Yuri Stoyanov: women are better than men, I know that for sure! Yuri Stoyanov - biography, information, personal life Yuri Stoyanov lost his sons

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Among comedians, a special place is occupied by such a wonderful actor as Yuri Stoyanov. The biography, personal life and work of the artist are of interest to many fans of his talent. He gained the greatest fame as the creator and performer of one of the two main roles in the program “Town”. But Yuri also has many wonderful works in theater and cinema.

Childhood and parents of the actor

Yuri Stoyanov was born on July 10, 1957 in the village of Borodino, Odessa region. The parents of the future actor had nothing to do with art: his father worked as a gynecologist, and his mother was a head teacher at school.

They had very definite plans for their son’s future - the father wanted the heir to follow in his footsteps. And Yura’s mother, having learned that already in the second grade he began to make fun of teachers, parodying their habits, threatened to throw him out of the window if he did not stop. To which Yuri said: “Don’t throw me out, mommy, you will still be proud of me".

Study and first steps in the profession

Yura fell in love with theater in elementary school. Then he began to participate in all school productions, studied guitar in a poetry studio and at a music school. His parents enrolled their son in saber fencing to help him lose weight. Yuri not only improved his figure, but also received the title of Master of Sports.

As a teenager, Yura entered the drama club at the Odessa Film Studio and then realized that his real calling was acting. Since then, the young man began to actively prepare for admission to VGIK. The dream came true with minor variations - the talented guy was enrolled in the acting department of GITIS. Stoyanov’s roommate was the later famous Viktor Sukhorukov.

Despite all his efforts, during his studies Yuri was unable to stand out among the other students. The young man himself assessed himself adequately and understood that he did not shine with special talent, but stubbornly pursued his dream. A year before receiving his diploma, Stoyanov was assigned to the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater. The actor worked there for 17 years, but could not boast of big roles. He only got the lead role once. in the production "Amadeus".

Professional activity

Yuri Stoyanov began his notable acting career in 1990, when their historic meeting with Ilya Oleinikov took place. The artists met on the set of the humorous film “Anecdotes.” They worked together a lot before “Town”:

  • hosted a small show “Kergudu”;
  • were the authors of a column in the comic program “Adam's Apple”.

"Town" - the path to glory

Three years later, Stoyanov and Oleinikov decided to create their own humorous program, which they called “Town”. The actors then had no idea that this would become a new milestone on the path to fame. It is difficult to find a person who has not seen this project. The program turned the actors into real favorites of the public.

The creative tandem turned out to be incredibly successful - over 19 years, 250 episodes of the humorous show were aired. The two actors played all the roles in the mini-performances. Stoyanov got all the female characters, since Oleinikov wore a bushy mustache and couldn’t look like a lady even if he wanted to.

The program was awarded the prestigious TEFI award four times as the best television and entertainment show. The town also became the first broadcast to be seen by residents of the European Union.

“Gorodok” aired every weekend until the death of Ilya Oleinikov in 2012. Yuri Stoyanov was very upset about the death of his friend.

Filmography of the actor

The program “Town” made Stoyanov famous and he finally began to be offered roles in films. One of the notable ones was his role in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley”, where Stoyanov played together with Alexander Tsekalo and.

In the film “12” by Nikita Mikhalkov, Yuri got a dramatic role. He had to play in the company of such luminaries as Makovetsky, Garmash, Efremov, Mikhalkov. After this, Stoyanov began to be offered roles more often, but most of them were still comedic. He played in the films:

  • "The Man at the Window";
  • “Balzac’s age, or all men are the same...”;
  • “You can call me daddy” and others.

Stoyanov, as a master of disguise, was invited to become a member of the jury in the parody show “One to One.” He himself continues to portray famous personalities. For example, during the 2015 New Year's show, Stoyanov performed as Elton John, and then parodied Western politicians Trump and Merkel.

Personal life

Yuri Stoyanov is reluctant to talk about his personal life, but it is known that the young man first fell in love in his first year at GITIS. His chosen one was Tatyana Dogileva. Yuri and Tatyana had a whirlwind romance, but after some time the couple broke up. Stoyanov’s first wife was Olga Sinelchenko, a graduate of the theater studies department of GITIS. In 1978, young people played a modest student wedding in Odessa.

In the same year, the first-born was born, who was named Nikolai. The second son Alexey was born two years later. When the youngest child was five years old, the parents separated. Olga and her two sons left St. Petersburg for Moscow and began new life. She remarried and now lives in France. The woman even changed her sons' last and patronymic names so that nothing would remind her of her previous marriage. When asked by journalists, Olga replies that “she doesn’t know who Yuri Stoyanov is.”

