Quotes for writing an essay on a linguistic topic from fipi bank. Gia. Samples of reasoning about the role of gerunds in a specific text Text for work

27.01.2022 ethnoscience

Completes the main action, making speech more precise and dynamic. I will give examples from the text by S.A. Lubenets.

So, in sentence No. 15 (“Like a London dandy...” the mother happily said, looking at Venka”) I find the adverbial phrase “looking at Venka,” thanks to which the author managed to create a vivid image of a mother rejoicing at her son’s new clothes, and “complete” the nature of her movements.

The surprisingly accurate picture of the action (“got in”) performed by Venka helps create the adverbial phrase “gritting my teeth,” which I find in sentence No. 27. When we read this sentence, we see how reluctantly, without any desire, the boy puts on this jacket.

Thus, A.N. was right. Gvozdev, who argued that “gerunds... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person”

Golub I.B.:“For the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning; it is also necessary to take into account the features lexical compatibility of words , that is, their ability to connect with each other".

A phrase from linguist I.B. That's how I understand it, Golub. Lexical compatibility of words is the ability of linguistic elements to connect with each other in speech. I will try to prove this using the text of Yu.Ya. Yakovleva.

Thus, words with a direct meaning are combined with other words through a subject-logical connection. For example, the noun “power” (sentence No. 39) is freely combined with the word “heavy”. They say: heavy power, but not “light power”.

The same can be said about the phrase “cruel injustice”, which we find in sentence No. 37. Indeed, “injustice” can be “cruel”, but it cannot be “kind”.

Thus, we can conclude: I.G. was right. Golub, arguing that “for the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning; it is also necessary to take into account the features of the lexical compatibility of words, that is, their ability to connect with each other.”

Gorshkov A.I.: “The best stylistic possibilities lie in the vocabulary (vocabulary ) Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them.".

Statement by the famous linguist A.I. I understand Gorshkov this way. Every functional style is a complex system that covers all language levels: pronunciation of words, lexical and phraseological composition of speech, morphological means and syntactic structures. The variety of stylistic resources can be shown using both lexical and syntactic examples. Let us turn to the text by S.A. Lubenets.

So, in sentence No. 18 I find interesting lexical item: book word “contrasted”, which serves as a means character characteristics, helps to understand Nina’s inner world.

And in sentences No. 28-30, the author uses such a syntactic device as default, a stylistic figure that consists in the fact that the speech that has begun is interrupted in anticipation of the reader’s guess, who must mentally finish it. This technique helps convey the emotionality and excitement of the girl’s speech.

Thus, we can conclude: A.I. was right. Gorshkov, arguing that “the best stylistic possibilities lie in the vocabulary of the Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them.”

Famous linguist L.T. Grigoryan argued: “In non-union complex sentences, different punctuation marks are used because each of them indicates special semantic relationships between the parts.”

How do I understand this phrase? Unconjunct complex sentences differ from conjunctive ones in that the semantic relationships between simple sentences are less clearly expressed, but it is the meaning that determines punctuation marks. I will give examples from the text by K. Shakhnazarov.

Firstly, in sentence No. 5 (“The ladies were seated in comfortable soft chairs; the men, having formed groups, talked with each other.”) contains a semicolon, because simple sentences with the meaning of enumeration have the meaning of the simultaneity of actions performed.

Secondly, in the non-union complex sentence No. 39 (“We have guests - here I am with my Nightingale!”) a dash is used, since the first part has the meaning of time.

Thus, L.T. Grigoryan’s statement is correct.

Emelyanova O.N.: "Author'sspeech possesses not only figurativeness, but alsoexpressiveness Andcharacterizes not only the object of the utterance, but also thespeaker" .

Statement by the modern Russian philologist O.N. I understand Emelyanova this way. The author's speech is not connected with the speech of any character; its carrier in a prose work is the image of the narrator. The originality of his language is determined by the meaning and speech fabric embedded in the work and characterizes the speaker himself. I will give examples from the text of V.I. Odnoralova.

For example, in sentence No. 11 I encounter the phraseological unit “I was ready to fall through the ground.” Thanks to a stable combination, the narrator’s speech [b]appears before the reader as bright, imaginative, emotional, reveals his character, attracts listeners, makes communication more interesting and lively.

Also in [b] the author’s speech I come across a lot of colloquial words (“bungler”, “flopped”, “trifles”), thanks to which the reader can imagine not only the character of the narrator, but even his age. Before us is a teenager, the same boy as those he talks about.

Thus, we can conclude: O.N. was right. Emelyanova, who argued that “the author’s speech has not only figurativeness, but also expressiveness and characterizes not only the object of the statement, but also the speaker himself.”

Kuznetsov A.A.: “Expositionfirst person”, usagecolloquial words and phrases give the author the opportunity to influence the consciousness and feelings of the reader."

