Effective and inexpensive diet pills: reviews, price in the pharmacy, where is the best place to buy. What are the most effective diet pills? Side effects and contraindications

06.09.2023 Thrombosis

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


You rarely meet a woman who is happy with her weight, but it is not always possible to go in for fitness or go on a diet. Exists effective remedy for weight loss - the use of medications that will help remove excess fat on the stomach, sides, and tidy up the figure. How these drugs work, under what conditions they reduce weight, are there any contraindications for use - this is worth talking about in more detail.

Weight loss products

The pharmaceutical industry offers a huge number of effective means for losing weight. Unfortunately, there are counterfeits on this market, so it is unsafe to use such drugs without medical supervision. In addition, many medications, in addition to the positive effect of weight loss, have a large number of contraindications and side effects.

Effective drugs for weight loss vary greatly in their effect on the body. There are means:

  • stimulating appetite suppression at the brain level;
  • accelerating fat burning;
  • activating metabolism;
  • blocking fats, carbohydrates;
  • reducing food absorption - laxatives;
  • stimulating fat metabolism;
  • controlling insulin in the blood - suppressing hunger;
  • promoting rapid saturation.


Weight loss products in this group differ in their mechanism of action. The process of hunger in the body is controlled by the brain. Anorexics increase the amount of the hormone serotonin, which causes activation of its satiety center. At the same time, the hunger center is suppressed, which helps reduce appetite. When using these products you need to consider:

  • overdose leads to side effects;
  • efficiency will increase with physical activity and dietary restrictions.

It is important to know that many of the effective remedies have contraindications and side effects that cannot be ignored. Uncontrolled loss of appetite can lead to anorexia and cause nervous system disorders. Among the popular drugs:

  • Sibutramine;
  • Fluoxetine;
  • Lindax;
  • Cabergoline;
  • Reduxin;
  • Lorcaserin;
  • Dietstress.

Appetite blockers

Weight loss drugs included in this section help a person feel full. Pills contain cellulose, collagen or plastic substances. The weight loss product enters the stomach before eating. It is washed down with plenty of water. As a result:

  • the components of the drug swell in the stomach;
  • fill all its space;
  • cause a feeling of satiety.

An important point is that these drugs prevent a person from overeating, but do not remove fat from the body. For effective weight loss You should increase physical activity and reduce caloric intake. Drugs that block hunger include:

  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Apetinol;
  • Sveltform;
  • Turboslim calorie blocker;
  • Meridia;
  • Aminophylline;
  • Garcinia forte.

Fat burners

The best weight loss products - fat burners - have long been used by bodybuilding athletes. The drugs help to get rid of extra centimeters in a short time. One of the conditions for using these funds is mandatory physical activity. Fat burners differ in their action:

  • increase body temperature, activating metabolic processes;
  • take the energy of fat, using it to increase the intensity of training;
  • change processes in fat cells, helping to accelerate burning.

Weight loss drugs can be bought in sports nutrition stores, ordered through Internet sites, and some fat burners are sold in pharmacies. Their composition often contains L-carnitine, guarana, and caffeine. It should be taken into account that the products may have side effects. American fat burners have good reviews from athletes:

  • Nutrex - Lipo-6X;
  • Cloma Pharma – Black spider;
  • Optimum Nutrition - CLA.

Pharmacy products for weight loss

Effective diet pills are easy to purchase in pharmacies. The list of weight loss products is extensive. Here you can find:

  • weight loss capsules that cause satiation - Lindaxa;
  • means that accelerate metabolic processes - Glucofast;
  • anorexics - Goldline;
  • dietary supplements – Turboslim, Ideal figure;
  • chromium preparations that control fat metabolism - Allicor-chrome.

Among the effective and safe pharmaceutical drugs for weight loss:

  • vitamins for weight loss;
  • agents that stabilize glucose levels and reduce hunger;
  • Chinese teas that promote the breakdown of fats;
  • laxatives;
  • protein shakes for satiation;
  • fat absorption blockers;
  • plant-based supplements that normalize metabolism;
  • means that remove excess fluid;
  • fat burning capsules.


Since the market for weight loss medications offers a large selection of pills that differ in their action and results, you should consult a doctor. It should be noted that effective remedies for one person may be useless to another. Specialist at the clinic:

  • will help you choose medications that are safe;
  • will give advice taking into account contraindications;
  • will suggest a cheap option for losing weight.


An effective weight loss product – Xenical – is a drug produced in Switzerland. The action of Xenical is based on its influence in the gastrointestinal tract on special enzymes that break down fat, helping it to be absorbed in the intestines. As a result of using the product, this process stops. All fat from food:

  • directly enters the intestines;
  • excreted from the body along with feces.

It is necessary to take the drug under the supervision of a doctor to avoid complications in the form of colon diseases. When using the product, some not very pleasant moments may arise:

  • fat acts as a laxative;
  • causes uncontrolled passage of feces;
  • Oily discharge leaks onto your underwear;
  • there is a frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • abdominal pain appears.