The children of Yuri Stoyanov supported their mother in her decision and do not maintain any relationship with their father. Both of them bear the surname and patronymic of their stepfather Maxim Yuryevich Khlopov. The eldest son Nikolai is a successful business consultant and often gives interviews in various media. Many people don’t even realize that he is the son of a famous actor. The second son Alexey, who is now 36 years old, graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, and now organizes extreme hikes in the mountains in Sochi.

The actor lived with his second wife Marina Stoyanova for eight years. Many believe that this marriage collapsed due to the fact that Marina never gave birth to a child. It was rumored that the girl, in her youth, vowed not to have children. In her second marriage to Vladimir Eremin, the woman never became pregnant.

Separation in a second marriage it was so painful that Stoyanov promised himself to never fall in love again. But life dictates its own rules, and the actor soon met his current wife Elena.

Current family

Now Yuri Stoyanov talks about family only with with enthusiastic intonations. According to him, now he is incredibly happy. He has lived with his third wife, Elena, for almost 20 years. They are raising two daughters together from the woman’s first marriage. And in 2003, their common daughter was born - Ekaterina Yuryevna Stoyanova.

Now famous actor and comedian turns 60, but he leads a very active lifestyle. After all, a person is only as old as he feels. His favorite hobby is fishing. Yuri goes out into nature for a long time, taking a large amount of equipment. This pastime gives him a break from the noise of the metropolis and recharges his energy for creativity. Stoyanov is still loved by the audience, and this gives him strength and inspiration for his work.

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Yuri Stoyanov is an actor and comedian, TV presenter and parodist, who for 19 years delighted TV viewers with the program “Town”.

The beginning of his creative career did not bode well for the artist’s success, but Yuri believed in his star, and he was given the opportunity to realize his talent to its full potential in a legendary project. Today Stoyanov is a People's Artist Russian Federation, who is subject to roles in various roles.

Childhood and youth

Yuri was born in the Odessa region, in the village of Borodino. The artist’s family was far from theatrical art: his father Nikolai Georgievich Stoyanov, a Bulgarian by nationality, worked as a gynecologist, and his mother was a head teacher at school (later - the director of a pedagogical college).

The boy grew up lively and cheerful, and already from the 2nd grade he began to make fun of his teachers. The head teacher's mother found out about this quickly and jokingly threatened to throw her son out of the window if he continued to behave this way. To which the future artist said:

“Mommy, don’t throw me away, you’ll still be proud of me.”

Yuri Stoyanov “fell ill” with theater while still in school, when he began attending the drama club at the Odessa Film Studio. Since the boy had problems with excess weight, his parents enrolled the future artist in saber fencing. Years of training led to Stoyanov receiving the title of Master of Sports. In addition, he studied in a poetry studio and also attended a music school, where he learned to play the guitar.

In his youth, driven by acting ambitions, Yuri Stoyanov was preparing to enter VGIK. However, circumstances turned out differently, and the young man was enrolled in the acting department of GITIS. It is noteworthy that Stoyanov’s roommate in the hostel was none other than Stoyanov himself, who was later awarded the title of People’s Artist of Russia. At the same time, Victor was the oldest student on the course, and Stoyanov was the youngest.

Yuri did not shine with success during his studies. He also did not stand out in the troupe of the Bolshoi Drama Theater, to which he was assigned after graduation. During 17 years of service on the stage, the actor managed to play only one main role: in the production of “Amadeus,” Stoyanov soulfully revealed the image of the great maestro.

As Stoyanov recalls, he was greatly impressed by a conversation with, who was surprised to learn that Stoyanov played in the troupe of the Bolshoi Drama Theater, since, according to the master of the capital's theater scene, he noticed all the more or less good actors. Stoyanov had nothing to object to this, because all his roles in the performances were mostly episodic and insignificant. But the artist did not even think about complaining, but diligently and painstakingly continued to work on himself and hone his professional skills.

Films and television

The actor met his future permanent partner Ilya Oleinikov during his film debut: they were both invited to star in the film “Anecdotes”. Nobody knows what brought the two artists together then - tiny roles for both and confidence in their undervaluation, or the same date of birth for both of them, 10 years apart. Be that as it may, from that moment the creative collaboration of the tandem began, which resulted in almost 250 episodes of a humorous television show.

The “town” did not appear immediately. The first episode of the program was released in 1993, 4 years after the artists met. Before this, Stoyanov and Oleinikov jointly hosted the show “Kergudu!”, as well as a separate section in the comic program “Adam’s Apple”. Only after this the artists began creating “Town”.

The humorous program quickly became famous, and its popularity did not subside for 19 years. The project conceived by the artists, in which Stoyanov and Oleinikov played many roles, remaining their only performers, enjoyed truly national fame. “Gorodok” had 7 full-time authors, some of whom lived in the capital, and some in Odessa, Stoyanov’s small homeland.

Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov in the program “Town”

The program was awarded the prestigious TEFI television award 4 times as the best television and entertainment show. In addition, “Gorodok” became the first Russian program to be broadcast in the countries of the European Union.

In the late 2000s, the director of the project already said that it was time to close “Town,” since aging together with one’s viewers was unacceptable. But filming continued until 2012, until the death of Ilya Oleinikov.

Stoyanov was deeply affected by the death of his friend and colleague. In memory of Ilya Oleinikov, in 2014, Yuri performed the song “Director” together with the former soloist.

This choice of a partner for the duet was not at all accidental. Oleinikov is a pseudonym, the real name of the “Gorodok” star is Klyaver, Denis is Ilya Oleinikov’s own son. Yuri knew this and happily agreed to sing with the offspring of his departed friend.

The names of Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov in the minds of television viewers were associated with their joint creative project. Oleinikov became famous much faster than his partner; judging by his photo, Ilya had a charismatic appearance, and he quickly began to be recognized on the streets. Oleinikov himself was upset about this and regretted that popularity could not be divided exactly in half. But it was she who played a cruel joke on the comedian. His remarkable appearance was too strongly associated with “Town,” and the actor was extremely reluctant to take on other projects. He became a hostage to his own show. But the inconspicuous Stoyanov was constantly called to various films.

A notable milestone in the actor’s cinematic biography was the film “Silver Lily of the Valley”, in which Yuri played together with and. The film tells the story of two producers who, to replace the runaway prima, found a provincial girl who desperately dreams of singing. The result is a touching and funny story about how to break into the pop Olympus.

Another significant work for the actor was the film “12,” shot as a remake of the American film “Twelve Angry Men.”

Yuri Stoyanov in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley”

The filming took place, as Stoyanov recalls, in absolutely greenhouse conditions for leading actors there are 12 jurors. Mikhalkov assembled a truly stellar cast for the film: Stoyanov’s partners on the set were such masters as, and, of course, Mikhalkov himself, who played the role of the chairman in the film. The film “12” was warmly received by film critics, and Stoyanov, among other actors, received the “Golden Eagle”.

After “12,” Stoyanov was often invited to film shoots. Since the actor worked in the comedy genre for 2 decades, the dramatic role in Mikhalkov’s film did not particularly influence the change in his role. Therefore, the artist starred mainly in children's and comedy films, including the film adaptation of the children's story “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, the comedy “Hitler Kaput” and “Friends of Friends”.

Yuri Stoyanov in the film “12”

In 2009, Yuri took part in the filming of the melodrama “The Man at the Window.” Stoyanov played the main character, an aging actor with an amazing ability to control the destinies of people, and the role of his rival in love affairs went to. Stoyanov admitted that the image of his hero is largely autobiographical, and the script was literally written based on his story about a certain period of his life. The picture became a kind of report from Yuri about his acting life.

In addition to full-length films, the artist’s filmography is periodically updated with popular TV series. In 2012, Yuri Nikolaevich starred in the film adaptation of “ White Guard", in which the stars of the Russian screen shone in the foreground -,.

Yuri Stoyanov in the film “The White Guard”

Stoyanov soon took part in the melodramatic project “Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay" about the Olympic construction in Sochi. The actor's credits include leading roles in the films “On the Wings” and “Moscow Never Sleeps.”

In 2015, the comedian played the main role in the fantastic comedy “Bartender”, which also starred, and.

In addition to filming films, the actor continues to actively work on television. Thus, Yuri Stoyanov often appears in commercials and hosts the family TV show “ Big family"on the channel "Russia-K" and the program "The Best Years of Our Lives" on "Russia", from 2013 to 2014 he took part in the program "Live Sound".

Among the latest television projects in which Yuri Stoyanov appeared, one can highlight the parody talent show “One to One”, where participants try on the images of various popular pop stars. Parody specialist Yuri Stoyanov is a member of the jury.

Yuri Stoyanov as Donald Trump

The actor himself also continues to transform into various famous personalities. The comedian delights viewers with his most daring parodies during New Year's shows. In 2015, Stoyanov acted in the role and even sang in this character. This transformation was difficult not only for the artist, but also for the props; they covered the “guest star’s” piano with rhinestones for 4 days.

Then politicians came under the comedian’s sights, and the actor met 2016 in the role, and 2017 in the character.

In 2016, Stoyanov’s new film “You Can Call Me Dad” was released. This is a comedy where Yuri played a teacher in kindergarten, who, as a result of the investigation, turns out to be a criminal.

Personal life

In his 1st year at the institute, Yuri Stoyanov had an affair with. The actress described the relationship as "uncontrollable." She was captivated by a blue-eyed young man with tall stature and the type of “hero”. But the student romance never came to anything.

