Lucky Virgos and outsiders Taurus: what the horoscope for May promises for all zodiac signs. Astrological horoscope for May Horoscope for May for everyone

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Spring is coming to an end, and what surprises does it have in store for each of the 12 zodiac signs? Read the latest horoscope for May 2018, prepared for all representatives of the zodiac circle! You will find out what awaits you on the love front, how things will be at work, what needs to be done and what decision to make. The accurate horoscope for May 2018 is intended for women and men, for those who are single or married, who want to find out their future by planets!

Astrologers say that May 2018 will pass for many zodiac signs under the auspices of love and passion. Many signs will fall in love for the first time, some will experience the feeling again, and some will even have to divorce their soulmate who has become a stranger. But life does not end there - soon Venus will again come into its own and fill the hearts of lonely people with love.

Business, career and financial sphere will delight you with long-awaited stability. The horoscope for May 2018 says that during this period many people will be able to change their field of activity in order to improve their financial situation. And they will fully succeed in this. With the right approach, you will be able to work well with fastidious management and gain the sympathy of colleagues with whom you were not previously on friendly terms.

Your health in May will be unstable - in the middle of the month many people will develop an allergy caused by plant pollen. Migraines will also be a frequent “guest”. There is only one way to get rid of this scourge - do not let yourself get nervous, try to keep your emotions under control.

Tips for those who want to lose weight in May. Use diets, fasting days, and perform simple but regular exercises to lose weight. An integrated approach will ensure you feel great and are in good physical shape. Together with the disappeared kilograms and volumes, you will have an incentive for further development and improvement. It is best to go on a diet from May 10th.

Tips from a cosmetologist. In May, you can do blepharoplasty, as well as ultrasonic facial cleansing. All procedures requiring surgical intervention will be successful - tissue restoration will occur quickly, immunity will allow the body to recover in just a few days.

Detailed horoscope for May 2018 for everyone

Aries. The horoscope for May 2018 for the Aries ♈ sign foretells interesting meetings. Many of you will meet people from your past. Some will be able to communicate with their classmates or fellow students, and others will meet their first love again. Going on vacation, Aries will become participants in unforgettable events. But those of you who will be in your usual place in May will definitely receive your portion of positivity! Read completely .

Taurus. Having secured the support of influential people, Taurus will have the opportunity to expand their own business and modernize it. Taurus businessmen will face frequent business trips to other cities and countries, as connections with numerous new partners are sharply intensified. But you shouldn’t refuse to work with previous partners either. Your activities promise to be exciting and fruitful. Love and financial .

Virgo. Love forecast for typical representatives The Virgo sign is very positive. In the last month of spring, your personal life will play with bright, rich colors. Communicate as little as possible with people born under the sign of Scorpio and Taurus. They can lead you to financial losses or push you to illegal actions. In May 2018, according to the horoscope, Virgo does not need to take risks, get involved in dubious enterprises and enter into long-term contracts. And do not lend money, so as not to get yourself into trouble and ill-wishers. Read completely .

Sagittarius. Do not forget to closely monitor your health so that you do not develop a chronic disease due to nervousness. In May 2018, Sagittarius may experience all sorts of allergic reactions, so you should take the necessary medications and also limit your time outdoors in order to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible. Full .

Aquarius. Aquarius is an unconventional person and, as a rule, he does not have many close friends. But in May 2018 the situation will change dramatically, and you will find yourself surrounded by representatives of the opposite sex. Of course, at first you will be pleased with their attention, but the time will come when you will need to make your choice. Read .

Finally, the long-awaited May holidays have arrived, when you can relax and enjoy watching how nature has almost woken up from hibernation. In spring there is a special atmosphere of joy and romanticism; in such times we want to know the future, to see what fate has in store for us, whether what we dream about will come true. Let's find out about this from astrologers and get acquainted with the horoscope for May 2017.

Failures at work and in the family can weaken you for a while, and it will suddenly seem to you that the whole world is conspiring against you. But it only seems so, in fact, if you can pull yourself together and persistently move towards your goal, then be sure that everything will work out.

Even though May will be quite difficult this year, you definitely need to find time for your inner peace. After all, before conquering the peaks, you need to work on yourself and understand what is paramount in this life and what is not so important. It is then that it will become clear where to move next, how to solve pressing problems, how to organize your day in such a way as to achieve real success.

Career horoscope for May 2017

The first ten days of the month are preparing a good shake-up for you; problems and troubles will begin that need to be resolved urgently. The ability to organize yourself, curb all your emotions for the sake of a common cause, composure and determination - all these qualities will be your faithful companions in achieving success at work. This is exactly the case when fate tests you and strengthens your character, so you should not be afraid to show determination and independence.