A phrase from philologist A.A. I understand Kuznetsov this way. In a work of art, the narration may not be told “from the author,” but from the narrator’s point of view. The image of the narrator is revealed in his point of view of what is happening, in his assessments, in the manner of expressing thoughts. This technique allows the writer to use colloquial vocabulary and colloquial forms of syntax, form the consciousness of the reader and influence his feelings. I will give examples from the text by V.P. Krapivina.

For example, in sentence No. 9 I come across the phraseology “they got in the way,” which the narrator uses in his speech instead of the word “interfered.” The use of this combination helps him not only characterize his friend Lyoshka, but also give his speech brightness, imagery, emotionality, and make it accessible to his peers.

The narrator also uses a lot of colloquial words in his speech (“didn’t meddle,” “mutter,” “stuffed,” “slipped,” “stole”). They add a touch of ease and simplicity to his story. It is thanks to the abundance of colloquial words in the hero’s speech that the reader can understand, but even the social status and age of the hero. The narrator appears before us in the image of an energetic, inquisitive boy, a teenager like us, with his own view of the world, interests and dreams.

Thus, we can conclude: A.A. was right. Kuznetsov, who argued that “first-person presentation, the use of words and phrases of a colloquial nature give the author the opportunity to influence the consciousness and feelings of the reader”

Kozhina M.N.: “The reader penetrates into the world of images work of art through him speech tissue ".

Linguist M.N. Kozhina argued that “the reader penetrates into the world of images of a work of art through its speech tissue.”

This is how I understand this phrase. The reader’s work lies in communication with the writer, in which the literary text becomes understandable in all its versatility. The speech fabric of the work helps the reader to understand the complex labyrinth of thoughts, experiences, and assessments of the author, and to penetrate into the world of images of his characters. I will give examples from the text by Yu. Shim.

Firstly, in sentence No. 9 the writer clearly shows how the boy is trying to protect his secret. Phraseologisms “clenching... teeth”, “glaring from under her brows” help the reader understand how he tried to take away the portraits of the artists...

Secondly, in sentence No. 13, through the eyes of Vera, we see Zheka, who is trying to restrain himself, not to show his excitement. The sentences are very well integrated into the speech fabric homogeneous predicates(“fenced off from everyone, closed, locked”), which help us understand what the boy feels at that moment.

Thus, the statement of linguist M.N. Kozhina is correct.

L.Yu. Maksimov wrote: “With the help of paragraph indentation (or a red line), the most important groups of sentences or individual sentences in the composition of the whole text are highlighted.”

This is how I understand this phrase. The paragraph clarifies the compositional and syntactic structure of the text and performs an expressive and highlighting function, expressing the dynamics and rapid change of events. A paragraph can contain the main ideas of the text. I will give examples from the text by A. Aleksin.

So, sentence No. 5 begins the second paragraph, which contains new information compared to the previous one: it explains why all the guests compared the doll with a girl.

The third paragraph begins with sentence No. 17, which performs another function, expressive and emphatic. It talks about the appearance of a doll for the heroine, which she immediately disliked because the toy was taller than her. From this paragraph the tone of the narrative changes, a rapid change of events occurs.

Thus, the expression of L.Yu. Maksimov is correct.

Famous linguist I.G. Miloslavsky said: “The attitude of the writer to what is being communicated can often be expressed with the help of “small” words, which are considered to be official words - particles and conjunctions.”

This is how I understand this phrase. Functional words, along with significant words, help the writer convey his thoughts and attitude towards what is being communicated. Conjunctions play the role of bonds between syntactic units and help convey various semantic relationships between them. Particles add various additional semantic or emotional nuances to words and sentences. I will give examples from the text by N.I. Dubova.

Firstly, in sentence No. 2 (“You can’t reinvent the airplane if it was invented a long time ago, or open new countries if everything has already been covered up and down!”) I find a modal particle “zhe”, which helps the writer highlight the most important word “impossible” introduces an additional shade of meaning into the sentence - strengthening.

Secondly, the coordinating conjunction “but” in sentence No. 31 (“Yes, we could surprise the world, but we didn’t know how yet.”) allows the author to contrast the content of the two parts of the statement, to talk about the boys’ desire, which they could not translate into life.

Based on what has been said, I can conclude that I.G. Miloslavsky’s statement is correct.

Miloslavsky I.G.: « Grammar The Russian language is first and foremost a means of expressing thoughts.”

A phrase from linguist I.G. This is how I understand Miloslavsky. Language is a way of thinking. It consists of words denoting various objects and processes, as well as rules that allow you to construct sentences from these words. It is sentences, constructed according to the laws of grammar and written in writing in compliance with punctuation rules, that are the means of expressing thoughts. I will try to prove this using the text of V.Yu. Dragunsky.