Yuri Nikolaevich’s personal life did not develop easily. The actor was married three times. His first wife was art critic Olga Sinelchenko; in this 5-year marriage, the artist had two sons - Nikolai and Alexey, both of whom later took the surname of their stepfather, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Maxim Yuryevich Khlopov. They prefer not to communicate with their father - according to journalists, due to the fact that the actor himself destroyed the family with his new love interest. Later the young men graduated from Moscow State University. The eldest Nikolai became an employee of the British company THI, the younger Alexey at one time worked at the VID television company, and later opened his own business.

The second wife was a girl named Marina, but this marriage also broke up, lasting 8 years.

Now Yuri Stoyanov is married to Elena Stoyanova. The actor’s third wife has two children from a previous marriage – daughters Ksenia and Anastasia. In 2003, Yuri and Elena Stoyanov had a daughter, whom her parents named Ekaterina.

Yuri Stoyanov now

Today, the actor is in demand in various projects that are popular with the public. In the comedy series “,” which appeared in 2017 on the TNT channel, Yuri Stoyanov played the role of the head of a KGB department who is trying to uncover an American spy (). The artist also took part in the creation of the films “Actress”, “Graphomafia” and “The Adventures of a Crazy Professor”.

A year later, filming of the comedy “All or Nothing” and the apocalyptic film “The Day Before...” was completed, in which Yuri Nikolaevich also appeared. But the main premiere of the year for Stoyanov was the screening of the production comedy “Crimean Bridge. Made with love!".

The creators of the film - director Tigran Keosayan and screenwriter - gathered masters of Russian cinema on one working site. Others also played in the film. The author of the soundtrack was. And the NTV channel started showing a comedy with the participation of Stoyanov, “The Elusive,” about the thieves of Antonio Stradivari’s violin.

Yuri Stoyanov in the 2018 film “Crimean Bridge. Made with love!"

In the fall of 2018, reports appeared in the media about the hospitalization of Yuri Stoyanov. It was reported that the actor was preparing for surgery in the department of maxillofacial surgery of the capital’s clinic. As it turned out later, the artist actually ended up in the hospital, where he had a tooth removed. Yuri Nikolaevich reassured fans that his health was not in danger. This information was confirmed by his wife Elena.


  • 2000 - “Silver Lily of the Valley”
  • 2005 - “The Three Musketeers”
  • 2007 - "12"
  • 2007 - “Shakespeare never dreamed of”
  • 2008 - “Hitler is kaput!”
  • 2009 - “Golden Key”
  • 2010 - “Morozko”
  • 2012 - “Cinderella”
  • 2012 - “White Guard”
  • 2014 - “Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay"
  • 2015 - “Bartender”
  • 2017 - “Adaptation”
  • 2018 - “The Day Before”
  • 2018 - “Crimean Bridge. Made with love!"

Yuri Nikolaevich Stoyanov. Born on July 10, 1957 in the village. Borodino, Odessa region. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001). Author and performer of roles in the program “Town”.

Yuri Stoyanov was born on July 10, 1957 in Borodino, Tarutinsky district, Odessa region, into a Bulgarian family.

Father - Nikolai Georgievich Stoyanov - gynecologist.

Mom - Evgenia Leonidovna, a teacher, worked at a school, then as a director of a pedagogical school. By the way, before entering the theater school, the now famous actress studied with her.

He studied at school No. 27 in Odessa, where his mother worked as deputy director for educational work and taught Ukrainian language and literature.

Since childhood, Yuri showed various creative talents - he sang and played the guitar very well, and parodied those around him, most often teachers.

His childhood friend, a neighbor on the landing, recalled: “I remember Yura as a very kind boy with a guitar at the ready and such a sandwich in his hands! played the guitar. And in between performances he entertained us with stories about his dad’s work - he was a gynecologist surgeon."

Yuri's parodies were extremely popular among his peers: he amazingly accurately copied school teachers, famously adopting their gait and manner of speaking.

“When Stoyanov plays female roles in Gorodok, believe me, she is the spitting image of Evgenia Leonidovna. She has always been a luxurious woman!” noted Stoyanov’s former Odessa neighbor.

And the artist’s mother said: “Yura, even when he was little, he told me: “Mom, everything will be fine. I will become so famous that they will begin to recognize me on the streets, and you will be proud of me.”

IN school years Yuri Stoyanov attended the drama club at the Odessa Film Studio. Also, due to problems with excess weight, he began to engage in sports - fencing, and received the title of master of sports.

He studied in a poetry studio, attended a music school, where he studied guitar.

After school he entered the acting department of GITIS, his roommate in the student dormitory was Viktor Sukhorukov. It is interesting that Victor was the oldest student on the course, and Stoyanov was the youngest.