Constant problems at the beginning of the month can unsettle you for a while; at some point it may even seem to you that you are out of place. And despite the fact that in the second half of May all problems will be resolved, the desire to leave work will not disappear. But don’t rush into such decisions, maybe you’re just tired and need rest. Take some time off and relax, gain strength, which, by the way, you will need during this period. And all because it is in the second ten days of the month that you will be especially productive - this is the ideal period for starting new projects, concluding contracts and deals, creativity and creating real masterpieces. Your creative potential is at its peak, and therefore it is worth working hard. Although it may seem to you that nothing will come of it, throw away unnecessary doubts, they only slow you down on the path to success. However, when solving everyday issues and negotiating with people, be vigilant, because in May of this year various kinds of scammers will be most active. When concluding any transactions, check everything carefully, and if you have any doubts, it is better to refuse joint cooperation.

Also, in addition to other problems, minor quarrels and disagreements at work with colleagues and superiors await you. And all because, due to the location of the planets, many will be subject to emotional swings, it will be difficult to contain everything within themselves, any little thing can make you angry. Try to control yourself, believe that your own peace of mind and peace of mind are much more important than any quarrels.

Family horoscope for May 2017

Quarrels await you in your family, and here you need to show special wisdom and the ability to smooth out conflicts. In particular, this applies to quarrels with children, because they are especially susceptible to the influence of planets. In this case, astrologers recommend not to rush to give your child advice if he does not come to you. They will only make you want to be stubborn and do the opposite. Try to show by example what is good and what is bad, spend more time with your child and take an interest in his life. This is the only way to become an authority, and over time he himself will begin to approach you for advice.

If disagreements arise with other family members, they will only be minor ones. There is no need to worry too much about this, soon everything will work out and be forgotten. Better concentrate on others important issues. Also, in any quarrels, try to avoid any loud and careless phrases. This will only increase the disagreement.

But in the relationship with your partner, oddly enough, everything will be smooth and calm. It is only important that you overcome all problems, conflicts and other troubles together, like a real team. Only then will it be possible to achieve harmony.

Love horoscope for May 2017

Your soulmate will be especially sensual and romantic in the first ten days of the month. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to make each other more joyful and happy. After all, these are the moments you will remember with special reverence. But be also careful, because conflicts will arise from an excess of emotions, so try to control yourself and not spoil the romantic atmosphere that will overwhelm you.

But it’s better to postpone the marriage proposal this month, as well as the wedding. According to astrologers, the month of May is generally not desirable for starting a family and any serious decisions related to the family. And it would also be extremely undesirable to get to know anyone; there is a risk of falling for a swindler or simply a deceiver.

Health horoscope for May 2017

Despite the May holidays and significant weekends this month, you will have to work a lot, and therefore it is important to observe correct mode work and rest. There is no need to devote yourself completely to work, your health will not thank you, and your immunity will weaken even more. And who wants to be sick in such good spring weather, right? It’s better to spend an extra hour in the park with your family than at home in bed with medications.

Also take care of your gastrointestinal tract, because this month it is at risk. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, and after the holidays have a fasting day. Give your stomach a rest, which has been working so hard throughout the holiday period. If possible, try switching to fractional meals and eating in small portions, but often.


For Aries in May, professional prospects and personal desires will be as important as family matters and purely emotional aspects of life.
The independent spirit of Aries is dominant now, and you have opportunities to do what you set out to do or want and manage situations to your advantage. The conditions correspond very well to the basic character of Aries.

The main areas of activity in May 2018 will be financial prosperity, spiritual awareness, improving physical fitness, cleansing the body of impurities and a desire to look more attractive, so you will also put a lot of effort into this.

In May 2018, the professional life of Aries will be active and enjoyable.
As for the money situation, in May it will make you very happy. Venus, your money planet enters your money house on May 17th, hence you can expect huge profits while minimizing your expenses. You are in complete control of your financial actions in May 2018. Earning money takes you to another level, and you will be able to enjoy both the money and the process of earning it.

The main income is possible for Aries with the support of a spouse or partner, social connections and friends. Favorable aspects of Mercury in May 2018 will help you make money through better sales and marketing techniques. Even children will contribute to your financial growth.

With Venus, your love planet, in your sign, you will be more charming and your personal magnetism will increase, making it easy to attract other people. Remember that you can achieve what you want with grace and pleasant behavior, and there is no need for unwanted aggression.

The relationship with your spouse or partner will be pleasant and your partner will make concessions to please you. There is an atmosphere of sensuality around Aries in May, and you will be able to enjoy warmth and closeness with your partner. Single Aries will be able to build relationships with partners who can provide them with financial support.

Aries' health promises to be exceptional during May. The focus will shift to sports, fitness and diet due to the presence of Mars in Virgo after May 25th. Try introducing healthy foods into your diet to achieve results faster without exhausting yourself.

In general, we can safely say that May 2018 for Aries is an exceptional month with noticeable, amazing progress in all aspects of life.


For Taurus, in May 2018, family well-being and emotional health will come to the fore; they will become more important than career goals and success in society; this transition will be smooth and will not be shocking with rapid changes. This is due to the fact that the power of the planets shifts from the north to the south of the horoscope.

This planetary shift will give Taurus the opportunity to take a break from both career and personal ambitions. You can calmly dream about the future and come up with a strategy and course of action to improve your career prospects when the planets realign again.

