Ready-made bolognese sauce instructions. How to make Bolognese at home. Recipe options at home

31.10.2021 Medicines 

It is customary to prepare Bolognese sauce for a wide variety of Italian noodles: tagliatelle (the famous Bologna pasta) and fettuccine, as well as for lasagne. It is also served with other pasta and even mashed potatoes and couscous.

Without which the dish will not take place

  • pancetta;
  • fresh tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • celery stalk;
  • rich meat broth;
  • milk;
  • excellent quality red wine.

Pancetta is bacon cured in salt and spices with layers of meat and lard, a product of Italian cuisine. Many Italians use a mixture of ground beef and pork when making the sauce.

Classic Bolognese sauce recipe and meat-free version

A properly prepared sauce should be deep red in color, “glossy,” homogeneous and fairly thick. It should connect well with the paste, but at the same time stay on its surface. Even experienced chefs agree that preparing Bolognese is not only a long process, but also a painstaking one. However, judging by the reviews, the result justifies the effort.


Peculiarities. Below is a step-by-step recipe for Bolognese sauce with minced meat detailed description technological subtleties, taking into account which you can prepare a culinary masterpiece in the best Italian traditions. By the way, Italians themselves prefer a more liquid version of Bolognese.


  • beef - 300 g;
  • pancetta - 50 g or a mixture of olive and butter (two tablespoons each);
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • dry red wine - 150 ml;
  • meat broth - 200 ml;
  • tomatoes - three or four pieces;
  • onions and carrots - one piece each;
  • celery - two or three stalks;
  • parsley - five to six sprigs;
  • salt, black pepper, nutmeg - to taste.

How to cook

  1. Wash, peel and chop the vegetables: finely chop the onion and celery, grate the carrots on a fine grater, pour boiling water over the tomatoes, peel the tomatoes and chop into small cubes. Cut all vegetables as finely as possible: at the end of cooking they should completely dissolve.
  2. Grind the beef into minced meat.
  3. Cut the pancetta into cubes and fry in a heated frying pan until the fat is rendered, remove the cracklings. Or heat the oil mixture.
  4. Saute the onion in the resulting fat until light golden without darkening. It is important not to overcook the vegetable, so as not to “endow” the sauce with a characteristic flavor.
  5. Add carrots and celery and fry for another five to six minutes, stirring continuously.
  6. Add the minced meat and fry for another seven to eight minutes.
  7. Add garlic, salt and spices.
  8. Pour in the wine in a thin stream, stirring occasionally. Simmer the mixture for a quarter of an hour over low heat, stirring.
  9. Add finely chopped parsley, tomatoes, and broth.
  10. Continue simmering for two to three hours. During stewing, there should always be liquid in the frying pan or saucepan; if the moisture periodically evaporates, you need to add broth a little at a time.
  11. Half an hour before the end, add milk in a thin stream, stir, cover again and simmer until completely cooked.

You can make bolognese sauce with tomato paste by following the recipe above, using this ingredient instead of diced tomatoes.


Peculiarities. The recipe for Italian bolognese sauce without meat is suitable for those who want to enjoy Italian sauce, but for one reason or another do not consume animal products.


  • zucchini pulp - 200 g;
  • onion - one piece;
  • tomato - one piece;
  • bell pepper - half the fruit;
  • garlic - one clove;
  • olive oil - a couple of tablespoons;
  • basil, dill, parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook

  1. Remove the stems from the tomatoes, remove the seeds from the peppers and turn the vegetables into a homogeneous puree using a blender or chopper.
  2. Saute finely chopped onion and pressed garlic in a small amount of olive oil until light golden brown.
  3. Pour the tomato and pepper mixture into the frying pan.
  4. Boil the mixture and add the zucchini cut into small cubes.
  5. Simmer until the zucchini is ready for about 15-20 minutes.
  6. Remove from heat, add salt and finely chopped herbs.

The taste of the lean sauce is far from traditional Bolognese, but also goes well with pasta. Another option for vegetarians: instead of minced meat, make Italian stew with mushrooms minced through a meat grinder.

Departing from tradition

No one will forbid you to deviate from the classics: deviations from the basic recipe have given rise to many variations of Bolognese. Nowadays the sauce is rarely prepared strictly following the traditional recipe. The table below shows the variability of the main ingredients of the dish.

Table - How to replace ingredients

Traditional recipe ingredientReplacement
Ground beef“Prefabricated” minced pork and beef
Pancetta- Any bacon;
- brisket;
- a mixture of butter and olive oils
Fresh tomatoes- Tomato paste;
- tomato juice;
- canned tomatoes
Celery stalk- Grated celery root;
- finely chopped parsley sprigs
Meat broth- Water;
- bouillon cube diluted in a glass of boiling water

Additional components can be added to the sauce: white wine, parsley, nutmeg, basil, rosemary, Provençal herbs, oregano and other spices. Even when modifying the Bolognese meat sauce recipe by using other ingredients, the technology for preparing the stew remains the same.