Medicine has recognized that this modern Russian drug is the best remedy for weight loss, especially for obesity. Reduxin is an anorectic that controls the brain. Sibutramine in the composition helps to induce a feeling of fullness and lack of hunger. A component of the drug is cellulose, which:

  • organizes absorption and removal of toxins;
  • reduces the amount of bad cholesterol;
  • reduces uric acid content.

Although this is a very effective potent remedy, there are many contraindications for use. Side effects may occur - nervousness, anxiety, sleep disturbances, allergies. Doctors consider it dangerous to use Xenical if you have:

  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • kidney and liver dysfunction;
  • anorexia;
  • pregnancy;
  • glaucoma;
  • mental disorders.


The Chinese weight loss product Lida has good reviews. The basis of the drug is natural plant components - Indian lotus leaves, garcinia, plantain rhizome, guarana. Weight loss occurs as a result of:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • decreased appetite;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • normalization of hormonal balance.

It is necessary to take into account that the drug has tonic properties, so it is undesirable to drink tea and coffee at the same time. It is noted that you need to be careful when using Lida weight loss product - there are contraindications for use. Use is unacceptable in the following cases:

  • chronic diseases at the time of exacerbation;
  • pregnancy;
  • elderly;
  • heart pathologies.


The drug, developed by German pharmacists, is an effective remedy for combating extra pounds among women. There are options for young mothers and those who are entering menopause, when weight loss becomes topical issue. Modelform 40+ contains herbal ingredients, it helps:

  • regulate appetite;
  • normalize the work of the housing and communal services;
  • reduce body fat;
  • stabilize endocrine system;
  • reduce blood sugar;
  • remove toxins;
  • improve the absorption of carbohydrates and fats.

By taking Modelform for weight loss, you can achieve effective results due to the presence of:

  • microelements, vitamins;
  • Coleus extract, which accelerates metabolic processes;
  • dietary fiber, which provides a feeling of fullness;
  • phytoestrogens that normalize hormone balance;
  • bitter orange extract that activates fat burning.


Effective products based on herbal ingredients that promote weight loss are produced by manufacturers in many countries. When choosing medications, you should consult with specialists to avoid unwanted side effects. Without increasing physical activity and reducing the amount of food eaten, you should not expect quick results. Popular drugs:

  • Indian – Triphala Guggul;
  • Korean – Slimming diets;
  • Chinese – Green and Red Bomb;
  • Russian - Apetinol, Ankir-B.

Folk remedies for weight loss

There is an opinion that effective weight loss is only possible with the help of medications. At home it is easy to prepare an inexpensive and effective drink from medicinal herbs. The effect is based on the characteristics of the plants:

  • marshmallow root – reduces appetite;
  • coltsfoot - normalizes metabolism;
  • fennel – stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract;
  • buckthorn – produces a laxative effect;
  • blackberries – prevents the formation of fats;
  • nettle – removes excess fluid;
  • Rowan - speeds up metabolism.

You can prepare a decoction for weight loss from a mixture of dried herbs and plants, or take them separately. It is recommended to take the composition one glass before breakfast and lunch. Easy to prepare, effective weight loss tea is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • blackberry leaves – 80 g;
  • coltsfoot - 10 grams;
  • birch leaves – 10 g;
  • mix;
  • pour a liter of boiling water;
  • stand for 30 minutes.

Price of weight loss products

Effective drugs for weight loss, produced in Russia and abroad, can be purchased without prescriptions in pharmacies or online stores, where delivery will be reflected in the price. The cost of medications sold in Moscow is summarized in the table:

A drug

Release form


Price, rubles

Xenical, 120 mg

Reduxin, 10 mg


Modelform 40+

Green Bomb

Garcinia forte



Turboslim appetite control


Inexpensive and effective diet pills - reviews and prices from pharmacies. Which pills are the most effective for losing weight? All the details in this article!

When you want to lose weight quickly, easily and without much physical effort, diet pills come to mind. But are they effective? And, more importantly, aren’t they harmful?

We should immediately warn you: pills are not a panacea. Of course, you want to swallow a magic pill in the evening and wake up “thin and clear” in the morning. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to turn into a slender star on pills alone: ​​the best results still come from those who used an integrated approach with diet and physical activity.

Weight loss drugs

They are conventionally divided into several groups according to their action:

  • The first helps to lose weight through the active removal of water from the body - diuretics and dietary supplements(furosemide, torasemide, chromium, guarana, chitosan). They often contain herbs and extracts; they can be not only tablets, but also decoctions. But after completing the course, the weight can quickly return.
  • Second kickstarts metabolism and helps burn fat reserves. But they only work during physical activity; drinking them just like that is like drinking a placebo.
  • Third - anorexics— muffles the feeling of hunger to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet. These are sibutramine and phentermine.

