A difficult fate has befallen. Speech errors. Correct syntax errors

06.10.2021 Diseases

Chapter 3. What is the burden of a woman’s lot?


Before I start this chapter, I want to apologize. I want to apologize to all women reading this book. Please forgive me for all the harshness that you are about to read.

Excuse me.

But this style of presentation was chosen specifically. So that there are no illusions and blinders that make you think “this is my destiny.” I hope that what I read here will encourage some women to reconsider their self-worth. Will push someone to self-correction, self-improvement. It will push you out of the everyday circle of problems, the border of which is often the most common fear of starting something new. And the fear of failure. And fear - what will your family (neighbors, acquaintances) say?

I know how hard it is to start changing. I've done this several times in my life! A radical life change. Giving up old habits. Admitting to myself that I am not smart and I need to learn. Read smart books and ask yourself: “So what, should I do this?!” Yes, I'd better turn on the TV. Or I’ll read a detective story – it’s interesting, after all. And at home, besides, the curtain was sagging. And the socket sparks. You never know what kind of things to do at home when you can also watch TV with half an eye.

Believe me, I understand how difficult it is to review your life and start something new.

So. What is the burden of a woman’s lot? And what kind of share is this – women’s? What role does a woman play in family life that quickly begins to grow old? Which functions does he perform with satisfaction and which ones does he not want to? Which aspects of life are useful and which are harmful to the “man-woman” union?

The main problematic aspect of life, where women have taken responsibility, is preserving the family.

This is how we are created, that the keeper of the home is a woman. She also had the part-time job of creating the family structure, otherwise there would be nothing to keep. And also to draw a man into this union. Against his own nature, against his habits and nature. Against his passion for searching and moving. In search of prey. Or in search of adventure.

A woman wants and expects courtship. The morals and customs of humanity (what a strange allegory!) do not welcome obvious initiative from women. Someone has destined this fate - to wait. Plus, fatigue and laziness, ordinary laziness closes a woman’s eyes, mouth, and “ties her hands.” And the woman freezes and waits...

All this is far-fetched. No need to wait. Remember the chapter “Happiness: wait... take...”

But the “heaviness” of the female lot lies precisely in the fact that women have more barriers than men. A woman was created to build a union, and she does that. But the initiative must be hidden - that’s the difference, that’s the difficulty, that’s the “heaviness”. Hide from the so-called stronger sex. Otherwise, this so-called stronger sex will be immediately defeated by one of the deadly sins, which is called pride. And from my pride - not pride, pride! – the so-called stronger sex is retreating, and the woman will have to start all over again. Plus, the fear of failure pushes a man “on the run.” But the woman has nowhere to “run”. A woman is destined by nature to build a union and continue the family line. A very thankless task. Find a man, “bewitch” (charm) and then give him offspring. Him!.. As if he had any merit here. And at the same time hide your mind all your life. Play the role all your life that a man is a king. At least in the family.

That's how it should be. Otherwise this “king” will run away.

That's the heaviness. This is where the image of a “suitcase without a handle” lies, which is hard to carry and a pity to throw away. But the woman has to carry it.

· But only for whom is this a burden?

For modern ladies. For the uneducated. More precisely, educated, trained, but not for that. Not trained for that. Not trained in terms of communication, flirting, accepting advances. Boarding houses for noble maidens have sunk into oblivion. And it's not about nobility. And in the inability to attract attention. After all, civilization (let it be empty) with its increasing rhythm of life is killing sensuality. There is more and more logic, adequacy, and rationalism in actions. And less and less sensuality. And this is destructive for female nature. This is deadly for women's happiness.

A man is a better leader by nature than a woman, and creating barriers provokes him to look for loopholes. I must say more precisely - not a leader, but a search engine. To hold tightly means to extinguish his energy. But it is not extinguished completely, but accumulates, so that later, like a volcano, it erupts. This will either be a search for adventure on the side, or grumbling in the home circle. Both the first and second cases lead to the destruction of the union.

And if the accelerating pace of life is called the first problem, then

· The second problem is lifestyle.

At home – leisurely movements, then we slowly go to work (we’re not in good health). Or in general - we drive a car, sitting down. At work we sit down again. So what's the result? As a result, we look at the TV, they show smooth asses. They are definitely resilient. We touch my wife... After sitting at home, in the car and at work, the elasticity is not palpable. Is this a reproach? Yes, this is a reproach. A reproach to women. If you sit or stand all your life, and the word sport is just a joke for you, then don’t blame your man if he is looking for elasticity. Help your self, say the Americans. Help yourself (yourself). And blame yourself. There's nothing you can do here except keep moving and healthy image life. In the morning – exercises, water procedures. Trite? But there is no alternative!

But as? How to lead a healthy lifestyle when after work there are still chores and tasks for the children. There is simply no strength left for this. But still how!?

…No comments. There are specialists for this, they will tell you, they will help.

And it turns out that the burden of a woman’s lot is not in the selection of functions or in social status. It’s much easier to be ignorant. In ignorance of the basic concepts among which we live. More precisely - in knowledge, but non-acceptance of other people's positive experience.

· And this is the third and no less serious problem.

I had to talk to women about the question “what is love.” It's not a matter of who knows what. The fact is that a common answer is “but it’s just love, that’s all.” Or – “no definitions are needed. Love is just love." All that remains is, as the Eastern proverb says, “putting the fingers of amazement in your mouth, sit on the carpet of reflection.” The woman (!) does not want (!!) to conduct a debate on the topic of “love” (!!!).

Ordinary laziness of thinking. And somehow, out of the corner of my eye, I watched a woman spinning in front of the mirror. She looked at herself in the mirror and said to herself a very stupid (in my opinion) phrase: “And I’m not ugly. It’s very possible to love me.”

In ignorance! In ignorance of life! Ignorance of the basic concepts of interpersonal relationships. In ignorance of the definitions and meaning of feelings. What does it mean to “love”? How does it mean to “love”? Should I bring a salary? Or in the morning say " Good morning"? By the way, what does “ugly” have to do with it? Or “not ugly.” Is this the main and important condition under which one “can love”? Remember, they love “for no reason”, but “in spite of everything”.