For example, sentence No. 9 in this text is exclamatory. This means that it is pronounced with a special intonation, extremely emotional. So the author, using the possibilities of syntax, conveys the idea that the hero really wants to have a punching bag to start training.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A. N. Gvozdev: “Participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.” To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A. N. Gvozdev.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentence in the text: “It’s true that he never heard any offensive words from anyone about his clothes, but with all his being he felt that in these jackets he in no way fit into the male team of the class.”

15.1 “The participle is a part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object by action” - everyone has long been familiar with this definition of the participle from a school textbook of the Russian language. However, probably few people have thought about what lies behind this meager definition. Let's analyze the participles found in the above text by Svetlana Lubenets.

In sentence 1 we encounter the adverbial participle “stretching out”, which with dependent words forms the adverbial phrase “stretching out transparent paws”. This participle phrase is a separate circumstance of the manner of action, explaining how the rat Marfusha sleeps. The introduction of a participial phrase into a sentence makes speech figurative, colorful, expressive, and helps to avoid tongue-tiedness and monotony. In sentence 27 (Venka, gritting his teeth, got into Vitalka’s jacket), the gerund serves the same purposes: with its help, Venka’s state of mind, his attitude towards the “ill-fated” jacket is concretized.

Indeed, we managed to prove the statement of the famous linguist A. N. Gvozdev:

“Gerundial participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.”

15.2 Where does self-doubt come from? Like many other misfortunes, it is often formed in childhood, when knowledge about the world and about oneself for the most part consists of other people’s assessments, and not of real facts. This happens with the hero of the text by Svetlana Lubenets. Venka is so unsure of himself that he even perceives his jacket as an enemy, damaging the perception of others around him. This is stated in the sentence: “True, he never heard any offensive words from anyone about his clothes, but with his whole being he felt that in these jackets he in no way fit into the male class team.”

"dressed up."

In sentence 29 (“Only Venka didn’t need this elegant jacket!”) we are talking about another jacket, which also seems to be fine, elegant, but again, in Venka’s opinion, it prevents him from being like everyone else. That is why he thinks that when he grows up, he will definitely listen to the opinion of his child.

Self-doubt creates fear and prevents a person from feeling self-sufficient and defending his opinion. Forming adequate self-esteem is one of the important tasks of self-education; it is correctly formed self-esteem that will help overcome self-doubt.

15.3 Self-doubt prevents a person from feeling self-sufficient and defending his opinion. He has to adapt to other people and make decisions, relying on their advice, without taking into account his own point of view.

This happens with the hero of the text by Svetlana Lubenets. Venka is so unsure of himself that he even perceives his jacket as an enemy, damaging the perception of others around him. This is stated in the sentence: “True, he never heard any offensive words from anyone about his clothes, but with his whole being he felt that in these jackets he in no way fit into the male class team.”

An insecure person either withdraws into himself, feeling like a victim, or, even worse, becomes a tyrant. To hide his weakness, he screams. A teacher who screams out of self-doubt will never be able to gain authority in the class, and therefore will not be able to teach anyone.

An insecure person has low self-esteem. He lacks faith in himself, his strengths, his capabilities. Self-doubt can only be overcome if a person is able to correctly set goals, relate them to external circumstances and positively evaluate their results.

Nina has been around for a long time

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A.I. Gorshkov: “The best stylistic possibilities lie in the vocabulary of the Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them.” To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A.I. Gorshkov.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of a fragment of the text: “She acted decisively and methodically, as if she was preparing for some new life, clearing her room of cheap rubbish, toys and stupid magazines. And after some time, she suddenly realized that all the changes, by and large, were only external: her life was still empty, boring and very monotonous: school, home, books, the Internet...”

In your essay, provide 2 arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase LESS CONFIDENCE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-

discussion on the topic “What is self-doubt”, taking as the thesis the definition you gave. When arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

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15.1 Linguist A.I. Gorshkov argued: “The best stylistic possibilities lie in the vocabulary of the Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them.” Let's try to understand the meaning of this statement.

This statement consists of two parts. Let's look at the first part.

Man needs words in order to give a name to everything that is in the world. This means they reflect people's thoughts. Figuratively speaking, language is a cast of our thinking. That is, the “dictionary of a language” indicates what people think about, how they think. For example, using words with a reduced expressive coloring inherent in youth slang (mobile phone, tsifir) in the heroine’s monologue speech, the author of the text emphasizes that spiritual world The heroine is not very rich, which is why she feels envy towards her classmates and friends.

Now let's look at the second part of the statement. To understand its meaning, you need to find out

meaning of the word "syntax". Syntax is a branch of the science of combining words and constructing sentences. Without possession grammatical rules You cannot master the language perfectly, you cannot speak and write correctly. Let's analyze several adjacent sentences of the text: sentences 21-25 (He is, so to speak, a virtual hero! (22) Virtual... (23) Virtual?! (24) Exactly! (25) Idea!) monosyllabic, nominative. They are used to emphasize the abruptness of the heroine’s ideas about the virtual world of her illusions that she creates. This allows the author to attract the reader’s attention with a special form of narration - the resources of grammar help to accurately express the author’s intent.

