar area for 20 minutes. every day.

Chickweed juice

Since ancient times, folk healers have used the juice of fresh green chickweed for liver and kidney diseases, enlarged thyroid gland, and hemorrhoids. The juice contains a large amount useful substances, so it helps with a number of pathologies.

Chickweed juice is used in the following cases:

Heart diseases,
pulmonary tuberculosis;
internal bleeding due to pneumonia,
rheumatism - as a pain reliever; aching bones;
epilepsy - as an anticonvulsant for children;
purulent wounds;
tumors – benign and malignant.

It is also used as a laxative and diuretic.

Daily consumption of fresh chickweed juice helps relieve migraines, relieve irritation, fatigue, and improve memory. Vitamin E, contained in fresh juice, has rejuvenating properties, cleanses capillaries and blood vessels, regulates blood composition, and activates the body’s cleansing of waste products. Of course, to effectively cleanse the body, drinking juice alone will not be enough. It is recommended to drink 100 ml of average chickweed juice 3 times a day before meals, during. 3 months. In March, together with nettles, you can make salads from it.

As an external remedy, chickweed juice is used for inflammation of the eyes, rheumatism, leucorrhoea and radiculitis. In the form of hot lotions, it helps with joint pain.


There are currently no serious contraindications to the use of chickweed. People with low blood pressure should use it with caution, as the herb can significantly reduce blood pressure.

Treatment with chickweed - reviews

Tatyana, Izhevsk I have varicose veins on both legs, since childhood. Now I'm 22 years old. I used a lot of ointments and gels. This did not provide any significant improvements; as a result, my legs were completely covered in varicose veins. The pain did not allow me to move normally. A neighbor in the country advised me to make a poultice from fresh chickweed grass. I changed the procedure a little. The chickweed was applied to the varicose vein, covered with a freshly picked burdock leaf on top, the reverse side, and secured with a bandage. The most important thing is that burdock leaf can be kept for no longer than two hours, otherwise then it seems to begin to bring the disease back. And don’t skimp on the grass; if it withers a little, replace it with fresh one. I applied woodlice to each thrombophlebitic node for at least a week. After these manipulations, my legs began to feel much better, I could even dance.

Zinaida Viktorovna, Tver In 1960, I underwent surgery for an enlarged thyroid gland. Since then nothing has bothered me for some time. In 1991, I retired and began to feel that my health was becoming unimportant. After an examination, the endocrinologist said that the thyroid gland was enlarged, and type 2 diabetes had also developed. The condition worsened. After reading an article in a magazine about a woman who successfully treated an enlarged thyroid gland with chickweed (chickweed), I decided to try it too.

Over the summer I collected a lot of woodlice from the dacha, so I got about 3-4 kg of dry grass. In mid-autumn I started treatment. In the morning, a tablespoon of dry grass was poured into a glass of boiling water, covered and left until noon. At lunch, I strained it and drank a third of a glass half an hour before meals. I drank the same dose before dinner and before breakfast, and in the morning I prepared a new portion of the infusion.

So I drank woodlice infusion every day for 6 months. However, at first I took elthyroxine, prescribed by a doctor, for some time, but, gradually reducing the dosage, I began to be treated only with wood lice. Over time, she got up and began to walk around the house. Later I took tests, and they showed that my sugar was normal. The doctor was quite surprised when she found out that I had leveled out my sugar levels and cured my thyroid gland only with an herbal infusion. A blood test for hormones also showed that hormonal levels were normal - that is, problems with the thyroid gland were also resolved. And now, for more than four years, I am not limited in my diet.

Irina, Moscow Two years ago, my daughter needed surgery due to mastopathy. After the examination, the breast oncologist sent me straight to the operating room. Fortunately, the breasts were saved, but they had to be reduced. Only a year passed and the same disease was discovered in me. I was always too afraid of operations, and so I decided to find some kind alternative method.

As it turned out, traditional medicine has a simple and effective method treatment of mastopathy. It is necessary to apply chickweed or chickweed grass to the inflamed areas. The plant is considered a weed and can be found almost everywhere. Pick fresh woodlice, rinse and dry, and apply fresh herbs to the areas of inflammation, and when they wither, replace them.

Anna Petrovna, Yaroslavl I was diagnosed with a predisposition to glaucoma - my eyes began to get very tired and hurt. I could only read for half an hour at a time. On the doctor’s recommendation, I took taurine drops and did eye exercises. I once read in a magazine about the medicinal properties of woodlice. I picked 7 kg of woodlice, washed it, dried it and put it through a meat grinder. Then I squeezed the juice through a juicer and filtered it.

As a result, I received 5 liters of juice. I added alcohol to the juice, at a ratio of 100 ml of alcohol per liter of juice, and put it in the refrigerator. Within eight weeks I drank all this juice. My eyes began to feel much better. It's been a year now and I can read and watch TV without restrictions.

Recipes with medium chickweed

Medium chickweed juice for headaches Drink freshly squeezed plant juice, 100 ml 3 times a day, for a month.
Compress for knee pain Lightly knead the freshly picked herb and apply it to the pathological area, tie with a bandage. Replace the grass 3-4 times a day.