Always read the composition of the medicinal product carefully! Pills that promise rapid weight loss are usually a combination of stimulants and antidepressants and have a huge list of contraindications. Also dangerous are drugs of unknown composition and origin - for example, some Thai medicines contain helminths.

The most popular diet pills

Here are the most popular weight loss pills:

  • Xenical- sold without a prescription in any pharmacy, effectiveness is average. Prevents fat from being absorbed. Can be taken for a total of up to a year.
  • Glucophage and glucobay– This is the original medicine for diabetics, it reduces the rate of sugar absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Relevant for those with a sweet tooth. It is cheap, but is available only with a prescription.
  • Goldline– Indian drug to reduce hunger. Made from natural ingredients.
  • Lindaxa– one of the most popular drugs, effective. The downside is that it requires a long course to achieve results. Available only by prescription, produced in the Czech Republic, high price.
  • Reduxin– and other tablets based on sibutramine. Extremely effective, sold everywhere. They are recommended when everything else has been tried and does not help. The official drug to combat obesity as a diagnosis. It's very expensive.
  • Orsoten- another toxic drug for obesity. Reduces weight by 7 kg per month, prescribed only by a doctor along with a diet.
  • Lida– not sold in pharmacies, only upon order via the Internet. The effectiveness is low, weight loss up to a kilogram, many side effects. Psychotropic drug. Made in China.
  • Meridia– a drug of analogue action, suppresses hunger. Effective, but many contraindications. A course lasting up to a year is allowed. Produced only in Germany.
  • Dietary supplements – chitosan, chromium, guarana, MCC and widely known turboslim. At best, these are extracts and teas, at worst, homeopathy. Efficacy has not been proven. You can buy them everywhere, they cost from one hundred rubles to several thousand. All dietary supplements can be taken at the same time.

IN Lately Adsorbents – Polysorb and regular – are also gaining more and more popularity. Activated carbon. Thanks to the efforts of cosmetologists, they are now drunk both for obesity and acne.

In addition, all nutritionists agree that the main diet pills are vitamins. Correctly selected vitamin complex together with a gentle diet and regular physical activity, it can do much more than any pill.

Contraindications and side effects

  • All diet pills are contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers for obvious reasons. Therefore, it is best to start getting back in shape with physical activity, and add medications after breastfeeding is completed.
  • Some of the drugs seriously affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Women with a weak heart should take weight loss products very carefully. Also, anti-obesity medications are prohibited for glaucoma, anemia and age (under 18 and after 65).
  • Under no circumstances should you take such pills if you have bulimia or anorexia! They will not help you lose even more weight (due to the chemical action), but they will certainly give a whole “bouquet” of side effects due to the weakened state of the body.

Any magic pill has its own “side effects” and they can be very unpleasant. For example, Xenical provokes diarrhea with blood. Others, like sibutramine, have a whole range of undesirable effects: problems with the liver and kidneys, runny nose, hemorrhoids, a sharp withdrawal of calcium from the body and weakening of bones and teeth, loose stools and dizziness with fainting. Still others, like the famous Lindaxa, help you lose weight, but... provoke appetite!

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of losing weight with pills:

  • Just.What could be easier than taking a pill? Just remember that you need to do this before meals and regularly.
  • Fast.It doesn't take long to take the pills.
  • Clearly.You can see how the drugs work and whether they are effective quite quickly. If they don’t work, that’s also noticeable.
  • Available.Tablets are sold in any pharmacy, you can choose the ones you need based on their effect and price.

Disadvantages of this type of weight loss:

  • Does not work.Rarely does anyone choose a medicine for excess weight with a nutritionist, so there is a high risk of buying the wrong pills.
  • Expensive.Even the cheapest pills will cost more than regular walks in the fresh air.
  • Deceptively.Taking medications removes responsibility from a person and gives the misleading impression that now you can eat everything! But the pills are not magic. To lose weight, you need to move and build your diet wisely.
  • Harmful.Even the most gentle tablets have an impressive list of contraindications and side effects. Plus, they inhibit the functioning of many body systems. Diuretics and laxatives in large doses wash away all the beneficial substances! And the most effective sibutramine is completely banned in most countries of the world.


  • Sometimes better than tablets for weight loss is sedatives. Why? If you want to eat when you are scared, sad, in a bad mood, stressed, tired, depressed or just bored, then a psychologist will be the best nutritionist. And instead of “eating” emotions, it is better to deal with them.
  • Who else can help? Endocrinologist! This doctor understands hormonal levels - it is because of hormonal imbalances that people most often gain weight and then cannot lose weight for a long time.
  • Third way? Phytotherapy! A huge number of natural remedies have properties similar to tablets. Almost all dietary supplements are a modified version traditional medicine. So why not try herbs rather than pills?

In addition, it is very important to monitor sleep patterns, physical activity and diet. What does it mean? It is important to get enough sleep - it reduces the feeling of hunger. Regular moderate physical activity energizes us and burns calories. As for the diet, you need to understand the following: the diet does not last two weeks. It is, rather, a way of life where nutrition is subject to certain rules all your life.