· Here is another problem that destroys a woman

- the pattern of life, ugly cliches that do not allow a woman to realize her greatness. The first and incorrect stamp - creation appearance. (Remember - “Two sides of the same coin”?) All strength, all energy, all money goes into appearance. And there is no time left for anything else, more important - charm, charm, posture, gait, wit. All this together and individually is more important than appearance.

Or – “feminine ostentatious weakness”, when you want to give a woman a hand. Offer your hand not because the woman’s gait is heavy and it’s hard for her to get down the steps, but because this gesture is very beautiful. But if the gait is heavy, then the gesture is no longer intended for the woman, but for the old woman - to offer a hand. And let this “old lady” be thirty years old.

Now, if the gait is light and graceful (by the way, gracefulness does not depend on the weight, mass, or plumpness of a woman), then you just want to extend your hand. It seems to everyone around that the man is making a polite gesture. I’ll reveal a secret: in fact, a man reaches out intuitively, with a desire to grab and touch. And only at the last moment does fear or reasonable behavior stop the movement of the hand from the body. All that remains is to offer your hand. But from the outside it looks beautiful. Beauty is also not alien to men.

Needless to say, it’s a beautiful gesture when a man offers his hand as a sign of attention. What if he serves because it’s difficult for a woman to get off the steps? Here, in the subconscious of a man, the image of this particular woman is laid down, that she is not an object of courtship, attention and intrigue, but an object of compassion. And, as a consequence, erectile dysfunction in relation to this particular woman. Sorry for being blunt.

Now, if a woman hides her weakness (well, it happens!) behind a sly look, behind an inviting gesture, if the call for help itself is hidden behind flirting, then you want to help such a woman now, immediately and no matter what! And then, after help, after contact by the hand and various other places - and playful thoughts are noisy in my head...

And so I began to master “just a little”: grace, posture, gait. For life. Daily. Hourly. Every minute. Believe me, this is more important than makeup.

The beauty of gestures, the beauty of relationships - this is external beauty. Not the beauty of appearance. And we need “inner” beauty – charm.

True, the beauty of appearance is truly attractive. But also depraved. Outwardly very beautiful woman Doesn't inspire confidence as a lifelong friend. Not a girlfriend, but a girlfriend. Go to the sea...

And now the specifics.

Women have a wide range of vital functions. Too big. Compared to a man. The main functions are:

– work is inherent in both women and men,

- caring for the home (household) - both women and men,

– raising children – predominantly by women,

– caring for yourself (and for a man) – only a woman,

- only a woman can keep a man from doing stupid things.

Too much. Too much.

This is her – a difficult woman’s lot.

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Chapter 9. Social maturity, morality, law and the frontal lobes 1. Oppenhelm H. Zur Pathologie der Grosshirngeschwulste // Archives of Psychiatry. 1889. Vol. 21. P. 560. 2. Schore A. Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self: The Neurobiology of Emotional Development. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc, 1999. 3. Anderson S. W. et al. Impairment of social and moral behavior related to early damage in human prefrontal cortex // Nat.

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The severity of contempt The most painful thing about beatings is the contempt that accompanies them. One day we were dragging heavy sleepers across icy railroad tracks. If only one person had slipped, stumbled or fallen, he would have dragged along his comrades carrying

Before the deportation began, there were more than 100 thousand NKVD soldiers with military equipment, aircraft and vehicles in Chechnya and Ingushetia. Along with them were 19 thousand employees of the NKGB special forces.

Despite the fact that the soldiers were forbidden to talk about the imminent eviction of the population, those of them who lived in the houses of the Chechens and Ingush tried in different ways to convey to them what awaited them.

“One of the residents of the Shatoevsky district recalled that before the eviction there was a market day and he went to the market to sell a bull. Returning home, without having sold the animal, he saw the dissatisfied face of the elderly soldier who lived at his home. Knowing about the upcoming eviction, the serviceman understood that now the highlander would not have enough money on hand, and he would have to leave the bull. There were cases when the military did let it slip while drinking with the locals. For this they were severely punished,” says Musa Ibragimov.

Separation from the land of our ancestors at the cost of thousands of lives

Early in the morning of February 23, 1944, operatives began calling men to meetings in local clubs and squares supposedly dedicated to the Day of the Red Army. There they were informed that they were being evicted. Some of those gathered were sent home to notify relatives, while the rest were taken to the loading points on the trains. In many cases, the soldiers themselves came for women, old people and children.

“I remember those terrible days very well. Early in the morning they knocked on our door and about eight soldiers entered the house. In a stern voice, they ordered us to quickly get ready and informed us that we would be deported. At this time, the shocked mother jumped up and pulled on her father's leather jacket.

One of the guards took the jacket from the mother, saying that it was a man’s jacket. However, her mother snatched her from his hands. Then we were loaded into dirty, old and cold carriages,”

- recalls Petimat Saidova, a native of Starye Atagi.

From February 23 to March 15, 1944, 180 trains were sent to Kazakhstan. According to the NKVD report, as of July 9, 1944, over 469 thousand residents of Chechnya and Ingushetia were resettled. Also, according to official data,

During the deportation, one and a half thousand people died and 60 children were born. Also, more than a thousand people were hospitalized.

“On the way, the soldiers acted strictly according to orders. Once a day people were given hot food. Those who managed to take food with them cooked on the way,” Musa Ibragimov tells Gazeta.Ru.

However, not everyone was able to take warm clothes and food supplies with them.

In order to feed their children something, women diluted flour with water and gave them batter.

“We had nothing else but flour. You may ask: where did we get the water? Of course, they melted the snow. During stops, young guys jumped out of the trains and collected snow. It happened that we were given salt water, but only in order to somehow calm the children,” Sovdat N. recalls the events of 73 years ago.

Her older sister passed away on the road, and they were left alone with their mother. A few days later, the mother also died from severe stress, cold and dehydration.

“The last words my mother said to me on this train of death were: “Sovdat, my poor one, what will you do in this life alone? How painful it is that you are orphaned."

- says a 90-year-old woman.