Thus, we were able to confirm that lexicon and knowledge of grammar together help us formulate our speech correctly and clearly.

15.2 If you do not believe in yourself, in your strengths and capabilities, this will inevitably lead to the loss of healthy self-esteem and the development of an inferiority complex. Likewise, Nina, the heroine of Svetlana Lubenets’ text, feels insecure because she doesn’t have a boyfriend. She strives for change, but does not believe in it herself. The following lines of text are about this.

The first sentence of the text (“Nina has long existed in a state of enduring emotional tension”) conveys the heroine’s deep feelings about the fact that she is not like her friends. Next, the reason for this state of the heroine is revealed: “But there is no friend...” (sentence number 11)

The efforts the girl is making will help her forget this condition, but not for long. Nina doesn’t understand this yet, which is why she took on the task of “creating” a virtual fan with such enthusiasm. He, in her opinion, should help her not feel deprived. This is stated in sentence number 42.

It happens that a person has remarkable strengths, abilities and capabilities, but self-doubt and low self-esteem prevent him from taking advantage of these benefits. Often this happens because a person consciously or unconsciously compares himself with others, as does the heroine S. Lubenets. You can feel self-sufficient only when you manage to find your own way. When you learn to respect yourself, others will begin to treat you differently.

15.3 Uncertainty hiding behind modesty, low self-esteem hiding behind shyness, an inferiority complex recognized as character traits... All these words mean one fairly simple phenomenon - a person’s lack of faith in his own strengths and himself. How often low self-esteem and self-doubt have destroyed a person’s career, and sometimes relationships!

Nina, the heroine of Svetlana Lubenets’ text, feels insecure because she doesn’t have a boyfriend. She strives for change, but does not believe in it herself. The efforts the girl is making will help her forget the oppressive state, but not for long. Nina doesn’t understand this yet, which is why she took on the task of “creating” a virtual fan with such enthusiasm. He, in her opinion, should help her not feel deprived.

An insecure person either withdraws into himself, feeling like a victim, or, even worse,

becomes a tyrant. To hide his weakness, he screams. Screaming with uncertainty

http://vk.com/og3_russ - Answers to the OGE in the Russian language

The teacher himself will never be able to gain authority in the class, and therefore will not be able to teach anyone.

It happens that a person has remarkable strengths, abilities and capabilities, but self-doubt and low self-esteem prevent him from taking advantage of these benefits. You can feel like a self-sufficient person only when you manage to find your own path. When you learn to respect yourself, others will begin to treat you differently.


Gvozdev A.N.: “Gerundial participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.”


1. What is a participle?

Participle- unchangeable form of the verb - an independent part of speech, combining the characteristics of a verb (aspect and reflexivity) and an adverb (immutability, syntactic role of adverb), denotes an additional action with the main one. Answers the questions doing what? what did you do?

ROLE of gerunds in speech

· Participles make speech more precise, dynamic, they convey many actions occurring simultaneously.

· Participles have rich expressive capabilities. Capacity, compactness, expressiveness - these properties of gerunds are widely used by poets and writers in their works.

· Simple sentences, complicated by adverbial phrases, are more economical and capacious compared to synonymous complex sentences with adverbial clauses. Their use helps the writer, in a fairly small space of text, create visible, vivid, memorable images, accurately “finishing” the actions of the characters.

SAMPLES of reasoning about the role of gerunds in a specific text

Sample 1

I explored the role of gerunds and participial phrases in an excerpt from the novel by A.S. Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” - “Winter!.. Peasant, triumphant...” and discovered that in 11 lines the poet used five gerunds and participial phrases.

The participle “triumphant” accurately conveys the state of the peasant who has been waiting for winter for a long time and is now rejoicing that his work will be made easier and illuminated by the beauty of renewed nature.
The adverbial phrase “smelling snow” helps to understand the action of the horse. She “travels” because it is difficult for her to move with a load in the snow.
A surprisingly accurate drawing of the action performed by the wagon helps to create the adverbial phrase “exploding the furry reins.” When we read this line, we not only see fluffy snow rapidly flying from under our hooves, but we smell the winter freshness.
Thanks to adverbial phrases (“putting a bug in a sled,” “transforming himself into a horse”), the author managed to create a visible image of a yard boy rejoicing at the arrival of winter, and convey his kind, playful attitude towards him.
Thus It is no coincidence that Pushkin used gerunds and participial phrases so widely in this fragment. With their help, such “painting” is achieved that you can even take a brush and paint this picture of the Russian winter that has begun.

Sample 2

I examined the role of gerunds and participial phrases in excerpts from the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Mtsyri”, and this is what I managed to establish.