After graduating from the Moscow State Institute of Theater Arts named after A.V. Lunacharsky in 1978, he played at the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Tovstonogov to 1995. The only major role of Yuri Stoyanov during his work at the Bolshoi Drama Theater was the role of Mozart in the play “Amadeus”.

Wide success came to Yuri Stoyanov with the appearance of the program on the screens "Town", which quickly won the love of the audience.

Stoyanov met his permanent partner - - in 1990 during filming in the comedy film “Anecdotes”. It is interesting that they were both born on the same day - July 10 - only 10 years apart (Oleinikov was older).

After some time, their fruitful cooperation began.

Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleynikov in the program "Town" (No. 42)

At first, Stoyanov and Oleinikov jointly hosted a small show “Kergudu!” and a column in the comic program “Adam’s Apple.”

And in 1993, the first episode of the program “Town” was released. The talentedly produced humorous program quickly gained popularity among the public and interest in it did not fade for 19 years.

The project of Stoyanov and Oleinikov, in which they played many roles, created a lot of comedy stories, and, without exaggeration, enjoyed nationwide fame.

“Gorodok” had seven staff writers, some of whom lived in the capital, and some in Odessa, Stoyanov’s small homeland. The program was awarded the prestigious TEFI television award four times as the best television and entertainment show. At the same time, the show “Town” became the first Russian project to appear on screens in the countries of the European Union.

“Gorodok” was published from 1993 to 2012 - until the death of Ilya Oleinikov.

The artist began acting in films back in 1974 - he played a small role in the film “The Great Confrontation.” In the 1980s and 1990s he appeared several more times in episodic and supporting roles. And wide success and recognition as a film actor came to him in 2000, when he played the role of producer Stas Pridorozhny in the comedy "Silver lily of the valley". Later the second part of the tape was released.

Yuri Stoyanov in the film "Silver Lily of the Valley"

He played the role of a juror in the film “12” (a remake of the American film “Twelve Angry Men”). Stoyanov, along with other actors from this film, received the Golden Eagle Award.

A very expensive and very personal film for Yuri Stoyanov - "The Man at the Window" directed by Dmitry Meskhiev. His hero is a middle-aged unrecognized actor Shura Dronov, he constantly watches what is happening on the street, pronouncing the thoughts, words, and actions of passers-by. As Yuri Stoyanov later explained, this is himself at a certain period of his life, and the film script was written from his words.

“There is a lot of personal things in this picture. I professionally accounted to myself for how I lived most of my life. I understand that I speak too beautifully, that this is just work and that you can’t, God forbid, get hung up on one picture. Just “Man “at the window” is very dear to me. In our profession, we do our own thing: we are chosen, less often we are chosen, but it’s so rare that there is a role that also hits you very personally,” the actor explained.

In the 2000s, Yuri Stoyanov constantly acted in films, usually in comedies. I remember such films with his participation as “Hitler Kaput!” (Borman), “A Very Russian Detective” (Johnny), “Golden Fish” (Golden Fish’s Assistant), “Cherche la femme” (Kutuzov), “Golden Key” (Basilio the Cat), “Morozko” (Morozko), “New the adventures of Aladdin" (vizier), "Little Red Riding Hood" (Wolf), "Three Heroes" (Ilya Muromets) and many others.

Yuri Stoyanov in the film "Little Red Riding Hood"

The film was released in 2016 "You can call me daddy", in which he became his co-star. Stoyanov played the role of Pavel. His hero runs a kindergarten and loves children. But then his daughter investigates and finds out that her father is a criminal.

In addition to the “Town” of Stoyanov in 1991-2007. was the host of the program “To Yeltsin from Yeltsin” (LOT). In 2009, he hosted the program “The Best Years of Our Lives” on the Russia channel. In 2013-2015 - “Live Sound” on Russia-1.

Since 2013, Yuri Stoyanov has been hosting the “Big Family” program on the Culture channel. Hosted “Live Sound” on the Russia-1 channel.

On September 25, 2015, the actor took part in theatrical online readings of A. P. Chekhov’s works “Chekhov Lives.”

In 2014-2016, a member of the jury in the show “One to One!” on the Russia-1 channel.

Yuri Stoyanov in the program "Alone with Everyone"

Yuri Stoyanov's height: 183 centimeters.

Personal life of Yuri Stoyanov:

Was married three times.

The first wife is Olga Sinelchenko, an art critic.

They got married in 1978, having a modest student wedding in the groom’s homeland in Odessa. They were married from 1978 to 1983. The couple had sons Nikolai (born 1978) and Alexey (born 1980), both television journalists.