Young men and women, even in the face of death, did not forget about traditions and respect for elders. The train rarely stopped, and there was no opportunity to go to the toilet, except in a carriage with old people and women.

Many died along the way from rupture Bladder. And all the dying were thrown out of the carriages.

“It was not allowed to transport the bodies of the dead. The only thing the relatives could do was cover them with snow. It was very difficult. For Chechens and Muslims, leaving the bodies of their loved ones unburied is a painful memory for the rest of their lives,” says historian Musa Ibragimov.

Our expert's family was also deported. His older brother, who was six months old, died during the journey.

“The mother suffered until the end of her life; she did not remember why he died: from the cold or she could somehow strangle him with her body during sleep. There was an older man from our family in the carriage, and he said:

“Don’t show the soldiers that the child has died. I’ll take him with me, and when they bring us, we’ll bury him.” And so they carried my brother’s corpse for two weeks,”

- says Professor Ibragimov.

12-year-old Taus Magomadova also suffered a difficult fate.

Three days before the eviction, her mother, with whom she was treated in the hospital, died. She learns about his death only several years later. The girl's father, who had not yet recovered from his wife's funeral, was at home when the soldiers knocked on his door.

“He tried to explain to the guards that his daughter was in the hospital and he needed to go get her. But who will listen to a traitor, an enemy of the people? No one even looked in his direction. Without allowing him to get ready, he was taken away.

Granny told me how, already on the road, she prayed that her mother, sister or father would not be among the discarded bodies,”,

— Aset Okueva tells Gazeta.Ru the story of his grandmother.

Upon arrival in Kazakhstan, 12-year-old Taus ended up in an orphanage in Karaganda. Along with her were six other girls from Chechnya, whom her own father brought because he had nothing to feed them. Every day he came to visit his children.

Taus, who was trying to find her family, questioned the man carefully. As fate would have it, it turned out that the father of six girls was from her village, and he promised Taus to find her relatives.

“I tried to escape from the orphanage six times. And at this time my father considered me long dead.

That same fellow villager told my dad that I had died, and he kind of buried me, slaughtering a sheep in the process

(According to religious custom, when a child dies, they sacrifice a ram or a bull and distribute the meat to the poor. - Gazeta.Ru). He probably said this to feed himself and his family, I don’t know. Everyone was looking for a way not to die of hunger. My father, not suspecting anything, thanked him for the “good” he had done and returned two instead of one slaughtered sheep - as a token of gratitude for not leaving me there,” says Aset Okueva from the words of grandmother Taus.

On the seventh time, the girl still managed to escape from the orphanage. She had no money for food, much less for a train ticket. Every time the train stopped, she hid under the carriages to avoid being caught by the inspectors. And then she jumped back. Having thus reached the city of Leninogorsk, the girl saw her fellow countrymen and asked about her relatives.

“I didn’t even expect to hear a positive answer. Feelings overwhelmed me at that moment. One of those Chechens said that he would take me to my aunt, and we went. All the way I imagined the joyful face of my aunt, father and the long-awaited meeting with my mother. And here we are. At first she didn’t believe that I was me, but the burn scar on my left leg, received in distant childhood, was able to convince her.

When the father was informed that his daughter had been found, he did not believe it and said that the dead do not return from the other world.

When we met, for the first time in my life I saw tears on his face. And only then did I find out that the person I’d been thinking about all these years—my mother—had died,”

— Taus told her granddaughter Aset Okueva many years later.

Years later, Taus married and had seven children. She died in 2012 and left behind 11 grandchildren, 11 granddaughters and 14 great-grandchildren.

Khaibakh - an aul that does not exist

It was much more difficult to deport people living in mountainous areas. Farms and auls were scattered over a vast territory, and it was not possible to deliver residents to collection points and then to the trains. The order from senior management was clear: do not leave anyone in place. One of the famous and tragic decisions, according to Caucasian historians, was the incident when 700 people were allegedly burned and shot.

“It was not possible to remove the sick, the elderly, and children. And the decision was made to destroy them.

People were herded into a large stable, supposedly to spend the night. They asked for help to insulate it with hay so that the wind would not blow, and after that they burned all these people alive.

Realizing what had happened, people began to run to the gate, which opened under their onslaught. Seeing this, Gvishiani, who was responsible for their eviction, gave the order to open fire on them,” Musa Ibragimov outlines one of the versions of those events.

Despite numerous disputes about the reality of this crime, there are witnesses who described what happened in detail and sought punishment for the perpetrators. These are people who, at the time of the burning of the stables, found themselves in camps high in the mountains or were away from home somewhere. They could only watch. Another of the witnesses is the former People's Commissar of Justice of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Ziyavdi Malsagov.

“When Malsagov began to ask Gvishiani to stop the killing of people, he was allegedly told:

“These people are not transportable and must be destroyed. This is an order from Serov and Beria,”

- notes the historian.

In 1956, Malsagov wrote about the atrocities in the high-mountainous Khaibakh to First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev. A commission was created, which, having gone to the site, discovered the remains of hundreds of people. However, the examination protocol was not made public. Despite the testimony of dozens of witnesses and the remains found, Khaibakh’s status has not yet been determined. Some historians, based on documents from those years, claim that the burning of 700 people in the high-mountainous Galanchozh region is a “historical fake.”

“Colonel Gvishiani and other participants in those events were awarded orders and other military decorations. After the adoption of the law on the rehabilitation of repressed peoples in 1991, they were deprived of awards. They searched for Gvishiani, but there is no exact information about his further fate,” explains Professor Musa Ibragimov.

Another mass grave was found on the territory of the Urus-Martan hospital. Now there is a monument to the innocent victims of resettlement.

The deported people were distributed in different regions of Kazakhstan. The largest number remained in the Karaganda region, Kustanay, East Kazakhstan region, and Aktobe. It was especially difficult for people in the northern part of the country because of the cold weather.

There are no deportation flights from Sakhalin

During the operation of eviction of Chechens and Ingush, curious cases arose. A native of Chechnya, Said Khasuev served on Sakhalin Island during this period.

To avoid deportation, the policeman, who was in good standing, was asked to change his nationality in his documents.