In the adverbial phrase “showing off the transparent green leaves between the trees,” the adverbial participle “showing off” plays an evaluative role: with its help, the poet evaluates the action of the vines.
The participial phrase “glittering with smooth scales” not only “completes” the action of the snake (“slipped”), but also helps to imagine it appearance, focusing on the quality of action.
The gerund "charter" not only denotes the additional action of Lermontov's hero, but explains its reason: "... the charter lay down between the high mountains."
All this allows you to doconclusion that gerunds and participial phrases perform various functions in Lermontov’s text, being an expressive means of language.

Sample 3

I examined a fragment from the story of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow". This text is a narrative. That is why verbs and gerunds predominate in this passage.
Verbs help the writer talk about sequential actions, and gerunds help to “complete” them, convey their exact picture.
Thus, the adverbial phrases “sitting without hats in old sheepskin coats”, “dangling their arms and legs” help to imagine not only the pose of the peasant boys, but also their appearance, the nature of their movement.
Visible images of a horse and a red haired man also help create participles. With the help of the adverbial phrase “with ears pricked up”, the state of the horse while running is conveyed, and the adverbial phrases “with its tail raised and constantly changing legs” help to imagine the appearance of the rushing herd, to convey the nature of the movement made by it.

So It is no coincidence that Turgenev uses participial phrases so often. Simple sentences complicated by adverbial clauses are more economical and capacious compared to synonymous complex sentences with adverbial clauses. Their use helps the writer, in a fairly small space of text, create visible, vivid, memorable images, accurately “finishing” the actions of the characters.

Statement by linguist N.S. This is how I understand Valgina. We perceive the text according to the punctuation marks placed in it, because these marks carry certain information. The choice of punctuation mark is based on semantic connections, phrasal intonation, and the emotional orientation of the statement. I will give examples from the text by L. Volkova.

So, in sentence No. 14, the second part of the sentence explains the meaning of what is said in the first part. And the colon warns us about this.

And in sentence No. 6 (“Well, dad, can we play for another half hour?”) the choice of punctuation marks is also not accidental. A question mark is used because this sentence is pronounced with a questioning intonation, and commas help to highlight the word “dad,” which denotes the one to whom the speech is addressed in order to attract his attention.

Thus, we can conclude: N.S. Valgina was right in asserting that “punctuation has reached such a level of development when it has become an exponent of the subtlest meaning and intonation, rhythm and style.

10. Valgina N.S.: “Modern Russian punctuation- This is a very complex but clear system. The diverse wealth of this system conceals great opportunities for the writer. And this makes punctuation... powerful. semantic and stylistic device».

N. S. Valgina says that “modern Russian punctuation is a very complex, but clear system. The diverse wealth of this system contains great opportunities for the writer. And this turns punctuation... into a powerful semantic and stylistic device.”

This is how I understand this statement. Modern Russian punctuation is clearly organized. The basis of this system is the syntactic structure of the Russian language: its structural and linguistic patterns, which are closely interrelated. Certain punctuation marks are chosen depending on the structure of the sentence, the emotional or stylistic side of the text. Let us turn to the text by A.A. Likhanov to confirm this idea.

Firstly, sentences 2 to 12 and 21 to 31 are exclamatory sentences. To convey the teacher's attempt to explain to the children the full responsibility that they take on when using books from the library, the author uses many exclamation marks, which are used at the end of the sentence. [b] Here it is, a “powerful semantic... means” that helps you understand what is written and read the text with the right intonation.

Secondly, punctuation marks help to understand the emotional focus of a sentence. This can be seen in the example of sentence 32, which ends with a question mark. With this question, the teacher seems to sum up the conversation about enrolling in the library. Anna Nikolaevna is already sure that her students understood everything, so the question is asked in a calm voice.

Thus, I can conclude that N.S. Valgina’s statement is correct.

11. Vetvitsky V.G.: “ Noun- it’s like the conductor of a grammar orchestra. The orchestra members watch him vigilantly - the dependent words are similar to him in form, consistent with him.”

This is how I understand this phrase. In a sentence, a noun enters into organized connections with other words to form phrases. Being the main word in a phrase, it subordinates dependent words. When agreeing, the forms of the dependent word are similar to the forms of the main word (in gender, number, case). When controlling, the dependent word is placed in the case required by the main word.

In the arguments we give examples of coordination and management.

12. Vinogradov V.V.: “ Words and Expressions acquire in the context of the entire work a variety of shades of meaning, are perceived in a complex and deep imaginative perspective.”

I understand V.V. Vinogradov’s statement this way. Words in language denote specific objects and abstract concepts, describe actions, and express emotions. But outside the linguistic environment, a word in its meaning is approximately definable. It is the context that makes it possible to accurately establish the meaning of a single word or expression included in it. I will prove this using examples from the text by A. Likhanov

In sentence No. 26 I find the phraseological phrase “the eyes went to the forehead.” Based on the context, I realize that this phrase means an extreme degree of surprise.