The reason for the collapse of his first marriage was Yuri Stoyanov’s passion for the editor of the literary part of the BDT theater, Marina Venskaya.

His ex-wife Olga was forced to move to Moscow with their two young sons. She raised her sons herself. Now Stoyanov’s first wife is married again and lives in France. Her new husband is Professor of Department No. 40 “Physics of Elementary Particles” at National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Maxim Yurievich Khlopov. Olga doesn’t want to hear about her ex-husband.

Sons of Yuri Stoyanov - Nikolai and Alexey Khlopov

Second wife - Marina Stoyanova. They lived together from 1983-1995.

After that, he was in a civil marriage (the artist does not name the woman), who in 1997 gave birth to his daughter Yana.

Third wife - Elena Stoyanova. From her first marriage, Elena has daughters Ksenia (born 1989), a graduate of St. Petersburg State University, and Anastasia (born 1996), a student at RUDN University.

In his third marriage, Stoyanov had a daughter, Ekaterina, in 2003.

Elena Stoyanova said: “We met when we were already mature people, each already had children. We didn’t think about common ones. I’ll say more: I didn’t really want to. All the doctors’ stories about how childbirth rejuvenates the body... I had three attempts - and all in this sense were unsuccessful, I don’t know a single place that would rejuvenate me. And then they matured, it was time, otherwise it would be too late. “I still want something warm.”

His wife constantly accompanies Stoyanov on the set: “I know what he likes and what he doesn’t like. What he can say, and what he will keep silent about and carry within himself. It’s easier to decide something at my level than for him to twitch and torment himself with medications “He is calmer when a loved one is nearby, and for me this is the main thing. I am his director, his personal assistant, his wife, and his wallet.”

Filmography of Yuri Stoyanov:

1974 - The Great Controversy - actor
1981 - Girl and Grand - journalist
1986 - Quiet Outpost - Vyacheslav Polivanov
1990 - Shell
1990 - Anecdotes - Alexander
2000 - Silver lily of the valley - Stas Pridorozhny, producer
2000 - Alchemists - Sutl
2004 - Upside down - Yuri Alexandrovich Rubin
2005 - The Three Musketeers - Louis XIII, King
2006 - Silver Lily of the Valley 2 - Stas Pridorozhny, producer
2006 - Three half-graces - Oleg Stepanovich, editor of the publishing house
2006 - Commercial break - Gorobov
2006 - Hare over the abyss - Semyon Kuzmich Grossu, first secretary of the Communist Party of Moldova
2007 - 12 - Juror No. 6
2007 - Shakespeare never dreamed of - Ignat Savich
2007 - Balzac’s age, or All men are... - Vadim, Vera’s patient and lover
2007 - Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors - producer
2007 - Yeralash (issue No. 215 “About little Vasya”)
2008 - Hitler is kaput! - Borman
2008 - A Very Russian Detective - Johnny
2008 - Goldfish - Goldfish's assistant
2008 - Mirage - gas station worker
2008 - Marevo - Ivan Nikiforovich Dovgochkhun
2009 - Tender Winter - Stepan Tarkhanov, film director
2009 - Cherche la femme - Kutuzov
2009 - True story about Scarlet Sails - Gez, burgomaster
2009 - Golden Key - cat Basilio
2010 - Death in pince-nez, or Our Chekhov - Daniil Sorin
2010 - Man at the Window - Alexander Dronov
2010 - Morozko - Morozko
2011 - Two pistols. Elusive Diamond - boss
2011 - Swallow's Nest - father of Ida Kornilova
2011 - New Adventures of Aladdin - Vizier
2012 - Cinderella - Viktor Pavlovich Chugainov
2012 - White Guard - Blokhin, Major General
2012 - The Snow Queen- king, voice acting
2012 - Little Red Riding Hood - Wolf
2013 - We are from Jazz 2 - father
2013 - Friends of Friends
2013 - Three heroes - Ilya Muromets
2014 - Shell-shocked - Barabasov
2014 - On Wings
2014 - Express "Moscow-Russia" - driver
2014 - Recognize me if you can - Roman Arkhipov
2014 - Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay - Valek
2015 - Bartender - Julia's father
2015 - Moscow never sleeps - Valery
2016 - You can call me dad - Pasha
2016 - Shadow - Sergey Panov
2016 - Diamonds of Stalin
2016 - Day before... - Arkady Zertsalov, poet
2017 - The Adventures of a Crazy Professor

Yuri Stoyanov is a Russian actor and comedian, known to everyone from the humorous program “Town,” which was broadcast on television for a long time.

Biography of Yuri Stoyanov

Stoyanov's biography begins in 1957. Yuri Nikolaevich Stoyanov was born in the Odessa region. Since childhood, the boy developed an interest in art and acting. Yuri Stoyanov’s parents were serious people and did not welcome such an interest from their son.