In May, Taurus begins the transition from spiritual world to the practical world. Your interest in bodily pleasures reaches its maximum level. Selectivity and a rational approach are the key to personal pleasure for Taurus.

Mars moves into Taurus on May 11th. It improves your energy levels and improves your physical performance. At the same time, you will become very aggressive and grumpy. The presence of Venus in your sign from May 16th will make you very attractive and encourage you to take care of yourself and dress well. You will be interested in purchasing personal items to enhance your image and appearance in May 2018.

Success will smile on Taurus job seekers, but after May 16th. Try to be careful before changing activities or moving to another job.

A favorable aspect of your financial planet will improve your money situation after May 16th. Then there will be many ways to earn money, and the main expenses will be on personal belongings. The money will also be used for family expenses, but all family members will support your financial success.

Good aspects of Venus and Jupiter will also contribute to the financial well-being of Taurus.

In May 2018, Taurus will experience a serious improvement in their family environment, and the atmosphere will be quite peaceful. Single Taurus will have many opportunities to start a love relationship, but only after May 16th.

Due to the strength of the planets in the first house, the health of Taurus will delight in strength and strength in May 2018. Mars also gives you excessive energy, use it wisely for positive purposes, otherwise health difficulties will arise.

In May 2018, Taurus will have very good health prospects, while their career, finances and relationships will show significant progress.


For Geminis in May 2018, career and personal desires will be a priority until on May 21st both family affairs and the emotional aspect reach the same level.

Both personal interests and the interests of others will be equally important to Geminis. Independence must be balanced through cooperation in May 2018. Free enterprise must be matched by adaptability.
The Moon helps you in your professional achievements by providing you with an abundance of energy. Gemini job seekers will get a chance in May 2018, this is a favorable time for you.

The planetary aspects of May are neutral regarding Gemini's financial horizons, therefore, you are now pursuing your financial goals with a state of complete selflessness, this will help you understand something else. The Moon and your planet Earth will help you improve your income within the first week of the month. Funding increases on the 14th thanks to income from your career. Your finances will be supported by both your partner and your parents in May.

Your Planet of Love, Jupiter in retrograde will affect all your relationships. The existing relationship will not show any progress and will move at a snail's pace. Even a relationship that has just begun will not go anywhere. Planetary aspects give you time to consider your romantic connections. Your relationship with your loved one will focus on your sexuality.

The internal affairs of the family look more pleasant, but require careful study. All issues related to the house, such as renovations, investments and furnishings, should be considered strictly after a thorough inspection in May 2018.

During the last ten days of the month, your self-esteem and magnetism will strengthen. Your animal instincts will be evident, so indulge in indulgence and luxury in moderation.

The health of twins in May 2018 will be marked by a high level of energy. However, the slow movement of your ruling Planet, Mercury, combined with its retrograde move after May 24th, warns you to move more slowly in pursuit of your ambitions in May 2018, this is difficult, especially when you are overwhelmed with energy, try not to spread yourself thin and do deliberate and effective Steps.

For twins it's good month in terms of career and health. On the other hand, the areas of relationships and finances will experience some stress.


For Cancers in May 2018, career problems and personal success in society will be relevant. However, some career shift is expected. You must strike a good balance between purely personal interests and other people's priorities. Your social communication skills are just as important as your own entrepreneurial spirit. You follow your planned path and at the same time do not neglect cooperation to achieve goals and results.

The main areas of interest for Cancers in May 2018 will be professional life, children, friendship, creativity and entertainment.

May 2018 is a very active month for Cancers, and your career will turn favorably in your favor with improved status and financial rewards. Your relationships with older people and the general public can be called harmonious. By the middle of the month, the pace at the office will slow down and give you the opportunity to plan your professional future.

In May 2018, Cancer will experience monetary prosperity and you will be able to achieve the financial results that you have previously visualized. A friend or financial partner will be responsible for the financial situation in the second ten days of the month. Cancers are now in the very process of dreaming about a new financial future.

Friends will help your finances and money can be generated through internet based businesses. Money can come from real estate investments and complex affairs until May 21st, and after that, you can invest money in enterprises related to communications and transport. Perhaps you will donate money to a charity and your financial intelligence will be based on spirituality.

Love with your loved one will be more passionate than romantic. Your partner is looking for financial freedom and wants to develop methods to earn money and spend it without any obligations. Single Cancers will try to establish a romantic relationship through friendship. Existing unions may face minor challenges based on financial expectations. Mutual discussions and reconciliation will resolve problems in a couple.

Health in May 2018 will not bother Cancers, but on the contrary will please you with a high level of energy and which will give you the opportunity to stay in good physical shape all month. Now is not the time to take up new fitness regimes or try new diets without studying their effects, it will put you at risk.

May for Cancers will be a fabulous month in terms of finances, health and professional activity. Your love life will be fulfilling.

a lion

For Leos in May 2018, their freedom and independence will be important; nothing should violate their will. You can use planetary shifts to your advantage in controlling people. Social skills fade into the background, but still you must take into account, in addition to your interests, the positions and interests of people; unscrupulousness is not your friend. Things are slow and steady for Leos in May.