To achieve a slim figure, many people are ready to do anything. However, they do not at all strive to use their willpower and desire in the process of losing weight. Instead, they are looking for the most effective diet pills to help them lose weight. Pharmaceuticals do not miss the opportunity to make money on this undying desire, and are releasing new tablets, capsules, powders, and syrups for weight loss. However, reviews from doctors are categorically against taking such medicines, since they mostly have a negative effect on the body.

Let's try to figure out what the most effective diet pills can be purchased in modern pharmacies, and why doctors are so categorically opposed to weight loss using pharmaceuticals.

Rating of the most popular 2015-2016

Any pharmacy will offer diet pills for every taste.

Among the most famous are

  • Xenical,
  • Lindaksa,
  • Lida,
  • Thai and others

What causes this effect?

When choosing a medicine, be sure to pay attention to the effect of weight loss. Conventionally, tablets according to the method of action can be divided into several groups:

  1. with psychotropic substances;
  2. laxatives and diuretics;
  3. with carcinogens, worm eggs and other harmful substances;
  4. with stomach fillers, which swell the inside and reduce appetite;
  5. pacifiers;
  6. containing combined methods of influence.

When choosing diet pills, you need to be extremely careful: the most advertised and effective of them are the most harmful. They can pose a serious threat to health, and are allowed by doctors only in exceptional cases.

Thai remedies

These remedies are often considered to be the most effective. It should be noted right away that Thai tablets are not cheap. A three-month course can be purchased for $300. The method of influence on the body is different and can be divided into several groups:


These are the most harmless Thai drugs.

These include:

  1. vitamins,
  2. amino acids that will not cause significant harm to health, but will not effectively promote weight loss.

The patient will lose as many kilograms as he himself believes.

“Deadly Diet” - an episode of Malakhov’s program about Thai pills:

Chemical based

They contain unknown chemicals that can cause severe allergies in humans, including suffocation.

So doctors categorically do not recommend taking Thai drugs if you still value your life.

The reviews provided by patients who have used Thai pills are shocking. One of the visitors to the forums said that as a result of taking one of the Thai drugs, she began to literally throw herself at people, break glass on windows, throw dishes, etc. pills have an extremely negative effect on the psyche, so it’s better not to take them at all.

Medical research results

Since doctors’ warnings do not stop those who want to lose weight, studies have been conducted to identify the most effective and, most importantly, safe means of losing weight. Dozens of patients were involved in the experiment, and here are the characteristics of the drugs that were identified. Let us arrange them in order of increasing harmful effects on the body.

Carnivit capsules

The average price is 2800-3200 rubles. The minimum course of treatment is about a month. The first results are observed only after 20 days of use. Weight loss occurs due to normalization of metabolism. The patients' body fat decreased and their weight decreased (albeit slightly - from 1 to 2-3 kg). The weight loss drug consists exclusively of natural ingredients.

Reviews about the first two drugs are extremely positive.


These tablets are not new and widely known. However, the reviews about them were negative. As a result of taking the drug, appetite decreased, weight decreased, but at the same time, irritability and heart pain were observed. After finishing taking the drug, the symptoms only intensified, and at the same time a simply “brutal” appetite appeared.

Testing the drug Turboslim with Dr. Orlov


The average cost of tablets is 700-3000 rubles. Also received negative reviews patients. As a result of its use, the weight decreased by 2-3 kg, but fatty liquid stools appeared, which could not be controlled at all. As a result of this effect of the drug, the subjects were forced to wear diapers. The weight loss effect obtained from the drug was not sustained. Reviews about the drug are negative.

The mechanism of action of the drug Xenical


The average cost of tablets is 500-4000 rubles. Also, diet pills are far from new. They are an analogue of the German drug Meridia, which has been completely banned in Western countries since 2010. This is a domestic drug that affects the brain. The results of the study showed that weight loss with Reduxin can be achieved at a high price. The subjects experienced constant nausea and vomiting, tachycardia, and heart pain. After taking the pills for a month, most of the patients were diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and this despite the fact that before the start of the experiment they were absolutely healthy. The drug has earned only negative reviews.

More reviews about the drug reduxin and its mechanism of action can be seen in the video:

"Fat pills"


The average cost of a medicine is 1000-1200 rubles. These diet pills act on the central nervous system. They are produced by the Czech company Zentiva. The tablets are quite effective, but they have a large number of contraindications and side effects that not everyone is willing to put up with:

  • - dry mouth,
  • - redness of the skin,
  • - insomnia,
  • - high blood pressure, etc.

This effect is exerted by sibutramine, which promotes the synthesis of the “happiness hormone” - serotonin. As a result, a person feels elated, his appetite improves, and he stops “eating” stress. However, if you do not change your eating habits after stopping the drug, the weight will return. The tablets are recommended only for those whose obesity is associated with psychological problems, but they should be taken carefully, after consulting a doctor.