In the photo Yuri Stoyanov in action and now

Yuri Stoyanov’s mother worked as a head teacher at school and had a very negative attitude towards the fact that her son regularly makes fun of teachers and classmates, for this she scolded him very much, but the boy said that she was swearing in vain and the moment would come when his parents would be proud of him. The actor's father worked as a gynecologist and also wanted his son to get involved in a serious matter. The nationality of Stoyanov’s father is Bulgarian, and his mother is Russian, which may be why Yuri has such an interesting and attractive appearance.

During his school years, Yuri Stoyanov began attending a theater group, which attracted him very much. Due to the fact that the boy was overweight, his parents sent him to the fencing section, he studied for many years and even received the title of master of sports. But despite this, he did not go into sports.

Yuri Stoyanov in his youth wanted to enter VGIK, but he did not succeed, and he began his studies at GITIS in the acting department. Studying was very difficult for the young man, and he could not boast of any particular successes. Yuri also got a job in the theater, but he got secondary roles; during the entire time he was there, he only played the main role once. But Yuri did not despair and knew that there would still be good and successful performances in his life.

The appearance of the program “Town”

Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov met on the set of the film “Anecdotes”, where they were invited. The men immediately found a common language and even felt a kindred spirit. Since that time, they became creative partners for many, many years in the “Town” program, which won the hearts of millions of television viewers. But this program was not created immediately after the actors met; they worked together in other projects for four years. The main actors of the program were Ilya Oleinikov and Yuri Stoyanov; “Town” remained popular for twelve years, and it was broadcast not only in Russia, but also in European countries.

Sometimes the directors talked about the fact that it was time to close the program, since it had been on television for a long time, and the actors themselves had aged, but it still existed. It existed until Ilya Oleinikov became seriously ill, which was the reason for the termination of the filming of “Town”. After the death of Ilya Olenikov, Yuri was very upset by the departure of his friend and for a long time could not find a place for himself; he even sang a song in his memory together with Oleinikov’s son Denis Klyaver.

In addition to his participation in the town, Yuri was also invited to star in films; one of his famous roles was the role in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley.” One of the serious films in which he starred was the film “The Twelve”, for which Stoyanov even received a film award. In general, the main ones were children's and humorous films.

Today, in addition to filming films, Yuri is the host of various television shows and also appears in commercials. You could also notice Stoyanov as a jury member in the “One to One” program, where people present parodies of various celebrities. Although the actor himself also often tries on the roles of other people at various programs and events.

Yuri Stoyanov's wife

The personal life of Yuri Stoyanov is quite interesting. At the institute, Yuri met with actress Tatyana Dogileva. She speaks very positively about him and says that it was a whirlwind romance. However, the relationship between the actors did not last long, and they broke up.

Yuri was married three times. His first wife Olga gave birth to the actor two sons. The couple’s wedding was not rich; it was held in the Odessa region - Stoyanov’s homeland. Their marriage lasted about five years and broke up due to... romance novels spouse. Now Olga lives in France and does not maintain a relationship with her husband. The actor’s mother says that their marriage could not cope with the difficulties that arose, although the spouses loved each other very much.

For the second time, Stoyanov married a girl named Marina, but the marriage also broke up after eight years life together, Yuri and Marina had no children in their marriage. After his second unsuccessful marriage, Yuri was in a civil marriage, in which he had a daughter, Yana. The last wife of Yuri Stoyanov is Elena. From her first marriage, Elena has two children, and also during the marriage, Yuri Stoyanov’s family was replenished, the couple had a daughter.

In the photo Yuri Stoyanov with his wife Elena

Yuri Stoyanov and Elena Stoyanova met in adulthood and at first did not even think about serious relationship. As Stoyanov’s last wife says, she didn’t plan on having children at all, and besides, both she and her husband had children from previous marriages. At all events, Stoyanov’s wife accompanies him and says that both she and he are calmer, she knows when something has happened to him and he needs help.

Children of Yuri Stoyanov

The actor’s sons Nikolai and Alexey do not communicate with their famous father. Olga herself says that she never prevented such communication; the children themselves made this decision, believing that their father had betrayed them.
When the parents divorced, the eldest son was about five years old. Despite the fact that the children were small, they still remember well how their mother suffered because of the divorce. Some time after the divorce, the woman got married and even gave her sons a different last name and patronymic.

Yuri's father loved his daughter-in-law very much and even after her divorce from his son continued to communicate with her and his grandchildren. The grandchildren also treated their grandparents very well and even visited them sometimes. One day, when Yuri Stoyanov’s youngest son Alexey was visiting his parents, Yuri came there and, unwillingly, they talked. Nikolai flatly refused to communicate with his father.