Infusion for heart pain: Pour a handful of dry chickweed grass into 500 ml of boiling water, wrap and leave for 6 hours. Take 100 ml orally 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals. Course – 2-3 weeks. Also, for heart pain, it is recommended to eat a salad of fresh chickweed greens every day.

Tincture for joint pain Fill a glass jar two-thirds full with dry crushed chickweed herb, fill to the top with vodka. Leave for 3 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Strain, squeeze out the raw materials. The tincture is used externally, rubbing into sore joints, or in the form of compresses.

Chickweed juice for liver diseases Drink 1 tsp of fresh green chickweed juice. 4 times a day, adding honey.

Woodlice infusion for thyroid diseases Pour a tablespoon of dry crushed chickweed grass into 200 ml of boiling water, cool, strain and take 1/3 cup three times a day half an hour before meals. Course duration is up to 6 months. Then, every year, conduct two-month courses for prevention.

Chickweed compress for varicose veins Lightly mash fresh chickweed greens and apply to varicose veins. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can cover the top with a fresh burdock leaf, the reverse side. Bandage the compress and keep it on for two hours. Continue applying compresses until the condition improves.

Woodlice infusion for hemorrhoids Pour a pinch of dry crushed chickweed herb into 70-80 ml of boiling water, leave and squeeze. Infusion to drink. Place the grass on a cloth and apply it to the anus.

Recipe with chickweed for glaucoma Wash fresh green chickweed, dry, mince and squeeze out the juice. Mix juice with alcohol in a ratio of 10 to 1 (per liter of juice - 100 ml of alcohol), store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take 50 ml orally half an hour before meals, 2 times a day. Admission course – 2 months.

Woodlice infusion for diabetes In the morning, pour a tablespoon of dry crushed chickweed herb and leave to brew for several hours. Then strain and drink 1/3 glass half an hour before meals - 3 times a day. Course duration – 6-7 months.

Chickweed tincture for cataracts: 50 g of dry chickweed grass, pour 250 ml of 40-proof vodka. Leave for 1 week in a dark place at room temperature, strain and filter. The resulting tincture can be stored under the same conditions for up to a year. Using a pipette, instill two or three drops into each eye, 1-2 times a day.

Chickweed juice for cataracts Freshly squeezed green chickweed juice is filtered and instant pasteurized - that is, heated to 85-90 degrees and immediately removed from the heat. Pasteurized juice poured into a bottle calcined on the stove in sealed conditions can be stored for 2-3 days. Using a pipette, instill two or three drops into each eye, 1-2 times a day. This juice stimulates metabolic processes in the lens of the eye.

Wood lice compress for finger contractures Heat freshly picked chickweed greens in a colander over a water bath. Place the hot herb on the palm, secure with a bandage and bandage, and put a mitten on top. Leave the compress overnight. Course duration – 2 weeks.

Woodlice for mastopathy Chickweed helps with mastopathy. To do this, scald a handful of dry crushed herbs with boiling water, cool and apply to the sore spot.

General strengthening chickweed tea Pour two tablespoons of dry crushed medium chickweed into 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse and drink instead of tea throughout the day. Woodlice infusion for nodular goiter Pour boiling water over a handful of pure green or dried medium chickweed, leave to brew in a thermos for 1-2 hours. Then strain through double gauze, and consume internally instead of water 3-4 times a day. In total, you should consume about a liter of infusion per day. Treatment - within a year.

Woodlice with spurs Place fresh chickweed greens in your shoes instead of insoles. Replace the grass several times a day. Chickweed juice for noise in the head Drink freshly prepared chickweed juice, half a glass, 3 times a day, for 4-5 weeks.

Chickweed juice for ulcers (bleeding) Drink a teaspoon of freshly squeezed green chickweed juice every 2 hours.

Woodlice infusion for ulcers (vomiting blood) Pour two tablespoons of dry crushed woodlice herb into 200 ml of boiling water and leave overnight (9-10 hours). Drink a tablespoon every 2 hours.

Medium chickweed infusion for chronic laryngitis and bronchitis Brew one tablespoon of dry crushed herb in 200 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and cool. Drink 2 tbsp. 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

A decoction for neurasthenia, PMS, leucorrhoea, pour two tablespoons of woodlice into 200 ml of boiling water and keep on low heat for 8-10 minutes. Leave for half an hour, strain. Drink a quarter glass 3 times a day, before meals.

A decoction for anemia, dizziness, loss of strength. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of dry crushed woodlice, leave for 20 minutes, strain, bring to the original volume with clean water, and drink a quarter glass 4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

Infusion for high blood pressure and coronary heart disease: Brew 1.5 tablespoons of fresh green chickweed in 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 40-45 minutes, strain. Drink 100 ml 4-5 times a day, 30 minutes in advance. before meals. Chickweed: benefits, recipes - video Before use, you should consult a specialist. Author: Sorokachuk K.G. Content Project Coordinator.