When making a diet sauce, you can use ground veal instead of ground beef, and replace the bacon with olive oil. And if the sauce is prepared with cream, it is recommended to buy a product with 10-20% fat content.

Secrets from the Chef

A relatively simple recipe for Bolognese sauce requires strict adherence to the preparation technology. Experienced chefs give four tips that will help you prepare your own stew that will be the envy of Italian chefs.

  1. Choose the “right” dishes. Bolognese should be made in a deep frying pan or in a saucepan with a thick bottom and non-stick coating. Happy owners of a modern appliance can make sauce in a multicooker by setting the “Baking” mode for frying food, and then the “Stewing” mode for long-term simmering.
  2. Fry the minced meat, not stew it. The minced meat should be exactly fried, so you need to cook the meat over high heat, and you need to separate it with a spatula so that not a single lump remains.
  3. Simmer correctly. During stewing, you need to constantly stir the sauce with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn. Strong bubbling should not be allowed: there should be barely noticeable small bubbles on the surface of the stew. Extinguishing should be carried out over low heat with the lid slightly open.
  4. Simmer as long as possible. Experienced chefs spend about four hours on this, because they know that after long cooking the sauce turns out to be as rich, aromatic and homogeneous as possible.

The sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days; it needs to be reheated before serving.

Cooking pasta

When thinking about how to prepare Bolognese sauce for pasta, it is important to properly cook the noodles themselves. Following simple recommendations will help you prepare the dish the way the Italians do it.

Homemade Bolognese sauce can be served with any pasta with loved ones. But doesn't he deserve it? perfect sauce ideal company? True aesthetes know that stews are best served with wide noodles: pappardelle, tagliatelle, or at least fettuccine. According to Italians, it is unthinkable to combine Bolognese and spaghetti: such pasta does not “hold” the thick sauce well. The pasta is prepared in three steps.

  1. Preparation. Boil water and add salt (5-7 g per 1 liter).
  2. Cooking. Place the pasta in the pan and cook until al dente.
  3. Final stage. Place the noodles in a colander and wait for the water to drain.

Immediately after cooking, the pasta should be immediately mixed with warm sauce so that their flavors “merge together”, and served to the table, first sprinkled with grated cheese.

Al dente means half done: the noodles should be soft on the outside but with a firm core on the inside.

You can make a Bolognese sauce recipe at home, even without any special culinary talents. The most difficult thing is to find time for this, because Italian stew requires attention for several hours. This is probably why “experienced” housewives stock up on sauce for future use, freezing it in convenient containers.

Reviews: “My family are Bolognese maniacs”

I have a family of Bolognese maniacs. But in what quantities they are ready to eat the stew, they don’t really care about the sauce, it’s an independent dish slightly seasoned with pasta)) I prepare a vat right away, and put half of it in the freezer.


We have pasta very often on the table, and it’s delicious with any dressing. I also like vegetable dressing, sometimes I take ready-made rollton bolognese sauce and quickly simmer it together with the minced meat, so it doesn’t take much time to cook. Spaghetti with garlic sauce or cream and nuts is also delicious. All this is very easy to prepare.


Store-bought is not the same at all! There's so much nonsense there! I prepare bolognese (more precisely, I call it “Quasi-bolognese” - so to speak, a fantasy on the topic) much simpler than described by the author, so I cook it often. It's very fast:
I take an onion, carrots, large bell peppers, another bunch of dill and basil, 2 chicken breasts and a couple of large tomatoes. I grind ALL this in a meat grinder (and the greens too - right with the stems - they have so much juice - it splashes out). In a deep frying pan, a piece of butter - about a quarter of a stick - and everything screwed into it - plop! Add some salt, I also throw in a collection of Provençal herbs - just a collection, this is not maggi or anything. Let it simmer quietly, you can splash in some water to achieve the desired consistency, and if the tomatoes aren’t very nice, then I’ll throw in a spoon or two of tomato paste. Very simple and fast. I twisted it into the frying pan! Then I moved it into a saucepan and whether you want it with spaghetti or with cereals (this is, of course, not an Italian dish, but still).


The delicious Bolognese meat sauce is widely known among gourmets and simply lovers of national cuisine. The recipe belongs to traditional Italian cuisine, but every year it becomes more and more popular all over the world. Nowadays, the sauce is used not only with pasta or tagliatelle, as has been customary in Italy for hundreds of years, but also with a lot of other dishes: pizza, salads, lasagna, and so on. The sauce got its name from its place of origin - the city of Bologna, which is deservedly considered the culinary capital of Italy and the bearer of a rich cultural heritage.

How to make Bolognese

What is especially attractive about Bolognese is its ease of preparation. Despite its delicious taste and nutritional value, making this sauce in addition to, for example, spaghetti, is not difficult even for a person completely ignorant of cooking. The main thing is to have a recipe and follow it carefully. In addition, the sauce is perfectly stored frozen for 3-5 months, which is incredibly convenient. The article will describe two classic recipes, which the Italians themselves consider the standard and significantly simplified recipe, inferior in sophistication, but much easier to prepare.