Name: Yuriy Stoyanov

Age: 59 years old

Place of Birth: Borodino, Odessa

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 74 kg

Activity: Theater and film actor

Family status: married to Elena Stoyanova

Yuri Stoyanov - biography

Perhaps there is no person who would not be familiar with the biography of Yuri Stoyanov. Everyone has seen him and continues to see him in completely different acting roles.

Yuri Stoyanov - childhood

Yuri was born in the small village of Borodino, which is located in the Odessa region. His mother worked as a teacher, and his father practiced as a gynecologist and wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. But my father’s dreams did not come true. Since the second grade, Yuri has been dreaming of the stage and participating in all theatrical events. He developed himself in many ways: he read poetry, learned to play the guitar, entered a sports school, and tried himself as a fencer. It cannot be said that all his efforts were unsuccessful; he received the title of master of sports.

The boy had long ago decided on his future. And it was precisely his firm conviction that he would become an artist that led him to the acting school at the Odessa Film Studio. Yuri began to seriously prepare for admission to VGIK, but entered GITIS in Moscow. Stoyanov was an ordinary student at the institute, an ordinary actor at the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater.

Yuri Stoyanov - new life

Everything in Yuri Stoyanov’s career was changed by one conversation with Oleg Tabakov. It was he who instilled confidence in his abilities in an ordinary theater performer, telling him that he was a good actor.

Before this, there were no leading roles, but seventeen years of his service in the theater had already passed. They weren’t invited to the movies either, although they had to agree to film episodes. Stoyanov never blamed anyone, he looked for reasons in himself. In 1990, a short film “Anecdotes” appeared. Even though the film itself was unsuccessful, it was there that the fateful meeting between Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov took place. Now there are two actors, they create new projects and participate in many programs.

Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Aleinikov - "Town"

In 1993, having found what they both needed, they showed viewers their very first episode of the television program “Town.” The perfection of acting skills, the ability to transform, and incendiary jokes occurred thanks to “Town”. The incredible success and several well-deserved awards did not turn the heads of Yuri and Ilya. Their program became a television show that was watched in the European Union countries.

Yuri Stoyanov - films

Finally, since the year 2000, Yuri Nikolaevich has been invited to act in films. There are roles that an actor values ​​in films:

"Silver lily of the valley"
"Three Musketeers",
"The Man at the Window"
"White Guard.

The audience saw both Stoyanov’s comedic and dramatic skills in the embodiment of images. In the film with a title similar to the title of Blok’s poem, a whole galaxy of stage and screen luminaries starred together with the actor. Valentin Gaft, Sergei Garmash, Mikhail Efremov, Mikhalkov himself. The film was enthusiastically received by the audience. All participants in the film received the Golden Eagle.

In 2001, an important event occurred in the actor’s biography: Yuri Stoyanov received the Title of People’s Artist, and six years later the actor was awarded the Golden Eagle Award.

Yuri Stoyanov - biography of personal life

In Stoyanov’s personal life, three marriages took place. The actor was married three times. The first two marriages broke up. In the third marriage they live happily for twelve years. In his first marriage with his wife Olga, two sons were born, they were named Nikolai and Alexei. Everything worked out well for them, television became their profession. But family happiness, which lasted five years, could not withstand everyday problems.

The second marriage was long, but for all 12 years, Maria’s wife was very afraid of childbirth. The third marriage brought true love and fatherly happiness. None of Stoyanov’s children are deprived of attention and participation from their father.

The woman who gave life to the actor, Evgenia Leonidovna, the actor’s mother, lives in Odessa, in the city that Yuri Stoyanov never tires of loving. The actor bought his mother an apartment in the city center. In this apartment you can feel the love of a mother for her son. The photographs of her son seem to be talking to Evgenia Leonidovna, calming her down. And nearby there are photos of Chaplin hanging on the walls. This is Yuri’s favorite hero, his mother knows this and carefully preserves every memory of her son, because he so rarely gets out to visit her.

The actor’s incredible perseverance and determination made him not only the best stage comedian, but also the host of programs, the director of all scenes and roles, and a theater and film actor.

Yuri Stoyanov - Television

IN last years Yuri Stoyanov is actively working on television. Commercials, a television show for the whole family “Big Family”, for a whole year he was a participant in the program “Live Sound”. And now the smiling face of the actor is looking at the audience from the screen in the program of talented actors “One to One.” Yuri Stoyanov copes well with the role of a jury member.

So many interesting stories, master classes have already been told and demonstrated by the actor during the filming of this parody spectacular performance. With his rich life and creative experience, he unobtrusively passes on his talent for transformation to the young. Dressing up as various characters from “The Town,” he has long convinced numerous admiring spectators of the mastery of his talent. There is a lot to learn from him.