The main areas of interest for Leos in May 2018 will be career, family well-being, spirituality, children and foreign trips.
Thanks to the influence of Venus, your career and professional development will be fantastically successful after May 17th, because... your career house prevails. Planetary retrogrades will not affect your career ambitions.

Venus makes Leos even more charming and attractive in May, and you will receive support from older people, your family members and the general public. You may not put in much effort and still your career will reach great heights. Your professional progress should be based on spiritual values.

Travel to improve business prospects is likely in May 2018.
The financial well-being of Leos will be fabulous during this period. Aspects of the planets favor financial growth until May 16th, after which career success will contribute to your earnings by increasing wages and other benefits. Management appreciates your diligence and rewards you very well.

Financial sense and instincts will be good until May 16th and you will be able to invest in speculative ventures.

Relationships with loved ones will continue to be uncertain. Your partner seeks personal freedom and may indulge in activities that are not acceptable to you. For the sake of harmony in relationships, you must be tolerant.

Leo singles will have great opportunities to enter into a love relationship, but there seems to be a lack of commitment in this union. The month is not favorable for either marriage or breakup. Children will develop in their areas of interest.

After May 21st, the lions' health will improve significantly. You can stay fit until then by working less and relaxing more. All energy leaks must be eliminated. You can use unconventional healing methods such as crystals and traditional medicine.

May 2018 for Leos is an excellent month in the field of finance and career. Health and relationships require careful, gentle handling and attentiveness.


For Virgo, in May 2018 other people's interests will become important, and you will be able to reach your heights using social opportunities. Until May 21st, you must adapt to situations and conditions, your social circle and allow situations to happen without your active control.

Mercury also doesn't help your personal business with its slow movement. Before May 21st, your self-confidence is extremely low and you are not sure which path you want to follow. However, Virgo must curb aggression and seek cooperation to achieve personal goals in May 2018.

In your horoscope, many planets are moving backwards, so this is definitely a month of passivity and slow motion. This condition is universal, and Virgos simply have to be very tolerant of the situation and people. After May 24th the situation worsens. Be in control of the situation and accept the results with equanimity.

The main areas of interest in May 2018 will be intellectual and spiritual activities, foreign travel, family commitments, business sales promotion and Virgo sexuality on the personal front.
The professional sphere becomes dynamic after May 21st. All job offers, job profile changes and transfers should be carefully reviewed before acceptance.

Your spiritual planet Sun moves into the house of career on May 21st, so professional development is supported by spiritual people for Virgos and your career will be full of charity or humanitarian works.

But for finance this is quite a prosperous month. You can stabilize your income by cutting costs and getting rid of all scrap and unnecessary things. Your loved one or partners will help with your finances, and you can earn money through ingenuity.

Money from family sources may contribute to your well-being in a rather unexpected way in May 2018. Foreign travel and foreign sources can give you good monetary prospects.

After May 21st, the health of the virgins will be fragile. Take enough breaks and conserve energy to stay fit.

In May 2018, Virgos will have excellent financial prospects. Relationships, health and professional life will be problematic.


Libra in May should give equal importance to both career and family matters. Now is the time to pay attention to those around you and practice your social communication skills. This is not the best time for independence and external success. You must skillfully adapt to situations and people's behavior and then you can succeed well with the help of others.

Libra's main areas of interest in the month of May will be financial progress, creativity and love relationships along with humanitarian services and eradicating negativity in life.

Almost half of the planets in the Libra chart are retrograde in May 2018, which will lead to inactivity and inertia in their lives. Approach the situation with a calm mind and use the time to review your past progress. Make new plans and develop a course of action for the future.

In the month of May, you will be interested in cleansing your body and mind of all impurities and negativity. All objectionable materials and objectionable individual behavior will be eliminated. You are preparing your mind for spiritual and intellectual evolution.

Career prospects in May are quite good and stable, and you also have the support of family members in your professional development.

Yours personal income in May will decrease slightly, but this is offset by monetary support from spouses or partners and external sources of financing. Planet of money, Pluto moves backward in May, so you can't expect much wealth, and you can use your financial literacy and involvement to improve your spouse's finances.

In the love environment for Libra in May, romance reigns and this will continue until May 17th, its manifestation will become more physical after that.

In May, Libra will be in excellent shape throughout the entire period; even minor health complaints are not expected. The health of your loved one requires more attention on your part.

For Libras, May 2018 is an excellent month for love relationships, health and career. The financial situation will give some fluctuations, but this will be corrected over time.

In May 2018, in the life of Scorpios, the emphasis is on professional affairs and external success, and family and emotional well-being take on a small share of attention.


In May 2018, in the life of Scorpios, the emphasis is on professional affairs and
external success, and family and emotional well-being take a small share of attention.

Your attention will be focused on the interests of others and their person. In the meantime, you can focus on reviewing your past performance and coming up with a new, improved plan of action. Retrograde planet Pluto makes Scorpio less confident and wiser to promote other people's ambitions.