“The Chechen NKVD fighter categorically refused. It was decided to deport him. Then they thought: it turns out that he is being sent to the East from the point that is the most distant in the country from the Caucasus. One of Khasuev’s commanders then said: “There is nowhere else to send,” and it was decided to leave the Chechen in the service. True, Said did not have more awards and promotions, despite his excellent service,” Islam Khatuev, Chairman of the Union of Journalists of the Chechen Republic, Candidate of Historical Sciences, told Gazeta.Ru.

In the early 80s, Khasuev’s son, who served in the border troops in the Kuril Islands, died in a shootout with border violators. He was buried with honors and posthumously awarded a medal.

Another interesting incident occurred with the natives of the Chechen village of Chishki. Red Army soldier Said-Emi Delmayev, returning from the front line to his ancestral village, looked into one of the houses in the deserted village of Starye Atagi and drew attention to the photographs piled in heaps on the floor. Two of them depicted pretty girls. He put the two photographs he liked in his pocket.

Like other front-line soldiers from deported peoples, Side-Emi went to Kazakhstan in search of surviving relatives.

He didn’t have to look for them for long - his relatives, the Tsintsaevs, were the first with whom he stopped for the night.

“When the table was set for the guest, he looked carefully at his relative’s wife, who seemed very familiar to him. Later, returning to his people and sorting out the things he had brought, he came across photographs of Atagin girls. It dawned on him: one of them depicted the same girl, Chekhardig,” Khavazh Tsintsayev, the son of the girl from the photograph, told Gazeta.Ru.

Returning from eviction to his homeland, Side-Emi gave one of these two photographs to the Tsintsaevs.

No time to explain, evict!

According to Doctor of Historical Sciences Musa Ibragimov, there are several versions of the reasons for the eviction. According to official data of the NKVD, peoples were deported for collaboration with German troops and desertion.

how could the Chechens cooperate with the Germans if the Germans had never set foot on the territory of Checheno-Ingushetia, not including the Malgobek area?” - says Ibragimov.

According to another version, the Chechens and Ingush could join the Turks in the war against the Nazis and become a “fifth column” for the Red Army.

“In my opinion, the main and main reason for the deportation was the political system itself Soviet Union and its totalitarian character. These repressions were an integral part of the country's existence. Since the 20s of the 20th century, this policy has been an integral part of the national policy of the Soviet state.

And the reason for the eviction could be banditry on the territory of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Although by March 1943 the NKVD would write that almost all bandit groups had been liquidated,”

— historian Musa Ibragimov told Gazeta.Ru.

Another reason for the eviction could be Kazakhstan’s need for workers, where during the war citizens were drafted to work at metallurgical plants.

“Workers were needed to occupy the Karaganda coal basin, Ust-Kamenogorsk zinc production and many others. This circumstance could play a decisive role. After all, the bulk of those who worked there were deported Chechens and Ingush,” the professor emphasizes.

On April 26, 1991, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted the law “On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples.”

Peoples who were subjected to slander and genocide at the state level were recognized as repressed, which was accompanied by their forced relocation, the abolition of national-state entities, and the establishment of a regime of terror and violence in places of special settlement.

According to experts, ten peoples were subjected to total deportation in the USSR: Koreans, Germans, Ingrian Finns, Karachais, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Crimean Tatars and Meskhetian Turks. Of these, seven - Germans, Karachais, Kalmyks, Ingush, Chechens, Balkars and Crimean Tatars - also lost their national autonomy.

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Based on materials from www.gramma.ru

When choosing words, you need to pay attention to their meaning, stylistic coloring, usage, compatibility with other words, since violation of at least one of these criteria leads to speech errors.


1. Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it.

The fire grew hotter and hotter.
The error lies in the wrong choice of word:
Inflame - 1. Get very hot high temperature, get hot. 2. (trans.) To become very excited, to become overwhelmed by some strong feeling.
To flare up - to begin to burn strongly or well, evenly.

2. The use of significant and function words without taking into account their semantics.

Thanks to the fire that broke out from the fire, a large area of ​​the forest burned down.

In modern Russian, the preposition thanks retains a semantic connection with the verb to thank and is usually used only in cases where the reasons that cause a desired result are spoken of: thanks to someone’s help, support. The error occurs due to the semantic distraction of the preposition from the original verb to thank. In this sentence, the preposition thanks should be replaced with one of the following: because of, as a result, as a result.

3. Selection of words-concepts with different bases of division (concrete and abstract vocabulary).

We offer complete treatment for alcoholics and other diseases.

If we are talking about “diseases,” then the word “alcoholics” should be replaced with “alcoholism.” An alcoholic is someone who suffers from alcoholism. Alcoholism is a painful addiction to drinking alcoholic beverages.

4. Incorrect use of paronyms.

A person leads a festive life. I'm in an idle mood today.

Idle and festive are very similar words, with the same root. But they have different meanings:
festive - adjective for holiday (celebratory dinner, festive mood);
idle - not filled, not busy with business, work (idle life).

The book gives hormonal education to a person.
She has always been a closed, hidden person.
Crystal honesty.
He did not want to be treated for alcohol.
The book should be treated with great care, it deserves it.
The author maliciously denounces indifferent people.

5. Lexical compatibility.

When choosing a word, you should take into account not only the meaning that is inherent in it in literary language, but also lexical compatibility. Not all words can be combined with each other.

A good leader must set an example for his subordinates in everything.
You can show an example, but not a sample. And you can be a role model, for example.

Their strong friendship, tempered by life's trials, was noticed by many.
The word friendship is combined with the adjective strong - strong friendship.
What should be distinguished from a speech error is the deliberate combination of seemingly incompatible words: a living corpse, an ordinary miracle... In this case, we have one of the types of tropes - an oxymoron.
In difficult cases, when it is difficult to determine whether certain words can be used together, it is necessary to use a compatibility dictionary.

You can't say:
strong hatred, envy (you can: strong love),
heavy rain, intense heat, humidity (but: severe frost).