The price of tablets varies from 1000-1200 rubles. The drug has earned only negative reviews. Lida capsules affect the nervous system, but the consequences are very serious: the functioning of almost all vital organs (liver, kidneys, heart) is disrupted, nausea and mental disorders appear. Doctors strongly advise against taking these pills. In addition, they were found to contain narcotic substances that have nothing to do with weight loss. As reviews from those losing weight show, the effect of them is almost zero.

A large percentage of people suffer from excess weight - this is due to sedentary work, lack of physical activity, poor diet, stress, and bad habits. Weight loss medications are becoming an assistant in the fight for the desired figure. The use of any weight loss means must be agreed upon with a doctor, who will take into account the characteristics of the body and prescribe the optimal course. Medicines for weight loss that actually help and are sold in pharmacies are different. Before you start using them, you need to study the characteristics of each group of drugs.

Types and groups of drugs for weight loss

Doctors prescribe medications for weight loss when treating obese people. However, they are also used by those who have a normal weight and want to lose an extra few kilograms. In order not to provoke diseases in the body from taking medications incorrectly, you need to know which medications help you lose weight without harm to your health. Among the products that can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription, there are two groups:

  1. For internal use (tablets, capsules, meal replacements, dietary supplements, teas);
  2. For external use (anti-cellulite creams, massagers, patches, hygiene products for weight loss, special shorts).

Preparations for internal use sold in pharmacies have different effects on the body. Experts divide such drugs into three groups: drugs to suppress appetite, to normalize metabolism and to prevent the absorption of fat.

How do they work:

  • Appetite suppressants cause a feeling of fullness, which eliminates the desire to eat more fats and carbohydrates;
  • Medicines to normalize metabolism activate the body’s metabolic processes, the body processes fat faster, toxins and cholesterol are eliminated, fatty liver is reduced;
  • Drugs to reduce fat absorption block the enzyme that breaks down fat molecules, which reduces its deposition in the body by a third.

Effective weight loss drugs, which can be bought at the pharmacy, work better and help achieve good results if you combine their use with management the right image life, exercise, a balanced diet. Based on their mode of action, pharmaceutical products are divided into the following groups:

  • Anorexics. Drugs in this group suppress appetite by affecting the nervous system. After completing a course of treatment, a person does not feel the need for the amount of food that was before, and begins to eat less. New eating habits are formed that do not allow you to gain extra pounds again. Anorectics have a gentle effect on the body and are available in different forms: capsules, sprays, tablets and even aroma compositions. There are anorectic drugs for weight loss, which contain caffeine. Anorectics often contain chemicals that are not safe for the body. Such medications have side effects - dizziness, bad mood, insomnia. In addition, they are contraindicated for people suffering from problems of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland.
  • Nutraceuticals(meal replacements). Nutraceuticals for weight loss contain special substances, vitamins, and minerals that promote satiety. Tablets or capsules are taken instead of a regular meal and contain a minimum of calories. The main component of many nutraceuticals is microcrystalline cellulose. Once in the stomach, the substance swells - this reduces appetite. MCC is produced from cotton, and its properties have much in common with vegetable and fruit fiber. In the reviews, many women note that the recommended dose is not enough to completely saturate.
  • Diuretics. Representatives of this group of drugs for weight loss are presented in pharmacies in the form of teas. The diuretic, mild laxative effect that diuretics have helps cleanse the body and remove harmful substances and toxins. When taking such drugs uncontrolled, unpleasant side reactions occur: diarrhea, dehydration, leaching useful substances. Diuretics do not burn fat deposits and help you lose weight when combined with an active lifestyle.
  • Fat burners. These include medications for rapid weight loss based on fruit extracts and chitosan. The first type of drugs accelerates fat metabolism during physical activity, when blood pressure levels become higher. The second type of fat burner reduces the absorption of fat molecules during food consumption. When leading a passive lifestyle, the effectiveness of these drugs is low.

To lose weight correctly, you need to take weight loss products that help burn fat without harm to your health. To avoid serious side effects and illnesses, it is necessary to avoid taking medications containing the following substances without medical supervision:

  • Teroid hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine). In combination with Clenbuterol, they cause rapid fat burning, but the slightest violation of the dosage permanently blocks the body’s own production of these hormones.
  • Dinitrophenol. It spasms cellular respiration, which activates the processes of fat breakdown. Taking the drug provides up to half a kilo of fat loss per day, but in case of an overdose, even a small one, it can be fatal.

Effective pharmaceutical drugs for weight loss that really help

Pharmacies offer various weight loss products. These are drugs based on herbal components (LiDa capsules, Onetwoslim, Turboslim drops, Ideal tablets), hormone stimulants (Clenbuterol), nutraceuticals (Xenical, Orsoten, MCC), anorectics ( “Goldline”, “Reduxin”), diuretics (“Monastic collection for weight loss”, “Supersystem 6”). The products differ in price and mode of action; they must be selected together with a doctor, who will take into account the characteristics of the body and select the right fat burners for women and men.