The main areas of interest in May 2018 for Scorpios will be career, finance, fitness and sports, social activity and getting yourself in order; your attractiveness is now very important for increasing self-confidence.

The career field will be active during this period and the progress will be noticeable and will make you happy.

Favorable aspects of Jupiter will lead to very good earnings in May. Speculative investments will provide good returns.

After May 21, other people's finances will acquire important, you might start making money for investors with your investments. After May 24th, you should be especially careful when dealing with partners and other people, your communication with them should be clear and correct.

Scorpio singles will be interested in romantic partners who can further their professional ambitions. They are looking for people with higher ranks. Scorpios generally approach romance with a lot of confidence and personal charm. Forming love partnerships in May will be quite simple and there is a high chance of getting pregnant.

Social activities will be very energetic and pleasant in May. You use these opportunities to enhance your professional growth. Scorpio's personal life with a loved one in the month of May is very pleasant, and you will be busy with holidays and meetings.

The health of Scorpios will be fragile in the month of May. You can keep yourself fit by relaxing more and with regular body massages. Since the house of cleansing is active after May 21st, you should focus on detoxifying the body to get rid of impurities.

In May 2018, Scorpios’ professional life, finances and relationships will be fabulous. It is necessary to take care of health problems and not create new reasons for complicating physical comfort.


For Sagittarius in May 2018 important role home and family will play a role in life together with psychological health, which is why your career will take a back seat in May. The slow movement of the career planet, Mercury, and its retrograde movement after May 24 warns Sagittarius to be more careful in matters of career.

Until May 21st, personal ambitions and the interests of others will equally attract your attention, and social events will be more enjoyable.

Your professional intelligence will be quite low in May, and planetary aspects make you less self-confident. Any career changes will be unsuccessful and you will probably cancel your decision.

However, all these misunderstandings will not affect your financial prosperity in any way; it will be excellent until the end of the second decade, and then earning money will become more stressful and require more effort. Sagittarians will be prone to financial inactivity in May 2018. This gives you the opportunity to examine your current strategies and develop best method achieving financial success. It will be wise to reduce your expenses after May 21st.

In love, Sagittarius in May, as on the battlefield, has problems in harmonizing personal ambitions with your loved one, a deep gap between you and it will cost a lot of effort to come to mutual understanding. The situation becomes more complicated as both of you are unsure and unable to take decisive action. May 2018 is not conducive to any decisive action on the part of couples.

Sagittarius singles will have chances to get into romantic partnerships, but there is not enough seriousness to build something lasting. You are looking for lovers who are not only obedient, but will also act as a mentor who can enhance knowledge. Love can be found in the workplace, in medical centers and with foreigners.

The health of Sagittarius in May will be simply wonderful until May 21st. It can be maintained by taking plenty of breaks and getting enough rest. You can try various spiritual healing practices and healthy eating.

May 2018 for Sagittarius is a good period in terms of health and finances until the end of the second decade. Love and career will create serious obstacles, but I am sure you will cope if you are more reasonable and calm.


For Capricorns, in May 2018, family responsibilities and emotional health will become more important than professional advancement and personal ambition. You need to balance your personal interests with the interests of others. Your actions must be balanced with social charm to achieve your goal. You must be able to adapt when necessary. At the same time, you can push your personal interests against the backdrop of general trends.

There will be a lot of romantic partnerships, fun, entertainment and gossip until May 21st due to the presence of the Sun in your house of entertainment.
The main areas of greater emphasis in the month of May for the Capricorn sun sign will be friendship and social activities, home and family matters, children and humanitarian aid.

Although you won't be focused on your career in May, your family will still encourage your career initiatives. This will lead to improved status at the workplace along with monetary rewards. Career will be active for Capricorn after May 21st.

Finances will also pleasantly surprise you until May 21, 2018, but you should not get involved in speculative deals and should reconsider your financial strategies before making major changes to your current plans. All major investments, purchases and financial projects must be suspended. Capricorn's finances will be helped at the beginning of the period, while a loved one or partner will help you after May 21st.

The House of Love for Capricorns is not dominant in May. You will be busy with friends and social obligations. The presence of the Moon in the house of marriage will lead to increased romance during short periods within a month. Single Capricorns will be carried away by love and fun in May 2018. There is no seriousness or commitment on the part, as well as no plans for pregnancy.

Your health in May will improve especially when compared with the previous month. Vitality is growing. After the second ten days of the month there will be even greater improvements. Detoxification and massage can help you stay healthy. You should also focus on having a good breakfast and a good lunch diet.

For Capricorns, May will be a wonderful month in terms of finances, while other aspects of life, such as relationships, career, health, require more attention, then you will be able to tighten them up.


For Aquarius, in May 2018, issues of home and family will rise above issues of career and ambition. The month is ideal to dream about your future career growth and formulate plans to make them come true.

The personal interests of Aquarius are intercepted by the interests of others. How you present yourself in society and your adaptability will be important aspects to achieving your goals. Aquarius can sit back and watch everything go smoothly. Others are responsible for your progress in May 2018.