The compatibility of a word is determined by the semantic characteristics of words, but at the same time it has its own boundaries. For example:
- Unlike wash, its synonym wash is combined only with the names of objects made of fabric or having the properties of fabric.
- You can increase something to which you apply the high parameter:
high yield - increase productivity;
high speed - increase speed.
Therefore, it is impossible to say: increase the training of specialists (only: improve training...), increase the output of machine tools (increase the output of machine tools).

Combinations of words that contain semantic features that negate each other are unacceptable: These drying installations have a high (+) depth of (-) drying... It should be said: a high degree of drying...

From point of view modern language It is often difficult or even impossible to explain the reasons for the different combinations of words that are close in meaning: to pay attention to / attach importance to the development of sports.

Many combinations of words are fixed by linguistic tradition. These combinations in “ready form” are included in the vocabulary of native speakers, and the ability to use them is part of a person’s linguistic culture.

A small workshop. Find the error:

Today's youth read little and do not broaden their horizons.
His speech is filled with an abundance of bookish words.
Nerves and excitement overwhelmed the author.
Today we have a dangerous and ill-mannered teenage generation.
The mother stood with a pitiful appearance, tattered, in shabby clothes.
The son treats his mother shamelessly.
The veteran just wanted more understanding.
Each word has its own unrivaled history.

6. Use of synonyms.

Synonyms enrich the language and make our speech figurative. Synonyms may have different functional and stylistic connotations. Thus, the words error, miscalculation, oversight, error are stylistically neutral and commonly used; hole, overlay - colloquial; gaffe - colloquial; blunder - professional slang. Using one of the synonyms without taking it into account stylistic coloring may lead to speech errors. (Having made a mistake, the plant director immediately began to correct it).

Differing in shades of lexical meaning, synonyms can express different degrees of manifestation of a characteristic or action. But, even denoting the same thing, being interchangeable in some cases, in others synonyms cannot be replaced - this leads to a speech error.

Yesterday I was sad.
The synonym sad is quite suitable here: Yesterday I was sad. But in two-part sentences these synonyms are interchangeable (Sadly I look at our generation....)

7. Use of polysemantic words.

When including polysemantic words in our speech, we must be very careful, we must monitor whether the meaning that we wanted to reveal in this speech situation is clear.
He's already sung.
It’s not clear: either he started singing and got carried away; or, after singing for a while, he began to sing freely, easily.

8. Verbosity.

The following types of verbosity occur:

Pleonasm is the use in speech of words that are close in meaning and therefore logically redundant.

All guests received memorable souvenirs.
A souvenir is a keepsake, so memorable is an extra word in this sentence.
A variety of pleonasms are expressions such as very huge, very tiny, very beautiful, etc. Adjectives denoting a characteristic in its extremely strong or extremely weak manifestation do not need to specify the degree of the characteristic.

A small workshop. Find the error:

German Germany.
The working proletariat.
In a rural village.
You need to read each book thoughtfully and carefully.
But these heroes only talk and chatter.
An interesting problem is revealed and touched upon here.
The mother stood quietly and silently.
These fashionistas are only interested in dresses and outfits.
Flattering compliments.
Money penalty.

Tautology is the repetition of words with the same root or identical morphemes.
Every minute of time is valuable (a minute is related to the concept of time)

Business leaders are business-minded.
Copyright words are the words of the author.
The blow was sudden and unexpected.
Connect together; getting closer and closer; move further and further away.

Predicate splitting.
This is the replacement of a verbal predicate with a synonymous verbal-nominal combination: fight - fight, clean - clean.

The students decided to clean up the school yard.
Perhaps in an official business style such expressions are appropriate, but in a speech situation it is better: The students decided to clean the school yard.

9. Lexical incompleteness of the statement.

This error is the opposite of verbosity. An incomplete statement consists of missing a necessary word in the sentence.

The advantage of Kuprin is that there is nothing superfluous.
Kuprin may have nothing superfluous, but this sentence is missing (and not even just one) word.
Or: “... do not allow statements on the pages of the press and television that could incite ethnic hatred.” So it turns out - “television page”.

When choosing a word, it is necessary to take into account not only its semantics, lexical, stylistic and logical compatibility, but also its scope. The use of words that have a limited sphere of distribution (lexical new formations, obsolete words, words of foreign language origin, professionalisms, jargon, dialectisms) should always be motivated by the conditions of the context.

10. Outdated words.

Archaisms are words that name existing realities, but have been forced out of active use for some reason by being synonymous. lexical units, - must correspond to the style of the text, otherwise they are completely inappropriate.

Today there was an open day at the university.
Here the obsolete word now (today, now, currently) is completely inappropriate.
Among the words that have fallen out of active use, historicisms also stand out. Historicisms are words that have fallen out of use due to the disappearance of the concepts they denote: armyak, camisole, bursa, oprichnik, etc. Errors in the use of historicisms are often associated with ignorance of their lexical meaning.

The peasants cannot stand their hard life and go to the main governor of the city.
A governor is the head of a region (for example, a province in Tsarist Russia, a state in the USA). Consequently, the chief governor is an absurdity; moreover, there could only be one governor in the province, and his assistant was called the vice-governor.

11. Dialectisms.

Dialectisms are words or stable combinations that are not included in the lexical system of the literary language and belong to one or more dialects of the Russian national language. Dialectisms are justified in artistic or journalistic speech to create speech characteristics of heroes. The unmotivated use of dialectisms indicates insufficient knowledge of the norms of the literary language.
A scavenger came to see me and sat there the whole evening.
Shaberka is a neighbor. The use of dialectism in this sentence is not justified either by the style of the text or by the purpose of the statement.

12. Colloquial and colloquial words.
Errors occur in cases where the use of colloquial and colloquial words is not motivated by context.

I have a very thin jacket.
Thin (colloquial) - holey, spoiled (thin boot).

13. Phraseologisms.

It must be remembered that phraseological units always have figurative meaning. Decorating our speech, making it more lively, imaginative, bright, beautiful, phraseological units also give us a lot of trouble - if they are used incorrectly, speech errors appear.
Khlestakov throws pearls before swine all the time, but everyone believes him. Here the phraseology "throw pearls before swine", meaning "to talk about something in vain or prove something to someone who is not able to understand it", is used incorrectly - in the meaning of "to invent, to weave fables."