In sentence No. 18, it is the context that suggests the meaning of the word “minted,” which should be understood as follows: the boy has drawn up a clear plan of action for himself.

Thus, V.V. Vinogradov was right when he argued that “words and expressions acquire various semantic shades in the context of the entire work and are perceived in a complex and deep figurative perspective.”

13. Vinogradov V.V.: “Everything means of language are expressive, you just need to use them skillfully.”

We write about the means of expressive speech that make speech brighter, more expressive and more diverse: metaphors, epithets, personifications, comparisons, phraseological units. (We present examples - arguments, see hint A 3, B 1).

14. Vinogradov V.V.: “ Mixing or combining expressions belonging to different styles literary language , as part of a work of art, must be internally justified or motivated.”

In the artistic style of speech, in addition to the typical linguistic means, the means of all other styles are used, especially colloquial. In the language of fiction, colloquialisms and dialectisms, words of high, poetic style and jargon, professional and business figures of speech and vocabulary of journalistic style can be used. All these means are subordinate to the aesthetic function and must be used “justifiably and motivated.”

So, in sentence No. 11 I find the word “dolchalis”, which refers to a high style, and therefore in a conversation between two boys it would be unnatural if it were not justified by the fact that the guys were fond of Pushkin’s poems and, imitating his style, practiced inserting into everyday speech Pushkin's phrases.

But the colloquial word “prikandybal” from sentence No. 14 indicates that Vovka does not understand what style of literary language it refers to. And here the mixing of expressions is justified: it leads to a comic effect.

Thus, V.V. Vinogradov was right when he argued that “the mixing or combination of expressions belonging to different styles of literary language as part of a work of art must be internally justified or motivated.”

15. Gvozdev A.N.: “ Participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.”

A phrase from linguist A.N. This is how I understand Gvozdev. A gerund is a special form of a verb that denotes an additional action of an object. The gerund really eliminates monotonous repetition, completes the main action, making speech more precise, dynamic and expressive, and avoids monotony in speech.

16. Golub I.B.: “For the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning; it is also necessary to take into account the features lexical compatibility of words, that is, their ability to connect with each other.”

A phrase from linguist I.B. That's how I understand it, Golub. Lexical compatibility of words is the ability of a word to be combined with a specific word in speech. It is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of using words with other words in order to avoid lexical errors in speech. (For example, you need to remember: “make a difference”, “play a role”, “show care”, etc.)

Thus, words with a direct meaning are combined with other words through a subject-logical connection. For example, the noun “power” (sentence No. 39) is freely combined with the word “heavy”. They say: heavy power, but not “light power”.

The same can be said about the phrase “cruel injustice”, which we find in sentence No. 37. Indeed, “injustice” can be “cruel,” but it cannot be “harsh.”

Thus, we can conclude: I.G. was right. Golub, arguing that “for the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning; it is also necessary to take into account the features of the lexical compatibility of words, that is, their ability to connect with each other.”

17. Gorshkov A.I.: “The best stylistic possibilities lie in the vocabulary ( vocabulary) Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them.” (Here we consider 1 example from vocabulary and 1 example from syntax (see examples in quote No. 26)).


allow you to see that there are contrasts in life, emphasize them,

help to express thoughts with greater accuracy,

make speech bright and convincing.


help to avoid monotony of presentation,

diversify our speech, making it lively and expressive,

allow you to comprehensively characterize the image,

help convey the content with maximum accuracy and completeness,

allow you to express the most subtle shades of meaning,

allow you to subtly and colorfully describe phenomena,

promote accuracy and clarity of expression,

make it possible to express various shades of thought, clarify, and emphasize some position.


serve to convey precise meaning in written and spoken language,

make speech bright and convincing,

serve to convey the solemnity of the moment,

serve to recreate the historical situation,

serve as a means of speech characterization of the character,

used to create a comic effect, irony;

emphasize the authenticity of what is said,

serve as names for realities of past years.


help convey local flavor, features of the characters’ speech.


serve to designate objects, signs, actions.


act as one of the means of expressive speech.


used by writers as the linguistic basis of the work,

used in any communication conditions,

serves as a dispassionate, objective designation of concepts, objects, actions, signs, phenomena and relationships between them.


creates stylistic coloring words,

one of distinctive features colloquial vocabulary - specificity (designation of specific objects, actions, signs);

used to verbally characterize the hero.


help to understand what profession is being discussed in the proposed text,

serve to designate various production processes, production tools, raw materials, manufactured products, etc.,

serve to create reliability, accuracy of information, speech characteristics of the character,

serve to convince an opponent, allowing you to clearly express the author’s position or present a bright, convincing argument.


help the writer emphasize and discuss a socially important issue,

serve to create a complete picture, figurative, emotional perception of the depicted reality,

serve as speech characteristics of the characters.


enhance the expressiveness and imagery of the language of the work;

give artistic, poetic brightness to speech;

highlight a characteristic feature or quality of an object, phenomenon, emphasize its individual attribute;

create a vivid idea of ​​the subject;

evaluate an object or phenomenon;

cause a certain emotional attitude towards them;


give speech special expressiveness, imagery, emotionality, accuracy,

characterize all aspects of human life.


helps to emphasize, highlight a semantically important group of words in a speech,

a means of giving clarity to a statement, helping to avoid vagueness of presentation,

a means of conveying monotony and monotony of actions,

repetition of words contributes to greater power of expression, greater tension in the narrative,

a means of expressing the repetition or duration of an action.