In May, about half of the planets in Aquarius are moving in the opposite direction along with Uranus, your ruling planet, which means you will encounter dead ends, interruptions and restrictions, and feel helpless. Aquarius must be more tolerant and wait for something to materialize.

Aquarius's career will not take center stage in May. This will help you analyze your progress and take corrective steps to further develop your profession in the future.

The financial situation for Aquarius in the month of May is going well until May 21st, and after that you will need to make more efforts. Spending tends to readjust after the 21st, and you have to fight to keep it low. Your partner's finances will also be tense in May after the second decade.

In love, you will be interested in fun and pleasure for most of the month. However, your experience will leave a bitter taste, and you will not dare to repeat such actions. Love relationship will not move forward and you must evaluate current partnerships. Those that do not suit you and have become obsolete can be discarded, while those that are alive or require improvement can be continued. Your relationship with your loved one will be enjoyable and can be strengthened by simply spending time together. Pregnancies are likely during this period. Single Aquarians will find love in places of entertainment and relaxation.

After May 21st, the health of Aquarius will be good. Until then, just relax with meditation or music therapy.

For Aquarius, May 2018 is not a particularly remarkable month, all its indicators in all areas are averaged, only you can make it more cheerful.


In the life of Pisces in May 2018, professional growth, along with personal desires, will become as important as issues of home and family. Independence and entrepreneurship will be a priority for you; you can dictate your terms and forms of cooperation in your favor. However, your personality planet, Neptune, is retrograde, and it warns Pisces to watch their actions more carefully.

The main areas of interest in May 2018 for Pisces are finances, profession, social activities, career and goals. Scientific pursuits and education will become important after May 17th.

The career prospects for Pisces in May are very broad, and you will have harmonious relationships with colleagues and management, and your diligence will be rewarded financially.

In the month of May, Pisces will experience monetary prosperity. Earning prospects are provided by social connections. Financial heights can also be conquered through sales and marketing. Mars, Venus and Jupiter help your money prosperity in May. Investments in the speculative sphere will bring good profits. Telecommunications will be another area of ​​profit. You can expect financial benefits from unknown sources as well.

The relationship between Pisces in May 2018 will be tense. Put aside serious promises to family members. Home maintenance, repairs and purchases will have to be postponed.
Your charm will play a major role in May, with its help you will be able to build relationships and avoid conflicts. The existing alliance appears to be moving backwards with Mercury retrograde. Let the partnership exist slowly.
You and your spouse or partner will mingle with unknown people and this may bring regret, try to keep the relationship afloat.

The health of the fish will not be disturbed until May 21st. After this, additional relaxation and rest is vital. Try getting outside more or try spiritual healing practices; you need deep, meaningful rest.
For Pisces, May 2018 is a great month in the areas of health, finance and professional life. Problems with love and relationships can be troublesome, but everything can be solved.


Venus moves through the sign of Aries in May 2017 . If there is a pause in your personal life, it’s time to end it. Take care of yourself, restore your energy potential and get back into a relationship with new strength. Nothing lasts forever under the moon, but life without love is definitely not interesting. Practically, there is no need. Men, get ready...

The main positive impact of May 2017 will be trine between Saturn and Uranus . This influence prepares bright and positive changes in creative projects. Uranus frees you from the past and circumstances that hold back your development. Saturn prepares the ground for the implementation of new projects. good time to start implementing the most creative ideas and plans. As a result, you can reach a new level of self-realization, much more free and independent. Trigon Saturn - Uranus is valid throughout May.

May 1 - 2, 2017 – retro-Mercury in conjunction with Uranus. Grand Cross planets distribute energy evenly. Good days for outdoor recreation and health improvement. A tense period in global economics and geopolitics. The configuration of the Grand Cross planets statistically often indicates the need to place emphasis on the most pressing issues and problems in world politics. The likelihood of critical events and aggravation of local conflicts increases. Return of unresolved problems and issues.

May 3, 2017 – Mercury returns to direct motion. Emergency period. A sharp, contrasting change in weather conditions is possible. Difficult weather conditions, anomalies. Particular care should be taken in road traffic and travel. From this day forward, a smoother course of events in the information sphere and the movement of financial resources and goods is restored. The time has come for advertising campaigns and promotion of tourism services.

May 5, 2017 – Mars is in exact conjunction with the star Aldebaran in opposition to Lilith. Complex, fateful events on the world geopolitical arena are possible. The Axis of Disasters sounds. This suggests the likelihood of a sharp escalation of conflicts in hot spots on the planet. High-profile natural disasters are possible. On a personal level, you may encounter external aggression or attack. Avoid visiting entertainment events and entertainment venues in the coming days.

May 11, 2017 – Full Moon. An emotionally difficult day. Mars in aspects to Lilith and Neptune. This suggests the likelihood of an incorrect decision and inaccurately directed actions. Wrong actions and decisions of this day will be very difficult to correct in the future. Move the most important things to the future. Do not give in to the provocation of conflict.