Important: the original Bolognese sauce recipe described below contains a traditional Italian cuisine product - pancetta. If you can’t find it in the nearest hypermarkets, you can use regular brisket bacon.

To prepare original bolognese for 4-5 people we will need:

  • 250 grams of minced pork;
  • 250 grams of ground beef;
  • 3-4 canned tomatoes;
  • 150-200 grams of tomato paste;
  • 80-100 mg pancetta or an available analogue;
  • head of white onion;
  • medium carrot;
  • 1-2 stalks of fresh celery;
  • 100 ml dry red wine;
  • 8-10 cloves of fresh garlic;
  • basil, preferably fresh;
  • extra virgin olive oil;
  • 150-200 ml milk or cream (optional).

Important: if you want the Bolognese sauce to be more tender or less sour, the recipe allows for a small amount of milk or cream.

The first thing to do before cooking is to prepare the ingredients. Mix two types of minced meat together. This recipe calls for a ratio of half ground beef to half ground pork, but a slight variation is not a big deal. The minced meat must be thoroughly kneaded so that not a single lump remains - after adding other ingredients, it will be much more difficult to get rid of the lumps and you can get some kind of meatballs in the finished product. If you manage to find pancetta in your city, finely chop it with the rest of the vegetables and garlic. If there is no pancetta, roll it into thin slices chicken breast in salt, pepper and one of your choice of herbs (rosemary, cumin or basil). The skins of canned tomatoes should be removed in advance.

When all the ingredients are ready, grease a deep flat frying pan with extra virgin olive oil (1.5 tablespoons) and set to heat over medium heat for a couple of minutes. Pour finely chopped vegetables into a heated frying pan and fry, stirring. After 10 minutes, add all the minced meat to the vegetables. It is not recommended to immediately mix the minced meat with vegetables; it would be better to fry the minced meat separately for some time - for this, the vegetables and pancetta can be pushed to the edge of the pan. After 5-8 minutes of frying the minced meat over medium heat, mix all the ingredients. If, in addition to wine, you also use milk or cream, add them at this stage and leave to soak into the minced meat for 5-8 minutes, turning up the heat on the stove. After this, or if milk was not used, pour the wine into the pan and mix the sauce thoroughly again.

Add tomato paste and canned tomatoes to the already quite appetizing mixture and thoroughly mash them right in the frying pan until the whole mass is completely homogeneous. All that’s left to do is add finely chopped basil to the almost finished sauce and leave to simmer over very low heat. Be sure to open the pan lid a quarter so that the liquid can evaporate. In such conditions, Bolognese should be stewed for at least two hours, gradually getting rid of excess moisture. Stir every 15-20 minutes. If the sauce has been stewing for more than an hour, but is not thick enough, you can open the lid of the frying pan larger or turn up the heat.

After 2 hours, the sauce can be removed from the heat - it is ready. However, in the case of bolognese, the more stewed, the better! You can leave it for another hour or hour and a half. Before serving, do not forget to first add salt or pepper to taste and stir one last time.

Let's cook quickly!

Above was the original recipe for preparing Bolognese sauce. This option is officially approved by the Academy of Italian Cuisine and is considered traditional by the Italians themselves. But there are many people in the world who cannot afford to spend so much time at the stove or simply do not want to. There is a simpler cooking recipe for them, which we will also look at here.

Important: Bolognese will make the best impression on you if you use only high-quality ingredients when preparing it!

For sauce for 3-4 people you will need:

  • 500 grams of minced meat, preferably beef;
  • 2-3 tomatoes;
  • large onion;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • butter;
  • basil or parsley.

Before starting cooking, stir the minced meat, eliminating any lumps. You can immediately add salt, pepper or other seasonings to it. Peel the tomatoes and finely chop them (you can even use a blender). Melt some butter in a frying pan. While the butter is melting, finely chop the garlic and onion and add to the pan. They should be fried over medium heat for at least 5 minutes until dark golden brown. After this, add the minced meat to the onions and garlic. The contents of the pan must be thoroughly mixed, then left to fry for 15 minutes. Now add chopped tomatoes to the minced meat, mix them with the minced meat and reduce the heat under the frying pan to the very minimum. Completely cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer for 20-30 minutes, be sure to stir from time to time.. The more the sauce is prepared, the better - but reducing the time to less than 20 minutes is not recommended, since some ingredients may remain damp, and the finished product will bear little resemblance to real Bolognese.