I'm used to giving myself full reports.
The form of the number has been changed here. There is a phraseological unit to give account.

He constantly sits with his hands folded.
Phraseologisms like folded arms, headlong, headlong retain in their composition the old form of the perfective participle with the suffix -a (-я).
Some phraseological units use short forms of adjectives, replacing them full forms wrong.

Everything returns to normal!..
There is a phraseological unit that goes round and round. Substitution of a word is not allowed.

Changing the lexical compatibility of phraseological units.

These and other questions play a big role in the development of this still young science.
There has been a mixture of two stable expressions: it plays a role and it matters. You could say it this way: questions matter... or questions matter a lot.

A small workshop. Find the error:

One can only agree with this position with a squeaky heart.
These children were deprived of joy.
A difficult fate has befallen our people.
The children were poor; they ate bread and salt.
Low bow to those who fought.
A joke was played on him.
This act was the last straw that overflowed the barrel of gunpowder.
To prevent such hooliganism, it is necessary to strengthen and enlarge the internal organs.

GREAT PRACTICUM (taken from school essays)

Find errors:

Difficulty level 1

Marmeladov once had a job, but then he was laid off.
I slightly disagree with the author's point of view.
We need to fill our heads with knowledge.
Catherine II sought to ensure that philosophers and writers glorified her name throughout the world.
The author’s position is expressed by a proverb that says: “They meet you by their clothes, they send you off by their intelligence.”
Sharikov, having received some power, became a lawless man.
The workers decided to repair the tractor as soon as possible.
At first Petrusha Grinev was also an undergrowth.
A worse example cannot be given.
In those years, Russia was hungry and poor.
Vysotsky’s work cannot be confused with anyone else.
You can talk about the fate of both sisters.
The veteran wanted words without falsehood.
The author of the analyzing text is writer V. Tendryakov.
A person was needed who could help in this matter.
Let's remember Gorky's Larra - he is also proud and selfish.
What kind of courage one must have to sing like that before death!
Vadim was haunted by remorse, but not for long.
Youth is a good time. Young, walking.
I was overcome by heart-fluttering thoughts.
The Russian language is incomprehensible.
This was the most wonderful way out of the situation.
The author talks about how to travel correctly.
Upon arrival in Britain, he himself immediately goes to London.
From a backward country, Russia has become a great power.
Russian youth are ready to lie down on the embrasure to prevent this.
Those who love literature know this name.
Good triumphs over evil - even fairy tales convince us of this.
D. Likhachev focuses attention on the problem of nationalism.
Not only he, but even all of us together could not do anything.
To confirm this, I will cite the following episode.
For the scientist's feat he was awarded the order.
I am sincerely surprised and admired by the writer's talent.

1) But neither youth nor summer last forever.

2) The sun had already set when we returned:

3) Once upon a time during the war. A shell hit a poplar.

4) Their (the girls’) dream came true, they (the fishermen) returned.

5) Grinev sees Pugachev getting into the carriage.

12. Fix it errors in a simple two-part sentence. Distribute errors according to violations of expression of sentence members.

1) Children sitting on an old boat with its keel upside down, they are waiting for their father.

2) Apparently there is a storm at sea, so it is full of danger.

3) Everyone was happy .

4) My mother and I stayed at home.

5) A sheaf of sun rays entered the room.

7) On the right hang a lamp and my portrait from the kindergarten.

8) Huge, beautiful world the life of our country and our peers is revealed in millions of books.

9) I write letters and study lessons on the table.

13. Find speech errors and correct words used in an unusual meaning:

1) This word has no prototype in Russian.

2) People who are stuck in laziness lose a lot.

3) Our officials are sucking up to the mayor.

4) These examples expose the poet as a romantic.

5) Slavka appears in this text as a workaholic patriot.

6) Laziness is the monster of modern youth.

7) One can only agree with this position with a squeaky heart.

8) These children were deprived of joy.

9) A difficult fate has befallen our people.

10) The children were poor, they ate bread and salt.

11) Low bow to those who fought.

12) They played a joke on him.

13) This act was the last straw that overflowed the barrel of gunpowder.

14) To prevent such hooliganism, it is necessary to strengthen and enlarge the internal organs.

14. Correct the confusion of paronyms:

1) The book gives hormonal education to a person.

2) She has always been a closed, hidden person.

3) Crystal honesty.

4) He did not want to be treated for alcohol.

5) The book should be treated very carefully, it deserves it.

15. Correct pleonasms:

German Germany. The working proletariat. In a rural village. You need to read each book thoughtfully and carefully. But these heroes only talk and chatter. An interesting problem is revealed and touched upon here. The mother stood quietly and silently. These fashionistas are only interested in dresses and outfits. Flattering compliments. Money penalty.

16. Correct the tautology:

It was as if I looked in the mirror and saw myself. I think that we should not be angry with Ukrainians or even Estonians. Based on the above, Tendryakov concludes...

17. Correct violations of the usual lexical compatibility of words:

1) Today's youth read little and do not broaden their horizons.

2) His speech is filled with an abundance of bookish words.

4) Today we have a dangerous and ill-mannered teenage generation.

5) The mother stood with a pitiful appearance, tattered, in shabby clothes.

6) The son treats his mother shamelessly.

7) The veteran just wanted more understanding.

8) Each word has its own unsurpassed history.

18. Correct stylistic errors:

1) Marmeladov once had a job, but then he was laid off.

2) I slightly disagree with the author’s point of view.

3) Gogol showed Plyushkin with a similar miser.

4) We need to fill our heads with knowledge. Catherine II sought to ensure that philosophers and writers glorified her name throughout the world.

6) Sharikov, having received some power, became a lawless man.

19. Correct syntax errors:

2) Upon arrival in Britain, he immediately goes to London.

3) From a backward country, Russia has turned into a great power.

4) Russian youth are ready to lie down on the embrasure to prevent this.

5) Those who love literature know this name.

6) Good triumphs over evil - even fairy tales convince us of this.

7) D. Likhachev focuses on the problem of nationalism.

8) Not only he, but even all of us together could not do anything.

9) To confirm this, I will cite the following episode.