May 12, 2017 – Mercury - Uranus in conjunction with the Andromeda galaxy. Important, significant events in Russia, in the international political arena. The period of free enterprise, the newest cooperative movement, both in Russia and in the world as a whole, begins. Find your business niche, produce a unique product and you will fit the moment in time, the Age of Aquarius.

May 13 – 15, 2017 – Mars in exact trine to Jupiter. Favorable period for important meetings, consultations, generation of large-scale ideas and projects, contacts at the highest level. Commercial trips and negotiations will bring success. It is possible to meet, contact with important and significant people, spiritual teacher, mentor. These meetings will change your Future for the better and show you the right path to social and professional fulfillment.

May 16, 2017 - Mercury moves into the sign of Taurus. Material and financial issues are on the agenda. A relatively positive period for resolving issues in the field of real estate and purchasing vehicles for commercial trips. Aspect of Lilith and Venus - warns of temptations on a personal level. Everyone should beware of casual acquaintances and contacts. The result of such acquaintances can be sharply negative.

May 18, 2017 – trine Mars – Jupiter – Moon. You can make a very important breakthrough in the business and entrepreneurial sphere, and agree on a serious investment in your project. You can initiate a large-scale undertaking. The result will be positive. A favorable period for contacts and negotiations with foreign organizations. A good time to start preparing for a long-distance, foreign trip.

May 20 - 21, 2017 – The Sun moves into the sign of Gemini. Nature is waking up. Spring warmth requires contact with nature. Favorable days for active recreation in nature, outside the city. Don't sit in your home cage, take a trip and absorb the energies of Fire, Air, Earth and Water. Be healthy…

May 23, 2017 – Venus in the royal degree of the sign Aries. This is a day to achieve significant professional and career results. With precise goal setting, you can achieve success and improve your financial condition. A good day for romantic relationships, evenings by candlelight. If you want to make up your mind, now is the right time.

May 25, 2017 – New Moon in the sign of Gemini. You may receive very important news. Significant days for processing transactions at all levels. A project or deal that has been stalled for a long time may move forward. You can solve an important issue that seemed insoluble. From this day on, summer begins to take effect. Plan your vacation.

May 27, 2017 – The Moon is in opposition to Mars on the Galactic Axis. Difficult weather conditions, atmospheric and seismic anomalies. Resonant natural disasters and earthquakes are possible. Sudden changes in weather conditions. Be careful when traveling and traffic.

May 29, 2017 – Mars in opposition to Saturn. A period of difficult overcoming significant social and professional conflicts. Blocking in the sphere of both business and personal relationships. Aggravation of the situation in global geopolitics and economics. Probability of high-profile natural disasters.

May 31, 2017 – Mars sextile Uranus. The period of promoting innovative, revolutionary ideas and projects. The desire for a freer nature of self-realization, professional and entrepreneurial activity. Creative breakthrough. Go for it - you are talented!

Horoscope for May 2017 according to zodiac signs

Astrologer Olga Korepina tells what surprises the long-awaited May has in store for representatives of all zodiac signs.

In the coming May, the Black Moon moves into the sign of Pisces. Traditionally, this combination is perceived as ominous, although in fact this is not entirely true. The combination, of course, awakens the dark sides of our personality, but we need to understand that the word “dark” in this case does not necessarily mean “bad”. We are talking rather about the hidden, unknown forces of our soul, so “dark” here should be read as “mysterious”, “unknown”, “uncertain”.

However, life in May will be somewhat more difficult than usual, because many people will experience dissatisfaction and confusion, feel out of place and, due to this, will not behave in the most reasonable way. Not to mention those who will release real monsters from the darkness of their consciousness. It is possible, even inevitable, that the activity of mentally ill people will increase, so the usual security measures should be strengthened. Don’t talk to, say, suspicious strangers at night. But it is worth remembering that such shifts in the consciousness of all humanity are always a time of opportunity, even, let’s not be afraid of this word, miracles. It is on days like these that the greatest are born. works of art, the most serious scientific breakthroughs happen, the deepest and most precious feelings arise.


A feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself, coupled with a thirst for pleasure, will turn the coming May into a continuous gloomy temptation. The craving for alcohol, for dangerous actions, for harsh statements (just for the pleasure of seeing how your interlocutor’s face changes) - it is advisable to keep all this under control if we do not want to quickly turn our well-established life into ruins.

Therefore, do not deny yourself more harmless pleasures - going to fine restaurants, gourmet tours, erotic experiences with reliable partners, all types of spa and self-care will work great. But you should be more careful with shopping - you may feel the urge to empty all your credit cards, buying things of dubious necessity at exorbitant prices - just to experience excitement, anger, fear, a sense of freedom - the whole gamut that so often pushes Aries to rash actions.


The Sun in the first house awakens in Taurus a thirst for activity and a desire to change the world to their taste and in their own way. The influence of the Black Moon in Pisces makes its own adjustments to this desire. As a result, in the last month of this spring, Taurus risks finding themselves on the barricades - for example, ready to die for the wonderful idea of ​​​​urgently repainting all traffic lights in the city crimson.