The nutritional value

The taste qualities of the finished sauce, no matter what you serve it with, will be revealed only after preparation, but it is possible to approximately estimate the nutritional value already now. For the calculations, a recipe with 90% lean meat and 10% fat in minced meat was adopted. The total calorie content of 100 grams of Bolognese sauce is about 115 Kcal. These 100 grams account for 6.5 grams. fat, 8.4 gr. carbohydrates, 6.5 gr. proteins. Below is the complete table nutritional value for bolognese:

Contentin 100 gr.
Energy value473 kJ
Carbohydrates8.40 gr.
Sugar4.75 gr.
Fats6.5 gr.
Saturated fats1.68 gr.
Unsaturated fats4.7 gr.
Squirrels6.55 gr.
Cellulose1.8 gr.
Cholesterol16 mg.
Sodium490 mg.
Potassium430 mg.


If you've read the recipe but don't know whether you should try making Bolognese at home, don't hesitate! The finished product more than pays for the cost, the complexity of preparation is at the level of homemade soup, and the taste of any dish with the addition of this sauce will make you make it again and again for many years. Be sure to make Bolognese sauce at home and try a piece of Italy!

Many world-famous chefs do not consider Italian cuisine to be gourmet, calling it food for the poor. Yes, perhaps this is so, but it was precisely with its simplicity and accessibility, but at the same time with its amazing taste, that it conquered the whole world. Pasta is considered one of the unofficial symbols of Italy, because Italians are the most famous lovers of it all over the world.

They know a lot about their preparation, and each housewife has her own unique recipe and secret hidden. Russia has its own variation of this recipe - naval pasta, but it has nothing in common with the classic recipe, except for the meat it contains.

A little history

Bolognese pasta is combination of pasta with Bolognese sauce. Bolognese is a meat gravy originally from Bologna, an Italian province. It is often called the gastronomic capital of Italy, because it was there that Parmesan, balsamic vinegar, and Parma ham appeared. The first mention of it dates back to 1891.

Exists officially recommended recipe from the delegation from Bologna. It consists of: pancetta (a type of bacon), beef, pork, olive oil, onions, carrots, celery, tomatoes, meat broth, red wine. The ingredients may also include milk or cream.

Traditionally, the sauce is served with tagliatelle – Italian noodles.. Bolognese is also used to make lasagne and is even seasoned with it. mashed potatoes. But Spaghetti Bolognese is more famous all over the world. However, Italian chefs claim that this dish has nothing in common with spaghetti, and in its homeland, which is the south of Italy, it is always prepared with tagliatelle.

If you want to try this dish in Italy, look for it under the name “tagliatelle al ragu” or “Ragù alla bolognese”.

How to choose products for cooking?

The original sauce recipe uses pancetta. This is bacon or pork belly cured in spices. The meat is quite fatty, you can replace it with smoked bacon. And also two types of meat are used there.

It's better if it is pork and beef in equal proportions. Pork will add tenderness to the gravy, and beef will add richness and flavor. The original recipe calls for red wine, but you can replace it with white. If you don’t have wine at home, you can do without it, but the gravy will lose a little of its flavor.

Bolognese sauce is a dish that takes a long time to cook. In common recipes, this takes about two hours. But you can simmer it for up to 4 hours, as Italian chefs do.

In a recipe registered in 1982 by the Italian Academy of Cuisine, no spices at all. But no one will forbid you to add a little Italian or Provençal herbs. In the United States, where Italian emigrants brought many of their recipes at the beginning of the 20th century, the sale of this meat gravy in jars is very common.

To prepare pasta you can choose any type of pasta. Tagliatelle is traditional, but you can use horns, spaghetti or any other type of pasta. For cooking you will need a saucepan and a deep frying pan.

If you need quick recipe, then it’s better to choose something else, this masterpiece of Italian cooking likes to simmer for a long time on the stove.

Cooking recipes

Each chef or any Italian grandmother will certainly have her own secrets for preparing this wonderful dish. But there is a classic recipe for making pasta with Bolognese sauce that will allow you to get a little closer to the traditions of Italian cuisine, even at home.

Traditional sauce

Ingredients for classic bolognese pasta:

  • 250 g pork;
  • 250 g beef;
  • 8 medium tomatoes;
  • 80 g pancetta (bacon);
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g onion;
  • 100 g celery;
  • 200 g meat broth;
  • 150 ml red wine;
  • 50 g olive oil;
  • 500 g pasta.

What do we have to do:

  • Heat olive oil in a deep frying pan. Thinly slice the onion, throw it into the pan, and then fry for about 3 minutes until golden brown.
  • The carrots are grated on a fine grater, the celery is cut into small pieces. All this is added to the pan with the onions, and then fried for 5 minutes.
  • After the vegetables have browned, add pancetta (or any other quality bacon). It needs to be finely chopped and then fried until the fat is rendered.
  • To prepare the sauce you need minced meat. You can make it yourself from pork and beef, or you can buy it ready-made.
  • The finished minced meat is placed in a frying pan. It's necessary stir constantly, breaking up lumps until light brown. Then you need to add red wine.
  • After all the liquid has evaporated, add meat broth. It can be replaced with vegetable broth or water.
  • The traditional composition of the gravy contains tomato paste. It's best to cook it yourself. To do this, the tomatoes need to be peeled and finely chopped.
  • Add finely chopped tomatoes to the minced meat.
  • You need to simmer the sauce at least two hours. It will be ready when the vegetables are boiled and the meat is soft.
  • 15 minutes before the gravy is ready, place a pan of salted water on the fire. As soon as it boils, add the pasta. Cook them two minutes less than indicated on the package. Place the finished pasta in a colander.
  • Once the sauce is ready, add the paste to it, and then simmer for 2 minutes on low heat.
  • You can decorate with grated Parmesan cheese and basil.