Statement by the famous linguist A.I. I understand Gorshkov this way. Each functional style is a complex system that covers all language levels: pronunciation of words, lexical and phraseological composition of speech, morphological means and syntactic structures. The variety of stylistic resources can be shown using both lexical and syntactic examples. Let us turn to the text by S.A. Lubenets.

So, in sentence No. 18 I find an interesting lexical unit: the book word “contrasted”, which serves as a means of characterizing the character, helps to understand Nina’s inner world.

And in sentences No. 28-30, the author uses such a syntactic device as default, a stylistic figure that consists in the fact that the speech that has begun is interrupted in anticipation of the reader’s guess, who must mentally finish it. This technique helps convey the emotionality and excitement of the girl’s speech.

Thus, we can conclude: A.I. was right. Gorshkov, arguing that “the best stylistic possibilities lie in the vocabulary of the Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them.

Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3.

9.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A. N. Gvozdev: “Gerundial participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.” To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A. N. Gvozdev.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

9.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentence in the text: “It’s true that he never heard any offensive words from anyone about his clothes, but with all his being he felt that in these jackets he in no way fit into the male team of the class.”

In your essay, provide 2 arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase LESS CONFIDENCE?

Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic “What is self-doubt”, using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Venka came home from school, sat in the kitchen for a while, drank a glass of cranberry juice made by his grandmother, looked at how funny the white rat Marfusha was sleeping in the aquarium with his transparent paws outstretched, and still went to call his mother at work. (2) That’s how it was with them: right after school, Venka always called her and reported on his affairs.

- (3) Mom, I got into a fight again... - he said slowly and fell silent guiltily.

(4) Not a sound was heard from the receiver for some time. (5) Mom was upset.

– (6) Everything is clear. (7) Let's talk in the evening.

(8) Venka hung up the phone and thought. (9) What is it clear to mom? (10) Sometimes what seems absolutely clear and correct to her is absolutely inapplicable to Venka’s life at school. (11) For example, his mother makes him wear a jacket to school. (12) In September, at a school-wide meeting, the director suggested that parents buy jackets for their sons. (13) They say that school uniforms are not mandatory now, and jackets will discipline boys and set them in a serious mood. (14) The very next day, Mom dragged Venka to the store, where they bought a stunning, as it seemed to him in the heat of the moment, beige jacket, in which a thin brown check caught his eye. (15) “Like a London dandy...” my mother said joyfully, looking at Venka. (16) He also really liked himself in a jacket, but only until he came to school. (17) In his 7 “A” he was the only one dressed up in this way.

(18) At first, Venka was not very upset: not all mothers are as efficient as his. (19) But neither a week nor a month later, none of the classmates changed into a jacket. (20) The guys still wore jumpers, jeans, tracksuit jackets, and the coolest ones wore sweatshirts. (21) Venka tried to get his jacket dirty as quickly as possible, since it was light. (22) He was already looking forward to wearing his old dark blue chunky knit sweater to school in two days, but his mother brought another jacket from work.

- (23) Here! (24) Try it on! - she chirped over Venka. - (25) Aunt Nina gave it. (26) Vitalka has become too small, but it will be just right for you.

(27) Venka, gritting his teeth, got into Vitalka’s jacket. (28) He was also fine: steel-colored with black specks. (29) But Venka didn’t need this elegant jacket! (30) None of his classmates wore jackets around school. (31) Nobody! (32) There is only one! (33) True, he never heard any offensive words from anyone about his clothes, but with all his being he felt that in these jackets he in no way fit into the male class team. (34) When he, Venka, has his own son, he will never buy him any jackets. (35) He will carefully study what his son’s friends will wear and buy him exactly the same black jeans as Petya Komissarov’s: modest, with numerous convenient pockets with zippers and buttons.

(According to S. A. Lubenets) *

* Lubenets Svetlana Anatolyevna is a modern children's writer from St. Petersburg, writes books about teenagers, the relationships between them, school stories of the most ordinary and not so ordinary children. Her series “Only for Girls”, “Only for Boys”, “Black Kitten” are in great demand among readers.

Indicate the erroneous judgment.

1) In the word MAN, all consonant sounds have a pair of hardness and softness.

2) The word EXPLAIN has fewer sounds than letters.