That is, your attention will most likely be focused on the little things - but these little things will seem to you like the most important thing in the world. In order not to waste yourself on trifles and not to enter into unnecessary conflicts, try to treat everything that worries and worries you now with a fair amount of skepticism. Repeat the famous phrase “It’s all nothing, it’s just a matter of everyday life” more often and discuss what worries you with people you trust. If they say, “I think you're nervous about stuff,” then they're almost certainly right.


Your ability to manipulate other people and extract from them what you want will increase incredibly. The price for this will be a rapid deterioration of your reputation, and in the most extreme cases, a break in relations with friends and family. Therefore, be as careful as possible - the ease with which people will now give in to you is deceptive and temporary. It is better not to uncover the serious tools in your arsenal - threats, complaints and scandals - at all. Be as careful as possible with others and think about their interests, often putting yourself in their place. The month is extremely favorable for traveling in a northwest direction, especially in the company of people of the same gender and age. Try to be outdoors more often - the lack of a roof over your head will pacify you and give you new ideas.


The sociability of Cancers in May will go beyond reasonable levels - interest in others, in their smallest actions, gestures and words - this is the influence of the Sun in the 11th house, an influence that will greatly enhance your empathy.

At the same time, the influence of the Black Moon, alas, will turn this wonderful ability into a lever of pressure: you will have an unbearable desire to argue, subjugate, insist on your opinion, in a word, train everything that has the courage or stupidity to move in your presence.

The level of anger will go through the roof. Not surprisingly, Cancers also have an increased risk of causing physical harm to others in May. So be extra careful in what you say and do, and be extra careful while driving.


The black moon will release the animal nature of the lions. This, of course, has its advantages - increased intuition, increased sexuality, improved physical condition and, in addition, clarity of thought, which is no longer clouded by a cloud of doubts, reflections and uncertainty - the most human elements of our mind.

The main disadvantage of this state of affairs can be considered a change in ethical standards - internal prohibitions will be weaker than ever, and if you give free rein to the inner beast, you can do something that will make you blush for many years to come. Calm music, meditation, and relaxation will help to stabilize your state of mind a little, regaining a bit of prudence. But sports, especially strength training, on the contrary, will increase your aggressiveness and assertiveness.


Jealousy, suspicion and mistrust - these are the gifts with which the Black Moon will come to the virgins in May. Unfortunately, Virgos are no strangers to these emotions, and now you risk succumbing to them completely. If possible, try to travel as much as possible, communicate with unfamiliar people, limit close contacts with those you care about - the stars are now contributing to the severance of close relationships. But your mathematical and logical abilities are stronger than ever, you can easily see the vulnerabilities and holes of complex projects, clear criticality will help you make the right decisions in business. A great time for passing exams, defending scientific degrees, and trials.


In the coming May, the scales will fluctuate between two seemingly mutually exclusive planes. You will feel the need to constantly take care of those around you, while experiencing complete indifference to the real desires and plans of these others. This is how the Black Moon and the Sun in the eighth house will conflict with each other. The negative result of this state of affairs will be conflicts with colleagues and relatives, who will often perceive this concern as intrusiveness and inappropriate control.

However, if Libra manages to turn their need to take care of themselves, the month as a whole will be successful. Shopping, spa, changing your image - pampering yourself in all possible ways will be very useful for you now. Also, the month is very good for traveling in the eastern direction and contacts with people who have arrived in your city from the east.


In the last month of spring, Scorpios will need warm, trusting relationships with relatives. You will reach out to them, offering care, joint activities and entertainment - and receive black ingratitude in return. At least it will seem so to you. The reason for this will be the lack of mental resources caused by the influence of the Black Moon.

Willingly or unwittingly, Scorpios will become a kind of energy vampires in May, which is why those around you will intuitively shun you, and you will experience a hunger for close communication. Frequent contact with pets and small children, whose energy is inexhaustible and generously flows to everyone around, will help you cope with this difficult situation.


The more time you spend outside the home, at work, in friendly companies, and best of all, on business trips, the safer this difficult May will be for your family relationships. Unfortunately, by staying with your family all the time, you risk causing harm to your loved ones. But this May is an excellent month for almost any business activity: concluding contracts, startups, the birth of ideas and their implementation.

The month is also ideal for hiring new employees and starting romantic relationships. If you require any surgical intervention, you cannot find a better time for this: your ability to regenerate and recover is now greatly increased.


The last month of spring will pass for Capricorns under the sign of lies; you will constantly encounter them and at the same time lie too easily yourself. This sounds terrible, but this vector also contains positive elements. The fact is that almost any creativity inevitably contains one of the forms of lies - namely, a changed, transformed, previously non-existent reality that you sculpt in your imagination. From this it is clear that May will be a great month for creativity - literature, painting, cinema, etc. For obvious reasons, some lawyers, as well as politicians, will function quite successfully in May. But it’s better not to enter into financial agreements now.