The best ones will allow you to constantly surprise your family and guests with new versions of this wonderful Italian dish.

How to make mascarpone cheese at home? Find out from this material:

And you will find healthy recipe cooking Italian pasta (pasta) with photos. Cook with pleasure!

Pasta ala Bolognese

Ingredients for simple recipe pasta with bolognese sauce and minced meat:

  • 450 g minced meat (pork, beef);
  • 300 g spaghetti;
  • 700 g tomatoes;
  • 100 g onion;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • Parmesan cheese;
  • parsley, salt, pepper.

What do we have to do:

  • Heat olive oil in a deep frying pan and add finely chopped onion. Fry for about three minutes until golden brown.
  • Add minced meat and finely chopped garlic cloves. Mix well to break up any lumps of minced meat.
  • Peel the tomatoes, chop finely and add the liquid to the minced meat. Add finely chopped greens there.
  • While the gravy is preparing, you need to boil the pasta. To do this, add 300 g of spaghetti or any other pasta to a large amount of salted boiling water.
  • Cook pasta 1 minute less than package directions. Place the finished pasta in a colander.
  • Mix the pasta with the prepared gravy and simmer over low heat for several minutes.
  • You can sprinkle Parmesan cheese and chopped herbs on the finished pasta.

Video recipes

How to cook Bolognese pasta according to the recipe of an Italian chef:

How else can you prepare Bolognese pasta at home - watch the recipe in the video:

How to make Bolognese pasta quickly and vegetarian:

How and with what to serve?

In Italy, pasta is traditionally served not in portions, but on a large platter. The only thing Italians recommend to season Bolognese sauce with is Parmesan cheese. It must be grated and placed in a separate plate next to the main dish.

Since this dish is quite filling, it comes with Salads made from fresh vegetables are great. They can be seasoned with spices and unrefined olive oil. As a drink, dry red wine is perfect for this dish.

Do you love rice and admire Italian cuisine? Then you should find out - please your household! When choosing beef, choose the kind intended for soups, but not the tenderloin or the edge.

The sauce goes well not only with pasta, but with potatoes and vegetables.

You can use a food processor to chop vegetables; all the vegetables will still boil during cooking. You can’t let the sauce sit for too long, it’s necessary stir it constantly every 15 minutes. You don’t have to chop the garlic, but put it through a garlic press.

Pasta needs to be cooked until al dente, that is, undercooked a little. In Italian cuisine there is a rule 1110. It says that on When cooking 100 g of pasta, take 1 liter of water and 10 g of salt.

Italian chefs do not recommend add oil when cooking pasta. If they are made from durum wheat and cooked correctly, they will never stick together. But if you are afraid of this, you can add a little vegetable oil to a pan of water.

Pasta must be purchased only from durum wheat. The quality of the product depends on its class. Do not break spaghetti while cooking. They need to be placed in boiling water, after a minute they will soften and fit perfectly in the pan.

In order for the tomatoes to be easily peeled, they must be cut crosswise and then placed in boiling water for a minute, after which The skin will come off easily from the tomatoes.. Tomatoes are a very important component of gravy, so if you can’t buy tasty tomatoes, it’s better to use tomato paste.

In Italy, all dishes are prepared only in unrefined olive oil (extra virgin); if you don’t have it on hand, you can use vegetable oil, or, in extreme cases, butter.

The kitchen is a huge field for creativity. Experiment, and every time you will get unique and inimitable dishes! Bon appetit!

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Bolognese is a traditional Italian sauce made from vegetables and minced meat. The dish turns out satisfying, aromatic and rich. As a rule, it is served with pasta or spaghetti. This article contains recipes for classic Bolognese. Step-by-step recipes will help you please your loved ones with new delicious dish.

Cooking tips you need to know

  1. The utensils for preparing bolognese must be non-stick coated (pot, frying pan or multicooker bowl).
  2. To obtain the desired consistency of the sauce, the dish must be cooked for at least two hours.
  3. The article presents a classic Bolognese recipe. A step-by-step recipe implies strict adherence to the sequence of adding ingredients, otherwise the finished dish will taste different.
  4. Throughout the cooking time, you must ensure that the liquid does not boil away completely, otherwise the meat will not be juicy.
  5. Stir the sauce regularly to prevent it from burning.
  6. The dish should boil slightly during cooking.
  7. The finished sauce should have a thick consistency, not runny or too thick. In color it turns out to be a rich red hue.
  8. It must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days.