The drug "Reduxin" for weight loss contains sibutramine. An anorexigenic substance acts on the central nervous system, thereby reducing appetite and providing a feeling of satiety. The drug is prescribed by a doctor and is intended for the treatment of obesity in people with a body weight of more than 30% of normal. Taking the drug lasts 3 months with daily use of 1 tablet. Sometimes nutritionists extend the course to 6 months.

Contraindications to the use of the drug: organic causes of obesity, anorexia or bulimia, generalized tics, mental illness, taking MAO inhibitors, disorders of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy, lactation, disorders of the liver and kidney functions. Side effects medicine for weight loss: dry mouth, dizziness, nervous disorders, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure.


The drug "Xenical" contains a substance called orlistat, which interferes with the absorption of fats. Used to treat obesity. During use, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of fatty foods, as the drug can cause spontaneous bowel movements of fat. Course of use: 1 tablet before meals for 6-12 months.

Contraindications to the use of the drug: cholestasis, hypersensitivity to active or auxiliary substances, feeding period. Side effects: gastrointestinal disorders, headache, infections of the upper respiratory tract, weakness, flu, anxiety.


"Goldline" is a weight loss medicine that contains the substance sibutramine. Analogue of "Reduxin". Reduces appetite and provides a feeling of satiety, affecting the central nervous system. Prescribed only by a doctor and intended for the treatment of obese people. For effective weight loss you need to take 1 tablet per day for three or six months.

Contraindications to taking the drug: generalized tics, organic causes of obesity, anorexia, bulimia, mental illness, taking MAO inhibitors, disorders of the cardiovascular system, disorders of the liver and kidney functions, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects of the drug for weight loss: dry mouth, dizziness, nervous disorders, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure.


The peculiarity of Clenbuterol is its effect on thyroid hormones, which activate lipolysis. The main active ingredient of the drug helps burn fat and prevents overeating due to appetite suppression. Used by athletes during drying. Doctors prescribe a drug to treat asthma (the drug thins the secretions and relaxes the bronchial muscles). For weight loss, use: 1 day – 20 mg, for the next 5 days the dose is increased by 20 mg every day. For 6 days the dosage is 120 mg, the next 2 days – 80 and 40, a break of 14 days is taken.

Contraindications to the use of the drug: myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, hypersensitivity to components, thyrotoxicosis. Adverse reactions: tachycardia, extrasystole, increase or decrease in pressure, tremor, anxiety, headaches, gastrointestinal upset, allergic reactions.


The herbal preparation "LiDa" occupies a high place in the ranking of popular weight loss products. The composition includes thirteen plant components. Capsules reduce appetite, speed up metabolism, tone up, help break down fats, and have a diuretic effect. The course of treatment is 180 days, one tablet per day before or after meals.

Contraindications: previous stroke, cardiovascular diseases, old age, gastritis and other gastrointestinal pathologies, pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual hypersensitivity to the components of a weight loss product. Side effects of the drug: allergic reactions, increased blood pressure.


The pharmaceutical product belongs to the group of dietary supplements, enhances the body's metabolic processes, removes toxins and harmful microorganisms, breaks down fats, and prevents the deposition of fat molecules. "Turboslim" is a line of new drugs for weight loss. It includes “Turboslim night”, “Turboslim day”, “Turboslim tea”, “Turboslim coffee”. Course of use of weight loss products:

  • “Turboslim day”, one capsule for breakfast and lunch (4 weeks).
  • “Turboslim night” during dinner, 1 diet pill (4 weeks).
  • “Turboslim tea” – a cup in the morning and evening with meals.
  • “Turboslim coffee” – 1 time in the morning.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug, problems of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, insomnia, pregnancy and lactation. Side effects: itching, skin rashes, increased excitability, insomnia, tachycardia, intestinal upset.


The drug "MCC" contains microcrystalline cellulose and promotes weight loss by reducing the feeling of hunger after taking the drug. Weight loss course – 30 days. It starts with taking 1 tablet a day, gradually the dosage increases to 10, then to 15, and then again decreases to 1. Application: crush the tablets, add a little water. Eat and drink clean liquid (250 ml). Be sure to drink several liters of plain water per day during the course.

Contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding, adolescence, hypersensitivity to components, gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, anorexia. Side effects of the drug: heaviness in the stomach, constipation. Learn how to take MCC for weight loss in detail.

Monastic collection for weight loss

Weight loss tea “Monastic Collection” was invented in Belarus, and now it is popular in many countries - in Russia, Ukraine and the rest of the CIS countries. The drug contains many natural ingredients - linden flowers, mint, senna, fennel and others. Tea suppresses appetite, improves gastrointestinal function, improves immunity, improves overall well-being and mood. How to take: 200 ml of infused herbal collection 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications: gastritis, hypertension, ulcers, heart failure, thrombophlebitis, serious liver and kidney pathologies, childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects: burning, hives, itching.