10) Cultural monuments that should be proud of, not destroyed, are being destroyed. Travel is not only a source of information, but also a component of history.

11) A good example of this problem is our public transport.

12) For his feat as a scientist, he was awarded an order.

13) I am sincerely surprised and admire the writer’s talent.

14) Violations are especially common in sentences with participial phrases:

15) Commenting on this text, it seems to me that the author loves to travel.

16) After visiting museums, the traveler became bored looking at all these physical values.

17) Without caring about the monuments of small nations, they can disappear from the face of the earth.

19) Sitting by the river, I like to watch the life of ducks.

20) Without developing talent, you can ruin it.

20. Correct ethical mistakes:

1) This text infuriates me.

3) You have to be completely crazy to read books today.

4) You can’t be too kind, because you yourself will end up without pants.

5) Ageev is a very bright writer of his time, the writer’s story is an example of human stupidity.

6) Tired of these pensioners: they all cry; but if you don’t like it, let them go to the next world.

7) Why school program forces you to read all the junk that is called the classics?

8) While studying at school, I, like all modern youth, did nonsense.

9) Dmitry Likhachev expressed his thoughts quite clearly... I would like to thank the author of the text for the ability to convey my thoughts.

10) Small nations gave our country a lot of things, knowledge, and we, like the last pigs, turned our backs to them.

21. Correct factual errors:

1) In the novel by A.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" ...

3) Bazarov was a nihilist and therefore killed the old woman with an ax.

4) The soldiers who defeated fascism returned to peaceful life and continued to write: “Moscow, how much has merged in this sound for the Russian heart!

22. Examples of sentences for finding and qualifying speech errors:

1) Bulgakov regretted that the White army failed.

2) This young man repels everyone with his selfishness and selfishness.

3) The young teacher had no choice but to show his enormous knowledge.

4) This fact had a huge impression on me.

5) The main feature of Russia has always been respect for rank.

6) Nowadays, no one does anything selflessly and for free.

7) This man was a nobleman from brain to bone.

8) This the main problem, embedded in the text.

10) After reading the text, you clearly understand and see the problem that the author conveys to us.

11) Chess develops combativeness and memory.

14) We are advised to listen to Mozart’s music to improve mental performance.

15) The writer of this article says that the great Volga is located throughout Russia.

16) The name of my favorite writer Gogol burns like a hot coal in the fire of world literature.

17) A high school student, ashamed of his mother’s poverty, lies to the boys that she is his former governess

18) Vadichka burned with shame in front of his comrades, but still approached his mother.

Errors in speech, grammar,
ethical, factual...

Getting ready to check essays on the Unified State Exam

We must admit:
poor education among today's youth.

(From an essay on the Unified State Exam)

Speech errors

Errors associated with incorrect or less successful use of words or phraseological units are classified in school practice as speech errors. Unified State Exam experts compliance with speech (lexical) norms is assessed according to criterion 10: if more than three errors are made in the work, the examinee receives zero points instead of the possible two.

Graduates violate the communicative accuracy of statements, using words and phraseological units in a meaning that is unusual for them or without due consideration of stylistic or emotionally expressive nuances of expressions: This word has no prototype in Russian. People who are stuck in laziness lose a lot. Our officials are sucking up to the mayor. These examples expose the poet as a romantic. Slava appears in this text as a workaholic patriot. Laziness is the monster of modern youth.

Numerous examples mixing paronyms, that is, words with the same root or similar sounding words with different meanings: The book gives hormonal education to a person. She has always been a closed, hidden person. Crystal honesty.

He did not want to be treated for alcohol. The book should be treated with great care, it deserves it. The author maliciously denounces indifferent people. Pleonasm is a mistake consisting of using an extra word; it is also often found in the essays of graduates:

German Germany. The working proletariat. In a rural village. You need to read each book thoughtfully and carefully. But these heroes only talk and chatter. An interesting problem is revealed and touched upon here. Today's youth read little and do not broaden their horizons.His speech is filled with an abundance of bookish words. Nerves and excitement overwhelmed the author. Today we have a dangerous and ill-mannered teenage generation.

The mother stood with a pitiful appearance, tattered, in shabby clothes. The son treats his mother shamelessly. The veteran just wanted more understanding. Each word has its own unrivaled history.

Very little time is devoted to the study of phraseological units in the school curriculum - as a result, students have a very vague idea of ​​​​the norms for using stable combinations. They do not know the meaning of phraseological units well, often distort their composition, which leads to the destruction of the two-dimensionality of the image underlying it;

There is a contradiction between the images and the context, which allows us to understand the expression literally:

One can only agree with this position with a squeaky heart.

These children were deprived of joy.

A difficult fate has befallen our people.

The children were poor; they ate bread and salt.

Low bow to those who fought.

A joke was played on him.

This act was the last straw that overflowed the barrel of gunpowder.

To prevent such hooliganism, it is necessary to strengthen and enlarge the internal organs. Stylistic errors The majority of speech errors are errors that are actually stylistic. These are anachronisms, that is, errors due to a mixture of vocabulary from different historical and social eras: Marmeladov once had a job, but then he was laid off.Actually stylistic are also errors resulting from mixing expressions of different styles, unmotivated use of dialectal, colloquial expressions, which contradicts the norms of the literary language:

Quite often, speech defects in the texts of examination essays are felt, but it is very difficult to classify them; in this case, in our opinion, the score should be reduced according to criterion 6, and not 10. The same should be done with the next group of errors leading to a violation of the requirements for purity, richness and expressiveness of speech - these are speech defects that impair speech, but this is less gross violations than mistakes. Shortcomings are considered from the point of view of “better - worse, well said - not quite well said”; they are assessed less strictly both at school and by experts at the Unified State Examination. This is a tautology - a mistake consisting in the use of words that are repeated in a small context, the use of weed words:

It was as if I looked in the mirror and saw myself. Based on the above, Tendryakov concludes...... I think that we should not be angry with the Ukrainians and even the Estonians.

Grammatical errors Criterion 9 assesses compliance with grammatical norms in the texts of examination essays. Grammatical errors are caused by violation of the norms of word formation (word formation errors), form formation ( morphological errors ), norms of syntactic connection of words in phrases and sentences, as well as simple sentences

as part of complex ones (syntax errors). Word formation errors

- this is the result of word creation in violation of norms: words are formed according to models that do not exist in the literary language or it is not taken into account that the totality of actually existing lexemes does not completely coincide with the system of words that could be in the language, but they are not used in speech:

Shyness, shame, shame at the poor appearance of the mother. Bribery is the scourge of our time.

Mistakes of heroes. The main problem is the timidity of the young teacher. Dealing with impudence is difficult. Vernacular words. Social order. Along the asphalt path. Since childhood, she had a penchant for music. The warriors showed tenacity and courage. We must understand that all this was not done in vain. The steadfast character of the characters evokes respect. L. Tolstoy called the people pushers of history. It is known that Gumilyov ridiculed Akhmatova’s talent.

Defects in the formation of forms of certain parts of speech are also varied and numerous.

At first Petrusha Grinev was also an undergrowth.

A worse example cannot be given.

In those years, Russia was hungry and poor.

Vysotsky’s work cannot be confused with anyone else.

The television news constantly reports violence against people.

We learn about their plans.

A person was needed who could help in this matter.

Gogol also wrote about the greatness of the Russian people.

Let's remember Gorky's Larra - he is also proud and selfish.

What kind of courage one must have to sing like that before death!

Vadim was haunted by remorse, but not for long.

Youth is a good time. Young, walking.

I was overcome by heart-fluttering thoughts.

Recently, the Estonian Seimas approved a resolution to demolish the monument to the liberating soldier.

The Russian language is incomprehensible.

This was the most wonderful way out of the situation.

Among syntax errors there are violations of control norms, norms of agreement between the predicate and the subject, incorrect word order in a sentence, confusion of direct and indirect speech, errors in construction complex sentence:

Upon arrival in Britain, he himself immediately goes to London.

From a backward country, Russia has become a great power.

Russian youth are ready to lie down on the embrasure to prevent this.

Those who love literature know this name.

Good triumphs over evil - even fairy tales convince us of this.

D. Likhachev focuses attention on the problem of nationalism.

Not only he, but even all of us together could not do anything.

To confirm this, I will cite the following episode.

Cultural monuments that should be proud of, not destroyed, are being destroyed. Travel is not only a source of information, but also a component of history.

A good example of this problem is our public transport.

For the scientist's feat he was awarded the order.

I am sincerely surprised and admired by the writer's talent.

Violations are especially common in sentences with participial phrases:

Commenting on this text, it seems to me that the author loves to travel.

After visiting the museums, the traveler became bored looking at all these physical treasures.

Without caring about the monuments of small nations, they can disappear from the face of the earth.

Sitting by the river, I like to watch the life of ducks.

Without developing your talent, you can ruin it.

Since 2006, the grading system for long-response items has included two additional ones: K–11 – Compliance with ethical standards and K–12 – Maintaining factual accuracy in background material.

Ethical mistakes

In the first case we mean a special type of speech errors - ethical. Infrequently, there were works in which manifestations of verbal aggression and hostility were recorded, statements were found that humiliated human dignity, expressing an arrogant and cynical attitude towards the human person:

This text infuriates me.

Mikhalkov is a writer himself, so he encourages everyone to read books.

The works of Tver graduates are also not completely free from shortcomings of this kind:

You have to be completely crazy to read books today.

But you can’t be too kind, because you yourself will end up without pants.

Ageev is a very bright writer of his time, the writer’s story is an example of human stupidity.

I'm tired of these pensioners: they all cry; but if you don’t like it, let them go to the next world.

Why does the school curriculum force you to read all the junk that is called the classics?

While studying at school, I, like all modern youth, was engaged in nonsense.

It is ethically incorrect to call a writer only by his first name and patronymic: Alexander Sergeevich believed...; condescendingly evaluate the actions of famous writers: Dmitry Likhachev expressed his thoughts quite clearly. I would like to thank the author of the text for the ability to convey my thoughts.

The use of crude jargon is also considered an ethical error: Small nations gave our country a lot of things, knowledge, and we, like the last pigs, turned our backs to them. If I were there, I would give this cupcake a bite for such an attitude towards my mother.

Factual errors

Maintaining factual accuracy in background material is also assessed against a specific criterion. This refers to errors when retelling the content literary works , confusion in the dates of historical events, in titles of works , the names of the characters, the names of their authors, inaccuracies in quoting, etc.: The book means a lot to me, because Lenin said: “Live forever, learn!” Bazarov was a nihilist and therefore killed the old woman with an ax. The soldiers who defeated fascism returned to peaceful life and continued to write: “Moscow, how much has merged in this sound for the Russian heart!” Having killed a moneylender for money, Raskolnikov also kills her pregnant sister Lizaveta. Happiness for Oblomov, as you know, was loneliness and indifference. In Turgenev’s story “Crime and Punishment”...... The examinees distorted the name of the writer V. Tendryakov as follows: Tundrikov, Trendyakov, Trundikov,

although it was in the text before the eyes of the writers. Exercise.

Examples of sentences for finding and qualifying speech errors:

Bulgakov regretted that the White army failed.

This young man repels everyone with his selfishness and selfishness.

The young teacher had no choice but to show his enormous knowledge.

This fact made a huge impression on me.

The main feature of Russia has always been respect for rank.

Nowadays, no one does anything selflessly and for free.

This man was a nobleman from the core to the bones.

This is the main problem inherent in the text.

After reading the text, you clearly understand and see the problem that the author conveys to us.

Chess develops combativeness and memory.

We are advised to listen to Mozart's music to improve mental performance.

The writer of this article says that the great Volga is located throughout Russia.

The name of my favorite writer Gogol burns like a hot coal in the fire of world literature.

A high school student, ashamed of his mother's poverty, lies to the boys that she is his former governess.

Vadichka burned with shame in front of his comrades, but still approached his mother.

This problem is provoked by the active development of science.

It was fate.

She wanted to help her family and her father.

School years were not lost in vain.

Nowadays people read a book out of necessity.

The negative material presented in the article can be used when preparing future graduates for exams.