Bolognese recipe with minced meat

A step-by-step classic recipe is presented below. It will require the following products:

  • beef pulp - 150 grams;
  • 30 g each of olive oil and butter;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 75 ml dry red wine;
  • 100 ml broth (meat);
  • a couple of fresh ripe tomatoes;
  • one small carrot;
  • one onion;
  • one stalk of celery;
  • a little parsley;
  • clove of garlic;
  • spices (ground pepper and nutmeg).

Classic bolognese sauce recipe (step by step recipe):

  1. Minced meat is prepared using a meat grinder.
  2. All vegetables are washed and peeled, and the skins are removed from the tomatoes.
  3. The carrots are chopped on a grater. Tomatoes are chopped into small cubes, and celery and onions are chopped in the same way.
  4. Place two types of oil in a dry frying pan, add onion and cook until transparent.
  5. Pour in the celery and carrots and leave on low heat for no more than five minutes, stirring constantly so as not to burn.
  6. After this time, minced meat is added to the vegetables and cooked for about ten minutes.
  7. Add salt and spices to your taste, as well as chopped garlic.
  8. After a minute, pour in the wine little by little and simmer over low heat for 25 minutes.
  9. Tomatoes, herbs and broth are added to the mixture.
  10. They cook for an hour and a half.
  11. Pour in the milk and cook for another half hour.

Bolognese with tomato paste step by step classic recipe


  • 200 grams of beef pulp;
  • 100 g pork;
  • ½ cup broth (meat);
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 75 ml cream;
  • 75 ml dry white wine;
  • one medium sized carrot;
  • one onion;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • one stalk of celery;
  • 10 grams of dried basil;
  • a little ground pepper;
  • 20 g olive oil;
  • 20 g butter.

Another step-by-step recipe for classic Bolognese - with tomato paste:

  1. Minced meat is made from two types of meat.
  2. The carrots are crushed using a grater, the garlic is crushed through a press, the celery and onions are chopped into thin strips.
  3. Place two types of oil in a frying pan, add onion and garlic. When it turns golden, add the rest of the vegetables and cook for five minutes.
  4. Separately fry the minced meat, it should be browned.
  5. Carefully pour in the wine and simmer. When the liquid has completely evaporated, add broth and tomato paste. Use a quality product, the taste of the finished dish depends on it.
  6. After five minutes, add vegetables, spices and salt.
  7. After an hour and a half, pour in the cream.
  8. After 30 minutes you can turn it off.

With olives

For 250 g of minced meat you will need:

  • 50 g pitted olives;
  • one onion and the same amount bell pepper;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 60 ml milk.

A step-by-step recipe for classic Bolognese (recipe with olives) looks like this:

  1. Pour olive oil into the pan, add finely chopped onion and pepper, and fry the vegetables for two minutes.
  2. Place minced meat and cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Pour in milk and simmer for five minutes.
  4. Add tomatoes, cut into small cubes.
  5. When the sauce has boiled, add olives, previously cut in half.
  6. Add salt and spices.
  7. Simmer until fully cooked.

With mushrooms and minced chicken

For 200 g of minced chicken you will need:

  • 100 grams of fresh mushrooms (champignons);
  • one onion;
  • two tomatoes and a little tomato paste;
  • 60 ml cream;
  • 25 ml dry wine (white).


  1. Place diced onion in a frying pan with olive oil. When it turns golden, add mushrooms, chopped into thin slices. Fry over high heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Add the minced meat to the vegetables and simmer until they lighten.
  3. Pour in the cream and simmer over low heat until all the moisture evaporates.
  4. Add wine and leave for 5 minutes.
  5. The tomato pulp is chopped into small cubes, poured into a frying pan along with tomato paste, salt and herbs are added to taste.
  6. Simmer for about an hour, add garlic. After 10 minutes you can turn it off.

Vegetarian option


  • 100 grams of broccoli;
  • 10 grams of fresh champignons;
  • two pieces of sweet pepper;
  • four tomatoes;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • one carrot;
  • a little basil.

The vegetarian version is slightly different from the classic Bolognese recipe. The step-by-step recipe looks like this:

  1. Finely chop the onion and garlic, grate the carrots, and cut the pepper into small cubes.
  2. Pre-fry the onions and garlic, when they have become transparent, add the carrots and cook for five minutes.
  3. Add pepper and leave for another 3 minutes.
  4. Mushrooms cut into thin slices are placed in a frying pan, followed by chopped tomatoes.
  5. After 10 minutes, add basil, salt, spices and broccoli to the vegetables. After fifteen minutes you can turn it off.
  6. The warm sauce is crushed using a blender. After which it can be served to the table.

How to cook pasta

For 125 grams of pasta you will need:

  • one carrot;
  • medium sized onion;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 125 grams of minced meat;
  • 60 grams of tomato paste;
  • 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • a little flour;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • dried herbs to taste (basil and parsley);
  • 100 ml water.

Step-by-step classic Bolognese pasta recipe:

  1. Diced onions and grated carrots are fried in olive oil.
  2. When the vegetables become golden, you can add minced meat and salt. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. In a separate container, mix water, herbs, tomato paste and diced tomatoes (pre-peeled). Stir thoroughly and pour into the pan, simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Add chopped garlic and cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Boil the pasta in salted water until fully cooked, rinse, and wait for the excess liquid to drain. To prevent them from sticking together, add a little olive oil.
  6. Place pasta on a dish, pour sauce on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.


Required Products:

  • 200 grams of spaghetti;
  • 100 grams of bacon;
  • 300 grams of minced meat;
  • one large onion;
  • carrot;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • one stalk of celery;
  • 60 g tomato paste;
  • ½ liter of water (for sauce);
  • 150 ml dry wine (red).

Cooking spaghetti bolognese. The classic recipe (step by step) for this dish is as follows:

  1. All vegetables are finely chopped with a knife, carrots are chopped on a grater, bacon is chopped into small cubes.
  2. Pre-fry the onions and garlic, when the vegetables change color, add carrots and celery.
  3. After ten minutes, add the bacon and cook until all the fat is gone.
  4. Place minced meat in a frying pan. When it brightens, pour in the wine in a gentle stream and wait until it has completely evaporated.
  5. When there is no liquid left in the minced meat, you can add water, tomato paste, salt, herbs and spices. It takes a little over an hour to cook.
  6. Boil the spaghetti until tender, drain in a colander, rinse and wait until all the liquid has drained.
  7. Spaghetti is placed on a dish in a circle in the shape of a bird's nest, and the sauce is placed in the middle.
  8. If desired, you can sprinkle grated cheese on top.

How to cook unforgettable lasagna with two sauces

Let's look at the cooking process in detail.

The first stage is preparing the lasagna sheets. Flour (300 grams) is sifted and poured onto the table in the form of a slide, a small depression is made in the middle. Pour in 50 ml of water, 25 ml of olive oil, beat in a couple of eggs and add salt. Begin to knead the dough thoroughly; it should be quite elastic.

Then leave it for half an hour, then divide it into three equal parts and roll it out (thickness no more than 1.5 mm). Each rolled out piece is shaped into a rectangle.

The second stage is Bolognese sauce. Chop one onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, and grate the carrots. First, onions and garlic are fried in olive oil. When they become transparent, add carrots and simmer for ten minutes.

Add two hundred grams of minced meat to the vegetables and cook for 15 minutes. After this time, three chopped tomatoes, salt, oregano, dried basil and ground pepper are sent into the frying pan. After a quarter of an hour, the sauce is ready.

The third stage is bechamel sauce. Melt 25 grams of butter in a saucepan over low heat. Add 30 g of flour and fry it a little. Carefully pour in ½ liter of milk, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. After the sauce has boiled, reduce the heat, add a little nutmeg, pepper, and salt. Simmer for another fifteen minutes.

The fourth stage is assembling the lasagna. A little bechamel sauce is poured into a special rectangular form (the total mass is visually divided into three parts), a sheet of dough is placed on top (it should be covered with sauce). Spread half of the Bolognese sauce evenly onto the dough, generously sprinkle everything on top with grated hard cheese, pour in the bechamel sauce again and place a layer of dough. Top with another layer of cheese and bechamel. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Unforgettable lasagna Bolognese is ready!

  1. When cooking minced meat, it must be thoroughly broken up with a spatula so that there are no lumps.
  2. The vegetables should seem to dissolve in the sauce, which is why they are finely chopped.
  3. Be sure to peel the tomatoes. To do this without problems, you need to cut it a little and pour boiling water over them for three minutes; the skin itself will come off very easily.
  4. It is best to cook the minced meat yourself. If you purchased a ready-made product, spices will help improve the taste.
  5. If you like thinner sauces, you can add a little tomato juice.
  6. You can reduce the cooking time by frying all the ingredients separately, then combining and simmering until fully cooked.

This article selects classic step by step recipes Bolognese with photo. This dish is filling and very tasty. Bon appetit!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Pasta is a classic Italian dish known all over the world. We traditionally call it pasta. According to researchers of Italian cuisine, there are at least 300 types of pasta in Italy, and the number of recipes based on them amounts to many thousands. Do you want to learn how to cook one of the best recipes pasta - a la bolognese?

What is pasta bolognese

Pasta a la Bolognese is one of the famous versions of the Italian dish beloved by many. In popularity, this recipe can be compared with French sauce bechamel. Bolognese sauce was invented by chefs from Bologna; this recipe is considered classic and includes a strictly defined set of ingredients: minced beef, tomato paste, broth, Parmesan, wine.