Weight loss patch

The active substances in the slimming patch affect subcutaneous fat, accelerating lymph and blood flow, activating metabolism, and removing toxins. Pharmacies offer brands such as “Lusero”, “Soso”, “Slim Patch” and others; they vary in composition. Application: dry the skin where the patch will be attached, stick it on, wear according to the instructions. The duration of use of the weight loss product is no more than 30 days.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, pregnancy and feeding, menstruation, pathologies of the thyroid gland, kidney disease, diabetes, adolescence. Adverse reactions: hyperemia, itching, burning at the site where the patch is attached.

Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathy offers weight loss drugs that have received real good feedback doctors studying the effect of homeopathic remedies on the body. Medicines promote weight loss by accelerating metabolism, normalizing the digestive system, and reducing appetite. Examples of popular homeopathic remedies:

  • "Argentum nitricum". Contains silver nitrate, which helps reduce sugar cravings. It is used from 3 to 30 hundredth dilution for 2 months. The dosage is prescribed by a homeopathic doctor. Contraindications: leukemia, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, chronic viral and autoimmune diseases. Side effects of the drug: allergic reactions.
  • "Calcarea carbonica". Contains carbonated lime. Helps control appetite. From 12 to 30 hundredth dilution is used for 2 months, the exact dosage is determined by the doctor after examination. Contraindications to the use of the drug: individual sensitivity to the components. Side effects: allergies.
  • "Antimonium crudum." Contains antimony. The active substance relieves irritation from the fact that a person cannot eat as much as he wants. Taken in low and high dilutions (up to 30 hundredths) according to a doctor’s indication for at least 2 months. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance in the drug. Side effects of the weight loss product: allergies.

Video: what drugs help you lose weight

Today there are many weight loss products on the market. Most of them promise to reduce weight by 10 or more kilograms in a month, but turn out to be completely useless, despite their high cost. Many people mistakenly believe that only expensive or at least advertised drugs can be effective.

In fact, a large number of dietary supplements and diet pills are quite expensive, but do not bring results.

At the same time, there are many budget drugs that do not harm the body and burn excess fat deposits.

The principle of action of the tablets:

  1. Fat burning. These could be pills that speed up metabolism, increasing energy expenditure and vice versa, which increase energy in the body (such drugs should be taken half an hour before visiting the gym to increase the effectiveness of the workout);
  2. Purgation;
  3. False feeling of satiety(for example, the MCC drug swells in the stomach, filling it, thereby making the person feel full);

What types of diet pills are there?

Diet pills usually have one of the following mechanisms of action:

  1. Block the absorption of fast carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. Reduce appetite;
  3. Increase energy consumption, speeding up metabolism;
  4. Cause a laxative or diuretic effect;
  5. Cleanse the body of waste and toxins (with microcellulose and activated carbon);
  6. Dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals that keep the body healthy while following a strict diet.

What inexpensive diet pills are there?

It is not necessary to purchase expensive weight loss products. A course of medication can cost a person no more than a thousand rubles.

All pills and supplements have different effectiveness and affect different bodies differently.

Before making your choice, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Gender of the person;
  2. Age category;
  3. Individual characteristics of the body;
  4. Hereditary factors;

Budget drugs for weight loss:

  1. Microcrystalline cellulose or MCC. This drug is rich in fiber, it swells in the stomach and creates a feeling of fullness, suppresses appetite and cleanses the intestinal walls;
  2. Tablets from the company Evalar(Turboslim day, turboslim night). These are Russian inexpensive biological supplements that, as the manufacturer promises, correct the figure. The drugs must be taken in combination to achieve maximum effect. They are completely different in composition and action;
  3. Senna extract. In addition to teas, it is also available in tablet form. Has a laxative effect;
  4. Chitosan. Blocks the absorption of fats;
  5. Bromelain. Improves digestion;
  6. Chromium picolinate. Regulates the level of insulin in the blood, thereby discouraging a person’s cravings for sweets;
  7. Green tea extract. The drug accelerates metabolic processes in the body, reduces appetite and promotes the breakdown of fats;
  8. L-carnitine. This is an amino acid that increases energy in the body and effectively burns fat during exercise. The drug also stimulates an increase in muscle mass, which also speeds up metabolism;
  9. Orsoten and OrsotenSlim. Both drugs were developed by Slovenian manufacturers. These funds are rather medicines than dietary supplements. Orsoten contains the active ingredient orlisat, which is included in many expensive weight loss capsules. Orsoten blocks the production of digestive enzymes that break down fats that enter the body with food. Thus, they leave the body unchanged;

In pharmacies you can buy pills without a prescription that help you lose weight in combination with a well-designed diet and moderate physical activity.