3) In the word MOLNIYAH, all consonant sounds do not have a voiced-voiced pair.

4) The word LOOKING has five syllables.

1) In the word MAN, all consonant sounds have a pair of hardness and softness.
2) The word EXPLAIN has fewer sounds than letters.
3) In the word MOLNIYAH, all consonant sounds do not have a voiced-voiced pair.
4) The word LOOKING has five syllables.


In the word MALE, the consonant J is always soft, has no pair for hardness, the consonant Zh is always hard, has no pair for softness.

The correct answer is listed under number 1.

Answer: 1

Replace the colloquial word “awesome” in sentence 14 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.


Answer: wonderful|excellent|beautiful

Other synonyms can be given for this word.

Chic, classy - colloquial. They are not allowed!

Answer: wonderful|excellent|beautiful

Source: Open bank FIPI, option 3154BB

Tatyana Yudina 31.05.2017 11:47

List of words that may be correct answers:

amazing, wonderful, wonderful, magnificent, excellent, amazing, extraordinary.

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A. N. Gvozdev: “Gerundial participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.” To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the following statement.

The essay must be at least 70 words. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Let's give an example of an argumentative essay in a journalistic style. “A gerund is a part of speech that denotes an attribute of an object by action,” - everyone has long been familiar with this definition of a gerund from a school textbook of the Russian language. However, probably few people have thought about what lies behind this meager definition. Let's analyze the participles found in the above text by Svetlana Lubenets.

In sentence 1 we encounter the adverbial participle “stretching out”, which with dependent words forms the adverbial phrase “stretching out transparent paws”. This participle phrase is a separate circumstance of the manner of action, explaining how the rat Marfusha sleeps. The introduction of a participial phrase into a sentence makes speech figurative, colorful, expressive, and helps to avoid tongue-tiedness and monotony. In sentence 27 (Venka, gritting his teeth, got into Vitalka’s jacket), the gerund serves the same purposes: with its help, Venka’s state of mind, his attitude towards the “ill-fated” jacket is concretized.

Duplicates #6645.


15.1 “The participle is a part of speech that denotes an additional action with the main one,” - everyone has long been familiar with this definition of the participle from the Russian language school textbook. However, probably few people have thought about what lies behind this meager definition. Let's analyze the participles found in the above text by Svetlana Lubenets.

In sentence 1 we encounter the adverbial participle “stretching out”, which with dependent words forms the adverbial phrase “stretching out transparent paws”. This participle phrase is a separate circumstance of the manner of action, explaining how the rat Marfusha sleeps. The introduction of a participial phrase into a sentence makes speech figurative, colorful, expressive, and helps to avoid tongue-tiedness and monotony. In sentence 27 (Venka, gritting his teeth, got into Vitalka’s jacket), the gerund serves the same purposes: with its help, Venka’s state of mind, his attitude towards the “ill-fated” jacket is concretized.

Indeed, we were able to prove the statement of the famous linguist A. N. Gvozdev: “Gerundial participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.”

15.2 Where does self-doubt come from? Like many other misfortunes, it is often formed in childhood, when knowledge about the world and about oneself for the most part consists of other people’s assessments, and not of real facts. This happens with the hero of the text by Svetlana Lubenets. Venka is so unsure of himself that he even perceives his jacket as an enemy, damaging the perception of others around him. This is stated in the sentence: “True, he never heard any offensive words from anyone about his clothes, but with his whole being he felt that in these jackets he in no way fit into the male class team.”

In sentence 29 (“Only Venka didn’t need this elegant jacket!”) we are talking about another jacket, which also seems to be fine, elegant, but again, in Venka’s opinion, it prevents him from being like everyone else. That is why he thinks that when he grows up, he will definitely listen to the opinion of his child.

Self-doubt creates fear and prevents a person from feeling self-sufficient and defending his opinion. Forming adequate self-esteem is one of the important tasks of self-education; it is correctly formed self-esteem that will help overcome self-doubt.

15.3 Self-doubt prevents a person from feeling self-sufficient and defending his opinion. He has to adapt to other people and make decisions, relying on their advice, without taking into account his own point of view.

This happens with the hero of the text by Svetlana Lubenets. Venka is so unsure of himself that he even perceives his jacket as an enemy, damaging the perception of others around him. This is stated in the sentence: “True, he never heard any offensive words from anyone about his clothes, but with his whole being he felt that in these jackets he in no way fit into the male class team.”

An insecure person either withdraws into himself, feeling like a victim, or, even worse, becomes a tyrant. To hide his weakness, he screams. A teacher who screams out of self-doubt will never be able to gain authority in the class, and therefore will not be able to teach anyone.

An insecure person has low self-esteem. He lacks faith in himself, his strengths, his capabilities. Self-doubt can only be overcome if a person is able to correctly set goals, relate them to external circumstances and positively evaluate their results.