Recipe options at home

In addition to the classic one, there are other options for preparing pasta with sauce. In Italy, Bolognese sauce is often prepared differently classic recipe, and with tagliatelle pasta and lasagne. Some Italians eat this sauce with mashed potatoes, and outside of Italy it is served with rice and even buckwheat porridge. Sauce a la Bolognese is not just a sauce for pasta, but also an excellent option for a second course with a side dish. We offer several original recipes for preparing the dish.

With minced meat and tomato paste

We will need:

  • Minced beef – 0.5 kg.
  • Olive oil – 50 grams.
  • Pasta (small or spaghetti) – 1 pack 400-450 grams.
  • Tomato paste – 1 can 450 grams.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Basil - a bunch.
  • Tomatoes – 5 pieces.
  • Parmesan – 100 grams.
  • Onion – 1 piece.
  • Salt pepper.


  1. Cut into cubes and fry the onion in olive oil.
  2. Add minced meat to the pan, simmer it under a closed lid for about 20-30 minutes until cooked.
  3. Add salt and pepper and fry for another five minutes.
  4. Remove the skins from the tomatoes and cut them into cubes.
  5. Fry garlic and basil, add tomatoes and natural ketchup to the pan. Fry the mixture for 15 minutes, stirring continuously, until a thick consistency is obtained. Excess liquid should evaporate.
  6. Combine the tomato mass with the minced meat and simmer the mixture over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Cook the pasta (according to the instructions for it).
  8. At the last stage, spoon the sauce over the pasta and garnish with grated cheese.

With cream

We will need:

  • onions, carrots, celery (stem) - 1 piece each;
  • red wine – 50 g;
  • tomatoes – 0.75 kg;
  • minced beef – 0.75 kg;
  • cream – 150 g;
  • olive oil – 40 g;
  • parmesan – 100 g;


  1. Heat olive oil in a saucepan.
  2. Chop the vegetables into smaller pieces and simmer for 4-6 minutes until they soften.
  3. Add minced meat to soft vegetables, mix the ingredients better with a wooden spoon. Add wine to the saucepan and reduce heat after boiling.
  4. After the wine has boiled away, add the diced tomatoes and simmer the meat for another hour and a half.
  5. Add cream to the dish as soon as the meat reaches a high degree of readiness, after which the sauce is simmered for another 10 minutes.
  6. Once cooked, sprinkle the sauce with grated Parmesan.

We will need:

  • home canned tomatoes – 400 g;
  • mushrooms (champignons) – 400 g;
  • vegetable broth - one glass;
  • vegetable oil – 60 g;
  • ketchup – 40 g;
  • spaghetti – 450 g pack;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • parsley, basil, salt, pepper.


  1. Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices and the onion into half rings. Fry the garlic and onion in oil until golden brown.
  2. Cut 300 grams of champignons into large slices, add to the onion fry, stir, fry for about 10 minutes.
  3. Add ketchup, herbs, fry for a few more minutes.
  4. Remove the skins from the tomatoes and add them to the vegetable mixture.
  5. Pour in the broth and the remaining 100 grams of finely chopped mushrooms.
  6. The broth should boil, after which it should simmer for another half hour.
  7. While the mushrooms are cooking, you need to cook the spaghetti.
  8. After cooking, drain the spaghetti in a colander; it should be dry.
  9. Spread the sauce over the pasta and serve after 5 minutes, garnishing with a sprig of basil.

How to cook Bolognese pasta in a slow cooker

We will need:

  • minced beef – 1 kg;
  • one onion;
  • two tomatoes;
  • pasta – 0.25 kg;
  • tomato sauce, olive oil - 2 tbsp each;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.


  1. Cut the onion into half rings, pour oil into the bottom of the bowl, and add the onion. In the “Baking” mode, fry the onion for 30 minutes.
  2. Add the pressed garlic to the onion and fry with the onion for another 10 minutes.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and add to the bowl along with the tomato sauce.
  4. Mix all ingredients.
  5. Add the minced meat, stir again, and fry for 10 minutes.
  6. Boil spaghetti separately (according to instructions).
  7. Mix the sauce and spaghetti, heat for 5 minutes (use the “Keep Warm” mode)

Classic Italian Bolognese pasta recipe with photo

Pasta a la Bolognese is a traditional side dish with many variations. But if you have never cooked it, we recommend making it for the first time according to the classic recipe, the way the cooks from Bologna intended it. Pasta a la Bolognese is an excellent second course option for lunch or dinner. If you do not use a large amount of spices during preparation, children of any age will readily eat it. The calorie content of the dish is moderate.

We will need:

  • olive oil – 40 g;
  • tomato sauce – 800 g;
  • red wine – half a bottle;
  • minced beef – 500 g;
  • beef broth– 500 g;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • celery (stem), onion, carrots - 1 piece each;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • parsley, parmesan – 400 grams each;
  • pasta (butterflies, shells) – 0.5 kg;
  • salt – 5 g.