Such drugs contain vitamins or are vitamins, and when used correctly do not cause side effects and do not harm the body, on the contrary, they rejuvenate it:

  1. Nicotinic acid (a package costs about 15 rubles, enough for 2 weeks);
  2. Karsil;
  3. Activated carbon;
  4. Milk thistle extract in capsules;
  5. Iodomarin;
  6. Red Bomb;
  7. Glycerol;
  8. Lipoic acid;
  9. Ascorbic acid;
  10. Succinic acid;

The most effective diet pills

The tablets listed below work effectively, regardless of whether you are on a diet or whether you have a lot of physical activity. This is their main advantage. However, there are also disadvantages.

They are harmful to the digestive system and can cause side effects, so the course of taking diet pills should be short and should be taken no more than once every six months.

What effects do effective drugs have:

  1. Accelerate metabolism (protein, fat and carbohydrates);
  2. Reduce appetite and give a feeling of oversaturation;
  3. Tablets for temporary digestive disorders (enzymes and drugs that block enzymes);
  4. Enhancing thermogenesis (body heat);
  5. Oxidizing fats;
  6. Replace saturated fats with unsaturated ones;
  7. Blocking calories;
  8. Anoreticians;
  9. Nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals;

The most effective diet pills that are most popular:

  1. Reduxin. Manufacturer: Ozon ROS. A leading pharmaceutical drug that effectively burns fat deposits. It should be taken exclusively for morbid obesity;
  2. Xenical. Tablets used for obesity and diabetes;
  3. Orsoten. Weight loss pills, which began to quickly gain popularity due to their effectiveness;
  4. Goldline. The tablets are quite effective. In most cases it is prescribed by a doctor;
  5. Clenbuterol. Initially in the USA it was used to treat patients with bronchial asthma. It was soon noticed that after eight hours, Clenbuterol began to effectively burn fat deposits. Now this drug is mainly used by athletes to dry their bodies and people who work out in the gym to lose weight;
  6. Lida. Chinese pills to fight extra pounds. Counts the best dietary supplement, which includes 13 perfectly combined ingredients. The tablets restore the functioning of the digestive organs and normalize metabolism;
  7. Caffeine. Speeds up metabolism and increases blood pressure;
  8. Xenical. Blocks enzymes that break down fats.
  9. Glucobay. Blocks enzymes that break down starch and carbohydrates;
  10. Calorie blocker "Phase 2";

Diet pills: moderation and caution

The wrong choice of diet pills and their uncontrolled use can result in great harm to the entire body.

The following consequences appear:

  1. Depression;
  2. Anemia;
  3. Decreased mental activity;
  4. Emotional instability;
  5. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  6. Disruption of the digestive organs;
  7. Insomnia;
  8. Metabolic failure (dystrophy or vice versa, return of excess weight in larger quantities);

Before purchasing any drugs that affect weight loss, carefully study their composition. Consult your physician and nutritionist to find out if you are allergic to any ingredients. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract should also be excluded.

While taking the pills, you must follow a comprehensive diet. Your body must receive vitamins and minerals, and digestion must work. Fasting is excluded; otherwise, the risk of developing various diseases of all digestive organs increases significantly.

List of dangerous weight loss products

When buying weight loss pills from pharmacies, be careful when choosing, as there are drugs that are dangerous to your health.

Perhaps many of them really burn fat quickly, but no matter how correct and moderate the course is, the pills give side effects that remain, if not for the rest of their lives, then for several years. And without the help of specialists and hospitalization it will not be possible to recover.

  1. Psychotropic drugs;
  2. Drugs that increase the risk of depression and suicidality;
  3. Reducing the conductivity of nerve cells;
  4. Drugs with carcinogenic factors (carcinogens are cells that cause cancer);

Dangerous drugs that should not be taken:

  1. 2 Day Diet;
  2. 3 Day Diet Japan Lingzhi;
  3. Extreme Plus;
  4. Slim 3 in 1;
  5. Somotrin;
  6. LidaDaiDaihua;
  7. 999 Fitness Essence;
  8. Perfect Slim;
  9. Perfect Slim 5x;
  10. ProSlim Plus;

Among Russian manufacturers there are many drugs with prohibited pharmaceutical components, but they are often found on pharmacy counters.

These include:

  1. Fenproporex. It is a psychotropic substance banned in the USA and restricted in Russia;
  2. Fluoxetine. Antidepressant, available by prescription only. Some pharmacies sell it freely to everyone. A side effect is anorexia;
  3. Furosemide. Powerful diuretic. May only be taken as prescribed by a doctor for severe swelling of internal organs;
  4. Phenolphthalein. Is a carcinogenic chemical;
  5. Rimonabant. A drug that blocks the area of ​​the brain responsible for appetite.

Choose the right diet pills, use them in moderation, while maintaining healthy image life. Then you will maintain a slim figure for a long time, and you will no longer need to take weight loss medications. In any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary!